In the middle of the XVI century, the expedition of researchers from Portugal found dense cinnamon forests along the shore of Sri Lanka, in those days the island was also called Ceylon. The colossal capital, which was able to earn cinnamon trade, attracted other states.

First, the island was assigned to the Dutch, and in 1776 the British. Although at that time, cinnamon trees have grown almost all over the world, and a monopoly from Ceylon ceased to exist. Today, cinnamon is the most popular spice, which is added to sweet and unsweetened dishes.

Cinnamon is a spice that is obtained from a thoroughly dried inner part of the tree bark of the laurel family. There are four most popular representatives of the kind of corticist in the world.

Ceylon spice. Also known as true cinnamon, noble cinnamon, kinamon. Right from Sri Lanka. Grown in India, Brazil, Indonesia, Guiana, Malaysia.

Landing are represented in the form of shrubs. Twice a year with young shoots shoot Crara. Works begin after the rain period when the bark is removed easier and is saturated with a pleasant aroma.

The bark is removed by strips with a length of 30 cm and 1-2 cm wide. The top layer is then removed, and the billet is dried in the shade until the surface of cinnamon is light brown, while the inner part remains more dark.

The finished material is cooled into the tube, and the thickness of barely reaches 1 mm. Best grades Ceylon cinnamon, which in thickness can be compared with a sheet of paper, is characterized by excessive fragility, gentle aromaSweetish with a light taste charm.

Chinese cinnamon

A variety is also called a simple cinnamon, Indian cinnamon, fragrant cinnamon, Cassia, Cassia Channel. Motherland is considered South China. Today grows in China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos.

In the case of Chinese cinnamon, the bark is removed with strips with a length of 10-15 cm, up to 2 cm wide from the tree trunks every 8-10 years. Next, you should dry in the shade. As a result, coarse pieces of bark are obtained with light concave, which is characterized by a rough outer side of red-brown with gray-brown spots and a smooth inner surface of brown.

The thickness of the finished spice is 2 mm. It is characterized by more sharp than the previous variety, sweetish, slightly burning taste.

Malabar variety. Also called cinnamon tree, wood or brown cinnamon, cassia-faith. The homeland is considered the south-western part of the Indian state. Grown in Burma and India.

The bark is even more rude than the Chinese variety, is distinguished by a dark-brown tint. The smell is less fragrant. Taste - astringent, sharp, with light bitterness.

Spicy, or cinnamon. Molukskie islands are considered to be Motherland, today is grown in Indonesia. Dried form is represented by small pieces of fine bark. The outer surface is a beanoto-beige, internal - yellowish-red. The taste is spicy with the burning, characteristic of a slight sharpness.

Therapeutic and beneficial properties of cinnamon

Thanks to the richest complex minerals And cinnamon vitamins is appreciated in medicine for a long time.

Spice contains: iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamin C, A, PP and group B vitamins. In addition, rich in essential oils, tanning substances, fiber.

Cinnamon use contributes:

  • improving the work of all vital systems of the human body;
  • increasing the vital tone;
  • strengthening immunity.

In medicine used as:

  • Antiseptic agent. Thanks to the content of Evgenol, it is effectively struggling with harmful bacteria.
  • A diuretic agent in the case of various kinds of renal diseases, and also effectively opposes its harmful microorganisms accumulated in the bladder.
  • Medicines for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is caused by cinnamon's ability to reduce gastric acidity. In some cases, the spice is applied to relieve pain, gravity in the stomach or even cure an ulcer.
  • Medicines for cardiovascular diseases due to the ability to reduce cholesterol in the blood.

Than cinnamon is good for health

Cinnamon for weight loss

Have long been known beneficial features and effective recipes Using cinnamon for burning several extra kilograms per week, and it is not necessary to reduce yourself with rigid diets and proceedable physical exertion.

The most simple and effective recipe cooking dietary cocktail - Mix 1 t. Spoon spice with 1.5 liters of low-calorie kefir. After put the drink in the refrigerator and use a glass during the day. Adding cinnamon in a lactic acid product will not feel a feeling of hunger and help get rid of up to 1.5 kg per day.

If all the same glass of drink is used only, as a one-time replacement of food reception per day, for example, instead of dinner, the weight loss process will pass more slowly. This technique will reduce up to 3 kg per week.

