Anna Sudak

# Online business

In this article we will figure out how to make money on Facebook without and with investments. We will also consider options for monetizing your accounts to make a profit in the long term.

Ways to make money on Facebook

As it turns out, monetizing your own account brings profit, but not as much as you would like. We will try to correct this unfortunate misunderstanding. Let's look at what ways of making money we can use to make a solid profit.

  1. Likes and reposts. Today there are a lot of platforms that bring together advertisers who are willing to pay you for liking their pages, reposting their posts, or joining groups.
  2. Business pages. By creating several business pages, you will open up a lot of possibilities: countless subscribers, free and paid promotion tools, target audience and sales. All this is your income.
  3. Thematic group. A labor-intensive process, but with good potential. By promoting one interest group, you can get several sources of income at once.
  4. Online store. It is possible to organize your own store and not spend a penny. Beneficial for beginners and startups.
  5. Traffic. If you have your own website, Facebook will be a great channel to attract new traffic to it and increase sales.
  6. MLM. All social networks have long been occupied by MLMers. Facebook was no exception. Moreover, selling on it turned out to be profitable, easy and comfortable. And all thanks to expanded functionality and promotion opportunities.

Basics of making money on Facebook, step by step instructions

To begin with, we will look at the simplest, but most labor-intensive way to make money on the Internet without investment. It is suitable for those who have just begun to master the network.

How much can you earn on Facebook?

To everyone who is wondering whether it is possible to earn real dollars on Facebook, we hasten to inform you that yes, you can. How many? Depends on you and your efforts. For example, let's take these numbers: you have three accounts with 10,000 followers.

An advertiser is ready to rent your page for one ad for 300 rubles per day. It is not advisable to place more than two advertisements on a page, as losses will be higher than profits. So, two advertisements = 600 rubles per day.

3 pages for 600 rubles is 1800 rubles per day. Well, now we multiply 1,800 rubles by 30 days and get 54,000 rubles per month. And that's just advertising. Of course, the numbers are arbitrary, since the cost of advertising varies. It's up to you to come to an agreement. And the pages must be well promoted, but this will take a lot of time (for free promotion) or financial investments.

How to make money from a Facebook business page

Business on Facebook is a great opportunity not only to increase sales and earn more money, but also to improve your image. Now we will sort it out important points, which you need to consider when creating a business page and consider ways to promote it.

Things to Consider When Creating a Facebook Business Page

We will not consider the entire registration process in detail, since on Facebook each step is accompanied by tips, but we would like to draw your attention to the “Choose a category” item.

The main thing here is to choose the right page type. Its functionality depends on this. Of course, you can change the category at any time and as many times as necessary, but every change is a loss of statistical data.

  • Local company. Suitable for owners of one retail outlet located at a specific address. This type of page is like a pin on the map, indicating your location to customers. With its help, you can attract buyers near you.
  • Company, organization or institution. By choosing this page type, you can create an online store and accept orders from your customers via messenger.
  • Brand or product. Suitable for owners of a monobrand. An excellent tool for PR and promoting a new product to the market.

In terms of settings, you decide what to leave and what to turn off. For our part, we recommend that you allow clients to write you messages, leave reviews, and tag themselves in your photos (if you plan to regularly hold public events).

So, we have created a page, now we need to promote it, otherwise sales through Facebook will not bring you the expected income. How to do it?

  1. Communicate with your audience. Your page should not look like a “Buy” billboard. It should provide value to your readers. Make 80% of your content useful and only 20% promotional.
  2. Advertise your services in the feed using paid advertising.
  3. Visit your competitors' pages and be active. No, don't spam or badmouth others. Have your say. Share your impressions. Active people on social networks do not go unnoticed.
  4. Provide a link to your business page in your personal profile. Do it unobtrusively.
  5. If you have your own website or blog, place a social media button on it and share fresh content with your subscribers.
  6. Ask customers to write reviews. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to do this. Be open.
  7. Use contextual advertising. This is, of course, expensive, but it gives an instant effect. Although you should be prepared for the fact that people who come in this way are not targeted (the majority), so some of them will sooner or later unsubscribe from you.

