The causes of yellow toenails can vary. However, in any case, this is an indicator of pathology that covers the entire body or is localized only in the area of ​​​​the foot or toenails.

Causes of yellow color on nails

Yellow toenails indicate the appearance and development of the following diseases.

  1. . According to the Great Medical Encyclopedia, a fungus is a “superficial fungal skin infection.” This means that this disease primarily affects the skin, and the nails change color after the transformation of the skin underneath has occurred.
  2. Liver diseases in which the normal production and secretion of bile is disrupted. As a result, bilirubin enters the blood, turning all tissues inside and, of course, outside the body yellowish. Most often this occurs with infectious hepatitis.
  3. The reason for the unnatural color lies in diseases that affect the condition of the skin. Such pathologies include psoriasis, which at a certain stage of its development affects the condition of the nails.
  4. Malaria and rubella can also turn your nails yellow.
  5. Unevenly thick nails with a yellow tint indicate endocrine diseases such as diabetes, which lead to metabolic disorders. In addition, an unusual thickness of the plate can also form due to the development of fungus.
  6. Yellow nails in a child are an indicator of calcium and selenium deficiency, diseases of the respiratory system, helminth infections, the development of fungus and diabetes.
  7. Nails also darken with chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system. In addition, this may indicate poor functioning of the lymphatic system of the legs.

Yellowing of toenails due to temporary exposure occurs for the following reasons.

  1. Nicotine abuse. The fact is that when the body is saturated with nicotine, an intoxication effect appears, comparable to severe chronic diseases. For this reason, the color of the skin and nails changes. Most often, this effect occurs in men.
  2. Taking antibiotics in high concentrations for too long. Sometimes this is due to extreme necessity, but there are cases of unjustified abuse of this group of drugs. As a result, biochemical changes occur, which affects the condition of the nails.
  3. Wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes for a long time. This reason most often occurs in women, since they are the ones who wear extremely uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. When the big toenail is yellow and all other toes are normal, this is diagnostic of persistent pressure.
  4. Women's use of poor quality varnishes that contain toxic substances. They penetrate inside the plate, interact with keratin, changing its color.
  5. Neglecting a base coat before applying varnish. The varnish pigments penetrate deep into the plate and even into the skin, giving both a yellowish color. The brightness of yellowness depends on the degree of saturation of the color of the varnish.

Thus, unnatural yellowness may be a consequence of a disease, or the result of an incorrect lifestyle.

The condition of the thumb as an indicator of pathology

For some reason, most of the unfavorable processes that manifest themselves in the condition of the toenails begin with the big toe. This can be explained by its special position and functions in the foot. This finger bears the maximum load when working the leg muscles. Both arterial and venous vessels pass through it, on which the well-being of the entire foot depends.

It is not surprising that all pathologies of the body that can manifest themselves on the foot are most often projected on the big toe.

One of the pathologies is called “yellow nail syndrome.” It usually appears in people of retirement age. The yellow and peeling plate in this case is combined with swelling of the legs. At the same time, the finger itself does not hurt in any part. This is usually associated with pathology of the respiratory system.

The Atlas of Human Anatomy records the earliest “age-related appearance of ossification points” in the foot skeleton in the area of ​​the big toe. Such ossifications interfere with the normal functioning of the arterial and venous systems, which leads to yellowing of the nail without pain. This is not so much a pathology as a lack of normal coloring due to bad work blood vessels and metabolic disorders throughout the foot.

The combination of yellowing and pain in the thumb area is usually associated with:

  • development of a fungal disease;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • prolonged compression;
  • severe bruise.

Spots on the nails as an additional symptom

The indicator property of nail color is sometimes supplemented by the presence of spots. Most often they occur on thumb legs. However, spots may also appear on.

Spots on toenails may appear for the following reasons:

  • if they are yellow, this means the development of skin problems;
  • dark brown spots can be caused by prolonged vitamin deficiency.
  • green and brown shades indicate the development of fungus;
  • black color indicates diseases of the liver, heart, blood vessels, and the development of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • dark and bluish nails are an indicator oxygen starvation, which usually develops due to problems with blood vessels and respiratory organs.
  • Uneven and brown spots indicate the development of psoriasis.
  • rapid development of the spot indicates the likelihood of a tumor;
  • located may be an indicator of toxin or carbon monoxide poisoning.

The appearance of dark spots in pregnant women is considered normal, since this is associated with constant and long-term changes in the body. At different stages of pregnancy, the resources of a woman’s body are actively consumed by the child, which can cause temporary vitamin deficiency, lack of elements, etc.

After childbirth, all spots usually disappear. If this does not happen, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out why the woman’s body does not return to normal.