Reset overweight And stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract will help a cocktail cooked from one cup of kefir, ¼ h. Spoons of cinnamon and a coarse green apple. Fiber contained in fruit contributes to the purification of the intestine and the elimination of unwanted clusters from the body.

The effect of a similar apple has bran and prunes. In this case, a glass of kefir and ¼ h. Spices of the spices will need two berries of the prunes and 2 tbsp. Spoons of bran. All ingredients are mixed in a blender and a drink is removed into the refrigerator for half an hour. Often the recipe is used to prevent constipation.

Effectively deal with fatty sediments of a glass of kefir with the addition of ½ h. Spoons of cinnamon, ginger and chopping of red pepper. Thanks to this combination of spices, a beautiful flavored gamma is obtained, plus the whole red pepper promotes better digestion And the absorption of food, and the ginger complements the properties of cinnamon safely to output unnecessary components.

The combination of honey and cinnamon not only accelerates the processes of metabolism, but also positively affects the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.

For the preparation of one portion, the means for slimming ½ hours. Spoons of high-quality spices are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and give time to stand. After half an hour, the infusion is filled with 1 tbsp. Spoon of natural honey.

The portion is divided into two equal parts - for reception before bedtime and on an empty stomach. This technique will reduce up to 7 kg per month.

Harm and contraindications

Cinnamon does not harm the human body if it is used in moderate doses. However, there are certain contraindications:

Many spices, which are good antioxidants, are enjoying tremendous and in cooking, and in medicine. The most popular seasoning in these industries is considered a cinnamon (hammer or chopsticks): useful properties and contraindications were studied for a long time, find out and what is useful and how to use it.

To date, it is customary to allocate several types of its varieties that can be distinguished to taste and shade. The dried cinnamon strips, like a steady powder, are found in the kitchen of each house, rightly believing the spice of kings.

How to use cinnamon in cooking

Ground spices are conveniently added to drinks, pastries and ready-made dishes, so the question often arises, how to chop cinnamon in chopsticks. The most difficult in the process of creating a powder is the achievement of its homogeneity. If you use ordinary raw cinnamon sticks, then it will not be powder, but uneven pieces.

How to crush cinnamon

Experienced hostesses have long learned the secret, like grind cinnamon without effort.

  • It is necessary to simply suck the sticks on a hot dry pan so that the excess moisture evaporated, and the structure of the cortex became soft. The fragrance at the same time will only increase.
  • Then you need to put the spice in the package and walk on it with a rolling pin or cover a spice in the mortar.

At the last stage, it does not matter how to grind cinnamon. It is equally good for these purposes a blender, a kitchen processor, a coffee grinder, a mill for spices.

Where to add cinnamon

Hammer cinnamon retains smell and tart taste, so many are interesting for which such a spice is needed.

  • To begin with, this is an indispensable product for confectionery, such as cupcakes, gingerbread and cookies.
  • The spice is well combined with such desserts as mousses, jelly, puddings and jams.

By drawing up a list of dishes, which add cinnamon, do not forget about the main menu.

  • This product fits perfectly into fruit salads, cold sweet soups.

In addition, the question that is interested in meatseeds, whose favorite spice is cinnamon: What is the powder or sticks in the case of hot second dishes?

  • In this case, poultry like chicken or turkey, as well as fatty pork and lamb.
  • Cinnamon will remarkably fit into the raw meat dishes with pears and apples.

Than replace cinnamon

Well, and when the spices on the shelf quite a bit, another problem rises: how can I replace cinnamon? It is necessary to immediately decide that such a gentle aroma will not succeed, but give the dish sweet notes and some tartness is quite possible.

  1. In sweet baking, for example, a cinnamon substitute is a nutmeg, cardamom, ground anise and carnation. You can add vanilla sugar.
  2. How to replace cinnamon in the main dishes? In this case, it will also be needed not one seasoning. Perhaps, the best option It will become turmeric, coriander or ginger.

Cinnamon and pressure

Israeli doctors found that cinnamon reduces pressure. For hypertensive, this is a spice that reduces the figure to three positions in a few days of its regular reception.

Cinnamon lowers pressure and in the long run, gradually normalizing the general state of the person.

