Painful and unpleasant feelings in the left hypochondrium may indicate the presence of a wide variety of health problems, ranging from intercostal neuralgia and ending with cardiac diseases. Often the manifested symptoms are enough to assume this or that disease that has its own characteristics of clinical manifestation and flow. Why hurts left side under ribs and how to get rid of it, learn later.

The reasons

Given the nature of the pain and place of its localization, the reasons that provoke discomfort in the field of hypochondrium may be as follows:

  1. Pathology of the gastrointestinal bodies: ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis.
  2. Neof formation internal organswhich put pressure on the nerve endings, provoking pain.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases: myocardial infarction, ischemia, cardiomyopathy.
  4. Pathological changes of the spleen, in which the blockage of its vessels occurs, which provokes thrombosis and gap (heart attack).
  5. Intercostal neuralgia at which large nerve roots roots are inflamed.
  6. The diaphragmal hernia and bruises.
  7. Left-sided pneumonia flowing into pleurisy.
  8. Urolithiasis disease.

Pathology data affect vital organsTherefore, it is not worth tightening with diagnosis and treatment.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. She graduated from Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical ordinator and neurologist Buz in \\ "Moscow Polyclinic \\".

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The main reason for the appearance of pain in the busty organs is an inflammatory process, which is due to the development of pathogenic microflora. Most often, the provocateur is the bacteria of the genus Helicobacter pylori, which are capable of firmly attached to the inner walls of the gastrointestinal organs, provoking inflammation. Pain in the left side under the ribs can be provoked by such diseases digestive system, as:

  1. Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, in which the body is not able to produce the desired amount of the secret necessary for a complete digestion of food in the stomach.
  2. Gastritis - the inflammatory process is localized in the upper stomach departments, causing heartburn, spastic pain and no appetite.
  3. The ulcer is a consequence of gastritis, which remained without treatment for a long time. The pathogenic microflora corps the walls of the stomach, which leads to the appearance of bleeding ulcers.
  4. Gastroduodenitis is an inflammatory process covering at the same time the lower gastric and duodenum.
  5. Colitis is an inflammatory process in a thick intestine, which is provoked mainly by a dysenteric wand.

View of pain
In acute pancreatitis pain spastic and skating. Any body movements cause pain. Gastritis and ulcers provoke the development of dagger pain, which over time is dull, but does not disappear without proper treatment.

The intestinal inflammation causes a feeling of cutting in the left hypochondrium, as well as spastic pains that can go to the overtakers.

Pancreatitis is determined if pains in the left hypochondrium, where the pancreas itself is located. Gastritis and ulcers can be given to the left hypochondrium, but the hearth bar is located in the place where inflammation is concentrated. Gastroduodenitis and colitis exhibit the painting pain of the left hypochondrium from the front wall abdominal cavity.
In addition to the above symptoms, the pathology of the gastrointestinal bodies are diagnosed in the following ways:

  1. Common blood test, as well as blood on sugar.
  2. Blood test and feces.
  3. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  4. Gastroscopy.
  5. Analysis of gastric juice, as well as cytology and gistology of smear.
  6. Endoscopy intestines.

Therapy is aimed at the relief of acute attack of pain, as well as the further elimination of its cause - inflammation. For these purposes, medications are used as:

  1. Antibiotics to which the pathogenic microflora is less stable: cephalosporins, pinicillins, tetracyclines.
  2. Enzymes helping to split food: pancreatin, mezim.
  3. Probiotics stabilizing intestinal microflora: Linex, acipol, bifiform.

During treatment, it is important to observe a strict diet, as well as drink a lot of pure mineral water without gas.

In the event that the inflammatory process is extensive and threatens spreading to nearby fabrics and organs, a decision is made to remove part of the affected organ.

Tomb of internal organs

Determine the neoplasm internal organs yourself almost impossible. There should be such symptoms such as:

  • seals and dupile in the left hypochondrium, which cause sharp pain during palpation;
  • lack of appetite, feeling of the overflow of the stomach and intestines;
  • frequent constipation or diarrhea that cannot be regulated by medicines;
  • drilling, burning and heat in the abdominal cavity;
  • appearance blood discharge In Kale and vomit.

View of pain
Even if the neoplasm has a benign nature, its body, which is constantly increasing in volumes, puts pressure on the adjacent tissue, causing a stupid and new, but constant pain.

It is the constancy of pain that is a reason to suspect the presence of neoplasms.

Legal hypochondrium and the center of the abdominal cavity.
It is possible to determine the presence of neoplasms using comprehensive diagnostics:

  1. Blood analysis, urine and feces.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  3. MRI and CT.
  4. Radiograph.

Therapy of the neoplasms is aimed at excision of tumor, as well as the correction of its growth. Preparations that affect the hormonal background, forcing the body to stop provoking rebirth and uncontrollable cell growth.

Heart pathology

Since the heart focuses on the left in the chest, its pathologies may well provoke pain in the left side under the ribs. Most often, irradiating pain in the left hypochondrium, which is combined with the participation of heartbeat, sideline and the deterioration of the general condition, may be associated with such heart diseases as:

  1. Ischemia is the insufficiency of the heart, which arises as a result of an acute lack of oxygen.
  2. Myocardial infarction - blockage of the coronary artery by Trombum, in which the blood ceases to flow to separate parts Hearts. In the acute flow of heart attack implies the rupture of the vessel wall, which entails extensive internal bleeding.
  3. Cardiomyopathy is a change in the heart muscle, which affects the decrease in its functions. It is the predecessor of heart failure, but does not have causal ties with arrhythmia and arterial hypertension.

