The majority of people are convinced that energy for existence can only be obtained from gas, coal or oil. The atom is quite dangerous, the construction of hydroelectric power plants is a very laborious and costly process. Scientists around the world say that natural fuel reserves may soon run out. What to do, where is the way out? Are humanity's days numbered?

Everything from nothing

Research on the types of "green energy" has recently been conducted more and more intensively, as this is the way to the future. Our planet initially has everything for the life of mankind. You just need to be able to take it and use it for good. Many scientists and just amateurs create such devices? like a generator free energy. With their own hands, following the laws of physics and their own logic, they do what will benefit all of humanity.

So what phenomena in question? Here are a few of them:

  • static or radiant natural electricity;
  • use of permanent and neodymium magnets;
  • receiving heat from mechanical heaters;
  • transformation of earth energy and;
  • implosion vortex engines;
  • thermal solar pumps.

Each of these technologies uses a minimal initial impulse to release more energy.

Free energy with your own hands? To do this, you need to have a strong desire to change your life, a lot of patience, diligence, a little knowledge and, of course, necessary tools and accessories.

Water instead of gasoline? What nonsense!

An engine running on alcohol will probably find more understanding than the idea of ​​decomposing water into oxygen and hydrogen molecules. After all, even in school textbooks it is said that this is a completely unprofitable way of obtaining energy. However, there are already installations for the extraction of hydrogen by ultra-efficient electrolysis. Moreover, the cost of the resulting gas is equal to the cost of cubic meters of water used in this process. Equally important, the cost of electricity is also minimal.

Most likely, in the near future, along with electric vehicles, cars powered by hydrogen fuel will drive around the world's roads. An ultra-efficient electrolysis plant is not exactly a free energy generator. It is quite difficult to assemble it with your own hands. However, the method of continuous production of hydrogen using this technology can be combined with methods for obtaining green energy, which will increase the overall efficiency of the process.

One of the undeservedly forgotten

Devices such as completely maintenance-free. They are absolutely silent and do not pollute the atmosphere. One of the most famous developments in the field of eco-technologies is the principle of obtaining current from the ether according to the theory of N. Tesla. A device consisting of two resonantly tuned transformer coils is a grounded oscillatory circuit. Initially, Tesla made a free energy generator with his own hands in order to transmit a radio signal over long distances.

If we consider the surface layers of the Earth as a huge capacitor, then we can imagine them as a single conductive plate. The second element in this system is the ionosphere (atmosphere) of the planet, saturated with cosmic rays (the so-called ether). Through both of these "plates" are constantly flowing electric charges of different poles. To "collect" currents from near space, you need to make a free energy generator with your own hands. 2013 was one of the most productive years in this area. Everyone wants free electricity.

How to make a free energy generator with your own hands

The scheme of a single-phase resonant device N. Tesla consists of the following blocks:

  1. Two conventional 12 V batteries.
  2. with electrolytic capacitors.
  3. Generator that sets the standard frequency of the current (50 Hz).
  4. Current amplifier block directed to the output transformer.
  5. Converter of low-voltage (12 V) voltage to high-voltage (up to 3000 V).
  6. A conventional transformer with a winding ratio of 1:100.
  7. Voltage step-up transformer with high-voltage winding and tape core, power up to 30W.
  8. Main transformer without core, with double winding.
  9. A step-down transformer.
  10. Ferrite rod for system grounding.

All units of the installation are connected according to the laws of physics. The system is set up experimentally.

Is it all true?

It may seem that this is absurd, because another year when they tried to create a free energy generator with their own hands is 2014. The circuit described above simply uses battery power, according to many experimenters. To this the following may be objected. Energy enters the closed circuit of the system from the electric field of the output coils, which receive it from a high-voltage transformer due to the mutual arrangement. And the charge of the battery creates and maintains the strength of the electric field. All other energy comes from the environment.

Fuel-free device for receiving free electricity

It is known that the occurrence of a magnetic field in any engine is facilitated by ordinary ones made of copper or aluminum wire. To compensate for the inevitable losses due to the resistance of these materials, the engine must run continuously, using part of the generated energy to maintain its own field. This significantly reduces the efficiency of the device.

In a transformer powered by neodymium magnets, there are no self-induction coils, and, accordingly, there are no losses associated with resistance. When using a constant, they are generated by a rotor rotating in this field.

How to make a small DIY free energy generator

The schema used is:

  • take a cooler (fan) from the computer;
  • remove 4 transformer coils from it;
  • replace with small neodymium magnets;
  • orient them in the original directions of the coils;
  • by changing the position of the magnets, you can control the speed of rotation of the motor, which works completely without electricity.