In order for the spice to operate efficiently, it is necessary to add it daily into different drinks and dishes, but not more than a teaspoon. Also, with elevated arterial pressure, you can try kefir with cinnamon and ginger or tea with honey and spices.

But for hypotoniki cinnamon and pressure is a frequent stumbling block. Specialists are not advised to completely abandon the spices, because its benefit still remains. In this case, cinnamon, of course, does not increase the pressure, but returns good moods and a high tone of the body. One cup of coffee with a spice per day.

Cinnamon for men

An important factor due to which cinnamon is popular - its useful properties for men. Eastern Lekari have been a lot of centuries for the effects of spices on male strength. Cinnamon can use in the form of natural essential oil, which is sometimes added to food.

To increase the erection, a beverage with honey is also used:

  1. A glass of boiling water accounts for 1 part of powder cinnamon and 2 parts of the honey.
  2. The tool must be insteading for 40 minutes, but to eat twice a day.

It should be noted that regular spices consumption also heals the body due to strong bactericidal and antifungal action. As a result, men can get rid of many diseases of sexual and urinary systems (for example, urethritis, chronic prostatitis, pyelonephritis, candidiasis, cystitis).

Also, cinnamon benefits for men lies in an anesthetic effect: the oil of this spice contributes to the healing of bruises and stretching.

Cleaning vessels cinnamon

Cinnamon and cholesterol - the concept of incompatible, since the spice perfectly destroys the plaques on the walls of the vessels and normalizes blood circulation. This product actively lowers sugar levels, so it is necessary for diabetics.

Cinnamon for vessels is an indispensable assistant, which was officially proven in 2003. A cinnamon from cholesterol in combination with honey especially effectively helps. Cleaning vessels should be carried out regularly based on the reception of various beverages.

  1. For a start, you can destroy cholesterol with a milk cocktail with an incomplete teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of almonds.
  2. 2 large spoons are added to the mixture, and then everything is actively crushed in a blender.

You can also warm up 2 glasses of water and dissolve a teaspoon with mint and lemon in them. Use the tool is an empty stomach. And it is not bad for the blood of the usual cereal bread with a layer of honey and putting in the form of cinnamon.

Cinnamon as laxative

Very effective cinnamon from constipation. In combination with honey, it quickly normalizes the metabolism, therefore such a natural laxative is used to disappear gases and purify the intestines.

Please note that in folk medicine You can also use a spice in diarrhea, and in general for the stomach this spice is incredibly useful due to improving the total microflora. The product helps to cope with ulcers, increased acidity and painful syndrome, especially when adding honey or kefir.

Cinnamon and metabolism

Significantly improves cinnamon and metabolism. In this case, the spice action comes down to the energetic fat burning, which is actively used in various weight loss systems. Read in addition to the article.

The effect of cinnamon in this regard is so large that the metabolism is accelerated 20 times. It is especially useful to combine the product to green tea, apples and carrots.

Cinnamon and joints

Folk healers also know some medicinal tricks in which cinnamon for joints can also be a faithful assistant. What helps a spice in this case?

First of all, from arthritis and arthrosis of varying degrees. Treats cinnamon inflammatory processes in the articular tissues when adding honey. So, compresses with camphor oil and gelatin are very effective. As evidenced by feedback, it is not bad to add salt to such mixtures so that the pain in the joints decreases.

Damage cornight

Please note that cinnamon has its own contraindications.

  1. The spice is not recommended at the moment of acute stage in pancreatitis, heart and kidney diseases, with elevated excitability and inclination to internal bleeding.
  2. Feeling the harm of the product can also people passing the course of antibiotics, or possess an increased intestinal sensitivity.
  3. When using spices with honey, allergic is also possible, manifested with redness and burning skin.

Many are interested in what will happen if you eat a spoon of cinnamon. In fact, for health, the abuse of spices is not too useful. So, an overdose leads to the dullness of taste receptors and a strong meteorism.

Consumption of a whole spoon with cinnamon very often leads to inflammation of the respiratory tract and choking. At a minimum, such an act will lead to nausea, a lot of reflex and strong cough ridge, since the dry caustic powder in large quantities is not perceived by the organism.

But perhaps the most harmful use of cinnamon will be buns and baking, which we eat without thinking about your health.

Cinnamon in the nutrition of pregnant and nursing

Beautiful sexes are often wondering than useful for women cinnamon wand or hammer spice.

