Despite the different nature of the defects, these children have typical manifestations indicating a systemic disorder of speech activity. One of the leading signs is the later onset of speech: the first words appear by 3-4, and sometimes by 5 years. Speech is ungrammatical and insufficiently phonetically designed. The most expressive indicator is the lag in expressive speech with a relatively good, at first glance, understanding of addressed speech. The speech of these children is difficult to understand. There is insufficient speech activity, which drops sharply with age, without special training. However, children are quite critical of their defect.

Inferior speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of children's sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres. There is insufficient stability of attention and limited possibilities for its distribution. While semantic and logical memory is relatively intact, children have reduced verbal memory and memorization productivity suffers. They forget complex instructions, elements and sequences of tasks.

In the weakest children, low recall activity can be combined with limited opportunities for the development of cognitive activity.

The connection between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development determines specific features of thinking. Having, in general, complete prerequisites for mastering mental operations accessible to their age, children lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking, without special training they have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

Along with general somatic weakness, they are also characterized by some lag in the development of the motor sphere, which is characterized by poor coordination of movements, uncertainty in performing measured movements, and a decrease in speed and dexterity. The greatest difficulties are identified when performing movements according to verbal instructions.

Children with general speech underdevelopment lag behind normally developing peers in reproducing a motor task in spatiotemporal parameters, disrupt the sequence of action elements, and omit its components. For example, rolling the ball from hand to hand, passing it from a short distance, hitting the floor with alternating alternation; jumping on the right and left leg, rhythmic movements to the music.

There is insufficient coordination of the fingers and hands, and underdevelopment of fine motor skills. Slowness is detected, stuck in one position.

Correct assessment of non-speech processes is necessary to identify patterns of atypical development of children with general speech underdevelopment and at the same time to determine their compensatory background.

Children with general speech underdevelopment should be distinguished from children with similar conditions - temporary delay in speech development. It should be borne in mind that children with general speech underdevelopment in normal periods develop an understanding of everyday spoken speech, interest in playful and objective activities, and an emotionally selective attitude towards the world around them.

One of the diagnostic signs may be dissociation between speech and mental development. This is manifested in the fact that the mental development of these children, as a rule, proceeds more successfully than the development of speech. They are distinguished by their criticality towards speech insufficiency. Primary speech pathology inhibits the formation of potentially intact mental abilities, preventing the normal functioning of speech intelligence. However, as verbal speech develops and speech difficulties are eliminated, their intellectual development approaches normal.

To distinguish the manifestation of general speech underdevelopment from slow speech development, a thorough examination of the medical history and analysis of the child’s speech skills are necessary.

In most cases, the anamnesis does not contain data on gross violations of the central nervous system. Only the presence of a minor birth injury, long-term somatic diseases in early childhood. The adverse effects of the speech environment, failures in education, and lack of communication can also be attributed to factors inhibiting the normal course of speech development. In these cases, attention is drawn, first of all, to the reversible dynamics of speech failure.

In children with delayed speech development, the nature of speech errors is less specific than in cases of general speech underdevelopment.

Errors such as mixing productive and unproductive plural forms (“chairs”, “sheets”) and unification of genitive plural endings (“pencils”, “birds”, “trees”) predominate. These children's speech skills lag behind the norm and they are characterized by errors typical of younger children.

Despite certain deviations from age standards (especially in the field of phonetics), children’s speech provides its communicative function, and in some cases is a fairly complete regulator of behavior. They have a more pronounced tendency towards spontaneous development, towards the transfer of developed speech skills into conditions of free communication, which allows them to compensate for speech deficiency before entering school.

Periodization of OHP. R. E. Levina and her colleagues (1969) developed a periodization of manifestations of general speech underdevelopment: from the complete absence of speech means of communication to expanded forms of coherent speech with elements of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical underdevelopment.

The approach put forward by R. E. Levina made it possible to move away from describing only individual manifestations of speech insufficiency and to present a picture of the child’s abnormal development according to a number of parameters reflecting the condition linguistic means and communication processes. Based on a step-by-step structural-dynamic study of abnormal speech development, specific patterns that determine the transition from a low level of development to a higher one are also revealed.

Each level is characterized by a certain ratio of the primary defect and secondary manifestations that delay the formation of speech components dependent on it. The transition from one level to another is determined by the emergence of new language capabilities, an increase in speech activity, a change in the motivational basis of speech and its subject-semantic content, and the mobilization of a compensatory background.

The individual rate of progress of the child is determined by the severity of the primary defect and its shape.

The most typical and persistent manifestations of OHP are observed with alalia, dysarthria, and less often with rhinolalia and stuttering.

There are three levels of speech development, reflecting the typical state of language components in preschool and school-age children with general speech underdevelopment.

The first level of speech development. Verbal means of communication are extremely limited. Children's active vocabulary consists of a small number of vaguely pronounced everyday words, onomatopoeias and sound complexes. Pointing gestures and facial expressions are widely used. Children use the same complex to designate objects, actions, qualities, intonation and gestures, indicating the difference in meaning. Depending on the situation, babbling formations can be regarded as one-word sentences.

There is almost no differentiated designation of objects and actions. Action names are replaced with item names (open- "tree" (door), and vice versa - the names of objects are replaced by the names of actions (bed- “stalemate”). The polysemy of the words used is characteristic. A small vocabulary reflects directly perceived objects and phenomena.

Children do not use morphological elements to convey grammatical relations. Their speech is dominated by root words, devoid of inflections. The “phrase” consists of babbling elements that consistently reproduce the situation they denote with the use of explanatory gestures. Each word used in such a “phrase” has a diverse correlation and cannot be understood outside a specific situation.

The passive vocabulary of children is wider than the active one. However, the research of G.I. Zharenkova (1967) showed the limitations of the impressive side of the speech of children at a low level of speech development.

There is no or only a rudimentary understanding of the meaning of grammatical changes in words. If we exclude situational orienting signs, children are unable to distinguish between singular and plural forms of nouns, the past tense of a verb, masculine and feminine forms, and do not understand the meaning of prepositions. When perceiving addressed speech, the lexical meaning is dominant.

The sound side of speech is characterized by phonetic uncertainty. An unstable phonetic design is noted. The pronunciation of sounds is diffuse in nature, due to unstable articulation and low auditory recognition capabilities. The number of defective sounds can be significantly greater than correctly pronounced ones. In pronunciation there are contrasts only between vowels and consonants, orals and nasals, and some plosives and fricatives. Phonemic development is in its infancy.

The task of isolating individual sounds for a child with babbling speech is motivationally and cognitively incomprehensible and impossible.

A distinctive feature of speech development at this level is the limited ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of a word.

Second level of speech development. The transition to it is characterized by increased speech activity of the child. Communication is carried out through the use of a constant, although still distorted and limited, stock of common words.

The names of objects, actions, and individual characteristics are differentiated. At this level, it is possible to use pronouns, and sometimes conjunctions, simple prepositions in elementary meanings. Children can answer questions about the picture related to family and familiar events in their surrounding life.

Speech failure is clearly manifested in all components. Children use only simple sentences consisting of 2-3, rarely 4 words. Vocabulary significantly lags behind the age norm: ignorance of many words denoting parts of the body, animals and their young, clothing, furniture, and professions is revealed.