This almost retains its performance until one of the magnets is removed from the circuit. By attaching a light bulb to the device, you can illuminate the room for free. If you take a more powerful engine and magnets, you can power not only a light bulb, but also other household electrical appliances from the system.

On the principle of operation of Tariel Kapanadze's installation

This famous do-it-yourself free energy generator (25kW, 100kW) is assembled according to the principle described by Nikolo Tesla back in the last century. This resonant system is capable of producing a voltage many times greater than the initial impulse. It is important to understand that this is not perpetual motion machine”, but a machine for generating electricity from freely available natural sources.

To obtain a current of 50 Hz, 2 square-wave generators and power diodes are used. For grounding, a ferrite rod is used, which, in fact, closes the Earth's surface to the charge of the atmosphere (ether, according to N. Tesla). Coaxial cable is used to supply a powerful output voltage to the load.

talking in simple words, do-it-yourself free energy generator (2014, scheme by T. Kapanadze), receives only the initial impulse from a 12 V source. The device is capable of constantly supplying standard electrical appliances, heaters, lighting, and so on with normal voltage current.

The assembled do-it-yourself self-powered free energy generator is designed to complete the circuit. Some craftsmen use this method to recharge the battery, which gives the initial impulse to the system. For your own safety, it is important to consider the fact that the output voltage of the system is high. If you forget about caution, you can get a severe electric shock. Since a 25kW do-it-yourself free energy generator can bring both benefits and dangers.

Who needs all this?

Almost anyone who is familiar with the basics of the laws of physics from the school curriculum can make a free energy generator with their own hands. The power supply of your own home can be completely transferred to the ecological and affordable energy of the ether. With the use of such technologies, transportation and production costs will be reduced. The atmosphere of our planet will become cleaner, the process of the "greenhouse effect" will stop.

An electric generator is a device designed to generate electricity for a specific purpose. Homemade apparatus capable of performing the function of a source only under certain conditions. It is unlikely that it will be possible to assemble it completely "from scratch" at home. The only way make an electric generator with your own hands - use other mechanisms that work on the same principle for these purposes. Most suitable old engine from a walk-behind tractor or wind turbine. Assembly work will require high costs forces and means, as well as the availability certain experience. If there is no complete confidence in luck, it is best to purchase an expensive, but effectively working branded product.

Device and principle of operation

Generator direct current

Before you make an electric generator with your own hands at home, you will need to familiarize yourself with its design and figure out how it works. The basis of such a device is a multi-section winding located on a fixed stator. A movable anchor (rotor) is placed inside, in the design of which a permanent magnet is provided. This part of the generator, through a special drive mechanism, is connected to the propeller driven by a windmill or gasoline engine. It is allowed to use alternative energy resources as a drive (water or heat generated during the combustion of firewood, for example).

Operating procedure:

  • when the rotor rotates, its magnetic lines cross the e / m field of the stator coils;
  • due to this, according to Faraday's law of induction, an EMF of the appropriate magnitude is induced in them;
  • a load is connected to the stator coils, the alternating current in which varies along a sinusoid.

Depending on the number of stator windings and the switching circuit, you can get a single-phase 220 Volt or three-phase (380 Volt) home-made generator.

This principle of operation applies to all models of electrical machines without exception (regardless of the type of drive).

An efficient electric current generator, made by hand from auxiliary parts, is able to solve whole line household problems. Homemade products are traditionally used to produce electrical energy sufficient to power a household electrical outlet. In addition, not very powerful welding equipment or a water pump for watering beds in the country can work from the unit. The product made in the form of a wind generator is allowed to be used in the country and on a hike.

Do-it-yourself generator assembly

Instructions for assembling current generators with your own hands involves the implementation of work in several stages. They begin with the preparatory stage, at which it is necessary to stock up on the initial blanks and the required material.

Preparatory stage

Motoblock engine Mole

For assembly you will need:

  • An old electric motor from a walk-behind tractor or a windmill with a working stator winding. Also popular are options for using engines from an old washing machine or water pump.
  • To equalize the output current, it is desirable to manufacture a rectifier (converter) in advance.
  • To facilitate the launch of the future device and self-excitation of its 220 volt windings, a high-voltage (at least 400-500 volts) capacitor with a capacity of 3-7 microfarads will be required. Its exact value is selected depending on the planned power of the generator.