First, it helps to hold their weight normally, and secondly, improves the mood and helps to cope with depression. Women can eat drinks with cinnamon with menstruation to remove pain.

Cinnamon pregnant

During pregnancy, not everyone is resolved for the admission of spices, because much is determined by the individual features of girls. Folk Lekari believe that cinnamon during pregnancy helps reduce toxicosis, like every other spice. Competent doctors answer the question, but a cinnamon is allowed to pregnant, "you can, but carefully." Indeed, accurate adherence to the dosage in this case is very important.

In large quantities, the spice does not affect pregnancy. In particular, it causes a sharp cut in the uterus, from which some pregnant women may suffer due to premature genera and miscarriages.

Cinnamon nursing mothers

After the birth of the baby, the question arises, and whether the cinnamon needs nursing mothers. Some experts warn that with breastfeeding, any spice can provoke an allergic reaction in the infant.

In addition, each nursing mother knows that many products substantially change the taste properties of milk, and the cinnamon is not an exception in this case. Therefore, it must be included in the diet very carefully. If a breast-feeding It will take place as usual even after taking cinnamon, you can not worry. In addition, you should not forget that during the GW, the spice is able to strengthen the digestive mothers, and the baby helps to cope with viruses.

Like all unusual products in our diet, cinnamon has beneficial properties and contraindications. To follow them or not - this is a personal matter of everyone, but it is always important to observe the measure and try to make your own menu diverse even during diets and diseases.

With warmth and care, Ravila.

Recent scientific studies have shown: the use of cinnamon will help prevent diabetes. American scientists have proven cinnamon in diabetes: it increases the body's ability to adequately respond to insulin and lead sugar levels in the blood. It contributes to improved blood circulation. In addition, there is an opinion that the fragrance of cinnamon has a stimulating effect on the work of the brain.

In the distant 1536, Portuguese navigators discovered wild forests of cinnamon trees on the shore of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Thille thinking, seawares captured the island and began to trade cinnamon in Europe, earned not one state on it. The Dutch also wanted to get themselves in profitable trade, so a cinnamon island was restored after a hundred years. Then the British came in 1776. However, by this time, cinnamon trees were already searched in many other hot countries, so the Ceylon monopoly was "no".

Today, cinnamon is used in the cooking of all countries, both in the recipes of sweet, and in unsweetened dishes. Mexicans, for example, add it to coffee. In Spain, cinnamon sticks sometimes decorate cocktails, and pinch the ground cinnamon will definitely add to the rice porridge. In the Middle East, the spice is used even instead of black pepper, and the French add to traditional Christmas cookies.

Useful properties of cinnamy

Cinnamon is a small evergreen product that grows in Asian tropics. Cinnamon sticks make a tree bark, cut it into the rainy season. Nowadays, two main varieties of cinnamon were fame: Ceylon and Chinese. They differ in the fact that the first has a thinner, specific aroma than the Chinese view.

Cinnamon can reduce pressure. For this, it is enough just to eat a day on one teaspoon of powder. You can split this portion into four equal parts, take four times a quarter of a teaspoon.

The benefit of cinnamon for health is truly huge. It contributes to improved digestion, awakens appetite. It is used as stimulating and toning means. Found in cinnamon and antiseptic properties. This is a good streaming and expectorant drug is useful in treating ARVI and flu. It is able to relieve a tooth and headache. Cinnamon stems in India are used as antipyretic and painkillers with renal and hepatic colic. In addition, they increase the secretion of gastric juice, possess antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal effect.

Chinese corticate extract Effectively suppresses the growth of 15 types of pathogens, even the pathogen of tuberculosis. Cinnamon Chinese eliminates the poisonous effect of some plants (whites), and when the juice is injected into the eyes improves eyesight, it often helps to get rid of cataracts, removes kidney stones.

In charges with other herbs and spices, cinnamon is used against depression, reactive neurosis, a significant reduction in memory, to increase mental performance, with senile changes in the psyche, multiple sclerosis, to restore after a stroke, in case of circulatory failure, as well as a means that enhances therapeutic effects of others Plants.

