With the help of magical influence, you can destroy relationships between people. Reading a plot for a quarrel between two people allows the practitioner to reduce communication and any relationship between them to zero.

Use Cases

Rassorka, like any other ritual, is used under special circumstances. If the situation does not correspond to the direction of the ritual, then even the most powerful magical action will not bring results.

Conspiracies for a quarrel are used in the following life situations:

  • with a rival;
  • to destroy family relationships
  • in case of dissatisfaction with the choice of your child (if the future daughter-in-law or possible son-in-law does not like it).

Practitioners can use various rites and rituals to make a person sad or make his life in the family unbearable due to quarrels and conflicts. These could be rituals with bone; rituals using dog hair, salt; any Siberian ritual and many others. The main thing is to carry out the magical action consciously and in a situation where the influence is a forced and correct measure.

However, in any of these cases it is worth remembering the possible consequences.

Interfering with sincere feelings will not help a person, and may subsequently completely destroy his life. A fight like any other magical influence, however, this may not restore the life of the victim and return everything to normal. Magic changes a person's life, even if used against it

Ritual of falling to the ground

This is a powerful ritual that allows two people to quarrel with each other once and forever. It is used in all situations in which it is advisable to use a spasm, otherwise the magic will not work.

The ceremony is performed outdoors. The best option is to perform a magical action in the forest.

You need to find an old tree and stop near it for a while. After practice, he lowers himself to the ground and leans lightly against it.

The conspiracy is pronounced:

“Earth, mother of all of us, find, mother, a place on yourself so that these two will feel crowded on you. So that they spit when they see each other, so that they cannot touch each other. So that, like a cat and a dog, they could not understand each other. If you walk along one field, then only along different paths. My word is tenacious, my deed is strong, help me with this, Mother Earth.”

For some time you need to carefully listen to the sounds of nature around you in order to catch the answer to the magician’s request to forever get rid of unwanted connections between people. Then you need to express your gratitude to the forces that provided assistance and go home.

Applying ritual to a photograph

The proposed ritual will help destroy relationships between people who are connected by love. Rituals performed using photographs are fast and powerful.

To carry out the practice, you will need a photo in which the people who need to be quarreled are together. A clear image of their faces will allow the quarrel to work more effectively.

First you need to take the photo card in your hands and look at it carefully. At this moment, you need to imagine as clearly as possible how the relationship between the people in the photo is strained, how they begin to get angry and quarrel. You need to visualize all the negative emotions that may arise.

After this, the practitioner imagines how he destroys the relationship between these people. Then you need to tear the photo card so that the couple depicted on it remains in different parts of the photo.

“You should run away from each other in different directions. You don’t want to be near each other either at night or during the clear day. I will quarrel you so that you will never see each other again. So that you cannot sit under the same roof. Separate, dears, so that the noise from your quarrel can be heard throughout the entire street.”

The torn photograph is burned after the text is spoken. While the photograph is burning, the practitioner casts the following spell:

“It’s not the photo that burns, it’s your love that burns to ashes.”

After the photo burns, the remaining ashes are scattered in the wind. At this time you need to read the following text:

“Just as ashes scatter in the wind, so you move away from each other. Just as the ashes can no longer gather, so you will no longer be together.”

This quarrel can be strengthened by appropriate visualization.

In order for the ritual to work faster and stronger, you need to imagine how the faces of those being conjured are distorted with anger and hatred, how they quarrel among themselves. A similar reinforcing action is performed at every step of the ritual.

Destroying relationships with a bow

The proposed ritual-conspiracy for a quarrel will help those who want to quarrel between two people at a distance. It is used in the case when the husband got another one while he was on a business trip.

  1. The ritual is carried out according to a certain algorithm.
  2. Taking the onion with you, you need to go to the cemetery. There is no need to enter it; it is better to stop at the intersection located closest to this place. Get up and think about the people you need to quarrel with.
  3. Imagine how their relationship is crumbling as accurately as possible.
  4. Cut the onion and say the text of the conspiracy:

“I cut, separate the servant of God (Name of the man) and the servant of God (Name of the woman). So that now there would be only tears between them, as bitter as from this onion. You will never see happiness with each other again. Don't understand each other, don't listen to each other. As this onion rots, so will your love pass and be forgotten.”

Throw the onion halves in opposite directions.

You need to throw them as far as possible so that they are not visible to other people who will pass by. The ritual will take effect when the bulbs rot. Having discarded the halves, the practitioner who performed the ritual, silently and without turning around, goes home.

Sewing with thread and needles

Needles and threads are tools found in many rituals and ritual activities. With the help of these simple objects you can start the mechanism of incessant quarrels in a couple.

