Relatively recently, bathtubs made of acrylic, a plastic previously widely used in dentistry, have entered the ranks of sanitary products. The variety of shapes, strength and hardness, and antibacterial qualities contribute to the popularity of such plumbing fixtures. But since the composite material is quite capricious to detergents, it’s worth finding out in advance what to clean with. acrylic bath and how to do it correctly.

In order not to spoil the sanitary ware, it should be taken into account that the polymer is sensitive to cleaning powders with abrasives and aggressive chemical solutions. Before you start treating the bath, carefully study the composition of the product and instructions for its use. The following is a list of chemical products that are not recommended for acrylic care.

  1. Any detergents with abrasive particles (including dry soda). They cause micro-scratches to appear on the treated surface of the bathtub, as a result of which it loses its inherent shine and becomes matte.
  2. Chlorine-containing preparations. After their application, the acrylic becomes dull and the gloss disappears. In hot tubs, chlorine can damage silicone gaskets.
  3. Acetone and other organic solvents. They contribute to the destruction of the polymer structure. With prolonged contact, acrylic reacts with the drug and becomes deformed.
  4. Ammonia, liquids with ammonia. They give almost the same effect as solvents, but less pronounced.
  5. Formaldehyde. A cleaning product for acrylic bathtubs should not contain such harmful and dangerous components that have a destructive effect on the material.

Acrylic plumbing fixtures should not be cleaned with concentrated alcohols, alkalis, or acids: they cause small cracks and discoloration of the bathtub.

Important: When caring for a plastic bathtub, do not use hard metal scourers or brushes. It is best to clean acrylic with a soft sponge or rag. Too hot water is also dangerous for plastic: it can cause deformation of the tank.

Store-bought cleaning products

Experienced housewives advise: before starting the procedure and cleaning the acrylic bathtub, you should test the product yourself. To do this, squeeze it onto your hand and “palp” it: there should be no sharp crystals in the preparation.

Another testing option is to apply a small amount of detergent to an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface. If after application the appearance of the coating has not deteriorated, the treatment can be carried out over the entire area. But it is still better to buy special preparations that guarantee that their use is safe for acrylic, or delicate universal cleaning products.

It is important to properly care for your acrylic bathtub to extend its service life.

These days, there are many products that can be used to clean an acrylic bathtub. Here is a list of the most effective developments from well-known manufacturers.


Its popularity is explained by its speed of action and versatility: the drug helps remove residual detergents, get rid of rust, mold, and salt deposits. "Acrilan" does not damage the surface of the bathtub - on the contrary, it becomes glossy due to the creation of a thin protective film.


The line includes several products, each of which performs its own function: cleaning, disinfection, restoration of the protective layer.

"Acrylic Polish"

The brand is represented by a line of drugs from the manufacturer Koipa. In addition to cleaning gels, it includes products for restoring and polishing the bathtub.

"Tim Pro"

This is an environmentally friendly product without harmful ingredients. The drug gently disinfects the surface, eliminates odors, removes salt deposits and greasy stains.


A universal spray or cream suitable for all types of coatings and plumbing fixtures. Due to the absence of abrasives, SIF is safe for acrylic surfaces. With its help, you can wash the bathtub from yellowness, rusty stains, grease, and lime.


This liquid composition ideal for daily care.


An effective spray, when using it you have to wear a respirator due to the characteristic pungent odor.


A universal cleaner suitable for bathtubs and other sanitary fittings. Gently cleans acrylic from grease and rust stains, and traces of soap. The formula of the drug contains a polymer that prevents the growth of fungus and the adhesion of dirt.

Having solved the problem of choosing a cleaning product, all that remains is to clean the bathtub. Usually the instructions can be found directly on the packaging.

