For many years, psychologists have been trying to “derive” a certain combination of external and internal qualities that will result in an idea of ​​who we are. But, alas, each study gives some completely new results - and it is difficult to obtain an impeccable image based on them. The fact is that every man has his own idea of ​​the ideal. Try to tell me what a normal height should be for a girl? Or hair color? Or behavior style? Everyone here has their own preferences. In addition, when trying to understand what it is like through the eyes of men, you need to keep in mind that we are talking about a wife, mistress, girlfriend or colleague. Depending on who exactly a man has in mind when composing the image of his dreams, the set of important qualities also changes.

But there are still some common features on the basis of which one can understand what an ideal girl looks like through the eyes of men.

1.Mind. Whatever they say about men preferring fools, in fact this is not the case. Times are changing, emancipation is progressing by leaps and bounds, and a girl, regardless of whether she is a wife, lover or girlfriend, is a full partner from whom a man expects to make some decisions, advice, and support. And the less he needs the fool as a constant companion. As a temporary lover - yes. But no one would call a temporary lover an ideal girl, otherwise she definitely wouldn’t have become a “temporary” one.

However, a girl worthy of becoming a dream girl will never show a man her mental superiority. Men love smart girls, not “clever” ones.

And one more thing: intelligence, talents and intelligence do not justify a complete lack of self-care. No matter how much a man values ​​your intelligence, unkempt nails, dirty hair and a torn T-shirt will very quickly make him doubt your intelligence. Doesn't a smart girl know with her eyes?

2.Appearance. through the eyes of men, she is always well-groomed. Please note: she is not so much beautiful as she is well-groomed. Of course, men like girls with a good figure, but a good figure is also part of self-care. Even a rather plump girl, if she wants, can get a good figure if she forces herself to give up cakes and go to the gym and pool.

An impeccable girl always has a neat manicure and pedicure, she has clean hair (and most men prefer long, flowing hair), and discreet makeup. She is dressed tastefully and in accordance with the circumstances.

3.Sexuality. Almost half of men believe that a girl’s sexuality is more important than her appearance. However, contrary to popular belief, the ideal girl through the eyes of men is not a sex giant who has studied the entire Kama Sutra. She should be relaxed and without complexes, and to satisfy most men, 2-3 poses are enough. Moreover, a girl’s too much sexual experience even turns off some men.

Oddly enough, many men believe that the girl of their dreams should not only be able to give pleasure to a man in bed, but also receive it herself. The notorious male egoism is a myth. In fact, it is important for men to realize that he was able to bring his girlfriend to orgasm; it increases their self-esteem. Therefore, if you want to be considered a perfect lover, enjoy sex, and if it doesn’t work out, learn to imitate it well!

4.The ability to create comfort and coziness. No man would like to live, excuse me, in a stable. Even if Angelina Jolie lives in it with him. Very important quality What makes girls perfect, according to men, is the ability to create comfort and coziness. But! In no case forgetting about the other important components of an impeccable girl...

So becoming a truly ideal girl is not so easy, but it is quite possible if you set yourself such a goal!

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The desire to please the opposite sex is absolutely natural, so girls, arguing on the topic of “what men like,” go through all the parts of the body in an attempt to guess and improve what will drive anyone crazy.

website It became interesting that the men themselves would answer this question, and some of the answers surprised us very much.

1. Kindness

Men always notice kind deeds, especially if they consider a girl as a candidate for a long-term relationship, and this confirm scientists. No wonder they say that goodness comes back, and as it turns out, it's coming back in the form of increased male attention.

2. Ability to get out of awkward situations

From year to year, men repeat that they are attracted to naturalness both in behavior and appearance. But it turned out that no less important how do you react to unexpected situations. If a girl can charmingly admit that she made a mistake, instead of getting angry or making excuses, then this is a sure way to success with the opposite sex.

3. Nails

Many girls are sure that no one is interested in their nails except their manicurist. But, as it turned out, for men the well-groomed nature of your hands (they, of course, will not notice the shape of your nails and the color of the varnish) - indicator, by which they determine how carefully a girl takes care of herself.

4. Emotional state

According to men, one of the most unpleasant types of women are girls with a negative outlook on the world. Men notice all the troubles in your life that make your mood far from rosy - an unloved job, quarrels with parents, suffering due to unfulfilled dreams. They begin to associate your image with melancholy, but men want to be charged with positivity so they are fascinated happy women who know how to enjoy life.