However, most often, spots on the toenails indicate, first of all, an injury or the constant compressive effect of shoes.

Treatment of yellow nails

If yellowness has formed due to a serious somatic disease, for example, the liver, then it is useless to treat the nails themselves - you need to deal with the underlying disease. However, improve appearance possible with the help of some folk remedies.

How to treat your nails if you are affected by a fungus? Of course, first of all, you should consult a dermatologist. He will recommend the most suitable means for you.

If the infection has only resulted in yellowing of the nails, but the plate itself has not yet been destroyed, treatment usually consists of long-term use of special antifungal ointments - etc.

In serious cases where the fungus has spread, strong antifungal medications taken orally must be used.

If your nails are really affected by fungus, you should stop using nail polish. The fact is that a waterproof coating creates an environment of high humidity in the nail area. In these conditions, the fungus feels especially good, but you need to use or.

The following folk remedies will help reduce, and maybe even eliminate the effect of yellowness:

  1. Baths with lemon juice. To carry out the procedure, you need to fill a small basin with warm water, add lemon juice there at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of water. Now you can place your feet in this water for 20 minutes. Such procedures need to be done for 15 days.
  2. Baths with sodium bicarbonate and chamomile. For 1 liter of water you need to put 1 tbsp. spoon of soda and pour in half a glass of chamomile infusion. Mix everything well. The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes. Treatment should be daily for two weeks. In such an alkaline environment, all microorganisms do poorly. Mushrooms are no exception. In addition, soda is a good whitener, and chamomile infusion fights inflammatory processes.
  3. If the yellow color has not spread beyond one finger, you can do without baths. Simply wipe the nail part of this finger with low concentration vinegar or lemon juice. After treatment, it is better not to wash your nails for about an hour. The exception is a situation in which a person feels a strong burning sensation, which occurs when there are microcracks in the skin.


Thus, yellowness on the nails may indicate the development of serious diseases. These include: psoriasis, neoplasms in respiratory system, cardiac pathology vascular system, liver disease, developing foot fungus, etc.

This symptom should be taken seriously even if you feel well. Changing the color of your nails is always a serious reason to see a doctor.

You can tell about a person's health by the color of his nails. The appearance of a yellow tint can serve as a signal of a malfunction in the body. Why do yellow toenails appear? Let's figure it out.

There are several reasons for the appearance of a yellow tint on nails - external and internal.


  • air temperature and humidity;
  • ultra-violet rays;
  • household chemicals.

Ultraviolet rays give them a yellow tint, so it is recommended to visit the solarium no more than once a week. Household chemicals cause significant damage to the nail plate. They can turn yellow from varnishes and varnish removers, from conditioners, from creams and various skin care products. Any chemical that comes into contact with the surface of the nail can change its color.

Internal factors

  • infections;
  • yellow nail syndrome;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • long course of antibiotics;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • fungal infections.

Why is this happening? The reason is chronic infections - hepatitis, rubella, psoriasis. Due to these diseases, the nail becomes thicker and appears yellow.
The so-called “yellow nail syndrome” most often affects middle-aged and elderly people. This is due to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, as well as the inevitable aging process.

Diabetes mellitus, jaundice - these diseases are one of the reasons why the nail turns yellow. These diseases provoke disruptions in the metabolic system, and as a result, all this affects their color.

A long course of taking antibiotics causes changes in the structure of the nail plate, it becomes thicker and acquires a yellowish color.

The main reason is a fungal infection. You can get it anywhere - in the pool, in the bathhouse, sauna, gym, while doing a pedicure. Fungus also appears due to high humidity in shoes and damage to the nail surface.

The first sign of infection is a yellow stripe on the thumb. If treatment is not started in time, the nail becomes thicker and yellower.

Treatment options

If the nail has turned yellow due to various diseases, then only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

If the reason is a fungal infection, or the nail has turned yellow due to external factors, then you can handle this yourself.
To return them to a healthy color, you must first eliminate the cause of the yellow color. You should forget about cheap varnishes and varnish removers that contain nitrocellulose and acetone. You shouldn't paint your nails all the time; you need to take a break for a few days. Keep your manicure tools clean. If you resort to the services of salons, then pay attention to whether the instruments are sterilized. If a reaction to household chemicals, shower gels, creams is noticed, then their use should be stopped.

Make sure your shoes and socks are always dry. Excessive sweating causes bacteria to develop in damp shoes, which can cause fungus.

Having assessed the degree of damage to the nail plate, it is necessary to choose a method of eliminating the fungus. Treatment can be with the help of folk remedies and medications.