View of pain
In diseases of the heart or heart attacks are noted tingling in the field of left breast And the left hypochondrium. A sharp pain can fade movement, and also intensify when inhaling, to make which "on the full breast" fails.

The clinical picture is complemented by the appearance of the sword, dizziness, speaking of the wet sweat.

The pain of the heart is located in the heart, and the pain in the left hypochondrium during inhale is less pronounced.
Heart pathology are defined as follows:

  1. Deployed I. biochemical analysis blood.
  2. Ultrasound of the heart.
  3. Electrocardiogram.
  4. MRI vessels.
  5. CT scan.

In the event of an attack need to call emergency help Since since the appearance of acute pain, the time goes for seconds and the life of a person often depends on the rapidness of hospitalization. The patient produces resuscitation measures aimed at stabilizing the work of the heart.

Problems with spleen

This organ is located deep in the hypochondrium on the left, so pain sensations can be evenly distributed both on the left hypochondrium and the upper loaf. Infectious diseases They lead to the defeat of the spleen, in which the organ increases in size, and also loses its ability to filter blood. But this is not the only pathology of the body that can cause pain on the left under the ribs. This can also be attributed:

  1. Pathology of development and neoplasm.
  2. Ears caused by a strong blow to the area of \u200b\u200bthe left hypochondrium.
  3. Rales of the spleen, in which abundant bleeding is formed into the abdominal cavity.

The most acute pain is noted when the body breaks due to injury. The patient cannot be inhale, and in the stomach there is a burning sensation and spill heat.
The pain appears on the left under the ribs, but may be irradiating to the zone area, groin and navel.
The sinusiness of the skin near the navel, painful palpation of the left hypochondrium and unbearable pain - these are three complementary clinical manifestations of problems with the spleen. You can deliver a more specific diagnosis using the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Blood test.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  3. MRI.

In case of breaking, the spleen is required surgery on excision damaged tissues. Otherwise, treatment is reduced to receiving special medicines that support the health of the organ, which is complemented by a strict diet and lack of physical exertion.

If the spleen is damaged by pathogenic microorganisms, special antibacterial therapy is selected, allowing them to be suppressed.

Quite often confused with a heart attack, the symptoms of which is largely similar. However, intercostal neuralgia is not as dangerous and has no connection with the pathologies of the heart. This disease is determined by inflammation of nerve roots located between the edges of the thoracic spine. Most often, the inflammatory process occurs after injury or injury, as well as as a result of other inflammatory processes occurring in chronic form, located extremely close.
View of pain
Pulling pain arising in the form of an attack. Move moves, enhanced with breath, cough and sneezing.

Night pain in the left side under the ribs is noted in the presence of a chronic inflammatory process.

The hearth pain is in the place where there is inflammation. It can be sick as the entire zone of hypochondrium and individual sections, affecting specific ribs.
It is important during the diagnosis to differentiate intercostal neuralgia among other, similar to manifestations, pathologies. For this use:

  1. Radiograph.
  2. MRI.
  3. Consultation of a neuropathologist with inspection and evaluation of pain.
  4. Electrospondylography.
  5. Myelography.

In case of acute attack and severe pain usedallowing you to quickly relieve unbearable pain. Further treatment is made using the reception of complex painkillers and, as well as vitamins of the group in the normalization and strengthening neural connections. As an auxiliary method, physiotherapy is used in its manifestations:

  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis;
  • mud baths.

Diaphragmal hernia and her bruises

The diaphragm separates the breast from the abdominal cavity, and when her muscles weaken, happens stomach protrusion Through the lumen in the chest cavity. As a result, the contents of the stomach is constantly thrown into the esophagus, the person suffers from pain, heartburn and abundant belching.

The bruise of the diaphragm is possible when falling from a height or targeted strike into its location.

View of pain
Dull pain in the left hypochondrium, which is amplified during palpation and after eating, if the volume of the stomach increases.
Since the diaphragmal lumen of the stomach is directed to the left, hurts on the left under the ribs. Also, pain can give back and left blade.
The formulation of accurate diagnosis is possible only after hardware diagnostics: ultrasound of the diaphragm and abdominal organs, MRI, CT.
If the hernia is small, there is an opportunity to deal with it with fractional nutrition, antacids and bubble pain. With an increase in the lumen, an operation is shown, with the help of which the lumen is invented, and the stomach is determined to its usual anatomical position.

Pneumonia and Purrites

Pneumonia is inflammatory process in the lungswhich is provoked by pneumococci. Pleurrites is a running step of pneumonia, when the inflammatory process falls below, affecting the pleura, enveloping the lungs.
View of pain
Breathing pain. Enharged with a sharp breath and exhale.

Acute, sweeping.

It hurts on the left side under the ribs, if pneumonia is left-sided. Pain may spread to the spine area, blades.
Pneumonia and pleurisy are determined by examining a patient and evaluating its breathing. As a confirmation, the analysis of urine and blood, as well as an x-ray shot.

In particularly difficult situations, MRI may be required.

Since the cause of inflammation is a pathogenic microflora, the key to the speedy recovery lies in the selection of proper antibacterial therapy. As auxiliary means, facilitating pain and normalizing respiration, are:

  • compresses based on;
  • dry heat;
  • sternum massage;
  • breathing exercises.

Urolithiasis disease

Since the left kidney is located on the side, then any inflammatory processes in it, including pyelonephritis and the ICD, able to cause sharp painIrradizing in the left hypochondrium. Urolithiasis caused by the increase and deposits of salts in conglomerates is characterized by painful and stripped urination, as well as shot and staggering pains that give to the peritoneum.
View of pain
With renal colic, the pain is sharp, sharp, stitching, squeezing.

In the rest of the kidney can whine.