There are limited possibilities for using a subject dictionary, a dictionary of actions, and signs. Children do not know the names of the color of an object, its shape, size, and replace words with similar meanings.

There are gross errors in the use of grammatical structures:

Mixing of case forms (“the car is driving” instead of by car);

often the use of nouns in the nominative case, and verbs in the infinitive or the 3rd person singular and plural form of the present tense;

In the use of number and gender of verbs, when changing nouns according to numbers (“two kasi” - two pencils,"de tun" - two chairs);

Lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns.

Children experience many difficulties when using prepositional constructions: often prepositions are omitted altogether, and the noun is used in its original form (“the book goes then” - the book is on the table); It is also possible to replace the preposition (“Gib lies on the Dalevim” - mushroom growing under a tree). Conjunctions and particles are rarely used.

Understanding of addressed speech at the second level develops significantly due to the distinction of certain grammatical forms (unlike the first level); children can focus on morphological elements that acquire a distinctive meaning for them.

This relates to distinguishing and understanding the singular and plural forms of nouns and verbs (especially those with stressed endings), and the masculine and feminine forms of past tense verbs. Difficulties remain in understanding the number forms and gender of adjectives.

The meanings of prepositions differ only in a well-known situation. The assimilation of grammatical patterns applies to a greater extent to those words that early entered the active speech of children.

The phonetic side of speech is characterized by the presence of numerous distortions of sounds, substitutions and mixtures. The pronunciation of soft and hard sounds, hissing, whistling, affricates, voiced and voiceless (“pat book” - five books;"daddy" - grandmother;"dupa" - hand). There is a dissociation between the ability to correctly pronounce sounds in an isolated position and their use in spontaneous speech.

Difficulties in mastering the sound-syllable structure also remain typical. Often, when correctly reproducing the contour of words, the sound content is disrupted: rearrangement of syllables, sounds, replacement and assimilation of syllables (“morashki” - daisies,"cookie" - strawberry). Polysyllabic words are reduced.

Children show insufficiency of phonemic perception, their unpreparedness to master sound analysis and synthesis.

The third level of speech development is characterized by the presence of extensive phrasal speech with elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, affricates and sonorants), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given or similar phonetic group.

For example, soft sound With, itself is not yet clearly pronounced, replaces the sound With(“boots”), w(“syuba” instead of fur coat). ts(“Syaplya” instead of heron), h(“saynik” instead kettle), sch("grid" instead brush); replacing groups of sounds with simpler articulation ones. Unstable substitutions are noted when a sound is pronounced differently in different words; mixing of sounds, when in isolation the child pronounces certain sounds correctly, and in words and sentences replaces them.

Correctly repeating three or four syllable words after a speech therapist, children often distort them in speech, reducing the number of syllables (The children made a snowman.- “The children wheezed at the new guy”). Many errors are observed when conveying the sound content of words: rearrangements and replacements of sounds and syllables, abbreviations when consonants coincide in a word.

Against the background of relatively detailed speech, there is an inaccurate use of many lexical meanings. The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. There are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, states of objects and actions. The inability to use word formation methods creates difficulties in using word variants; children are not always able to select words with the same root or form new words using suffixes and prefixes. Often they replace the name of a part of an object with the name of the whole object, or the desired word with another word similar in meaning.

In free expressions, simple common sentences predominate; complex constructions are almost never used.

Agrammatism is noted: errors in the agreement of numerals with nouns, adjectives with nouns in gender, number, and case. A large number of errors are observed in the use of both simple and complex prepositions.

Understanding of spoken speech is developing significantly and is approaching the norm. There is insufficient understanding of changes in the meaning of words expressed by prefixes and suffixes; There are difficulties in distinguishing morphological elements expressing the meaning of number and gender, understanding logical-grammatical structures expressing cause-and-effect, temporal and spatial relationships.

The described gaps in the development of phonetics, vocabulary and grammatical structure in school-age children manifest themselves more clearly when studying at school, creating great difficulties in mastering writing, reading and educational material.

Examination. The speech therapist identifies the volume of speech skills, compares it with age standards, with the level of mental development, determines the ratio of the defect and the compensatory background, speech and cognitive activity.

It is necessary to analyze the interaction between the process of mastering the sound side of speech, the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure. It is important to determine the relationship between the development of a child’s expressive and impressive speech; identify the compensating role of preserved parts of speech ability; compare the level of development of linguistic means with their actual use in verbal communication.

There are three stages of the examination.

The first stage is indicative. The speech therapist fills out the child’s development chart from the parents’ words, studies the documentation, and talks with the child.

At the second stage, the components of the language system are examined and a speech therapy conclusion is made based on the data obtained.

At the third stage, the speech therapist conducts dynamic observation of the child during the learning process and clarifies the manifestations of the defect.

In a conversation with parents, the child’s pre-speech reactions are revealed, including humming and babbling (modulated). It is important to find out at what age the first words appeared and what is the quantitative ratio of words in passive and active speech

The dissociation between the number of spoken words and passive vocabulary in children with primary speech pathology (with the exception of rare cases of sensory alalia) persists for a long time without special training.

During a conversation with parents, it is important to identify when two-word, multi-word sentences appeared, whether speech development was interrupted (if so, for what reason), what is the child’s speech activity, his sociability, desire to establish contacts with others, at what age the parents discovered delay in speech development, what the speech environment is like (features of the natural speech environment).

During the conversation with the child, the speech therapist establishes contact with him and directs him to communicate. The child is asked questions that help clarify his horizons, interests, attitude towards others, and orientation in time and space. Questions are asked in such a way that the answers are detailed and reasoning in nature. The conversation provides the first information about the child’s speech and determines the direction for further in-depth examination of various aspects of speech. The sound-syllable structure of words, grammatical structure and coherent speech are examined especially carefully. When examining coherent speech, it becomes clear how a child can independently compose a story based on a picture, a series of pictures, a retelling, a story-description (by presentation).

Establishing the maturity of the grammatical structure of a language is one of the key aspects of a speech therapy examination of children with general speech underdevelopment. The correctness of children's use of the categories of gender, number, case of nouns, prepositional constructions, and the ability to coordinate a noun with an adjective and numeral in gender, number, and case are revealed. The survey material consists of pictures depicting objects and their signs and actions. To identify the ability to use morphological forms of words, the formation of the plural from nouns in singular and, conversely, the formation of a diminutive form of a noun from a given word, as well as verbs with shades of action.

a) finish the started sentence based on leading questions;

b) make proposals for a picture or demonstration of actions;

c) insert the missing preposition or word in the correct case form.

When examining vocabulary, the child’s ability to correlate a word (as a sound complex) with the designated object, action, and use it correctly in speech is revealed.

The main techniques may be the following:

Finding (showing) by children objects and actions named by the speech therapist (Show: who washes and who sweeps etc.);

Performing the named actions (draw a house- paint the house);

Children’s independent naming of shown objects, actions, phenomena, signs and qualities (Who is shown in the picture? What is the boy doing? What is he making a ball out of?);

Children naming specific concepts included in any general theme (Tell me what summer clothes and winter shoes you know);

Combining items into a generalizing group (How can you call a fur coat, coat, dress, skirt in one word? etc.).

Examination of the structure of the articulatory apparatus and its motor skills is important for determining the causes of a defect in the sound side of a child’s speech and for planning corrective exercises. The degree and quality of violations of the motor functions of the organs of articulation are assessed and the level of available movements is identified.