Traditional methods

You can get rid of yellow toenails using folk remedies in the following ways:

  1. If the toenail has become thicker and has acquired a yellow tint, then lemon juice can cope with this. It must be applied to the surface, or added to the bath.
  2. Tea tree oil will help get rid of fungus. It has antiseptic properties and fights fungal infections well.
  3. If the nail plate has become thicker and yellowed, then a homemade ointment will help. Need to mix a raw egg with a spoon vegetable oil and 70% vinegar. Apply to the affected areas and leave overnight, wearing warm socks to achieve the best effect.
  4. Celandine helps restore nails to a healthy appearance. It is enough to wipe your nails with its juice several times a day.
  5. If your toenail has turned yellow, then regular garlic will help. Since it has a strong antimicrobial effect, nails regain their normal appearance quite quickly. You need to mix the garlic pulp with an equal amount butter, and apply the resulting mixture.
  6. Baths with oak bark have a positive effect in the fight against fungal infections and if the nail has become thicker. You need to mix 3 tablespoons of the bark of this tree with the same amount of lilac flowers, add 2 tablespoons of calendula and 1 celandine. Fill everything hot water and leave for 24 hours. Next, strain the broth and use it for foot baths.
  7. Regular salicylic ointment is an excellent remedy in the fight against fungus. You just need to spread it on the infected areas, wrap it in cellophane, and put on socks.

Drug treatment

If the funds traditional medicine do not help, then use pharmaceutical products. The most effective are varnishes:

  • lozaril;
  • mycosan;
  • batrafen

They are quite expensive, their price varies between 700 - 1500 rubles, but they quickly and effectively fight toenail fungus.

If the lesion is extensive and the fungal infection develops rapidly, then you cannot do without taking antibiotics:

  • Diflucan – 450-500 rubles;
  • fungavis - about 140 rubles;
  • Lamisil - 1000-1500 rubles.

Various ointments and emulsions are widely used. The most popular of them:

  • Lamisil – 300-600 rubles;
  • exifin – 200 rubles;
  • thermikon – 170 rub.

It should be noted that the active ingredient of these drugs is ciclopiroxolamine, it is effective only on early stages fungal infections.

If the treatment was chosen correctly and carried out in full, the tissue affected by the fungus is replaced with healthy one.

With summer approaching, many people are beginning to pay more attention to the appearance of their legs. And here some people are in for an unpleasant surprise. It turns out that your toenails turn yellow and thicken. Treatment must be started immediately, because such defects can cause complexes, especially in females.

The color of a person's nail plate is always in harmony with the color of the skin. It happens that for some reason such harmony is disturbed, and the nails turn yellow and thicken. Most often this happens on the legs.

Nail color should be in harmony with skin color

Before starting treatment, it is worth understanding why this happened. After all, perhaps you first need to eliminate the causes, and then start treatment. Otherwise, the problem may return, or cannot be eliminated at all. And there can be many reasons.


Nail injuries can be acute or chronic. It all depends on the force on the nail at the time of injury.

Acute trauma means a physical impact that instantly causes damage in the form of a crushed or even torn nail.

The cause of such consequences may be something heavy falling on the foot, or a strong kick against something hard. For example, soccer players constantly kick the ball, which can cause acute injury.

However, you can accidentally trip over something. As a result of such a bruise, most often, the vessels at the location of the nail, or in the area where it grows, are damaged. Therefore, bleeding occurs and a hematoma forms.

A bruised nail usually provokes a change in its color (becomes blue) and thickening IN best case scenario

the consequence of an acute injury will be the detachment of the nail plate from its bed. When the nail grows back, everything returns to normal. But severe damage to the growth zone of the nail can cause changes in the shape of the nail. Such defects can not only cause the unaesthetic appearance of the fingers, but also lead to other problems, such as yellowing and thickening of the nail plate.

While walking, your toenails are constantly under stress. Therefore, a deformed, thickened nail can easily grow into the tissue of the toes, which will cause pain and can have many unpleasant consequences.

A deformed, thickened nail receives stress while walking and can grow into the tissue of the toes A chronic injury is one that occurs gradually. Therefore, most often, this happens unnoticed by the victim. There may be several reasons for such an injury: uncomfortable shoes, exposure to cosmetic coatings for nails that have chemical composition

. It can also lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of a yellowed, deformed nail.

It happens that at the expense of comfort, some people (usually women) prefer beautiful shoes. A woman can spend the whole day in uncomfortable and constricting stilettos, emphasizing her femininity and elegance. The consequence of such beauty can be treatment, because the blood flow in the toes that are clenched at this moment will slow down, and as a result, the toenails turn yellow and thicken.