The best option is the integrated use of paid and free promotion. But in what proportions, you need to test, since the audience is different.

Earning money from instant articles on Facebook

Before monetizing Instant Articles (Facebook Audience Network), let’s understand what it is.

In short, it is a tool that allows you to instantly deliver content to the consumer using mobile applications. It was created to solve the problem of slow loading of posts on Facebook. As a result, it became an additional source of income for many businessmen.

Simply put, Instant Articles are an effective CPA network where webmasters receive money for placing advertisements in content. The main difference is that there is no need to think about banners, location and other little things, because Facebook has taken care of everything in advance. Now we’ll tell you how to get traffic and make money from it.

  1. To monetize Instant Articles, you need a business (FAN) page. How to create it, read above.
  2. Register with Instantarticles.
  3. If you have several pages, select one, check the box that you agree to the terms and conditions and click on the green button.
  4. We customize the page and link it to your site. To do this, go to the business page, find the “Publishing Tools” button. In the window that appears, click “Settings”, “Tools”, “Connect site” in sequence.
  5. In the black frame you will see the HTML code that you need to place on your site in the tag .
  6. Change the style of your articles. To do this, on the fan page, click “Settings”, “Styles”. Select and save the one that suits you.
  7. Go to WordPress Dashboard.
  8. Download the Instant Articles for WP plugin.
  9. Click “Create ID application”. Follow the setup instructions.
  10. After you register a new ID, you need to create a new application by clicking on “Create ID application” again. In the window that appears, enter all the data required by the system and click “Register now.”
  11. Next you will see a panel, copy the “App ID” and “App Secret” into a text file (you will need them a little later) and click the “Show” button.
  12. Now click “Settings”, “General”, “Add Platform”, “Website”, enter the URL in the appropriate field. Click "Save Changes".
  13. Return to the Instant Articles plugin.
  14. Log in to the application using the saved “App ID” and “App Secret”.
  15. Click on “Login with Facebook”.
  16. After this, pages will open in front of you that you can manage using this application.
  17. Click “Select” on the page to post instant articles.
  18. Go to “Open Advanced Settings now” and click on the article style you previously edited (step 6).
  19. Click on "Audience Network".
  20. Check the option “Publish articles containing warnings”.
  21. To monetize traffic, use the Quick Adsense plugin.
  22. To earn money you need to register with Facebook Audience.
  23. Go to Publishing Tools, Instant Articles Configuration, Audience Network.
  24. Click "Submit".
  25. Next, look for “Panel” and click on the button.
  26. Open “Facebook Audience Dashboard”, “Placements”, “Get Code”.
  27. Copy "Placement ID".
  28. Go to "Instant Article Plugin".
  29. Place "Placement ID" in "Audience Network Placement ID".
  30. We are waiting for approval from the administration and starting to receive the first money.

Earning money from Facebook groups

Making money on Facebook is pleasant and easy. And right now we will describe to you eight ways to make money from your group.

  1. Group for resale. All you need to do is create a community in a popular and current topic, for example: furniture, beauty, health, recipes, business, marketing and more. You create a group, design it, make it “live”, attract targeted subscribers, and then sell it.
  2. File sharing services. You create a fan page for a popular series, upload new episodes to file hosting services. You post books, fan fiction, applications related to the series and earn income. Let's calculate how much you can earn this way: you have 10,000 subscribers who will follow the link and watch the video. Of these, 3,000 people will download it. On average, file hosting services pay $5–10 per 1000 views. Per day, just with video, you will have 15–30 dollars of net income.
  3. Paid advertising. If your group is popular, you can rent out your page for advertising. But you shouldn't abuse it. Otherwise, subscribers will leave you for other similar communities where there is less advertising.
  4. Partnership programs . Post affiliate links in your group. The main thing is that the theme of the affiliate program coincides with the theme of the page.
  5. Application development. It could be a game, something useful. Something that will give subscribers a good mood and make their lives easier. You can do this yourself (if you know how), or hire a freelancer to do it for you.
  6. Advertising in native applications and games. If you have created your own product, place advertising in it and earn additional income.
  7. Information product. With the help of groups you can sell your skills. For example, if you do cross stitch, you can create a tutorial and teach it to anyone who wants to do it. For money, of course. This type of activity will bring you a solid income, and in the future it can become the main source of income.
  8. Get a job at Facebook. To do this, you need to know English at a high level and be able to do something. You can find out about vacancies on the official website of the social network.