Corn oil

Therapeutic properties of cinnamon are moving on cinnamon oil. The aroma and the taste of the spice is due to the aromatic oil, which is contained in the crust in the amount of 0.5-1%. Essential oil It is obtained after grinding the tree bark, soaking in water, followed by distillation of infusion. The oil will turn out yellow-gold color, has a characteristic smell of cinnamon and burning taste. Such a taste and saturated warm smell causes the main component of cinnamon aldehyde (cinnamal). Oxidizing over time, the oil is very darker and acquires a resinous consistency.

It is noteworthy that it is the bark of the tree, and not leaves or greens, like other plants, rich in oil essence. Essential oil is from the total weight of the bark about 4%. The composition of the components included in cinnamon oil is not fully decrypted until now. Specific polyphenol was isolated from cinnamon oil, which helps to reduce blood sugar.

Cinnamon for normalization of weight

The new side of the fragrant crust is recently opened - its use contributes to weight loss. Natural origin of seasoning is extremely important in our time. The action mechanism is simple: cinnamon reduces the level of glucose in the blood and thus eliminates the accumulation of fat deposits.

Another properties of cinnamon for the normalization of weight Reduce cholesterol. The spice controls the growth of fat cells in the body, helps to quickly use them on the production of energy. These properties are key for cinnamon. They determines the achievement of the effect of human health. The substances that are contained in cinnamon are perfectly adjusting the insulin and glucose balance in the blood. When glucose decreases, the insulin production is stabilized. However, about how the spicy bark affects glucose-insulin balance in the blood, the doctors became known by chance.

Scientists investigated the influence of various products on the level of glucose, as a result of this experiment and the wonderful property of cinnamon was revealed. During the experience, volunteers ate ordinary cake with apples, which, in a long standing tradition, always season with cinnamon. Doctors expected a piece of pie will lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, but this did not happen, and even on the contrary, the glucose indicator decreased. The researchers were first surprised by such a result, but then the recipe and ingredients of the cake were studied in detail, then they suggested that the fragrant cinnamon affected the cunning sugar. The experiment was decided to continue, inviting the volunteer group of 60 diabetics suffering from the 2nd type diabetes, that is, already dependent on regular insulin injections. Experienced coupling every day were eaten by 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder, and it was very beneficial effect on their well-being. Already one week later, it was noted that the regular use of cinnamon reduced the level of glucose, and at the same time increased its own insulin substance. This affected the weight of the picer bark, the weight began to decline. But the hostesses of the whole world realized that they were not at all in vain hold the seasoning on kitchen shelves.


In the store it can be found in the form of sticks and powder. And in that, and in another form, cinnamon is tasty and useful. For more comfortable use, cinnamon is released even in capsules. And if you like to grow, you will always find a drink with cinnamon. Brownish wand can be added to any herbal tea. Seasoning will enrich his fragrance and create a pleasant, though an unusual taste. Interested in confectionery cooking - add a ground cinnamon in sweets. So you not only improve the taste, but also "Wake up" the dish. Not everyone, unfortunately, like the taste of cinnamon, but most of them love her.

To improve metabolism, getting rid of excess weight Nutritionists recommend using a special cinnamon drink. Prepare it easy. One teaspoon of cinnamon powder stir in 1 cup of juice. Here, add half the tablespoon of the ground and slightly sharp pepper. "Fire" drink need to drink immediately, not to store. The reception frequency is one glass of 2 days.

Cinnamon can become an excellent assistant in the fight against diseases.

For walled diseasesas well as for prevention They are useful to therapeutic baths with cinnamon. Also three times a day you need to take 1 tablespoon of warm honey with one quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon. This composition will help cure almost any cough, freeing the nasal passages, and ultimately get rid of the cold.

Cinnamon has Antipyretic action but at all high temperatures May increase headache.

It has cinnamon I. diuretic Properties, so it is useful to take it with the disease of the kidneys and liver.

With inflammation bladder You need to take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey, dissolved in a glass of warm water. This is a killer mixture for microbes settled in the bladder.

You can use cinnamon as a medicine with many gastrointestinal diseases. The cinnamon taken before the meal, sprinkled on the honey, helps the body to digest even the hardest food. Also, honey with cinnamon remove pains and heal ulcers.

Reduce the risk of infarction A daily breakfast with tea and a piece of bread, with a honey smeared on it, mixed with cinnamon.

