Jesus Christ in a Hindu temple in Bhagsu (Himalayas)

I offer two versions of this article. The first is short - Jesus Christ was not in India either before or after his death 🙂.

In the second version - in detail - we will consider three main myths about Jesus and India.

Jesus Christ in India. Three myths.

Myth one. Jesus studied with Tibetan lamas.

This is the most absurd myth, for the simple reason that during the life of Jesus, Tibetan lamas simply did not exist. As I noted in the article “Myths about Tibet and Tibetan monks”: “the first Buddhist Tibetan monasteries appeared at the earliest 600 years after the death of Christ himself.”

Myth two. Jesus survived the crucifixion and spent the rest of his life in Kashmir.

The first to come up with this entertaining version was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the Islamic heresy named after him. This resident of Kashmir, who considered himself the Messiah, published a book in 1899 in which he described how he found a gravestone on Khan Yar Street in Srinagar with the inscription: “Here lies a prophet named Yuz-Asaf.” He identifies this Yuz-Asaf with Jesus, and then Ahmad shares many more details (apparently received during mystical insights): Jesus survived the crucifixion and went to the East. Since he discovered the descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel in Kashmir, he settled in this wonderful place. He married, had children and died at a very, very old age (at the age of 120).

What to say? This story is “sewn with white thread.”

The fact that there is a grave of Yuz-Asaf in the Roza-bal tomb was known long before Ahmad. Local Muslims revered him as a saint who brought true faith to the people of Kashmir. And it never occurred to anyone to identify Yuz-Asaph and Jesus. There was (and is) no reason for that.

But! There are some interesting details in the Muslim legend about Yuz-Asaf. It says that the saint was a prince by birth, he was pious and renounced all earthly pursuits. He spent all his time in meditation. Does this remind you of any religion? 🙂 And if we add that Yuz-Asaf is a transformation of the word “budosaf,” which, in turn, comes from the word Bodhisattva?

Of course, in this case we are not talking about the Buddha himself (as, for example, in the Christian story about the Indian prince Joasaph). More likely, about one of the Buddhist ascetics. But the parallels are funny, and the sound coincidences “budosaf - Joasaph - Yuz-Asaph” are very intriguing.

Myth three. Jesus Christ was in India before his “public activity”.

Dreamer Nikolai Notovich

Considering how little reliable information there is about Jesus Christ (or, more correctly, that there is none at all?), theoretically, this can be allowed.

But it's hard to believe. For there are no noticeable influences of Hinduism, Buddhism and yogic teachings in Christianity (I mention yoga because it is a popular hypothesis that it was from the yogis that Jesus learned to walk on water 🙂 🙂 🙂).

And there is no evidence that Jesus was in India.

Consider as such the manuscript “The Life of St.,” allegedly found by Russian war correspondent Nikolai Notovich in the Tibetan monastery of Hemis (Ladakh). Issa" that Christ spent the "lost years" in India, only fans of Muldashev and Lobsang Rampa can. It has long been proven that Notovich himself had never been to the Hemis monastery, or even to Ladakh itself, he had never seen any manuscript, and he invented this whole story from beginning to end, most likely guided by commercial considerations (his book, first published in France in 1894 under the title La vie inconnue de Jesus Christ, went through eight editions in France alone and was immediately translated into English, Spanish, Italian and German).

Hemis Monastery, 1949

I cannot help but note that the scale of the counterfeiters of past years was more impressive than that of the current ones. Many people “bought” this fake. In particular, Nicholas Roerich, in the twenties of the last century, enthusiastically mentioned the authenticity of the manuscript about Saint Issus. True, in his later works he writes: “From time to time I receive absurd rumors that, during our walks in Asia, I discovered some original document, almost from the time of Christ. I don’t know who needs to invent this version and for what purpose...”

The purpose for which this was invented has already been discussed above. Once again, I note that at present there is no reliable evidence in favor of the fact that Jesus visited

The myth about the journey of Jesus Christ to India is popular among occultists, in particular in one of the books of agni yoga “Cryptograms of the East” it is said: “He (Christ. - V.P.) walked for thirty years, repeating, to give to those who would not accept He learned the teachings of Buddha, Zoroaster and the old legends of the Vedas at the crossroads... The star of Alahabad showed the way. And so we visited Sarnat and Gaia...” Let's try to figure out how substantiated the occultists' teaching about Christ's journey to India is.

