
1. Spider mite - who is it?

Spider mite - an arachnid animal reaching a length of no more than half a millimeter. The body is oval in shape, its surface is covered with sparse small bristles. The animal has different colors: yellow, red, green - it depends on its habitat.

The pest reproduces very quickly: an adult animal emerges from the egg in just one or two weeks. Only low temperatures and high air humidity can interfere with the hatching process. In such a climate, reproduction slows down, however, when a favorable atmosphere is established, a strong outbreak of pest reproduction occurs, which leads to a serious increase in its population. In room conditions, the mite spreads faster than in the garden, so after a short period of time all indoor plants can become sick.

2. Symptoms

How can a grower understand that a flower is under attack? spider mite? There is a set of symptoms that indicate damage. Brown or light-colored spots appear on the back of the leaf blades, which eventually merge into one huge spot. As a result, the leaves become deformed, curl, curl, dry out and fall off. The flower stops growing and developing, the buds wither.

The new flower must be carefully examined. If you see yellow dots on the leaves, which are traces of mite activity, you should think about the health of the new plant. It is recommended to quarantine all purchased flowers, that is, place them for two weeks not next to the rest of the collection, but in another place. If the plant is infected and dangerous, you will be able to find out about it within this period.

You can bring spider mites home with soil: forest or store-bought. Animal larvae or females can live in the ground. When unfavorable conditions occur, the pests' metabolism slows down, which allows them to successfully wait out these conditions and begin vigorous activity in a comfortable atmosphere. As soon as the temperature rises and air humidity decreases, the tick “wakes up.” To prevent the pest from getting home along with the soil, you can bake it in the oven or pour boiling water over it.

4. Prevention of occurrence

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of a pest than to later remove it from the entire flower collection. Quarantine new plants and inspect them carefully before purchasing. Periodically wipe surfaces that flowers come into contact with with disinfectant or alcohol. The soil, purchased or prepared independently, is heated in the oven, poured with boiling water, treated with potassium permanganate or disinfected by any other means.

Maintain high humidity in the room, especially in winter period when radiators make the air in the apartment incredibly dry. You can purchase a humidifier, place containers filled with water next to the flowers, or use a spray bottle to spray the green mass of the plant. IN for preventive purposes You can treat plants with acaricides and place flowers on the windowsill that repel pests: cyclamen, aloe, gloxinia.

5. Fighting methods

Spider mites can be controlled by treatment with chemical and biological preparations or folk remedies.

Chemical and biological agents

Known a large number of chemicals, able to cope with difficult-to-remove spider mites. They are called "acaricides". Biological agents are considered less toxic than chemical ones.

Chemicals are toxic to varying degrees, so precautions must be taken during processing. Only those drugs that have a third or fourth class of toxicity can be used indoors. It is best to process on the balcony, since it can then be well ventilated. Wear long sleeves, gloves and a hat. Cover the soil in the pot with a plastic bag. Use the product strictly following the instructions.

7. Folk remedies

Chemicals are toxic, so many gardeners first decide to try to get rid of spider mites using folk ways. Before treating with a folk remedy, you need to prepare the flower and wash it thoroughly with plain water to wash away the maximum number of pests and clean the plant, then you should wash the surfaces that came into contact with the plant. After these procedures, you can start using folk remedies.

  • 1 Onion infusion . One hundred grams of onion peels are added to a container with five liters of water, which is infused for five days. The resulting solution is carefully filtered, and then it is used to treat plants. The leaves are sprayed every three days in the evening.
  • 2 Garlic infusion . Add two finely chopped heads of garlic to one liter of boiled water. The container with the liquid must be tightly closed with a lid and stored in a dark place for five days. The resulting solution must be diluted by adding a liter of water. The leaves are thoroughly sprayed with the liquid.
  • 3 Alcohol . You can use alcohol to treat plants only if they have dense leaf plates. Take a cotton pad, wet it with alcohol and start wiping the leaves of the flower with the composition. This method has shown high efficiency, but it may be somewhat reduced if ticks settle in places where it is difficult to penetrate.
  • 4 Soap . Place the flower in the bathroom, take tar, laundry or green soap. Lather a sponge well with soap and treat the plant with it, including the leaf blades and trunk. The more foam is formed, the better it will be. Leave the foam on the surface of the flower for two to four hours, then cover the soil in the pot with polyethylene and rinse the soap off the plant with a warm stream from the shower. Leave the flower in the bathroom for a while, then return it to the windowsill. The pot, the tray, and all surfaces with which the plant came into contact must be treated with soap.
  • 5 Decoction of cyclamen tubers . The tubers are finely chopped and boiled for thirty to forty minutes. The solution is cooled and the plant is sprayed with it once a week.
  • 6 Infusion of celandine tops . A kilogram of celandine tops is poured with three liters of boiling water and infused for 24 hours. Then another seven liters of water are added, the solution is filtered and used immediately.
  • 7 Infusion from potato tops . The tops are crushed, poured with a liter of boiling water and left for four hours.
  • 8 Yarrow decoction . One hundred grams of yarrow should be poured with a liter of boiling water. The solution must be boiled for three minutes, then left to infuse for four hours. You can safely treat the affected plants with the strained liquid.

