Owners country houses do not have the ability to connect to a centralized water supply system, which means they are forced to look for alternative solutions to the water supply issue. The most popular ways to supply a household with water are to dig a well on the property or drill a well. Wells have become most widespread due to certain circumstances and advantages. However, the price issue always remains relevant. How much will a well cost if its cost directly depends on the depth of drilling? And what quality will the water be in it?

Choosing a location for a well

The choice of location for a well is based on the geology of the site, the features of its topography, and an analysis of the surrounding areas. The depth of the water well and the quality of the extracted liquid depend on the aquifers located in the earth. Specialists from a licensed company who have permission to perform such work must collect information and study the site. But every owner who is going to drill a well at home needs to know some criteria for choosing a location. Thus, drilling is prohibited near:

  • cemeteries;
  • spontaneous garbage dumps;
  • agricultural fields treated with herbicides and nitrate fertilizers;
  • industrial plants and factories.

How to measure the depth of a well? During the study of the site, test drilling is carried out to study the composition of the soil and determine at what depth the aquifer lies. This is individual for each specific case. Two neighbors may have different well depths. To determine whether the water from the reached source is drinking or technical, it is sent to a laboratory for testing. The analysis will show the amount of impurities, bacteria, ammonia, metal, insoluble substances, toxins and so on.


To answer the question of what depth to drill a well, it is necessary to understand the variety of aquifers and their characteristics. There are three main aquifers from which water is drawn for hygienic and economic needs:

  1. The depth of the perched water varies between 4-7 meters. Due to the lack of a stable waterproof layer, this water is mainly used for technical needs and irrigation. From this layer the water often comes out muddy, with sand and other impurities.
  2. The depth of groundwater is 10-18 meters, but can be much higher. Household and drinking water is often taken from this vein. Groundwater that has been filtered in a well is of a higher quality than well water. However, this does not exclude the presence of harmful and dangerous impurities in it. Water from any aquifer must be tested for compliance with SES requirements in special licensed laboratories.
  3. The third aquifer is artesian water. There is no exact information on what the depth of the natural reserve of artesian water should be. It is generally accepted that the depth of the layer ranges from 25-40 meters, but can go deep up to 60 m. Much depends on the terrain. Water from the third aquifer, called natural, is the cleanest and healthiest.

In accordance with the three aquifers, there are three types of wells:

On the sand

Auger drilling is used to reach the first aquifer along the route of the drill. The usual depth of a sand well is 15-30 meters. The structure itself is a long pipe with a cross-section of 10 cm. At the end, the pipe is perforated and wrapped with a fine-mesh braided mesh. The filter is installed in a layer of coarse sand. The production rate of a sand well, that is, the volume of water extracted per unit of time, is about 0.5-1.2 m³/hour. The service life of this type of well is quite short - 5-10 years in case of constant use. If you drill it in a non-residential dacha or in a house with seasonal accommodation, the device will become unusable within 2-3 years.


Limestone wells can reach 100 meters in depth. The goal of drilling is to reach a layer of porous aquiferous limestone that carries very clean drinking water. The latter undergoes natural mineralization and is therefore beneficial to health. It is a long closed casing pipe to prevent high water from getting inside, and a perforated filter for collecting liquid. The flow rate of an artesian well is within 3-10 cubic meters per hour. This means that water on your site will not disappear for the next 60-70 years, even during the most severe droughts. The only drawback is the high cost. Often, in order to save money, neighbors drill wells into limestone for several houses.

Abyssinian well

The simplest and cheapest type of well. It has another name: “needle well”. It is a long inch pipe with a needle-shaped tip and a filter for water intake. They are deepened by drilling or driving into the soil to 8-30 meters. Water is extracted using a pump that does not lift water from a depth of more than 8 meters. Suitable for areas with light soils without stones. The piezometric level should not exceed 8 meters.

How to find out the depth of a well?

To find out the depth of water, carry out research work with test drilling. It also happens that several passes are required until the aquifer is found. If you are installing not an artesian well on your own property, but an Abyssinian one or on sand, keep a journal of records. This is necessary to record indicators for all stages of work on the well:

  • marks about changes in rocks at a fixed depth;
  • depth of perched water;
  • depth of ground liquid layers;
  • depth of soil leaching;
  • rate of absorption of circulating liquid, etc.