The pain in the kidney can give both to the left hypochondrium and in the back.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of the study of the urine analysis on the content of salts, as well as blood for the presence of the inflammatory process. Maybe the ultrasound of the kidneys.
Reduce the content of salts in the urine will help diet, as well as drug therapy using and diuretics accelerating the removal of salts.

For crushing stones, which sealed the ducts, use laser and therapy or surgical excision.

In which case immediately to the doctor?

Cannot be keen with medical careIf the patient has such symptoms:

  1. A sharp increase in temperature.
  2. Summary of the skin of the abdomen.
  3. Vomiting with blood impurities.
  4. Diarrhea, more often 8-10 times a day.
  5. Signs of dehydration.
  6. Painful urination.

It is almost impossible to determine what it may be almost impossible.

Only integrated diagnostics will allow you to correctly diagnose and get medical qualified help as quickly as possible.

Be sure to look the following video

First aid

Since it is necessary to preserve the clinical picture of the disease before the doctor's arrival, give no painkillers and other medications are not recommended. It should be calmed the patient, put in a convenient position and call an ambulance, describing what hurts and how hurts.

Thus, situations in which it hurts on the left under the ribs may be weight. And all of them are associated with vital bodies, therefore it is not necessary to engage in self-medication, but you need to get qualified help as quickly as possible.


  1. The pain in the left side appears for the following reasons: disease gasts, neoplasms, heart disease, problems with spleen, intercostal neuralgia, hernia, pneumonia and pleurisy, urolithiasis.
  2. Diagnostic methods: blood test, feces and gastric juice, ultrasound, gastroscopy, endoscopy, MRI and CT, radiograph, electrocardiogram, myelography.
  3. Treatment: surgical operation, diet, physiotherapy (acupuncture, electrophoresis, phonophoresis, mud baths), blockades, drug therapy using antibiotics, diuretics, NSAIDs, antacids and antispasmodics, reception of enzymes and probiotics, antibacterial therapy.
  4. Immediately to the doctor, if: increased the temperature, the skin on the stomach cried, vomiting and diarrhea appeared, signs of dehydration, painful urination.
  5. Prior to the arrival of ambulance: to put the patient in a convenient position, to ensure peace, do not give any medicines.

Hurt left side in the area under ribs for various reasons. Pain is a normal reaction to injuries, physical overloads, sharp movements, as well as physiological changes, for example, during pregnancy. However, it can provide more dangerous hidden phenomena flowing in the body.

The pain on the left under the ribs is caused by different reasons, so before the diagnosis is required, it is necessary to clarify its characteristics, for which to respond to a number of clarifying issues.

  • Localization. To the left in front, behind, on the side, on both sides, in the abdomen, the blades.
  • Character of sensations. The pain is strong or tolerable. Sharp, shooting, stupid, sharp, stitching, butting. Spasms, burning, drilling.
  • Circumstances. After exercise, food. When turning, exhaling, breathing, movement, shaking, cough, sneezing.
  • A patient . Man, woman, child, pregnant woman, baby.
  • Additional and specific symptoms.

It can be sick, spleen, heart, stomach, prostate gland, uterine pipes, intestines, pleura, etc., often (for example, with heart attack or ulcer), delaying with a challenge of ambulance creates a threat to the life of the patient.

A different combination of these factors suggests the causes of the occurrence of unpleasant sensations and, if necessary, assign appropriate treatment.

Left in front

Myocardial Infarction Gastralgic Form

One of the rare (3 - 6 percent) of the species of heart attack.

  • Character of sensations. Pain under the left edge, "sign up" in the heart area. During atypical flow, there is probably the presence of similar manifestations and on the right.
  • Additional symptoms. Strong sweating. In some cases, the attacks of nausea, vomit, urge, stomach disorder. Also strong idiot.
  • Specific symptoms. Problem exhale (especially during the movement), bluish lips, finedness, paleness and a bluish shade of the face.

Availability such symptoms Requires immediate emergency medical care, since the patient's life is in danger.

Feeling gastric ulcer and duodenal

Exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

  • Character of sensations. Strong sharp "knitting" pain in front.
  • Additional symptoms. Painfulness Under the bow, which can shift to the right over time, become more intense when moving.
  • Specific symptoms. The pain of attacks, between which some relief is felt. Pallor, dizziness, maybe even loss of consciousness.
  • A patient . As a rule, the patient is aware that he has a peptic disease in some other stage.

When data is detected, the testimony should be immediately sent to the nearby therapeutic institution for medical care.

Gastritis and ulcerative gastric disease

  • Character of sensations. Discomfort due to the larger pain in the left side under the ribs.
  • Circumstances. Failure to limit food prescriptions transferred stress.
  • Specific symptoms. Vomit urge, nausea attacks, a special unpleasant taste, constant heartburn, total weakness, Increased sweating.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa

  • Character of sensations. Pain under the bottom edge is tolerable, periodic.
  • Specific symptoms. Bad appetite, vomiting, characteristic belching.

Colitis of the upper intestinal loops

  • Character of sensations. Pain (shifted to the navel area), colic, rumbling, drilling.
  • Circumstances. Nutritional violation.
  • Specific symptoms. Vomit attacks, nausea, fraudulent urge to the toilet, diarrhea.

Domestic duodenum and gallbladder

  • Specific symptoms. Displacement of pain towards the center of the abdomen.

It will help you get rid of pain and start treatment.

And how best to approach the treatment of kyphosis? Doctors advise to perform, because the gymnastics, as is known better than medicines.

Left side


  • Character of sensations. Initially, painful pain, then becomes acute.
  • Specific symptoms. After some time, skin rashes.