Take a competent approach to the issue of pest prevention and properly treat plants affected by spider mites!

Like all other representatives of this species, it belongs to the arachnid pests of the sucking type. There are different types of spider mites, but most often gardeners encounter the common or red variety.

The reasons for their appearance on houseplants can be different; the main factors include the following:

  1. Lack of necessary air humidity.
  2. Excessive room heating, which creates dry yet warm conditions that are ideal for this pest.
  3. The presence of a large amount of old and dried foliage on plants.
  4. The presence of significant amounts of dust, which is a good environment for the emergence of such mites.
  5. Infection of healthy plants from those that have already become infected.
  6. Lack of necessary comprehensive care, which consists of spraying, pruning, loosening the soil and performing other procedures.

How to detect mites on indoor plants: signs of appearance

Spider mites usually make themselves visible fairly quickly, since a whole range of signs of their activity soon begins to appear. The presence of this pest may be indicated by the following factors:

  1. The presence of a large number small dots having a white tint. In most cases, they are located on the lower surface of the leaves, so you need to look there from time to time to promptly detect the presence of a mite.
  2. Presence of a thin web, which entwines various parts of the plant and is inconspicuous.
  3. The white tint that the foliage takes on, but this sign can only be observed in the most advanced cases, when the spider mite has been present for quite a long time and has managed to cause multiple lesions.
  4. The presence of pests themselves on plants. They are very small in size, but still visible to human vision. If you do not take any measures to eliminate them, then the number of mites gradually increases, they gather in heaps, and on certain parts of the plant you can observe whole moving masses of them.
  1. The size of the insect varies from 0.3 to 0.6 mm depending on his gender and degree of fatness.
  2. Ellipse body shape, the upper part is distinguished by a noticeable convexity, and the lower, on the contrary, is flat.
  3. Young individuals are transparent; as they grow and develop, the color can change from light green to brown, but there are always dark spots on the sides.
  4. At an early stage of development they have six legs, adults have eight of them.

Fighting methods

Review of biological preparations for spider mites

To make it easier to navigate a large number of modern means to combat these pests, below is an overview of the most popular and effective biological preparations:

Aktofit is distinguished by its versatility; it is used in the garden and vegetable garden, as well as for treating indoor plants.

In addition to killing various types of mites, it is also capable of killing aphids, beetles and repelling butterflies. Externally, it is a yellowish liquid with a rather specific odor. It is not recommended to treat with Actofit at home; it is best to take plants outside during the procedure. You can purchase this product for 250 rubles; the standard volume of one container is 400 ml. Vertimek is another highly effective means , which allows you to cope various types pests. The main components included in the composition are the waste products of soil fungi. Vertimek is sold mostly in liter canisters,

approximate cost is about 6000 rubles. Before use, it is diluted in water, so the product should last for a long time.

Fitoverm is an effective and at the same time inexpensive biological product.

The main active ingredients included in the composition are waste products of various microorganisms living in the soil. For processing, it is not the drug itself that is used, but a solution based on it: no more than 2 ml is added for each liter of water. Fitoverma. Capacity 50 ml. costs about 160 rubles. Review of synthetic drugs against spider mites Synthetic ones are considered separately


Omite 57 is capable of not only exterminating all types of ticks, but also providing long-term protection against their reappearance.

The main component is propargite, this substance is quite dangerous, so Omite 57 must be used with the utmost caution. You can purchase it in 12.5 ml ampoules. or 1 liter canisters, the price is 30 and 1000 rubles, respectively.