The aquifer (if it is not an artesian well) consists of loose fine sand, surrounded on both sides by dense loam and clay. If the drill has reached the vein, work cannot be stopped. It is necessary to go deeper 1-2 meters from the beginning of the layer of water, and take the liquid itself for examination. It is important to preserve data on the well because its service life usually does not exceed 10 years. If in the future you need to drill a new one nearby, the records may come in handy. Upon completion of drilling and installation of the structure, the water must be tested every month for six months. If no changes are recorded during this time, you can safely continue to use the water.


Owners of private houses by law have the right to extract any minerals, including water, on their own plots. By law, without the need to prepare documentation and take permission, everyone has the right to dig a well or drill a well five meters deep. But now you know how to find out the depth of water in the earth, and therefore you understand that five meters is not enough. You can drill a well without permission at your own risk. But then be prepared that one fine day an inspection will come and issue a fine. Therefore, protect yourself - get permission and take water from deeper layers.

Have you decided to acquire an autonomous water supply and drill a well on your property? But here’s the problem: how many stories have you heard from friends, acquaintances, read in newspapers or on the Internet, or watched on TV about how contractors deceive the owners of unfortunate wells. How to avoid being deceived by unscrupulous drillers who perform their work poorly or do not do it at all, while cheating inexperienced customers out of money? And considerable, because together with the work on its installation and arrangement it can reach a six-month salary!

What kind of water can you get from the source?

Before you think about drilling a well, you should find out what kind of water you can get from it. After all, it is the complexity of the rocks from which water comes that is mainly determined. Aquifers come in three varieties:

  • The high water is located at the very surface of the ground and lies at a maximum of 4 m in depth, and is filled with water depending on precipitation - during the spring flood period it is maximum, in autumn and winter - minimal. You can only irrigate the area with surface water. When a well is built, the perched layer must be insulated so that its water does not penetrate into the drinking water.
  • Groundwater is located under the high water and lies at a depth of 10-40 m; it is a low-lying aquifer, that is, the water level in the source will be the same as inside the rock. The ground aquifer is saturated as a result of filtration, which precipitation passes through the soil.
  • Artesian waters are interstratal and are under pressure; they lie at a depth of over 40 m. Impermeable layers protect them from dirt, and therefore artesian water is considered the highest quality. When a well is drilled, the liquid rises above the water carrier and sometimes gushes out.

Depending on which water carriers the well is drilled to, it varies by. If one contractor can drill a well for 1900 rubles/m.p., another - for 4900 m.p.

What is included in the cost of a new well?

Have you decided to organize an autonomous water supply, and are you interested in the “price of the issue”? If you choose a turnkey well as a source of water, the price of drilling a well depends, first of all, on:

  • well location;
  • the complexity of the rocks from which it supplies water;
  • on the size of the contracting organization (although it is more reliable, a larger one, as a rule, drills more expensive).

The named factors are 30% of the amount that a turnkey well costs. 70% of the cost of a well comes from paying for materials and labor time for drillers. And they either simply bore holes in the ground, or, having studied the geological features of the site, determine the optimal well design that will work for many years. In the second case, the approach is professional and the work is more expensive. There are not many professional drillers in the water supply industry and very little new, serviceable equipment that can drill a well without breaking all the plantings on the site and flooding it with diesel.

How do materials affect the cost of a well?

A more expensive casing design means that the well is lined with two pipes - an inner one made of food-grade plastic and an outer one made of metal. The latter protects the former from deformation, which can occur under the influence of rocks, while the plastic one does not allow iron oxides that appear as a result of the oxidation of the metal pipe to penetrate into the water.

What problems can you expect with a “cheaper” well?