In 1887, Nikolai Notovich, a Russian war correspondent, traveled to India. In northern India, near the Tibetan border, in one of the Buddhist monasteries, he witnesses the story of a Buddhist monk about a great spiritual teacher named Issa (Tibetan form of the name "Jesus"). From a conversation with this monk, Notovich learns that in the Buddhist monastery of Himis there is a manuscript that tells about the life of Issa. He goes there and, talking with the abbot of the monastery, finds out that such a manuscript really exists. Her original scroll was allegedly written in Pali and was kept in the library of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and the monastery houses a copy translated into Tibetan. Notovich, having learned about this, leaves the monastery, but on the way falls from his horse. With a broken leg, Notovich is again taken to the monastery, where he begs the monks to acquaint him with the text of the Tibetan manuscript. His request is granted: one monk reads the manuscript, another immediately translates from Tibetan into Russian, Notovich writes down the translation. The text, according to him, was chaotic and mixed with a variety of inserts that were not related to the topic that interested him. Therefore, he takes the liberty to correct the manuscript as he considers necessary. This is how N. Notovich’s book “The Biography of Saint Issa” was born.

What is this book about? The fact that Jesus traveled in the East in his youth, was in India and Tibet before he began his ministry in Palestine. At the age of thirteen, as Notovich writes, Jesus secretly leaves his parental home, leaves Jerusalem and, together with merchants, goes to Sind to study the law of the great Buddhas. After a brief visit to the Jain community, young Jesus studied for six years with the Brahmins in Juggernaut, Rajagriha, Benares and other sacred Indian cities. There he studies the sacred Indian scriptures (Vedas), learns to heal through prayer, becomes acquainted with the principles of interpretation of the sacred Indian scriptures, and masters the art of exorcism.

Having mastered all this, Jesus tries to convey the acquired knowledge to the common people of India. This is not liked by the Indian elite, who forbid Him to do this. Jesus refuses to obey the prohibition and a murder plot is hatched against Him. Jesus learns of the impending plot and flees Juggernaut. He then settled in Gautamidis, the birthplace of Buddha Shakyanuni, and studied the sacred scriptures of the Sutras.

Notovich's book aroused the interest of scientists from the very beginning of its appearance. Their criticism boiled down to the following. If an ancient document like the one Notovich described exists, why is it not included in the Buddhist catalogs Kangyur and Tangyur, which list all Buddhist literature? Further, a number of scientists made expeditions to the Himis monastery, as a result of which they came to interesting conclusions: it turned out that the manuscript that Notovich writes about does not exist, and Notovich himself has never been to this monastery. The abbot of the monastery, after Notovich’s book was read to him, stated that all the information given in it: “Lies, lies, lies, nothing but lies!”

A study of the text of Notovich’s book showed that he borrowed the text from the New Testament, which in itself is not scary, if not for one fact: at the time when, according to Notovich, the manuscript “The Life of Saint Issa” was written, the New Testament had not yet been written existed.

The next book telling about the “life” of Jesus in India is “The Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Age of Aquarius”, written by an American, army chaplain Levi Dowling. The text of this book, according to its author, is taken from a certain “energy field”, which occultists call the “Akashic Records”, which, in their opinion, encircles the entire earth, in which everything that happens on earth is recorded. Naturally, only certain, especially “spiritual” people can read these “Akashic Records”. This book tells that Jesus traveled to India, where he spent several years studying with Brahmins and Buddhists. Jesus became interested in the East after Ravana, an Indian prince, stayed at his house for some time.

Ravana begs Jesus' parents to let Him go with him to India, they agree, and Jesus and Ravana leave Palestine. After arriving in India, Jesus becomes a student in the Jaganatha temple and studies the Vedas there. Then he visits the city of Benares on the Ganges River. There He learns the art of healing.

Then he visits Tibet, where he studies Buddhist manuscripts, then arrives in Egypt and joins the secret occult society “Holy Brotherhood” in Heliopolis. Having gone through seven stages of initiation, at the last stage Jesus becomes... the Christ. The rest of the text of Levi Dowling's book is a hodgepodge of distorted New Testaments, diluted with occult passages by the author of the book. After Egypt, Jesus returns to Palestine as Christ. Three years later He is killed and He, according to Levi, achieves a “transformation” that everyone can achieve. The next source of our “knowledge” about the life of Jesus in India is the books of Edgar Cayce, who, like Levi, as he claimed, could mystically read the “Akashic Records”, from where he borrowed, again according to him, this information. Cayce compiled a detailed account of Jesus' youth. According to Cayce's version, from the age of twelve to the age of fifteen, Jesus studied with the Essene teacher Judith, who taught Him prophecy in her home in Carmel. He then goes to Egypt, then spends three years in India, followed by Persia. During his journey, Jesus masters the art of healing, learns to control the weather, masters telepathy, astrology, etc. inaccurate; the claim that Jesus Christ is the only Way to salvation is not true; Christianity is not the only true religion.

