Even the thought of the turquoise sea and eternal summer fades and shrinks against the prospect of spending several hours on a plane with a child. But with the right organization, a flight with a young traveler is not such a troublesome undertaking that you have to give up traveling to beautiful places far away.

Takeoff and landing

The most unpleasant moments. Passengers experience discomfort caused by pressure differences due to changes in altitude. This, in particular, explains painful sensations in the ears, as well as children's crying, blocking the sound of operating turbines. If your child has a stuffy nose or ear problems, there will be even more crying, so check with your doctor about special drops in advance.

It is more comfortable for babies to spend this time at their mother’s breast, with a pacifier or bottle. Older children may need to swallow occasionally. The lollipop works flawlessly - its “action” period is just enough for the required period. If you are not allergic, you can try inhaling the vapors of eucalyptus oil - for example, by dropping a few drops on a scarf. And stock up on a book, coloring book, new toy or tablet game in advance that will help you keep your child on a leash for these 20 minutes.

How not to get sick?

Despite all the assurances of airlines that the air in the cabin is renewed about 15 times per hour, you can find in it: products of fuel combustion, including carbon monoxide; ozone, which causes irritation of the respiratory tract and aggravates asthmatic symptoms; and even pesticides that are used to kill insects (especially if the plane flies to southern countries). And, of course, viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms circulating inside the isolated cabin. The latter can and should be taken preventive measures: from simple oxolinic ointment in the nose to imported broad-spectrum drugs.

What to take with you?

A set of change of clothes is a must, even if your traveler has long ago irrevocably given up on a diaper. Wet wipes (preferably antibacterial). Medicines if your child is receiving treatment. It would be nice to have a replacement pair of socks - they will be needed when the child finally slips out of his parents' arms and goes traveling around the cabin. Chewing gum or candy will be needed during takeoff and landing, and non-sticky cookies or dried fruit will be needed as a light snack (to avoid making your child feel faint, do not take carbonated drinks or fatty foods with you).

How to put you to bed?

Take with you something that your child usually falls asleep with at home - a favorite toy, pillow, blanket, etc. For older children, buy a collar pillow that will support the neck and head in the correct position. If you are lucky and there are free seats nearby, do not hesitate to place your baby in them. Sometimes the light in the cabin prevents your child from falling asleep - ask the flight attendant for a blanket and throw it over the back of your seat and the front seat, creating a canopy. Experienced travelers manage to time flights to coincide with their child's sleep time - only here it is important not to forget about the time difference.

What to do if a child gets motion sickness?

In this case, doctors advise giving a slice of lemon or drinking in small sips, but in practice this does not always help. There are a number of medications for motion sickness that are safe for children, but they should be given before the flight begins, and not when the child has already begun to feel nauseous. It is generally believed that due to the structure vestibular apparatus With children under one year old, such troubles happen extremely rarely. Over time it useful property, unfortunately, is lost, so a hygiene bag or small towel should always be at hand.

What to do with a child?

Most airlines provide children with a so-called “young traveler package.” It may include markers, puzzles, puzzles, etc. However, the imagination and generosity of some carriers is only enough for a keychain or microscopic coloring. Therefore, the issue of high-quality entertainment should be taken care of at least a few days before departure. If the child is not yet old enough to independently watch films from the air cinema repertoire, be patient and have toys.

It is advisable that the latter be new (it is better to collect them in a separate bag and open them only on the plane, periodically removing new artifacts). This could be a soft construction set, a book with stickers, an unexplored interactive game on your phone, a collection of cartoons on your computer, a wind-up toy - in a word, anything that can keep your baby occupied for a relatively long time.

What to do if the toilet is busy?

Adult passengers can cope with such a hitch without any consequences, but for the parents of a traveler who really cannot stand it, the issue can turn into a problem on a universal scale. If you don’t want to break into the door with a loud knock closed door, you can ask the flight attendant to let you into a similar room in business class. There are fewer users there, which means the toilet is free more often.

You can stock up on a camp collapsible pot with disposable absorbent bags in advance so as not to spill the contents. They are available in a variety of options (inflatable, in the form of a suitcase, etc.), are inexpensive, weigh little and are quite suitable for further use in non-flying conditions. If trouble takes you by surprise, then feel free to use hygiene bags in the front seat pocket - they are waterproof.

What to eat?

When booking tickets on the airline's website, be sure to indicate the type of meal you require—among other options, there is food for babies and toddlers. It will be too late to place an order on the plane - special meals are ordered a day in advance according to the requests of passengers. Your food should be served earlier than others. Keep in mind that juices from ready-made kits are always very cold.

If your child is a picky eater, it is better to take proven products with you. According to the rules for transporting liquids, baby food(including water and juices), as well as medications, are allowed to be carried on board in the quantity you need. But be prepared to be asked to take a sip from each container to prove to airport staff that the bottle contains no explosives.

