Cortisol, or otherwise the stress hormone, is not as scary as people think. Its main function is to protect the body in case of sudden stress. This hormone regulates blood pressure and mobilizes immune system when we are in physical danger or experiencing strong negative emotions. The release of cortisol - and the body is ready to fight. But the problem is that constantly high level This hormone, caused by permanent worries and worries, destroys the immune system. This makes a person defenseless against viruses and bacteria and disrupts sleep (hello, chronic lack of sleep!). In addition, the production of cortisol stimulates an increase in blood sugar levels, which leads to an eternal feeling of hunger, resulting in countless raids on the refrigerator. Scientists agree that the average person who does not live in conditions of constant threat to life should always have normal cortisol.

Here are seven ways to help keep your stress hormones under control.

1. To reduce cortisol levels by 20%, meditate
Thai scientists conducted an experiment in which all participants were required to meditate every day for six weeks. The results of the study exceeded all expectations - analyzes showed that in absolutely all subjects, cortisol and blood pressure levels decreased significantly. And according to Maharishi University, in people who meditated daily for four months, the level of stress hormone decreased by an average of 20%, while in those who did not practice this method of relaxation, on the contrary, it continued to increase.

2. Listen to music to reduce cortisol levels by 66%
Calm music will help you calm down if you are worried or feel that your patience is running out. For example, patients at a medical center in Osaka whose doctors played pleasant background music during a gastroscopy experienced less stress than people who underwent a similar procedure in complete silence. This principle works not only in relation to unpleasant medical research, but also in principle in any situation when you feel nervous and cannot relax: after a hard day, turn on something jazz or blues at dinner, for five minutes - and you will forget about all the troubles at work. And it’s better to get ready for bed to the accompaniment of soothing piano music rather than militant TV.

3. To reduce cortisol levels by 50%, sleep more than six hours.
It is only at first glance that there is not much difference between six and eight hours of sleep. Just think - 120 minutes, how can they change anything? Meanwhile, two hours of sleep reduces the production of stress hormone by half. German scientists from the Institute of Aerospace Medicine found that pilots who sleep six hours or less during the week have cortisol levels that increase significantly while on duty and remain elevated for several more days. The required eight hours of sleep allows the body to recover from stress, but chronic lack of sleep, on the contrary, only increases it. But if you once again fail to go to bed early, then a couple of hours of daytime sleep will help save the situation and curb the production of the “nervous” hormone. However, while not all offices have comfortable sofas on which you can take a nap after a lunch break, you should only count on a full night’s sleep.

4. To reduce cortisol levels by 47%, drink a cup of black tea
The best definition of this property of black tea was given by the British, calling it a drink that is cheerful, but not intoxicating. And an experiment during which volunteers from University College London had to complete a complex stressful task only confirmed this characteristic. Thus, among students who regularly drank black tea, after an hour, the level of cortisol in the blood dropped by 47%, while their colleagues who drank other tea all the time decreased by only 27%. The author of the experiment, Professor Andrew Steptoe, associates this feature of tea with its constituent polyphenols and flavonoids - antioxidants, which, among other things, useful properties are responsible for the relaxed state of a person during and after drinking tea.

5. To reduce your cortisol levels by 39%, spend time with a fun friend.
Communicating with a friend who will listen to you at any moment and try to turn all your worries into a joke will help not only cope with anxiety, but even neutralize the body’s hormonal response to stress. Just the anticipation of laughter is enough to reduce your cortisol levels by almost half. And if for some reason your friend is out of reach and a therapeutic meeting with him cannot take place, you can achieve a similar effect by arranging for yourself a home viewing of films from your personal rating of the top 5 favorite comedies. A couple of episodes of Friends and no stress.

6. Get a massage to reduce your cortisol levels by 31%.
A small relaxing massage works better than any sedative, and it is also a thousand times more beneficial. According to the University of Miami, people who received a half-hour massage session once a week for a month saw their cortisol levels drop by almost one-third. Spa treatments help not only keep the stress hormone normal, but also produce pleasure hormones such as serotonin and dopamine. Therefore, if you have not yet figured out what to give to a loved one on New Year, then a subscription for 10 massage sessions or any other relaxing treatments will be a win-win option.

We all know that relaxation reduces stress. Chronic stress is harmful because it leads to high blood pressure, excess weight, depression and who knows what else. Here are 10 proven ways to avoid these unpleasant things.