Earning money from likes on Facebook

For those who do not want to spend their time creating a page, promoting it and developing an online business, there is an easier, but less profitable way to earn money - performing simple tasks for money on social networking account promotion services.

Who will pay? Young entrepreneurs who want to promote their page. What will they pay for?

  • Likes;
  • Reposts;
  • Joining groups.

Now let’s figure out how to make money from likes on Facebook. For this you need:

  1. Register for special services;
  2. Enter payment details for withdrawal of money;
  3. Select a task;
  4. Execute it;
  5. Send a report to the customer;
  6. Get rewarded.

And here is a list of services on which you can make money right now.

The global trend in the development of information technology is the transformation of social networks from entertainment services into sources of income for users and business tools. The LookFreedom company predicted this trend and even developed how to make money on social media. networks, which has already proven itself in practice and has received a positive response from readers of our blog.

As for Facebook, many analysts today note: it is no longer so much a social network as a global platform for interaction between businessmen, advertisers and other market participants. We have chosen for you the most interesting and promising ways that allow you to make money on Facebook and constantly increase your income.

1. Monetize your social activity (earnings from likes, reposts, etc.)

What does the average user do when browsing their Facebook feed? Marks favorite publications, shares them with friends, and communicates in the comments. This is all done for fun and doesn't require any effort. However, the same actions can be performed for money.

There are many services on the Internet that pay for:

To earn money, you need to register on one of the platforms (ForumOk, SmmOk, Likee, etc.) and complete tasks, receiving a fee in your e-wallet. This will not bring a lot of money, but it will be suitable for any user as a source of additional income.

Customers are much more in demand for active and “live” profiles with a large number of friends and subscribers.

2. Earn money from your Facebook page

The previous earning option is ideal for a personal profile. However, a personal account has a number of restrictions, for example, on the number of friends. But the main thing is that it cannot be used for business purposes. This is the most flagrant violation of the rules of this social network, which leads to blocking of the user.

Therefore, making a profit using your own business page (another name is a fan page) is a more promising and profitable method. Advantages:

If your Facebook page has a stable audience, then you can make money on. You place information about the product on the page, talk about the benefits, share your experience if possible and post a link. An interested user clicks on it, and after the purchase, a certain percentage of the profit is transferred to you.

  • Consulting, coaching, training.

Assemble master groups, conduct paid webinars in live, consulting clients, negotiating - this is not a complete list of actions on Facebook that will bring you money. For the page, it is the most active channel for promoting your developments.

Specialists who work offline can also advertise their own brand using Facebook. Event organizers, photographers, repair specialists and even doctors talk about themselves and their services, look for new clients, conduct preliminary consultations and earn money. However, it is worth making allowances for geolocation. If you carry out your activities offline, then it will be very strange when, for example, a cosmetologist from Krasnodar offers services to a user from Moscow.

Please note that the business page will become effective tool and will attract a wide audience (and therefore income) only with a competent strategy for working with content. It means:

  • regular posting of new materials;
  • alternating formats (texts, pictures, photos, videos);
  • close interaction with the audience (answering comments, polls, creating topics for discussion).