Big bonuses for little passengers

If you did not indicate your desired seat when booking, it is better to be one of the first to arrive at check-in (although passengers with children go ahead of the queue, but in practice this is not always observed, especially by our compatriots). The most advantageous seats in economy class are the first row. There is additional space to sort out your bags and even organize a small playing field by laying out a blanket on the floor. A special cradle is attached to the front wall, where children weighing up to 10 kg and height up to 70 cm can be accommodated with maximum comfort.

But don’t count on seats near the emergency exit - according to the rules, passengers with children are not allowed to sit there. If fortune smiles especially broadly on you, then as an exception you may be upgraded to business class (meals, however, will be from economy).

Myths and reality

"The stroller must be checked in with your luggage." In fact, you can hand it in at the gate and get it back when you leave the plane (although sometimes you have to wait a little while it is brought from the luggage compartment). If the stroller is small and folds compactly, then you may be allowed to take it on board. By the way, at some airports (for example, in Dubai) strollers are rented free of charge.

“A child can take any toys.” Toy guns, knives and other plastic weapons will have to be checked in as luggage.

"Children under two years old can only fly in a car seat." Children under two years old can fly in the arms of a parent without paying for a separate seat. If you're paying for your child's seat and plan to take a car seat, make sure it's certified for airplane use (usually indicated on a sticker). Strollers and car seats are not counted as baggage weight. Some airlines provide their own child seat upon request.

“You can check in the same baggage for a child as for an adult.” As a rule, only one piece of baggage with a lighter weight can be checked in for a child under two years of age (up to 10 kg for most European airlines).

What documents are needed

To travel with a child of any age you will need:

  • Identification document: birth certificate or passport, and when traveling abroad - an international passport.
  • Notarized consent to leave if the child leaves unaccompanied by parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees.
  • Confirmation of the possibility and recommendations of a pediatrician - for children in the first seven days of life. This is just in case.

How to book tickets

Airlines divide children travelers into two categories: INF - infant (child under 2 years old), and CHD - child (child from 2 to 12 years old).

A child under two years old can fly with their parents for free and in a carry-on, that is, without their own seat. To be allowed on the plane, please issue an air ticket for the baby when booking. In this case, you need to indicate the age of the baby at the time of the flight. That is, if at the time of purchasing a ticket the child will be 1 year and 5 months old, and at the time of departure - 2 years 1 day, then you need to buy a ticket for a child from 2 to 12 years old.

Some airlines limit the number of small children on board. Book in advance so you can choose best places or fly away altogether.

According to air travel rules, one adult can carry only one child under two years of age free of charge. For each additional child, a child's air ticket with a separate seat is purchased.

For children from 2 to 12 years old, a child ticket with a separate seat is also issued. If your child is 12 years old by the time of departure, you will have to buy him an adult ticket.

Always choose less crowded flights. It's hard to find one during the holiday season, but remember that Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are the busiest flights. If the plane is half empty, you can borrow more space or transfer to somewhere more free.

Where is the best place to sit on a plane?

If you didn't specify a seat when booking, try to go to the airline's website as soon as online check-in opens. Most often this happens within a day.

No matter what age the child is, it is best to sit in the front rows of the plane: there will be less shaking during takeoffs and landings, and you will get on and off faster. The most comfortable seats in economy class are in the first row. There's plenty of space and you can stretch your legs. This will be especially useful for mothers with babies: a cradle for children weighing up to 10 kg and height up to 70 cm is attached to the front wall.

When is the best time to fly?

It depends on the child. If he falls asleep easily in unfamiliar surroundings, then take a night flight. The baby will sleep the entire flight, and you will not have to entertain, soothe or feed him. If your child is too active at night, fly during the day. He will play and have fun, and when he gets tired, he will go to bed.

If you are flying with transfers or your flight is suddenly delayed, try to find other parents with children. The guys will get to know each other and find something for themselves. All you have to do is keep order.

What to take on a plane

For babies and toddlers

  • Diapers.
  • Wipes wet and dry.
  • One spare set of clothes - just in case.
  • A diaper or bedding.
  • Pacifier and favorite toys.
  • Moisturizing drops for the nose, for example, “Aquamaris”, “Marimer”, “Otrivin baby”.
  • Moisturizer (babies' skin gets very dry during a flight).
  • Food and drinks: baby formula, cookies, water, juice, compote.
  • Febrifuge. Some sensitive babies may develop a fever.

For older children

  • Sketchbook, coloring books, pencils or markers.
  • Small if the child likes to read.
  • Favorite toys.
  • A tablet or smartphone (if there is no screen with cartoons and games on the chair in front). And don't forget to charge.
  • Healthy snacks and drinks never hurt.
  • Pillow for travelers.
  • Lollipops to prevent stuffy ears.
  • Paper tissues and wet wipes.

In flight

How to transport a stroller

Airlines allow you to carry a stroller on the plane. You can use it before boarding.

It is better to find out more about the conditions of carriage and the weight limit of the stroller by phone hotline or on the airline's website.