To examine sound pronunciation, syllables, words and sentences with the main groups of sounds of the Russian language are selected.

To identify the level of phonemic perception, the ability to memorize and reproduce a syllabic sequence, the child is asked to repeat combinations of 2-3-4 syllables. This includes syllables consisting of sounds that differ in articulation and acoustic characteristics (ba-pa-ba, yes-da-da, sa-sha-sa).

To determine the presence of a sound in a word, words are selected so that a given sound is in different positions (at the beginning, middle and end of the word), so that along with words that include a given sound, there are words without this sound and with mixed sounds. This will allow us to further establish the degree of mixing of both distant and close sounds.

To examine the syllabic structure and sound content, words with certain sounds, with different numbers and types of syllables are selected; words with a combination of consonants at the beginning, middle, and end of the word. Reflected and independent naming of pictures is offered: subject and plot.

If a child has difficulties in reproducing the syllabic structure of a word and its sound content, then it is suggested to repeat series of syllables consisting of different vowels and consonants. (pa-tu-ko); from different consonants, but the same vowel sounds (pa-ta-ka-ma etc.); from different vowels, but also the same consonant sounds (pa-po-py., tu-ta-ta); of the same vowels and consonants, but with different stress (pa-pa-pa); tap out the rhythmic pattern of the word.

In this case, it becomes possible to set the boundaries of the accessible level from which corrective exercises should subsequently begin.

When examining gross and fine motor skills, the speech therapist pays attention to the child’s general appearance, his posture, gait, self-care skills (tying a bow, braiding a braid, fastening buttons, tying shoes, etc.), running characteristics, performing exercises with a ball, jumping length on landing accuracy. The ability to maintain balance (standing on the left and right leg), alternately stand (jump) on one leg, and perform exercises for switching movements ( right hand to the shoulder, left - to the back of the head, left hand on the belt, right - behind the back, etc.).

The accuracy of task reproduction is assessed based on spatio-temporal parameters, retention in memory of the components and sequence of elements of the action structure, and the presence of self-control when performing tasks.

The speech therapy conclusion is based on a comprehensive analysis of the results of studying the child, on a sufficiently large number of examples of child speech, and on dynamic observation in the process of correctional pedagogical work.

The results of a comprehensive examination are summarized in the form of a speech therapy report, which indicates the level of speech development of the child and the form of the speech anomaly. Examples of speech therapy conclusions may be the following: third-level OHP in a child with dysarthria; OHP of the second level in a child with alalia; OHP of the second or third level in a child with open rhinolalia, etc.

The speech therapy report reveals the state of speech and aims to overcome the child’s specific difficulties caused by the clinical form of the speech anomaly. This is necessary for the correct organization of an individual approach in frontal and especially in subgroup classes.


The fundamentals of correctional education were developed in psychological and pedagogical research by a number of authors (R. E. Levina, B. M. Grinshpun, L. F. Spirova, N. A. Nikashina, G. V. Chirkina, N. S. Zhukova, T. B. Filicheva, A. V. Yastrebova, etc.).

The formation of speech is based on the following provisions:

Recognizing early signs of ODD and its impact on overall mental development;

Timely prevention of potential deviations based on an analysis of the structure of speech insufficiency, the ratio of defective and intact parts of speech activity;

Taking into account the socially determined consequences of speech communication deficits;

Taking into account the patterns of normal development of children's speech;

Interconnected formation of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical components of the language;

A differentiated approach to speech therapy work with children with special needs of various origins;

The unity of the formation of speech processes, thinking and cognitive activity;

Simultaneous correctional and educational impact on the sensory, intellectual and afferent-volitional spheres.

Children with OHP cannot spontaneously take the ontogenetic path of speech development characteristic of normal children (L. F. Spirova, 1980). Speech correction for them is a long process aimed at the formation of speech means sufficient for the independent development of speech in the process of communication and learning.

This task is implemented differently depending on the age of the children, the conditions of their education and upbringing, and the level of speech development.

Teaching children at the first level of speech development provides: development of speech understanding; development of independent speech based on imitative activity; formation of a two-part simple sentence based on the assimilation of elementary word formations

Speech therapy classes with speechless children are conducted in small subgroups (2-3 people) in the form of game situations, which helps to gradually form the motivational basis of speech. In this case, puppet theater characters, wind-up toys, shadow theater, flannelgraph, etc. are used.

Work to expand speech understanding is based on the development in children of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, understanding of specific words and expressions that reflect situations and phenomena familiar to children.

Hello! Tell me what we should do with this conclusion, is it possible to cure this, if so, where to start? “Gradually comes into contact, the contact is stable. Emotionally calm. Attention is depleted by the end of the task. The pace of duration is moderate. Sound pronunciation is impaired - replacement parts, mn, t-d, g-d. Gross errors in the use of grammatical structures. Limited opportunities using a subject dictionary, a dictionary of actions, signs. The assimilation of the sound-syllable structure of a word is inhibited. It is difficult to change articulatory movements of the tongue. Erased form of dysarthria. General underdevelopment of speech, level 2 r.R.” The boy is 4 years old.

Every day, more and more parents turn to speech therapists for help in combating their children’s spoken speech defects; most often the reason is general speech underdevelopment (GSD). OHP is divided into several levels according to the characteristics of pathologies. The most common type is general speech underdevelopment of level 2 (GSD level 2).

General concept of OHP

OHP is a speech disorder that belongs to the pedagogical and psychological classification. Such children have completely normal hearing and intellectual abilities, but there is a clear disturbance in the speech system. Children with OHP include a completely silent child, and children who are characterized by babbling pronunciation of words, as well as children who have understandable phrasal speech, but the phonetic direction of the word is poorly developed.

The manifestation of various speech defects has very standard manifestations. In such children, the first words are formed by about three to four years, and in rare cases, by five. Speech is characterized by agrammatic sound and incorrect phonetic design. It is very difficult to understand such children, although often they perfectly understand the questions asked of them.

Due to the fact that such a child develops complexes, with psychological point vision, it is necessary to eliminate such defects at the first manifestations.

These speech defects negatively affect the sensory, intellectual and volitional aspects of the child’s character. Such children are unable to fully concentrate their attention on a particular subject, and their normal memory ability is also affected. They cannot remember instructions given, as well as sequential tasks.

Correctional work with children with special needs development is aimed at developing analysis, comparison and generalization. Somatic weakness is reinforced by defects in motor activity, which is manifested by impaired coordination, reduced speed of movement and insufficient dexterity.

Main features of OHP level 2

The main difference between grade 2 OHP and grade 1 OHP is the child’s use in communication not only of characteristic babble, gestures and very simple word forms, but also elementary words that are used in everyday life. However, all phrases can be distorted, so not everyone will be able to catch the exact wording, for example, "matic" most often means the word "boy", but you can also think of "ball".

When placing stress, a positive result is observed only in those words in which the stress falls on the last syllable. All other attempts to build literate speech fail.

Most often, you can hear from such a child a simple list of objects that are around him, and he can also explain his simple actions. If you ask him to compose a story based on a picture, this will only be possible with the help of leading questions. In the end, you will get a simple answer that consists of two or three words, but the construction of the sentence will be in a more correct form than that of a child with the first level of OHP.

