
Many people think that the structure of the word “pillow” indicates a direct relation to an object that can be placed “under the ear.” But the interpretation of the meaning is folk. In fact, etymological dictionary explains differently. The first word in the Old Russian language was “dodukha”, meaning something airy or inflated. The widespread use of the word "pillow" dates back to the 13th century, and the meaning is literally defined as "something dear and close."

The history of the first pillows is preserved in ancient Egypt. True, the purpose of these items among the pharaohs and noble Egyptians was different: they kept their hairstyles while sleeping. These could be wooden concave pillows on a stand, as well as stone, metal or porcelain, which depicted gods protecting people during sleep. The Japanese used similar items until the 19th century. Jade pillows, popular in China, were shaped like a person lying down with a special comfortable recess for the head. Gradually, people came to the conclusion that a pillow is necessary not for the safety of hair, but for comfortable rest.

Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of the first soft pillows, and these ordinary everyday objects began to represent wonderful works of art, since the covers were embroidered with beautiful patterns. Noble Greeks loved to lie on a soft bed, and the presence of pillows added significance to the owner.

The ancient Romans obtained the first pillows as spoils during their military conquests. They especially liked those filled with goose down, so the commanders sent the most accurate shooters to hunt wild geese. But most Romans used sleeping objects made from grass, bird feathers, or animal hair. Not everyone had the opportunity to purchase these items, since they were very expensive, so only wealthy people could use them.

If you imagine a medieval castle, with a cold stone floor, constant drafts, then the introduction of innovation will become clear: pillows became not only an attribute of a luxurious warm bed, but also, placed under the feet, represented a means of protecting them from the cold. The convenience of soft pillows was fully realized a long time ago. They did not forget to place them under their knees during prayers, on the saddle of a horse, in stretchers and carriages.

In the old days in Rus', soft feather and down pillows were a luxury for the rich, and the common people stuffed them with hay or horsehair. They formed an integral part of the bride's dowry. In the East, there was a custom to fill pillows with plants that emit pleasant odors, which were later prepared for medicinal purposes.

The history of pillows goes back more than one millennium. Archaeologists found the most ancient accessories when they studied Egyptian pyramids. The pillows found were not much like what we use today. In history, examples of the use of the first pillows are associated not only with Egypt, but with China, Japan, and Greece. Only wealthy people had access to the privilege of using them.

Where and when did the first pillows appear?

The Egyptians invented the first pillows in history to prevent the complex hairstyle of a sleeping person from spoiling overnight. The cushion is then a small curved board placed on a stand.

The pillows depicted deities protecting people from influence dark forces.

Until the 19th century, they were actively used in Japan, which is also noted in history. Their pillows were made of stone, metal, and porcelain. The devices still looked like a solid rectangular stand.

The idea of ​​​​creating the first soft pillows in history belongs to the Greeks. People here loved comfort, so their pillows are nothing like what was used in Egypt.

The history of the bed among the Greeks is impressive. They loved spending most of their time on it. In Greece, soft pillows and comfortable mattresses were invented. The invention of new methods of producing bright dyes and materials became the reason for the transformation of accessories into an object of art.

History says that only very wealthy people could buy a richly decorated item.

In the 5th century BC, every wealthy Greek had a pillow. They varied in size and were filled with wool, feathers/down, and grass. The pillowcase was made of leather or fabric.

The history of the pillow also touched Rome. At first local residents they did not treat it with confidence, but then down options became popular.

The history of pillows in Russia

In Rus', almost no one knew what a down pillow was. She was a real luxury item.

History notes that Russian peasants used pillows filled with hay and horsehair, and girls about to get married beautifully embroidered pillowcases for their dowries.

A little later, when the subject became more commonplace, spruce branches were hidden in a pillow at Christmas. They brought happiness and helped fulfill wishes. Many fortune tellings are associated with these accessories. To find out the name of the groom, the girls placed a rod pulled out of a broom under it.

History of the evolution of the pillow

The history of the evolution of the pillow includes various stages. After the usual options, beautiful elements with decorations appeared, and closer to our days, models began to be produced that could even improve the health of the body.