3. Earning money from a thematic group

A Facebook group is different from a business page. In fact, this is an online community, a union of people based on certain principles or interests (a group of freelancers, mothers on maternity leave, fishing enthusiasts, etc.). They are designed for communication and information exchange. Unlike a page, groups are difficult to advertise and promote, and it is impossible to scale a business with their help.

However, groups can generate serious income as they are effective advertising platforms. For example, a group brings together travelers. Therefore, this is an ideal target audience for travel agencies, ticket booking services, hotels, and travel equipment sellers.

To start earning money you need:

  • Choose a topic and create a group;
  • Constantly fill it with interesting information. Publish new materials regularly;
  • Always try to attract as many new participants as possible;
  • Stimulate their communication in the comments (active groups are more in demand by advertisers).

This takes some time, but all efforts will be repaid with the money that advertising will bring.

To ensure that commercial information does not cause a negative reaction from group members, it is necessary:

  • Firstly, maintain a balance between useful materials and advertising;
  • Secondly, to sell, use methods of native advertising (organic content) and storytelling (storytelling). That is, talk about products on behalf of group members, advise and recommend them, share personal experience use of a product or service. This allows you to avoid open sales and increase trust.

Some group creators make money by selling their communities. Groups in which a large number of participants and selected popular topics (health, self-development, raising children, etc.), are in demand. However, it must be remembered that the official Facebook rules allow changing the owner only with the consent of the administration.

4. Creating your own online store

If you are the owner of a small business or a handmaker*, and you decide to open an online store, then you don’t have to spend time, money or create a separate resource. Online trading can be launched directly from your Facebook page.

* Handmader (English)hand made - work with hands). This refers to a person who sells products made with his own hands.


  • You can create a store yourself using special services (including free ones)*;
  • There is no need to transfer a percentage of this social network for the sale;
  • Selling to loyal subscribers is easier than constantly searching for clients.


  • The free version has restrictions on the number of products, so for a large project Facebook is “crowded”;
  • To expand your circle of customers, you need to work not only on updating your assortment, but also regularly work on content.

*Services for creating and promoting an online store on Facebook:

– the most popular and simplest constructor for creating a web store. Allows any person without special skills to place and launch an online store on a Facebook page in a short time, which can then be transferred to another social network and to your website. Free version has restrictions on the number of goods.

Shopify– service with wide functionality. Well optimized for mobile devices. Has a free two-week trial period.

ShopScript‒ allows you to simultaneously create a store on a separate website. The interface will be fully adapted to the Facebook design. Has a free period of use - 30 days. Next – 399 rub./month.

Bigcommerce– offers more than 100 free design templates, has many settings, including the ability to recommend products to friends. More suitable for medium-sized businesses that will grow over time.

5. MLM marketing

For independent agents who not only sell products of certain brands, but also attract new partners to the sales system, Facebook opens up enormous opportunities:

  • Demonstrate products on the page, post their description (in other words, advertise), talk about new products in text and video format;
  • In the comments to posts, provide consultant services, answer questions and turn a page visitor into a buyer;
  • Post information about opportunities and prospects for cooperation;
  • Systematically interact with clients;
  • Constantly expand your target audience and customer base.

6. Attracting traffic to your own Internet resource

In the section with proven methods, we already talk about how to make money using your website. However, any resource for successful and productive work requires a constant influx of new users. Especially if the site makes a profit through contextual advertising (ads are shown to users in accordance with the subject of its queries in search engines).

On your Facebook page, in addition to any other content, you can post announcements or the most striking fragments of articles from your site. Interested friends or subscribers follow the link to the site, read the material, watch illustrations and videos. Their attention will also be attracted by the information of advertising banners, which means that someone will make a purchase, register, leave their data, etc., it all depends on your goal.

7. Earn money on video

The amount of video content on Facebook is comparable to texts. Every day, users watch about 100 million hours of various videos, and interest in them is only increasing.

Mark Zuckerberg made an ambitious statement last year that he plans to shift the video hosting company YouTube from its leading position in the market. However, many were in no hurry to post the results of their creativity on Facebook due to unclear monetization methods. Therefore, the owners of the network decided to insert advertising into videos longer than 90 seconds and give 55% of profits to authors. So you still have more possibilities for good earnings.