Tight and uncomfortable shoes also cause deformation of the feet and nails, including

In pursuit of a neat appearance of the foot, a person buys shoes that fit the foot too tightly, hoping that over time it will become looser. Only while the shoes are worn out, the nails are in a compressed state, and still suffer. And not everyone remembers when purchasing that the human foot tends to change in volume.

For example, with prolonged exercise, or if the legs are hot, the foot swells. If the shoes do not provide a little free space, then the toes will be squeezed, and along with them the nails. If a person happens to run, jump, or go down a hill in such shoes, the foot moves forward, and most of the load inevitably falls on the fingers and toenails. In tight shoes, your nails suffer greatly at this moment.

As a result, the toenails turn yellow and thicken. Treatment of such a problem should begin with choosing comfortable shoes.

It is worth adding that compression stockings or tights can cause similar damage to your nails, since they also compress your fingers and toenails.

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Chemical damage

Every representative of the fair sex wants to look perfect from the tips of her toes. Therefore, pedicure has become an integral part for them.

Frequent use of polishes and liquids to remove them negatively affects the health of the nail plates.

But not everyone thinks that, in addition to beauty, it can also cause harm. Nail polishes and nail polish removers have a chemical composition, which means they can damage the health of your nails.

This is especially true when the nails are covered with durable varnish, which has the property of tightly adhering to the surface of the nail. And to remove it, very aggressive solvents are used, which leads to thinning of the nail.

With prolonged abuse of such drugs, the toenails can be seriously damaged, they turn yellow and thicken. Therefore, in order to avoid treatment, sometimes it is worth taking a break and not applying to your nails. decorative coating.

Bad habits

Smoking has never benefited anyone.

Accumulating in the body, nicotine turns nails yellow., and, of course, has a detrimental effect on their health.

However, this is the smallest part of the harm nicotine causes to human health. If you get rid of the bad habit in time, your nails will return to their healthy color as nicotine is eliminated from the body.

Fungal infection

The most common cause of changes in the color and shape of the nail is fungus. But it doesn’t appear on its own. More often it is preceded by provoking factors:

  • excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle reduce the level of blood supply lower limbs. These are favorable conditions for a fungal infection;
  • shoes that do not have ventilation, are narrow and uncomfortable, together with synthetic socks, will cause sweating of the feet. A wet feet– the most favorable environment for the development of fungus;

Being in crowded places, wet feet, poor hygiene are all factors that contribute to the development of nail fungus.
  • being in crowded places (such as a swimming pool, sauna, fitness club) with bare feet puts you at risk of contracting a fungus;
  • diabetes mellitus puts a person at high risk of contracting a fungal infection;
  • Uncomfortable shoes can lead to the formation of cracks and calluses. This good conditions for the development of fungus;
  • the hot season contributes to increased sweating;
  • smoking leads to problems with blood vessels. Poor blood circulation is beneficial for fungal life;
  • Other people's hygiene items, clothes, and especially shoes can give a person a fungal infection.

It is important to know! A fungus is an infection that can easily be transmitted from one person to another. Therefore, if you notice signs of a fungal infection, you should consult a doctor. After all, it is possible to definitively determine whether it is a fungus or not only with the help of laboratory analysis. The same analysis will determine the causative agent of the fungal infection, which is important for prescribing the correct treatment.

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Possible symptoms of a fungal infection may include:

1. The nail changes color.

2. The thickness of the nail changes (it thickens or becomes thinner).

3. The nail begins to peel.

4. The nail crumbles.

5. The appearance of redness of the skin around the nail plate.

Chronic diseases

Often the aesthetic problem actually lies within the human body. The processes taking place inside undoubtedly affect the appearance.

Due to liver problems, both the skin and nails turn yellow. Diseases of the lungs, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, problems with metabolism or lymph nodes can also affect the appearance of the nails.

In the presence of chronic diseases internal organs nails can also change their color and structure

In other words, the nail may be affected by onychodystrophy, a disease caused by other diseases occurring inside the human body, or metabolic disorders.

Medicines and poisons

Excessive use of antibiotics can lead to problems with the lymph nodes, which in turn affects the condition of the nails.

Some medications, especially those containing arsenic, when present in excess in the body, negatively affect the health of not only some internal organs, but also the nails.


It is so intended by nature that The older a person is, the more health problems he or she has. It is more difficult for metabolism to occur, blood circulation is impaired, and the nail plate takes longer to grow. The nail no longer receives many essential nutrients, so it may change in color and structure.

As women age, their nail plates change in color and structure.

In addition, immunity decreases, and nails reduce their protective functions; they often begin to thicken and acquire a yellow tint due to the growth of the stratum corneum. For all these reasons, an older person is already at greater risk of developing a fungal infection.