The general rules for using household chemicals at home are as follows:

  • liquids are applied with a sponge, left for some time (from 5 to 20 minutes) on the surface, washed off with water under pressure;
  • The spray is sprayed, left for the specified time, washed off;
  • wipe the clean bath with a dry cloth.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub with improvised means

How can you clean an acrylic bathtub if you can’t use household chemicals? The choice of option depends on the nature of the contamination.


A weak solution of citric acid will help get rid of limescale (instead, you can add 1.5 liters of table vinegar to the bath). Hot water is taken into the bath (temperature up to +50 o C), 50 g of lemon is added, and left for several hours to soften the salt deposits. Drain the working solution and rinse the surface with running water. Finally, remove any remaining moisture with a soft cloth.


The yellowed bottom and walls of the bathtub are bleached with apple bite, lemon juice or citric acid(20 g per glass of water). The problem areas are wiped with liquids, and after a few minutes they are rinsed with a stream of water under pressure. The surface is blotted with a dry cloth.


Rusty stains are cleaned with soda. Water is first added to the powder. The resulting paste is applied to the “reddened” areas (no need to rub) and washed off after 10-15 minutes.


Deeply ingrained dirt can be removed using toothpaste without abrasive particles. Squeeze a small amount of it onto a cloth and wipe the stains with it.

You can clean the bathtub folk remedies

Features of washing bathtubs with hydromassage

Special acrylic bathtubs for hydromassage procedures are equipped with nozzles (sprayers) connected to circulation pump. It creates excess pressure of water, which then comes out with pressure through the small holes of the sprayers in a given direction. If moisture remains on the injectors, this causes mold growth, the proliferation of microorganisms, and the formation of a layer of lime deposits.

What and how is the best way to clean a hot tub? The cleaning and disinfection process is combined, carried out in several stages:

  1. Fill the tank moderately hot water so that its level is 5-7 cm higher than the sprayers.
  2. Turn off the air supply.
  3. Pour in 50 ml of dishwasher cleaning liquid.
  4. For the purpose of disinfection, add a glass of vinegar to the solution.
  5. Turn on the hydromassage mode for 10-15 minutes. During this time, all accumulated dirt will be released from the nozzles into the bath.
  6. Open the plug and drain the dirty liquid.
  7. Fill the container with clean water and start the hydromassage again - this is necessary to rinse all devices from detergent and preparing the bath for use.

An acrylic bathtub has a number of advantages over similar products made of cast iron or steel.

  • High plasticity allows you to create all sorts of shapes for this miracle of plumbing, and also fit into any size room for water treatments without any problems.
  • The light weight of the material greatly simplifies the installation of the finished product.
  • The slow heat transfer of acrylic makes it possible to maintain a comfortable body temperature for a long time and fully relax after a busy day of work.

And although heavy cast iron bathtubs coated with enamel are more durable, knowing how to care for acrylic sanitary ware will extend their service life for a long time.

Why acrylic needs to be cleaned carefully

Wear-resistant acrylic, used in bathroom equipment, is a type of durable and impact-resistant plastic. However, the material can easily be damaged if not properly maintained.

To clean the surface from dirt and all kinds of deposits, do not use hard metal sponges or abrasive powders. The main danger for acrylic is contact with sharp objects, which can damage the integrity of the coating and leave deep scratches. So, below you can find out how to wash an acrylic bathtub and how often you can do it so that the surface is clean and at the same time not damaged.

Important: Do not bathe pets or wash, for example, kitchen utensils in a bathtub made of acrylic fiber. If there is such a need, it would be good to lay a thick rubber mat on the bottom.

How often to clean an acrylic bathtub

It is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the acrylic bathtub surface. After all, it is much easier to regularly and quickly wash off the stains that appear than to then scrupulously scrub off stubborn islands of dirt.

Use good means For cleaning with active ingredients, it is recommended on average once every 2 weeks. In this case, the detergent is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the bath, left for a few minutes, and then thoroughly washed off with water.

Advice: if the plumbing has a hydromassage system, it must be washed at least once a month. Important condition: It is allowed to use only gentle disinfectant components in the composition.