What types are worth mentioning separately:

  • decorated sofas;
  • anatomical;
  • for pregnant;
  • anti-stress.

Decorative pillows for the sofa

So, it’s worth returning again to the history of the pillow, which began in Ancient Greece. Decorative models were very popular here. They were made from precious materials, embroidered with gold threads, precious stones. The pillow was expensive, so the Greek nobility bought them.

Decorative pillows have played a significant role in eastern history. They complemented the interior and had a variety of padding. The products were decorated beyond measure. This is how the owners of the house wanted to emphasize their own status and declare wealth. During the receptions, all conversations were conducted in a reclining position. Guests and hosts lay surrounded large quantity decorated pillows.

In the history of the Middle Ages, the congregation came to churches with pillows. They placed them under themselves to make it more comfortable to sit on a hard bench, protected their feet from the cold floor, and knelt down to pray. Cushions were produced to make riding easier.

Progress developed, new fabrics and technologies appeared, and pillows began to be more decorated. Relations between East and West strengthened, which is why the products appeared in Europe, arousing the interest of people, taking a place in prestigious salons.

In the history of Russia, this fashion also came from the East. First decorative pillows in history they were small, called “dumkas”.


In the mid-19th century, scientists discovered the vulcanization process. This technology made it possible to produce:

  1. Rubber.
  2. Rubber.
  3. Latex foams.

These materials combine softness, firmness, and elasticity. They became a filler for creating new types of pillows - anatomical ones.

Latex is a hygienic natural raw material with natural bactericidal properties. The production of pillows stuffed with it helped solve the problem of not only back and neck pain, but also allergies to down/feather fillings.

The creators of pillows were based on the fact that during sleep the support should be under the neck, not the head.

An incorrect position prevents a person from resting, the cervical vertebrae are bent, nerves are pinched, migraines and other diseases occur.

The right pillow prevents this from happening.

For pregnant

The history of pregnancy pillows does not include a long period. These complex shaped accessories have recently appeared on the market.

Inside the pillows there is a filler of increased elasticity. The configuration was invented specifically to make a woman feel the greatest comfort. Flexibility allows you to bend or crumple the pillow as you like in order to take a comfortable position.

The functionality of the pillow allows it to be used on vacation, while feeding an already born child, for caring for and playing with him.

Anti-stress pillow toys

In the 21st century, the range of pillow toys is such that both a child and an adult have access to a product that will not only have beauty, original covering, but also an environmentally friendly filler that can benefit health.

Nowadays, serious attention is paid to comfort and health. That's why anti-stress pillows are sold. They help support the head and neck of a sleeping person, so that the spine can rest from the load. Orthopedic pillows - prevention of health problems.

They also continue to decorate the room and be used in children's games.

Health benefits of pillows

  1. The spine of a person sleeping on a flat surface is constantly tense in the neck area. Muscle pain occurs and osteochondrosis develops. Elevating your head on a pillow will eliminate this risk.
  2. The thrown back of the head provokes the reflux of saliva into the respiratory tract. There is discomfort and cough.
  3. When a person sleeps on his back, on a flat surface without a pillow, his tongue sinks. This causes snoring.

The debate continues about whether sleeping without a pillow is beneficial. Orthopedic doctors and scientists have not reached a consensus.

The history of the sofa cushion

Decorative cushion- this is the keeper of dreams, a girl’s friend and bright accent in the interior. You can cry into it, or you can press it to your chest like a loved one. You can trust her with the secrets of your heart, or you can throw her to the floor in anger. She will endure everything. She's almost alive. Haven’t you noticed that even her name itself is so consonant with the word “soul”.

The history of the sofa cushion, which dates back many millennia, deserves special attention. Their homeland is considered to be the East or Ancient Greece, where their first likeness appeared. The first soft pillows originated in Greece. And it is not surprising, because the Greeks are recognized connoisseurs of comfort, for whom the bed was a cult attribute in the house.