To carry out the proposed ritual, you will need a new, previously unused skein of black thread and six new needles. A magical performance takes place after the sun disappears below the horizon.

To apply the ritual, you need to ensure complete solitude. Experienced practitioners say that even pets should be removed for maximum success.

You must adhere to the algorithm below.

  1. Place one candle to your left and right.
  2. Light them with one match.
  3. Focus on the people who need to quarrel and on the emotions present now.
  4. Remember all the negative feelings you experience towards those being conjured and mentally convey them to them.
  5. Take 6 needles in one hand.
  6. Wrap them with thread from a skein prepared for the ceremony, repeating the spell:

“Instead of one arrow, I am preparing six to break your love, to separate you forever. These needles will dig into your hearts every time you see and hear each other. You will not be happy, but painful. Each time it will sting more and more, so that you will have to part forever. She stings your eyes, he stings your eyes, she doesn’t suit your liking anymore, he doesn’t suit your liking anymore.”

Wait until the candles burn out completely.

At the end of the ceremony, the formed “bouquet” of needles is directed with its sharp end towards the house. It is important that the lining remains unnoticed for as long as possible. The ritual will have its effect on the couple within two weeks.

Ritual with a table

The most suitable magical action to perform at home is to separate two people. The ritual with a table and a knife is performed on the waning moon.

Left at home alone, you need to turn over kitchen table upside down. Take a kitchen knife by the blade.

Using a knife handle, you need to tap on the legs of the overturned table and repeat the spell:

“These two servants of God (Name of the woman) and (Name of the man) cannot be together, cannot sit together. Do not make eye contact, do not speak the same language at the same table. With all my love I will knock them out so that the hum will be heard. You will hear this hum and disperse forever.”

Repeat the text three times. If possible, you should keep the table position unchanged until morning.

When the table is turned back, repeat the following spell:

“Everything that is agreed upon comes true, all forces help me.”

The knife used in the ritual is hidden away from view. Until the rassorka works, it cannot be used for its intended purpose. The ritual begins to work for quarrels and lovers a week from the moment it is performed. If there was no effect, the ritual is repeated, using the same knife for the ritual as before.

Ritual using utensils

Another ritual performed on the waning moon or Like other rituals, it will help to greatly spoil the relationship between two people of the opposite sex and even separate them on opposite sides for a long time.

To perform a magical action you will need:

  • a new white plate without patterns or designs;
  • black threads;
  • two thin candles (such that they can be twisted into a rope).

If church candles are used for the ritual, then they must first be turned upside down, and only then used for the ritual. The dishes for the ritual must be purchased on the waning moon, otherwise the witchcraft will not work, and the practitioner will not be able to separate lovers forever through scandals.

After sunset, the name of the beloved man is written on one side of the plate, and the woman’s name on the other. This should be written on the candles.

“You are now intertwined with each other, like these candles, only your love will burn out along with this flame. And you will never see more warmth and love between each other. Just indifference and boredom, so much so that you want to run away from each other.”

The plot is repeated until the candles are completely burned out. After this, the practitioner goes out with the plate to the intersection and breaks it there with the heel of his left foot. The fragments are scattered in different directions.


With the help of a quarrel, you can completely ruin the relationship between two people. Magic attracts all kinds of quarrels into their lives, focuses attention on shortcomings and leads to the fact that people separate and no longer communicate. With the help of these rituals, you can save or destroy a family. Any healer can remove a quarrel. However, there is no guarantee that a person’s life and condition will be restored after deliverance, so caution must be exercised when performing the ritual.

Magic and various rituals involving unearthly forces to achieve their goals are very popular. In most cases, the effect of the spell is aimed at connecting destinies, receiving money and wealth, attracting good luck, etc. However, there are also situations when magic is used to create discord between two people or an entire group (relatives, friends). As a rule, such rituals are carried out in order to quarrel the victim with obsessive friends or to separate lovers. In any case, you should follow the basic rules of rituals so that the result does not take long to arrive. And in this article you can find not only basic recommendations, but also different variants conspiracies.

When starting to perform a ritual during which you plan to read a plot for a quarrel between victims, you must remember that not only friendly relations, but also family ties can be destroyed forever.

In order for magic to help achieve the desired result, and the effect to be noticeable almost immediately, you need to follow certain rules. Key recommendations to consider include:

  • complete confidentiality;
  • performing a ritual for the waning moon;
  • use of natural light (candle flames);
  • performing magical actions only after late evening.

You shouldn’t start implementing your plans and try to quarrel with people if you have even a drop of doubt. It is also not recommended to use a conspiracy to quarrel in relation to other people just for the sake of interest. In this case, negative consequences may affect not only the victims of the ritual, but also the performer himself.

