For many of us, the night journey to the kingdom of Morpheus is accompanied by various visions.

Science claims that sleep is a quirk of our subconscious, but we stubbornly continue to believe in its prophetic power.

So, why do cats dream, what do they want to tell us or warn us about?

Most dream books interpret the appearance of a cat in a dream as a harbinger of trouble. Whether they will be large or small depends on the behavior of the animal in your dream

Why do you dream about cats? Expect trouble or joy?

Surprisingly, most dream books interpret the appearance of a cat in a dream as a harbinger of trouble.

Whether they will be large or small depends on the behavior of the cat in your dream.

And only in one case, when you dreamed that a miniature tiger cub was catching a mouse, can you relax and wait for profit.

We compared several dream books and realized that for the most part they agree on a negative opinion about the role of an animal in a dream.

This is what Miller’s famous “Dream Book,” which has become a real bestseller, and other equally popular publications say about cats.

Seeing a cat in a dream means attracting bad luck. It’s good if you manage to drive the animal away, then the troubles will pass.

Worse, if the cat decides to rush at you and does so, then get ready for the fact that your enemies intend to take away your wealth and discredit your reputation.

And again, if you are able to cope with the angry beast and throw it away from you, you will be able to resist the machinations of ill-wishers, and the property and reputation that belong to you will not suffer.

What to expect depending on the color of the cat

The answer to the question of why a black cat dreams, which has already become bad omen V real life.

However, if you dreamed of a black cat from Monday to Tuesday, then this is a clear warning of danger, but from Friday to Saturday the animal portends you receiving a large sum of money.

For a man, a black cat in a dream is a betrayal of a woman, and if you dreamed that your wife suddenly turned into a graceful animal, then expect betrayal.

It’s not difficult to understand why you dream about many cats if you work in a not very friendly team. Most likely, your colleagues treat you negatively.

Whether this is a consequence of your behavior or the intrigue of one person against you, it does not matter, the main thing is that you face a difficult confrontation with the team.

The adorable redhead walking through your dream shines with the lies and deceit of those around you. Try to stand out less among your friends so as not to encounter rudeness and aggression

What is even more interesting is why a woman dreams of a cat, because the owner of the dream herself is almost a cat in her essence.

And yet, if you have a white fluffy kitten in your hands, keep in mind that someone is luring you into a trap, love or property, but by stroking it, you will be able to escape deception.

An adult cat is your rival, beware of it, or better yet, look for it in your environment and try to neutralize it.

The cat meows hysterically - do not believe the words of the man who is next to you, most likely he is a cynical hypocrite.

For a girl getting married, a dream about a cat signals the unreliability of her chosen one, while for a potential groom, on the contrary, it speaks of the difficult character of the future wife.

Interpretation of what dreams mean White cat, is as ambiguous as the animal itself.

The purest whiteness of the fur, like that of the cat, does not exclude the cat’s involvement in mystical creatures covered with notoriety.

A white cat can mean confusion in business, uncertainty of actions and events that promise loss and disappointment.

He will tell you about a friend who is dishonest with you or spreading gossip about you.

An attack by a white cat in a dream will lead to an unintentional collision with a friend.

There is no clear answer to the question “why do you dream about cats?” It all depends on her actions in your dream. For example, seeing an animal coming towards you means meeting an enemy

Why do you dream about cats? Action and result

The actions of cats in dreams have also received their own meaningful definitions.

If the animal you dreamed of is not an elegant figurine, but a completely living creature, then each of its movements has its own meaning.

  • A cat scratched or bit you in a dream, which means that someone is harboring a grudge against you or is shamelessly slandering you.
  • Seeing an animal coming towards you means meeting an enemy.
  • Your friend’s or acquaintance’s cat is caressing you - it is in danger or illness.
  • If you caress an animal, it means that doubts are gnawing at you, you intuitively do not trust someone. Be careful and restrained in frank conversations.
  • A cheerful game with a cat in a dream indicates the infidelity of your life partner.
  • If you hear a cat meowing but don't see it, someone will deceive you.
  • You hurt a cat in a dream - check your conscience for purity.
  • It's good if you catch a cat in a dream. This means that you will reveal whoever is gossiping about you.
  • An unexpectedly attacked cat portends misfortune for which you are not at all prepared.