At this level of development, children use personal pronouns, as well as simple prepositions and conjunctions. Children with second-level ODD are able to tell a short story about themselves, their family or friends. However, some words will be misused in pronunciation. In ignorance correct name object or action, the child will try to replace it with an explanation.

If the baby cannot replace a word with a synonym, he will turn to the help of gestures.

On questions asked such children answer with nouns in the nominative case, that is, when asked “Who did you go shopping with today?” you can hear a short “Mom or Dad.”

OHP of the 2nd degree is also manifested by the lack of recognition of the neuter gender, as well as a small number of adjectives.

With level 2 OHP, the child is trying to find the correct grammatical form, so he may try to find the correct word structure several times: “It wasn’ was...rain...rain.”

At this level, children are most often able to distinguish between the singular and plural forms of nouns and verb tenses. With a late onset of speech, the replacement of consonants is characteristic: soft to hard - “mol” - “mol”.

Typically, a diagnosis of level 2 OHP is not given to children under 4 years of age.

Children with the second level of OHP by the school period have almost formed simple speech, a poor vocabulary and agrammatic pronunciation.

Characteristics of 2nd degree OHP:

  • vocabulary is expanded not only due to new nouns and simple verbs, but also due to the use of adjectives and adverbs;
  • enrichment of speech is observed due to the introduction of modified forms of words, for example, a child makes attempts to change words by gender and case, but in most cases the pronunciation sounds incorrect;
  • children use simple phrases when communicating;
  • there is an expansion of not only passive, but also active dictionary, thanks to which the child understands more information;
  • sounds and many words still sound incorrect and harsh.

The main grammatical errors that children make:

  • Incorrect use of endings when declension of words according to cases, for example, “il at babuka” - “was at grandma’s.”
  • No difference between singular and plural, for example, “pizza ate” - “birds ate.”
  • Lack of practice in changing a noun when changing the number of objects, for example, “ti iga” - “three books”.
  • Incorrect use of prepositions in conversation or their complete absence, for example, “dad went to the store” - “dad went to the store” or replacing one preposition with another “mom ate from the kitchen” - “mom sang in the kitchen.”

Corrective work

A visit to a speech therapist is necessary if the child does not develop speech by the age of three or four. In this case, the diagnosis, detailed characteristics and correction of OHP are formed by more than one specialist.

With the help of a neurologist, the cause is determined. If it is necessary to carry out treatment or prescribe vitamins, a specialist may prescribe special medications that will have a stimulating effect on the child’s speech centers and nervous system. Most often, it is recommended to undergo an MRI of the brain. In some cases, it will be enough for the doctor to conduct a conversation with the parents.

After a consultation with a neurologist has been carried out, it is necessary to visit a speech therapist. Most often, a specialist assigns a child to a special group, but under certain circumstances they can be used individual sessions.

The main goal correctional work is the development of active speech, improving its understanding, as well as the formation of phrases and their correct sound pronunciation. As reinforcement, some speech therapists turn to parents with a request for additional classes with the family, because two or three classes a week may not be enough.

An example is a simple exercise in which the child needs to chant certain words, and then the parents must answer him in the same way. This exercise will not only help get rid of speech impediments, but will also bring the family closer together.

Main directions of correctional work:

  • improving the pronunciation of difficult words for a child in a drawling manner, for better sound of all letters and sounds;
  • the need to distribute words into groups that are combined depending on the topic, for example, when showing a picture of pets, the child must clearly name everyone. This approach helps children organize;
  • comparative forms different forms, which belong to one part of speech, for example, we walked: in the park, in the field, in the garden, and so on;
  • the same approach with a verb, for example, mom drew - mom draws - mom will draw;
  • developing an understanding of the difference between singular and plural;
  • improving the perception of the difference between voiceless and voiced sounds.

There is a huge difference in the way children communicate with adults and with their peers. And if a child may feel squeezed when talking with an adult, then when talking with a child he will be calmer and more open, especially if they have the same interests.

However, with a sufficiently large development of the defect, at the beginning of correctional work, individual classes are used, which over time flow into group classes, thereby slowly preparing the child for entry into society.

In some cases, the development of grade 2 OHP is observed in children who do not attend kindergarten, which is explained by a lack of communication. In such cases, it is recommended to enroll your child in various clubs, in which his social circle will not only increase, but his artistic perception of the world around him will also begin to develop, which will lead to improved speech.


It is almost impossible to accurately predict a disorder in speech development in children. Most often it depends on what caused the disease and the degree of its development.

That is why, in case of incomprehensible babbling or complete absence of speech at three years of age, it is necessary to contact a neurologist. Indeed, if there are disorders of the nervous system, even daily classes with a speech therapist may not give the desired result, because the baby will need drug therapy.

If all necessary measures are taken in a timely manner, the child will begin to speak. But often such children are not able to study in a regular school, so parents will have to choose between home schooling or a special school, which is created for children with speech impairments.

The most important thing is to remember that the child needs support in the process of correctional work, which he should receive from each family member. This will help not only get rid of emerging complexes, but also speed up the process of eliminating defects, because the baby will see approval from loved ones, which means he will begin to strive for a better result.

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is a deviation in the development of children, which manifests itself in the immaturity of the sound and semantic aspects of speech. At the same time, there is underdevelopment of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic processes, and there is no coherent pronunciation. OHP in children preschool age occurs more often (40% of the total) than other speech pathologies. General underdevelopment of speech should be taken very seriously, since without correction it is fraught with consequences such as dysgraphia and dyslexia (various writing disorders).

Symptoms of OPD in a child should be taken seriously, as it can lead to a whole range of problems. Classification

Speech underdevelopment can be of varying degrees. Stand out:

  • Level 1 OHP – complete absence of coherent speech.
  • Level 2 OHP - the child exhibits the initial elements of common speech, but the vocabulary is very poor, the child makes many mistakes in the use of words.
  • Level 3 OHP - the child can construct sentences, but the sound and semantic aspects are not yet sufficiently developed.
  • Level 4 OHP - the child speaks well, with only a few shortcomings in pronunciation and phrase construction.

In children with general speech underdevelopment, pathologies are most often detected that were acquired in utero or during childbirth: hypoxia, asphyxia, trauma during childbirth, Rh conflict. In early childhood, underdevelopment of speech can be a consequence of traumatic brain injuries, frequent infections, or any chronic diseases.

OHP is diagnosed by the age of 3, although the “preconditions” for speech underdevelopment can be formed even during pregnancy and childbirth

When a child has general speech underdevelopment of any degree, he begins to talk quite late - at 3 years old, some - only at 5 years old. Even when the child begins to pronounce the first words, he pronounces many sounds unclearly, the words have an irregular shape, he speaks indistinctly, and even close people have difficulty understanding him. Such speech cannot be called coherent. Since the formation of pronunciation occurs incorrectly, this negatively affects other aspects of development - memory, attention, thought processes, cognitive activity and even motor coordination.

Speech underdevelopment is corrected after the level is determined. Its characteristics and diagnosis directly determine what measures will need to be taken. Now let's give more detailed description each level.