Processing rules

In the process of fighting spider mites, the most important thing is not to harm the affected plant even more; for this, it is recommended to follow the following basic rules that relate to the treatment process: It is also necessary to remember that a single processing is usually not enough, so this process

  1. must contain the following steps: Primary treatment with the selected chemical
  2. , during it the vast majority of pests die. After this, you need to wait 5 to 7 days and repeat the procedure again.
  3. This is necessary to destroy a new generation of mites that could emerge from previously laid eggs. They are usually found in the ground and not all chemicals can have any effect on them.

Wait again for the same period and carry out a control treatment, which should exterminate all pests that remain alive for some reason.

However, even such measures do not provide a complete guarantee that the spider mite will be completely exterminated; there is always the possibility that a certain number of eggs remain in the ground and new individuals may appear from them in the future. Folk remedies There is also

  1. whole line folk methods for getting rid of spider mites, they are no less popular and relevant, since they are much safer than chemical treatments. Some such tools are discussed below: Treat the affected leaves with a cloth moistened with plain water. However, this option is only suitable for plants with smooth leaf surfaces and can only help
  2. early stage infection. An alternative technique is to wrap the pot in a plastic bag and then place it under the shower. Jets of water can help wash away any pests from the plant.
  3. Dilution 100 gr. dried hot pepper pods in a liter of water. After this, the product must be allowed to sit for 3-4 hours and a few drops of liquid soap must be added.
  4. Mix 25 gr. leaves and the same volume of dandelion roots, then soak in a liter container of water. The product sits for 2-3 hours, after which liquid soap is added to it.
  5. Take 80 gr. dried yarrow flowers and add water brought to a boil. The broth should be left to cool until it cools completely, after which it is diluted with plain water, the total volume should be at least a liter. The product sits for several more days, then liquid soap is added to it.
  6. Pass one onion through a meat grinder, then pour it with a liter of boiled water. Allow the product to sit for at least 6 hours, after which it is strained and the resulting liquid can be used for processing.
  7. Take 100 gr. dried celandine and add a liter of water brought to a boil. The broth should sit until it cools completely, after which liquid soap is added to it. Let it brew for another day, and then pass through a sieve.

Steaming the soil to prevent spider mites

Prevention of occurrence

Since spider mites are difficult to remove pest species, the presence of which suggests a possible recurrence of outbreaks, it is recommended to observe certain preventive measures to minimize risk.

Spider mite on indoor plants- photo:

Numerous light spots , and if the colony is large, then the plant is covered with a thin, barely noticeable cobweb(hence the name mite) and very soon begins to dry out.

They can be difficult to detect due to too small in size and color, helping to blend in with the foliage (mites are brownish, greenish and yellowish in color). Females remaining for the winter are red in color.

Female ticks live less than a month, but during this period they are capable of laying hundreds of eggs. New individuals appear in the clutch after three days. The biggest problem is that the eggs remain alive for up to 5 years.

They wait in the wings on the bark, in the axils of the plant, in the soil and even in window frames, on window sills and in chips flower pots. That is why the fight against them can be long.

Spider mites are often brought from the shop, so the new plant must be quarantined for at least two weeks.

Types of ticks

Cobwebs on flowers: what to do? To understand how to remove spider mites from indoor flowers, you need to know that they there are several types:

Houseplants are also attacked by other types of mites: Pacific, strawberry, red(flat).

All mites are capable adapt to the most unfavorable conditions, slow down vital processes before the onset good conditions for reproduction. This state is called diapause.

How to fight at home?

Fighting spider mites is difficult, so it’s worth doing prevention.

Most types of mites do not like humid air, and plants need to Spray more often, maintain humidity at the right level in different ways.

Immersing the plant in water It rarely helps, because mites are able to form an air bubble around themselves.

The leaves of the plant need wipe on both sides with a damp soft cloth, which must be rinsed constantly hot water so as not to transfer mites from plant to plant. Fallen leaves and flowers should not be left in the pot.

Pots before reuse must be washed with detergents, it is better to store them in unheated rooms in winter. Wash frames with detergents. Wooden frames paint as often as possible.

Spider mites not only harm the plant themselves, but are also carriers of various diseases, for example, gray rot and spores of various fungi.


How to treat flowers against spider mites at home?