Where to get a cradle and changing table

Bassinets are provided for infants. They must be ordered on the airline's website a few days before departure. Your application is reviewed and then approved or not.

The number of cradles on board is limited, and on some ships there are no fastenings for their installation at all. In this case, you can take a carrier bag on board. However, if there are no empty seats on the plane, you will have nowhere to put it.

You can change the diaper in the toilet (there is a folding table there).

How and what to feed your baby on board

If you only breastfeed your baby, then everything is clear. If the child is on artificial feeding, you can take the required amount of any liquid for your baby: transportation does not apply to medical medications and baby food. You can also ask the flight attendant for warm water to dilute the mixture.

You can only order baby food when booking your tickets. Children are always served food earlier than others. Please note that juices from ready-made kits are cold. If your child is a picky eater, bring foods that he knows he will eat.

What to do if your child has blocked ears

You can let your baby suck on the breast, bottle or pacifier. Give an older child a lollipop. Another way is to play fish. Open and close your mouth like fish do: this also reduces pressure in your ears.

What to do if your child gets motion sickness

Children under one year old rarely get motion sickness when traveling due to the special structure of the vestibular apparatus. Older children are deprived of this magical properties. If your child feels nauseous, give him a slice of lemon, water, or take anti-sickness medications before the flight. You should also have a hygiene bag or towel on hand.

How not to get sick

The cabin contains fuel combustion products, including carbon monoxide, ozone, which causes irritation of the respiratory tract and aggravates symptoms, pesticides, viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. You can protect your child from the latter using oxolinic ointment. It is usually lubricated on the nasal mucosa.

How and what to entertain a child

Cartoons on a tablet or phone, coloring books with felt-tip pens and pencils, favorite toys - usually this is enough for a child. There are exceptions and vagaries, so just in case, it is better to tire the child before takeoff: on the eve of the trip, spend very active time in the fresh air. Then, most likely, the child will go to sleep during the flight.

Some planes are equipped with an entertainment system built right into the seats. All you have to do is choose a game. There you can look at the map, monitor altitude gain, temperature outside and other flight parameters. It's interesting even for adults.

You can also entertain your child by contemplating the view from the window or communicating with other children. True, during turbulence everyone will have to sit buckled in a seat.

Modern parents, even after the birth of their children, do not want to change their usual lifestyle. Views on life in last years have changed a lot, today no one is surprised that young parents go on a long journey by plane with their recently born son or daughter. However, if mother infant If you are planning to fly with your baby for the first time, she may have a lot of questions.

Traveling on an airplane with infant Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone - many parents practice this

When can you start flying with your child?

At what age can you fly with a baby? If the baby is healthy and the pediatrician does not see any contraindications, you can fly with a newborn 7 days after his birth. It may happen that the baby's mom and dad will be required to sign for the airline. According to this document, parents have no claims against her if suddenly their infant feels unwell during the flight.

From birth to six months is the ideal period for flying. Such children sleep a lot and are not disturbed by noise. Perhaps the child will fall asleep immediately after takeoff and sleep the entire flight.

From 6 to 12 months - children become more mobile, flying with them is a little more difficult. They do not like to stay in one place for a long time, nor do they like to play with one toy, since their attention is constantly switched to something new. It makes sense to take with you on your trip several toys purchased the day before. Moms and dads will have to constantly play with the baby and entertain him on the plane.

From one year to 2 years, it is already easier to fly; the baby during this period is still the same fidgety, he cannot sit still for a long time, but you can already captivate him by watching cartoons by giving him a tablet. Keep him busy with drawing or various children's games, books or stickers.

It is worth noting that the child’s body has difficulty with acclimatization. If you have already decided to fly on vacation to countries with a hot climate, you should not do it in winter. A sudden change in weather upon returning home will negatively affect the health of the baby. It is better to change the climate from warm to hot, while giving preference to longer tours. The recommended time for a child to stay at sea is at least three weeks.

So that the child has time to acclimatize, it is better to plan a long-term vacation

Features of purchasing tickets for children

Airlines, like other passenger transportation services, offer reduced fares for young travelers. They have a strict classification:

  • infant – 0-2 years;
  • child – 2-11 years;
  • adult – from 12 years old.

The infant tariff is intended for infants aged 0 to 2 years. This fare assumes that the child is in the arms of one of the parents during the flight and costs only 10% of the cost of an adult ticket. Budget airlines also offer discounted flat-rate fares for children. Airlines may set baggage rules for the infant fare, but strollers are always carried free of charge. In some cases, children under 2 years of age can be taken on a plane without paying; such offers are valid on so-called domestic flights, but luggage must be carried by adults.

When buying a plane ticket for a child under 2 years old, parents should take into account the age of the children not at the time of purchasing or booking tickets, but at the date of the flight (more details in the article:). If your child turns 2 years old on the day of departure, the discount no longer applies to him, although you may have purchased a ticket two weeks earlier. If your child turns 2 years old during the trip, it is possible to buy a discounted ticket there and pay for the return ticket at the rate intended for children over 2 years old.