Of course, age is not a prerequisite for nail problems. But this is a reason to be extremely careful about your own health.


Like other parts of the human body, the nail needs nutrients and vitamins. The condition and appearance of the nail plate directly depends on the level of their quantity.

Due to a lack of essential vitamins, toenails turn yellow and thicken. In this case, treatment must begin with replenishing the deficiency of vitamins in the body.

A lack of vitamins affects not only your well-being, but also the condition of your nails.

Other reasons

There are many more reasons leading to nail defects. This may be a consequence of a major operation.

It may be a disease of the nail plates themselves - dystrophy, which is a consequence of severe infectious diseases, or a disorder nervous system. Especially if you have a habit of biting your nails (more often this applies to children).

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Treatment of the problem

It is important to know! Before starting treatment and choosing its method, it is necessary to establish the true cause that led to the nail defect.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate without knowing the source of the problem! Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, determining why the toenails turn yellow and thicken.

Based on the research, the doctor will recommend adequate therapy.

But first of all, it is necessary to cancel the cause of the illness.

If we are talking about bad habits, then you need to get rid of them. If necessary, internal organs should be treated if there are any diseases. It's a good idea to review your shoes and update them as needed. It may be worth boosting your immunity and replenishing the lack of vitamins in your body.

Having eliminated, if possible, provoking factors, you should begin to treat the nails themselves.

Drugs from the pharmacy

Modern science does not stand still, so the pharmacy has many products for healing nails. Of course, it will be better if you use them on the recommendation of a doctor. This is especially true when it comes to fungal infections.

Tablets and ointments are used to treat nails

Drugs from the pharmacy for the treatment of nails can be divided into two types: for oral administration, i.e. tablets, and for external use. If the disease has an initial form, then traditional methods can be used together with means for external use. Usually a 7-day application twice a day is sufficient.

But, if the fungus is already actively progressing or has an advanced form, it is necessary to use systemic antifungal agents.

When it comes to onychodystrophy, minerals, vitamins, iron- and calcium-containing preparations are prescribed. Drugs that stimulate increased immunity will also be useful.

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Folk remedies

If the examination shows that it is not a fungal infection that is causing your toenails to turn yellow and thicken, you can try treatment at home. There are many folk recipes to combat this problem:

  • Lemon juice helps in the fight against yellowness of nails. To do this, just rub it into your nails for 5 minutes, no more than 2 times a week.
  • You can make a nail mask from baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice. This procedure can be repeated no more than 3 times a month.
  • For daily use, a combination of olive oil and lemon juice in equal proportions is suitable. This mixture for rubbing not only whitens, but also nourishes the nails.
  • Baths with sea salt for 15 minutes will also help in whitening nails. To do this, it is enough to dilute 2-3 tsp. sea ​​salt in a glass of warm water. This procedure should be carried out no more than 3 times a week.

A popular and effective folk remedy for treating nails is salt baths.
  • Baths of warm water and 2 tbsp. help get rid of thickened nails. l. table salt for 20 minutes. Next, dry your feet with a towel, trim the edges of your nails, and file them.

If all the procedures do not lead to the desired result, and the nails grow back with the same defects, then the reason still lies inside the body. There is only one way - you need to see a doctor.

It is important to know! One has only to add that with onychodystrophy it helps to cope with the disease food gelatin, if taken in pure form 3 grams per day, for 2 months.

When self-medication is unacceptable

First of all, you should always remember that fungal infections must be dealt with strictly under the supervision of a doctor!

If the fungus is not detected, and home treatment does not help, then you should not get carried away with experiments, it is better to consult a doctor. There is a high probability that the appearance of such nails is not a cosmetic problem, but a signal of a human health problem.

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Preventing thickening and yellowing of toenails

The best way to avoid yellowing and thickening of toenails is to avoid the above mistakes, then treatment will not be required. What to do in for preventive purposes:

To avoid any problems with your nails, they need to be properly cared for.
  • protect your legs from injury (if possible);
  • wear comfortable shoes;
  • do not become addicted to bad habits;
  • observe safety measures in public areas;
  • do not use other people’s personal belongings and do not give yours to anyone;
  • and most importantly: take care of your health!

Well, if you couldn’t avoid the problem, then you shouldn’t fall into despair. First of all, you need to pull yourself together and find out the cause of the nail disease. Knowing the enemy by sight makes it easier to deal with him.

Good health and beauty to everyone!