In addition, you need to remember that magic can only destroy a connection that is very fragile. If there is a strong connection and trusting relationship between the objects of the ritual, it will be very difficult to quarrel between them.

If you need to ward off obsessive comrades

This ritual can be performed by the victim’s relatives if it is necessary to ward off suspicious or intrusive friends. To perform this ritual, you must wait until the moon is in its waning phase. On one of these nights, you need to turn over the table at which the victim’s comrades gather. Holding two opposite legs of the table, you need to say the following magic words for a quarrel:

“How far these opposite legs are, may the servants of God (the names of the victims) become so distant and alien. So that from now on they will not live in the world, they will not spend time together. Let them quarrel, take offense at each other, and separate forever. Amen".

After reading this magical text to cause a quarrel between specific people, you need to put the table in place. The conspiracy to quarrel will take effect within a few days. The effect of the spoken words will be enhanced if, in the first days after the ritual, the victims spend time together at the enchanted table.

Get rid of unwanted connections with salt

Unexplored magic helps in many situations when it is necessary to ward off an unwanted acquaintance from a specific person. In this case, as in the previous one, the ritual is performed during the waning month.

In order for a plot to cause a quarrel between two people to be effective and not cause negative consequences, you should prepare in advance:

  • a thick plastic bag;
  • I'm eating salt;
  • I crush black pepper.

On the night planned for the ritual, you need to mix the seasonings by pouring them into a bag. Next, you need to draw crosses on the resulting mixture with your index finger, while reading the plot:

“How salty and peppery this mixture is, so let the connection (names of the victims) be bitter and sickly salty.”

The procedure can be performed within five minutes, constantly pronouncing magic words. Then you will need to pour out this mixture. It is advisable to scatter it where one of the objects of the ritual will pass. If this is not possible, pour the contents of the bag under the threshold of the house where one of them lives.

Quarrel friends

In order to create a quarrel between two friends, if this is necessary for reasoned reasons, you can try to perform this ritual; it will help destroy the friendship forever.

For magic to help you accomplish your plan, and for the effect to be noticeable in the near future, use salt. One late evening, when the moon is waning, you need to speak to her. To do this, scatter a handful of salt on the windowsill. Then repeat the spell six times:

“Friendship will go away like the devil comes. The night will take away all friendship and love, and bring cold and quarrel. Let (the names of the victims) never walk together or spend time together. I’ll pay for what I want when I get it!”

Next, collect the salt in a paper bag and save it for an appropriate occasion. The charmed seasoning will need to be scattered clearly between the people who need to be quarreled. It is advisable to do this secretly. However, if this is not possible, disguise the action as clumsiness by scattering salt as if “accidentally.” A line of crystals must be laid between the victims. Immediately after this, whisper “Let it happen!”

Now an important part ritual. When you notice that the people you planned to quarrel with have stopped communicating and had a fight, pay the request. Otherwise, you may suffer negative consequences, because magic can pay off in any form. To prevent this, at the first noticeable signs of the conspiracy, take a few coins, go with them to the temple and give them to the first beggar you come across. When giving pennies to someone in need, whisper unnoticed by others::

“As promised, I paid.”

After this you need to return home in silence. It is not recommended to talk to anyone on this day, so as not to pass on the possible consequences to another person.

Salt will help break a love affair

It happens that a conspiracy is required in order to take a rival away from her husband. In this case, magical actions destroy the love relationship between two people when using salt.

In order for the result to satisfy the customer, you will need:

  • a handful of salt;
  • a white tight bag so that the salt subsequently placed in it does not spill;
  • sharp knife;
  • wooden plank.

The ceremony is performed alone. Having waited for the right moment (preferably late in the evening), begin the ritual for a quarrel between your spouse and your rival (mistress). First, scatter a handful of salt on a board. With the tip of a knife, draw a cross on the seasoning, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy for a quarrel:

“It’s not the salt crystals that lie on the tablet in front of me, it’s my bitter and salty tears that I shed because of you, the servant of God (spouse’s name). If you do not forget your lover, if you do not give up your sinful relationship, my tears will flow to you! Amen".

  • if the seasoning has darkened, there is love magic that needs to be removed with the help of lapels;
  • if the color of the salt has not changed, continue the ritual.

Pour the white enchanted crystals into a glass container. This seasoning will need to be added to dishes intended for the husband. Otherwise, the conspiracy may not work as the person who ordered the ritual would have liked.

Few people are capable of carefully thinking through and implementing cunning intrigues. And only a few can bring things to the desired result. So complex psychological games available exclusively to diplomats of the highest rank. A woman whose beloved has a legitimate family acts in a similar way. She is ready to do anything to break it. And when beauty is powerless, magic can come to the rescue.