How to reduce stress

1. Listen to the most relaxing song in the world

The study found that the song "Weightless" by the British group Marconi Union was more relaxing than the music of Mozart, Jenias and Bach. For 8 minutes, the listener's body rhythm is synchronized with the melody. The result is a 65% reduction in stress and a 35% reduction in heart rate.

2. Kiss

Long kisses cause the body to produce a large number of the hormone oxytocin, which reduces the stress hormone cortisol.

3. Watch comedies

Laughter is a known stress killer. Many studies in different countries prove it with scientific point vision – laughter reduces psychological tension and stress. People who laugh have lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

4. Do yoga

Research shows that yoga, through a combination of controlled breathing and special postures to relax muscles, reduces anxiety, depression and fatigue. In a study of 50 medical students, researchers found that yoga led to better exam scores due to improved concentration, decreased irritability and a more positive outlook on life.

5. Eat chocolate

According to a study cited by Ana McGee, author of The De-Stress Diet, 40 grams of dark chocolate a day helps us fight stress by releasing so-called beta-endorphins in the brain.

6. Create your own “launch mechanism”

This is what would cause you to switch to a calm state before high-stress activities. The method is described in the book “The Art of Learning” by Josh Weitzkin as “spontaneous relaxation.” A psychological connection is created between the habit and the upcoming activity. A habit is something that helps you relax - a walk, a bath, music. During breaks, athletes use similar techniques to recover before returning to play.

7. Adopt a pet

Studies have shown that people who have pets have lower blood pressure and are more relaxed when their loyal friends are around them.

8. Pour yourself a drink

Of course, we are not suggesting drinking as a solution to the problem - alcohol in large quantities leads to restless sleep and many other problems, but moderate consumption reduces stress levels.

9. Chew gum

Regardless of what flavor it has or whether it can create bubbles, research shows that chewing gum reduces stress and improves concentration because it reduces the amount of cortisol in saliva.

10. Ignore the phone

At least not for work. A study conducted by the British Psychological Society found that constantly reading essays, social updates and to-do lists caused serious stress.

In our age of high speeds and large amounts of information, stress becomes a commonplace condition for us and we no longer notice it. Sometimes we don't even know that we are experiencing stress. The direct influence of stress on our psychological state has already been proven. Behind last years The number of people with psychological disorders is rapidly increasing and already about 50% of the adult population suffers from one or another condition and stress plays a direct role in this.

Stress is a state of emotional and physical tension that occurs in certain situations that are characterized as difficult and beyond control.

Stress, scientifically speaking, is the body's physical, mental, emotional and chemical reaction to something that frightens, irritates or threatens a person.

Stress, in fact, can be any life situation, which takes you out of balance. The causes of stress can be very different, from a not very pleasant conversation with a manager at work and an unsuccessful purchase to an immediate threat to the life or death of a loved one. Any changes in life to which we must adapt are already immediate stress.

The inability to cope with stress, relax and switch leads to the fact that a person uses easily accessible methods to solve these problems, such as alcohol, junk food, cigarettes, etc. Stress has been proven to have a direct impact on our physiological health. In a state of stress, biochemical mechanisms are triggered in our body, which are included in the functions of the survival mode. For example,due to stress our body , which can subsequently be used as reserve forces for survival, also begins to release hormones such as leptin, cortisol and many others into the body.

Exposure to stress weakens the body, making a person more vulnerable to disease.

How to reduce stress and make your life calmer and happier:

Acceptance and gratitude– we often do not accept what happens to us and resist changes; it seems to us that life is an evil rock that haunts us. We do not see all sides of what is happening to us, and we are angry at our fate. It’s worth thinking about the fact that if you left 5 minutes late and are late for work, it’s not the end of the world, but it’s pointless to be nervous about what has already happened and what you can’t control. No matter how much you are in a hurry, it is worth finding a crossing rather than running across the Moscow Ring Road. Accepting any situation and finding positivity in it will help you become more flexible and stable. Thank yourself and others for every day you live!

Positive attitude– you often hear that thoughts are material and the more positive and better they are, the less stressful and enjoyable our life becomes. Therefore, think about good things, listen to pleasant music, sing your favorite songs, go to karaoke, read interesting books. Less negative news from TV and newspapers, which encourage stress and negativity.

Doing what you love– find time for hobbies and everything that makes you happy. Switching things up and resting always helps in reducing stress. It is also possible to think about whether your work brings you pleasure? After all, we spend a significant part of our lives on it.

Sports activities– physical exercise gives our body a boost of energy and endorphins (the hormone of joy) – this helps reduce stress, and a contrast shower can also help with this! Swimming, walks in the park, fitness - for all this It’s worth finding time to take care of yourself and your health.