What detergents can be used to clean

As mentioned above, in order not to scratch the surface, you need to remove dirt and plaque exclusively with mild means. This could be regular liquid soap, leftover shampoo, or dishwashing gel. In this case, we are talking about daily care: immediately after taking a bath, soap its surface, rinse off the foam with warm water, and use a sponge to clean the entire container until it shines.

The instructions for the bathtub usually contain a list of approved detergents that will help remove stains from its surface if necessary. Most often, such substances in their release form are a spray or gel in a bottle with a dispenser. So, for example, the well-known “Silit Beng” has the inscription “suitable for acrylic” on the label, but there is no such inscription on “Domestos” or “Pemolux”. So be sure to read the instructions (on the manufacturer’s website it is available with a video).

Advice: If matte areas appear on the initially glossy surface of the bathtub, this is a sign that the coating has been damaged. It can be restored using a special acrylic primer.

Before using chemicals, it would be correct to make sure that there is no chlorine and ammonia, acetone, aggressive acids and alkalis in its composition. If these components get on the bottom and walls, they disrupt the integrity of the coating and the aesthetic appearance of the plumbing fixture: white acrylic may turn yellow in places.

If the bathtub has turned yellow, what to do?

The most common problem that owners of acrylic bathtubs and shower cabins encounter is yellowing. This happens for several reasons:

  • using “dangerous” cleaning products;
  • too hard water provokes the formation of plaque;
  • a fairly long period of operation and considerable “age” of the bath.

Accordingly, yellow plaque should be removed, focusing on the factor of its appearance. In the first case, you need to review your arsenal of detergents and eliminate the use of those that harm the surface. In the second, add a small amount of a special softening component to the water. Third, systematically use bleach.

Advice: It is not necessary to use a means of mass production from the chemical industry. The usual one copes well with yellowness. lemon juice(rub the surface, leave for 8 hours, rinse with warm water, wipe dry with a soft cloth). Besides this The best way disinfect the bath before bathing the baby.

Folk remedies for cleaning

If you lack confidence in industrial products, regularly clean acrylic surfaces from plaque and return them to their radiant shine. White color folk secrets will help.

You can wash the bathtub from yellow stains and stubborn rust using not only lemon juice, but also citric acid. To do this you need:

  1. Make a solution (use 1 sachet of acid in 20 g for 2 glasses of warm water), stir it thoroughly.
  2. Apply the solution to problem areas with a kitchen sponge and leave for 2 hours.
  3. Using the same washcloth (circular movements).
  4. Rinse off the remaining solution with warm water and wipe the container dry.

Important: Bathing a baby in an acrylic bathtub with potassium permanganate is a bad idea. You shouldn't do this! Brown plaque is guaranteed, and washing it out will not be so easy. It is better to use a special baby bath for these purposes.

Due to the hard water supplied by the water supply system, a specific gray coating may appear on the acrylic bathtub - the so-called water stone. You can remove it and bleach plumbing fixtures with ordinary vinegar.

  1. Add 1.5 liters of weak vinegar solution to a bath of warm water and mix the liquids.
  2. Leave everything together for 10-12 hours.
  3. Drain the water and rinse the bath well.
  4. Wipe surfaces dry with a cloth.

A solution of soap and soda can handle the vast majority of common stains. It is applied to the stains for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with water and, as in previous methods, you must remember to thoroughly wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

If you want to get the effect with the “super” prefix when cleaning acrylic from rust stains, the best option will use a mixture (1:1) of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Use a sponge with liquid to blot the stain; as soon as the result appears, you need to thoroughly wash the previously problematic area with water and wipe it dry with a cloth.

Important: Never clean your bathtub with baking soda – scratches are inevitable! Only soda solution can be used.

Is it possible to wash with white at home?