The effectiveness of separation spells

Those women who know how to separate a couple forever without magic must be good specialists in the field of human psychology. Separation, especially of loving spouses, can take several long years and cost the mistress dearly. It happens that a long and difficult battle for a man ends in complete victory for the legal wife.

Not everyone is capable of fighting for half their life for one man. This is why many girls use unlimited power love magic. Various options for love spells, love spells, quarrels, and also very strong ones separation spells help you achieve what you want quickly enough.

It is a mistake to believe that love magic often acts harmfully. She does not always pursue the goal of destroying strong family relationships. Very often, a strong quarrel between husband and wife is used when there is no more love in the family. One of the spouses can use this method to put an end to the relationship. This often happens when neither of the two can decide and take on this responsibility.

Love magic can be white or black. White magic rituals act more gently and do not use the help of demonic entities. The result does not appear immediately and increases gradually.

White magic rituals are used mainly for good. For example, when you need to push a person to make a final decision. That is, when the desire of the sorcerer coincides with the desire of the victim, but there is not enough courage to take the decisive step.

Black magic rituals help achieve lightning-fast results. The desire of the victim is not taken into account. Thus, dark forces, called upon to help the magician, manipulate a person’s feelings and desires. In most cases, engaging in such witchcraft entails negative consequences.

How to avoid a magical rollback

The use of white magic does not provoke dangerous magical rollbacks. The biggest trouble that can happen to a sorcerer is a slight illness or a minor loss. In the case where the ritual was used for good, without any selfish intentions, the magical rollback may not affect the person at all.

Every time a magician turns to dark otherworldly forces for help, he will face retribution. These entities are not used to working “for thanks.” They will definitely take human health or happiness for their services. Therefore, before turning to such powerful forces for help, you should think carefully. If there is no other way out, it is better to seek help from a professional magician who knows how to provide strong energy protection.

In the case when the ceremony is carried out independently at home, after its completion it is necessary to pay for the work of otherworldly entities. If the manual for the ritual itself does not say anything about the method of payment, do this can be done using a universal method.

For the payment ritual, prepare a choice of:

  • odd number of light coins;
  • candies;
  • raw meat;
  • raw dough;
  • a bottle of vodka.

At midnight, go to any intersection. Right hand throw the selected payment over your left shoulder. If vodka is chosen, it should be completely poured out of the bottle. Say “paid” and return home without turning around or talking to anyone.

The best ways to quarrel between people

White magic rituals the best way They work when they are aimed at good. They help save the family, causing discord in the relationship between the mistress and the legal spouse of the witch. Sometimes, on the contrary, separation spells help a couple make the difficult but necessary decision to end the relationship.

All rituals aimed at separating people must be carried out during the waning moon . The most effective days for women- this is Friday, Wednesday and Saturday. And it is better for men to cast magic on Thursday, Tuesday and Monday. It is generally not recommended to practice magic on Sunday.

Ritual with salt

A strong rasska for instant rupture can be done using ordinary salt. For witchcraft, in addition to salt, you need to prepare:

  • two church candles;
  • unpainted homespun canvas.

At midnight, light the candles and spread the canvas on the table. Pour two pinches of salt on it and say the following words over it:

Free-flowing salt, help to quarrel between the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name). Let their love scatter like grains of sand in the wind. White salt, help me, do not let the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) live in harmony and peace! Let the black cat run between them, separation. And they will develop disgust for each other. And let separation become their only companion! Amen!

This text must be read three times. Tie the canvas in such a way that the salt does not spill. Place the resulting package on the windowsill and leave it there for 10 hours. Let the candles burn out.

The next morning, take the charmed salt to the house where your rival (rival) lives. At the threshold of the apartment, unwrap the package and pour out the salt, accompanying the process with the following words:

I sprinkle this threshold with strong separation. According to the white mark, parting will find its way to this house. May God's servants (names) stop loving each other. Amen!

Quarrel by photo

To perform a magical ritual you need to prepare:

  • photograph, it should depict a couple that needs to quarrel. For the witchcraft to work, the photograph must be no more than a year old and must not depict third parties;
  • church candle or any white wax candle;
  • scissors;
  • saucer.

The ritual takes place between midnight and 3 am. Left alone, light a candle. Take the photo and cut it, separating the couple. When cutting the photo, you need to read the following words three times:

I now forever share the lives of God’s servants (names). Their destinies will no longer be intertwined. They will never know mutual happiness. Together they only grieve and yearn. Hear the angels my prayer! Amen!

Burn the image of the homewrecker on a saucer from a candle flame. Scatter the ashes through the window. Leave the half with the image of the guy and hide it in a secluded place.

