From childhood, Bill Kaulitz was different from his peers; he was fond of art and did not like exact sciences. Bill is 10 minutes younger than his twin brother Tom, they never separate and to this day spend free time together.

Bill and Tom Kaulitz:

Childhood, biography of Bill Kaulitz

The brothers were born in Leipzig on September 1, 1989. Due to his parents' divorce when the twins were seven years old, Bill began to not get along with his peers and often got into conflict situations. Two years later the family moved to the village of Leutsche. Their mother Simone remarries musician Gordon Trumer, who later supported the teenage twins in their musical aspirations.

In the village, Bill’s life was not sweet; because of his unusual appearance, he became an outcast; his classmates often joked and teased the guy. But Bill had no intention of changing anything about himself; at 12, he pierced his tongue and eyebrow, and dyed his hair bright red, and then black.

One Halloween, Bill dressed up as a vampire, he lined his eyes with black pencil and painted his nails with black polish. The guy liked the image so much that he started using it in Everyday life. Bill's appearance in the village only caused outrage.

Soon the twins, after consulting, decide that they need to leave the village and go to the city. But they were still children, naturally they were not allowed to go anywhere, the twins needed to finish school.

Tokio Hotel

When Bill turns 13, he and his brother create his musical group Devilish and the brothers perform in bars in Magdeburg, which is near their village. Later two more boys join them, and the group changes its name to Tokio Hotel.

After a while, Bill decided to test his strength at a talent show, but did not make it to the quarterfinals. But it was Bill’s participation in the talent show that brought him to the attention of producer Peter Hoffman, who took over the Tokio Hotel group.

Bill was fascinated by show business and quickly got used to it. So, not yet graduating from school, he becomes the lead singer of the group.

From this moment on, the Kaulitz brothers grew up in front of their audience. During this time, Bill changed his image more than once, and continues to amaze with his appearance, and his style will be inherited by girls all over the world.

The group's first song was "Durch den Monsun", and a month later the group released their first album "Schrey".

The twin brothers begin a busy life with constant touring, which once affected the lead singer’s health; Bill had to undergo surgery on his vocal cords.

With the growing popularity of Bill and Tom, they are invited as jury members on the show "Germany is looking for a superstar"

In 2010, Bill tried himself as a model. Together with his brother, he advocates for the protection of animals, in particular, for Euro 2012 they took part in a campaign against the extermination of animals in Ukraine.

And in 2011 he received an award from the STAR PLANETE site. Several times the musician took first place in the category "International Male Artist."

Personal life of Bill Kaulitz

Bill Kaulitz keeps his personal life under seven locks. The producer also helps to carefully hide the brothers’ personal lives in order to keep the group’s popularity high.

As Bill himself stated, since the creation of the group, the musician has less time for his personal life. Therefore, he had only a few novels, about which almost nothing is known. In this regard, rumors began to appear about the musician’s homosexuality. But Bill denies all the rumors and claims that he has not yet met the one with whom he would like to spend his life.

There were also rumors that Bill had a short-lived affair with Nikki Ramsay daughter of British TV presenter Gordon Ramsay. But this novel is also in doubt. Although the girl claims that she and Bill had a relationship that did not last long, and despite the breakup, she and Bill maintained a warm relationship.

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It is difficult to find a person who has never heard of the legendary Tokio Hotel. The compositions of this group became worldwide hits, and the leader of the group, Bill Kaulitz, was a real youth idol. Lead singer and lyricist of the band Tokio Hotel Bill Kaulitz fell in love with the public not only for his unique stage image, but also for the fact that in his songs he was not afraid to raise pressing social issues, which were discussed in modern society It’s not customary to say. Now the popularity of the group is, of course, not the same as before. However, loyal fans of the group are still interested in the personal life of Bill Kaulitz, especially after the news about the wedding of his brother Tom Kaulitz and Heidi Klum.

Childhood and youth

The musician was born in September 1989 in Leipzig, Saxony. The head of the family, Jörg Kaulitz, was a truck driver, and Simone's mother was a seamstress. After his parents' divorce, Bill, his twin brother Tom, his mother and stepfather moved to the suburbs of Magdeburg.

Since childhood, Kaulitz had a fine mental organization. His unique vision of the world was reflected not only in the lyrics, but also in his appearance: dyed black hair, styling, and piercings made Bill stand out from the crowd of his peers. For this, the guy got it from his classmates more than once. Tom also received Tumakov, who could not stand by and calmly watch his brother being beaten.