1st level OHP

Children of level 1 OHP do not know how to form phrases and construct sentences:

  • They use a very limited vocabulary, with the bulk of this vocabulary consisting of only individual sounds and onomatopoeic words, as well as a few of the simplest, most frequently heard words.
  • The sentences they can use are one word long, and most words are babbling, like a baby's.
  • They accompany their conversation with facial expressions and gestures that are understandable only in this situation.
  • Such children do not understand the meaning of many words; they often rearrange syllables in words and, instead of a full word, pronounce only a part of it, consisting of 1-2 syllables.
  • The child pronounces sounds very vaguely and indistinctly, and is not able to reproduce some of them at all. Other processes associated with working with sounds are also difficult for him: distinguishing sounds and highlighting individual ones, combining them into a word, recognizing sounds in words.

The speech development program for the first stage of OHP should include an integrated approach aimed at developing the speech centers of the brain

At level 1 OHP in a child, first of all it is necessary to develop an understanding of what he hears. It is equally important to stimulate the skills and desire to independently build a monologue and dialogue, as well as develop other mental processes that are directly related to speech activity (memory, logical thinking, attention, observation). Correct sound pronunciation at this stage is not as important as grammar, that is, the construction of words, word forms, endings, and the use of prepositions.

Level 2 OHP

At the 2nd level of OHP, children, in addition to incoherent speech babble and gestures, already demonstrate the ability to construct simple sentences from 2-3 words, although their meaning is primitive and expresses, most often, only a description of an object or an action.

  • Many words are replaced by synonyms, since the child has difficulty determining their meaning.
  • He also experiences certain difficulties with grammar - he pronounces endings incorrectly, inserts prepositions inappropriately, poorly coordinates words with each other, confuses the singular and plural, and makes other grammatical errors.
  • The child still pronounces sounds unclearly, distorts, mixes, and replaces one with another. The child still practically does not know how to distinguish individual sounds and determine the sound composition of a word, as well as combine them into whole words.

Features of correctional work at level 2, ONR consists of the development of speech activity and meaningful perception of what is heard. Much attention is paid to the rules of grammar and vocabulary - replenishing vocabulary, observing language norms, and correct use of words. The child learns to construct phrases correctly. Work is also being done on the correct pronunciation of sounds, various errors and shortcomings are corrected - rearranging sounds, replacing some with others, learning to pronounce missing sounds and other nuances.

At the second level of OHP, it is also important to include phonetics, that is, work with sounds and their correct pronunciation. 3rd level of OHP

Children of level 3 OHP can already speak in detailed phrases, but mostly construct only simple sentences, not yet able to cope with complex ones.

  • Such children understand well what others are talking about, but still find it difficult to perceive complex speech patterns (for example, participles and participles) and logical connections (cause-and-effect relationships, spatial and temporal connections).
  • The vocabulary of children with level 3 speech underdevelopment is significantly expanded. They know and use all the major parts of speech, although nouns and verbs dominate their conversation over adjectives and adverbs. However, the child may still make mistakes when naming objects.
  • There is also the incorrect use of prepositions and endings, accents, and incorrect coordination of words with each other.
  • Rearranging syllables in words and replacing some sounds with others is already extremely rare, only in the most severe cases.
  • The pronunciation of sounds and their distinction in words, although impaired, is in a simpler form.

Level 3 speech underdevelopment suggests activities that develop coherent speech. The vocabulary and grammar of oral speech are improved, the mastered principles of phonetics are consolidated. Now children are already preparing to learn to read and write. You can use special educational games.

Level 4 OHP

Level 4 OHP, or a mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, is characterized by a fairly large and varied vocabulary, although the child has difficulties understanding the meanings of rare words.

  • Children cannot always understand the meaning of a proverb or the essence of an antonym. The repetition of words that are complex in composition, as well as the pronunciation of some difficult-to-pronounce combinations of sounds, can also create problems.
  • Children with mild general speech underdevelopment are still poorly able to determine the sound composition of a word and make mistakes when forming words and word forms.
  • They get confused when they have to present events on their own; they may miss the main thing and pay undue attention to the secondary, or repeat what they have already said.

Level 4, characterized by a mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, is the final stage of correction classes, after which children reach the necessary norms of speech development of preschool age and are ready to enter school. All skills and abilities still need to be developed and improved. This applies to the rules of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary. The ability to construct phrases and sentences is actively developing. Speech underdevelopment at this stage should no longer be the case, and children begin to master reading and writing.

The first two forms of speech underdevelopment are considered severe, so their correction is carried out in specialized children's institutions. Children who have level 3 speech underdevelopment attend classes in special education classes, and from the last level – general education classes.

What does the examination involve?

Speech underdevelopment is diagnosed in preschool children, and the earlier this happens, the easier it will be to correct this deviation. First of all, the speech therapist conducts a preliminary diagnosis, that is, he gets acquainted with the results of the child’s examination by other children’s specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, neurologist, psychologist, etc.). After this, he finds out in detail from the parents how the child’s speech development is proceeding.

The next stage of the examination is oral speech diagnostics. Here the speech therapist clarifies the extent to which the various language components have been formed:

  1. The degree of development of coherent speech (for example, the ability to compose a story using illustrations, retell).
  2. Level of grammatical processes (formation of various word forms, agreement of words, construction of sentences).

Next we study sound side of speech: what features does the speech apparatus have, what is sound pronunciation, how developed is the sound content of words and syllable structure, how does the child reproduce sounds. Since speech underdevelopment is a very difficult diagnosis to correct, children with OSD undergo a full examination of all mental processes (including auditory-verbal memory).

Identification of OHP requires highly qualified specialists, as well as the availability of examination results by other pediatric specialists

Based on the examination data, the speech therapist makes a final conclusion about the level of speech development in the child and other mental processes closely related to it. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis, since the signs of underdevelopment of speech are very similar to another deviation - delayed speech development, when only the tempo is insufficiently developed, and the formation of linguistic means proceeds within normal limits.

Preventive actions

General underdevelopment of speech can be corrected, although it is not so simple and takes a long time. Classes begin from early preschool age, preferably from 3-4 years. Correctional and developmental work is carried out in special institutions and has different directions depending on the degree of speech development of the child and individual characteristics.

To prevent speech underdevelopment, the same techniques are used as for the deviations that cause it (dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia). The role of the family is also important. Parents need to contribute as actively as possible to the speech and general development of their child, so that even mild speech development does not manifest itself and become an obstacle to the full development of the school curriculum in the future.

Lately, children have often experienced speech underdevelopment. It can occur in different ways and in different stages. In any case, correctional work with children is necessary, which consists of individual and group work with children. One of the most dangerous stages is level 2 OHP. How to recognize this disease in a child?


Grades 1 and 2 ONR are considered the most severe. In general, speech disorders manifest themselves in inconsistency of words, sometimes in the absence of sounds and meanings of speech. Subsequently, oral language deficiencies will manifest themselves in dysgraphia and dyslexia at school.

Speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • gestures, babble;
  • sometimes simple sentences appear;
  • poverty of vocabulary, and the words that the child knows are very similar in meaning;
  • difficulties with speech coherence, plurals and cases are often missing;
  • sound pronunciation is distorted, the child replaces sounds and pronounces them unclearly.

What can a child who is diagnosed with speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree do?