Lapel of Nadezhda Stepanova

The Siberian healer managed to preserve a huge number of marriages. After performing the rituals recommended by Stepanova, the wives left their lovers, and the husbands returned to the family.

Nadezhda Stepanova's lapel has enormous power and is suitable mainly for married couples. It is not as easy to perform as other rituals. But it always returns love between spouses.

The ritual must be performed 40 times. After this, the “veil” falls from the eyes of the spouse who has been on a spree. Before starting the ritual, three trees should be planted. Plants can be purchased at any botanical garden. It could be lilac, apple tree or ranetka. In the case where the homewrecker and the legal wife have the same names, it is worth giving preference to an evergreen tree.

Trees should be planted as close to your home as possible. Make sure that the plants take root. There is no need to be afraid that someone will interfere with landing. There is a lack of greenery in cities, so such actions will only cause admiration from others.

After landing, forty dawns read the same plot. Before reading the plot, every day, you need to collect a small handful of earth from each planted tree. Read the words of the spell over each handful, then put the earth in a bag. Having collected all three charmed handfuls, they are thrown out at the rival’s house. All actions must be done at least 40 times. You can't skip days.

Conspiracy words:

At dawn I get up and carry the holy cross. I am your daughter, mother earth! Help me conquer my melancholy and make my betrothed fall in love with me again! Bring him to me by his white hands. Take it away from your rival, return his love to me, don’t let the homewrecker rejoice! As long as my seedlings live, the servant of God (name) will be together with the servant of God (name). My Savior, Christ, is with me! My mother, the damp earth, protects me! Key. Lock. Language.

This ritual allows for the planting of seven trees. In this case, for seven years, the man is guaranteed not to look at any woman except his wife. After this time, the ceremony can be performed again. The earth has enormous power, and a man will always be drawn only home.

Black magic rituals

As mentioned above, it is better not to use the services of black magic. If the final decision is made, the ritual must be performed strictly according to the instructions. Amateur activities should not be allowed under any circumstances.

During the black ritual, the pectoral cross must be removed. If there are icons in the room where the magician is casting spells, they should be covered with a cloth or taken to an adjacent room. Never tell anyone about the ritual performed.

Ritual with dolls

This ritual is so strong that it can separate even a loving married couple who have been married. If the woman who performs the ceremony does not pay the ransom, her unborn child may suffer. Therefore, do not forget about paying for the services of powerful dark forces.

Prepare for the ceremony:

At midnight, on any day of the waning moon, light candles and knead an elastic dough using flour, water and salt. Divide the resulting dough into two equal parts and mold each into a male and female figure. If there is biological material, place it in the middle of the figures. In the men's room, the husband's hair or nails. And in the women's room - wives. If it was not possible to obtain biological material, place earth from the cemetery or broken glass into the body of the figures.

Place the dough dolls in a preheated oven for 15 minutes until they harden. Use the clothes of the spouses to sew robes for finished dolls. It could also be a regular cape. The main thing is to put on a cape from the clothes of the wife on the female figure, and from the husband on the male figure. Cooked cat hair glue it to a female model. And the hair of a dog is for a man. Give the figures the names of the people who need to be separated.

Take the finished dolls to a closet or to a room where household members almost never enter. Place the dough pieces in different corners. For 40 days, every day, go to the closet and read the following words from each doll:

The servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) should not be together. You cannot sleep on the same bed, you cannot live under the same roof, you cannot eat the same bread. You should never raise children together. I will take you to different corners and help you stop loving each other. The flame of passion between you will go out, the forces of hell will not let you get back together! As I said, so be it!

After 40 days of daily conspiracies, the figures should be buried. If the day of the ritual funeral falls on a new moon, the process is postponed until the next day. The figurines should be buried separately, on both sides of the river. If there is no river nearby, you can choose a vacant lot. In this case, two vacant lots are needed at opposite ends of the city. The dummies must be buried in one night.

Take some soil from each makeshift grave. It needs to be dropped off at the doorstep of a couple who are being separated. As soon as the spouses step over the thrown earth, the witchcraft will begin to work.

Attention, TODAY only!

Allowing you to get rid of unwanted acquaintances, to discourage them from a person. Often such rituals are used by wives who do not like their husband's friends. Often girls, in order to preserve their friendship, in a similar way dare new acquaintances of their friends.

In the article:

“Red Boots” - an effective feud between friends

This ritual is performed on. The main item in the ritual is red boots. Usually the ritual is used to sow the seed of enmity between friends, but with its help it can destroy relationships between representatives of different sexes.

The main condition is that the boots must be red. If there weren’t any of these to begin with, you can paint any others in the desired color. The plot is quite simple. On the soles of different boots you need to write the names of those who need to be quarreled.