All remedies will be effective only if multiple processing. Neighboring plants, frames and window sills also need to be treated.


How to cure flowers from spider mites? If a mite is detected, the plant must first be thoroughly washed with laundry or tar soap. Lather each leaf and each axil, whipping the foam with your hands and carefully working all parts of the plant. Leave the flower for several hours (you can also leave it for a day), covering it with a plastic bag. Then rinse off the soap thoroughly under a warm shower.

If the lesion was minor, then such a procedure will be sufficient, although it is necessary be sure to repeat two or three times during the week. The plant should be sprayed with warm water twice a day and inspected regularly.

Wash the frames and window sill hot water with anyone detergent . The remaining plants on the windowsill also need to be treated in order to prevention. Spider mites do not tolerate fresh air and ventilation.

What to do if the defeat has gone far enough? You must first treat with soap, then spray with preparations "Intavir", "Fitoverma", "Karbofos". When treating a window, it is also worth adding Karbofos to the water.

Sometimes it helps A fairly simple method: Place an open container with finely chopped garlic or turpentine, tightly close the plant along with the container for 2-3 days. The edges of the pot need to be lubricated tar.

Ways to fight flowers

How to get rid of spider mites on indoor flowers? For each plant it is necessary to select an individual control method.


Spider mite on an orchid - photo:

The flower is amazed many types of ticks, for example, the phalaenopsis mite living in the sinuses. Spider mites on orchids - how to fight? First, the plant must be washed with soap, then treated with one of the chemicals, it is better to use a non-toxic one "Fitoverm" or an aqueous solution of the drug "Aktellik".

Spider mites on an orchid: what are the control measures? To combat mites, special sticks made in Holland are used, which are stuck into the soil in a pot with an orchid. Action “Plant-pin” and “Etisso” sticks based on the following principle: the substance of which they are composed dissolves during watering, is absorbed into the ground and, together with water, is absorbed by the roots, from where it enters the above-ground part of the plant, the flower becomes unsuitable for ticks to feed on.

Soil, moss, orchid pots after purchase treated with boiling water for the prevention of spider mites.

What an orchid affected by spider mites looks like and how to avoid infesting plants - in this video:


Mites often infest balsam trees. If this happened at the end of summer, autumn or winter, then the plant needs cut off radically. Wash the remaining part and treat it with an insecticide, preferably a preparation "Alatar", since it is very difficult to get rid of mites on balsam.

Spider mites on balsam - how to fight? If infection occurs in spring and summer, then the plant is treated with soap foam, then sprayed with insecticide, the procedure is repeated several times after 3-5 days. If the plant is not of particular value, it is better throw away and prevent the appearance of mites on other flowers.

Spider mite on balsam - photo:

Indoor rose

How to cure and save a rose from spider mites at home? Spider mite on a rose in room conditions appears constantly Therefore, it is important to carry out prevention. But if the plant is already affected, then treatment must begin as quickly as possible. Are there home remedies for spider mites on roses?

On indoor rose a web has appeared: what to do? First, you need to wash the rose with hot, up to 50-55 degrees, water with dissolved soap. Leave the plant for a day under a plastic bag and then rinse with water at the same temperature.

Then you need to try the processing garlic infusion. If this does not help, then spray with any chemical, it is better to use "Neoron".

How to use a spider mite remedy on a house rose? In each case, when you have to process a flower, you must resort to the help of different chemicals.

Spider mites on an indoor rose - photo:

Spider mites on a home rose: how to fight?

About, how to process You will find out how to use a home rose against spider mites by watching the video:

Several Yet useful tips About, how to get rid of from spider mites on a rose at home, you will get from this video:


To prevent spider mites, ficus spray regularly. Spider mites on ficus - how to fight? If infected, thoroughly wipe each leaf on both sides. well soaped with a rag and, after keeping the plant for a day under a plastic bag, wash off the soap with warm water. Then you need to spray the ficus alcohol solution of calendula, diluted with water, without missing a single leaf.

Irradiation of leaves is effective ultraviolet light, which ticks cannot tolerate. Ficus leaves can be covered oil-containing the drug and leave it like that for several days.

Spider mites on ficus - photo:


If you find numerous colonies of mites on a plant, you must first wash with soap, cut out those leaves that are severely affected. Then remove from the pot, inspect the roots, remove damaged ones, carefully rinse the roots in warm water and transplant into a clean container in new soil.