Video bloggers and those who constantly post visual content on YouTube should think, if not about changing the platform, then at least about expanding the scope of their activities by including a page on Facebook. Moreover, while this opportunity is at the testing stage, the competition will be lower than on an advanced video hosting.

It's never too late to take action

In this article, we talked about the most reliable and proven ways to make money using Facebook. Remember that you always have the opportunity to use several directions at the same time, but you will just have to devote a little more time to it.

The number of active users of this social network is rapidly approaching 2 billion. In Russia and the CIS countries, this site is in 3rd place in popularity, which is good news. Expanding the commercial functionality of pages opens up many new progressive opportunities for making money on the Internet that you can easily use.

If you are looking for other ways to use the World Wide Web and do not want to become a victim of scammers, pay attention to useful information about proven ways to make money online. On our website we post only reliable information and our readers about dubious online projects and services. For any questions, you can contact our company's support service.

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This is a great way to earn money on the social network Facebook. Depending on the task, you will have to talk about the site, repost, like something, and publish on your page. The more fields in your profile are filled in, the more assignments you can receive. In addition, a large number of friends on this social network is also important. After registering on the Vktarget website, you will be able to view the list of tasks available for completion. When the task is accepted, you will receive the money you earned into your account. As a rule, it would be a good idea to constantly update the list, then you can earn more.

Payments occur within two days using resources such as Yandex Money, Webmoney or QIWI. But before you can make a withdrawal operation, you must collect at least fifty rubles in your account.

is another service that turns your everyday activities on social networks into a small source of income. It attracts with an incredibly large number of tasks, as well as other nuances. First of all, it is worth noting that the minimum amount that can be withdrawn is only 200 rubles. In addition, after inviting friends to join this service, you will be awarded an additional reward, up to a third of the amount they earn.

Register on the site, and then link your Facebook page to the created profile. Now you can go to the list of orders and complete tasks. When linking a page, don’t worry: no one is going to steal your data, including your password, so nothing threatens your security on the Internet. Be sure to invite new people to your friends list; this is only encouraged by such a service for making money as Forumok.

Vprka is a more multifaceted system that allows you to earn money while on Facebook. First of all, it impresses with its unique, memorable design. Register in this system and get a lot of pleasant opportunities. You will be able to complete up to 50 tasks daily, which is not so burdensome, because they are quite simple, but incredibly convenient in terms of personal gain.

In addition, you always have a chance to be distracted by other features of the service, including so-called “Quests”, for completing which you can get a pleasant addition to your account, and even take part in a lottery with an entire car at stake.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to make money on Facebook without investment. Facebook is a very popular social network. It occupies a leading position worldwide in its segment. Therefore, where there are a lot of people, there is always an opportunity to make money. About some ways to make money on Facebook.

How to make money on Facebook?

One of the first ways that I would like to tell you about is the simplest one that absolutely any user can handle - this is by subscribing, joining groups or communities.

One such site that provides the opportunity to start making money on likes and other social activity is SMMka. Payment for completed tasks fluctuates around 0.15-0.5 rubles. It is also worth noting that this site has an affiliate program that allows you to earn 15% of the earnings of the referrals you invite.

Money for likes, reposts, subscriptions....

Another site that works with the popular social network Facebook is SocialTools. You can find quite a lot of tasks on this project, so you will have something to do and how to earn extra money in free time. Payment for social activity is quite high compared to SMMka, which is why this service really deserves attention.

Forumok is perhaps the TOP site for making money on social media. networks. It allows you to get money not only for activities on Facebook, but also opens up the possibility of working with other social networks. Minimum amount for withdrawal is 300 rubles, but the payment for tasks is very decent (minimum 2.25 rubles). This project also has a referral system. Among other services, I would also like to recommend Sarafanka, Prospero, Smofast and others.