The ritual takes place on a pond. There needs to be a bridge there. Leave one boot on one side of the pond and the other on the other. After this, stand exactly in the middle of the bridge and cast the spell 3 times:

How can these boots not be together, how can they not walk on the same path? So you (names) cannot be together, do not walk along the same path, forget each other. The key is the sky, the lock is the earth. Amen.

As soon as the text of the spell is pronounced, quickly leave the ritual site without turning around. You can't talk to anyone for three hours. At home, immediately get into the shower and wash off all the negative energy with running water.

Conspiracy to break up Lenta's friends

You can make people quarrel different ways. The sorcerer chooses the power of the ritual independently - it all depends on his desires. If it is necessary to permanently separate the paths of two people, then you can use a separation " Ribbons" The ceremony is performed at the cemetery. Before you begin the ritual, arm yourself with photographs of the people you want to quarrel with, matches and a sharp knife.

How to make ribbons speak?
You need to come to the cemetery, find a new grave with flowers and wreaths. Now you need to cut a small piece from the black ribbon (which should be on the flowers). Holding it in your hands, you need to read the text of the conspiracy on the grave:

The last honor, but laid out as a tomb, and washed with bitter tears, and washed with human pain, and then lost bitterness, and a memorial for the dead, then nine days with a memorial, and on the fortieth day with a funeral service, and with a sharp knife everything was cut, for a grave quarrel between (name ) and (name) it's done. Amen.

Then cut the light ribbon and cast the spell again.

The second stage of the quarrel
Next, you need to find an uninhabited place nearby, you need to lay out a light tape on the floor, on top of the photo (face down) and cover them with a dark tape. You need to pierce the attributes with a knife, saying:

How many tears have been shed, so much discord has been sown between you (name) and (name). Either nine days without awakening, and then we will eat each other, and that the coffin creaked, you noted with a rude word, and the ninth memorial, and all the discrepancies for you, and the fortieth memorial, and (name) and (name) the fortieth homewrecker, and black, yes white, then everyone can see it.
So (name) was laid down by white, but on (name) blacks were ordered, so from now on they should not meet, but hide from each other like a grave, and if they meet, then tears will roll down from both of them from the battle. It was done twice, but through the memorial ribbon (name) and (name) were torn apart, sealed with a fresh grave, pierced with a knife. Amen.

Next you need to pick up a knife with witchcraft attributes, set them on fire and cast the last spell:

The battle is great and strong, then everything is now burned with the cross, and separation is on (name) and (name). Amen.

It is important that all attributes (except the knife) burn completely. Be sure to mix the ashes with the ground, throw the knife outside the place where the ritual was performed. You need to leave the cemetery without turning around and without talking to anyone.

Fight with friends “Church candles”

This ritual is quite heavy and capacious. It is advisable to use it carefully and only by experienced sorcerers, since a beginner may not be able to do everything correctly. To perform the ritual, the magician needs:

  • 2 small candles,
  • strong threads,
  • needle,
  • lighter,
  • egg,
  • felt-tip pen,
  • 2 bowls.

Place an egg in a bowl and break it with a knife. The action should be accompanied by the phrase:

Receive to yourself the returning forces, beyond the control of reason and disgusting passions, inaccessible to the hearts, just like the Temple receives sinners.

On each of the prepared candles, use a needle to scratch the names of the victims whose paths are parted. Next, the candles must be woven together, tied with a strong thread. On the bottom of the second bowl you need to write the names of the victims, and place twisted and lit candles on top. Now read the text:

I, the devil’s servant (my name), will become unblessed, I will go without crossing myself from door to door, from gate to gate of newlyweds, and I will go out into an open field, into a devil’s swamp. There are fir trees in an open field, and forty-forty men are sitting on the fir trees - satanic power. And in the devilish swamp Latyr there is a white stone, and on Latyr the white stone sits Satan himself. And I, a slave, will go to the Latyr Bel Stone and I, a slave (my name), will bow to Satan himself and ask him: Oh, you mighty Satan, just as you knew how to bring (Vasily and Martha) together, so know how to separate each other so that they loved each other, beat each other and sometimes stabbed each other with a knife. After all, I am your slave, I am your servant to this day and to this hour and to my judgment - forever and ever. I didn’t say it, I didn’t cast the spell. The white woman and the clay grandfather cast their fortunes.

Completion of the ritual and cleansing
When the wax burns, tip the bowl over and break it. The surviving parts in equal quantities should be divided into two bags and thrown away in remote places. Leave the broken egg at the first road intersection you come across. Now go to another road intersection, leave there a piece of fresh bread and a glass of vodka. Finally say:

You drink vodka and go for a walk, and I feast on victory. Paid.