If you are offered to drill a well at a temptingly low price, think carefully before agreeing to a tempting offer. More often:

  • the “cheapest” well” works for a month or two and silts up, breaks down, and is not under warranty;
  • the borehole shaft is of incorrect design, which is why surface drains full of petroleum products, chemicals, and helminthic eggs penetrate into its water;
  • incorrect installation or selection of the pump leads to its rapid failure, to large
  • energy consumption, under-pumping of water and low water pressure;
  • “sanding” the well causes blockages in the pump and water supply, breakdown of equipment and water supply.

What's wrong with a borehole telescope?

The borehole structure of the “telescope” type consists of pipes moving from a larger diameter to a smaller one, which are sealed at the fastening areas. As the well is used, the sealing hemp rope rots, causing groundwater enter the well and supply it with putrefactive bacteria.

What do we know about unscrupulous drillers?

Over the course of 10 years of work, we have had the opportunity to communicate with well owners who “hit big” when faced with unscrupulous drillers. And based on their stories, we made approximate statistics that reflect the sad situation of inexperienced owners of future wells. Turns out:

  • drillers drink alcoholic beverages at the well - 57%;
  • instead of the stated 2-3 days, they drill for 1-3 months - 20%;
  • drilling 5-6 holes instead of one - 8%;
  • they drill, breaking down plantings, buildings, fences on the site - 90%;
  • steal and are incorrect with the customer - 2%;
  • they throw money away, taking it from the customer and closing the company - 1.5%;
  • among drillers there are amateurs, not professionals - 66%;
  • they are drilling wells, do not find water and leave without returning money - 57%;
  • do not guarantee the quality of the well, do not sign an agreement - 14%;
  • They drill to a depth greater than necessary - 75%.

How to avoid being scammed?

In order not to be deceived, not to incur losses or additional expenses of money and time:

  • call the company that offers drilling, ask its employee about everything that is important for you to know about the well and drilling operations, find out the advantages and disadvantages of drilling wells for limestone and sand.
  • call a company employee to your site to assess the drilling prospects;
  • ask a company representative for a draft contract that specifies the final cost of the well on a turnkey basis - with pumping equipment and facilities;
  • study the company’s operating conditions, check the duration of the warranty on the well;
  • talk to the drillers who will conduct the drilling work, and if possible, with the management of the drilling company.

To be sure of the quality of your well, not to overpay for its construction and to get clean water as long and reliably as possible, contact United Drilling Companies! Call us by phone on the website or send a request for service by e-mail! Our specialists will competently advise you on issues of interest and come to your site to assess the possibilities of drilling, draw up a work plan and list necessary materials, drill a well for water. Contact us!

The depth of a water well is an indicator on which the quality of water and the cost of drilling work depend. As a rule, it is the price of drilling that forces the site owners to control this parameter. After all, for every extra meter you will have to pay real money. If the work is carried out independently, then knowing the distance from the surface to the water surface is necessary for choosing and correct installation pumping equipment. Therefore, it is advisable to understand how to measure the depth of a well after drilling.

The scale of drilling depends on the location of aquifers in a given area and on the goals set by the owner of the site. If water is needed solely for watering plants, then it is sufficient to use the upper groundwater, which can be located already 4-6 m from the surface. However, such water is most likely not suitable for drinking, so to organize a full-fledged water supply system, you will have to drill much deeper.

Interesting to know. When the water reaches the aquifer, it must be taken for analysis. If it contains a lot of pollutants and harmful elements, then drilling continues to the next horizon.

Professional drilling companies usually know the approximate depth of the aquifers before starting work, using a geological map of the area and their experience. In the case of independent drilling, you can find out the parameters of the well only after the process is completed.

Soil section and location of natural sources

Methods for determining well depth

There are several measurement methods that differ in accuracy, complexity and accessibility. Among them: simple mechanical method, accessible to almost every person, as well as more technological tools used for professional research.

Weight and ruler

For this method you will need a construction tape measure or ruler, a cord and a metal weight. To check the depth of the well after drilling, the load is carefully lowered down. The descent is carried out until the cord tension decreases, after which the homemade depth gauge is also carefully taken to the surface. Using a ruler, measure the length of the immersed cord, which will be equal to the depth of the well. In this case, by the size of the wet part one can judge the location of the water surface and the volume of the source.

