The name Boris always symbolizes strength and a huge charge of energy. Even some cruelty is present in the character of the owners of this name. Boris always stands firmly on his feet and achieves what he wants. It is about the owners of this name that we can say that they are real men. Unfortunately, he always has many difficulties and obstacles in his life. But he overcomes them with ease. Despite his outward cruelty, he is a very kind and sympathetic person. He will be happy to help in any matter. There is no use arguing with him. He is very persistent and will prove his point to anyone.

Boris has been a very neat and well-mannered boy since childhood. He treats things with care. He always has all the books on his shelf stacked corner to corner. Boris is just as careful in his relationships with the female sex. He does not like to dedicate others into his personal life; he does not even trust his parents with secrets. He always achieves great success in his career thanks to his perseverance. He supports the whole family; his wife and children never want for anything.

Fate: His energy and willpower require something interesting. Whatever his interest, all his forces and plans will inevitably be directed to the search for luck, fortune, and happiness.

Angel Boris Day

The origin of the name is Slavic (Bulgarian) - a shortened form of the name Borislav (fight for glory). Frank, kind. He can get angry, but he is easy-going. He can scream, but immediately hug and kiss. Nervous system broken, suffer from dermatitis due to nervousness. He is easy-going in the family and cooks deliciously. Children are born of different sexes. Boris is cheerful, inquisitive, extremely receptive to sensory sensations, and is rarely aggressive.

He loves aesthetics in everything, especially in women, he adores them. Often falls in love and often breaks up. Therefore, he marries not once and not for the rest of his life, “until death do us part,” but two or three times or more. And all because Boris is fanatically devoted to work, which negatively affects his health, since he relieves his nervous stress with the help of strong drinks.

At first he takes his “medicine” in small doses. Then gradually, completely unnoticed by himself, Boris increases his doses of alcohol to such proportions that he soon becomes a complete alcoholic. Don't be scared! Not all Boris are drunkards. Some of them just have a predisposition to it. And his family members must always remember this.

Boris Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • February 7 – Boris (Zavarin), martyr. /novomuch./
  • February 17 – Boris (Nazarov), schmch., prot. /novomuch./
  • May 15 – Boris (baptized Michael) of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles, Tsar. [baptist of Bulgaria]; Boris (baptized Roman), passion-bearer, prince
  • June 13 – Boris (Ornatsky), martyr. /novomuch./
  • August 6 – Boris (baptized Roman), passion-bearer, prince
  • October 1 – Boris (Bogolepov), smch., priest /new martyr/
  • October 15 – Boris Kazansky, martyr.
  • November 23 – Boris (Semyonov), confessor, deacon /new martyr/
  • November 25 – Boris (Uspensky), martyr. /novomuch./
  • December 5 – Boris (Kozlov), martyr. /novomuch./
  • December 6 – Boris (Voskoboynikov), schmich., bishop, Ivanovsky /new martyr/
  • December 10 – Boris (Ivanovsky), schmch., prot. /novomuch./
  • December 15 – Boris, martyr. /novomuch./

Choosing a name for a child is a very important decision that should definitely be carefully considered. Today there is a lot of literature widely available with interpretations of almost all names. It is best for future parents to familiarize themselves with this information in order to know in the future what kind of character the baby may have. Of course, the name will not completely control the child’s fate, but it will still have a certain influence.

Today you don't see the name Boris very often. Its popularity periodically increases or, conversely, fades. Even today there is no exact information about the origin of this particular name. Experts say that its first mentions begin in the 18th century; other sources may not have a date for its appearance, but there is a translation from the Turkic language that interprets the name as “profit.”

Boris's character.

The name Boris can give a child firmness and strength of character, the manifestation of which can be noticed already from childhood. Parents will rejoice at the success of their baby; he very quickly masters everything new and interesting. IN kindergarten there shouldn't be any problems either. The child develops and constantly learns something new, his lively mind greatly pleases the teachers, who will enthusiastically talk about the child’s successes in class.
During school years, everything can happen again. It will be much more interesting for a child to study with textbooks and read a new encyclopedia than to chase a ball with the boys in the yard. A child's self-esteem can constantly grow due to the fact that he feels superior to other children. High self-esteem is, of course, good, but in some cases it is precisely this quality that can have the most negative impact on communication with other children. Boris seems to be doing a favor when he communicates with his classmates; teenagers may not like this attitude, so problems may arise in communication. High self-esteem can also cause problems in families. A child can push back the boundaries set by his parents and dictate his own rules, which everyone must obey. The first manifestations of such behavior should be met not with punishments, but with conversations. Parents should be in their place, and the child in his, but not otherwise. If nothing is done about it in time, high self-esteem can turn into egocentrism.

It should also be noted that a child can grow up quite secretive and quiet. Very often, even the closest people do not suspect what is happening in his life. Despite some negative aspects, the school year will be calm. All items will be accessible and nothing will cause problems. If a child has poor academic performance, then you should not punish him, but first find out why this is happening. Sometimes a boy finds certain objects boring or does not find anything to admire. A creative and subtle nature can manifest itself in a similar way at certain moments.

A child can develop much faster than his peers, be very pedantic and demand the same from his loved ones. Very often he can find his calling in sports. If he is truly passionate about something, then any obstacles or restrictions simply will not matter. Such qualities will make him a leader, but such a desire to be first among the best can even jeopardize his health. Parents should ensure that the loads and activities are within normal limits. Do not overload the growing body with unbearable loads.
Boris will become a real helper at home for both dad and mom. He will be happy to do something, absolutely not separating male and female responsibilities. In such a son one can really see support and support. WITH early childhood the child will have a desire to achieve recognition from others and become pride for his parents. He will persistently achieve his goal and will never give up on it. Parents should become support; if this does not happen and they begin to leave the child’s opinion aside, implementing only their own plans in his person, then nothing will come of it. The reaction can be completely opposite. From a good boy, he can easily turn into a drinking and smoking hooligan who puts his interests much above his family and loved ones.


