Sometimes, to cope with a difficult situation, you need to get really angry. We have prepared tips for you that will help you channel your anger in the right direction.

Think about it: how often have you met women who freely express their anger?

Feelings of guilt, shame, confusion, dull irritation, dissatisfaction with life, unwillingness to put up with the state of things and then the fear of losing the love of loved ones - these negative emotions are encountered at every step. But here is a woman whose face reflects real all-consuming anger - you will almost never see this.

Try conducting a survey among your friends. Most of them will likely say that they don't feel any anger at all. But where then do those come from who, without raising their voices, torment their loved ones with petty nagging? And those who are ready to bite their tongue every time they want to scream properly? And those who consciously suppress their anger until one day it accumulates to a critical mass and turns into a real scandal with breaking dishes, slamming doors and such accusations, after which it is almost impossible to continue to live together?

You can’t suppress your anger - you’ve probably read about this dozens of times. But most often it is also impossible to openly demonstrate it: society is extremely disapproving of angry women. So what to do? Psychologists have developed a technique that will allow us to deal with anger - without harm to loved ones or our dishes.

1. Think about it: what prevents you from expressing your emotions openly?

Psychologists have long come to the conclusion that anger is one of the basic emotions inherent in each of us. Having learned to control ourselves, we seem to tame this destructive force. After all, anger can be useful, and in some situations – vital. Numerous studies conducted in the 20th century have proven that men and women have the same mechanism for expressing negative emotions. When representatives of both sexes participated in experiments involving the measurement of anger and irritation, the results were the same in men and women.

However, social stereotypes remain unchanged. A man who does not hide his anger is perceived by others as a strong, active person. A woman is like an unbalanced person or even a bitch. In 2008, a study was conducted at Yale University. Two groups of subjects—men and women—were shown a video of actors of different genders acting out job interview scenes. All applicants spoke in a raised voice, demanding higher wages. All participants in the experiment believed that angry men really deserved high wages. And women were called “incompetent” and “unable to control themselves.” A woman who shows her anger loses the respect of others.

According to surveys, most women feel ashamed if they show others their anger. Therefore, they try to curb their anger and hide it, and if they fail, they apologize. After all, none of us wants to be a bitch in the eyes of our loved ones, so we try to hide our emotions from ourselves and from others.

2. Admit it: Are you trying to hide your anger?

This situation may seem vaguely familiar to you. "No, I'm not mad at you, I'm just a little disappointed." Sigh. "Everything is fine with me. I'm not angry at you, but at myself. I’m probably to blame for everything myself.” “I myself agreed to take your mother on vacation with us. So why should I be angry? I just didn’t think it would happen this year and you would tell her about it before you told me.” “Yes, I know I said before that everything was fine. But you know what? I am tired of you! Relax with your mom! But I don’t need such a vacation for nothing! I’d rather unload the cars from morning to night! Fuck you both!!!"

What happens when we cannot express our anger openly? Someone deliberately restrains himself with all his might. Some people, without realizing it, turn their anger on themselves. Others deny that they feel this emotion at all, and this results in passive aggression - as in the situation above. There are those who take out their anger on the first people who come to hand, instead of just getting angry!


What to do? The most sensible thing is to admit to yourself that you are angry and not hide the cause of your anger from yourself. If there is someone nearby with whom you can talk frankly, pour out your heart to them. If this is not the case, retire and throw out negative emotions. Pound a pillow, kick a wall, slam doors. A good option– throw cutlery at the wall: it is difficult to break them, but there will be a lot of noise. If you have a temper tantrum at work, go outside for a while and walk around the building at a good pace. This will help relieve tension.

3. Clarify the relationship.

When you've kicked a pillow, run around your office building a few times, finished your breathing exercises and feel calmer, it's time to take decisive action. It's time to face the recipient of your anger. Don’t rack your brain over the question: “Should I show my anger or not?” There are more important task: “How can I solve a problem that makes me angry?”

If you have a difficult conversation, try to stick to “I” statements. You should start your sentence something like this: “I think that...” If you talk about yourself and your reactions, it will be more difficult for your opponent to argue with you. If you use “you-statements” (“You did this, and it’s wrong...”), the interlocutor will have to justify himself, and the conversation will reach a dead end. Operate with facts, not emotions.

4. Assess the possibilities: what will happen if you remain silent?

Often it’s easier for us to pretend that nothing happened. It’s worth thinking: why are you making this decision? Are you afraid of losing the love and sympathy of others? In this case, your irritation will accumulate and result in passive aggression. You will still lose the favor of those around you.