Whitening can certainly remove tough stains from a variety of surfaces. But at the same time, you need to remember that this product is very aggressive for such a delicate sanitary ware and you cannot clean the bathtub with it. The danger of using it is that after several cleaning procedures, the acrylic coating becomes very porous. As a result, dirt, rust and salt deposits settle in these places “tightly”, the surface of the bathtub deteriorates to such an extent that it is often beyond repair. Also, chlorine causes yellowness, which is extremely undesirable for any housewife.

So you’ve learned how to safely clean an acrylic bathtub using both commercial and folk remedies. One or more of them is sure to be found in every woman’s household.

Acrylic bathtubs are a good alternative to heavy cast iron and quickly cooling steel ones. These products are not subject to corrosion and contain special antibacterial components that block the growth of fungus and mold. With care and the right approach to washing, such plumbing fixtures can serve their owners for a long time without fading and pleasing the eye with their bright whiteness.

Acrylic bathtubs are becoming increasingly in demand and popular. These are lightweight and convenient designs that are very quickly installed in bathrooms.

Acrylic coating has minimal interaction with environment, but nevertheless, a light gray-yellow coating gradually forms on it, and dirt gets clogged into microcracks and small abrasions.

The bathtub loses its snow-white appearance, so a few tips on how to bleach an acrylic bathtub at home yourself and with what means will be useful to many housewives.

How to quickly whiten an acrylic bathtub

An acrylic bathtub gets dirty just as easily as cast iron and steel containers.

After 2-3 baths, a soap coating forms on it. It should be removed immediately so that it does not dry out and become embedded in the surface layer of the coating.

If the film of contaminants is thin and fresh, then you can wash it off with simple hot water and washing powder. To do this, after 2 - 3 baths, you should walk with a thick kitchen sponge over the surface of the bath, carefully scrubbing the most problematic areas and wash off the dirt with water.

In addition to the powder, you can use:

  • laundry soap;
  • dish soap;
  • shower gel.

After the dirt has been removed, you need to wipe the surface of the bath with a piece of dry, soft, clean cloth or a microfiber cloth. Such manipulations are enough to make the acrylic container snow-white and shiny.

Special products for whitening acrylic bathtubs

If it so happens that the dirt on the surface of the acrylic bathtub was not removed for a long time and had time to dry, then in such cases you cannot do without household chemicals designed specifically for cleaning bathroom surfaces and bleaching acrylic.

The following domestic and foreign products are available for sale for these purposes:

  • Acrilan;
  • Mr. Chister;
  • Rawak;
  • Bass, etc.

These are sprays, creams or liquids that are classified as medium-impact products. They allow you to quickly remove even clearly visible dirt.

To do this, it is enough to spend 1 time in 2 weeks general cleaning your bath. You need to wet the container with hot water, apply 1 tablespoon of a creamy or liquid product to a large sponge, or spray a spray on the walls of the bathroom.

Leave them for 10 - 15 minutes, then use a brush to vigorously scrub away all accumulated dirt and rinse with plenty of water. This is quite enough to give the bath a snow-white look.

Folk remedies for whitening an acrylic bathtub

You can also find bleaching agents for acrylic in the kitchen. The simplest of them is an aqueous solution of citric acid. The liquid successfully fights not only soap, but also limescale and rust stains.

To make bleach, dilute in 1 liter hot water 1 - 2 packs of citric acid (the concentration of the solution must be selected depending on the degree of contamination).

To remove dirt, wet the entire surface of the bathtub with liquid and wait 1 tsp, then remove the soaked residue with a circular motion of the sponge and rinse it with water.

Individual small stains of dirt can be rubbed with lemon juice - the result will be no worse. You can also prepare the following product to whiten an acrylic bathtub:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 200 ml vinegar;
  • 4 tbsp soda;
  • 1 lemon.

All components should be mixed well, close the drain in the bath and spray the liquid along the walls of the container. Leave for 0.5 tsp, and then, as usual, brush along the walls and bottom of the bathtub being treated, rinse off the deposits with hot water and wipe the surface dry with a clean, dry cloth.