  • pronounces simple words, similar in meaning (fly, beetle, insects; tuffy shoes, sneakers, boots, etc.), i.e. one word combines several concepts;
  • has difficulty naming parts of the body, objects, dishes, words with a diminutive meaning (most often such words are absent or present in limited quantities);
  • has difficulty identifying the characteristics of an object (what it is made of, color, taste, smell);
  • composes a story or retells it only after leading questions from an adult;
  • statements are unclear, sounds are distorted.

The characteristics of OHP make us think about why such violations occur. The reasons, as a rule, lie in the physiological sphere and do not always depend on the mother or her child:

  • hypoxia during pregnancy time or childbirth;
  • asphyxia;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • head injuries.

The correctional work ahead of the speech therapist and the child’s parents is very painstaking. It is necessary to form a speech according to the model practically from scratch. How are correctional classes conducted?

Working with a speech therapist

If by the age of 3-4 years the child’s speech is not developing, it is necessary to visit a speech therapist and neurologist. Diagnosis and characterization of OHP is carried out by several specialists.

A neurologist will help determine the cause. If treatment or additional vitamin supplementation is needed, the doctor will prescribe medications to stimulate speech centers and the nervous system as a whole. To determine what medications your baby may need, you will need to do an MRI of the brain. However, such analysis is not always required. Sometimes, after a conversation with the mother, a neurologist becomes quite clear why speech is not developing and how the child and his family can be helped to cope with the illness.

After a visit to a neurologist, a consultation with a speech therapist is necessary. If possible, classes should be continued individually or in special speech correction groups. What will the teacher do with the baby?

The general direction will be to develop speech activity and its understanding, the formation of phrases, sound pronunciation, clarification of how words are pronounced, and the use of lexical and grammatical forms.

The speech therapist may need the help of the family, because several sessions a week may not be enough to develop speech. The speech therapist can demonstrate to the mother the direction of work in the family circle. For example, to correct sound pronunciation, you will need to constantly ask the child to pronounce the word in a chant, while everyone in the house should speak the same way.

In more detail, correctional work will consist of the following exercises:

  • Pronouncing difficult-to-pronounce words in a sing-song manner, drawlingly, so that the child hears all the sounds and can repeat them. It is advisable that everyone around the child, and not just in class, speak in this manner. This will allow the child to better grasp the sound composition of words.
  • Learning words into thematic groups based on pictures. For example, a speech therapist shows the child pictures of pets and clearly names them, forcing the child to repeat the names. So the child gradually begins to systematize the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world.
  • Comparison of identical grammatical forms of different words belonging to the same part of speech. For example, we rode: on a sled, in a car, on a slide, etc.
  • The same is done with verb forms: Kolya wrote - Kolya writes - Kolya will write.
  • Practicing changes in nouns using numbers. The teacher shows images of objects in singular and plural, names them and asks the child to show them.
  • Separate work is carried out with prepositions. The speech therapist substitutes them into phrases that are similar in structure, for example: going to the forest, visiting, up the mountain, etc.
  • Work on distinguishing voiced and voiceless sounds, distinguishing them in speech.
  • Determining the sound in a word by ear for the development of phonemic awareness.

It is best if classes with children with stage 2 speech underdevelopment take place individually with a speech therapist. You should not deny children communication with other children, which is extremely important for them. In this communication, speech will be formed, the desire to construct a phrase and convey information to other children.

It is known that a child communicates completely differently with adults and with his peers. With the latter he feels freer, his interests coincide with them. If your child with OSD does not attend kindergarten, the reason for the underdevelopment of speech may lie, among other things, in a lack of communication. Try to enroll your child in a development group, a children's club, where they try to comprehensively develop children. A social circle will appear here, and an artistic perception of the world, songs, and physical activity will create an optimal environment for improving speech.


It is very difficult to predict how a child’s speech will develop. Much depends on the degree of development of the disease and the cause that provoked it.

You need to start work as early as possible. Already at three years old, if the baby does not speak or makes inarticulate sounds, it should be clear to parents that they need to go to an appointment with a neurologist. Without a specific diagnosis and drug treatment, even intensive sessions with a speech therapist may be powerless.

If all the necessary measures have been taken and OHP is not running, there is hope that the child will begin to speak. However, his further education in a public school becomes impossible. Parents will either have to educate him at home or send him to a specialized educational institution for children with speech problems.

Much depends on the baby’s temperament and sociability. In many ways, they determine how well he will fit into the school community, find a common language with his peers, and how teachers will treat him.

Corrective work with children with speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. Parents do not need to intervene in the process or try to solve the problem themselves. It’s even more scary to let problems take their course. The baby needs qualified help, otherwise he will have problems with contacts in the future.

General speech underdevelopment(ONR) - a violation of the formation of all aspects of speech (sound, lexico-grammatical, semantic) in various complex speech disorders in children with normal intelligence and full hearing. Manifestations of OHP depend on the level of immaturity of the components of the speech system and can vary from the complete absence of commonly used speech to the presence of coherent speech with residual elements of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical underdevelopment. OHP is identified during a special speech therapy examination. Correction of OHP involves the development of speech understanding, enrichment of vocabulary, formation of phrasal speech, grammatical structure of the language, full sound pronunciation, etc.

General speech underdevelopment (GSD)

The history of children with OHP often reveals intrauterine hypoxia, Rh conflict, birth injuries, asphyxia; in early childhood - traumatic brain injuries, frequent infections, chronic diseases. An unfavorable speech environment, lack of attention and communication further inhibit the course of speech development.
All children with general speech underdevelopment are characterized by a late appearance of the first words - by 3-4, sometimes by 5 years. Speech activity of children is reduced; speech has incorrect sound and grammatical design and is difficult to understand. Due to defective speech activity, memory, attention, cognitive activity, and mental operations suffer. Children with OHP are characterized by insufficient development of motor coordination; general, fine and speech motor skills.

OHP level 1.

In children with OHP level 1 phrasal speech is not formed. In communication, children use babbling words, one-word sentences, supplemented by facial expressions and gestures, the meaning of which is incomprehensible outside the situation. The vocabulary of children with level 1 SLD is sharply limited; mainly includes individual sound complexes, onomatopoeia and some everyday words. With OHP level 1, impressive speech also suffers: children do not understand the meaning of many words and grammatical categories. There is a gross violation of the syllabic structure of the word: more often children reproduce only sound complexes consisting of one or two syllables. The articulation is unclear, the pronunciation of sounds is unstable, many of them are inaccessible for pronunciation. Phonemic processes in children with level 1 ODD are rudimentary: phonemic hearing is grossly impaired, and the task of phonemic analysis of a word is unclear and impossible for the child.

OHP level 2.

In the speech of children with OHP level 2, along with babbling and gestures, simple sentences consisting of 2-3 words appear. However, the statements are poor and of the same type in content; express objects and actions more often. At level 2 OHP, there is a significant lag in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the vocabulary from the age norm: children do not know the meaning of many words, replacing them with similar meanings. The grammatical structure of speech is not formed: children do not use case forms correctly, experience difficulties in coordinating parts of speech, using singular and plural numbers, prepositions, etc. Children with level 2 OHP continue to have reduced pronunciation of words with simple and complex syllable structure , a confluence of consonants. Sound pronunciation is characterized by multiple distortions, substitutions and mixtures of sounds. Phonemic perception at level 2 OHP is characterized by severe insufficiency; Children are not ready for sound analysis and synthesis.

OHP level 3.