Advice. For this method, you can use a special hydrogeological tape measure, which is made in the form of a flexible ruler with a weight at the end.

Despite its simplicity, this method has significant drawbacks. Firstly, it can be used to check wells no more than 10 meters deep. Secondly, the wet part of the cord will give an idea of ​​the static water level, while the dynamic level is important for pump placement.

Tools for easily measuring borehole depth

Logging cable with magnetic tags

The principle of operation of the magnetic method is very similar to the previous version, but is made with a more technological approach. In this case, a reel of logging cable and a reading device are used. Magnetic marks are applied to the cable at a certain distance, which are processed by the receiving device and provide accurate information about the position of the load. In the intervals between marks, the depth is determined by a special roller located on the reel.

This method is one of the most common when determining the depth of a well, since it gives an accurate idea of ​​the location of deep aquifers.

Acoustic depth gauge

The operation of the acoustic depth gauge is based on the echolocation method. An acoustic signal is sent into the well, which is reflected from the bottom and recorded by the device. The time delay between the output and input signal is directly proportional to the distance traveled.

This device is often used in the mining industry, but it can also be used to measure the depth of a water well. The only drawback of an acoustic depth gauge is its high cost.

Acoustic (echolocation) depth gauge

Can you trust the well data sheet?

If drilling is carried out by a drilling company, then a technical passport is attached to the well, which indicates its main parameters. In the same document you can check the depth of the well. But is it worth trusting these indicators 100%?

It all depends on the professionalism of the company. No self-respecting company will deliberately add extra meters in order to gain additional benefits. Therefore, in this regard, it is necessary to work with proven and experienced specialists who have a good reputation. And it’s even better to be present during drilling operations, then you can personally verify the correctness of the calculation.

Advice. When using a specialized drilling rig, the depth of the well is measured after drilling is completed. To do this, count the number of rods used. It is advisable for the customer to be present during this process to verify the accuracy of the calculation.

Well drilling rods

When constructing a well, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including the section of the soil, the nature of the aquifers, the hardness of the rocks and much more. Independent drilling work is possible only in the case of shallow groundwater and low water quality requirements. If you want to organize autonomous system water supply based on a clean source, then you cannot do without professional help. In this situation, you should not look for the most economical options. It is better to involve an experienced company and get a guarantee of full compliance with the real indicators and the data included in the technical passport of the well.

Video: measuring well depth

Many doctors say that well water is the healthiest. It undergoes natural filtration. Due to the fact that its channel flows underground, it contains no impurities of dust, dirt, or harmful elements that are found on the surface of the earth.

If you are the owner of your own home or cottage, you are very lucky, because you have the opportunity to drill a well. It is quite difficult to do this on your own. It is better to rely on specialists in this matter. But the cost of such work depends on the depth of the well, and checking the footage is quite difficult. Most people have no choice but to take the employees' word for it. Of course, there is another option: following the advice, check the depth of the well yourself after drilling.

In addition to monitoring the cost of work, the channel parameters should be known in order to correctly install pumping equipment. Well drilling specialists in mandatory guarantee the provision of a passport for her. It also contains hole parameters.

In order to check the depth of a well after drilling, you must:

  1. Having a passport.
  2. Availability of a pump.
  3. Measuring tool.
  4. Weighting material for immersion of the meter.
  5. Rope.

Having a passport will help you navigate the approximate parameters of the well.

In addition, it contains certain information:

  1. Water level.
  2. Depth indicators.
  3. Casing pipe diameter.
  4. Maximum water filling limit.

If the passport is not available, this happens when drilling independently without permission from the authorities, it will be a little more difficult to measure these indicators.

Procedure for measuring depth

In order for the measurements to be as accurate as possible, such work should be carried out at a certain time of year at a certain temperature.

It is best to do this in the second half of the summer in calm, dry weather.


  • Measure the dimensions of the hole radius.
  • Attach the weight to the edge of the rope.
  • Submerge the rope until you are sure that the weight has touched the bottom.
  • By pulling out the rope, you will see the water level and actual depth.

This way you can determine statistical depth indicators. There is a concept - dynamic deep indicators.