In Lebanon, in a room intended for receiving guests, there was usually a low sofa on which were placed flat, bright and colorful pillows. The interior of a traditional Turkish home has always been characterized by the absence of furniture. They eat and sleep on the floor on mats, carpets and oblong-shaped pillows - minders.

One of the characteristic details of an old Russian house was a mountain of pillows that reached the ceiling. different sizes. This spoke of both the wealth of the owners and the fact that they know how to relax comfortably. And, therefore, to work.

Thus, the history of the sofa cushion provides food for the implementation of bold, creative and unusual design ideas today. An intricate idea is an excellent way to liven up a boring interior. Scatter pillows with oriental patterns over the sofa and armchairs, and you will find yourself in the harem of the Turkish Sultan; cover the boring factory-made pillows with fabric in “animal colors” like a giraffe or leopard - and you are in the African savannah.

I spied on the friendess alinaveter a picture depicting a very cool-looking pillow, and suddenly I thought that I had not yet seen materials on LiveJournal about these products, without which life would have become much more difficult. :)

I found an article about the history of pillow making, and found a bunch of pictures - pillows, thoughts, cushions.
Different in form and content. Plump and flat. Square, oval, in the shape of animals and some things...

on Yandex.Photos

History of the pillow

Although we cannot imagine life without a pillow, pillows were originally used only by wealthy people. The first pillows were found in ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Pillows were invented by them in order not to spoil an intricate hairstyle in a dream. The pillow then consisted of curved planks on a stand.

On pillows they began to depict gods who protected the sleeper from dark forces, mystical plants, and animals.

Up until the 19th century, wooden pillows were common in Japan.

Traditionally, Chinese pillows were made of stone, porcelain or metal. They were also solid rectangular stands. Some pillows were more artistically executed and were rather small sculptural figures depicting people, animals and household items.

In Africa, hard pillows made of wood and stone were also used.

The first soft pillows appeared in Greece. Comfort was more valued here, and Greek pillows have no connection with Egyptian pillows. The bed was a cult object for the Greeks; they spent most of the day on it. Therefore, it was in Greece that soft mattresses and pillows were invented.

The sophistication of dye making and sewing techniques led to the transformation of the pillow into an object of art, and richly decorated pillows became expensive goods.

In the 5th century BC, every wealthy Greek had a pillow. The pillow sizes varied. They were filled with animal hair, grass, down and bird feathers. The cover was made of leather or fabric, it could be either rectangular or square.

IN Ancient Rome At first they were incredulous about the pillows. But the Romans soon began to appreciate pillows, especially down pillows. Goose down was used to make down pillows. Often military commanders exempted their subordinates from carrying out military service and sent them to extract down for pillows.

Back then it was believed that pillows had a magical effect. Nero, for example, put his snakeskin bracelet under his pillow to help him sleep more soundly. Octavian Augustus wanted to get the pillow of a Roman patrician. He was mired in debt, and all his property was sold off. Emperor Augustus ordered the purchase of a pillow for debtors; according to him, he wanted to own a pillow on which a person with so many debts slept peacefully.

There are a lot of interesting stories related to pillows. Here are some of them.

Indian pillows helped the great Buddha restore his health. Buddha weakened from hunger and self-torture; he lay on the ground, barely alive. And suddenly he caught the wonderful aroma of the leaves of a tree growing nearby. Buddha got up from the ground and filled a bag with these leaves. This is how the pillow turned out, which Buddha put under his head and fell asleep. After sleeping on a wonderful pillow, Buddha began to feel better, and he had the strength to continue on his journey.

The Kama Sutra says that ordinary Indians also used pillows. This love treatise was compiled on the basis of knowledge accumulated over more than three thousand years. And some poses from the Kama Sutra cannot be reproduced without a pillow.

In Arab countries, pillows were most popular. The houses of the sultans were decorated with embroidered, painted pillows with tassels and fringes. Richly embroidered and decorated pillows were a sign of the owner's wealth.