Secrets of history - the unknown life of Jesus Christ in India. Could this happen?

Christian books talk a lot about Jesus Christ as the Messiah, Savior, Redeemer and Son of God. But information about Jesus as the Son of Man is fragmentary.
Secrets of History - The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ in India. Could this happen?

The Bible (Gospel of Luke, 2.41-51) describes how, as a twelve-year-old youth, Jesus and his parents came to Jerusalem for the Passover holiday. Where his parents lost him in the crowd, but three days later they found him in perfect health, calmly talking in the temple with the priests. The next time the age of Jesus - about thirty years old - is mentioned only when describing his Baptism in the Jordan River (Gospel of Luke, 3.23).

It remains unclear why almost 18 years were missing from the biblical chronology of Christ’s life.

Unknown Gospel

As you know, in addition to the four canonical Gospels, there are many others historical documents(apocrypha), which were not recognized by the official Church and therefore were not included in Holy Bible. So, maybe they contain the answer to where and how Jesus Christ spent almost 18 years of his life?

Mention of the Indian period of Jesus' life can be found in the apocryphal Gospel of Philip, found in 1945 in Egypt. Does this mean that the Christian Church has an insignificant number of documents that mention Jesus’ stay in India? Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

What do we know about Issa?

In 1887, N. Notovich reported that during his trip to India, he learned about the existence of an ancient Indian manuscript, the so-called “Tibetan Gospel,” which was kept in the capital of Tibet, Lhasa.

The document allegedly narrated the life of the Great Lama Issa (Tibetan name of Jesus). Continuing his journey, Notovich seemed to have discovered a translation of this ancient manuscript into Tibetan in a monastery in the city of Himis.

The abbot of the monastery read it aloud to Notovich, and he managed to write down the text for the translator, and then subjected it to literary processing. The result is a 14-part book that describes the life of Jesus in India.

According to the manuscript, Jesus, at the age of 13, left his home in Nazareth and went with a merchant caravan to India, where he studied the ancient Vedas, astrology, magic, and also taught the local population to heal the sick.

He then continued his missionary work in Nepal and Persia, urging the inhabitants of these countries to abandon the worship of ancient deities, asserting: “There is only one God, and this is our heavenly Father,” and then returned to Palestine.

Was there a manuscript?

Notovich's book divided the scientific community into supporters of the theory of Jesus' sojourn in India and its opponents.

For example, the outstanding orientalist Max Müller rightly pointed out the lack of mention of the manuscript in the collection of sacred Buddhist texts “Ganjur” and commentaries on it.

Indian professor J. Archibald Douglas undertook a journey in the footsteps of Notovich, visited the monastery in Himis, but did not find either a manuscript there or even traces of the journalist himself.

However, N.K. Roerich in his book “The Heart of Asia” cites legends about Issa, which he heard during his travels in India and Tibet. He also found out that such Asian peoples as the Kalmyks, Olets and Torguts also know about Issa from the Tibetan Gospel.

Mysteries of Indian Christology

In 1889, the Ahmadiyya Muslim sect arose in India. Its founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, in particular, believed that Christ did not die on the cross, but plunged into deep meditation, misleading his executioners, who believed in his death.

After this, he came to life and went to Kashmir, where he preached under the name Issa (in Islam - Isa). Hindus perceived him as an incarnation of Buddha. He stayed in India until his death at the age of 120, and was then buried in Srinagar under the name Ruhullah (translated from Arabic as “Spirit of God”).

It is noteworthy that in the city of Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, there is indeed a tomb called Roza Bol (“Tomb of the Prophet”), and Nazrati Yuz Asaf is buried in it (doesn’t it look like “Nazarene Jesus”?).

For a long time, this tomb, oriented from east to west, according to Jewish tradition, has been under the patronage of the local Jewish community.

So where is the truth?

So, what do we have in the “bottom line”? Firstly, the biblical canonical texts are silent both about Jesus’ youthful journey to India and about his flight from Palestine after his miraculous salvation.