There is nothing good in dreams where kittens walk around.

Kittens in a dream - to minor quarrels and troubles. They will chase you until you kill the little dirty guys in your sleep.

It's cruel, but it's just a dream in which you can deal with troubles without harming the real animal.

Thin, dirty, colorful kittens are tinsel that blinds your eyes. Expect an unseemly action from your friend.

It’s great if a snake appears in your dream and will kill the kittens, protecting you from your enemies by directing their anger at themselves.

Thin, dirty, colorful kittens are tinsel that blinds your eyes. Expect an unseemly action from your friend

The mysteries continue

How to get away from the mystical component of the cat family, even if the quatrains of the great Nostradamus talk about dreams with the participation of cats.

According to the famous Frenchman, a striped cat walking towards the city gates foreshadows the appearance of a man who will bring great wisdom to people.

If you dreamed of a city filled with cats, drought and disaster await you.

In his predictions of future events, Nostradamus mentioned that he dreamed of a cat and a female cat, decorated with colored ribbons.

Michel suggested that in 2047, countries that had previously been at odds with each other will unite for the benefit of a common goal and begin mutually beneficial cooperation.

Should we believe the mysterious predictor, or listen to our own intuition, or trust the dream books?

How to decide what cats and kittens dream about when there are so many different interpretations?

There is no definite answer, because this is what it is, the foggy world of dreams, and this is what it is, the contradictory planet of cats.

By the way, if you dreamed about your own pet, then no matter what he does in the dream, everything is fine, and it does not bode well.

More precisely, this means only one thing: you love him very much.

Why cats dream: interpretation of dreams involving four-legged fluffies

IN various dream books The answer to the question of why cats dream is clear - to trouble. But what a problem this is, it all depends on what kind of cat you saw, what she did in the dream and who she dreamed about.

It doesn’t matter whether you love cats, dogs, parrots, or your heart belongs only to hamsters - everyone has dreamed of a cat at least once in their life. The history of these animals dates back thousands of years of artistic, religious and mythological symbolism. Even if you don’t have a pet at home, the image of a cat surrounds us throughout our lives. This is a symbol of natural femininity and sensuality. And although dreams in which we see cats are quite common, it is not always easy to understand what they mean. Representatives of the fairer sex are especially often interested in the interpretation of dreams: why does a woman dream about a cat? A cat in women's dreams usually illustrates how a woman sees herself from the outside. Her physical and emotional perception, as well as her attitude towards men. What other interesting and surprising things can dreams tell about us? We looked at the meanings of the 20 most common cat images in dreams and we hope you will find yours among them.

Why do you dream about an adult cat?

Cats are very self-sufficient, so your dream may be associated with independence, originality and superiority. Unfortunately, a cat dream can also indicate difficult times or failure. But how do you know which interpretation of sleep is right for you? The answer should be sought in life outside of sleep. If you love cats, then a dream with her in the lead role will definitely appeal. good sign. It reflects your independence, peace, harmony and insight. But if you think that cats are little furry demons, the dream could mean anxiety, impending troubles and troubles.

A cat in a dream symbolizes independent spirit, female sexuality, creativity and strength

Why do you dream about kittens?

Even if you're not much of a cat lover, you have to admit, little kittens are still adorably cute. That is why they are a symbol of purity, innocence, tenderness and affection. Kittens in a dream can also represent your need for independence and change - you are ready for a new chapter in your life, to get out of your comfort zone and explore new possibilities. But dreams about cute kittens are not always positive, some of them should be taken as a warning - kittens are also a symbol of naivety - in life you can be misled or deceived.

Kittens are a symbol of a new stage in life

Why do you dream about a stray cat?