Elena Malysheva will tell you how to treat nail and foot fungus:

How to strengthen and restore nails at home:

How to get rid of an ingrown toenail yourself at home:

Huge yellow or black nails on the hands and feet that resemble animal claws are not a very pleasant sight. They can be so hard that they cannot be cut off, they disfigure legs, and cause horror in people. Thick nails are so hard that they cannot be cut with scissors. Summer shoes are becoming unavailable. For women, this is generally a tragedy. They don’t know what to do about it, panic and hysteria begin.

Why did the nail plate on the big toe of each foot change its structure and become thicker? Thickening and changing color of nails can provoke various diseases.

Causes and symptoms of thickening:

Fungus remedy

1.The most common reason for this problem is fungus. The symptoms of fungus are very easy to recognize, as the toes begin to itch first.

An unpleasant odor emanates from the feet and the appearance of the nails deteriorates. It is easy to catch this disease. While visiting beauty salons, gym, solarium, swimming pool. More careless is wearing someone else's shoes. What to do if the nail on your big toe has turned slightly yellow and thicker?

The fungus is easy to treat this way. Even if you don’t have a fungus, it won’t cause any harm, and prevention won’t hurt.

2.Lymphatic circulation disorder is the second reason for this problem. It usually affects the toenails. Elephantiasis of the feet disrupts the uniform supply of nutrients, because the toes experience hypoxia, the nail plate becomes much thicker, and then darkens.

Thickening and yellowing of the nail

3.This trouble can be caused by diabetes. During the course of this disease, the blood supply is disrupted, the nail on the big toe experiences a lack of nutrients, becomes thicker, and its color and structure change.

4.Endocrine diseases, change the color and thickness of the nail plate. When the endocrine system is disrupted, the normal production of hormones is disrupted. Some are produced in excess, others, on the contrary, are not enough. If not sufficient quantity hormones responsible for the growth and health of nails, they become thick and change color.

5. Liver diseases, often lead to this problem. Seals, yellowness, roughness, grooves on the nails are one of the signs of liver disease.

6.Cardiac ischemia, leads to cessation of blood circulation, which causes the entire body to suffer, including the nails. They become very thick and acquire a yellow-gray tint.

7. Nervous system disease neuropathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus. The peripheral type of this disease leads to decreased sensitivity of the lower extremities; they are more susceptible to dryness than other parts of the body. You need to watch every nail. If it changes color and becomes thicker, then you should definitely visit a dermatologist.

Fungus on the nail

8. It happens that yellow and thick nails on a person’s feet or hands are a congenital feature. Disturbance of normal blood circulation leads to the fact that they turn yellow and thicken. This disease is called - onychogryphosis.

8. Because lack of vitamin B and calcium, toenails turn yellow, become streaky, and become thicker.

9. The nail on the big toe became painful and yellow, it’s all to blame wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes. In addition to yellowness, it may have blue and black spots. Over time, the nail falls away from the skin. To ensure your new nail grows healthy, you need to wear comfortable shoes.

10. Old age. In people who have passed the age of sixty, their fingernails and toenails become thicker. This is more likely due to the fact that older people suffer from one of the above diseases, or metabolic disorders.

All these causes can be successfully treated. In order for each of the nails to become healthy again, there are folk remedies, as well as modern medicine.

Folk remedies for thickening of nails:


Before doing baths and compresses, it is worth remembering that not all diseases can be cured. folk remedies. Traditional methods, nail fungus is usually treated.
Apple vinegar along with potassium permanganate, it is added to the water in which you wash your feet. Such baths need to be done for exactly a week to restore a healthy appearance to your nails.
Tea tree oilgood remedy from fungus. Treatment: you need to smear yellowed toenails every day.
Herbal collection, consisting of horsetail, oak bark and calendula, is successfully used for baths, has a quick and long-lasting effect.
Garlic– a product known for its antibacterial effect. In order to fight fungal diseases, garlic must be mixed with alcohol to make a tincture, then wipe your feet with it two to three times a day.
For a good effect, it is better to use two methods of treatment at once. For example, first take a bath, then smear your nails with oil.

After taking baths, you need to treat your steamed toenails with oil.
To treat internal causes use:
ivy leaves, filled with a liter of vodka or alcohol. They are first insisted for three days, then take one tablespoon per day. This helps normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.

Wild clove tea cleanses the blood and normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands. It is an excellent remedy for treating many diseases, but this type of clove grows only in France.

If the nail has become thicker due to a violation of the outflow of lymph, then it is treated plantain decoction. Making a decoction is very simple. You need to pour one hundred grams of dried plantain leaves with a liter of water, bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for another ten minutes. You need to take three tablespoons per day.

Honey with garlic

You can also mix crushed garlic with honey and take it three times a day.
For some liver diseases, people are treated with fasting, or a special diet, and an herb called milk thistle, which must be taken before each meal. After a month of treatment, the liver is cleansed and the signs of the disease disappear.