Now go to your place, wash off all the negativity with water and get rid of the clothes in which the ritual was performed.

Carrying out such rituals can be dangerous if performed by an inexperienced sorcerer. It is important to remember that, even if you are an experienced magician, the ritual must be completed, you cannot interrupt it in the middle or get rid of the objects you used in any other way. This kind of magic is powerful, and the more carefully you follow the instructions, the more successful the ritual will be.

The ritual of falling out with friends is used in cases where friends of husbands, wives and even children become causes of conflicts in family relationships. This effective method alienating unnecessary people from your social circle, there is a negative side to this, but many are willing to take risks and take desperate measures when they value their relationships. In this article we will provide a list of the most interesting magical methods that will help to quarrel between a person and his friends.

How to quarrel properly

In magic, there are many methods of how to quarrel between friends. The ritual can be performed deliberately and such rituals are performed with. But there is also an accidental, not unintentional, quarrel. It is worth understanding that such a curse can be brought upon a person accidentally and unintentionally if you just had to, in anger, wish for a speedy separation for people.

At the same time, lapels, like love spells, have their own “lifespan” depending on which method was chosen. Fortunately, accidental flare-ups are short-lived and go away after a while.

Fights are often carried out with the goal of separating a couple, but sometimes mania is practiced to create conflict between business partners and envious friends.

First, you need to understand some rules regarding fighting with friends:

  • You cannot talk to anyone about the upcoming ceremony.
  • When performing the ritual, do not cross your arms or legs.
  • Candles should only be lit with matches.
  • When repeating forms of magical action multiple times, you cannot count the number of readings in your mind and help yourself by bending your fingers. You can use matches.

Rituals for falling out are performed only in the evening on the waning moon. A man should carry out the action on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Women are allocated the remaining days of the week: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. On Sunday, it is advisable not to perform magical actions on anyone; devote the day to prayers.

When conflict in the family between husband and wife, parents and children escalates, use spells to quarrel with friends.

Very often, quarreling is used by wives who simply want to discourage their husband from his friends, who simply interfere with normal life. family happiness. To perform a ritual of falling out on male friends, you can use the following method. You need to take the table and turn it upside down, after which you need to knock on its legs for a long time, and you need to do this with an inverted knife, which should be held by the blade (but carefully so as not to cut yourself). The words of this quarrel are:

“I won’t let you look into each other’s eyes anymore! Not to be with you, but to be your enemies forever!”

All this must be said three times, and then ended with the word “Amen!” After this, the table can be put back. If everything is done correctly, and real feelings are put into the ritual, this will quickly cause real hatred between former friends. By the way, using a similar principle, you can quarrel with colleagues at work, but in this case you need to turn over the office table.

To create discord among friends, you need to go to the river to the bridge and collect pebbles on the right bank, saying the words:

“Just as one shore does not meet the other, so (the names of friends or girlfriends) will turn away from each other. They don’t make speeches, they don’t make friends, they quarrel and fight. I collect the earth from the right bank and name it (the name of my first friend). Amen."

Next, you should collect pebbles on the left bank and say the same text. Only now you need to say the name of the other. It is important not to confuse the bags with pebbles. Now visit two cemeteries, one on the right bank, the other on the left. Find graves where the names of the deceased and friends match, and place the collected stones there. Before you leave, leave a ransom.

To carry out such rituals, you can use one of the sets of available runes, and such staves can differ greatly from each other. These are a special kind of formulas that need to be placed on joint photographs of those people who need to quarrel. After this, their paths must diverge.

So, for example, you can use a special staging rune to quarrel with friends, which is called “Lightning”. This is a fairly universal remedy that can be used on friends, lovers, and even relatives. This includes runes such as “Soulu”, which instantly destroys any warm feelings, “Two Isas”, which create coldness in relationships, “Hagalaz”, which brings destruction and, finally, “Raido”, which takes people to different sides.

Often, in order to quickly and effectively quarrel between two comrades, they take a common photograph of them, or, if there is none, two photographs separately. Also in this ritual you will need a black candle, which must be lit at midnight. Looking at the flame, you need to fill it with your anger and real anger, transferring them to the photographs as well. In this case you need to say:

“You used to be friends, but now you will become enemies. You won’t be able to sit and be close, tolerate each other and look into each other’s eyes. Real hatred will awaken in you, and so be it!”

After this, the photographs need to be torn, leaving only very small pieces, which then need to be burned with the flame of a burning candle. After this, the candle must be blown out, and the remaining ashes taken outside and thrown into the wind. If you manage to do everything correctly, soon after this ritual the friends will quarrel very much.