And you won’t be able to pretend for long either: a man will quickly notice your depression, even if you try your best to seem happier than anyone in the world. Therefore, you need to learn to notice the simple joys of life every day - first of all for yourself.

5. Financial condition

Women wanted equality - women got it, so now not only girls look at the wealth of men, but also vice versa. Yes, the topic is very sensitive, but relevant, and rest assured - the man is not out of idle curiosity is interested in your income, and for further conclusions. If you earn more than him, he may need time to understand whether he is ready to accept such a situation, and if less, he may need to find out whether you have selfish interests.

6. Self-esteem

Men love to compliment women who already know what they deserve. And they hate convincing those who are used to denying it of their own beauty. There is no more unattractive woman in the eyes of men than someone who constantly doubts herself.

Confidence in one's own beauty often compensates for any imagined or real flaws in appearance. Realizing this, you can become that fatal beauty that men so often dream of.

7. Attitude towards other girls

If you looked with an unkind glance at a beauty passing by or allowed yourself a caustic comment towards a girl you didn’t like, rest assured - the man noticed it and interpreted it as having a full set of complexes, as well as an envious and quarrelsome character.

8. Style

Men may not understand the latest fashion trends, but that doesn't mean they don't care how a girl dresses. Your style can make all the difference factor to get to know you, because every man has his own idea of ​​what a dream girl should look like. Some people won’t dare approach a girl with bright hair, while others, on the contrary, are put off by stereotypes, so you shouldn’t adapt to everyone - you won’t please everyone.

9. Shoes

Yes, men look extremely carefully at the subject of their interest - from the tips of their nails to the soles of their shoes. No, they don’t guess the designer of your shoes or try to remember the rules for pairing shoes with a bag, but pay attention to how comfortable you feel. When a girl puts on shoes with a huge unstable heel, it only causes irritation and the desire to end the date as quickly as possible.

10. Number of friends

For men, it is important that a girl has her own life and of real friends with whom she went through fire, water and copper pipes. They are alarmed by the absence of girlfriends or a large number of acquaintances who are constantly changing.

11. Laughter

Longing for someone ideal seems to be in our blood. We strive to achieve it in all areas of our lives: at work, in love, in communication with others. When choosing a loved one, we look for the ideal. And it seems that if we achieve the ideal, life will become much simpler and better.
But what is the ideal? Where are they, the criteria for the ideal?

It seems exactly representatives the beautiful half of humanity since the very early childhood strive to be ideal, and very often this is done in order to please young man. However, how many people - so many opinions. The ideal girl in the eyes of one guy may not look like that in the eyes of another. So it turns out that the ideal of a girl is a very subjective concept. One likes a slender girl with signs of thinness, a tall blonde, while another, for example, when he sees her, “there is a desire to feed her something quickly.” So everything is relative.

Not worth it reset from the accounts and how old your gentleman is, what kind of education he has and, finally, where he comes from. It’s not for nothing that they say: “What’s good for a German is death for a Russian...”
So what is she like?

1. Age

Most likely, this is a girl between the ages of 23 and 27. She has already graduated from university, and let’s say, is already working. At this age, girls are independent and are already able to make important decisions, as they say, approach the problem with " cool head and a sober mind." Relationships with younger girls are, of course, possible, but they often do not promise happy marriage. Such a girl has not yet lost the desire to “go for a walk”; she can be carried away by new relationships, parties and all kinds of get-togethers. And if she, for example, is also a student...And if she also manages to contact a girl under 18 years of age, then there is a possibility that she will become acquainted with the article “corruption of minors.” And this is ALREADY far from ideal.

2. Education

Of course, it's just ideal if a girl has higher education. Only in our time, unfortunately, it is not available to everyone. Besides, you can be an intellectual without the coveted crust. The most important thing is to use your knowledge and abilities correctly. According to men, a girl should not be smarter than her chosen one. which means the ideal girl is smart, but... wise?

It is known that most men consider the ideal woman to be one who looks like their mother. Such a woman cooks well, takes care of her family, and looks after her husband. The list of requirements of such an ideal also includes: understanding, kindness, modesty, wisdom, patience, care, tenderness.

Men's opinions differ on the question of the temperament of an ideal woman. Some men like girls who are calm and quiet; others, on the contrary, choose emotional and passionate ones.

It is worth noting that the ideal of a mistress and the ideal of a wife are different in the eyes of men. First of all, they want to see such qualities as: external attractiveness, emotional and sexual liberation, tenderness, sensuality, cheerful disposition, fidelity.