For assembly, you will need long pieces of wire in reliable insulation, adhesive protective tape and mounting tools (side cutters, pliers and a set of screwdrivers). You should also stock up on a powerful soldering iron, which is necessary to restore contacts in the broken windings of the old engine.

You should take care in advance about grounding the case of the future product, which generates a voltage that is dangerous to humans.

Upon completion of the preparation, they proceed to the assembly, the order of which depends on the selected initial sample.

Windmill - the simplest option

Do-it-yourself wind generator diagram

The easiest way to perform is to manufacture a wind generator assembled from improvised parts and ready-made modules. Very simple electrical loads can work from it, the power of which does not exceed 100 watts (a light bulb, for example). For its manufacture you will need:

  • (it will work as a generator).
  • The bottom bracket and main sprocket are from an adult bike.
  • Roller chain from an old motorcycle.
  • Bicycle frame.

At good master all these improvised blanks will surely be found in the garage; an electric generator is easily assembled from them with their own hands.

To familiarize yourself with this procedure, it is advisable to watch a video that details the procedure for manufacturing a windmill.

An asterisk is installed on the shaft of such an electric motor, which is rotated by means of a roller chain from home-made wind blades mounted on a bicycle frame. With their help, the translational motion of the wind is converted into rotational moment. This design is capable of generating a current in the load up to 6 amperes at a voltage of 14 volts.

Power plant based on a generator from a walk-behind tractor

The structure of the generator from the walk-behind tractor

A more complex version involves the use of an old walk-behind tractor used as a drive. The function of the generator in this system is performed by an asynchronous motor with a speed of up to 1600 rpm and an effective power of up to 15 kW. During the assembly process, its drive mechanism is connected to the axis of the walk-behind tractor by means of pulleys and a belt. The diameter of the pulleys is chosen so that the rotational speed of the electric motor converted into a generator is 15% higher than the passport value.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unlike factory homemade home-made gasoline generators, they usually have large dimensions and weight.

To the merits of the collected manually products should include:

  • The ability not to depend on interruptions in the operation of supply substations, receiving necessary minimum electricity on your own.
  • The homemade generator is configured for operating parameters that correspond to specific user requests.
  • Its manufacture instead of a purchased product will save significant amounts (especially in the situation with 380 volt asynchronous machines).

disadvantage self-manufacturing possible difficulties with the assembly of a particular type of product and the need to spend money on energy carriers (fuel, for example) are considered.

Before you make a household electricity generator, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its operation. Their essence is as follows:

  1. Before starting the device, all loads are turned off so that it runs idle.
  2. The presence of oil in the working compartment of the generator is checked - its level must be above the set mark;
  3. The device remains on for about 5 minutes, after which it is allowed to connect the load.

In accordance with the rules for the operation and maintenance of such generators, the most suitable mode of operation is the use of its power at 70% of the limit value. Subject to this requirement, the equipment will not overheat and will easily cope with the calculated load.

The article describes how to build a three-phase (single-phase) 220/380 V generator based on an asynchronous AC motor. A three-phase asynchronous electric motor, invented at the end of the 19th century by the Russian electrical engineer M.O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, has now received a predominant distribution in industry, and in agriculture, as well as in everyday life.

Asynchronous electric motors are the simplest and most reliable in operation. Therefore, in all cases where it is permissible under the conditions of the electric drive and there is no need for reactive power compensation, asynchronous AC motors should be used.

There are two main types of asynchronous motors: with squirrel-cage rotor and with phase rotor. An asynchronous squirrel-cage electric motor consists of a fixed part - the stator and a moving part - the rotor, rotating in bearings mounted in two motor shields. The stator and rotor cores are assembled from separate sheets of electrical steel isolated from one another. A winding made of insulated wire is laid in the grooves of the stator core. A rod winding is placed in the grooves of the rotor core or molten aluminum is poured. Jumper rings short-circuit the rotor winding at the ends (hence the name - short-circuited). Unlike a squirrel-cage rotor, a winding is placed in the grooves of the phase rotor, made according to the type of stator winding. The ends of the winding are led to slip rings mounted on the shaft. Brushes slide along the rings, connecting the winding with a starting or adjusting rheostat.

Asynchronous electric motors with a phase rotor are more expensive devices, require qualified maintenance, are less reliable, and therefore are used only in those industries in which they cannot be dispensed with. For this reason, they are not very common, and we will not consider them further.

