Characteristic zodiac sign will be incomplete without taking into account the year of birth and, accordingly, the symbol according to Chinese horoscope. More correct to describe the character of Virgo ( August 23 – September 22) there will be a combination of the properties of the sign according to the Western and Eastern astrological systems.

Year of the Rat

Rat plus Virgo results in scrupulousness and commercialism, combined with increased intuition. The astrological characteristics of the sign include high speed of thinking and determination.

The Rat with the sign of Virgo is often secretive even to his family. But these people are surrounded by friends and loving family, they know how to lead. The Rat does not tolerate deception and achieves its goals by honest methods.

The Rat man becomes a successful businessman or a lucky player on the stock exchange. The Rat woman knows how and loves to work with large volumes of information; she likes to sort everything into shelves and systematize it. She will make a smart accountant or economist. In the family, the Rat likes to decide everything on his own and criticize his spouse. However, having become a mother, the Rat becomes more feminine and soft.

Year of the Ox

(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Virgo, born in the year of the Ox, has a difficult character. Astrologers believe that the Ox with this sign is distinguished by perseverance, self-confidence and the need for a reliable rear.

The Ox is a pragmatist, so he doesn’t like to have his head in the clouds. Its activities must be profitable and provide useful product. In the family, the Ox is the owner; he is irritated by attempts at flirting on the part of his other half.

The Ox man is careful and calm at work, he is a conservative, so you should not expect anything from him non-standard solutions or innovations. The Virgo Ox woman often suffers from a tendency to self-sacrifice. The husband should limit her a little in this. In bed, the Ox with the sign of Virgo is quite liberated, but devoid of romance.

Year of the Tiger

(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

The characteristics of Virgo, born in the year of the Tiger, are somewhat different from the standard description of the sign. The Tiger loves to communicate, thinks creatively and strives for a balance between family and career.

The tiger combines seemingly incompatible qualities. Virgo's patience and caution are complemented by the tiger's resourcefulness and luck. The tiger comes up with a brilliant idea, carefully calculates everything and achieves success. The male tiger is devoted to the family and takes responsibility to work. Lady Tiger easily achieves her goals and appreciates intellectual conversations.

Year of the Rabbit (Cat)

(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

The Rabbit (Cat) softens Virgo's character, but enhances her prudence. The sensitive and irritable sign sometimes needs solitude.

Virgo plus Rabbit (Cat) gives shyness in society and closeness from unfamiliar people. The Rabbit (Cat) man can be wasteful, but only towards loved ones. The Rabbit (Cat) woman can be intrusive, but this is compensated by her caring and affection.

Year of the Dragon

(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

The dragon complements the qualities of the sign well. Characteristics of a person with this combination include the ability to lead people and selectivity in communication.

The Virgo dragon can cross ethical standards to achieve the desired goal. Thanks to the flexibility of thinking, the Dragon easily solves problems, which is why he climbs high up the career ladder. A man often becomes a strict boss and father. The Dragon woman is very devoted in love, but falls in love gradually.

Year of the Snake

(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

The combination of Snake and Virgo produces an explosive mixture. The characteristics of astrologers note the presence of a sign developed intuition and analytical thinking. The snake is critical of the world and itself. These are responsible and enterprising people who gradually realize their ambitions in a successful business. The Snake woman is beautiful, smart and vindictive, it is impossible to fool her. The Snake plus Virgo man is punctual and neat, he is surrounded by friends and fans.

Year of the Horse

(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

The characteristics of Virgo, born in the year of the Horse, include such properties of nature as increased emotionality and attachment to the family. The horse can waste its strength in vain; it needs a wise leader to achieve success. The Virgo horse loves to travel and does not tolerate restrictions. The man has a hot temperament and observes family loyalty. The female horse likes to get upset over trifles, but quickly returns to a good mood.

Year of the Goat

(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Virgos born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) always know what they want and confidently go towards their goal. The Goat (Sheep) loves to give advice, because of this, its company can be unpleasant. People of these signs do not sit idle, preferring mental work. The Goat (Sheep) man knows how to earn money and values ​​money. The Goat (Sheep) woman is convincing and charming, but she is spoiled by some arrogance and mannerisms.

Year of the Monkey

(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Virgos born in the year of the Monkey know how to relax and work. They know how to find a common language with different people, so working in a large team suits them. The Monkey is a good organizer and generator of ideas. The Monkey man becomes a good boss or a successful businessman.

The Monkey woman, unlike the “classical” Virgo, is prone to frivolous romantic relationships. People with this combination of signs often suffer from fussiness and an inability to concentrate.