From the age of two, the child rate applies. It is used by children under 11 years of age. Its cost usually ranges from 50 to 75% of the cost of an adult ticket - here the child is provided with a separate seat, and baggage is checked in according to all the rules. If parents want to book a separate seat for a child under two years old so as not to hold him in their arms, they can pay for a ticket at this rate - it’s convenient and profitable.

From the age of 12, children can fly at the full price of an adult ticket. Some airlines have discounts for young people that you can take advantage of.

For passengers over 12 years old you can find favorable youth fares

What documents are required for departure?

If you cross the border during the flight with children, you need to prepare everything in advance necessary documents. If the teenager is already 16 years old, you must have a plane ticket and a visa with you. For children under 16 years of age, the list of documents is presented below:

  1. birth certificate;
  2. permission to leave the country certified by a notary office from the father or mother, if the child is flying with one of them, or from both parents, if he is flying with other adults;
  3. Airplane ticket;
  4. visa if needed.

In an Aeroport

Since check-in can be a tedious process, pay attention to whether there are many passengers with children or whether business class check-in is available at the counter. If there is no queue, airline employees can accommodate mothers with small children, thereby speeding up the check-in process.

Families with children are sometimes allowed to check in at the business class counter

How to behave during takeoff and landing?

When a plane takes off or lands, parents should make sure their children are buckled up. When entering a turbulence zone, you must also follow this rule. If a baby at 5 months flies in his mother’s arms, he is attached with a special device to an adult’s seat belt. The flight attendant will provide the baby carrier.

Some people find it difficult to take off and land an airplane due to strong pressure changes that cause stuffy ears. For children, these sensations are especially unpleasant. To eliminate them, adults swallow saliva. You can’t explain this to babies, so you can give them candy, and the mother’s breast, bottle or pacifier will help the baby. If a newborn or older child’s nose does not breathe or he often suffers from otitis media, it is better to drip his nose with drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect before boarding.

What can you take on a plane?

When preparing to travel by plane with a newborn or an older child, mothers have a question - what is allowed to take on board? What is the situation with food and drink for the baby, are there suitable conditions in the salon to change the baby’s clothes? What things should you definitely take with you? Can I take a stroller on board?

The most questions when flying with a child for the first time are related to hand luggage

Is it allowed to take a stroller into the salon?

Until boarding the plane, you are allowed to use a stroller or a cane. However, upon landing, the flight attendant will pick it up, although you do not need to pay for transportation. It is necessary to clarify where to look for it upon arrival, since the stroller may end up either at the exit from the cabin or on the conveyor belt along with bags and suitcases, as well as being with oversized cargo on the counter. It is much more convenient to travel with book strollers. When folded, this stroller can be carried in one hand. In addition, this stroller is equipped with a rigid liner on the back, which means it can be used for children who cannot sit. She can also take a “lying” position. All strollers in mandatory are being inspected. After this, you will receive a “Searched” and “Carry-on Baggage” sticker.

Baby food and drink

Although liquids are not allowed on board, you can take baby food. Its amount should be calculated based on the child’s needs for the duration of the flight. If necessary, you can ask the flight attendant for hot water to prepare porridge or mixture. Put more in your bag drinking water for children in small bottles whose capacity does not exceed 330 ml.

Other things and hygiene items for the baby

It’s good if you take a backpack with you as hand luggage, which is convenient for storing things for your child. You should put in it:

  • diapers (3-4);
  • several waterproof diapers;
  • a couple of sets of clothes;
  • cotton diaper;
  • bib;
  • toys, rattles;
  • nipples;
  • bottle of water and mixture.

You also need to have some medications with you, because there are a lot of people on the plane, so there is a high risk of contracting some kind of infection. Put an antiviral, antipyretic, and antihistamine in your bag. You should not stock up on towels and blankets; they will be given to you upon request. pure form. You don’t even need to take a potty, everything is provided on the plane.

Additional features for a comfortable flight

In any airplane, the toilets have a changing table, and large airliners are equipped with rooms for mother and child, and a place for games. It is possible to request a special cradle for a baby if its weight does not exceed 11 kg. It is attached to the partition between business class and economy class. It will be comfortable for your baby to lie or sleep during the flight. However, during takeoff and landing, the baby should be placed in your arms. If you have your own carrycot, check to see if it is allowed to be used on board your aircraft.

Since airlines always strive to place mothers and babies in safer seats, families arriving at the final check-in stage sometimes cannot expect to be seated next to each other. Although, perhaps, the flight attendant will try to help - find seats for women with a baby next to an accompanying relative.

Most airplane lavatories have a changing table that allows you to change your baby's diaper.