A current flows through the stator winding, which is included in a three-phase circuit, creating a rotating magnetic field. The magnetic field lines of the rotating stator field cross the rotor winding rods and induce an electromotive force (EMF) in them. Under the action of this EMF, a current flows in the short-circuited rotor rods. Magnetic fluxes arise around the rods, creating a common magnetic field of the rotor, which, interacting with the rotating magnetic field of the stator, creates a force that makes the rotor rotate in the direction of rotation of the stator magnetic field.

The rotational speed of the rotor is somewhat less than the rotational speed of the magnetic field created by the stator winding. This indicator is characterized by slip S and is for most engines in the range from 2 to 10%.

Most commonly used in industrial installations three-phase asynchronous electric motors, which are produced in the form of unified series. These include a single 4A series with a rated power range from 0.06 to 400 kW, the machines of which are distinguished by high reliability, good performance and meet the level of world standards.

Autonomous asynchronous generators are three-phase machines that convert the mechanical energy of the primary engine into AC electrical energy. Their undoubted advantage over other types of generators is the absence of a collector-brush mechanism and, as a result, greater durability and reliability.

Operation of an asynchronous electric motor in generator mode

If an asynchronous motor disconnected from the network is put into rotation from any primary motor, then, in accordance with the principle of reversibility of electrical machines, when the synchronous speed is reached, some EMF is formed at the terminals of the stator winding under the influence of the residual magnetic field. If now a battery of capacitors C is connected to the terminals of the stator winding, then a leading capacitive current will flow in the stator windings, which in this case is magnetizing.

The battery capacity C must exceed a certain critical value C0, which depends on the parameters of an autonomous asynchronous generator: only in this case the generator self-excites and a three-phase symmetrical voltage system is established on the stator windings. The voltage value depends, ultimately, on the characteristics of the machine and the capacitance of the capacitors. Thus, an asynchronous squirrel-cage motor can be turned into an asynchronous generator.

The standard scheme for switching on an asynchronous electric motor as a generator.

You can choose the capacity so that the rated voltage and power of the asynchronous generator are equal, respectively, to the voltage and power when it works as an electric motor.

Table 1 shows the capacitances of capacitors for excitation of asynchronous generators (U=380 V, 750….1500 rpm). Here reactive power Q is determined by the formula:

Q \u003d 0.314 U 2 C 10 -6,

where C is the capacitance of the capacitors, uF.

Generator power, kVA Idling
capacitance, uF reactive power, kvar cos = 1 cos = 0.8
capacitance, uF reactive power, kvar capacitance, uF reactive power, kvar

As can be seen from the above data, the inductive load on the asynchronous generator, which reduces the power factor, causes a sharp increase in the required capacitance. To maintain the voltage constant with increasing load, it is necessary to increase the capacitance of the capacitors, that is, to connect additional capacitors. This circumstance must be considered as a disadvantage of the asynchronous generator.

The rotation frequency of the asynchronous generator in normal mode must exceed the asynchronous one by the amount of slip S = 2 ... 10%, and correspond to the synchronous frequency. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to the fact that the frequency of the generated voltage may differ from the industrial frequency of 50 Hz, which will lead to unstable operation of frequency-dependent consumers of electricity: electric pumps, washing machines, devices with transformer input.

It is especially dangerous to reduce the generated frequency, since in this case the inductive resistance of the windings of electric motors and transformers decreases, which can cause their increased heating and premature failure.

As an asynchronous generator, a conventional asynchronous squirrel-cage electric motor of the appropriate power can be used without any modifications. The power of the electric motor-generator is determined by the power of the connected devices. The most energy intensive of them are:

  • household welding transformers;
  • electric saws, electric jointers, grain crushers (power 0.3 ... 3 kW);
  • electric furnaces of the "Rossiyanka", "Dream" type with a power of up to 2 kW;
  • electric irons (power 850 ... 1000 W).

I especially want to dwell on the operation of household welding transformers. Their connection to an autonomous source of electricity is most desirable, because. when operating from an industrial network, they create a number of inconveniences for other consumers of electricity.

If a household welding transformer is designed to work with electrodes with a diameter of 2 ... 3 mm, then its total power is approximately 4 ... 6 kW, the power of the asynchronous generator to power it should be within 5 ... 7 kW. If a household welding transformer allows operation with electrodes with a diameter of 4 mm, then in the most difficult mode - "cutting" metal, the total power consumed by it can reach 10 ... 12 kW, respectively, the power of the asynchronous generator should be within 11 ... 13 kW.