Further, the information in apocryphal Christian sources is very scarce, they can be counted on one hand. However, there are facts that, as you know, cannot be argued with. Mentions of Jesus' stay in India are found in ancient Buddhist and Islamic canonical texts, as well as in the sacred books of the Persians and Jews.

As you know, St. Thomas managed to reach India along roads blazed by numerous trade caravans. This is an indisputable historical fact (he was buried in Madras, and St. Thomas Cathedral was erected over his grave). Consequently, such a journey at that time could have been made independently by any resident of Palestine.

It is also interesting that the word for “messiah” (anointed one) in Hebrew, Sanskrit and Arabic has the same root.

Nicholas Roerich wrote that Tibetan icons and ritual objects often contain an image of a fish (a Christian symbol), and the circle in Buddhism is a sacred symbol as well as in Christianity.

N. Notovich stated that he was able to learn about 63 documents brought to the Vatican by Christian missionaries from China, Egypt, Arabia and India, which mention Jesus. But the Vatican made it clear to him that the Church was not interested in making these documents public. It is unlikely that the general public will ever be able to see this “good news.”

Keywords: History, Mysticism, Legends

Translation of an article from the magazine "Yogashram Sangha", Orissa
translation from English Yogasundarinath

Many scholars and seekers from all over the world claim that Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion, did not die when he was crucified. According to their views, Jesus achieved "samadhi" through the power of yoga. These scholars believe that in his youth, Jesus mysteriously disappeared from public view for 18 years. This time is not given any description in the Bible.
According to some scholars, during this period Jesus traveled to various countries and also lived in India.
After visiting numerous pilgrimage sites in India, he finally went to the Himalayas, where he studied yoga sadhana with the cave-dwelling spiritual gurus of Natha Yoga. At this time, Jesus was known among the Himalayan yogis as "Isha Natha." This story of Jesus is not believed by followers of Christianity, and there is no concrete historical or archaeological evidence to support these facts. But even though there is no concrete evidence, some scientists and researchers from around the world are still studying and publishing articles on the unknown period of the life of Jesus Christ. This story of Jesus is related to his yoga guru, Chetan Nath, and several other spiritual Natha Siddhas from whom he acquired the knowledge and power of yoga. This article can be very important for the Naths.

Dhiren Nath

The story of Isha the Messiah - Jesus Christ
Among the Essenes of Israel at the threshold of the Christian era, none were more famous and respected than Joachim and Anna of Nazareth. Joachim was known for his great piety, wealth and beneficence. Being the richest man in Israel, he divided his possessions into three parts, giving one part to the temples of Carmel and Jerusalem, the second to the poor, and keeping only one third for himself. Anna was known as a prophetess and teacher among the Essenes. Their daughter, Mary, who was miraculously conceived under the Holy of Holies of the Temple, spent thirteen years of her life as a virgin until she was betrothed to Joseph of Nazareth. Before their marriage, Mary conceived supernaturally, and after the due date gave birth to a son in a cave in Bethlehem. Her son's name is Jesus ("Yeshua" in Aramaic and "Yahoshua" in Hebrew). Mary's son was as wonderful as his mother. Miracles continued to happen in his life, to preserve which Jesus’ parents settled in Egypt for several years. where they lived with various communities of Essenes. One day, when the child was about three years old, sages came from India to pay him respect and create a bond with him, his fate was destined: he was to live most of his life with these elders in the land of the Eternal Dharma until he will be ordered to return to Israel as a Messenger of Enlightenment, which was originally the basis of the Essenes. Through merchants and travelers both from and to India, these sages maintained contact with their disciple. destined for them by fate. At the age of twelve, Jesus approached the Essene elders for initiation, which is only given to adults after long training. Knowing about the boy’s supernatural abilities, the elders decided to test him, but he not only answered all their questions flawlessly, but in the end he began asking the Sterians questions that were completely beyond their understanding. In this way he showed that the Essene order had nothing to teach him, and that he did not need to undergo any initiation or training from them. After returning to Nazareth, Jesus began preparations for a journey to India, where he was destined to become a disciple of the sages who visited him nine years earlier. The necessary preliminary preparations took over a year, and at the age of thirteen or fourteen he set out on a spiritual pilgrimage that would transform Jesus of Nazareth into Lord Isha, teacher of the Dharma and Messiah of Israel.