After this, spray the plant epinome. As a rule, such treatment is sufficient.

But if you can’t get rid of ticks in this way, you will have to resort to spraying more toxic drugs, for example "Karate".

Spider mite on anthurium - photo:


Most often, violets (Saintpaulias) are affected by the cyclamen mite. Trim the affected leaves, then spray the flower with the drug "Fitovern", repeat the treatment twice after 10 days.

Spider mite on a violet - photo:


The plant is infested by a simple spider mite. The fight against it is to wash the long leaves in warm water with soap.

If after repeated water procedures the mite still remains, then you need to resort to an insecticide. For example, to "Fitoverma".

Spider mite on dracaena - photo:

The most effective prevention of spider mites on any indoor plant is washing in a warm shower with laundry or tar soap.

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Almost any house plant the worst enemy - the spider mite - may take up residence. What does he look like? How to deal with spider mites on any indoor plants? What harm can it do to the plant? Let's look in this article at how you can protect your favorite flowers from pests and prevent a similar misfortune in the future. Go!

Why you need to get rid of spider mites on flowers

The mite is not considered to belong to the insect group. Its dimensions are extremely small and impossible to notice with the naked eye. Some people lament that they did not notice his tricks in time and did not protect the plant. However, knowing some of the characteristics of spider mites, you will be able to quickly detect this pest.

Contrary to widely accepted belief, spider mites do not always weave a web around their favorite plant. This usually happens when there are already too many mites and the plant is on the verge of death.

Spider mites gradually destroy the membrane of the leaf surface, thus disrupting the natural processes of photosynthesis. The plant stops receiving the necessary nutrition and gradually fades. A damaged flower becomes vulnerable to many diseases.

Importantly, spider mites can move from one flower to another. If one flower was sick with some disease, for example, it was infected with gray rot spores, then when a tick settles on a neighboring flower, it will transfer this infection to it.

Being not just a pest, but also a carrier of diseases, spider mites can cause great harm to your flowers. How to get rid of spider mites on flowers?

  1. How to get rid of spider mites on indoor plants Small dots appeared on the leaves of the flower.
  2. These dots can have different shades: from light silver, red, yellow - to red. This sign informs the owner of the flower that the process of dying has begun in these places of the leaves and the plant needs help. Spots can also form under plant leaves.
  3. However, they are usually white on the underside. A thin web.

If there are cobwebs in places, this means that spider mites on indoor plants, the control measures for which are not always easy, have chosen your flower. Advice! To ensure the absence of this pest, take paper and shake the flower over it. If there are mites, they will fall onto the leaf and you will see them. The body colors of mites depend on the color of the plant they feed on.

Although you can fight ticks using traditional methods, in some cases this may be useless. Traditional methods are effective either at the early stage of infection or as a preventive measure.

The main chemical control methods are:

  • acaricides;
  • insectoacaricides;
  • biological products;
  • synthetic products.

How to get rid of spider mites on flowers using special means

Preparations of the Fitoferm series

This product belongs to the group of insectoacaricides. “Vermitek” and “Aktofit” are also similar in effect and composition.

The advantages of these chemicals are that they are safer than all acaricides. However, they effectively fight spider mites.

Important! No preparations from the acaricide group have any effect if the temperature in the room where the treatment is carried out is below 18 degrees. Even the re-processing time directly depends on the temperature.

These drugs can cause relative harm to humans and plants, so they should be used with caution and protective measures.

We use "Apollo"
It has the same properties as the previous one. The advantage of this product is that it successfully fights not only active individuals, but also spider mite eggs. Considered an acaricide.

Chemical agent "Aktellik"
This substance tends to evaporate. It is unsafe for humans and plants. Never use this product at home! It can only be used while wearing protective equipment outdoors.

Despite its “harmfulness”, “Aktellik” fights spider mites well.

Advice! Never treat wet plants. This reduces the effectiveness of the drug and can also cause additional harm to the flowers.

If you have spider mites on your indoor plants, how to get rid of them using folk remedies? initial stages infection?

Spider mites on indoor plants: how to fight with folk remedies

So, you are sure that spider mites have settled on your indoor plants. How to deal with this “guest” using folk remedies?

Remember that in cases where the pest has spread greatly, folk remedies may not help. In this case, chemicals should be used.