Rest– take a short break, relax in silence, listen to relaxing music, massage, yoga, and meditation are also great.

Proper nutrition– food is an integral part of our life and our condition depends on its quality and quantity. Choose the most optimal nutrition for you, give up junk food and sugary drinks. By choosing healthier and more natural foods, you become healthier and more cheerful. And in this state, you easily adapt to stress.

Relationships- “When Bob has problems with everyone, main problem Bob himself is usually there." (

4. Causes of stress and reducing its level

In addition to unmanageable conflicts, excessive stress negatively affects the organization. The leader must learn to neutralize them. Stress (from the English stress - “tension”) is a state of tension that occurs under the influence of strong influences. This is a nonspecific reaction of the body to the demands placed on it. Stress is an adaptive reaction mediated by individual differences and (or) psychological processes that occurs as a result of exposure environment, circumstances or events that place excessive psychological and (or) physical demands on a person.

People vary greatly in their tolerance to stress. The strongest and the weakest are the most vulnerable. The reaction of the former is dominated by anger, the reaction of the latter by fear, and both of these emotions are destructive to health. People of the so-called intermediate types are better equipped to withstand stress. Their reactions are more sensible, they are able to dose stress, accepting the inevitable and avoiding excess ones.

Physiological signs of stress are ulcers, hypertension, migraines, heart pain, and heart attack. Psychological signs: depression, irritability, loss of appetite.

Stress reduces the quality of life of workers and the efficiency of their work, and therefore costs the organization dearly. Various factors can cause stress; they can be combined into two groups: organizational factors that are associated with work in an organization, and personal factors associated with a person’s personal life and his characteristics.

Organizational factors.

1. Overload or underworking of an employee, which leads to the accumulation of physical and mental fatigue, increased dissatisfaction, and a feeling of material loss.

2. The dynamism of events, the need for quick decision making.

3. Critical circumstances or risk when making decisions.

4. Constant rush. There is no time to stop, delve deeply into the problem, make an informed decision so as not to return to the same issue. Hence - dissatisfaction with oneself, irritation.

5. Conflicting or vague demands from the manager or different managers.

6. Inconsistency between the norms and values ​​of the individual and the norms and values ​​of the group, awareness of one’s inadequacy.

7. Uninteresting, routine work, lack of prospects. Hence the feeling of uselessness, the inability to realize one’s production and creative potential.

8. Major changes at work, in the organization.

9. Poor working conditions: noise, low lighting, stuffiness, temperature deviations.

Personal factors:

1. Death of loved ones.

2. Divorce.

3. Dismissal from work.

4. Failures of loved ones.

5. Marriage.

6. The arrival of a new family member.

7. Retirement and others.

So, the level of excessive stress needs to be reduced. Both managers and employees themselves must manage this process.

Self-management and rational use of your time help to avoid or reduce stress. For example, setting personal and professional goals, prioritizing work, delegating tasks. In addition, you need the ability to prove to your manager your opinion regarding your workload, conflicting requirements, and the content of the work. And, of course, you need to be able to rest, recuperate, lead healthy image life, maintain good physical shape. The body's resistance to stress increases regular and nutritious nutrition, vitamins, herbal medicines, nutritional supplements, exercise, breathing exercises, meditation.

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Are you often exposed to stress? Try these ten tips to manage stress and make your life more comfortable.

If you experience stress frequently, it can seriously disrupt the flow of your life. Unless, of course, you develop defense mechanisms against stress. While some stress can be stimulating, such as project deadlines, too much stress can make your life miserable. So terrible that you won't know how to control it. Although sometimes stress is unavoidable, such as when it is created by other people in unexpected situations, you can try to cope with it. This will help you feel calmer and make cooler decisions. Here are ten ways to reduce the impact of stress.

1. Identify the source of stress

Many people feel in a constant state of stress. Emotional symptoms of stress can include anxiety, fear, heartache, disappointment, anger and hopelessness. Focusing on the sources of stress will help you learn to cope better with it. The first step to reducing stress is to list everything that causes you stress. The very act of writing it down will make you aware of the problem. While some problems cannot be easily solved, others can be easily eliminated if you focus on solving them. For example, you regularly find yourself late in the morning several times a week because your six-year-old daughter can't decide what to wear. You can spend half an hour on Sunday picking out her outfits for the next week, and it will make your mornings less stressful.