Year of the Rooster

(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Rooster is significantly different in character from the Virgo. Together, these signs create a bright, but self-doubting personality.

The Rooster strives for new achievements and improves its professional level. The male rooster achieves significant success in commerce and financial sulfur. The Rooster woman is somewhat talkative; she does not accept refusal, so she achieves what she wants, despite obstacles.

Year of the Dog

(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

The dog enhances the devotion and hard work characteristic of Virgo. Representatives of these signs are very kind to others, but when threatened, they are ready to show their teeth and defend their interests. The dog makes Virgo's character simpler, reducing the tendency to criticize and judge. The Dog man is a good leader who makes balanced and thoughtful decisions. The female dog is prone to frequent expressions of emotions and has creative thinking.

Year of the Pig (Boar)

(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Virgo, born in the year of the Pig (Boar), does not consider money to be the main thing in life. For people with a similar combination of signs, the attitude of loved ones and the workforce towards them is important. The Pig (Boar) does not tolerate injustice and deception; sometimes it can flare up in a fit of rage, but quickly cools down.

The Pig (Boar) man is a loyal family man and a good friend. The Pig (Boar) woman opens up only with close people, so at first glance she may seem somewhat arrogant.

Not the Bull. Overly cautious.

Eastern horoscope: year of the ox/buffalo
Zodiac horoscope: Virgo sign

Virgo brings even more thoroughness to the attentive Ox, and such perfectionism is usually annoying. Virgo-Oxen always criticize everything and are often conservative to the point of eccentricity.

People born under the sign of the Ox are quite calm people with moderate caution. Ox-Virgo men and women are naturally tolerant people; they try not to be intrusive or demanding. These are self-sufficient people who rarely lose their cool.

Virgo-Ox has a cheerful and friendly character, these people like to help others. They are kind, caring and reasonable people. It may take many years of life for them to learn to say no sometimes without feeling guilty. They need a partner who will help these men and women strike a balance between generosity and their own needs.

Friends are of great importance to these people. They are happiest when they start long-term personal relationships. This does not mean that they need marriage, they just prefer to be in a couple. As parents, these people have endless kindness and patience. They value the family environment highly and will be very protective of their partners and children.

In work, these people are drawn to professions that will stimulate the intellect and will not be too monotonous. They need variety in life, at work and in personal relationships. IN free time they prefer sports such as walking, swimming and cycling. They like it a large number of air and exercise. Their passion for nature makes them gardeners or lovers of scenic walks.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that at times they can be dictatorial and overly confident. They can be extremely stubborn and impolite.

The Virgo Ox is extremely conservative and stable; he is opposed to any changes, no matter what aspect of life they concern. He only has milk on his mind and he works tirelessly for its benefit.

The Virgo Ox man guards his territory with real passion, not allowing any strangers to get close to his loved ones and offend them in any way. Virgo bull women are always punctual, collected and disciplined.

Usually, the buffalo maiden, even in her youth, determines her areas of interest and constantly improves in them. He never gets scattered or distracted, he chooses everything once and for all. This person is not very sociable, but he is not a loner either. He is a great pedant and neat guy.

The Virgo Ox is generously gifted with natural sexuality, but often struggles with this quality, believing that it distracts from business. He has a huge sense of responsibility - it is simply unthinkable for him not to complete the assigned work on time.

Character of Oxen-Virgo women: They will always experience negative impact this day. If they have a good start and upbringing, they will be able to overcome the vibrations of this day. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to realize their good character traits. They can become an excellent support for the disadvantaged and offended. They are strong-willed, moral and overly responsible. And this creates the basis for their social elevation.

The character of these women is very complex; incompatible qualities cannot be combined. They can be especially sensitive to strangers, but sometimes they show indifference to their loved ones. They have difficulty accepting reality, which creates difficulties in all areas of life. Realizing positive qualities will allow them to become surrounded by other people. You shouldn’t completely give up communication to avoid becoming lonely.

Oxen Women - Virgos in Love and Relationships: IN early age relationships with the opposite sex allow them to discover other character traits in themselves. In particular, they can become open and empathetic people. However, the disappointment of first love leaves an imprint on them for life. They should tune in to a serious relationship in adulthood. They will be able to find a suitable partner and become happy.

Oxen women - Virgos in finance and career: Career does not play a big role for them. However, their strong character traits and professionalism allow them to reach top leadership positions. They easily achieve career positions. The financial side of career advancement is not a goal for them, but they joyfully accept the opportunity to obtain funds for a good and pleasant life. In this area of ​​life they are always prosperous.