While in the status of a wife, men hope to meet a woman who will give birth to healthy children, will raise them and lead household generally. The qualities of a spouse include: fidelity, physical and mental health, attractive appearance, sensitivity, caring, understanding. That is, an ideal wife should create an atmosphere of comfort and happiness in the house, love and take care of her husband, respect his opinion and understand.

Qualities of an ideal woman

IN general idea the ideal woman should lead healthy image life, to be educated, to have Good work. A man is interested in such a woman, he sees her as a person, respects her and trusts her opinion.

Men like purposeful and independent women. It is known that a man’s hunting instinct dictates to him to conquer, achieve, perform feats, and protect his other half. Therefore, an ideal woman should not be stronger or more successful than a man in any area: sports, career, social position.

It is also worth noting that an ideal woman always supports a man, gives him strength, and raises his self-esteem. The ideal woman recognizes a man’s right to make mistakes and gives him the opportunity to have an opinion different from her point of view. Thus, unreasonable jealousy, conflict, long boring conversations are the enemies of women striving for an ideal in the eyes of men.

The ideal woman should be feminine and charming. However, most men are owners, and therefore they are categorically unpleasant about the attention of other men to their woman. For such a man, it is important to know that a woman will always love only him; that she chose her man as the best of all the others, which means that her attention should be given only to him. Other men, on the contrary, are pleased by the attention of others to his woman. This is how he asserts himself, is proud of what he has done right choice companions.

There is a belief that everything in this world is done for us to be beautiful. But it’s worth noting one nuance: how much women themselves do for men to please them, to be ideal for them in every sense of the word. At the same time, many people make mistakes when they try to fit a certain image. As a rule, this is a blonde, with a wasp waist, large breasts, but it is worth noting that not all owners of such men like their looks. After all, each of them has their own ideal. Someone may lose their head over long-legged girls with long hair, and some people like plump ones with short legs. But still, thanks to many different tests and social surveys, it is possible to identify certain general nuances in order to find out what kind of appearance men like, namely the majority of them.

Breast. Despite the stereotypes about the love of the stronger sex for large breasts, this is absolutely not the case. The truth is, most people like medium-sized breasts that are nice and toned.

Waist. Although most guys say that they like a thin figure, in practice it’s the opposite. After all, when looking through photographs during a social survey, the overwhelming majority choose not skinny girls, but girls with a beautiful tummy, but without excess fat folds. Thus, the standard is a waist circumference of not 60cm, but about 70cm.

Hips. But here all men are in solidarity. They like rounded hips with toned, bulging buttocks.

Legs. Girls are constantly worried about what to wear and what shoes to wear to make their legs appear longer, but as it turns out, men don’t really care about the length of their legs. It is important for them that their legs are beautiful and without cellulite.

Face. The first thing to note is the makeup. Most of the stronger sex favor natural beauty and a minimum of makeup. Saturated, bright makeup not only does not attract, but even repels them, because in some way they are afraid of what is hidden under kilograms of cosmetics. Therefore, the most important thing is to properly care for your delicate facial skin and use a minimum of cosmetics. Also, you should not artificially enlarge your lips or perform other plastic surgeries. All this is also not welcomed by men.

The ideal girl through the eyes of men

The ideal girl, what should she be like in the eyes of men? It's so difficult to answer this philosophical question, because a single world standard still does not exist. The whole secret is that men’s preferences in choosing their partner are laid down not only at the genetic level, but are also brought up (earned) over many years in the family.

The first factor, according to which preferences are formed and the male ideal emerges future wife- is the image of the mother. Yes, it is her figure, habits, demeanor, and smile that are deeply rooted in her sons’ consciousness, so dear ladies, the more similarities you have with your future mother-in-law, the stronger the relationship with your loved one will be.

Second an important factor is appearance. The stronger half of society wants to see next to them a neat and beautiful companion, with whom it would be nice to go out and not “blush.” Therefore, do not be lazy, find a few minutes for yourself every day, take care of your body. And believe me, the result will bring good results.

Well, third...The beauty of the soul, the ability to understand, forgive, be a friend, loved and an excellent interlocutor at the same time - these are the main qualities of an ideal girl through the eyes of men. Guys, by nature, need to have a reliable shoulder of support when they come home from work every day. After all, there they cannot afford to have intimate conversations, because they must be cold-blooded bosses. Always support in difficult times, give what you need, practical advice, never blame or reproach (this will only distance you from your loved one), because reproaches will not solve problems, but will only lead to