Spiritual Teaching of Jesus
In the Himalayas, Jesus was trained in yoga and higher spiritual life, receiving the name "Isha" which means Lord, Master or Ruler, these descriptive names are often applied to God, as in the Isha Upanishad. Isha is also a special name for Shiva. The worship of Shiva is centered in the form of a natural elliptical stone known as the Shiva Lingam (symbol of Shiva). This was part of Jesus' spiritual heritage. His ancestor Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation, was an adherent of this form of worship. The Lingam he worshiped is today in Mecca in the Kaaba. The black stone is said to have been given to Abraham by the Archangel Gabriel, who taught him this practice. Such worship did not end with Abraham, but was also practiced by his grandson, Jacob, as presented in Genesis 28. Unknowingly, in the darkness, Jacob used the Shiva Lingam as a pillow, at night he saw a vision of Shiva standing over the Lingam, which is symbolically seen as a staircase to heaven, along which the Gods (Shining Ones) came and went. Remembering the devotion of Abraham and Isaac, Shiva spoke to Jacob and blessed him to become the ancestor of the Messiah. After his awakening, Jacob revealed that God was in a place where he did not initially recognize Him. The morning light showed him that the Shiva Lingam served as his pillow. Then he placed it in an upright position and worshiped it with oil, as is traditional in the cult of Shiva, calling it Bethel - the abode of God. Another account in chapter 35 says that Jacob "poured the drink and poured it on it." This is also traditional: both milk and honey (which, as Shiva promised Moses, would flow abundantly into Israel) are poured onto the Lingam as a sacrifice. Henceforth, this place became a place of pilgrimage and worship of Shiva in the form of a stone Linga. Later, Jacob had another vision of Shiva, who told him: “I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you prayed to me.” A careful reading of the Old Testament will show that Bethel was the spiritual center of the descendants of Jacob, revered even above Jerusalem. Although the tradition of Shiva [Lingam] worship has faded from the memory of Jews and Christians, it was attested in the 19th century in the life of Anna Catherine Emmerich, a Roman Catholic nun. When she was mortally ill, angelic beings brought her crystalline Shiva Lingams, which she worshiped by pouring water on them. When she drank the water, she was completely healed. In addition, on major Christian holidays, she had the experience of leaving her body and traveling to Hardwar, and from there to Mount Kailash, which, according to her, was the spiritual center of the world.

Life of Isha Nath in India
Over the next few years, the Himalayas became home for Jesus. During that time, Jesus meditated in a cave north of the present city of Rishikesh, and also on the banks of the Ganges River in the holy city of Haridwar. He spent these years in the Himalayas, where he achieved the highest spiritual realization. Having achieved perfect inner wisdom in the Himalayas, Jesus went to the Gangetic plain to acquire knowledge that would prepare him for public preaching of Sanatana Dharma both in India and in the countries between India and Israel, as well as in Israel itself.
He first went to Varanasi, the spiritual heart of India. During his stay in the Himalayas, Jesus concentrated exclusively on the practice of yoga. In Benares, Jesus engaged in intensive study of the spiritual teachings embodied in the Vedic scriptures, especially the books known as the Upanishads. He then went to the holy city of Jagannath Puri, which at that time was the center of the cult of Shiva, second only to Benares. In Puri, Jesus officially became a monk and lived for some time as a member of Govardhan Math, in a monastery founded three centuries ago by the famous philosopher Adi Shankaracharya. There Jesus perfected the synthesis of yoga, philosophy and renunciation, and eventually began to publicly teach eternal knowledge. As a teacher, Jesus was very popular, he was skilled in teaching and gained great fame among all levels of society. However, since he insisted that all people should study and should acquire knowledge of the Vedas and other sacred scriptures, he began to teach the “lower” caste, and also preach that everyone could achieve spiritual perfection without the intermediaries of external, ritual religion. He was disliked by many religious "professionals" in Puri who plotted to kill Jesus. Since he realized that “his time had not yet come,” he left Puri and returned to the Himalayas, where he again spent some time in meditation in preparation for his return to Israel. He also visited various Buddhist monasteries in the Himalayas, studying the wisdom of the Buddha. Before beginning his long journey to the West, he was given instructions according to his mission in the West, and the knowledge of how he could communicate with His Indian teachers was revealed to him. Jesus knew about the purpose of his life and death from his very birth, this was told to him by Indian masters. They promised that Jesus would be given a vessel with Himalayan balm, with which his close disciples were to anoint his head as a sign that he was in danger of death, and even “on the door.” When Saint Mary Magdalene did this in Bethany, Jesus understood the unspoken message, saying: “She has come to anoint my body for burial.”