2. Prioritize

Some people feel stressed because they have too much going on in their lives. Each of us has a limited time of 24 hours a day, so sometimes you need to say no and give up on things that need time. Deciding what's most important to you and your family and making it a priority will help you decide which stressful situations you can relieve yourself of. For example, if you think your family should eat healthy food but find it difficult to cook after work every night, find a place where you can buy ready-made food. healthy food or try handing over some of your kitchen duties to your significant other or older children. Doing everything alone may stifle the creativity of others, although they would be happy to take on some of the chores. Deciding what you can and can't do in a given period of time will help you delegate responsibilities to others and feel more confident when it comes to managing your time.

3. Learn to control your reactions

People react to stress differently. This response is the real key to stress management. If you overreact to small stimuli, your body is already tense when you encounter larger problems. Learning to deal more calmly with minor stimuli at work and at home will help you conserve energy for big problems. Imagine the different problems you face and think about how you might respond to them and what the outcome would be. For example, if you are not satisfied with how your colleague is doing his part of the work according to your overall project, imagine how you yell at him and tell him how incompetent he is, how you show him a simpler and effective method achieving the goal, how you ignore his incompetence, pretend that he is doing well and then redo everything at the last minute. If you imagine different results, you will most likely realize that some decisions may lead to constant tension and even create new problems. Learning to interact more calmly with other people is important in order to get your stress under control.

4. Learn not to take too much into your head

Some problems that cause chronic stress are actually not important at all. By identifying what issues are causing you stress, you can get rid of the minor irritants that have been bothering you. If you feel like you have to be in complete control of your life, you're doomed to be stressed out all the time. After all, something can happen that you cannot control. If your life is tied to a rigid schedule, free up at least 5-10 minutes every day to laze around. Go outside and look at the trees and flowers, feel the sun on your face, listen to the sounds around you and just relax.

5. Exercise

Stress can cause serious physical health problems for you. Often those people who outwardly hide their reactions experience this stress internally. This leads to hypertension, indigestion, insomnia, headaches and other diseases. It's important to keep your body in good shape even when you're not stressed, and it's especially important to be healthy when you're in a stressful situation. Exercise can greatly relieve stress. Running on the treadmill, doing yoga, swimming in the pool, or cycling with friends will benefit your body and help you relieve stress.

6. Follow a diet

In a stressful situation, it is easy to skip breakfast, grab something for lunch and continue the day with coffee and sweets. It wreaks havoc on your body because your blood sugar and your energy levels bounce back and forth all day long. Plan your meals ahead of time so your snacks consist of cheese, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Try to avoid excessive consumption of caffeine, sugar and alcohol. Eat breakfast, keep healthy snacks in your desk drawer, and eat regularly. When your blood sugar levels drop, your attention wanders. Therefore, you cannot go the whole day without food. This will only add to your feelings of stress, and it is very easy to make poor choices when you are hungry.

7. Laugh

If you don't see anything funny in your life, you just need a good laugh. Laughter is good for the body and soul, and humor helps relieve stress. Watch funny movies, read comics or jokes on the Internet. Some hospitals have "laugh rooms" where patients with serious illnesses can relax a little and laugh at funny films. It actually causes certain chemical reactions in your brain. Humor is a great way to relieve stress.

8. Play with your pet

Dogs, cats and other animals can be great stress relievers. When you pet a purring cat, throw a ball for your dog to fetch, or ride a horse, you feel calm and peaceful. Pets can be a great comfort to those who suffer from stress. When you come home and see an animal there waiting for you, you feel better and can relax in the company of an unobtrusive friend. If your living conditions If you don't allow you to have a pet, take a walk with a friend's dog or volunteer at a shelter for stray animals. Or just go watch the fish swim in the aquarium at the pet store.

9. Find something to do for your soul

Many people who suffer from stress find a hobby that has a relaxing effect on them. Thanks to a hobby, you can switch your attention and forget about the problems that cause stress. Whether you like fishing, knitting, photography or woodworking, a hobby can help you cope with stress and give you something to occupy your mind. If you often suffer from stress, doing something you love can help you unwind at the end of the day.

10. Sleep

If you don't get enough sleep, it can cause stress. The next day you'll be tired and unfocused after tossing and turning all night. Insomnia can be a symptom that your life is overloaded with stress, so it's important to get enough sleep if you want to cope with it. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep each night to feel good the next day. If you get more or less sleep, your productivity will suffer. Deep sleep is especially important; if you wake up often, you will wake up completely exhausted. If you have trouble falling asleep, your doctor will help you cope with this problem.