Nervous disorders

  • Character of sensations. Pain attacks.
  • Specific symptoms. Periodic cramps, manifestations of migraine.

Left closer to the center

Acute and chronic pancreatitis

Left under ribs in the abdomen

Diaphragmal hernia

  • Character of sensations. Muskaya pain, discomfort. Heartburn.
  • Circumstances. Lifting weights excess weight, age-related changes (lean muscle fibers), tooling the child.

The diaphragmal hernia with the infringement of the stomach

  • Character of sensations. Acute pain under the left edge.
  • Circumstances. Strengthening when rotating the body, cough, movement, during breathing.
  • Additional symptoms. Attacks of nausea, a variable fluid with blood added. Problems with breathing, shortness of breath, manifestations of cyanosis. Heart problems - tachycardia, reduced pressure.

Pain gives back

Increased spleen

Provocosed various reasons, eg, early Stage infectious mononucleosis.

  • Character of sensations. Stick pain.
  • Circumstances. Intensively rolling during coughing, movement.
  • Additional symptoms. Disadvantage, temperature, strengthened sweating, head sprinkles and continuously hurts, thirst.
  • Specific symptoms. Muscular and articular painful sensations, an increase in lymph nodes.

Inflammation of the spleen, initial stage

  • Character of sensations. Major pain under the left edge.
  • Circumstances. Strengthening during sharp movements.
  • Additional symptoms. Loss of appetite, after eating - bouts of nausea, violation of the feeling of taste. Alternately constipation and diarrhea.

Rule spleen

  • Character of sensations. Sharp cutting pain in the left side under the ribs.
  • Circumstances. Strengthening pain during movement and breathing.
  • A patient . The injuries of the abdominal cavity, strong blows in the stomach, because of which the spleen is injured.
  • Additional symptoms. Increased body temperature, reduced blood pressure.
  • Specific symptoms. Hematoma near Pup, eyelid.

When suspected, the separation of the spleen should immediately cause medical care, Before the arrival of which must be placed on the side of the patient, cold.

Under the left edge behind

Urolithiasis disease

  • Character of sensations. The pain, captures the back (lower back).
  • Circumstances. Vibration, concussion, long movement on foot, load.
  • Specific symptoms. Blood detection in urine tests.

Disease of the left kidney

Acute or chronic pyelonephritis, renal colic, infectious kidney damage.

  • Character of sensations. The pain continuous average intensity from the back (lower back) is either an accusable sharp.
  • Circumstances. Cold, dampness, supercooling, diet violation.
  • Additional symptoms. Hypertermia, chills, malaise.
  • Specific symptoms. Painfulness during urination.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

  • Character of sensations. The pain of the back of the novel, sometimes sharply shooting, diverging to the pelvis and legs.
  • Circumstances. With sharp movements, a change in the long position of the body.

Every day you should do those who are tormented by this disease. It should be performed after consulting a doctor.

- our article about this disease, it also contains treatment, and symptoms and reasons Diseases.

Under the left edge that gives a shovel

about myocardial infarction. Photo.

Myocardial infarction

  • Character of sensations. Sharp pain and front and rear on the left.
  • Circumstances. Any movements.
  • Additional symptoms. Attacks of nausea, dizziness. Breathing problems, shortness of breath.
  • Specific symptoms. Characteristic sticky cold sweat. Possible loss of consciousness.

In case of suspected myocardial infarction, the patient's life is in danger, so the first thing to be done is to immediately call "ambulance".

Cardiovascular diseases (angina, aortic aneurysm, pericarditis)

Also characterized by pains of this location.

Under the left edge and front and rear

As a rule, in diseases of the lungs, when the inflammatory process extends to the pleura.

Dry pleurisy (left-sided)

  • Character of sensations. The pain of different intensity on the left side.
  • Circumstances. Significant increased pain in the cough, turns and slopes.
  • Additional symptoms. Student breathing, cough, signs of cyanosis on the face, fingers. Feeling compresses in the chest area.
  • Specific symptoms. Reducing soreness when tilting on the left side, lying on the same side.

Dry diaphragm tuberculosis pleuris

Due to the similarity of manifestations, it is often erroneously defined as a dry pleurisy. Recognized due to radiography and fence of pleural fluid.

Left-sided pneumonia

  • Character of sensations. The pain stupid and noving, during the cough - knees.
  • Circumstances. Cough.
  • Additional symptoms. Cough without waste of sputum, headache, general ailment, sharp hyperthermia. Muscle pain.

Lung cancer

Pain sensations occur at the stage of propagation of the tumor on the pleural cavity, as well as neighboring organs.

  • Specific symptoms. Intoxication. Reduced organism resistance, oxygen shortage. Problems with digestion, bad appetite, exhaustion.

Under the left edge in the heart

Ischemic heart disease or angina

  • Character of sensations. Stupid, porch pain.
  • Circumstances. Overwork, elevated stress, transferred stress.
  • Additional symptoms. Frequent pulse, pressure drops, sensation of gravity in the chest. The urge of vomiting, shortness of breath, breathing complicated.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

  • Character of sensations. The pain of various intensity, encumbling (breast).
  • Circumstances. Strengthening pain in sharp, fast movements, as well as during breathing (exhalation).
  • A patient . With scoliosis, constant location in a static position, incorrectly distributed loads on the spine.
  • Specific symptoms. Numbness, sensation of painting in a painful area. Reducing the mobility of the spine of the corresponding department.


  • Character of sensations. The pain is diverse - stupid, acute, pandering, piercing. Spreads under the blade, as well as to the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist.
  • Circumstances. Strengthening when driving, touching, cough, sneezing.
  • Additional symptoms. General ailment, headache.