Children with OHP level 3 They use detailed phrasal speech, but in speech they use mainly simple sentences, having difficulty constructing complex ones. Speech understanding is close to normal; difficulties arise in understanding and mastering complex grammatical forms (participial and adverbial phrases) and logical connections (spatial, temporal, cause-and-effect relationships). The volume of vocabulary in children with level 3 ODD increases significantly: children use almost all parts of speech in speech (to a greater extent - nouns and verbs, to a lesser extent - adjectives and adverbs); typically inaccurate use of object names. Children make mistakes in the use of prepositions, agreement of parts of speech, use of case endings and stresses. The sound content and syllabic structure of words suffers only in difficult cases. With level 3 OHP, sound pronunciation and phonemic perception are still impaired, but to a lesser extent.

OHP level 4.

At OHP level 4 children experience specific difficulties in sound pronunciation and repetition of words with complex syllabic composition, have a low level of phonemic awareness, and make mistakes in word formation and inflection. The vocabulary of children with level 4 ODD is quite diverse, however, children do not always accurately know and understand the meaning of rare words, antonyms and synonyms, proverbs and sayings, etc. In independent speech, children with level 4 ODD experience difficulties in logical presentation of events, they often miss the main thing and get stuck on minor details, repeating what was said earlier.

Causes of OHP in children:

  • infection or intoxication (early or late toxicosis) of the mother during pregnancy,
  • incompatibility of the blood of mother and fetus due to Rh factor or group affiliation,
  • pathology of the natal (birth) period (birth injuries and pathology during childbirth),
  • diseases of the central nervous system and brain injuries in the first years of a child’s life
  • unfavorable conditions of education and training, mental deprivation.

Manifestations and diagnosis of general speech underdevelopment.

Despite the fact that OSD can accompany various forms of speech pathologies, children have typical manifestations that indicate systemic disorders of speech activity:
  • later onset of speech: the first words appear by 3-4, and sometimes by 5 years;
  • speech is agrammatic and insufficiently phonetically designed;
  • the child, understanding the speech addressed to him, cannot correctly voice his thoughts;
  • The speech of children with general speech underdevelopment is difficult to understand.
  • low speech activity;
  • criticality to speech failure;
  • uneven speech and mental development
All children with OHP always have a violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, and a pronounced lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

Treatment of OHP

One of the components of complex treatment of OPD is systematic sessions with a speech therapist. Speech therapy massage is also carried out to help normalize speech muscles to improve sound pronunciation. In addition, microcurrent reflexology and drug treatment OHP nootropics.


You can get more detailed information
by phone 8-800-22-22-602 (calls within RUSSIA are free)
Microcurrent reflexology for the treatment of OHP levels 1, 2, 3, 4 carried out only in the divisions of "Reatsentr" in Russia in the cities: Samara, Kazan, Volgograd, Orenburg, Togliatti, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Izhevsk, Ufa, Astrakhan, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Kemerovo, Kaliningrad, Barnaul, Chelyabinsk, Almaty , Tashkent.

The transition to the second level of speech development (the rudiments of common speech) is marked by the fact that, in addition to gestures and babbling words, although distorted, but fairly constant common words appear (“Alyazai. Alyazai children kill. Kaputn, lidome, lyabaka. Litya surrender the land.” - Harvest. Children harvest. Cabbages, tomatoes, apples fall to the ground.

At the same time, a distinction is made between some grammatical forms. However, this occurs only in relation to words with stressed endings (table-tables; sing-sing) and relating only to some grammatical categories. This process is still quite unstable, and gross underdevelopment of speech in these children is quite pronounced.

Children's statements are usually poor; the child is limited to listing directly perceived objects and actions.

The story based on the picture and the questions is built primitively, on short, although grammatically more correct, phrases than in children of the first level. At the same time, insufficient development of the grammatical structure of speech is easily detected when the speech material becomes more complex or when the need arises to use words and phrases that the child rarely uses in everyday life.

The forms of number, gender and case for such children essentially do not have a meaningful function. The word change is random in nature, and therefore many different errors are made when using it (“I’m playing mint” - I’m playing with a ball).

Words are often used in a narrow sense, the level of verbal generalization is very low. The same word can be used to name many objects that are similar in shape, purpose or other characteristics (ant, fly, spider, beetle - in one situation - one of these words, in another - another; a cup, glass is designated by any of these words). The limited vocabulary is confirmed by ignorance of many words denoting parts of an object (branches, trunk, roots of a tree), dishes (dish, tray, mug), vehicles (helicopter, powerboat), baby animals (squirrels, hedgehogs, foxes), etc.

There is a lag in the use of words-attributes of objects denoting shape, color, material. Substitutions of word names often appear due to the commonality of situations (cuts-tears, sharpens-cuts). During a special examination, gross errors in the use of grammatical forms are noted:

1. replacement of case endings (“rolled gokam” - rides on a slide);

2. errors in the use of number forms and gender of verbs (“Kolya pityala” - Kolya wrote); when changing nouns by numbers (“da pamidka” - two pyramids, “de kafi” - two cabinets);

3. lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns (“asin adas” - red

pencil, “asin eta” - red ribbon, “asin aso” - red

wheel, “pat kuka” - five dolls, “tinya pato” - blue coat,

“tiny cube” - blue cube; “Tinya Kota” - blue jacket).

Children make many mistakes when using prepositional constructions: often prepositions are omitted altogether, while the noun is used in its original form (“Kadas ladyt ayopka” - The pencil lies in the box), prepositions can also be replaced (“The notebook fell and thawed” - The notebook fell from the table ).

Conjunctions and particles are rarely used in speech.

The pronunciation capabilities of children lag significantly behind the age norm: there is a violation in the pronunciation of soft and hard sounds, hissing, whistling, sonorant, voiced and voiceless (“tupans” - tulips, “Sina” - Zina, “tyava” - owl, etc. ); gross violations in the transmission of words of different syllabic composition. The most typical reduction in the number of syllables (“teviki” - snowmen).

When reproducing words, the sound content is grossly violated: rearrangements of syllables, sounds, replacement and assimilation of syllables, abbreviations of sounds when consonants coincide (“rotnik” - collar, “tena” - wall, “vimet” - bear) are noted.

An in-depth examination of children makes it easy to identify insufficient phonemic hearing, their unpreparedness to master the skills of sound analysis and synthesis (it is difficult for a child to correctly select a picture with a given sound, determine the position of a sound in a word, etc.). Under the influence of special correctional training, children move to a new - III level of speech development, which allows them to expand their verbal communication with others.

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is a deviation in the development of children, which manifests itself in the immaturity of the sound and semantic aspects of speech. At the same time, there is underdevelopment of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic processes, and there is no coherent pronunciation. OSD in preschool children is more common (40% of the total) than other speech pathologies. General underdevelopment of speech should be taken very seriously, since without correction it is fraught with consequences such as dysgraphia and dyslexia (various writing disorders).

Symptoms of OPD in a child should be taken seriously, as it can lead to a whole range of problems.

  • Level 1 OHP – complete absence of coherent speech.
  • Level 2 OHP - the child exhibits the initial elements of common speech, but the vocabulary is very poor, the child makes many mistakes in the use of words.
  • Level 3 OHP - the child can construct sentences, but the sound and semantic aspects are not yet sufficiently developed.
  • Level 4 OHP - the child speaks well, with only a few shortcomings in pronunciation and phrase construction.