As I mentioned above, boxes also allow you to get money for actions on Facebook. For example, on the websites VMmail and Seosprint you can find tasks whose authors also pay for performing simple actions on the most popular social network in the world.

You definitely won’t be able to earn a lot of money, since there are not so many tasks for owners of Facebook pages on the above projects. Even if you connect all possible services and work with them constantly, your daily earnings will not exceed 200-500 rubles per day. It’s even possible that I overestimated this show, but it can definitely be achieved if you connect other social networks to your profiles on sites, especially and.

Money on a group or public page

You can also make money on Facebook using your groups or public pages. Only for this it is necessary that you have as many readers as possible, since you will receive money by advertising.

You can find advertisers or inform them that your site is ready to consider their options on special advertising exchanges. Finding them is not that difficult. But in order to become an attractive platform for advertisers, you need to have a very, very large audience who are participants in your sites. This can be achieved without investment, but it will obviously take more than one year.

There is also an alternative: create an online store based on a Facebook group. Fortunately, the developers of the social network have made this feature absolutely free.

Thoroughly search for a supplier of goods and start reselling their products on Facebook. At first it will be quite difficult to find the first buyers, but after some time the interval between purchases will be reduced significantly.

Can bring more per day. I think that this is a very profitable niche, especially if you encounter fairly low competition, since there are not many online stores created in the Russian-language segment of Facebook.

This method is especially attractive because it allows you to make money on Facebook without investment. Although a minimal investment in advertising would be very helpful.

Money from advertising

This topic can be developed in several directions at once, each of which will be profitable in its own way:

  • Provide your services to interested clients for a monetary reward.

If we talk about the site, it opens up the possibility of attracting traffic through search engines, and subsequently making money on contextual advertising. This is also a good platform for PR of the services you provide. That is, with the help of websites you can confirm to the client that you understand this niche. To completely dispel the doubts of a potential customer, you can publish some examples of your work on your online resource.

But if you don’t want to create a website, but want to get clients, your path will be built through freelance exchanges and forums. On the freelance exchange, you must create a profile where you indicate your type of activity, examples of work, etc. On forums - create topics describing the services you provide and other related information.

But what about the situation with forums, what with freelance exchanges - you need information that would prove your professionalism to the customer. And it’s best to publish this information on your personal website.

Good afternoon, dear readers! If you have an account on Facebook, then you can not only post interesting posts, communicate with friends and find interesting interlocutors from other countries, but also get a good income from your Internet activity. It is for this reason that it is necessary to study in more detail the question of how to make money on Facebook without leaving home.

Where to start making money on the social network Facebook?

Before you think about ways to make money on Facebook, you need to study the system itself more deeply. This is especially important if you have only recently joined this social network. After you become familiar with the specifics of working on this resource, you can fill your page with the necessary content - content.

So, if you decide to make money on Facebook from feature articles, pictures, videos, etc., then try to expand your account, at least up to 3-4 pages. In addition, do not forget to fill your blog with all the necessary content daily. It will be enough to add 5-10 articles or publications daily, then you can get not only a good income, but also a lot of new subscribers.

If you are unable to manage your account yourself, you can hire someone to do it for you. Of course, you will have to spend a little, but if you compare your income with expenses, then you will see for yourself that the difference is practically not felt.

Choosing the "money" direction

Before you start earning money, you need to choose the direction in which you are going to move. So, this can be approached from 2 sides:

  1. Selection of a thematic category based on personal hobbies and interests.
  2. Choosing more profitable directions, despite the fact that they are not part of your interests.
  3. Mix several directions at once

To make money on Facebook, based on option 3, you can create 1 page, each of which will have its own separate thematic category. For example:

  1. The first page is the topic “Health”. Here you can add publications about healthy lifestyle, diseases, their treatment, prevention, etc.
  2. The second page is about car repairs.
  3. The third is a mini online store and so on.