A mixture of cinnamon with honey - truly is a healing agent, which is effective as an addition to the main treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It lowers cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the heart muscle and helps to carry age changes in the body much easier.

To normalize weight, you need to regularly drink tea based on a mixture of honey and cinnamon, which will actually reduce the volume and reduce the weight. Cooking this tea follows from the evening. In hot boiled water, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, leave it for half an hour. Then add one teaspoon of honey and drink half a glass of infusion. The rest of the half we send until the morning in the refrigerator. In the morning, on an empty stomach, we finish the infusion. In the evening we make a new portion.

Do not be lazy, because the regular use of such a drink helps to reduce the weight of even the most desperate fat man - a cinnamon with honey does not allow fat to accumulate.

In arthritis, the above-described tea with cinnamon and honey is also useful in proportion 1: 2. Regular reception of this beverage can cure even chronic arthritis.

And for the elderly, cinnamon with honey is simply necessary, as a means of improving the mobility and concentration of attention that increases the life functions of the body. And tea itself with cinnamon and honey detains the occurrence of old age if taking it regularly. In old age, you can drink it 3-4 times a day at a quarter cup.

Contraindications for cinnamon

Despite the abundance of useful properties, it has cinnamon and contraindications. Seasoning cannot be used in large doses to people having internal bleeding of various origins. Cinnamon during pregnancy can contribute to the enhanced reduction in the uterus, so it is also better to limit its use here. Also, if an ever person has an increased sensitivity to seasoning, it is better not to experiment with health.

How to choose a spice?

First of all, we recall that it comes on the sale of sticks and powder. It is worth considering that the powder is easier to fake, add extraneous impurities to it to increase the volume. Therefore, much more reliably buy cinnamon sticks. Plus, wands will retain the fragrance and the beneficial properties of cinnamon.

Cinnamon is of different varieties and everyone has their taste features.

The most famous:

Ceylon - The most expensive and well-known. It is considered the best in its taste, sweet and slightly burning. Harmful Kumarin in it is much less than in others, so this variety is preferred. It is found under the following names: real cinnamon, noble cinnamon, kinamon.

Chinese - Not so fragrant as Ceylon. At the same time it has more burning, sharp taste. Other names: Indian, fragrant cinnamon, cassia, simple cinnamon.

Malabar Corn It has a sharp, slightly bitter taste.

Cinnamon It has a strong spicy smell and sharp taste.

Freshness of cinnamon can be determined by aroma: the stronger and sweeter, the amount is fresher.

20.03.2019 222 views

Want to know how the cinnamon grows? Surely you will be interested in what path is spice before going to your kitchen as a ground powder or small sticks. We will tell where the cinnamon grows, as it looks and discuss the subtleties of the manufacturing process.

Varieties and growing

Undoubtedly, everything is familiar with spices, but what is a cinnamon plant? Cinnamon or a corticist is an evergreen tree, which belongs to the Lavrov family. The main characteristics of the plant:

  • Height - up to 15 meters;
  • Top Leaves - Light Green;
  • Bottom leaves have a bluish shade;
  • Small white-yellow flowers with a sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • Fruits are small berries.

How does cinnamon grow, what kind of wood allows you to get a sweet fragrant spice? It is called a corticist and grows mainly in a tropical climate at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. The spice itself does not grow on branches - it is a removed thin inner layer of the crust. Look at the photo how cinnamon grows in nature - at first sight and you can not say that this is not a simple spreader tree.

Four types of spices are common:

  • Ceylon;
  • Cassia;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Malabarskaya.

Where is the real cinnamon grow, which has an incredible value? As you can guess by the name, the place of growth is Ceylon. Also grown in India, Brazil, Malaysia and Indonesia.

The plant similar to cinnamon is Cassia, it is she who lies on store shelves. The second name is Chinese, it grows in China, Laos, Indonesia and Cambodia. More than O.

Cinnamon came to us from the Mollusk Islands, now grows in Indonesia. It is distinguished by burning taste, spicy sharpness.

Malabar spice is grown in India and Burma, has a unpreated smell and a sharp bitter taste.

Manufacturing technology

And you guess, in which country is cornon grow? It does not matter, in any case, we gave the most detailed information about the area of \u200b\u200bspices. One tree for receiving a little, production is a complex process that has its own characteristics. We will look at the features of manufacturing Ceylon variety and Chinese cassia.