A stray cat seen in a dream indicates that it is time to take care of yourself. Perhaps you feel lonely; lack of support makes you depressed and apathetic. If a stray cat attacked you, you should take care of your financial security. If you provided food and water for an animal, this means that you need to become less open to people you don't know. If you took a stray cat into your home, you need the support of loved ones, you probably don’t get it and resentment accumulates. You need to sort out your relationships with others.

A ginger cat dreams of great luck and monetary gain from an unexpected source

Stolen cat

Anxiety. You feel lost and vulnerable, and you may be deceived. And people will take advantage of it. Be free and allow yourself to enjoy life.

Playful cat

Dreaming of a playful cat indicates a need for social approval. If a cat speaks to you in a dream, it is very important for you to make peace and find harmony not only with your inner self, femininity, but also with your environment.

Aggressive cat

Signals that someone in your life is unreliable and not sincere. It can also predict an imminent meeting with a capricious person. A cat that attacks and bites may represent your fears. You worry whether you did the right thing, or are upset by failures in work or personal relationships. Perhaps this is a signal that it is necessary to move on. If you are scratched by a cat (especially your face) it could mean you are in trouble. difficult situation with another woman, you will be drawn into conflict.

Dreaming of an angry aggressive cat? It's time to face your fears

Blind cat

Missing cat

Did your cat disappear in a dream? Perhaps this represents your reluctance to get attached. You want to be free from others, to give up codependent relationships, to stop allowing yourself to be treated harshly. It also shows that you are constrained by your own fears or beliefs about various fields life. You are blinded and cannot see the danger in front of you.

Anxious dream about a missing cat

You are saving a cat

Do you dream about yourself heroically rescuing a cat in danger? This could mean regaining your independence and strength. And rescuing an animal on a busy street or highway is a desire to help other people find their purpose in life, as they say, to set them on the right path.

Black cat

Luck! In Greek mythology, a black cat is considered a lucky omen. Despite the fact that many of us think otherwise. Throw away your superstitions and believe that a black cat dreams only of the best and unexpectedly pleasant changes in life.

Despite superstitions, a black cat in a dream is a good sign

White cat

Seeing a white cat in a dream means preparing for battle. With yourself and your fears, with loved ones, with colleagues. You will have to try very hard to achieve your goal. It is also a reminder to be honest, especially in business relationships.

Twin cats

Do you see two identical cats? You are alarmed and you have to find a balance: between your needs and the needs of others (relatives, loved one, friends, colleagues).

Twin cats

Two cats

Seeing two cats in a dream means that you are looking for inner harmony, trying to find answers to global questions. You worry about the future, but it is in vain.

Large group of cats

You need to pay more attention to yourself and your life. There's a lot going on and you lose sight of something really important.

Many cats in a dream let you know that you are missing out on something very important.

Children with cats

Children love cats, and if you dream of a child holding or petting a cat, it could be related to a valuable experience you will have in the near future. If you take an animal from a child, you will soon find a solution to a long-standing problem and receive support from loved ones.

Dirty cat

Predicts changes for the better in any area: you or your loved ones will recover from a long illness, resolve problems or make peace with someone.

Since ancient times, people have sought to interpret dreams. It was believed that dreams could reveal the future, tell about upcoming problems, and tell about the state of the soul.

When we fall asleep, our brain processes the information received during the day and produces it in the form of images and symbols.

A cat in a dream is one of the most common images. This is due to the fact that we meet this animal every day and the appearance of various signs and superstitions is associated with it.

Here are some basic meanings that will help you interpret dreams.

People's psyches and life experiences are different. For some, a cat is a peaceful creature associated with a pet, for other people it is a source of trouble.

Before you start interpreting a dream, try to feel its general atmosphere: positive, negative, what emotions it evokes, whether associations are connected with your day and experiences.

For example, your cat ran away and you are looking for it in a dream. Or did you dream that you lost pet. Perhaps these are your fears about what if he runs away or disappears forever.

We must understand that our thoughts leave an imprint on what we see at night. Expectations, illnesses, fears, joys, hopes - everything is reflected in dreams.

Why do you dream about a cat?