The worst thing is when this problem is congenital, then treatment is required constantly.
Congenital thickening can be treated with kombucha. Before applying the compress, you need to steam your feet, then treat each nail with kombucha for 8-12 hours.

At the initial stage of onychogryphosis, the steamed nail plate is treated lavender oil. This treatment is good for prevention (until the nail becomes thick). If the nail plate on the toes has already hardened and taken acute form, it is better to consult a doctor.

Gives a good effect aloe leaf compress.

A congenital disease does not mean that a person has this shape and color of nails. Usually they become thicker due to a lack of nutrients or some problems with the internal organs. Therefore, you must first identify and eliminate the cause. Treatment with folk remedies is good, but not always effective.

Diagnosis and treatment of thickened nails

Before starting treatment, you need to identify the exact cause, and not guess it, self-medicating and wasting time.

To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist and get a referral from him for the appropriate tests. After passing all the tests, when the reason becomes known. You may have to change your doctor. A thick nail, or rather a small piece of it, is taken for analysis.
Thickening of the nails, which appeared due to fungus, lymphostasis, lack of necessary vitamins can be treated with folk remedies. But if the thickening occurs due to liver disease, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system, it is better to treat them using the methods prescribed by the doctor.

Sometimes it happens that your toenails, for unknown reasons, turn yellow or spots appear on them. Such changes bring some discomfort to both women and men. Yellow nails look unsightly and can interfere with relaxation in the summer. It is necessary to figure out what causes the yellowness.

If it is accompanied by thickening of the plate and its destruction, these are signs infectious disease. In other cases, an unsightly shade can be caused by injuries, poor diet, or the use of decorative cosmetics. Let's take a closer look at what affects nail color and how to deal with it.

In many cases, a change in the shade of the nail plate is due to reasons not related to the deterioration of a person’s health. Basically these are signs negative influence environment on the structure of the keratin layer.

Here are the main factors that cause yellow spots on nails:

  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • drug intoxication;
  • use of chemicals;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • leg injuries;
  • unqualified nail treatment;
  • weather;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics.

What food ruins the appearance of your nails?

An unbalanced diet causes severe changes throughout the body. A lack of vitamins and minerals negatively affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair. White or yellowish spots appear on the plates and grooves appear. This often happens during periods of autumn-spring exacerbations of vitamin deficiency.

Nutritionists believe that eating certain foods can change the color of your nails. For example, carrots, which contain a lot of natural coloring pigment. In this case, the plate acquires a yellow-orange tint. This problem may occur in vegetarians who eat a large number of fruits and root vegetables.

Nails may turn yellow in people who drink a lot of coffee and products that contain caffeine. This substance, which enters the body in large doses, washes away calcium. As a result, the structure of the nails deteriorates. With an overdose of caffeine, the stratum corneum becomes weak and brittle.

Other common causes

Tobacco smoking provokes a change in the shade of the nail plates and their deformation. Long-term smokers have yellow nails not only on their hands, but also on their toes. This occurs due to constant nicotine intoxication. Due to the deficiency of nutrients that smokers experience, nails begin to peel and become dark.

The problem of yellowing nails occurs after long-term use medicines, especially potent ones. This happens during the rehabilitation period, after undergoing operations or serious illnesses. Antibiotics, which are prescribed by doctors, kill harmful microbes, and along with them, beneficial bacteria needed by the body. Against this background, skin diseases develop, hair and nails suffer.

Cleaning products used in everyday life contain a huge amount of toxic substances. If you use them without gloves, you can get irritation and even skin burns. These substances also have a detrimental effect on nails. If redness, itching, or yellowing of the plates occurs after using chemicals, you should stop using them and replace them with softer ones.

Nail plates turn yellow after using iodine. If the feet are treated with this product, the yellow-brown spots will remain on the skin and keratin layer for several days.

Wearing uncomfortable, tight or poor-quality shoes often causes deterioration in the condition of nails. Constant compression of the limbs leads to deformation of the plate on the big toe. It begins to grow incorrectly and spots appear on it.

In addition, diseases of the joints and vascular system occur. Shoes made of synthetic materials provoke the growth of bacteria that settle on the skin and the cornea of ​​​​the nails. Because of this, yellowness occurs and the plate delaminates.

Mechanical injuries to the feet (impacts, bruises) often lead to the death of nails. If the blow falls on the tip of the finger, the plate may turn yellow, blacken and subsequently fall off. This is often accompanied by bleeding. The nail comes off completely or partially. If the stratum corneum has already begun to shift, you need to carefully remove it with manicure tools. It will not be possible to restore it. In this case, you need to wait until a new one grows.