Video: how to get rid of spider mites on a rose at home

To clearly see how houseplants are processed, let's watch the video.

Plants, despite almost greenhouse living conditions, are no less susceptible to various infections and invasions than their outdoor counterparts. One of the frequent unwanted guests on green pets is spider mites on indoor plants.

What does a spider mite look like on indoor plants?

Spider mites are a whole family of insects distributed throughout the world. Very small - 1-2 mm. and less, they cause enormous damage to typical indoor plants, such as orchids, roses, tradescantia, geraniums. They suck out the juices from the green parts of plants, as a result of which the leaves and flowers begin to dry and fall off, and the plant gradually dies. It is very difficult to notice the pest with the naked eye due to its small size and color. Most often, spider mites are green in color, less often yellow, orange or red.

Most often, spider mites can be introduced when buying flowers in pots. Plants in stores are not always treated properly, and “newbies” should initially be quarantined alone to prevent infestation of other plants.

Insects can also be brought in on cobwebs from the street when the windows are open. Mosquito nets do not help either, since the size of the pests is small and they can freely penetrate the barrier. If the plants are on an open, unglazed balcony, the likelihood of infection becomes even higher.

Insect eggs can be introduced from forest or garden soil. Spider mite eggs are highly resistant and can survive in the soil for up to five years. They are not affected by most chemicals, temperature changes and dry substrate.

Types of spider mites

There are the following types of pests:

  • Common spider mite. The most frequent “guest” in all regions of the world, and poses a great danger. It is practically not picky about “food” and attacks any green plants. Hides on the underside of leaves and on young shoots. Over a short life, the female lays several hundred eggs, from which, under suitable conditions, new insects hatch in a few days.

  • Red spider mites prefer orchids, lemon plants and roses. The most dangerous representative of its kind. It has a bright crimson-red body color. Occurs less frequently than usual.

  • The Atlantic spider mite lives in high humidity and temperatures above room temperature. Prefers tropical plant species. It is quite rare compared to red and common, and is typical for hot regions.

  • The cyclamen spider mite is dangerous because it can affect not only the green parts, but also the roots and tubers. Forms large colonies that look like a net or dust stuck to the plant. Prefers high humidity.

How to detect the presence of a pest

The presence of a pest is not necessarily indicated by cobwebs. It is very difficult to see the threads of the web that spider mites weave because they are too thin and only become visible to the human eye in large quantities. The most common sign of insects is small yellow dots on the back of the leaves. These are the places where the mite has bitten, where it sucked the juices from the plant cells. Affected leaves begin to curl and dry out.

Sometimes spider mites take up residence in buds, especially roses, geraniums and orchids. The insect disfigures the petals, the buds lose their color and shape, and when they bloom, severe deformation of both the petals themselves and the shape of the flower becomes visible. In this case, the appearance of cobwebs is not typical.

Affected plants

The list of plants affected by the pest is very long. The common spider mite affects almost everything, including cacti. Other species are somewhat more selective in their tastes, however, they settle in houses much less often. Most susceptible to damage:

  • azalea;
  • rose;
  • fuchsia;
  • ficus;
  • calla;
  • orchid;
  • dracaena.

General control measures

Pest control comes down to treating both the plant itself and its substrate, the container in which it is located, and the shelf or window sill. Since insect eggs are very resistant, treatment is carried out with several repetitions, taking into account the development cycle of spider mites on indoor plants and the expected timing of hatching.

Chemical methods

Modern chemicals are an effective means of combating spider mite attacks. Most chemicals destroy both adult insects and their larvae and eggs. Pest control products are called acaricides, and they fight many types of pests:

  • Actellik acts on digestive system insects, making it impossible to digest food and causing their death. The chemical is very toxic, and treatment should be carried out outdoors or in non-residential premises using chemical protection measures;

  • Fitoverm has a neurotoxic effect on ticks and is less dangerous to humans. They should also be processed in an open space and with the use of chemical protection;
  • Neoron is a contact acaricide that destroys egg shells and the chitinous membrane of adult insects. The effect lasts for several weeks, preventing the growth of hatched insects from preserved eggs;
  • Flumite has a detrimental effect for the most part on spider mite eggs; new individuals do not appear. It is better to use it in combination with other drugs that have less activity against eggs and insect larvae;

  • Apollo is a hormonal acaricide, it acts on eggs and larvae of insects; it is practically non-toxic for adult spider mites, so it must be taken with other drugs. At the same time, the chemical sterilizes adult individuals, which stops the development cycle;
  • Akarin is an insecticide with a neurotoxic effect; insects die within 4-8 hours after treatment. When combined with akarin treatment with other drugs (having an ovicidal effect), it is highly effective. Treatment is carried out three times every 3-4 days. It is toxic to humans, so you need to work with it using gloves and a mask, in the absence of children and pets.