Oxen - Virgo women in family and marriage: In the family, these women occupy a leadership position. They can become happy if they think about what happiness is. If their standards are not too high, they will be able to find relaxation in the family. They will feel warm and comfortable, despite their desire to always be in the center of society. The birth of children will be an interesting event for them, but they will be the ones who will be able to return them to the family and get rid of all negative character traits.

Advice for Oxen-Virgo women: These women should stop being too demanding of themselves. You cannot put your happiness above the happiness of other people. It is also worth rethinking happiness, understanding that it is nearby, and not somewhere in the distant future. Worldly wisdom will help them receive more bonuses. By accepting these recommendations, these women will be able to surround themselves with the closest and dearest people. They will be more comfortable living in such an environment and accept possible happiness.

Since ancient times, learned astrologers have noticed that there is a relationship between the year, month, date, place of birth and the character of a person, his predisposition to a certain job, or to building a special type of family. Therefore, it is very important when interacting with people, or recruiting personnel, choosing a close friend or loved one, to pay attention to indicators such as the horoscope and the eastern calendar.

The eastern horoscope divides all people into 12 types of animals, depending on the year of the lunar calendar. Bulls include those born between January 1949 and February 1950, from February 1961 to February 1962, from February 1973 to January 1974, from February 1985 to February 1986 , from February 1997 to January 1998, from January 2009 to February 2010. The next small bulls will appear in 2021.

Women and bull men are distinguished by their special tenacity, perseverance, justice and honesty. They are fanatical about rules. Perfectionists in detail. They love their family and take care of it. The work is also valued and a lot of effort is put into it. Below we will talk in more detail about women and girls born in the year of the Ox.

Oxen girls are hardworking and do not show as many emotions as representatives of other signs. Very reasonable. But this is only on the surface. The Ox woman is, in fact, a very reverent creature. She treats her family and friends with great love and care. If you become her partner or close friend, then this is forever.

Ox woman personality characteristics

Bull girls have fundamental character traits that cannot be confused with any other sign of the eastern calendar:

  • Persistence;
  • Stubbornness;
  • Strong personal beliefs;
  • Fanaticism for work and family;
  • Comprehensive care for others;
  • The persistence of her love;
  • Workaholism;
  • Practicality;
  • Reliability;
  • Having leadership qualities.

Among the bull women there are many celebrities who worked hard at achieving success. Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher, Madeleine Albright, Meryl Streep, Jessica Lange, Jane Fonda and Barbara Cartland, and many others.

Personal characteristics of a woman born in the year of the ox:

  • Favorite color - blue, purple and its shades, red;
  • Favorite numbers are one and nine;
  • Favorite flowers are tulips and peonies, and the Ox woman, according to her zodiac sign, loves the smell of sage, pine trees, spruce trees, she likes rhododendrons;
  • Favorite time of day is from one in the morning to three, they say about these pre-dawn minutes - “The Time of the Ox”;
  • My favorite time of year is winter, and especially the month of January;
  • The zodiac sign related in characteristics to the bull woman is Capricorn, a brother in stubbornness and perseverance;
  • Countries that correspond to the Ox in the astrological location, and in which the Ox girl will feel comfortable - from the Southern Hemisphere: New Zealand, Venezuela, from the Northern Hemisphere - Nigeria, Syria, Jordan, Palestine;
  • Signs with which there is compatibility - Rat, Pig, Rooster, Cat;
  • They do not get along well with those born in the year - Goats, Snakes, Horses;
  • Least favorite colors - white, green, black;
  • Unlucky numbers are three and four.

Woman born in the year of the ox

Everyone tries to make friends with a woman with the characteristics of a bull. She is attractive as a friend and acquaintance. Honest, loyal, does not like to gossip and does not support when others gossip. You can trust her with any secret, and it will not go beyond the scope of your conversation. The bull girl will support you both with advice and deeds. If you have become a close friend to her, then know that you will not find a more reliable accomplice.

There is indeed a minus. If you betray her once, she will not forgive you. And he will stay away from you. And don’t try to prick her yet, the bull’s anger is terrible and dangerous. Be afraid!

How to win a bull woman

If you like a bull girl, don't try to win her over with machismo. She doesn't like unnecessary dandyism. It is better to charm her with sincerity and care. Wrap her up in a warm blanket and bring her aromatic coffee, or prepare it for her. tasty breakfast- this is something that an Ox woman will appreciate and be grateful to you. Make sure that she has an umbrella on a rainy day, so that she has time to have lunch, so that she doesn’t wander around late at night if her boss keeps her at work. A nice SMS or a bouquet of flowers will also please her.