And now a ritual without prepared words. Express your wishes, which will come from the heart. This quarrel is very strong, after it people stop communicating. Take a photo of your friends and rotate it so that their backs are turned to each other. Place some dog poop between them and wrap it all in black cloth. Choose a place where you can bury the package. it could be a garbage dump, an intersection, an ant heap or a manure heap. The result will not be long in coming.

A suitable case for a falling out plot would be a situation where your friends practically never leave your house. To prevent them from lingering, perform the following ritual. Turn the table at which friends often sit upside down and hit them with a kitchen knife, holding it by the blade. At the same time saying:

“Don’t sit together. Don't look into each other's eyes. Not to be together, not to eat, not to drink, but to be enemies. Amen."

Repeat the words three times and put the table in its original place.

Not only girls can be jealous of their friends, but also men who may not like that their beloved devotes too much time to her friends.

In this case, you need an onion that has had time to brew in the dark during the day, as well as photographs of the girl and her friend. You will also need 2 saucers, a black candle and a knife with the same black handle.

First, a candle is lit on the table, and on the sides of it you need to place saucers with photographs, which should be facing up. The onion should be divided into two halves, which should be laid out in the photographs, saying the text of the ritual before the photograph:

“Your tears (the name of one girl) will shed as if from this bow when you meet (the name of the second girl). The onion will dry up and your friendship will also dry up, and let only hatred come in its place!”

You need to read the text twice before each photo. After all this, you need to put the saucers with photographs and onions back into the darkness, after which every night during the entire waning month you need to repeat this text again in front of these saucers, but you should be careful not to touch the onions yourself. When the onion is completely dry, you need to burn it along with the photographs on a fire, while saying:

“Now there is only hatred between you and terrible anger that will not give you peace! Let it be so".

There is another strong quarrel between friends, which requires taking two photographs of these girls. They turn their backs to each other and the dog's droppings are placed between them. To increase the effect of this ritual, you can also acquire things or even the hair of these girls, which you need to attach to the pictures. After this, the photo along with the droppings should be placed in a black cloth and buried deep in manure, in an anthill, or simply at a crossroads. This quarrel is so strong that it will work without any words.

To create a precedent for a really strong quarrel that could ruin the friendship of two best comrades or girlfriends, you need to use strong conspiracies to a falling out. They are dangerous, but effective.

This ingredient is a fairly significant part of many magical rituals associated with dark magic because it can attract negative destructive energy. In this case, the salt should be placed on the windowsill, and then the following phrase should be said six times:

“As Satan comes, so will friendship go forever! Friendship will dissolve dark night and freezes in the cold! So that (names of friends) never want to see each other again! Come, Satan, and fulfill my request! I will pay you for my wish."

After this, you need to do probably the hardest thing: as if accidentally scattering this salt between two people, but in such a way that they do not understand anything. When this happens, you need to say very quietly:

“It’s finished!” After it becomes clear that the friends really had a serious quarrel, you need to find a beggar and give him alms with the words: “Tell me what you promised.” When they take this money, you need to immediately say: “Everything has been paid.”

You can use the following method, which involves simple salt, a jar with a lid that can be screwed on very tightly, shards of glass and two pictures with friends, and they should be taken very recently.

First you need to take a jar and place the photographs down, after which you should add the fragments to them. Everything is sprinkled with a large amount of salt on top and the container is closed along with all these attributes. Next, you need to shake it well and cast the following spell:

“To the point of real bright pain in your ears and eyes, it will be unbearable for you (names of friends) to see each other. Fog settled in your heads and salt got into your eyes, which is why now you will hate each other and will never tolerate each other again. My word has power and strength, so be it!”

All this must be said 9 times, and it must be repeated by heart, continuing to shake the jar of fragments. After all these magical actions, it is recommended to hide the jar in a safe place where no one will find it. Another interesting feature of this ritual is that it can be reversed at any time.

For the next ritual, prepare two thin church candles. Write a name on each one so that the inscription covers the entire length. Then tie them crosswise with two red and black threads. Place it on a new saucer and light it with a match. There should be two cinders left on which the last letters of the names are written.

Bury them in different cemeteries, finding graves where the names of the deceased match friends. Don't forget to leave a tribute at the graves. The saucer needs to be broken and the pieces thrown into the pond. After finishing the ritual, say:

“Just as a dead man does not meet with a dead man, does not walk next to him, does not lie next to him, does not know about each other, does not think about each other, so you do not know each other and do not meet, do not think about each other.”

Try to make your relationship happy and harmonious. Show respect to the child, the family member, and he will definitely be able to correct it. Help someone in search to a loved one. Fill the world care, restraint and love.