As a three-phase capacitor bank, it is good to use the so-called reactive power compensators, designed to improve cosφ in industrial lighting networks. Their type designation: KM1-0.22-4.5-3U3 or KM2-0.22-9-3U3, which is deciphered as follows. KM - cosine impregnated capacitors mineral oil, the first digit is the size (1 or 2), then the voltage (0.22 kV), power (4.5 or 9 kvar), then the number 3 or 2 means a three-phase or single-phase version, U3 (temperate climate of the third category).

In the case of self-manufacturing of the battery, capacitors such as MBGO, MBGP, MBGT, K-42-4, etc. should be used for an operating voltage of at least 600 V. Electrolytic capacitors cannot be used.

The above option for connecting a three-phase electric motor as a generator can be considered classic, but not the only one. There are other ways that work just as well in practice. For example, when a capacitor bank is connected to one or two windings of an electric motor-generator.

Two-phase mode of the asynchronous generator.

Fig.2 Two-phase mode of an asynchronous generator.

Such a scheme should be used when there is no need to obtain a three-phase voltage. This switching option reduces the working capacitance of the capacitors, reduces the load on the primary mechanical engine in idle mode, and so on. saves "precious" fuel.

As low-power generators that produce an alternating single-phase voltage of 220 V, you can use single-phase asynchronous squirrel-cage electric motors for household purposes: from washing machines such as Oka, Volga, watering pumps Agidel, BCN, etc. They have a capacitor bank connect in parallel with the working winding, or use an existing phase-shifting capacitor connected to the starting winding. The capacitance of this capacitor may need to be slightly increased. Its value will be determined by the nature of the load connected to the generator: for active load(electric furnaces, lighting bulbs, electric soldering irons) require a small capacity, inductive (electric motors, televisions, refrigerators) - more.

Fig.3 Low-power generator from a single-phase asynchronous motor.

Now a few words about the prime mover, which will drive the generator. As you know, any transformation of energy is associated with its inevitable losses. Their value is determined by the efficiency of the device. Therefore, the power of a mechanical engine must exceed the power of an asynchronous generator by 50 ... 100%. For example, with an asynchronous generator power of 5 kW, the power of a mechanical engine should be 7.5 ... 10 kW. With the help of the transmission mechanism, the speed of the mechanical engine and the generator are coordinated so that the operating mode of the generator is set at the average speed of the mechanical engine. If necessary, you can briefly increase the power of the generator by increasing the speed of the mechanical engine.

Each autonomous power plant must contain the necessary minimum of attachments: an AC voltmeter (with a scale of up to 500 V), a frequency meter (preferably) and three switches. One switch connects the load to the generator, the other two switch the excitation circuit. The presence of switches in the excitation circuit facilitates the start of a mechanical engine, and also allows you to quickly reduce the temperature of the generator windings, after the end of work, the rotor of an unexcited generator is rotated from a mechanical engine for some time. This procedure extends the active life of the generator windings.

If using the generator it is supposed to power equipment that is normally connected to the AC mains (for example, lighting in a residential building, household electrical appliances), then it is necessary to provide a two-phase switch that will turn off during the operation of the generator this equipment from the industrial network. Both wires must be disconnected: "phase" and "zero".

Finally, some general advice.

1. The alternator is a hazardous device. Use 380V only when absolutely necessary, otherwise use 220V.

2. According to safety requirements, the generator must be equipped with grounding.

3. Pay attention to the thermal regime of the generator. He "does not like" idling. reduce heat load possible by more careful selection of the capacitance of the exciting capacitors.

4. Make no mistake about the power of the electric current generated by the generator. If one phase is used during the operation of a three-phase generator, then its power will be 1/3 of the total power of the generator, if two phases - 2/3 of the total power of the generator.

5. The frequency of the alternating current generated by the generator can be indirectly controlled by the output voltage, which in the "idle" mode should be 4 ... 6% higher than the industrial value of 220/380 V.

For the needs of the construction of a private residential house or cottage home master you may need an autonomous source of electrical energy, which you can buy in a store or assemble with your own hands from available parts.

Homemade generator is able to run on the energy of gasoline, gas or diesel fuel. To do this, it must be connected to the engine through a shock-absorbing clutch that ensures smooth rotation of the rotor.

If the locals allow natural conditions For example, if there are frequent winds or a source of running water is nearby, you can create a wind or hydraulic turbine and connect it to an asynchronous three-phase motor to generate electricity.

Due to such a device, you will have a constantly working alternative source of electricity. It will reduce energy consumption from public networks and allow savings on its payment.