What not to use

Acrylic is a durable plastic, but it scratches easily and is susceptible to sharp impacts. Therefore, when cleaning the bathtub, it is prohibited to use cleaning powders containing abrasive insoluble particles.

You should also not use hard metal brushes for dishes, as this may cause a network of microcracks to appear on the surface and the acrylic coating will no longer be perfectly smooth and even. Therefore, it is best to clean the surface with a washcloth or foam sponge.

The use of aggressive liquid bleaches, which include:

  • acids;
  • chlorine;
  • alkalis.

Therefore, it is better to keep such popular products as “Belizna” and “Domestos” away from acrylic bathtubs. But you can clean them with any oxygen-containing bleaches.

Sometimes we waste time, effort and money on cleaning, without even realizing that all the basic tools are at hand, and that this or that dirt can be washed off much easier and without unnecessary effort and nerves. Usually the stumbling block is the bathroom, namely the bathtub. And all because these rooms, like the kitchen, due to their specific nature, can become dirty not only with ordinary dust. The most important enemies of the bathroom are mold, mildew, rust, and limescale. All this can appear in just a week of intensive use of the water supply. And if the water is not of very high quality, plaque, for example, or yellow spots will be a fairly common companion to the bath.

Therefore, let's look at how you can clean out certain contaminants. Let's try to use improvised means. Let's look at the main questions:

  • how to clean a bathtub without chemicals;
  • how to clean an acrylic bathtub;
  • how to clean a cast iron bathtub;
  • how to clean a bathtub with soda, citric acid, vinegar.

Let's figure out what can be done at home with severe dirt or fungal infection of the surface. But everything is in order.

Commercial chemistry

It’s impossible not to mention the many bathroom hygiene products, of which there have been a colossal number lately. A variety of powders, creams, gels, sprays and other substances will reliably wash away the most stubborn stains. Let's try to look at the issue of choosing a product from the point of view of savings.

So, we don’t take into account specialized products, let’s turn to the experience of mothers and grandmothers. Whiteness has been the enemy of any dirt for many decades. This is the simplest composition, essentially diluted chlorine. And we know the ability of chlorine to clean and bleach. But white cannot be used for an acrylic bathtub in pure form. Therefore, if you need to clean such a surface, say from yellow stains, you can make a solution at home. To do this, dilute 2-3 tablespoons of bleach and a little ordinary shampoo per liter of water. The result is a fairly mild product that will clean and not damage the surface of the acrylic bathtub.

The product can be sprayed onto the entire tank, or it can be applied with a sponge exclusively to the yellow spot, as a result the surface can be easily cleaned. Thus, the costs will be minimal and the results will be good.

For an enameled cast iron bathtub, you can use bleach diluted in water without using a softening detergent. However, persistent limescale or serious rust may not respond to such manipulations, and here it will be necessary to resort to acids.

An important point is that for a new cast-iron bathtub and for an acrylic surface it is better to use a hard, but fabric sponge without metal inserts. And all because surfaces are easily scratched. It is best to use more effective “solvents” of dirt rather than eagerly rubbing the surface with harsh products.

Limescale and rust

Every housewife's worst nightmare. The fight against these pollution continues constantly. And no matter how it seems that acrylic bathtub is not susceptible to them, with “red” water and a leaky tap, even on a snow-white acrylic surface, sooner or later an unpleasant orange stripe or spots will appear. Limescale also does not appear out of nowhere. It's all a tribute tap water, which contains many elements of inorganic chemistry that are deposited over time, and not only on the tank itself. They do not bypass tiles. And here working with whiteness is unlikely to help, unless the contamination is not too severe.