In children with general speech underdevelopment, pathologies are most often detected that were acquired in utero or during childbirth: hypoxia, asphyxia, trauma during childbirth, Rh conflict. In early childhood, underdevelopment of speech can be a consequence of traumatic brain injuries, frequent infections, or any chronic diseases.

OHP is diagnosed by the age of 3, although the “preconditions” for speech underdevelopment can be formed even during pregnancy and childbirth

When a child has general speech underdevelopment of any degree, he begins to talk quite late - at 3 years old, some - only at 5 years old. Even when the child begins to pronounce the first words, he pronounces many sounds unclearly, the words have an irregular shape, he speaks indistinctly, and even close people have difficulty understanding him (see also:). Such speech cannot be called coherent. Since the formation of pronunciation occurs incorrectly, this negatively affects other aspects of development - memory, attention, thought processes, cognitive activity and even motor coordination.

Speech underdevelopment is corrected after the level is determined. Its characteristics and diagnosis directly determine what measures will need to be taken. Now we give a more detailed description of each level.

1st level OHP

Children of level 1 OHP do not know how to form phrases and construct sentences:

  • They use a very limited vocabulary, with the bulk of this vocabulary consisting of only individual sounds and onomatopoeic words, as well as a few of the simplest, most frequently heard words.
  • The sentences they can use are one word long, and most words are babbling, like a baby's.
  • They accompany their conversation with facial expressions and gestures that are understandable only in this situation.
  • Such children do not understand the meaning of many words; they often rearrange syllables in words and, instead of a full word, pronounce only a part of it, consisting of 1-2 syllables.
  • The child pronounces sounds very vaguely and indistinctly, and is not able to reproduce some of them at all. Other processes associated with working with sounds are also difficult for him: distinguishing sounds and highlighting individual ones, combining them into a word, recognizing sounds in words.

The speech development program for the first stage of OHP should include an integrated approach aimed at developing the speech centers of the brain

At level 1 OHP in a child, first of all it is necessary to develop an understanding of what he hears. It is equally important to stimulate the skills and desire to independently build a monologue and dialogue, as well as develop other mental processes that are directly related to speech activity (memory, logical thinking, attention, observation). Correct sound pronunciation at this stage is not as important as grammar, that is, the construction of words, word forms, endings, and the use of prepositions.

Level 2 OHP

At the 2nd level of OHP, children, in addition to incoherent speech babble and gestures, already demonstrate the ability to construct simple sentences from 2-3 words, although their meaning is primitive and expresses, most often, only a description of an object or an action.

  • Many words are replaced by synonyms, since the child has difficulty determining their meaning.
  • He also experiences certain difficulties with grammar - he pronounces endings incorrectly, inserts prepositions inappropriately, poorly coordinates words with each other, confuses the singular and plural, and makes other grammatical errors.
  • The child still pronounces sounds unclearly, distorts, mixes, and replaces one with another. The child still practically does not know how to distinguish individual sounds and determine the sound composition of a word, as well as combine them into whole words.

Features of correctional work at level 2, ONR consists of the development of speech activity and meaningful perception of what is heard. Much attention is paid to the rules of grammar and vocabulary - replenishing vocabulary, observing language norms, and correct use of words. The child learns to construct phrases correctly. Work is also being done on the correct pronunciation of sounds, various errors and shortcomings are corrected - rearranging sounds, replacing some with others, learning to pronounce missing sounds and other nuances.

At the second level of OHP, it is also important to include phonetics, that is, work with sounds and their correct pronunciation

Level 3 OHP

Children of level 3 OHP can already speak in detailed phrases, but mostly construct only simple sentences, not yet able to cope with complex ones.

  • Such children understand well what others are talking about, but still find it difficult to perceive complex speech patterns (for example, participles and participles) and logical connections (cause-and-effect relationships, spatial and temporal connections).
  • The vocabulary of children with level 3 speech underdevelopment is significantly expanded. They know and use all the major parts of speech, although nouns and verbs dominate their conversation over adjectives and adverbs. However, the child may still make mistakes when naming objects.
  • There is also the incorrect use of prepositions and endings, accents, and incorrect coordination of words with each other.
  • Rearranging syllables in words and replacing some sounds with others is already extremely rare, only in the most severe cases.
  • The pronunciation of sounds and their distinction in words, although impaired, is in a simpler form.

Level 3 speech underdevelopment suggests activities that develop coherent speech. The vocabulary and grammar of oral speech are improved, the mastered principles of phonetics are consolidated. Now children are already preparing to learn to read and write. You can use special educational games.

Level 4 OHP

Level 4 OHP, or a mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, is characterized by a fairly large and varied vocabulary, although the child has difficulties understanding the meanings of rare words.

  • Children cannot always understand the meaning of a proverb or the essence of an antonym. The repetition of words that are complex in composition, as well as the pronunciation of some difficult-to-pronounce combinations of sounds, can also create problems.
  • Children with mild general speech underdevelopment are still poorly able to determine the sound composition of a word and make mistakes when forming words and word forms.
  • They get confused when they have to present events on their own; they may miss the main thing and pay undue attention to the secondary, or repeat what they have already said.

Level 4, characterized by a mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, is the final stage of correction classes, after which children reach the necessary norms of speech development of preschool age and are ready to enter school. All skills and abilities still need to be developed and improved. This applies to the rules of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary. The ability to construct phrases and sentences is actively developing. Speech underdevelopment at this stage should no longer exist, and children begin to master reading and writing.

The first two forms of speech underdevelopment are considered severe, so their correction is carried out in specialized children's institutions. Children who have level 3 speech underdevelopment attend classes in special education classes, and from the last level – general education classes.

What does the examination involve?

Speech underdevelopment is diagnosed in preschool children, and the earlier this happens, the easier it will be to correct this deviation. First of all, the speech therapist conducts a preliminary diagnosis, that is, he gets acquainted with the results of the child’s examination by other children’s specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, neurologist, psychologist, etc.). After this, he finds out in detail from the parents how the child’s speech development is proceeding.

The next stage of the examination is oral speech diagnostics. Here the speech therapist clarifies the extent to which the various language components have been formed:

  1. The degree of development of coherent speech (for example, the ability to compose a story using illustrations, retell).
  2. Level of grammatical processes (formation of various word forms, agreement of words, construction of sentences).

Next we study sound side of speech: what features does the speech apparatus have, what is sound pronunciation, how developed is the sound content of words and syllable structure, how does the child reproduce sounds. Since speech underdevelopment is a very difficult diagnosis to correct, children with OSD undergo a full examination of all mental processes (including auditory-verbal memory).

Identification of OHP requires highly qualified specialists, as well as the availability of examination results by other pediatric specialists

Preventive actions

General underdevelopment of speech can be corrected, although it is not so simple and takes a long time. Classes begin from early preschool age, preferably from 3-4 years old (see also:). Correctional and developmental work is carried out in special institutions and has different directions depending on the degree of speech development of the child and individual characteristics.

To prevent speech underdevelopment, the same techniques are used as for the deviations that cause it (dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia). The role of the family is also important. Parents need to contribute as actively as possible to the speech and general development of their child, so that even mild speech development does not manifest itself and become an obstacle to the full development of the school curriculum in the future.