To measure dynamic data, you need to use pump equipment. The process itself is quite simple. Its essence is that pumping equipment pumps out all the water from the well, after which the measuring rope is lowered into the hole. There will still be a certain amount of water remaining at the bottom - this will be dynamic data.

Important! Don’t forget to put hoses and a filter mesh on the edge of the pump. This is necessary to prevent dirt from getting into the equipment.

How to determine the required depth?

Determining the depth of drilling a water well is quite simple. When the first aquifer is reached, water samples are tested. If the results do not contain harmful elements, the depth is considered sufficient. If they exist, the depth continues to increase.

Location of natural sources in the section

If the work is carried out by specialists, they are already familiar with the approximate parameters based on the geological map of the area. If you do it yourself, you will only know the exact parameters when the final layer is reached.

Determining the depth of a well using a logging cable

You can check on your own how deep the well was drilled using another popular method. This method requires a logging cable with magnetic marks located at a certain interval. They provide information about the depth indicators of the dive. A screen located on the top of the cable reads this data. If the depth is at a level between the marks, its indicators are determined using special marks on the cable.

Determining the depth of the well using acoustic depth gauge

The operation of the device is very simple, but this is one of the most accurate methods. In addition, it is the easiest to use. This device can be rented.

The essence of the work is that the device sends signal waves deep into the well. They are reflected from the bottom and come back. Using the entered formulas, deep indicators are calculated.

Acoustic depth gauge

Cost of work

When issuing a passport for a well, it is customary to believe the indicators indicated in it, but it is better to check everything yourself.

If you do not want to waste your time double-checking the parameters, it is better to contact well-known companies with extensive experience and a good reputation.

The cost depends on the parameters. It is calculated only after completion of the work. Initially they may tell you approximate cost, based on the geological map and other data. The exact price is determined by how many special rod elements were used.

It is the quantity of these elements that you should control.

The process of measuring the depth of a well using drill rods is shown in the video below.

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Quality of the material: (What is your assessment of the article?)

With increasing competition in the field of drilling water wells, each company is trying to give the lowest possible price, but everything has its limits and in order to remain at least a small advantage, you need to commit a gross violation of technology. What these violations are and how to identify them, we will consider further.

It is not difficult to find the main ways in which drilling companies deceive clients; there are many sites with similar information, but the vast majority of what is written there is not true. Having spent two decades in the industry, we have faced some of the most different situations and formed their own list of popular methods of moving away from technology.
What is written below concerns artesian wells.

Methods of deception when drilling wells under water

Here are the 4 main intentional mistakes when drilling water wells from companies that do not value their name at all:

  • Insufficient casing of the well. With the endless decline in drilling prices, it became unprofitable to drill using the technology and many (really many) companies stopped settling on limestone.
    Normal companies do this: they drill up to the limestone, drill into it a little and completely line the well with a metal pipe. Over time, the place where the pipe enters the limestone will be covered, and nothing will be pulled from the sides. Having lined the well with a steel pipe, they begin to drill into limestone with a smaller diameter and install a HDPE pipe.
    Fraudulent companies decided to simplify the procedure: in order not to spend expensive metal pipe, the drillers drill 10-15-20 meters... and simply place the pipe in the clay. Then they drill with a smaller diameter and line the limestone with plastic. No one does anything at the point where the pipe enters the limestone; plastic pipe or not is unknown. It turns out that a plastic pipe is protected by a steel pipe for 10-20 meters on top, and then it stands in clay without any protection.
    This is usually done in places where the sections are well known; the drillers know the depth of the limestone and can pull off this trick. In the Moscow region, every centimeter has already been drilled and almost all sections are known.
    The bad news is that you will never know whether your well is fully cased or not, even if you stand next to the workers. You don’t know when it’s time to settle down; they can easily do a hack job right under your nose. The water will flow, everything will work, you will be happy, but up to a certain point... Then everything depends on the geology, clays can compress a plastic pipe quickly, but more often this happens after a while. Often people find out about under-casing when they try to lift the pump from the well, but the HDPE pipe is flattened and the pump does not work.
    The main thing for drillers is that this will happen later, and then your warranty will expire...
    If this happened during the warranty period, then they will find fault with anything, your incorrect installation of the pump, for example. In the end, everything will come down to the need to order an examination. Such cases are known and happen regularly.
    Sometimes such a well design can work without problems.
    How to protect yourself from such fraud? Order well drilling from companies that have been on the market for a long time (decades), who value their name and position and are not ready to give up their reputation. Naturally, such companies will never have the lowest price. If you are promised to drill with a plastic casing pipe and a metal one at a record low price, then this is clearly a deception.
    The lower the price, the higher the chance of fraud.
    You can read more about choosing a drilling organization.