Return to the West
Jesus then began his journey back to Israel with the master's blessing to henceforth become a Dharmacharya, an Arya Dharma missionary to the Mediterranean. Throughout his journey, Jesus taught those who approached him and who asked to become his intercessor in the divine life. He promised that in a few years he would send them one of his students, who would give them even more knowledge. Arriving in Israel, Jesus went straight to Jordan, where John, a master of the Essenes, baptized the people. There his essence was revealed to John and to those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear.” Thus, the journey to Israel began. Its development and completion are well known, so we will not describe it here, except for one inaccuracy that will be explained in the next section.

Misinterpretation becomes religion
Throughout the Gospel we see that Jesus' disciples misunderstand what He tells them about higher spiritual matters. When he spoke about the sword of wisdom, he was shown a metal sword to assure him that they were well armed. When he warned them against the "influence" of the scribes and Pharisees, they thought he was complaining that they had no bread. Is it any wonder that he said to them: “Do you perceive, do you not understand? Or is your heart hardened? Having eyes, you do not see? Having ears, you do not hear? How else can you explain that you do not understand?” Even when he leaves them, their words clearly indicate that they still believed that the Kingdom of God was an earthly political entity and not a kingdom of the spirit. It must be understood that Jesus was not the creator of a new religion, but the messenger of Sanatan Dharma, the Eternal Religion, which he learned in India. As Christian priest Father Thomas commented: “It is impossible to understand the teachings of Jesus unless you know the scriptures of India.” And if you know the scriptures of India, you can see that whatever the intentions of the authors of the Gospels, they completely missed and distorted the words and ideas that they heard from Jesus, even attributing to him incidents from the life of the Buddha, and misunderstanding his quotations from Upanishads, Bhagavad Gitas and Dhammapadas as doctrines attributed to him. For example, the open verse of the Gospel of John, which has been cited for centuries as proof of the uniqueness of Jesus' mission, is in reality only a paraphrase of the Vedic verses: "In the beginning was Prajapati, with him was the Word, and the Word was the Supreme Brahma." The true gospel of Christ has been buried under two millennia of confusion and theological rubbish.

Return to India is not ascension

At the conclusion of his ministry in Israel, Jesus is supposed to have ascended into heaven. But Saints Matthew and John, the two Evangelists who were eyewitnesses of his departure, did not even talk about such things, for they knew that after the crucifixion he went to India. Saints Mark and Luke, who were not there, simply say that Jesus ascended into heaven. But the truth is that he went to India, although it is possible that he got up and “soared.” For Indian yogis, there is nothing strange about this type of movement. That Jesus did not leave the world at the age of thirty-three was written by Saint Irenus of Lyons in the second century. He claimed that Jesus lived for over fifty years before leaving the earth, although he also said that Jesus was crucified at the age of thirty-three. This could mean that Jesus lived twenty years after his crucifixion. This statement has puzzled Christian scholars for centuries, but when considered in conjunction with other traditions, it makes perfect sense. Basilida of Alexandria, Mani of Persia and Julian the Emperor said that after the crucifixion Jesus went to India.


A Bengali teaching figure, Bipin Chandra Pal, has published an autobiographical sketch in which he reports that Vijay Krishna Goswami (a famous saint of Bengal and a disciple of Sri Rarnakrishna) narrated his association in the Aravalli mountains with a group of extraordinary ascetics known as Natha Yogis. They talked to him about Isha Nath, who is considered by them to be one of the great Teachers of the order. When Vijay Krishna expressed interest in this venerable Guru, they began quoting one of their holy books, Nathanamavali, which talks about his life. This was the life of the one whom Goswami knew as Jesus Christ. Here is part of this book:
"Isha Natha came to India when he was fourteen years old. After that he returned to his own country and began to preach. Soon the people of his country formed a cruel conspiracy against him and he was crucified. After the crucifixion, or perhaps even before it, Isha Natha entered in samadhi through the practice of yoga. Seeing him in this state, the Jews thought that he had died and buried his body in a tomb. However, at that moment one of his gurus, the great Chetan Nath, was in deep meditation in the lower reaches of the Himalayas, and a woman appeared before him. a picture of his disciple Isha Natha undergoing severe torture. So he made his body lighter than air and moved to the land of Israel. The day he set foot on the land of Israel was marked by thunder and lightning, the Gods were angry with the Jews, and the whole world trembled. Natha took the body of Isha Natha from the tomb, awakened him from samadhi, and took him to the sacred land of the Aryans. Later, Isha Natha created an ashram in the lower regions of the Himalayas, and there he also created a cult of worship of the Lingam. This claim is supported by two shrines of Jesus currently located in Kashmir. The first is his staff, which is kept in the Aish Mukwan monastery, it was available to the public during disasters, floods and epidemics, and the other shrine is the stone of Moses - Shiva Lingam, which belonged to Moses and which Jesus brought to Kashmir. This Linga is kept in the Shiva temple at Bibehar in Kashmir. His weight is one hundred and eight pounds; If eleven people put one hand on a stone and repeat "ka", it will rise three feet in the air, and will hang there as long as this syllable is repeated. "Shiva" means one who is auspicious and bestows blessings and happiness. In ancient Sanskrit, the word "ka" means to satisfy - which is what Shiva does for his devotees.