To make your flight comfortable, follow the advice of experienced travelers. Their recommendations are as follows:

  1. Always try to book your travel tickets in advance. It is better to do this through special services on the Internet, then you can independently select suitable places. If the airline has a limit on the number of children on board, you will definitely be one of those missed.
  2. Give preference to flights with a small number of passengers, then there is a chance that you and your child will be seated separately from other people. In addition, it will be possible to place the baby in an empty seat, rather than holding him in your arms during the entire flight. It's difficult to find flights that aren't crowded during the busy holiday season, but if you book flights on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, there will be slightly fewer passengers than on other days.
  3. Departure in the early afternoon when children are calmer.
  4. Arrive at the airport early to avoid crowding in line and be among the first to check in and take comfortable seats.
  5. To free your hands to go through various procedures at the airport, it is better for mothers to get either a kangaroo bag or a sling in advance (we recommend reading:). During inspection, things will have to be laid out on the tape, and then folded again, as well as repeatedly present documents to airline employees. For children older than one year, a cane stroller or compact carrier is suitable.
  6. Feel free to ask airline staff and your seatmates if you need anything. People are usually very responsive when we're talking about about traveling with small children. Someone will be happy to change places with you or let you skip the line at customs control, and the stewards will always bring you the things you need or make your accommodation more comfortable.
  7. Use additional opportunities - visit the room for games, feeding, changing. In addition, the stewards have various entertainment devices for children - books or coloring books, check this question.

During the flight, you can ask the staff or neighbors for help - as a rule, people react positively to requests

Entertaining the baby

To keep your little traveler entertained, buy a few age-appropriate toys. If we are talking about a two-month baby, then there should be no problems. But the older the child, the more difficult it becomes to keep him in place. Play the notorious “Ladushki” or “White-sided Magpie” with your baby.

Older children can be fascinated by toys or picture books. If the tomboy is about three years old or more, stock up on stickers and coloring books. As a last resort, take a tablet and download several cartoons or children's programs onto it. This kind of entertainment works best, but to prevent the baby from damaging his eyes, it is better to first try to captivate him in other possible ways.

I have compiled a list of working and proven tips from parents who already have their own positive experience of flying with children from six months to 4 years old, as well as the experience of children’s doctors and airline employees. Now is the height of holidays and holidays, which means it’s time to remind you of these simple but very necessary recommendations.

1. Psychological preparation of yourself

“The issue of a screaming child is a matter of preparing the accompanying parent.”

Prepare in advance for the fact that everything will be bad: the child will cry, and the neighbors will be unloving and scandalous. Particularly sensitive parents are better off drinking a sedative (not to be confused with vodka) in advance, so as not to fall into hysterics themselves. Calm parents mean a calm child. The calmer the parents, the easier it is for the children. Even if you have conflicts in your family, conclude a peace agreement in advance for the duration of all flights with your child. Agree to immediately make peace with any quarrel, no matter who is to blame. You can do it childishly by shaking each other’s little fingers. Your swearing will certainly plunge the child into depression, he will also start crying, and this will make things worse for you, for him, and for everyone around him. Dads who are used to flying without children and drinking alcohol need to immediately understand that they will have to give up this habit and take full care of the child (either alone or with the mother). There should not be a situation where the mother cannot calm the child, and the father drinks and watches a movie.

2. Psychological preparation of the child

On the eve of the very first flight (if the child is already able to understand what it is about), it would not hurt to tell him what an airplane is, how it hums, how many people are around and how interesting and easy it is to play in it. It is advisable to do everything so that the child already dreams of flying and looks forward to it like a birthday or New Year. Some parents recommend allowing many things on board that they forbid in ordinary children’s lives: “For them, this is a kind of holiday, because only on the plane can they drink cola and suck candy. I don’t allow them to do that at home.”

To book such seats, when purchasing tickets, you need to check whether they are available and whether a bassinet is provided during the flight. The office staff of the selected airline will provide such information. After purchasing tickets, you need to immediately book these seats - sometimes this can be done directly on the airline’s website, sometimes by contacting its employees. And a few days before departure, call back and confirm. If the airline does not provide the ability to reserve such seats, you will have to go to the airport in advance to be one of the first to be at the check-in counter. And here’s another important thing: if you are flying with a stroller and with transfers, you must indicate when registering where you would like to receive it.

Most non-breastfed children prefer to sit by the window and watch what is down there. In addition, it is more comfortable to sleep by the window and the child certainly does not risk getting hit in the leg or arm with a cart. So try to book at least one window seat. As for the choice of flight and time, opinions differed. Some argue that it is better to take tickets for flights that minimally change the child’s daily routine, and try to maintain it during the flight. Others advise getting your child up early or not letting you sleep at all before the flight. “To exhaust the child before the plane so that he falls asleep on the plane.” Another option: “We choose early flights when the rise occurs at one or two in the morning. The child sleeps most of the flight.”