In some cases, it is permissible to use a single-phase voltage to rotate an electric motor and transmit torque to a home-made generator to create its own three-phase symmetrical network.

How to choose an asynchronous motor for a generator by design and characteristics

Technological features

basis homemade generator constitutes a three-phase asynchronous electric motor with:

  • phase;
  • or squirrel-cage rotor.

Stator device

The magnetic circuits of the stator and rotor are made of insulated plates of electrical steel, in which grooves are created to accommodate the winding wires.

The three individual stator windings can be wired in the factory as follows:

  • stars;
  • or a triangle.

Their conclusions are connected inside the terminal box and connected by jumpers. The power cable is also installed here.

In some cases, wires and cables can be connected in other ways.

Symmetrical voltages are supplied to each phase of the induction motor, shifted in angle by a third of the circle. They form currents in the windings.

These quantities are conveniently expressed in vector form.

Design features of the rotors

Wound rotor motors

They are provided with a winding modeled on the stator, and the leads from each are connected to slip rings, which provide electrical contact with the start-up and adjustment circuit through pressure brushes.

This design is quite difficult to manufacture, expensive in cost. It requires periodic monitoring of work and qualified maintenance. For these reasons, it makes no sense to use it in this design for a home-made generator.

However, if there is a similar motor and it has no other application, then the conclusions of each winding (those ends that are connected to the rings) can be shorted to each other. In this way, the phase rotor will turn into a short-circuited one. It can be connected according to any scheme considered below.

Squirrel cage motors

Aluminum is poured inside the grooves of the rotor magnetic circuit. The winding is made in the form of a rotating squirrel cage (for which it received such an additional name) with jumper rings short-circuited at the ends.

This is the most simple circuit motor, which is devoid of moving contacts. Due to this, it works for a long time without the intervention of electricians, it is characterized by increased reliability. It is recommended to use it to create a homemade generator.

Designations on the motor housing

In order for a homemade generator to work reliably, you need to pay attention to:

  • , which characterizes the quality of protection of the body from the effects of the external environment;
  • power consumption;
  • speed;
  • winding connection diagram;
  • permissible load currents;
  • Efficiency and cosine φ.

The principle of operation of an induction motor as a generator

Its implementation is based on the method of electric machine reversibility. If the motor is disconnected from the mains voltage, the rotor is forced to rotate at the calculated speed, then EMF will be induced in the stator winding due to the presence of residual energy of the magnetic field.

It remains only to connect a capacitor bank of the appropriate rating to the windings and a capacitive leading current will flow through them, which has the character of a magnetizing one.

In order for the generator to self-excite, and a symmetrical system of three-phase voltages to form on the windings, it is necessary to select the capacitance of the capacitors, which is greater than a certain, critical value. In addition to its value, the design of the engine naturally affects the output power.

For the normal generation of three-phase energy with a frequency of 50 Hz, it is necessary to maintain the rotor speed exceeding the asynchronous component by the amount of slip S, which lies within S=2÷10%. It needs to be kept at the synchronous frequency level.

The deviation of the sinusoid from the standard frequency value will adversely affect the operation of equipment with electric motors: saws, planers, various machine tools and transformers. This has practically no effect on resistive loads with heating elements and incandescent lamps.

Wiring diagrams

In practice, all common methods of connecting the stator windings of an induction motor are used. Choosing one of them creates different conditions for the operation of the equipment and generates a voltage of certain values.

Star schemes

A popular option for connecting capacitors

The connection diagram of an asynchronous motor with star-connected windings for operation as a three-phase network generator has a standard form.

Scheme of an asynchronous generator with connection of capacitors to two windings

This option is quite popular. It allows you to power three groups of consumers from two windings:

  • two voltage 220 volts;
  • one - 380.

The working and starting capacitors are connected to the circuit by separate switches.

Based on the same circuit, you can create a home-made generator with capacitors connected to one winding of an induction motor.

triangle diagram

When assembling the stator windings according to the star circuit, the generator will produce a three-phase voltage of 380 volts. If you switch them to a triangle, then - 220.

The three schemes shown above in the pictures are basic, but not the only ones. Based on them, other connection methods can be created.

How to calculate the characteristics of the generator by engine power and capacitor capacitance

To create normal operating conditions for an electric machine, it is necessary to observe the equality of its rated voltage and power in the generator and electric motor modes.