In the Middle Ages, they began to use special small pads under the feet that protected the feet from the cold. The castles had stone floors; heating could not warm large rooms during the frosty period. Therefore, foot pillows were popular in those days.
It was at that time that pillows began to be used for prayer; they were placed under the knees during long prayers. Cushions for riding horses were also common; they softened saddles.

In some European countries there was a funny custom. Married men put an ax under the pillow before going to bed. It was believed that if you say to your wife at night during the performance of marital duty, “Give birth to a boy,” a boy will definitely be born.

An amazing fact, but in Rus' the pillow appeared in wide use only in the twentieth century. And at the very beginning, it was considered an expensive household item: poor people even put just clothes under their heads before going to bed.
During the Christmas holidays, fir branches were hidden in pillows, which brought happiness and helped make wishes come true. Many fortune tellings are related to pillows. For example, in order to find out the name of their betrothed, girls put a broom twig under their pillows.
In Rus', embroidered pillows have always been part of the dowry. Somewhat later, decorative pillows appeared. The poor stuffed their pillows with hay and horsehair; down and feather pillows were considered a luxury.
And those who owned pillows kept them and passed them on to their children. The tradition of passing them on by inheritance remains today. And that is great. Maybe your grandmother once used your pillow?
How nice it is to feel the connection between generations through an ordinary thing. Imagine how long your grandmother or mother spent collecting fluff and fluff for your pillow. This is truly worthy of love and respect.

Duvets and pillows have been and remain an integral part of the cultural tradition of many peoples of the world.

And orange slices!))

Although we cannot imagine life without a pillow, pillows were originally used only by wealthy people. The first pillows were found in ancient Egyptian pyramids. Pillows were invented by them in order not to spoil an intricate hairstyle in a dream. The pillow then consisted of curved planks on a stand. Gods began to be depicted on pillows, protecting the sleeper from dark forces. Up until the 19th century, wooden pillows were common in Japan. Traditionally, Chinese pillows were made of stone, porcelain or metal. They were also solid rectangular stands.

The first soft pillows appeared in Greece. Comfort was more valued here, and Greek pillows have no connection with Egyptian pillows. The bed was a cult object for the Greeks; they spent most of the day on it. Therefore, it was in Greece that soft mattresses and pillows were invented. The sophistication of dye making and sewing techniques led to the transformation of the pillow into an object of art, and richly decorated pillows became expensive goods.

In the 5th century BC, every wealthy Greek had a pillow. The pillow sizes varied. They were filled with animal hair, grass, down and bird feathers. The cover was made of leather or fabric, it could be either rectangular or square.

In ancient Rome, at first they were distrustful of pillows. But the Romans soon began to appreciate pillows, especially down pillows. Goose down was used to make down pillows. Often military commanders exempted their subordinates from military service and sent them to extract down for pillows.

Back then it was believed that pillows had a magical effect. Nero, for example, put his snakeskin bracelet under his pillow to help him sleep more soundly. Octavian Augustus wanted to get the pillow of a Roman patrician. He was mired in debt, and all his property was sold off. Emperor Augustus ordered the debtors to purchase a pillow; according to him, he wanted to own a pillow on which a person with so many debts slept peacefully.

But there are many more positive stories related to pillows. Indian pillows helped the great Buddha restore his health. Buddha weakened from hunger and self-torture; he lay on the ground, barely alive. And suddenly he caught the wonderful aroma of the leaves of a tree growing nearby. Buddha got up from the ground and filled a bag with these leaves. This is how the pillow turned out, which Buddha put under his head and fell asleep. After sleeping on a wonderful pillow, Buddha began to feel better, and he had the strength to continue on his journey.

In Arab countries, pillows were most popular. The houses of the sultans were decorated with embroidered, painted pillows with tassels and fringes. Richly embroidered and decorated pillows were a sign of the owner's wealth.

In the Middle Ages, they began to use special small pads under the feet that protected the feet from the cold. The castles had stone floors; heating could not warm large rooms during the frosty period. Therefore, foot pillows were popular in those days. It was at that time that pillows began to be used for prayer; they were placed under the knees during long prayers. Cushions for riding horses were also common; they softened saddles.