However, this is not suitable for all children: “But lack of sleep can have a different effect on us. The last time the child cried for half an hour that he didn’t want to sleep on the plane, but wanted to go to bed, although he was already dying and wanted to sleep.” In general, here rely on your own experience and your own child, but in general the “exhaust” method works for most children. Especially if they are given sleeping pills or a sedative before departure. There was also advice not to fly long distances with a connection in one sitting: “We fly from Moscow to the States and always sleep the night at the Amsterdam airport - this greatly reduces the number of hysterics. A well-rested and well-fed child is already 50% success.”

4. What to take with you

For a very young child: diapers, wet wipes, water in a bottle with a sippy cup, dryers, new books with engines and a couple of old favorites, three new small cars in mom’s pocket (take out in critical situations), a change of clothes;

1-2 years: potty, wet wipes (wipe your hands more often), water, dryers, books, cars, a couple of toys, a change of clothes, patience for mom and dad to walk around the airplane cabin. Children at this age always want to go out and see everything;

3-4 years: pot, napkins, water, dryers, clothes, favorite books, puzzles, construction sets, magazines with stickers, puzzles.;

5-6 years: napkins, magazines with labyrinths, stickers, scanwords, Legos, cards, dominoes, backgammon, checkers, etc.;

“Bring a change of clothes for the child and mother. It’s not so rare that a child, especially under 2 years old, who sits in his mother’s arms, gets wet himself and doesn’t forget his mother.”

Also, a few apples cut into slices, medications for motion sickness, pain, and sedatives are always useful. “I also always take a couple of shawls/scarves with me - firstly, you can save the child from the cold, and secondly, it’s like dressing up (I have a classic girl).” And of course, a great toy is a dad’s/mom’s smartphone if you are sure that the child won’t erase anything on it.

5. What to do with your child during the flight

“If a child is nervous in a separate seat during takeoff, you need to ask the flight attendant for a child’s belt, sit him on the lap (not the flight attendant, but the child) and fasten it to you.”

“During takeoff, she distracted attention - she asked me to hold my hand, feigned fear of flying, the child took care of his mother and was happy.”

“On long flights, be sure to let your baby walk/run/jump. At this age, it is difficult for children to sit in one place due to the growth of the musculoskeletal system. It’s also useful for adults to stretch their legs. Somehow we formed a whole kindergarten in the back of the plane – five children were entertaining each other.”

“Not just to put a new coloring book or PSP in your hands, but to fully communicate, tell where we are flying, what we will do, play, draw together.”

“Looking through the window and explaining it is very entertaining.”

“When the child was tired, we wandered around the neighbors, changing the situation a little. Friendly neighbors on the plane were immediately present; a couple of minutes of cooing with someone else’s aunt gave 10-15 minutes of silence.”

“You don’t even have to play with the child, you can just talk. If you manage to talk with a child for an hour, it will forever remain in his memory. There is no need to look for ways to make the flight painless. It seems to me that you need to look for opportunities to enjoy it.”

“Preparing for food, eating and assembling trays is always mega fun. You may be allowed to take one of the sets of plastic cutlery with you, promising to then arrange a separate lunch for the toy characters.”

“The main thing is to alternate entertainment (distractions). There is little distraction for more than half an hour.”

“We definitely ask permission after landing (already at the exit) to look at the pilot. Usually possible for those who have behaved well. This won’t buy you a two-year-old, but at 3.5-4 years it will help you control yourself.”

6. Flight delays and transfers

“The biggest problems are long transfers and flight delays. This is where you need to keep him on a leash. The terminal building is being turned into a playground. I’ll never forget how in Prague I caught a guy on a travelator on New Year’s Eve and how he almost dropped the decorated Christmas tree at the gate. Children need to be distracted or occupied. Otherwise, they distract themselves and find something to do.”

“A good way is to cooperate with other parents. Oddly enough, the more children, the easier it is to cope with them. Plus, they entertain themselves. We just need to make sure that it doesn’t cause harm to other people or the airport building.”

“Once in France, in the mountains, we sat at the airport for 10 hours. The child was 5, and we just went to the store for the next lego as we built and remade the previous one.”

7. About plugging ears and feeding

“If we’re talking about very young children (up to a year), then during takeoff and landing you need to give them a breast or a bottle so that their ears don’t get blocked. If you miss this moment, your ears may hurt and you won’t be able to calm your child until the end of the flight. Until she was one and a half years old, while she was breastfeeding, she planned to breastfeed during takeoff and landing. As a result, passengers were surprised upon exiting that they did not even notice the child during the flight. Now (4 years old) we try to have fun before takeoff and during the climb we give him juice from a straw. On boarding, if he’s not sleeping, too. So far it has saved me."

“They saved an almost one-year-old child from blocked ears with a bottle of water with a pacifier for a younger age so that he had to pull harder. Well, naturally, there was another bottle with a normal nipple, too, so I could get drunk.”

“Sometimes our ears get clogged, this is how Cheburashka helps – put a napkin soaked in hot water in a plastic glass and apply two glasses to your ears.”