The best fighters against rust and plaque are acids, namely: acetic, hydrochloric, oxalic, citric. Moreover, with the correct dosage and use, even a fragile acrylic surface that is heavily soiled can be cleaned without much difficulty. For greater effectiveness, you can use baking soda. Let's turn to school chemistry lessons. Soda is an alkali; when combined with an acid, an active reaction process begins, during which hydrogen is released. Rust is iron that will be broken down in a chemical reaction under the influence of two environments. It turns out that you can use either soda with a certain acid (even with vinegar or citric solution, which is always available at home), or separately with acid. Simply finding them is quite problematic, and it is very difficult to independently determine the required quantity.

Attention! When working with any chemicals, especially when using soda and acids, which in any case will give a reaction, be sure to take appropriate safety measures. At a minimum, wear rubber gloves, do not lean too close to the reacting substances, or use goggles. One more important point is respiratory protection. When working with acids, rule one is not to sniff the reagents under any circumstances. Rule two is to protect yourself with a cotton-gauze bandage or a respirator.

It would seem like an everyday thing, why listen? But acids, including household chemicals, are substances that release odor molecules that can be just as caustic and cause chemical burns to the lungs. Therefore, it is best to protect yourself, even when working at home. Moreover, the use of overly active components cannot be done every day, but only used when there is a high degree of contamination. Usually it is enough to clean the bathtub in this way only 1-2 times a month.

So, how can you clean the bathtub, if not chemicals? Interest Ask, to which there is actually no answer, because all the means that are used relate to either organic or inorganic chemistry. But this expression often means not using cleaning products. By the way, in the fight against fungus or mold, you need to take special products especially seriously, since they are especially dangerous for allergy sufferers. Therefore, without chemicals, in the case of fighting fungus, you will just use, for example, vinegar and soda. The result will be an excellent result and minimal stress.

By the way, the fight against mold and mildew is an important and necessary measure, especially for allergy sufferers, since both microorganisms do not attach too strongly to the surface, as a result of which they can enter the surrounding air and cause an exacerbation of allergies. In addition to soda and vinegar, it is used to combat fungus and mold. copper sulfate, antimicrobial solutions that can be made at home. They can be applied to cast iron bath, and to acrylic. Moreover, the edges of acrylic bathtubs are often a favorite habitat for fungus.

In conclusion, we derive several axioms. First, cast iron and acrylic bathtubs can be easily washed using available means. Secondly, under no circumstances should you use hard sponges with metal particles. It is also better to dilute abrasive powders with water or a mild detergent and soap.

Having just appeared on the market, acrylic bathtubs won universal love and became widespread. The popularity of acrylic bathtubs is not surprising: the products differ at an affordable price, strength, low thermal conductivity, lightness and, most importantly, attractive appearance. But, like any plumbing fixture, an acrylic bathtub is susceptible to contamination and requires special care. How to maintain the whiteness and smoothness of an acrylic surface without damaging it - read below!

Which detergent and cleaning device to treat the surface of acrylic plumbing depends, first of all, on the properties of the material. Acrylic is a liquid metal that becomes solid when chemicals are added. In order not to disturb the structure of the coating (after all, some products can simply corrode acrylic), you should choose gentle products and soft sponges for washing. Before you start cleaning the surface of the bathtub, you will need to carefully familiarize yourself with the components of the chosen product.

So, mixtures in which you can find:

  1. Chlorine. Leave the idea of ​​disinfecting with chlorine: with a one-time use of this substance, the acrylic will sharply become cloudy, and with regular use, small pores will begin to appear on the surface of the bath.
  2. Acetone (and other solvents), alcohol. These substances, upon prolonged contact with the surface of the bathtub, corrode acrylic.
  3. Ammonia, acids and alkalis, as well as solvents, will damage the integrity of the surface of the acrylic bathtub.
  4. Formaldehyde. Although companies producing household chemicals are gradually removing these substances from their formulations (due to the danger to human health), it is still worth knowing about the incompatibility of such a component with acrylic.