The discomfort is manifested due to squeezing (pinching) nervous expirations of the spine in the chest segment. Usually due to diseases (osteochondrosis, colds) or as a result of extreme impact (injury, excessively sharp tilt or rotation, "frozen" for a long time in the uncomfortable body position, draft, supercooling).

During pregnancy

The source of unpleasant sensations (and pain) in pregnancy can be the displacement of the internal organs or squeezing the ureter and renal masculine, as well as the activity of the future child in the womb.

When the pelvis is overflow, pain helps to remove the exercise "kitty", reduce squeezing due to temporary change position.

If the pain under the left edge is sharp, it appeared suddenly and lasts longer than 20 minutes with increasing intensity, accompanied by bleeding, weakness and dizziness, should be applied to the doctor immediately.

With quick walking and running

The reason is too rapid reducing the spleen due to a sharp discharge of blood for feeding the organs during physical exertion.

The pain in the left side under the ribs is manifested including absolutely healthy people due to insufficient training for loads (short warm-up, full stomach).

It passes naturally in about an hour. If you need to urgently remove the pain symptom (for example, during cross), you should stop, relax and restore your breath. After that, four times on a sharp exhale you need to press a palm to a sore place and make a tilt forward.

Do you know ? Their large number, as in this article, and they all differ, go and read.

Left under the rib

Breasts between the ages of 4 and 9 months are often inclined to a wasteculite when the intestine tubes are intersecting in the baby's tummy, from which one loop clamps another.

Pain sensations attacks, periodic.

At the beginning of the attack, the child is worried without a visible reason, after which it begins to cry and squeeze, under the legs. After graduation - vomiting.

An additional feature - at the beginning of the disease, a child's chair is normal, and in development - with blood.

Strong pain in men


Intensive pain in the left side can mean men of prostate diseases.

  • Specific symptoms. Reducing the libido, cutting pain attacks in the area of \u200b\u200bgroin when urine.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor to avoid serious complications, including infertility.

Sharp pain is a possible sign of inflammation bladder (or its ducts), cystitis, urethritis, stones in the prostate gland, groin hernia. Some venereal diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis) are also displayed.

Pain in women


  • Character of sensations. Sharp intense pain in the area of \u200b\u200ba small pelvis.
  • Additional symptoms. Hyperthermia, chills, problem urination.
  • Specific symptoms. Permanent tone of muscle belly nose.

When discovering such symptoms, women should urgently visit the doctor to avoid infertility.

Relief of the cyst on the ovaries

  • Character of sensations. Piercing strong pain.
  • Additional symptoms. General malaise, fainting, bleeding, bouts of nausea and vomiting.
  • Specific symptoms. Tension muscles at the bottom of the abdomen.

When detected similar symptoms require immediate hospitalization.

Oncology (ovaries or uterus)

  • Character of sensations. Soreness in the lower abdomen.

Extremely important are timely detection and operational interference, which give high chances of recovery. Sendance can lead to a fatal outcome.

Vegetative disorders

  • Character of sensations. Kills in the top of the belly on the left.
  • A patient . As a rule, women are from 20 to 40 years.

Diseases of the ovary or uterine tube, ectopic pregnancy

  • Character of sensations. Acute pain during the menstrual cycle.
  • Specific symptoms. Failures in the chart, complete cessation of menstruation.

Disease of the left ovarian

  • Character of sensations. Pulling burning pain at the bottom of the belly on the left.
  • Circumstances. Strengthening pain with long walking.

The exact reason for why the left side is hurts under ribs, especially with dangerous manifestations, only a doctor may install after additional studies.

Hands left side in different places near edges

In this case, the pain occurs on the left side and gives more to the front part, the patient feels supporting the discomfort.

In addition, pain on the left under the ribs can be given to the front of the stomach and duodenal ulcer. In case of ulcers, the pain is acute and migrates into the right hypochondrium.

With disorders nervous system The parietal majority pain under the left ribs is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as migraine and cramps.

Shingle is striking the nerve endings in the intercostal region, so it does not appear immediately. Initially, the nearest side pain in the left hypochondrium goes to ostyu, and only with time on the skin, herpetic rashes appear.

Pain from behind on the left under the ribs

The pain in the left hypochondrium, which gives back, arises for kidney diseases (in this case, the left kidney) and the vertebral osteochondrosis.

The kidneys can be sick in different ways:

  • Strong, unbearable pain - a sign of renal colic.
  • Permanent, but not strong "heavy" pain - when inflammation and an increase in the body.

Pain under the fins on the left below

Almost always pain under the left edges below (especially under the lower edge) has a good character and provoked by an increase in the spleen.

Splezenka is an organ that increasing, reacting to various diseases.

  1. Infectious diseases provoke an increase in the spleen - infectious mononucleosis, accompanied by a fever, an angina, an increase in lymph nodes.
  2. Hemoblastic diseases: lymphoma, leukemia, chronic lympholoicosis.
  3. Septic diseases: purulent abscesses, bacterial endocarditis
  4. Chronic diseases With a high degree of gravity: tuberculosis, red lupus, malaria.

Pain under the lower left edge, which is associated with the increase in the spleen - very dangerous symptomBecause in difficult cases, the inflamed body can be taken out even at the slightest movement.

Symptoms of pain on the left under the ribs

In order to understand what disease can foresee the pain on the left under the edges, it is not enough to determine its localization. An important point In the formulation of the diagnosis is the nature of painful sensations. Pain can be:

  • Sharp.
  • Stupid one.
  • Acute.
  • Cork.

Depending on the nature of the pain and the symptoms associated with it, it is possible to determine which authority needs a thorough medical examination and subsequent treatment.