Most dream books and dream interpreters agree that the appearance of this animal in a dream does not bring anything good.

Minor troubles, intrigues, enemies, betrayals - these are the main meanings of this symbol.

Often in a dream, a cat is interpreted as some kind of enemy who wants to cause you trouble. Its appearance may be a sign of impending betrayal or hypocrisy.

We must remember that a real cat is a free and unpredictable animal. She will be with the one who feeds her and provides shelter, but she always strives to leave the house if she wants to take a walk.

The independent disposition and unique character have made the cat understood as a mysterious and unpredictable creature that lives only for itself.

A black cat may indicate the presence of a clear enemy that you know and see. White, on the contrary, means that the enemy is secretive and cunning.

However, we all remember that the cat is also considered a magical animal that accompanies witches. Perhaps you should turn to your secret knowledge or subconscious in search of the truth.

You should trust your intuition and act in accordance with your desires and needs, regardless of what other people want from you.

Miller's dream book suggests that a dream where this animal is present does not bode well. However, if in a dream you chased away or killed a cat, then most likely you will cope with the impending troubles or they will simply pass by.

Colors are symbols.

Black is something secret, hidden, in our country it is also a symbol of death.

White is the color of purity, but with a cat everything is not so simple. White color hides what really is. He suffers deceit, financial losses, and the betrayal of a friend.

Black is a symbol of misfortune, failure in business. It can also mean female infidelity. The striped animal can bring an interesting interpretation. Here is a combination of different colors. Perhaps some uncertainties have begun in your life, fortune has come into its own.

At the same time, an ordinary cat with a rustic color is a symbol of home, warmth and comfort. If you see a tabby cat, then you are expected to move to new house or a new job.

The cat is gray, smoky - the subconscious, fears bursting from within. You need to listen to yourself, look at your inner self.

If a cat attacked in a dream

Miller's dream book believes that a cat attack in a dream represents an attack by enemies, an attempt to create trouble, deceit, cruel gossip, and the likelihood of losing profit.

It largely depends on how you behaved when attacked by an animal, whether you were able to defend yourself, throw it away, how deep the scratches were, whether you felt pain and fear in your sleep.

Hasse's dream book says that a cat attack is resistance that will be provided to your ideas and personal opinion.

The modern dream book believes that if a cat attacks in a dream, expect a very insidious and furious enemy, ready to do anything to get what he wants.

One or more animals

If you suddenly dreamed of several animals, then according to Nostradamus’s dream book it means hunger or environmental disaster. It may also mean that there are many gossips and traitors around you.

Cats attacking a dog mean opposition to the forces of good and evil, perhaps in your family life a disaster is coming.

If you dreamed of kittens, then they also mean trouble, only minor ones. A cat giving birth is a harbinger of enemies appearing around you and their number increasing.

If a cat caresses you in a dream

A caressing cat is a hidden enemy that pretends to be a friend. Take a closer look at your surroundings; perhaps someone is trying to flatter you or weaving hidden intrigues, hiding behind good intentions.

Most dream books agree that a cat is a sign of trouble. If a man dreamed of a cat running away, then his woman was probably cheating on him. The same applies to women's sleep. A cat and a cat together in a dream means a lover and mistress.

If a businessman dreams of a cat, then you should take a close look at your partners to see if they are making plans to deceive.

Miller's Dream Book. A skinny animal is a harbinger of illness and suffering. If you manage to drive it away in a dream, then the person will definitely recover.

For a woman, holding a kitten in her arms means she is likely to be involved in bad deeds.

For a person engaged in trade, you should pay attention to competitors who want to destroy the business.

Vanga's Dream Book. Black cat - enemies. Several cats are a shame. A cat in a dream may have quarrels with loved ones.

Loff's Dream Book. Initially, the cat is associated with magic, so it is recommended to pay attention to your intuition. It can also mean that a person actually wants to have magical abilities.

Muslim dream book. Cats are the personification of enemies. A cat is a stupid woman if the dream is of a man, and a rival if the animal is dreamed of by a girl. The cat scratched - betrayal of a loved one.