Ceylon spice:

  • After the rainy season with young shoots, the top layer of the crust is removed - this time is not chosen by chance, high humidity allows the crust to soak the aroma and easily removed from the tree;
  • From the shoots, the strips are cut into a knife 1-2 cm wide and no more than 30 cm long;
  • The top of the peel is removed, after which the strips are dried in a dark place before purchasing a dark color;
  • The finished leaves are folded into the tube, after which all the blanks are cut into one size and bind into bundles.

The thickness of the finished tubes does not exceed one millimeter.


  • The collection process is very similar - special knives are removed from the inside of the bark of young tree shoots (every 7 years);
  • Strip length - 10-15 centimeters, width - 2 cm;
  • The strips are laid out in the shade and dried to darkening.

The thickness of the finished spice is about 2 mm.

By the way, the name of the tree is translated from greek As "perfect spice". As you can see, the production process is not so complicated - he is debugged over long years and does not change from year to year.

On the video you can see how spice is done in Sri Lanka


We told in detail where cinnamon grows in nature and how she takes the usual commodity for sale. And why can I use a spice?

The most familiar purpose is to use in cooking. The spice is added to baking, dishes from chicken and lamb, tea and coffee, other drinks. The hot texture of the dish allows you to open the unique aroma and sweet taste.

The use of spices as a dietary supplement helps:

  • Reduce cholesterol;
  • Accelerate metabolism - and therefore contributes to weight loss;
  • Burn extra fats;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Get rid of pathogens and viruses - perfectly helps with colds;
  • Improve the digestive process;
  • Remove inflammation.

The spectrum of the application of the spice is very wide:

  • Helps to get rid of the unpleasant odor;
  • Essential oil is used in cosmetology for masks and wraps. The smell of oil helps to concentrate, get rid of stress and raise the total tone of the body;
  • Scares insects;
  • Helps keep freshness products.

Most often, the spice is used in two kinds - ground powder and solid sticks.

Cinnamon is a small evergreen tree. This is a widespread popular spice in the world, a spice, which you can always buy in the store, but nothing compares with satisfaction received from the realization that this spice is the tree you have grown. The birthplace of cinnamon tree is Sri Lanka and South India, however, they grow these trees and in China, Vietnam, Indonesia. It will take a lot of patience and time to grow such a tree at home. It requires well-lit terrain and regular proper watering. The slightest missum will be enough so that the tree ceases to grow and died.

This type of tree grows only in a tropical climate, which is very hot and moist, and will not adapt to other conditions. So this article is more likely for residents of these latitudes.

After you checked that your choice in the garden is suitable for a cinnamon tree, you can take a business.

Find a place on your site on which the cinnamon will be enough sunlight, and in a hot noon it will be partially shaded. Remove all weeds from the soil, open, make sure that in this place good drainage Soils (excessive moisture will destroy seeds) and "clutch" them in the ground deep enough so as not to grab the last frost. Pour the seeds so that the soil is raw, but the seeds were not immersed in the water.

Cinnamon tree is growing 2 years, after which it is cut under the root (there remains the pennies, and the roots - in the ground). One year around the hemp will appear about ten new shoots. They will be the source of your fresh cinnamon. These shoots should grow another year, and then they are cut off, they jump the bark, which is dried. The dried bark is folded into the tube, has a pleasant aroma and taste. The thinner of the bark, the thinner the fragrance. The dried sticks are stored for a long time and do not lose cinnamon fragrance.

Since the cinnamon tree grows again, releasing new shoots, cut it with every two years. They will provide you with the delivery of fresh cinnamon. Use it as cinnamon sticks or ground powder.

Cinnamon is used in cooking for the preparation of desserts, chocolate, as an aromatizer of alcoholic and hot drinks. In Asia, it is added in the mixture of spices. Cinnamon also has an antioxidant property. The most valuable cinnamon from Sri Lanka, because It is made of very thin, soft bark. Cheap cinnamon is produced in Vietnam, China and some other countries, however, it does not represent value (coarse layers of the crust are used), although the aroma is the same. Often, this cinnamon contains a bellish of the substance Kumarin. In large doses, it can cause headache, liver damage, hepatitis.