Stupid pain on the left under the ribs

If you feel the holy pain on the left under the ribs, which is also located in the middle of the abdomen - this signals the gastritis or ulcer of the stomach. Related symptoms with these diseases are:

  • Vomiting, bringing relief.
  • Reduced appetite.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Aclest and bitter belching.

Often gastritis with reduced secretion of gastric juice provoke such a terrible disease as cancer.

A stupid pain in the left hypochondrium is also a sign of a stomach cancer. But it should be remembered that the pain can also take a sharper character. For stomach cancer, characteristic:

  • Downtry weight loss.
  • Anemia or signs of intoxication (the jaggility of the face and eye proteins).
  • Growing weakness and violation of human performance.
  • Depression.
  • A sharp desire to change the diet, for example, disgust for meat.

A stupid pain at the bottom of the left edge speaks of an increase in the spleen - Splenomegaly.

Often, the pain of the left is repulse of people suffering from pancreatic diseases. It is in the left hypochondrium that the "tail" of the body is located, so the attack begins there. After pain acquires a hazing character. Related syndromes of pancreas diseases:

  • Increased temperature.
  • Vomiting.
  • Nausea.

Sharp pain left under ribs

Sharp pain in the left hypochondrium is characteristic of the stomach and duodenal ulcers. They can give to the lower back and back. Slow pain is so painful that the patient is forced to be in a squatting position, clasping or pressing the belly to a solid object. In addition, the yazuvengers suffer from:

  • "Hungry" pain.
  • Heartburn.
  • Vomiting.
  • Constipation.
  • Weakness, increased irritability and headaches.

A sharp pain may increase under the ribs on the left after exercise or nervous overvoltage.

Stick pain under the fins on the left

Stick pain in the left hypochondrium, which is enhanced with cough or inhale - a serious symptom of lung disease (left-sided pneumonia, inflammation of the left lung, tuberculosis, lung cancer) or the left side of the diaphragm.

Related symptoms for lung diseases are:

  • Increased temperature.
  • Fever (for pneumonia and subadiaphragm abscess).
  • Constipation.
  • Skiddy.
  • Pale blue color of the nasolabial triangle (for pneumonia).
  • General intrication of the body (when damaged the diaphragm).

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium in front is the first symptom of serious pathology. The most important thing in this situation is to turn to the doctor soon. The doctor on the basis of the collected anamnesis and the survey will be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment. The pain implies an extensive value, as many doctors say. But the main thing is that by its type and localization you can establish a category of disease. An experienced specialist is quite thoroughly listen to all paints of pain syndrome in a patient to put a preliminary diagnosis. The pain under the left edge in front is several categories:

  1. Peritonial pain syndrome. This pain does not actually stop and is in one place. When moving, pain becomes more pronounced and acute. The nature of such pain belongs to the probulous ulcer, which requires immediate operational intervention.
  2. Visceral pain syndrome. It can wear a grapple-like species, stupid and new. It has a feature to irradiating to nearby organs. Such pain sensations are characteristic of diseases of the digestive system, intestinal pathology and stomach disease.
  3. The pain has a wandering feature. This pain syndrome is hard to diagnose. The permanent location site of the patient unambiguously cannot determine. Signs of wandering pain: Most of all there is a stupid pain in the left hypochondrium in front and to a lesser extent gives in the stomach.
  4. It is located directly in the affected organ.

What causes pain in the left hypochondrium? All causes are divided into two degrees:

  • Pain, which is characteristic of disease at the top of the belly on the left.
  • Diseases where painful syndrome is located at the bottom of the abdomen on the left.

The most famous diseases on the left above are:

  • gastritis variety;
  • food poisoning;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • peptic disease;
  • pathology of the spleen;
  • stomach cancer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Features of treatment will depend on the correct diagnosis. Therefore, timely appeal to the doctor will not exacerbate the situation and quickly get rid of the problem.

Now consider each disease in more detail.


The pain under the left edge can be caused by gastritis. With this pathology, pain syndrome occurs due to an irritating factor of the gastric mucosa. The symptoms of gastritis include the following:

  • increased weakness;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • (It can be both on the right and left) a burning or stupid character.

Food poisoning

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by usual. This disease occurs when it gets into the stomach of poor-quality food. Also, food poisoning is accompanied by high temperatures and general weakness.


Why is there a pain in the left hypochondrior in front? Causes can be different. Among them and such a notch, like meteorism. Pain in this case is caused by a large amount of gases in the stomach. It is accompanied by belching with an unpleasant smell. Meteorism can lead to intestinal obstruction, if you do not proceed to treatment in time.

Pathology of the spleen

A stupid pain in the left hypochondrium can be due to the problems with the spleen (injury, ulcer, sepsis, hepatitis). The disturbance of the integrity of the spleen is characterized by pain, burning, vomiting, general intoxication of the whole organism. Also, the patient develops a need for admission large number Water, pressure reduction and rapid heartbeat. The spleen is one of the main organs, and if there are pain in it, you need to urgently contact the hospital and go through a full survey to establish the localization of pain.


Under the fins in front can become a signal of pancreatitis. The disease is acute and chronic. Symptoms of pancreas pathology:

  • the patient develops increased weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • reducing body weight.

Myocardial infarction

Pain in the left hypochondrium, giving and stupid front, is one of the disease, as you know, is very dangerous and fraught with the consequences. Therefore, with unpleasant butting, stupid pains in front of the edges, and in the field of the blades, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.


Pain is localized in stomach and irradiates to the left side. The constipation is considered a pathology at which there is no fee for two days.

Intestinal obstruction

This pathology is accompanied by the severity of the left hypochondrium. It is also characterized by nausea, vomiting, increased meteorism, weakness and lack of carte masses.