Silence is golden, but in a different situation. Your silence makes the problem worse, confusing the relationship. Those who hold back their emotions suffer from excess weight, depression, stress and cardiovascular disease. Your silence is also a refusal to eliminate the cause of irritation.

5. Don't torture yourself with guilt.

You did all of the above, approached your colleague or husband to calmly talk about the problem, but... you lost your temper. And you said a lot of unnecessary things, now you are ashamed. What should I do? Apologize for being emotional: “I’m sorry I lost my temper. I'm sorry I offended you." And then get right to the point: “However, I would like to discuss what is happening in order to solve the problem and stop this showdown.”

6. Don't try to control others.

Have you not reached an understanding with the one who caused your anger? Remember, you can only control yourself, not the reactions of others. Few people like to listen to criticism addressed to them. We consider ourselves good people and specialists. If we are told otherwise, we feel dissatisfied. If you are sure that you are right, do not back down. Listen to what the other person says and repeat your thought, modifying it. Until you are heard or a compromise is found.


Little explorer: how to channel your child’s energy in a positive direction
(advice for parents)

Filicheva E.P.,
head Head of VR MDOU "TsRR - d/s No. 12"
Alexandrov, Vladimir region

Just yesterday your baby was lying calmly in the place where you left him, and today, when you return, you find him lying on his tummy, whereas you remember exactly that you laid him on his back. From this very moment your quiet life is over.

Every day your child will learn to move, soon he will learn to sit up, crawl, and then walk. Every time I master the new kind movements, the little man makes a new discovery for himself: today I can crawl to the toy, and tomorrow I will crawl into the hallway and finally taste my father’s and mother’s shoes. Today I can walk to a chair, and tomorrow I will stomp to the TV and, lo and behold, press the treasured button! Today I can climb onto a small stool, and tomorrow I will finally climb onto my dad’s desk and touch such an alluring glowing monitor screen, and if I’m lucky, I’ll see what’s inside!

Parents, in turn, also make a big discovery. It turns out that their child is much less interested in toys than real things! What should parents do when their beloved child, having barely learned to walk, begins to explore a small apartment full of dangerous and expensive things that have absolutely nowhere to put them away? I hope there is no need to say that the child does not understand either the danger or the true value of the objects around him. Therefore, punishing him for breaking his favorite antique vase, breaking an expensive stereo, or tearing an important document is simply pointless. Parents must understand that responsibility for what happened lies only with them.

If possible, adults should take all measures to ensure that truly valuable and important things are put away, preferably in a locked cabinet. These are, first of all, documents, money, jewelry. It often happens that we underestimate the degree of curiosity of a child.

By the way, if you think that when your child grows up, he will not break anything, I hasten to disappoint you. The son of one of my friends was prone to all kinds of “creative” hooliganism from infancy. The apogee of his activity came at the age of 10, when, in the absence of his parents, he cut the kitchen carpet into small pieces. And he sincerely could not understand why he was scolded: there was one square carpet, but there were many small ones. different shapes- it’s beautiful!

Modern apartments filled with equipment that often has nowhere to hide and keep away from the child. And how buttons and lights attract a baby! You can, of course, buy him a similar toy, but it will not occupy him for long, unlike real remote controls, keyboards, mobile phones. The child is irresistibly attracted to the world of adult objects. This is an instinct that has been preserved since ancient times: repeat everything after adults, otherwise you will not survive.

What should parents do in this case? Every adult eventually understands: it is impossible to stop a child. He will still find a way to get into places he shouldn't. There is only one thing left to do: change your attitude. Accept that you will have to lose some things, or dishes, or valuable papers. Calmly, without irritation, patiently (even if it happens 10 times a day) constantly explain to the baby what is possible and what is not.

The main thing is to adhere to the inviolability of the prohibition: it is impossible - it means it is impossible never and under no circumstances.
It is especially strictly necessary to prohibit really dangerous things (realistically assess the degree of danger; for example, turning on the water in the sink is not so dangerous, if you think about it): touching a hot iron, putting your fingers into a socket, turning knobs gas stove, put your hands in the doorway and close the door, etc.
But even with all this, your child is not immune from anything, and anything can happen.

There shouldn't be too many prohibitions.
Prohibitions must be “balanced by permission to do” something that adults do.
It will be very good if children literally from the age of 10 months can help their mother as much as possible to wash the floors, dishes, water the flowers, and wipe the dust. For a child, such “tasks” are great happiness. Children often ask: “Mom, give me a task,” “Mom, let me manage the house.”