“When my ears were blocked, I taught him to hold his nose and blow into it - everything goes away right away.”

“There was medicine dripping into my ears during takeoff and landing.”

“We flew for a long time, the child was a year old. During takeoff and landing, the child's ears became blocked. The flight attendant used a technique that we still use successfully: pour boiling water into a plastic cup, splash it out, and apply it to your ears. Cupping effect: the child immediately calms down.”

“It is advised to drip any vasoconstrictor into the nose before the flight (when pressure changes, the eardrum presses, which causes pain). Give small sips of water (any liquid) during takeoff and landing. Blow your nose (like divers), but this is still for older children, and with caution. We also have a pipe that you can remove the tip from and it stops whistling. So, during takeoff and landing, we “play” it, blowing it with all our might. It helps a lot with my ears, including me.”

I hope these tips help you and your baby. And I also hope that you will share them with other parents, and there will be fewer children's tears on airplanes.

Is traveling with children on a plane always a controversial topic? Especially if it is an infant. How will he survive the flight? What will he need? Every parent should know about this.

Baby and flying: how it affects health

Flights on any aircraft are accompanied by pressure differences. They have a negative impact on the health of adults. His head begins to hurt and his ears are blocked. The child also experiences these symptoms.

Important. If in an adult they pass quickly, then in a baby they can develop into a serious illness. His body is not yet strong and cannot resist such negative influences.

Baby bassinet on an airplane

Children are very sensitive to atmospheric pressure. When it changes, they experience discomfort. They may experience a sharp ear pain and feel dizzy. This makes the baby fussy.

Moreover, ear pain can develop into otitis media within a few hours. This is a serious disease that requires treatment under medical supervision.

It is forbidden to fly with a baby if he has a runny nose.. This will cause the baby's nose to become completely blocked and he will not be able to breathe normally. A simple runny nose will develop into inflammation of the inner ear. The pain will go to the head. The pressure will begin to jump.

Advice. Before flying with your child, you should consult with your child's doctor. He will tell you what medications you will need to take with you.

Before boarding the flight, children undergo a medical examination directly at the airport. In some cases, the doctor may not allow the child to board the plane due to the presence of a disease.

At what age can you fly?

Each child's body is individual. Only a doctor can say for sure when it is safe to fly with a newborn on an airplane.

If there are no prohibitions, you can plan travel from the 7th day of your baby’s life. In this case, parents must write a receipt that they will not make claims to the airline if their child’s well-being worsens.

That is, all responsibility lies with them.

How do kids of different ages cope with flying?

  • Up to 6 months. Flying with babies is quite easy. They quickly fall asleep as soon as the plane begins to gain altitude. They are not susceptible to extraneous sounds. It is worth considering that they will survive the trip well if they do not have diseases. Otherwise the flight will be hectic.
  • From 6 to 12 months. At this age, the child no longer wants to sit in his mother’s arms. He needs to move. He will know the world. It is quite difficult to keep it, but it is possible. To distract your baby's attention from constantly looking at other passengers, you can take a few new toys on board.
  • From 12 to 24 months. It's easier to fly, but you still can't hold the baby in place. New toys are not enough here. In this case, they will come to the rescue modern gadgets with cartoons. Putting a baby to sleep is quite difficult.

You need to be extremely careful when flying with an infant to hot countries. Firstly, the journey takes several hours. Secondly, each baby reacts differently to the change climatic conditions. He might get sick.

Advice. You need to fly on vacation with a small child for several weeks.

As a rule, after a week's rest, children become very ill upon arrival home. Planning a long trip virtually eliminates this possibility. The child’s body will have time to adapt to the climate.

Buying a ticket for a newborn

Airlines provide younger travelers with more favorable ticket prices. They are classified according to the age of the child.

Ticket names according to age:

  • 0-2 years - “Infant”;
  • 2-11 years old - “Child”;
  • from 12 years old - “Adult”.

According to the rules of the Infant fare, children under two years old fly in the arms of one of their parents. The cost of their ticket is 10% of the price of an adult travel document. On many airlines, children under two years old fly free. This is possible when traveling on local airlines.

In some cases, flight attendants leave a free seat in the aircraft cabin specifically for the baby. It is located next to mom or dad.

When purchasing a plane ticket for a child 0-2 years old, you must consider the following:

  1. If the child is already two years old at the time of departure, a ticket is purchased for him according to the airline’s tariffs.
  2. If a child turns two years old when he is on a trip, he is issued 1 ticket free of charge, and the second at established rates.

You can purchase tickets in advance. But provided that their cost corresponds to the airline’s tariffs. If parents have issued a travel document for a child under 2 years old, and he has already turned that age on the day of departure, they will have to reissue it.

Children under 11 years of age can enjoy benefits. The price of their tickets is 50-75% of the cost of an adult travel document. For a child 12 years old, tickets are purchased at full price.

Documents required for flying with a child under one year old

If parents take their child on a trip abroad, they need to have the following documents with them:

  • birth certificate;
  • visa (if required);
  • parents' identity documents.