Prank ulcer

The stomach appears pain associated with irritation of the mucous membrane. Over time, the mucosa is covered with ulcers and its destruction occurs. Also for ulcers are characteristic of the following symptoms:

  • vomiting reflex;
  • pain that gives to the left hypochondrium;
  • belching;
  • weakness.

It should be aware that the pain in a peptic disease can be a precursor of serious pathology, such as the probulous ulcer. It is characterized by the strongest digge pain, a shock state in a patient, vomiting with blood admissions, loss of consciousness and general intoxication of the body.


Pathology of kidneys, which is characterized by an inflammatory process may be acute and chronic. Chronic pyelonephritis is characteristic of stupid and pulling pain in the left side. For acute form Strong and cutting pains on the left below the abdomen are observed.

Urolithiasis disease

Pain with urolithiasis may be equally both to the right and left at the bottom of the abdomen. Painting in the left side of the belly are observed when the stone moves along the left ureter from the peritoneum. Urolithiasis is the formation of stones of various etiology and sizes in the organs of the urinary system.

Causes of pain on the left

The pain that is from above in the left side may be the cause of the following pathologies:

  • diaphragmal hernia;
  • pneumonia of left-sided localization;
  • pleurisy on the left side;
  • closed and open injuries of the abdominal cavity;
  • pathology of the spleen;
  • different nature of neuralgia;
  • diseases of the stomach.

Characteristic of pain syndrome under the fins on the left

It's a dull pain. Such a type of pain accompanies the inflammatory process of a protracted nature. The main causes of such pain is duodenitis and colitis. With a stomach ulcer, together with pains there are nausea and vomiting. Even new can be the cause of heart and vascular pathologies.

Acute pain requires immediate hospitalization and inspection of a specialist for a preliminary diagnosis. Mostly pain under the edges on the left speaks about the perforation of the stomach, the pathology of the spleen.

Pain of blunt character. In most cases, it refers to the chronic form of the disease of the stomach and intestines. This includes cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis.

The pain left at the bottom of the abdomen during the extension of the fetus

When a pregnant woman has pain at the bottom of the belly on the left, then you need to immediately turn to a specialist to avoid serious complications. Symptoms of pregnancy pathology:

  • for 30 minutes does not pass the pain on the left;
  • pain over time is enhanced;
  • acute dummy pain in the left side at normal general condition.

All listed pain symptoms characterize the beginning of a threatening abortion where immediate consultation of the gynecologist and urgent therapy are needed. When the pain wears pulling and short time during pregnancy, this is due to the growth of the uterus on early timing. The uterus, which has an increased size causes pressure on nearby organs and can also cause small and pulling pain. Another pain left at the bottom of the belly can talk about the pressure of the intestine growing uterus. Quite often, pregnant women suffer from constipation, which also causes pain and discomfort, mainly on the left side. During the toasting of the fetus, the body produces special hormones that inhibit the intestinal work, thereby causing stagnant phenomena.

Pain with cancer on the left

When pain in the left hypochondrium, it can be a bowel cancer signal. In his first stage, the patient does not feel a strong pain, but only the first harbingers of the disease. These include frequent constipation, which are accompanied by cracks. If pathology occurs, you need to pass computer tomography or make a colonoscopy. According to the results, it is possible to determine the accurate localization of the tumor, its size and stage of cancer. In most cases, pain can be identical with different diseases, so in order not to be mistaken with the diagnosis, you need to assign additional diagnostics to the patient.


Dull graceful pain in the left hypochondrium in front requires not only an urgent inspection by a specialist, but also further surveys. He has a health care workers like a sharp belly that is fraught with serious complications. Under this term meant emergency hospitalization Patient, otherwise complications can lead to death. When there is a painful syndrome in the abdominal cavity on the left above or below, it is not worth risking my health, and you need to examine.

Typically, the pain of different categories requires operational interference and non-accustomed call to ambulance. Remember that health largely depends on the patient itself, as well as from the correct formulation of the diagnosis and on time rendered. Do not independently take painkillers that are being grown up the picture of the pathology. Only qualified help of a specialist will be able to eliminate pain and normalize the work of the patient.

To avoid the occurrence of pathology in the female sexual system, you need to visit the gynecologist twice a year and undergo an additional examination. After all, as it is known, diseases of the gynecological nature proceed with pain syndrome, which is localized on the left side below. Such pain may be a precursor of a serious illness, which is fraught not only by the deterioration of general well-being, but also more serious complications.

Treating the cause of pain in the left hypochondrium is the most correct decision. If you felt the appropriate pain, you should not try to learn it yourself, because it can be many serious diseases that only a doctor can detect. With a pain syndrome, you need to urgently turn to a specialist who will find out its source and will take appropriate therapy. Be healthy!

10.04.2017 09:58

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are found everywhere. According to statistics, every second has problems with digestion organs.

Most often we are talking About diseases of the stomach. Both the pathology of this organ and many other diseases can give characteristic symptoms (pain under the left edge).

There are other reasons. What should be aware of this unpleasant manifestation? Consider more.

Sore under the left front: reasons

There are many diseases that manifest themselves with this symptom. Among them:

Gastritis. The stomach is located in the upper third of the supred area. Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Pains can be observed, including in the field of the left side (hypochondrium).

Gastroduodenitis. It is the defeat of the final gastric and duodenal department. It is almost impossible to delimit this pathology independently and gastritis. Even the doctor at first glance will not be able to put a similar diagnosis. It is necessary to pass some surveys.

Pancreatitis (reactive, etc.). Under pancreatitis in medical practice it is understood as inflammation of the pancreas. This is the most severe disease from those listed, since it occurs hard, a fatal outcome is possible.