The child satisfies his desire to become big, to touch the cherished world of adults, he is proud of this: I am a helper. Give your child a small hammer and let him “hammer” nails into a board with dad, or go to the garage with dad to repair the car. The boys even from the very early age I'm just crazy about such men's work.
Allow your child to hit the computer keys to his heart's content in your presence, and then print out the document together. You can add: “Now you will work, and then I will work, and you will play.”
Be sure to praise your child after each “help”. The feeling of being allowed into the world of adults will distract the child from what does not need to be done and direct his energy in a useful direction.
Dear parents - love your child for who he is, even if he destroys the apartment. A child discovers the world - what could be more wonderful and joyful! Many years from now, when he grows up, believe me, you will laugh with him at his childhood antics.

Every person has a certain amount of vital energy. In India it is called prana, in China Qi, in Japan Ki. In all esoteric teachings, including magic, the first thing they learn is to recharge and control this mystical energy...

What does energy management do?

If, using the technique described below, you learn to manage your vital energy, you will be able to direct it, both inside and outside your body. You will also have the ability to direct energy to any other body. And if you imbue this power with a specific intention, then the omnipotent energy will accomplish any of your tasks.

Let's start practicing!

This technique allows you to learn how to manage your energy during a breathing session, moving it throughout the body and outside it.

* Sit comfortably cross-legged or on a chair and relax.
* Place your hands on your knees, fingers folded in a gesture of knowing.
*Eyes are closed.
* Breathe in a rhythm of 5-5-5-5. 5 sec. inhale, 5 sec., hold, 5 sec., exhale, 5 sec., hold on exhalation.
* This rhythm allows you to enter the magical dimension of reality.
* Breathe this way until natural breathing is established and control can be relaxed.
* Bring the counting of seconds and breathing to automaticity.
* When breathing is established, imagine a purple glowing ball at the top of your head.
*Imagine an energy ball as brightly as possible.
*Imagine it even more vividly.
* As you inhale, imagine that you are drawing in a bright violet beam of energy from space directly through the top of your head.
* While holding your breath, this ray feeds a bright purple ball and charges it with energy.
* As you exhale, visualize the ball moving from the top of your head to any part of your body.
* While holding the exhale, move the ball back to the top of your head.
* Move the ball to different parts of the body and organs - try to feel it realistically.
* Try opening your eyes and moving the ball outside your body.
*Imagine a ball flying right in front of you.
* With the power of thought, control the movement of the energy ball.
* An energy ball can heal any disease if it is ordered to enter a diseased organ and heal it, although inexperienced magicians will not succeed on the first try.
* Charge the ball with some idea or thought and direct it towards achieving your goal.
* You can order the ball to fly to your friend and instill in him the idea that he would call you.
* You can direct the ball to heal your illness or the illness of a loved one.
* Continue the practice until you feel slightly tired.

When is the best time to do this exercise?

The most favorable time for this powerful practice is early morning or night. During these hours, the planet's atmosphere is literally overflowing with free cosmic energy and you can easily take advantage of it. It should also be noted that all such energy practices should be performed on an empty stomach and in a calm state of mind.

The ability to properly distribute and restore one’s energy provides a person with the opportunity to be effective and successful in life. Each of us has sources of personal energy that fills us, but many experience a lack of it due to unreasonable use. Let's look at 6 secrets of proper management of personal energy that will help you get rid of feelings of emptiness and fatigue.

1. Regular recovery.

There are cycles that cannot be ignored. Activity should alternate with sleep, fasting with food consumption, work with rest. Even our heart, which works throughout our lives, is at rest most of the time. The contraction cycle is followed by a relaxation cycle of the heart muscle, which lasts longer. It’s the same with personal energy - without regular restoration, it is impossible to observe stability.

After each expenditure of energy, recovery must follow, and this is the only way to always have the strength - mental and physical - necessary for a full life.

2. Reasonable distribution.

Misuse of personal energy should not be allowed. If you first start wasting it on unimportant things, a deficit will form, leading to a decrease in personal effectiveness in various fields life. Reasonable distribution of personal energy is to adequately assess your energy potential. You won’t be able to complete a monthly work plan in 1 day, and if you try to work too hard, you’ll soon feel burnt out and won’t be able to be productive. Use your energy consistently, distributing the amount of work for each day based on your capabilities.

3. Refusal to dissipate personal energy.

Many people periodically go through days when they do not have time to do anything, but in the evening they feel tired, as if after hard labor. This happens because a person allows his personal energy to be dissipated on unnecessary things, and exhaustion comes completely unnoticed. Stop spending your personal energy uncontrollably on things that do not bring any benefit. It is important to identify what drains you and deprives you of energy and eliminate it from your life.