Bhavishya Maha Purana
An ancient book on the history of Kashmir, the Bhavishya Maha Purana, gives the following account of the conference of the king of Kashmir with Jesus after the mid-first century: “When the Saka king came to the Himalayas, he saw a majestic person in a long white robe. Surprised that he was a foreigner, he asked : “Who are you?” To which the stranger replied: “Know me as the Son of God, or Virgo born. Having gained truth and repentance, I preached the Dharma to the mlecchas..... O king, I come from a distant land where there is no truth and evil knows no bounds. I found myself in the land of the mlecchas as Isha Masiha [Jesus the Messiah] and I suffered at their hands. For I told them: “Eliminate all mental and physical defilements. Remember the name of our Lord God. Meditate on the one whose abode is in the center of the Sun.” There, on the land of the mlecchas, in the darkness, I taught love, truth and purity of heart. I asked people to serve the Lord. But I suffered at the hands of evil and sinners. Actually, king, all power belongs to the Lord, who is located in the center of the Sun. The elements, the cosmos, the Sun, and God Himself are eternal. The perfect, pure and blissful God is always in my heart. Thus, my name was known as Isha Masiha." After hearing these pious words from the mouth of the stranger, the king felt peace of heart, bowed to him and answered. "The word "mleccha" is a strong derogatory term meaning one who is unclean, barbarian and who is disgusting , in contrast to what is good and beneficial. Mleccha is disgusting on all levels of his existence. The fact that Jesus refers to the Israelites as "mlecchas" and Israel as "the land of mlecchas, where there is no truth and evil knows no bounds" indicates that he in no way considered himself to be the people or religion of Israel, he was the absolute Sanatana Dharmi - follower of the Eternal Dharma. Another book on the history of Kashmir, Rajatarangini, written in 1148 AD, states that great person named Issana lived on the shores of Issabara or Lake Dal, he had many disciples, one of whom he brought back from the dead. After teaching in Israel, Jesus told the people, “I have other sheep that are not of this fold,” speaking of his Indian disciples. For before Jesus came to the Jordan River at the beginning of his ministry, he spent more years of his life in India than in Israel. And he returned there, and remained there until the end of his life, because in everything he was the son of India - the Christ of India.

We know little about the life of Jesus Christ, the God-man in whom divine and human natures are united. Christian books talk a lot about him as the Messiah, Savior, Redeemer and Son of God. But information about Jesus as the Son of Man is fragmentary.

The Bible (Gospel of Luke, 2.41-51) describes how, as a twelve-year-old youth, Jesus and his parents came to Jerusalem for the Passover holiday. Where his parents lost him in the crowd, but three days later they found him in perfect health, calmly talking in the temple with the priests. The next time the age of Jesus - about thirty years old - is mentioned only when describing his Baptism in the Jordan River (Gospel of Luke, 3.23). It remains unclear why almost 18 years were missing from the biblical chronology of Christ’s life.

Unknown Gospel

As is known, in addition to the four canonical Gospels, there are many other historical documents (apocrypha) that were not recognized by the official Church and therefore were not included in the Holy Scriptures. So, maybe they contain the answer to where and how Jesus Christ spent almost 18 years of his life?

Our compatriot, journalist Nikolai Notovich, traveled to India in 1887. He wrote a book about this journey, which he published in 1894 in Paris. The book was called " Unknown life Jesus Christ, the best of the sons of men." It was published in Russia in 1910.