Abdominal injuries. Ears and gaps of internal organs localized in the abdominal cavity are accompanied by noving pains in the injury. If we are talking about pain in the left hypochondrium, there may be affected: pancreas, left kidneys, stomach, duodenum, spleen.

Inflammatory lesions of the left kidney. In this case, pain is localized in the projection of the patient organ. We can talk about jade, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Each of the described diseases can give characteristic symptoms.

Cholecystitis. Inflammatory damage to the gallbladder. Rarely, however, irradiation (return) of pain in the left hypochondrium is possible.

Holetiasis (stones in the bustling bubble).

Hepatitis of various origin. It may be mistaken for pancreatitis, because pain is often given to the left hypochondrium, despite the fact that the organ is located on the right.

Sigmoiditis. It is the inflammation of the sigmoid intestine.

Colitis. Often pain when inflammation of the large intestine are localized in the left side of the front.

Defeat spleen.

Stomach ulcer. It is also dangerous for life, because as the process develops, perforation of the stomach wall is possible, followed by the development of peritonitis.

There are many reasons why it hurts under the left edge front. To understand and identify a specific disease is possible only by passing a number of instrumental research.

Concomitant symptomatics

The concomitant symptoms plays a huge role in differential diagnosis, since it is possible to suspect a characteristic manifestation of this or that or another disease. Among the symptoms:

Pain syndrome. Characterized by different intensity and different character. With pancreatitis pain, cutting, localized in the left side, are encircling. The same is observed in gastritis, however, pain in this disease is enhanced after meals, while pancreatic pain constant syndrome. In other cases discomfort overtaking, pulling.

Dyspeptic phenomena. Nausea, vomiting, indigestion, all this manifestations of problems with the stomach.

Heartburn. Eternal satellite gastritis and gastroduodenitis. Heartburn is observed after eating and weakens with an empty stomach.

The feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Most often occurs when problems with a bubble bubble.

Feeling gravity in the left side and the supred area. The severity in the epigastric region accompanies problems with the stomach.

Urination disorders (oliguria - rare urination in small volumes, polyuria - the opposite phenomenon).

Pains that give to the pubic area, outdoor genital organs.

The feeling of incomplete urination.

Pain in the lower back.

All described (last four points) - symptoms of problems with excretory system. Probably in the process involved kidneys.

Symptoms are extremely numerous. It is necessary to carefully listen to your own organism. Then you need to tell about all the manifestations of the doctor. So it will be much easier to set an accurate diagnosis. This patient simplifies the doctor - work, and my life.

Diagnostics of pain in the left hypochondrium

Diagnostics begins with the selection of the right specialist for the visit. Gastroenterologists doctors engage in the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Problems are possible with an excretory system. Here, urologists and nephrologists come to the rescue (not to be confused with neurologists, which treat the pathology of the nervous system).

The first thing to be done to the patient is to seek advice with a doctor-therapist. It will give the necessary directions and will help determine the diagnostic tactics. At the primary consultation, the profile specialist will ask questions regarding the state of the patient, the nature of complaints, their intensity and limitation. After the collection of anamnesis begins palpation.

Doctor palpates problem areas, watching pain reactions. Through a physical research, it is possible to determine the structure of the organs, their size.

At the end of the primary diagnostic activities, a specialist puts an exemplary diagnosis and sends a patient to instrumental research. Among them:

. Ultrasonic diagnosis of abdominal organs. It is carried out in order to identify the problem body. Allows you to determine pathology with a large accuracy. The same technique is used to estimate the state of the kidneys.

. Radiography of the stomach with contrasting agent. It is possible often, informative when assessing the stomach state.

. FGDS. Endoscopic, minimally invasive study. Allows you to see the esophagus, stomach and the initial departments of the small intestine. It is considered the Gold Standard in the stomach survey.

. Liver scintigraphy and gastrointestinal organs. It is used to assess the functional state of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the complex of research data is enough to diagnose.

Hurts under the left edge front: treatment

The answer to the question of what to do if it hurts under the left edge in front, implies a unambiguous answer: you need to be treated. Treatment, mainly conservative. Only in exceptional cases it is necessary surgical intervention. Situations where the operation requires a little, they can be counted on the fingers:

Pancreatitis in the acute phase with a difficult flow.

The soda ulcer of the stomach.

Violation of the integrity of the organs during injury or due to the influence of other factors.

Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.

In other cases, if he hurts under the left edge, treatment is medicated.

Medicamines of the following groups are used:

Antispasmodic preparations. It is used to remove the painful syndrome by removing the spasm of the smooth muscles of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This includes: but-shpa, drootaverin, Duspatalin, etc.

Anti-inflammatory. Used with great care, since many have toxic influence on the gastrointestinal tract.

Analgesics. Assigned to relieve pain syndrome. Analgesics must be careful.

Analgesics and antispasmodics can be used at their own discretion on a temporary basis: the risk of "lubricating" a clinical picture with long-term use. You can take them only 1-3 days, before visiting the doctor's office.

The following drugs are also used:

Heptoprotectors - to protect the liver.

Matching medicines (diuretic with kidney problems).

Drugs appoints only a doctor and only according to the results of diagnostic measures. Thus, the answer to the question of what to do, if he hurts under the left edge, it suggests itself.

Hurt under the left side front: Prevention

Prevention of pain under the left eddy front is quite simple and includes a number of events and recommendations:

It is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet: improper nutrition (alimentary causes) - a significant factor in the development of the tractology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Do not heal.

At the first pain manifestations should go to the doctor without losing time.

The pain of the left under the edge can accompany the most different diseases. It is important to respond in time and turn to a specialist.

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