4. Simplification.

A person spends a large amount of personal energy on complicating simple things. You can save a lot of time, energy and effort if you learn to simplify everything you encounter. Most often, emotional energy suffers from complication. In order not to feel exhausted, you should not worry or complicate the situation with your guesses and negative thoughts.

5. Stress management.

Stress steals a person’s energy, depletes his potential, forcing all organs and systems to work to the point of wear and tear. At the moment of a stress reaction, a huge release of energy occurs due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. If this energy is not used for good purposes, it causes destruction in the human body. Therefore, it is important to choose appropriate relaxation techniques and learn to direct stress energy in the right direction.

6. Healthy, balanced diet.

One of the most important measures to restore energy is nutrition. Thanks to balanced diet you can get all the necessary substances that will keep your body and brain in good shape. The best way be always filled with energy - consume in large quantities raw vegetables and fruits, which are best digestible and contain many vitamins and minerals.

Say “Thank you” to those who piss you off! After all negative energy, which is born at this moment, is also useful. Or rather, with your conscious attention you can turn it into a peaceful direction - direct it towards achieving your own goal.

  • Got a beating from your boss?
  • Had a fight with your husband?
  • Did you run into a rude saleswoman?

Don’t get angry - use my energy redirection technology, and you will not only quickly cope with the surging negative emotions, but also bring your goal closer - financial, professional or personal, depending on what you are currently working on.

Negative energy – “ black gold»

If ancient man saw oil, he would have thought it was just dirt. But now we are sucking it out of the bowels of the earth by the barrel, and it has turned into “black gold.” It's the same with energy - you can use "dirt" to your advantage.

In fact, energy is generally neutral. We ourselves evaluate emotions, and they acquire a positive or negative connotation. And any energy can be transformed - negative mental material can be melted into pleasure, love, the energy of attracting money.

Take a negative and transform it into a positive. All successful people do this.

A successful person is not afraid of manipulation, conflicts and problems. He turns a minus into a plus, easily overcomes difficulties and extracts additional profit from them. He has a built-in “overcoming” mentality inside him, and he “eats” problems for breakfast, lunch and dinner, not without pleasure.

As you set out on the path to success, you must understand that external world is a reflection of your inner state. And when this understanding comes, you find yourself in a new time portal, where the speed of achieving what you want is like on a race track. It’s not you who are making snail’s steps towards the goal, but the goal itself is flying towards you.

Three-Step Energy Redirection Technology for Success

This technology is applicable in any situation where you feel irritated, offended, angry or angry. During the day, so much stuff sticks to us that we can pump barrels of it.

The first thing to do is to open up to receive energy. Don’t close yourself off from negative emotions, don’t defend yourself, don’t abstract yourself from them, don’t try to run away or extinguish them. Give your emotions free rein, let them be in your body. Be natural: get angry, angry, scared.

You will learn the remaining two simple steps from my book. “Where to get the strength for success” .

If you don't do anything about negativity, it accumulates in the body, which creates health problems. After using this technology, you are liberated, experiencing slight euphoria and even pleasure.

Energy can also be “transferred” between chakras, directing resources to what you need to do in this moment: speak publicly, negotiate, arouse a man’s interest on the first date, etc. These skills can be fully practiced at live events at our Training Center.

You won’t be satisfied with just negativity

Of course, you shouldn’t “eat” negative things alone. You may as well transform positive experiences. Although in our busy life with economic crises, collapses and bad news on TV, there is less positivity, which is why I propose working with any mental material that comes across.

Many people are addicted to certain emotions, and they deliberately “run into” them, provoking conflicts. This is already an emotional addiction, and I do not advise you to become addicted to negative emotions. Just accept what life gives you at the moment and transform it into something positive.

There is no need to look for negativity on purpose, to make people and yourself emotional. But since someone stepped on your foot in public transport or was rude in an institution, direct this charge to your advantage using the 3-step technology.


Where else can you get the strength and motivation to achieve success? And here's a simple secret: stay in motion all the time. Energy appears and increases precisely in movement.

Get used to constantly being in good shape and over time you will realize that activity has become your natural state. How more movements and actions in life you perform, the greater your level of training and ability to achieve what you set out to achieve.

Want a burst of positivity right now? Do something bright. Yes, at least stand on the table and shout, as the heroine of the program did"Woman's happiness" , which I co-hosted:

When you experience the three-step technology of energy redirection, you will change the way you look at problems and others. Take this technology from the book