In some European countries there was a funny custom. Married men put an ax under their pillow before going to bed. It was believed that if you say to your wife at night during the performance of marital duty, “Give birth to a boy,” a boy will definitely be born.

During the Christmas holidays, fir branches were hidden in pillows, which brought happiness and helped make wishes come true. Many fortune tellings are related to pillows. For example, in order to find out the name of their betrothed, girls put a broom twig under their pillows.

In Rus', embroidered pillows have always been part of the dowry. Somewhat later, decorative pillows appeared. The poor stuffed their pillows with hay and horsehair; down and feather pillows were considered a luxury.

During the Industrial Revolution, the making of decorative fabrics and pillows became mass-produced.


Internet research:

Design specification of the project product:

List of criteria that the product must meet:

ü Original and unusual;

ü Durable and practical;

ü Take up little space;

ü help solve educational problems;

ü from available material waste, non-irritating color tones;

ü inexpensive.

Chapter 3 “Production sequence”

Operation description Tools and equipment
1.Pencil 2mm paper.
1. safety pins 2. pencil 3. ruler
Sew on the eyes, nose and heart in the marked places. ! It is best to stitch with a zigzag stitch.
1.Sewing machine Sew on small parts : eyes, mouth, mustache.
! The mustache and mouth are hand-sewn
1.Buttons 2.Needle 3.Threads
Operation description 1.Sewing machine Tools and equipment
1.Sintepon 2.Threads 3.Needle Operating technique or graphic image
Draw the pattern onto a sheet of paper using a grid - the size of the square can be any, the size of the pillow depends on its size. !If you change the size of the cell, the pillow will be the size you need - larger or smaller.
1. Pencil 2. graph paper. Fold the fabric in two layers with the right sides facing in, lay out the pattern pieces and pin.
!It is very difficult to draw on fleece with a pencil. 1. Fabric 2. Safety pins 3. Ruler
The pattern will need to be cut out, making seam allowances of about 1 cm. You should end up with 2 body parts. pins 2.Scissors
We mark the navel. It can be embroidered by hand or on sewing machine using a button stitch. We mark the line of the abdomen and sew with a small zigzag
1. Sewing machine 2. Threads
We lay out the eyes and nose beautifully and secure them. Zigzag stitching We attach white eyes on top of the black spots. We stitch in the same way as the eyes.
1. Sewing machine 2. Threads 3. Fabric We mark the line of the abdomen and sew with a small zigzag
We make the pupils and mouth the same way as the navel. We make two small folds “inward” in the middle of the ear and secure it in this position
1. Thread 2. Needle 3. Fabric Attach them to the panda head with the front side facing inward.
1.Thread 2.Needle We attach white eyes on top of the black spots. We stitch in the same way as the eyes.
Place the body parts right sides together and sew, not forgetting to leave a small area unstitched. In the rounded areas, the seam allowance must be cut and the pillow must be turned right side out through the open area.

Stuff the pillow tightly with padding polyester, starting from the tail. Then use a blind stitch to carefully close the incision.

! Using a hidden seam 3 1.Sintepon 2.Threads 3.Needle Chapter 4 "Economic" For production

toys required certain

minimum costs , nice effort, and we are very pleased with the result of the work! Ecological page Particular attention must be paid environmental assessment

project: justification that the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in


, disorders in human life.


I completed the project and am very pleased with the result, my family liked the toys I sewed.

Working on the project was successful and gave me great pleasure. I tried really hard, I put a lot of effort and time into it, and the most important thing is that I achieved the desired result.

I really liked the look of the work and I think this piece will complement the decor of my home perfectly. My handiwork was appreciated by my parents; they really liked the fact that I sewed the pillows myself. The pillows turned out to be comfortable, original and beautiful. The pillows blend harmoniously with the interior and create a great mood..

As a result, I gained experience in sewing, finding the necessary information, critically evaluating my work, and most importantly, I realized that giving is much more pleasant than taking, I was once again convinced of this and these are not just words.


Safety rules when working with a needle,

pins and scissors