The book contains the text of a hitherto unknown Gospel telling about the life of Jesus (Issa in Tibetan) in India, originally written in the Pali language.

In addition to Notovich's controversial book, mention of the Indian period of Jesus' life can also be found in the apocryphal Gospel of Philip, found in 1945 in Egypt. Does this mean that the Christian Church has an insignificant number of documents that mention Jesus’ stay in India? Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

A reasonable question arises: is it possible to believe the Gospel published by Notovich, which miraculously appeared thousands of years after the events described in it and which no one had heard of before? Let's look at Nikolai Notovich's find in more detail.

What do we know about Issa?

In 1887, N. Notovich reported that during his trip to India, he learned about the existence of an ancient Indian manuscript, the so-called “Tibetan Gospel,” which was kept in the capital of Tibet, Lhasa.

The document allegedly narrated the life of the Great Lama Issa (Tibetan name of Jesus). Continuing his journey, Notovich seemed to have discovered a translation of this ancient manuscript into Tibetan in the monastery of the city of Himis. The abbot of the monastery read it aloud to Notovich, and he managed to write down the text for the translator, and then subjected it to literary processing. The result is a 14-part book that describes the life of Jesus in India.

According to the manuscript, Jesus, at the age of 13, left his home in Nazareth and went with a merchant caravan to India, where he studied the ancient Vedas, astrology, magic, and also taught the local population to heal the sick. He then continued his missionary work in Nepal and Persia, calling the inhabitants of these countries abandoned the worship of ancient deities, claiming: “There is only one God, and this is our heavenly Father,” and then returned to Palestine.

Was there a manuscript?

Notovich's book divided the scientific community into supporters of the theory of Jesus' sojourn in India and its opponents.

For example, the outstanding orientalist Max Müller rightly pointed out the lack of mention of the manuscript in the collection of sacred Buddhist texts “Ganjur” and commentaries on it.

Indian professor J. Archibald Douglas undertook a journey in the footsteps of Notovich, visited the monastery in Himis, but did not find either a manuscript there or even traces of the journalist himself.

However, N.K. Roerich in his book “The Heart of Asia” cites legends about Issa, which he heard during his travels in India and Tibet. He also found out that such Asian peoples as the Kalmyks, Olets and Torguts also know about Issa from the Tibetan Gospel.

Mysteries of Indian Christology

In 1889, the Ahmadiyya Muslim sect arose in India. Its founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, in particular, believed that Christ did not die on the cross, but plunged into deep meditation, misleading his executioners, who believed in his death. After this, he came to life and went to Kashmir, where he preached under the name Issa (in Islam - Isa). Hindus perceived him as an incarnation of Buddha. He stayed in India until his death at the age of 120, and was then buried in Srinagar under the name Ruhullah (translated from Arabic as “Spirit of God”).

It is noteworthy that in the city of Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, there is indeed a tomb called Roza Bol (“Tomb of the Prophet”), and Nazrati Yuz Asaf is buried in it (doesn’t it look like “Nazarene Jesus”?). This has been the case for a long time. The tomb, oriented east to west, according to Jewish tradition, is under the patronage of the local Jewish community.

So where is the truth?

So, what do we have in the “bottom line”? Firstly, the biblical canonical texts are silent both about Jesus’ youthful journey to India and about his flight from Palestine after his miraculous salvation.

Further, the information in apocryphal Christian sources is very scarce, they can be counted on one hand. However, there are facts that, as you know, cannot be argued with. Mentions of Jesus' stay in India are found in ancient Buddhist and Islamic canonical texts, as well as in the sacred books of the Persians and Jews.

As you know, St. Thomas managed to reach India along roads blazed by numerous trade caravans. This is an indisputable historical fact (he was buried in Madras, and St. Thomas Cathedral was erected over his grave). Consequently, such a journey at that time could have been independently made by any resident of Palestine. It is also interesting that the word meaning “messiah” (anointed one) in Hebrew, Sanskrit and Arabic has the same root.

Nicholas Roerich wrote that on Tibetan icons and ritual objects there is often an image of a fish (a Christian symbol), and the circle in Buddhism is a sacred symbol as well as in Christianity.N. Notovich said he was able to learn of 63 documents brought to the Vatican by Christian missionaries from China, Egypt, Arabia and India that mention Jesus. But the Vatican made it clear to him that the Church was not interested in making these documents public. It is unlikely that the general public will ever be able to see this “good news.”