But all this will only work if the woman born in the year of the ox is favorable to you. If such a beauty has not identified you as “her forever”, it is unlikely that you will be able to reach her. Such girls try not to waste time on trifles, and will not flirt for no reason. The Ox woman is looking for a permanent partner and a stable relationship.

Also, you should not waste money; due to her excessive practicality, the Ox Woman cannot look at spending money without pain. It is important for her that the money does not run out and there is always a reserve for a rainy day. This girl can't stand Motov. Better give it to her new phone or a practical branded handbag, something to show off in Michelin-starred restaurants.

Ox woman career horoscope

Although beautiful bulls have leadership qualities, they do not strive for leadership positions. They are hardworking and diligent, able to work for free for the benefit of the company. They put their soul into all the projects in which they are involved, but if they stop feeling comfortable with the team, they will leave. And nothing can stop a girl with the zodiac sign of the bull. She works better alone than with people who are stressed for no reason or reason.

As for money, this is not an unimportant factor when choosing a place to work. Even if the bull girl doesn’t like the profession itself, but it brings in quite a bit of income, she will choose it without hesitation. Such women do not strive for diamonds and Chrysler cars, but the money should regularly trickle into the account and in the future provide a comfortable old age for her and a good education for her children.

The field of activity where the personal qualities of a workaholic bull can be applied starts from waitership and ends with the economic department in a large corporation. Women With characteristics of the bull according to the horoscope capable of much. To be good sellers, consultants, managers, hotel managers, curators in art galleries, creative mentors. These wonderful, creative and enterprising ladies can do anything.

Ox woman in love and family

A woman who is a bull according to her horoscope does not like to show her feelings and emotions in front of strangers, so some people think that she is cold and inaccessible. But for the man who picked up the key to her heart, the Snow Queen will open up from a completely different side. She will be passionate both in bed and at the stove. A bull woman by zodiac sign will not allow her beloved to be hungry both sexually and gastronomically. The beauty's kitchen delights can go so far as to discuss with his mother the dishes that are best for him. young man cook to make him feel comfortable, like at home.

The Ox woman is those partners whom everyone advises to marry. They will not cheat, they will not betray, they will not leave with your friend. You can safely rely on them and leave the children and the cat under supervision. They are capable of falling in love once and to the death. There are even cases when they marry their “first love” and live happily ever after.

They will always experience the negative impact of this zodiac sign. If they have a good start and upbringing, they will be able to overcome dangerous vibrations. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to realize their good character traits. They can become an excellent support for the disadvantaged and offended. They are strong-willed, moral and overly responsible. And this creates the basis for their social elevation.

The character of these women is very complex; incompatible qualities cannot be combined. They can be especially sensitive to strangers, but sometimes they show indifference to their loved ones. They have difficulty accepting reality, which creates difficulties in all areas of life. Realizing positive qualities will allow them to become surrounded by other people. You shouldn’t completely give up communication to avoid becoming lonely.

Characteristics of a Virgo-Ox woman in Love

At an early age, relationships with the opposite sex allow them to discover other character traits in themselves. In particular, they can become open and empathetic people. However, the disappointment of first love leaves an imprint on them for life. They should tune in to a serious relationship in adulthood. They will be able to find a suitable partner and become happy.

Horoscope of Virgo-Ox woman in Family and Marriage

In the family, these women occupy a leadership position. They can become happy if they think about what happiness is. If their standards are not too high, they will be able to find relaxation in the family. They will feel warm and comfortable, despite their desire to always be in the center of society. The birth of children will be an interesting event for them, but they will be the ones who will be able to return them to the family and get rid of all negative character traits.

Ox-Virgo Woman - Career and Finance

Career does not play a big role for them. However, their strong character traits and professionalism allow them to reach top leadership positions. They easily achieve career positions. The financial side of career advancement is not a goal for them, but they joyfully accept the opportunity to obtain funds for a good and pleasant life. In this area of ​​life they are always prosperous.

These women should stop being too demanding of themselves. You cannot put your happiness above the happiness of other people. It is also worth rethinking happiness, understanding that it is nearby, and not somewhere in the distant future. Worldly wisdom will help them receive more bonuses. By accepting these recommendations, these women will be able to surround themselves with the closest and dearest people. They will be more comfortable living in such an environment and accept possible happiness.