In addition, cleaning products for acrylic should be “soft,” that is, not contain abrasive particles that can leave small scratches on the smooth surface of the bathtub. Although you can polish an acrylic surface yourself (you can even eliminate large cracks and chips), this is an extremely labor-intensive task. And why do work that can easily be avoided by purchasing special remedy.

Household chemicals: is it possible to wash an acrylic bathtub with white

It is impossible to clean a bathtub with an acrylic thicket with accessible and familiar whiteness: the product corrodes the surface after several times of use, making it porous. A porous surface without a top protective layer becomes an ideal place for the formation of rust and stone deposits. A bathtub damaged in this way will either have to be repaired for a long time or completely replaced.

Stains that cannot be removed with detergents must be removed mechanically: rub the surface with soft sandpaper and cover the damaged area with liquid acrylic.

Some housewives choose weak bleach solutions and bleach to disinfect jets in hot tubs: to do this, you have to fill the container with water with solutions, which is also not very useful for the coating. Moreover, for such systems today, separate compositions have been developed that take into account all the properties of the materials. Among them are: Mellerud, Cascade Complete, Edel Weiss, Santekh.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub

Special compositions for washing acrylic bathtubs prolong cleanliness by protecting the bathtub with a thin waterproof film. In addition, the acrylic bathtub can be cleaned quickly and easily with special means: the compositions do not need to be left on the surface for a long time, but are washed off with ordinary water under pressure. The most popular products for washing acrylic are cream-gels Akrilan, Sarma, Star-Acrylat.

In order to get the best result you should:

  1. Apply the gel to a soft sponge.
  2. Rub the surface of the bath and leave the composition for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the product with water at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.
  4. Wipe the surface of the bathtub dry with a cloth.

If you cannot find a special cleaner for acrylic, you can use a universal composition. The most suitable cleaning agent for acrylic surfaces is RAVAK Desinfectan: it is developed according to special technology, carefully removes dirt and effectively fights germs.

You should wash an acrylic bathtub with detergent no more than once every 14 days, and after rinsing off the composition, the surface of the bathtub should be wiped dry with a soft, moisture-absorbing sponge.

You can get rid of rust on acrylic surfaces with the help of Sun Klin, Mister Chester, Triton. If, in addition to cleanliness, you also have the goal of cleaning the surface from bacteria and microorganisms, then you should choose a detergent with antibacterial and antifungal additives. Among these are: Luxus professional, Cillit Bang, Cif.

Is it possible to clean an acrylic bathtub with soda?

The usual baking soda will also help clean a bathtub with an acrylic surface. The substance is sold in two versions: food grade and calcined. The second option is a strong alkali and is not suitable for cleaning acrylic surfaces.

In order to wash an acrylic bathtub with regular soda, you need to:

  1. Apply the mixture to a soft, damp sponge and rub with your fingertips to soften the particles.
  2. Rub the surface with the composition and leave it for 60 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  3. Completely rinse the product off the surface with warm water under low pressure.

When washing the bathtub using any means, you should protect the skin of your hands with rubber gloves, and do not touch the skin of your face and body, or household appliances while cleaning, so as not to get poisoned or irritated by chemicals.

Therefore, ordinary baking soda is often mixed in equal proportions with ash soda and the composition is diluted with water in a small amount. The mixture is applied in the same way as baking soda, but after 25 minutes, a solution of bleach (half a glass) with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio is applied on top of the mixture. After half an hour, rub the surface with a soft sponge and the compounds are washed off. Although this method is effective, it can be dangerous for acrylic (especially low-grade). Therefore, it is recommended to resort to it only when absolutely necessary. It is prohibited to use this method as a permanent detergent due to the harmful effects of solvent and alkali on acrylic.

Clean plumbing is the key to the health of all family members. A properly selected acrylic bathtub cleaner will allow you not only to maintain the shine and whiteness of the surface, but will also extend the service life of your plumbing fixtures and protect its surface from the harmful effects of moisture, pathogens and fungi. Choose recommended products and enjoy the cleanliness and safety of your bath!