IN love relationships Boris will be overly amorous; as a rule, such a man simply cannot have one marriage. His attention switches quite easily from one girl to another. Hobbies can fade as quickly as they arise. Boris can break marriage bonds and cheat on his wife; he will not see anything terrible in such affairs. If a woman constantly surprises him, he will be next to her, but as soon as interest fades away, he will indifferently turn around and go to another.

Boris spends a lot of time preparing for the dates themselves, planning everything carefully. He enjoys the moment of conquering a woman. Everything else simply fades into the background. Next to him you can see a woman who trusts him infinitely. He will still be able to deceive her, but if she is jealous, then separation will happen very quickly.

The wife of such a freedom-loving man who will not refuse light flirting or even infidelity has only one opportunity to make him an exemplary husband. If there are children in the family, then everything can go according to a completely different scenario. He will definitely return to the house where they will wait for him, love, appreciate and believe and where children's laughter will sound. For his children, Boris will strive to become the best father in the world.


From childhood, the boy knows exactly what he will be when he grows up. As a rule, such beliefs do not change over the years. The boy is able to carefully think through everything and weigh in order to consciously choose his future profession. When this happens, he becomes a true professional in his field. Attentiveness and pedantry become his main qualities, which management will definitely appreciate. Competent execution, absence of errors and a willingness to always help his colleagues will definitely be present in Boris. In some cases, a career can become the reason that your personal life does not work out or even a marriage is destroyed. All this is very relative, but this option should not be ruled out. This kind of workaholism is always rewarded career growth and recognition from their colleagues. In a leadership position, he still behaves scrupulously and selects employees with a similar type. For him, professionalism will always come first, and then the personal qualities of a person.

Very often, everyone around him sees in such a person only a despot who is not used to taking into account the opinions of others. Such a mask can simply be protection. In fact, Boris will most likely resemble a sanguine person in temperament, but only very close people will know about this. If a person can consider his real self, then he will become his best friend and adviser, and for one woman the most the best man in the world.

The influence of the name can be very strong or completely absent. Everything is very ambiguous and depends on many factors, but parents should definitely know what their child’s name can bring in the future.

When is Boris’s name day according to the church calendar:

In the spring: May 15 – Boris of Bulgaria, Equal Throne (Baptist of Bulgaria). Summer: August 6 – Boris the Passion-Bearer, Prince.

Every Orthodox man when the name Boris is mentioned, he certainly recalls the life of the very revered and beloved holy princes Boris and Gleb. They became the first Russian princes who were awarded canonization not only by the Russian Church, but also by the Church of Constantinople. Their father was the baptist of Rus' - Prince Vladimir, and therefore they grew up in a pious atmosphere, in a family where they live according to the commandments of Christ. Little Boris revered him very much Holy Bible, re-read the lives of the saints several times. He really wanted to imitate the saints of God.

Brother Gleb also dreamed of dedicating his life to God. Saint Boris was appointed to reign in Rostov by his father. Boris approached this matter with all responsibility. He considered his main task to be the inculcation of Orthodoxy and the establishment of a pious way of life. After the death of Prince Vladimir, his eldest son Svyatopolk declared himself the Prince of Kyiv, the younger brothers Boris and Gleb did not object, not wanting internecine warfare. But Svyatopolk did not believe in the sincerity of his brothers’ intentions, and sent a cruel killer to Boris. The saint was notified of the impending reprisal against him, but he did not consider it necessary to take cover and run away. Life went on as usual. During morning prayer The murderers burst into the prince’s tent and carried out their insidious deed.

The devoted servants of Prince Boris secretly took out his body, which was laid in Vyshgorod. Svyatopolk also brutally dealt with his second brother Gleb. Having been honored with such a martyrdom, the princes became the embodiment of brotherly love, who did not want to raise their hands for revenge.

  • February 7 and 17
  • May 15
  • June 5, 13, 20
  • August 6
  • October 1 and 15
  • November 23 and 25
  • December 5, 6, 10 and 15

Meaning and characteristics of the name Boris

Translated from the ancient Slavic language, the name Boris means “glorious in struggle.” It is believed that it is one of the forms of the Bulgarian name Borislav, which has literal translation"fight for glory."

The boy Borya has a firm and strong character. Even being in childhood, he shows real masculine qualities - courage, courage, self-confidence.

However, close friends and family know very well that behind the heroic appearance and sometimes tough behavior hides a kind, sympathetic and gentle soul.

A distinctive feature of the owner of this name is accuracy. His room is always in exemplary order, all things are in specially designated places. Boris is a very persistent person, and therefore, as a rule, achieves success in his chosen professional field.

The owner of the name in question will keep his relationship with the girl a secret from everyone, even the closest people, until the wedding, since he does not like it when someone invades his personal life.

Boris believes that a man should fully provide for his family, so he will do everything to ensure that his wife and children do not need anything.

Congratulations to Boris on his name day in verse

You always give your friends an unexpected surprise,
We love and respect you very much, our friend Boris!
Accept congratulations from your loved ones today,
Be cheerful, interesting, never lose heart!

Boris is talented and strong, a great family man!
His career is going up, he is a good husband and son!
We wish him to be himself and not lose happiness,
Follow the beaten path, continue your success!

SMS congratulations to Boris on his name day

Happy name day, Boris! I wish you,
So that your every whim and every dream
They were completed exactly on time, and twice as much to boot!
May every breeze bring good luck!

Dear Boris! You have always been and remain a fighter for your own happiness! Next to you, every person will feel protected! Always remain as you are, and may every day of your life be filled with joy and love!