When treating with chemicals, it is important to maintain concentrations and apply chemical protection measures.

Traditional methods

If you do not want to use chemicals or out of reasonable fear, you can resort to traditional methods. However, it should be remembered that they are not so effective and have practically no effect on tick eggs, which is why treatment must be carried out once every 3-4 days for 2-3 weeks.

  • The soap solution is prepared from laundry or tar soap. Soap shavings are foamed, the foam is applied to the plant and left for several hours. Then the foam is washed off and the plant is covered with a plastic bag for a day to create a greenhouse effect and maintain high humidity.

  • Alcohol treatment is not suitable for all plants, but only for those that have dense leaf plates. Use a moistened cotton swab or disk to wipe the entire surface of the leaves, petioles, trunks and buds;
  • Garlic infusion is made from two chopped garlic heads per liter of boiled water. The infusion is prepared within 5 days, used diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:1;
  • Onion infusion is prepared from six grams of onion peel per liter of boiled water. Infuse for four hours, then filter. The green parts of the plant and the soil are treated with the solution from a spray bottle three times every five days.

Additional Methods

All additional methods can only be used in conjunction with folk or chemical method struggle and cannot be used as separate and independent ones. These methods can also be used as preventive measures:

  • The mechanical method boils down to removing all affected leaves, rinsing with soapy water and a hot shower. This method also includes increasing humidity by frequent watering and wrapping the plant in a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect;
  • The biological method involves the use of natural enemies of spider mites, for example. At home, especially in winter, it is difficult to find them, but in summer you can leave the plants near an open window and place bait for ladybugs;

  • The bacterial method is the use of drugs that contain strains of bacteria that are harmful to spider mites. Such drugs include domestic Biotlin, Bitoxibacillin, and foreign Trichodermin.

Prevention measures

The main prevention is regular spraying of the plant, since the common spider mite, the main pest, loves dry air. Infestations by red mites and Atlantic mites, which love moisture, are much less common.

It is best to leave plants purchased in a store or for exchange for a couple of weeks away from the main mass, wrapped in a plastic bag. Even if the “newbie” shows signs of infection, it is much easier to fight the pest on one flower than on all the plants in the house.

It is better to treat the collected soil or purchased substrate in the oven on baking sheets or steam it, and also treat it with acaricidal agents to kill insect eggs. It is advisable to do the same with expanded clay, stones and sawdust.

It is also possible for prevention between ornamental plants plant less beautiful, but insect repellent parsley, dandelion, basil, aloe, and calendula. Their smell repels ticks both from the plants themselves and from their neighbors.

Some plants can be given a hot short shower at a temperature of 36-38 degrees. You should not take such liberties with roses or orchids, but some cacti will benefit from such a procedure.

Mite on an orchid

Most often you can find red mites on orchids. Insects gather in vast colonies, entwining bottom part leaves with a thin web of white or whitish color. Small yellow dots appear on the leaves, then merge into a yellow pattern, the plant stops growing and flowering. Ticks especially often settle on young growing leaves, which contain a large amount of sap.

Infection occurs when purchasing orchids or when exchanging plants between gardeners. Transplanting into contaminated soil can also serve as a source of insects.

Mite control measures and prevention on orchids

Since orchids are quite delicate plants, you need to be very careful when fighting spider mites. When selecting chemicals, you should read the information on the packaging to ensure that the chemical is suitable for use on orchids. Also for effective fight Several types of chemicals should be alternated to eliminate the formation of resistant insects.

Of the suitable chemicals, the most effective and in demand in the fight against spider mites are Apollo, Akarin, Sunmite, Tiofos, Kleschevik, etc.

Any chemical It is necessary to treat not only the plant itself, but also the soil, containers with pallets, the windowsill and neighboring plants, to prevent re-infestation.