Dream interpretation is a subtle and interesting science.

There are generally accepted symbols, however, one must understand that the meanings may differ for each person. If a child really wants to have a pet, then it is likely that he will dream about it, because our desires often come true in dreams.

It should also be taken into account that some diseases begin to manifest themselves even before we realize that there are problems with ours or the health of loved ones. In this case, you should pay attention if you dream of a hungry, skinny, sick animal.

The symbols that appear should be correlated with the current situation, physical state and emotional state.

The worse the situation around you, the more difficult dreams are, but their main function is to help us cope with internal and external circumstances.

Video “a cat hugs a kitten who is having a bad dream”:

A night's sleep can often be accompanied by various visions, and cats often become the heroes of such visions.

According to science, sleep is a quirk of the human subconscious, but people still continue to believe in its mystical power.

What does it mean if dreamed of a cat, and what does she want to tell or warn about?

This may surprise some, but most of the existing dream books claim that dreams involving a cat are a harbinger of trouble and misfortune. Whether such a problem will be serious or minor depends on how exactly the cat behaved in your dream.

Only in a situation where you dreamed that a tiny tiger cub was trying to catch a mouse, you can not worry and expect quick financial well-being.

If you compare several dream books, you can understand that they always mention a negative opinion regarding the role of a cat in a person’s dream.

For example, check out what is said in Miller’s famous “Dream Book,” which has already become a bestseller, as well as in other popular literature of this type.

If you saw a cat in a dream, you attracted failures to yourself. It’s good if you managed to drive him away there, then troubles will pass by.

It’s worse if you see that the animal has decided to rush at you and is now going to do it - get ready for your enemies to take away your well-being and discredit you. Again, if you managed to cope with the angry beast and throw it away from yourself, ill-wishers will not be able to harm you, and everything that belongs to you will remain safe and sound.

Cat color

The answer to the question of why one dreams of a black cat, which in reality is considered a bad sign, is quite ambiguous.

Know that if you dreamed of such an animal on the night from Monday to Tuesday, you are warned of danger, and if from Friday to Saturday, wait until real financial prosperity arrives.

The man who dreamed of a black cat color, you should be wary of betrayal by your beloved, the same thing - if you saw how your wife turned into this graceful animal.

It is easy to understand what it means to dream with many cats if you work surrounded by not very friendly colleagues. This means that they have a negative attitude towards you. Maybe this is the result of your behavior or the behavior of one of the intriguers, the main thing is that now you must learn to resist the collective.

Even more interesting is why a woman dreamed of a cat, who herself, in fact, has a pronounced feline essence.

If there is a small white kitten sitting in your hands, know that you will soon find yourself in a trap if you cannot get around it.

An adult cat means there is a rival, find it next to you and eliminate it.

A loudly meowing cat - you should not believe any man’s words, it is possible that he is an ordinary hypocrite.

The bride who dreamed of this animal should know that her chosen one is not entirely reliable, and this will tell the groom about the difficult character of his partner.

If dreamed of a white cat, everything is as vague as the very color of her fur coat.

The animal's pure white fur warns that the cat may be associated with otherworldly mystical forces. Such a dream means confusion in business, future losses, disappointments and regrets.

He will also tell you about a friend who is not like that at all.

If a white cat is about to attack you in a dream, a fight with a friend will soon await you.

A cute red cat is a sign of big lies and deceit in the environment. There is no need to try to stand out more than others so as not to face aggression.

The gray cat warns that you should expect an attack from those closest to you.

The red cat is your pride, which prevents you from getting closer to people.

Green – harmony, which is so difficult for you to find and find. Forget about the external and take a closer look at your own soul.

What does a cat do in a dream?