Sometimes weather conditions affect the change in nail shade. The plates turn yellow and peel off winter period due to strong temperature changes and dryness in the apartments. In summer this happens due to prolonged exposure to the sun. If the stratum corneum is weak, it is overdried by ultraviolet radiation and becomes thinner. Pale or yellowish spots appear on it. It begins to gradually peel off.

When treating nails using a pedicure device, damage to the plate or infection may occur if the technician is not competent enough. This can also happen when the device is used at home without the appropriate skills.

Bad cosmetics are the main reason for changing nail color

Yellowness is often caused by the use of low-quality decorative varnishes. Inexpensive Chinese-made cosmetics contain harmful substances that negatively affect the stratum corneum. This problem also occurs when regularly using varnishes of saturated colors. The dyes in their composition leave a yellowish mark on the nail plate. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to apply a base varnish under the decorative coating.

The appearance of yellowness is caused by frequent use of acetone-containing cosmetic removers. In this case, you should purchase a substitute that does not contain this acetone (dimethylketone).

The plate also deteriorates and turns yellow when using tips and false nails. Especially if cheap materials are used. The glue with which they are attached penetrates the structure of the nail, causing its destruction.

Diseases that lead to yellowing of nails

Other factors due to which the nail plate undergoes changes are diseases. These could be pathologies of internal organs or viruses.

These include:

  • skin infections (dermatitis, lichen, etc.);
  • keratosis - a disease accompanied by thickening of the stratum corneum of the nail;
  • onychogryphosis;
  • failure of the immune system;
  • vascular diseases;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;

  • dysfunction of the sweat glands;
  • fungal infections.

Onychogryphosis – rare view onychodystrophy. This is a nail disease that develops due to metabolic disorders. It can be congenital or acquired. With this pathology, the plate becomes denser, bends and takes on the appearance of a claw.

The first signs appear when walking. The person experiences discomfort, he becomes uncomfortable. This occurs because the thumbnail has thickened. The plate turns yellow, then darkens, and can grow into the epidermis. At the next stage, pain occurs and it becomes impossible to wear shoes. The nail bends and grooves appear on it.

One of the causes of this disease is considered to be wearing tight shoes that compress the foot. In this case, a hematoma of the nail bed is formed, which leads to the formation of a thickened stratum corneum. Degeneration of the nail structure causes a change in its shade.

Yellowing of the plates most often appears in older people due to age-related changes in the body.

Also, if your toenails turn yellow, this is a symptom of a fungal infection. This disease has unpleasant manifestations that prevent a person from living a normal life. First, whitish spots appear on the plate, then it turns yellow and becomes thick. In later stages, the stratum corneum begins to crumble and exfoliate. The shade changes from yellowish to brown, green and even black (as in the photo).

Basically, the disease begins on the big toe, then moves to the neighboring ones. This is caused by a fungus that settles in a humid and polluted environment. Its appearance is promoted by poor foot hygiene and lack of shoe care. It can be difficult to remove onychomycosis, especially in the later stages of the disease. Only a dermatologist can prescribe the correct treatment.

Sometimes changes in nail color are caused by infections such as:

  • measles;
  • scarlet fever;

  • tuberculosis;
  • malaria;
  • rubella.

What to do with yellow plates

If yellowness is caused by external reasons, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that led to this manifestation. For example, change your diet, stop using aggressive detergents chemicals. Girls who constantly use decorative varnishes and do nail extensions should resort to these procedures less often. It is necessary to give the plate the opportunity to rest and recover after the use of toxic substances.

You can whiten your nails yourself using home remedies. You need to take a teaspoon of baking soda and moisten it with hydrogen peroxide so that you get a paste. Rub the nail plates with this mixture.

You can also get rid of yellow plaque using a medicinal composition of olive oil and blue clay. The ingredients are mixed to form a mushy mass, which is applied to the nails. Leave it on for 5 minutes and then rinse with water.

Products such as regular or Apple vinegar. You need to moisten a cotton pad with this substance and rub it into the plate for a while. The procedure is done every day until a positive result is achieved.

You can also use lemon juice. It works great either alone or with baking soda. A paste is made from the ingredients and applied to the nails. You need to rub the plates with the product, then rinse off the residue with water.

Onychogryphosis is treated by a podiatrist - a doctor who deals with foot problems. The diseased plate is most often removed. To do this, first treat it with softening agents, then remove the deformed layer with a large manicure file.

Nail mycosis is treated with antifungal agents. At the initial stage, ointments and varnishes are used. If the disease is advanced, potent drugs in tablets are prescribed. Medicines can be combined with taking vitamins and painkillers.