In 2001, the Kaulitzes created the group Devilish. Despite the disdainful attitude of others, they believed in themselves and every weekend, together with bass player Georg Listing and drummer Gustav Schäfer, they gathered in the garage for rehearsals.

2 years later, Bill participated in the Star Search talent show and performed the cult song of The Weather Girls “It’s Raining Men”. The shocking boy's vocals impressed producer Peter Hoffman, who took up the task of promoting the team. The guys changed their name to Tokio Hotel. Reference to Country rising sun is not accidental: Kaulitz came up with the stage image under the influence of the Japanese visual kei subculture, popular in the mid-2000s.

Gaining world fame

The young guys from Germany fell into deafening glory. By the end of 2006, about half a million discs had been sold, almost 200 thousand tickets for concerts in various European cities were sold, and the group had already appeared on the covers of German magazines more than 10 times! And the second studio album Schrei - so laut du kannst (Shout - as loud as you can) was also released, supplemented by several new compositions. In terms of sales, it overtook The Rolling Stones' compilation, which was released at the same time.

The first concert not held in Germany was an amazing success in Moscow. This made it clear that the group was in high demand. In the spring of 2007, the Zimmer 483 tour launched, with sold-out concerts in 20 European cities. The musicians also came to the Muz TV Awards in Moscow, and later performed in St. Petersburg.

At the beginning of June 2007, the English-language album Scream was released, which allowed Tokio Hotel to begin the conquest of England, Italy, Spain and America. In the fall, the group went on tour. The final concert took place on November 4 in the German city of Essen. After the end of the tour, the band was forced to take a break from concert and musical activities and cancel several performances, because Bill fell ill with laryngitis and could not sing. Fortunately, at the end of March 2008, the lead singer underwent surgery on his vocal cords, which allowed him to resume his conquest of musical heights.

In October 2009, the fourth studio album Humanoid was released, which was quite noticeably different from the previous ones, as the musicians added more electronics to the songs. The main singles of the album were:

  1. Automatic.
  2. World behind my wall.
  3. Darkside of the Sun.

The work was received ambiguously by fans, but overall it was a good success. Having presented this album, in the spring of 2010 Tokio Hotel went to Asia, where they gave concerts in Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan. In December of the same year, the group visited Tokyo, the capital of Japan, as world-class stars that everyone knew about.

After releasing four records that were a resounding success all over the world, and several sold-out tours, German artists decided to take a break from active public activities and devote time to relaxation. Bill and Tom flew to their mansion in Los Angeles, where they relaxed and recharged, spending a lot of time with their dogs and working on new material.

However, already in the fall of 2012, the brothers returned to work activity, having arrived in Germany. They were invited as judges on the German television project DSDS (Germany is looking for a superstar).

In October 2014, Tokio Hotel returned, blowing up the music world with their new album Kings of Suburbia. The audience well received the musical component of the record, but the video for the main song Feel It All caused a lot of negative emotions. Some concerts as part of the tour, which was supposed to support the release of the disc, were on the verge of cancellation. The reason was entire groups united who called the behavior of Bill, who played a drug addict in the video, inappropriate.

Discontent escalated among parents of teenagers as they feared the clip would have the wrong effect. However, director Matthias Erik Jonson hastened to resolve the conflict and explained that the work, which was created solely under the impression of the cult films “Requiem for a Dream” and “We are the children from Zoo Station,” does not have a propaganda purpose. This allowed the group to finish the tour calmly, having successfully given concerts in Europe, Asia, Russia, the USA and Latin America.

In 2016, Bill Kaulitz, taking the pseudonym Billy (Bii), presented a solo album called I’m Not OK, consisting of 15 original songs. The record was released in a limited edition, so especially early fans who managed to pre-order on the official website received, along with the disc, a colorful book with photographs of the artist taken by professional photographers. A video was also shot for the album’s main single, “Love Don’t Break Me,” which received almost two million views.