  • Use of thin-walled pipes. Most drillers state that they use 133 mm pipe with a wall thickness of 4.5 mm. In fact, almost everyone has switched to 133mm with a 4mm wall and is gradually mastering the 3.5mm wall pipe. You won't know the real thickness.
    Sometimes reinforced pipes are used, where seamless ends with a thickness of 5 mm are welded to a 133 mm pipe with a wall thickness of 4 mm. It’s even easier here: check the thickness of the main pipe to an ordinary person impossible, so they can easily use a 3.5 mm wall there.
  • A mixture of thin-walled pipes and under-casing of the well. The cheapest wells will most likely be drilled this way. There can be no talk of any 50 years of service, as everyone claims. The resource of such wells is estimated at several years.
  • Lowering real prices. This is not a violation of technology, it is simply a deliberate misleading of the customer. The most popular way to lure a client is to name an unrealistic price.
    For example, they tell you that they can drill with a 133 mm pipe for 1800 rubles/meter in the Stupinsky district of the Moscow region. Later it turns out that the geology of the area is such that it is impossible to install pipes without a second HDPE and you need to pay extra. Of course, they knew in advance about the need for HDPE pipes. Self-respecting organizations warn in advance about difficult terrain.

Beware of low prices!

How you won't be deceived

There are several things that people usually keep a close eye on, but these are the ones you won’t be cheated on when drilling:

  • Well depth. It is generally accepted that drillers will definitely drill extra meters or simply announce too many. It is not true. Surprisingly, drilling deep wells is not profitable for the drilling organization itself due to the time-consuming tripping and lifting operations. The deeper the well, the longer it takes to lower and raise the drill rods, lower and lift the pump for test pumping, etc. All this reduces the time spent on actual drilling, for which the office receives money. Plus, drillers are overwhelmed by such intense work. If the geology of the area is complex, as in many areas of the south of the Moscow region, then this adds additional work and further increases drilling time.
    It is much (!) easier and more profitable for a company to drill 50 meters, take the money and leave for new site than drilling 100-150 meters. In areas with simple and clear geology, it may be profitable to drill up to 70-100 meters, but no more.
    Workers won’t be able to throw on extra meters just like that either, because they rent to you finished design, and you personally monitor the number of drill rods lifted from the well, and then multiply their number by the length.
    In this article we have described all issues related to well depth, including depth deception.
  • Old pipes. It is usually not customary to use old casing pipes and most drillers buy new ones at a metal depot before traveling to the site. Keep track of what they brought you. The new steel pipe is dark gray in color, but it needs to sit for 2 weeks under open air
  • , as it is covered with a thin layer of rust and looks like a used one, in such cases there is nothing to worry about, it is still a new pipe.
    Prepayment. This is normal in construction. A well is an individual thing and the drilling crew cannot take it for themselves, everything is done for you and materials are purchased specifically for your well, and also, time is wasted and gasoline is burned on travel and drilling...
    In addition, sooner or later you will have to pay for the well and part with your money.
    Drilling water wells without prepayment is carried out mainly by beginners; check such companies in detail.
    Experience has shown that when working without any advance payment, half of the clients begin to find fault with anything, even if there is nothing. Nobody wants to part with money.
  • Exploration drilling. There is a myth that drillers can come to your site, drill a well in 1 day, say that they haven’t found water, take half the price for exploratory drilling and leave. But what's the point? The well is ready, you can charge the full cost... In any case, drilling for 50% of the cost will quickly ruin the drilling company.