For this purpose, the capacitance of the capacitors is selected taking into account the reactive power Q generated by them at various loads. Its value is calculated by the expression:

Q=2π∙f∙C∙U 2

From this formula, knowing the power of the engine, to ensure full load, you can calculate the capacity of the capacitor bank:

C \u003d Q / 2π ∙ f ∙ U 2

However, the mode of operation of the generator should be taken into account. At idle, the capacitors will unnecessarily load the windings and heat them up. This leads to large energy losses, overheating of the structure.

To eliminate this phenomenon, capacitors are connected in steps, determining their number depending on the applied load. To simplify the selection of capacitors for starting an asynchronous motor in generator mode, a special table has been created.

Generator power (kVA)Full load modeIdle mode
cos φ=0.8cos φ=1Q (kvar)C (uF)
Q (kvar)C (uF)Q (kvar)C (uF)
15 15,5 342 7,8 172 5,44 120
10 11,1 245 5,9 130 4,18 92
7 8,25 182 4,44 98 3,36 74
5 6,25 138 3,4 75 2,72 60
3,5 4,53 100 2,54 56 2,04 45
2 2,72 60 1,63 36 1,27 28

Starting capacitors of the K78-17 series and the like with an operating voltage of 400 volts or more are well suited for use as part of a capacitive battery. It is quite acceptable to replace them with metal-paper counterparts with the corresponding denominations. They will have to be connected in parallel.

It is not worth using models of electrolytic capacitors to work in the circuits of an asynchronous home-made generator. They are designed for DC circuits, and when passing a sinusoid that changes in direction, they quickly fail.

There is a special scheme for connecting them for such purposes, when each half-wave is directed by diodes to its assembly. But it's pretty complicated.


The autonomous device of the power plant must fully provide the operating equipment and be carried out by a single module, including a hinged electrical panel with devices:

  • measurements - with a voltmeter up to 500 volts and a frequency meter;
  • switching loads - three switches (one general supplies voltage from the generator to the consumer circuit, and the other two connect capacitors);
  • protection - eliminating the consequences of the occurrence short circuits or overloads and ), which saves workers from insulation breakdown and phase potential entering the case.

Main power redundancy

When creating a home-made generator, it is necessary to provide for its compatibility with the grounding circuit of the working equipment, and for autonomous operation, it must be securely connected to.

If the power plant is created for backup power supply of devices operating from the state network, then it should be used when the voltage is disconnected from the line, and when restored, it should be stopped. To this end, it is enough to install a switch that controls all phases simultaneously or connect a complex automatic system for switching on backup power.

Voltage selection

The 380 volt circuit has an increased risk of human injury. It is used in extreme cases, when it is not possible to get by with a phase value of 220.

Generator overload

Such modes create excessive heating of the windings with subsequent destruction of the insulation. They occur when the currents passing through the windings are exceeded due to:

  1. improper selection of capacitor capacitance;
  2. connection of high power consumers.

In the first case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the thermal regime during idling. With excessive heating, it is necessary to adjust the capacitance of the capacitors.

Features of connecting consumers

The total power of a three-phase generator consists of three parts generated in each phase, which is 1/3 of the total. The current passing through one winding must not exceed the rated value. This must be taken into account when connecting consumers, distribute them evenly over the phases.

When a homemade generator is designed to operate on two phases, then it cannot safely generate electricity more than 2/3 of the total value, and if only one phase is involved, then only 1/3.

Frequency control

The frequency meter allows you to monitor this indicator. When it was not installed in the design of a home-made generator, then you can use the indirect method: at idle, the output voltage exceeds the nominal 380/220 by 4 ÷ 6% at a frequency of 50 Hz.

One of the options for making a home-made generator from an asynchronous motor and its capabilities are shown in their video by the owners of the Maria channel with Alexander Kostenko.

(13 votes, average: 4.5 out of 5) Electricity is getting more expensive every day. And many owners sooner or later begin to think about alternative energy sources. We offer as samples fuel-free generators of Tesla, Hendershot, Romanov, Tariel Kanapadze, Smith, Bedini, the principle of operation of the units, their scheme and how to make a device with your own hands.

How to make a fuel-free generator with your own hands

Many owners sooner or later begin to think about alternative energy sources. We propose to consider what an autonomous fuel-free generator of Tesla, Hendershot, Romanov, Tariel Kanapadze, Smith, Bedini is, the principle of operation of the unit, its scheme and how to make a device with your own hands.

Overview of generators

When using a fuelless generator, an internal combustion engine is not required, since the device does not have to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into mechanical energy to generate electricity. This electromagnetic device works in such a way that the electricity generated by the generator is recirculated back to the system through the coil.