If the animal you dreamed of is really alive, moving and doing something, take a closer look at the movements, because they also have meaning:

  • cat bite - someone is offended by you and wants revenge;
  • coming towards you - meeting with the enemy;
  • caressing someone's cat - a person faces illness or death;
  • if you stroke a cat - doubts, lack of trust in people. Don’t be too frank with others, be careful;
  • funny games with an animal - your chosen one is cheating on you;
  • the meowing of a cat that is not visible - you will be deceived;
  • you torture an animal - your conscience is unclean;
  • caught a cat - find out who is spreading gossip;
  • unexpected attack - sudden troubles.

Bad dreams are those where dreamed of a lot of cats or a cat with kittens. This means facing petty quarrels and scandals. They will follow you until you get rid of them, although this is cruel.

Hungry and dirty kittens of different colors are bright tinsel, covering the eyes, behind which impending troubles are not visible.

So, even cute little ones who come to sleep are definitely not a sign of joy and good luck.

Representatives of the cat family have always been considered magical animals. Therefore, if they appeared in dreams (especially women’s), this indicated that the sleeper’s intuition was greatly heightened this moment, so she can independently predict upcoming life changes and problems. Modern dream books will help you understand more precisely why a girl dreams of a cat.

To correctly decipher a dream, you need to seek help exclusively from proven, reliable sources. For example, choose only famous dream books

from eminent interpreters.

So, in Miller’s dream book, a cat always symbolizes troubles that are approaching the dreamer. The exception is dead animals. For example, if a cat was killed by a sleeping cat, it means that she will easily be able to cope with any problems that arise.

For Vanga, aggressive scratching cats symbolize jealousy. The storm of emotions that a girl will have to go through due to increased attention to her significant other will greatly spoil love relationship. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to be more restrained.

An interesting interpretation of dreams with representatives of the cat family is given by modern psychological dream books. If a woman in the story caresses a very small kitten, she is probably in reality looking for a love partner much younger than herself. Does he mock an animal in a dream? This speaks of her penchant for sadism and authoritarian, domineering character. A cat that painfully bites a girl, from whom the latter does not even remove her hand, suggests that the one sleeping in reality is dependent on other people.

The meaning of dreaming with a dead, sick or wounded animal

A dead or injured cat is always a good sign. If a woman in her dream sees only the corpse of a representative of the cat family, it means that she will soon defeat her rival or an entire team of enemies.

A sick animal suggests that ill-wishers have prepared many unpleasant surprises for the dreamer. But the girl herself won’t even notice them. The efforts of the enemies will be in vain.

If the cat is wounded, it means that the woman is doing everything right in the fight against enemies and competitors. We need to continue to act in the same spirit and soon an unconditional victory awaits her.

Seeing a red, black, gray, white cat in a dream

An important detail for interpretation is the color of the dream character:

  • If a girl dreams of a black cat, it means that her dream will come true in the very near future. You just need to wait a little and not rush things.
  • A snow-white animal appears in dreams as a sign of imminent life changes. If it ends up on a tree, you should expect a move; if in the arms of a sleeping woman, it means a salary increase.
  • A ginger cat is a harbinger of fun and funny events. Perhaps the girl will soon receive an invitation to the holiday. If an animal with such a bright color scratches a woman, you can expect a salary increase.
  • The gray cat warns of possible betrayal. There is no need to pour out your soul even to your immediate circle, not to mention new acquaintances.

Why do you dream about a tricolor cat?

A tricolor cat for a girl is a symbol of a rival. The dream suggests that soon a woman will appear in the sleeping woman’s life who will lay claim to her legal spouse or young man. The main problem will be the fact that a young lady with treacherous intentions will turn out to be the owner of a whole set of qualities and skills that are highly valued by this man. Therefore, she will have every chance to achieve what she wants.

The sleeping woman will have to make a lot of efforts to prevent her lover from betraying her and leaving the family. She will need to demonstrate exclusively her best sides for a long time and try with all her might to keep her beloved’s attention exclusively on herself.

Domestic, wild animal

If a clean, affectionate domestic cat appears in a dream and tries to climb into a girl’s arms, it means that in reality the sleeping woman will receive a new object of care. This could be not only an animal, but also a baby or even a relative who suddenly moves into the woman’s house.