If the child travels with one of them, you must provide the airline employee with permission to take the child abroad from the other parent. It must be notarized.

To travel within the country you also need to have a birth certificate and parental documents. No permit or visa required.

Important. When children travel with third people, a notarized permission from two parents is required.


Before the flight, all passengers undergo the necessary registration. During it, they confirm their identity, show documents, weigh their luggage and check their hand luggage. This procedure is necessary even when traveling with children. Parents must register as soon as an airline employee announces it.

Note. The faster you go through the registration procedure, the higher the likelihood of choosing normal seats in the cabin. This is provided that parents do not fly business class.

Registration can be done not only at a special counter. Many airports have written priority rules for passengers with children. They can be served without a queue. They also have the opportunity to check in online at the Business or First Class counter.

Stroller in the salon

Each airline has established standards for transporting children's luggage. When purchasing a ticket, you need to check with the employee whether it is possible to fly with a baby on the plane along with a stroller.

As a rule, such a child's attribute is taken away when boarding the plane, and then allowed to be taken. Especially if the journey is long. Some companies equate a stroller with luggage. They place her in the cargo hold. They only receive it upon landing. She is brought to the exit.

Takeoff and landing with a baby

These moments in flight are considered the most critical. They sometimes experience turbulence, which makes even adults worry. This is stressful for a child.

All passengers must wear seat belts during takeoff and landing. This also applies to children. Babies must be secured in the arms of those accompanying them. For this, the flight attendant will provide special belts. They are attached to an adult's seat belt.

Advice. During takeoff and landing, you need to give your baby a pacifier or bottle of water. This will help stabilize his blood pressure.

The best seats on board when flying with a baby

As practice shows, airline employees try to place passengers with children in the front rows of the cabin. There are definitely windows in this part of the plane. The child will be captivated by the view from it, so the flight will go quickly and without hysterics.

Parents with children are prohibited from occupying seats that are located in close proximity to emergency exits. If you don't keep an eye on your child, he may pull the handle. This will lead to depressurization of the interior.

Advice. When registering, you must ask a company employee to provide the most comfortable seats for the child and his parents. As a rule, such requests are always granted. The main thing is to come to registration early.

Children under one year old can sit in the arms of their mother or father. Airline employees can also provide a special seat. It is installed on the seat next to the accompanying person.

What to take to the salon

To ensure that your child is comfortable during the flight, he should be dressed in light clothing. It is necessary to take a replacement set with you if your baby gets sweaty or dirty. Also, do not forget about warm clothes if a cold climate awaits you when leaving the plane.

Necessary care items:

  • several bibs;
  • disposable diapers;
  • dry and wet wipes;
  • several pacifiers;
  • diapers.

Airplanes are equipped with special places for changing and changing clothes. They are located in sanitary rooms.

Nutrition for a newborn

Many parents are interested in how to fly with an infant on an airplane? What can you take on board?

The first thing you should always have is water and baby food. All this can be easily transported in hand luggage.

Important. When searching your belongings, you may be asked to leave a bottle of water, but an exception is made for infants.

The total volume of food and water for a child should not exceed 1 liter. Parents need to provide sufficient quantity liquids. The air on the plane is dry, and babies are often thirsty.

If you need to prepare baby formula hot water, the flight attendant will bring it. Therefore, you should not worry about this and put boiling water in a thermos.

First aid kit

In the cabin of each aircraft there are the most necessary medications for adults. Airline employees undergo special medical training. If necessary, they can even deliver babies on board.

As for children's medicines, then there is a limited number of them.

Important. Children's medications are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the child's body

Therefore, parents should take care of collecting a children's first aid kit in advance.

It should contain the following drugs:

  • For pain and colic in the stomach. It is especially important to take these medications if the baby is not yet 6 months old.
  • Painkillers and antipyretics. During the flight, the child may develop a fever and painful sensations in the ears and head.
  • Remedies for diarrhea. If the pressure drops, the child's stool may be disrupted.
  • Vasoconstrictor nasal drops. They will help relieve your baby of congestion.
  • Ear drops. They are used in case of ear pain.

You need to make sure that the drugs have not expired. Otherwise, their use will negatively affect the child’s health.

Amenities on the plane

In addition to the fact that the sanitary rooms in the aircraft cabin are equipped with folding tables for changing, there is everything on board that is necessary for a comfortable flight with children. The first is cradles. They are issued if necessary. They can carry a small passenger weighing up to 11 kg.

Note. The bassinets are attached to the partition between business and economy class.

If the mother prefers to be in close proximity to the baby, she may be provided with another cradle. She is installed on the passenger seat next to her seat.

Advice. Cradles for children must be reserved when ordering or purchasing a ticket.

Some airlines allow folding strollers on board. They do not take much time, and the child feels comfortable in them. It is important to remember that children must be in the arms of their parents during takeoff and landing and be fastened.