The most popular today are the following thematic areas:

  • business, work, study;
  • pharmaceutical topic;
  • women's portals, forums, blogs.

As you can see, it is quite possible to make money on Facebook on your page, but you need to put in a little effort.

Earn money using Like, repost and comments

Making money on Facebook from likes is one of the simplest and most quick ways get your first profit on a social network. To increase your income, it is better to create several accounts at once. However, you should not think that you will earn money directly on the expanses of this social network. Making money on Facebook from likes involves registering on third-party sites (which give users tasks), and then authorizing the user through Facebook. Once you complete these little formalities, you can start earning some pretty good money. Forumok is the most popular exchange of likes on Facebook, working through the WebMoney payment system. Here's about her.

Why do you need to have multiple accounts when working with likes, reposts and comments? Because in this case, there will be excessive activity from your permanent account, which may alert the administration of the site where you complete tasks.

For this reason, remember: making money on Facebook from likes requires a sense of proportion and caution.

Earning money from groups

As in the vastness of any other social network, making money on Facebook is not limited to just likes, reposts and comments. There is another type of income - the creation and promotion of your own community. Of course, implementing such a project will not be an easy task, but if you devote more time to it, it will pay off quite quickly.

Algorithm of actions for creating and promoting a community

To receive this type of income on Facebook, you need to carry out all the necessary steps step by step. Namely:

  1. Create a group based on a pre-selected thematic category.
  2. Filling the community with unique and interesting content. Making money on Facebook from groups requires a lot of time and effort if the project has just begun to develop. If you add 30 entries at once, and then don’t visit your page for 2 months, then even the most devoted subscribers will run away from you. For this reason, all information should be released gradually.
  3. To promote a group, you can use so-called bots, sending invitations to other users of the social network, or paid advertising on third-party resources. However, the latter option is not cheap, so novice entrepreneurs can rarely afford such a luxury.

Once your subscriber count reaches four figures, you will be able to make a good profit not only from content but also from advertising. We will talk about this further.

Earning money from advertising posts

If in the case of your own group you can earn money from advertising links using affiliate programs, then here you will interact with advertisers directly. The amount you will receive for advertising in your group is negotiated with each client individually. However, you must remember that you can only make really big money on Facebook from advertising links if your community has a good reputation and profitability.

Note. Making money on Facebook from advertising is not suitable for all thematic categories, and this must be taken into account. If on Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte this nuance is not of particular importance, then on Facebook, which is inferior in popularity to these two social networks, it must be taken into account.

The cost of working on Facebook and profitable vacancies

Working on Facebook can bring good income if your activity is not periodic. Remember that even though this is virtual, it is still earnings, and it also requires a responsible approach.

  • a freelancer, or a person who provides a certain type of service at a distance;
  • a seller selling his products;
  • online consultant;
  • Internet coach;
  • advertiser

A huge advantage of these vacancies is that you can make money on Facebook in one way or another absolutely independently. That is, you will not need to follow anyone’s instructions, but offer your services and working conditions to clients. Be sure that if you can advertise yourself as a specialist in a particular field, attractive (from a financial point of view) offers of cooperation will pour in from people who want to cooperate with you.

How much can you earn?

So, we looked at how this or that user makes money on Facebook. Now you need to understand how much money you can get for your work on this social network.

So, if you have more than 13,000 subscribers on your page, then the approximate daily cost of advertising will be about 300 rubles. However, the price, as they say, is negotiable, but we will take these figures as a basis.

In order not to cause displeasure and indignation on the part of subscribers, do not place more than 2 advertising links per day on your page. So, each link costs 300 rubles - that’s already 600 rubles in 24 hours. We multiply this amount by 30 days - it turns out 18,000 rubles per month, and this is only from one account. This is why if you want to make money on Facebook this way, then create 3-5 user profiles. Even if your work does not pay off immediately, do not despair: in a few months you will reach a new, higher level of earnings. In the meantime, work on Facebook and enjoy what you do, because you can only dream of this type of income.