Does a girl in a dream take a dirty skinny creature for herself? Surely in real life she is very lonely and dreams of changing her own Family status. In order not to delay this, you need to try to leave the house more often and start to have a more positive attitude towards new acquaintances.

A wild lichen cat that runs away from the dreamer suggests that the woman’s enemies have lost their vigilance. It's time to deal with them and take revenge for all the troubles.

An aggressive street Siamese cat is a sign that in reality the fair sex will have to pay for her own old sins. All the mistakes the girl made earlier, which she tried for so long to carefully disguise, will come out.

If a woman does not see herself wild cat, but notices only the mark of her claws on her body, which means that the dreamer is trying to drown out the feeling of jealousy in herself. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with it on your own without a frank conversation with your partner.

Cat with kittens

Did you dream of a cat with kittens who gently licked her babies and openly showed affection towards them? A girl should expect the same emotions in reality. Or she will meet someone new who is very emotional loving man, or the current partner will change his attitude towards her in better side. If in reality a representative of the fair sex has her own children, then this plot may result in insufficient attention to them. Don't sacrifice time with your family for your career.

An animal that has a bad attitude towards its own kittens dreams of unpleasant gossip and rumors around the dreamer. Most likely, the woman’s close relatives will dissolve them.

If a girl has long dreamed of her own children and suddenly sees in her dream an animal that has just lambed, her wish will soon come true. You can get pregnant easily and quickly.

It happens that both the cat herself and all her kittens turn out to be completely black in a dream. Such characters in your dreams can be considered harbingers of strong, soul-eating jealousy. By the way, it is not at all necessary that it will be justified. If a snow-white cat gives birth to babies of the same color, then this is a good sign. In reality, you can expect a valuable gift from your soulmate or an offer to become your legal wife.

Feed, pet, bathe, play in your sleep

Did you dream of feeding a cat? Most likely, in real life, the sleeping person provides help and support to those people who do not deserve it. She needs to stop “feeding” her enemies, or the amount of trouble behind her will only increase.

Petting and holding a cat in your arms is a sign of a difficult situation, the solution to which can only be found with outside help. Perhaps a complete stranger will come to the girl’s rescue.

Did you dream about bathing a cat, which scratched the dreamer in the process? In reality, the girl has a high risk of losing her main income. It is better to start looking for a new place to earn money in advance or strengthen your position in the old one.

Playing with a cat in a dream suggests that the girl is behaving imprudently and committing rash acts. Especially if, according to such a plot, the sleeping woman ends up being injured by an animal.

Lose, kill or save a cat

Does the sleeping woman lose her cat in her sleep? This means that she will be able to eliminate competitors without even realizing it.

Killing members of the cat family in a dream always symbolizes victory over your enemies. The same dream can be a hint that the things started the day before will turn out to be very successful for the girl. You can safely invest effort and money in them.

But saving a cat from death is a sign that the sleeping person does not understand people at all. She believes everyone unconditionally and does not even notice the machinations of some friends in her direction.

If an animal catches a mouse in a dream

If a cat catches mice in a dream, it means that in the very near future a woman will have a calm period in her life. The enemies will lag behind her for a long time and will move on to other matters or even squabbles with each other.

Are there a lot of mice and they run away from the cat in different directions? This bad sign for the sleeping one. In reality, under no circumstances should she share her own thoughts and plans with others. Otherwise, someone else will quickly take possession of them and use them for their own selfish purposes.

A cat's active, noisy hunt for rodents portends restlessness and turmoil for the sleeping cat. She will probably be very busy with work or unexpectedly unwanted guests will come to her in large numbers.

Receive a cat as a gift in a dream

A cat as a gift in a dream promises the fair sex losses. The reason for them will be completely stranger, conflict with which is subsequently inevitable.

If a woman receives a tiny kitten as a gift in a dream, it means that in life she has already despaired of becoming a mother. Surely the sleeping person began to think about adoption and other similar options that would allow her to find a son or daughter. In fact the best solution The problem may be turning to a competent, experienced family planning specialist.