Photo - Generator Kapanadze

Conventional electric generators work on the basis of:
1. Internal combustion engine, with piston and rings, connecting rod, spark plugs, fuel tank, carburetor, ... and
2. Using amateur motors, coils, diodes, AVRs, capacitors, etc.

The internal combustion engine in fuel-free generators has been replaced by an electromechanical device that receives power from the generator and, using the same, converts it into mechanical energy with an efficiency of more than 98%. The cycle repeats over and over. So the concept here is to replace an internal combustion engine that depends on fuel with an electromechanical device.

Photo - Generator diagram

The mechanical energy will be used to drive the generator and receive the current generated by the generator to power the electromechanical instrument. A fuelless generator that is used to replace an internal combustion engine is designed in such a way that it uses less energy at the output of the generator power.

Video: homemade fuel-free generator:

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Tesla generator

The Tesla linear electric generator is the main prototype of the working device. A patent for it was registered in the 19th century. The main advantage of the device is that it can be built even at home using solar energy. An iron or steel plate is insulated with external conductors, after which it is placed as high in the air as possible. We place the second plate in sand, earth or other grounded surface. The wire starts from a metal plate, the connection is made with the capacitor on one side of the plate and the second cable goes from the base of the plate to the other side of the capacitor.

Photo - Tesla fuelless generator

Such a self-made fuel-free mechanical generator of free energy of electricity is fully functional in theory, but for the actual implementation of the plan it is better to use more common models, for example, inventors Adams, Sobolev, Alekseenko, Gromov, Donald, Kondrashov, Motovilov, Melnichenko and others. It is possible to assemble a working device even when redevelopment of any of the listed devices, it will come out cheaper than connecting everything yourself.

In addition to solar energy, you can use turbine generators that operate without fuel on water energy. Magnets completely cover the rotating metal discs, and a flange and a self-powered wire are added to the device, which significantly reduces losses, thanks to which this heat generator works more efficiently than solar. Due to the high asynchronous oscillations, this wadded fuelless generator suffers from eddy electricity, so it cannot be used in a car or to power a house, because motors can burn out on impulse.

Photo - Adams Fuelless Generator

But Faraday's hydrodynamic law also suggests using a simple perpetual generator. Its magnetic disk is divided into spiral curves that radiate energy from the center to the outer edge, reducing resonance.

In this high voltage electrical system, if there are two turns side by side, electric current moves through the wire, the current passing through the loop will create a magnetic field that will radiate against the current passing through the second loop, creating resistance.

How to make a generator

Exists two options work execution:

  1. dry way;

  2. Wet or oily;

wet method uses a battery, while the dry method does without a battery.

Step-by-step instruction how to assemble an electric fuelless generator. To make a fuel-free type wet generator, you will need several components:

  • battery,

  • Charger suitable caliber,

  • AC transformer

  • Amplifier.

Connect the ac to dc transformer to your battery and power amp, and then connect the charger and expansion sensor to the circuit, then connect it back to the battery. Why are these components needed:

  1. The battery is used to store and store energy;

  2. A transformer is used to create constant current signals;

  3. The amplifier will help increase the current supply because the power from the battery is only 12V or 24V, depending on the battery.

  4. The charger is necessary for the smooth operation of the generator.

Photo - Alternative generator

dry generator works on capacitors. To assemble such a device you need to prepare:

  • generator prototype

  • Transformer.

This production is the most perfect way to make a generator, because it can last for years, at least 3 years without recharging. These two components must be combined using undamped special conductors. We recommend using welding to create the strongest connection. To control the work, a dynatron is used, watch the video on how to connect the conductors correctly.

Transformer-based devices are more expensive, but are much more efficient than battery-powered ones. As a prototype, you can take the model free energy, kapanadze, torrent, brand Khmilnik. Such devices can be used as a motor for an electric vehicle.

Price overview

On the domestic market, generators produced by Odessa inventors, BTGi BTGR, are considered the most affordable. You can buy such fuel-free generators in a specialized electrical engineering store, online stores, from the manufacturer (the price depends on the brand of the device and the point where the sale is made).

Fuel-free new generators on the Vega magnet for 10 kW will cost an average of 30,000 rubles.

Odessa plant - 20,000 rubles.

Very popular Andrus will cost the owners at least 25,000 rubles.

Imported devices of the Ferrite brand (an analogue of the Stephen Mark device) are the most expensive in the domestic market and cost from 35,000 rubles, depending on the power.