In March 2017, the fifth was released and this moment The last studio album of the German group, which was called “Dream Machine”. The songs combine some features of early music and elements of electronics from the last two albums. This work included two singles:

  1. Something New.
  2. What If.

Bill's personal life and interesting facts

Constant changes of image, provocative unisex costumes, unusual hairstyles and bright “non-male” makeup, scandalous behavior on stage - all this causes, on the one hand, the indignation of the “well-behaved” public, and at the same time fuels the love of fans. For example, at the first concert in Moscow, Bill got so excited that he began to imitate obscene advances towards his brother right on stage. This, and more, gave rise to rumors about the twins’ “wrong” relationships, and too little information was leaked to the press about Tom and Bill’s affairs with women. Who Bill is “in love with” and who his girlfriend is was known for sure only once: Nikki Ramsay, the daughter of a popular English showman, confirmed that they had a relationship.

In 2015, a photo of his older brother appeared in the press, where he was captured arm in arm with Liz Vanderpump, the star of the American reality show “Real Housewives.” Everything would be fine, but the lady, beautiful in all respects, was 54 years old at that time! In response to questions from journalists: “What is this, love?” – Bill did not confirm or deny the relationship with a woman old enough to be his mother. He “added fuel to the fire” with the statement: “I’m constantly waiting for a miracle, I want to meet a person who will change my life radically, and it doesn’t matter to me what age and gender he will be.” Oh how...

Lately (probably because he has matured) Bill has changed his “sweet” image to a more masculine one. Not all fans took this positively: “He was such a little guy 5-6 years ago, what did he do to himself?”

It is not only his suspicious orientation and shocking creativity that is causing a stir around the leader of Tokio Hotel. Either he declares that he has become a convinced vegetarian, or suddenly he shares his favorite recipes for chicken pizza and milkshake on the Internet. The brothers behave defiantly in public, but do not like to give interviews at home.

But the brothers always treat animals with equal reverence: according to them, as children they fed stray dogs and looked after them. Now several dogs live with Bill and Tom, their biggest favorite is the bulldog Pumbaa, they also had a cat Casimir. The brothers have been active participants in the global animal welfare organization PETA for many years. In 2012, they publicly expressed outrage at the extermination of stray dogs in Ukraine on the eve of the European football championship. They never wear real fur or leather.

Scandals haunt Bill and Tom constantly: not long ago there was a rumor that the girlfriend of Kaulitz’s younger brother was forced to break up with him and get plastic surgery on her face, as fans threatened to disfigure her. Their adoptive father Gordon Trumper had to delete his YouTube account twice due to indiscreet questions and insults.

Musician's orientation

Expressive facial features long hair The artist left dreadlocks, makeup, as well as shocking outfits and heels in the past quite a long time ago, dyeing his hair blond and making his image much more masculine. Now Bill Kaulitz appears in public without makeup, but controversy about his sexuality still does not stop. Fans confirm their guesses about Bill's gayness in a variety of situations.

In his songs, the singer never limits love to any gender boundaries. In addition, the elder Kaulitz used to often flirt and even kiss with his younger brother on stage, which gave rise to many rumors about the nature of the relationship between the brothers. Another played a role famous singer- Adam Lambert. In his interviews, he often said that he admired Bill’s appearance, character and personality and would really like to meet him in person. However, Adam immediately denied the possibility of a relationship between them, arguing that he had heard about Kaulitz’s traditional orientation.

Bill and his girls

The artist carefully hides his personal life, as he believes that any relationship concerns only two people.

Several years ago, there were rumors about Bill's affair with Nikki Ramsay, the daughter of famous British TV presenter Gordon Ramsay. The singer never commented on this, although Bill was seen with a girl a couple of times. But Ramsay herself claimed that the rumors were true, and they really had a relationship, which, however, quickly ended. Ramsay was frightened by indecent comments and threats from Bill's fans towards her, so the couple broke up.

A little later, Bill and his brother were jury members on the German TV show DSDS. Many noticed that one of the participants, 17-year-old Laura Kleinas, very impressed the eldest of the brothers with her performance. Kaulitz liked the charming girl, and he tried to promote her to the finals. Bill even confessed his sympathy to Laura in one of the episodes, but Kleinas herself reacted to this indifferently, saying that they were connected only by music.

At the moment, Bill has no plans to get married and is not in a permanent relationship.

Bill Kaulitz now

The brothers now live in Los Angeles. In America, there is low awareness of the group’s popularity: “Tokyo Hotel” is considered a cool indie project, but here you can safely walk down the street and work in the studio. The twins maintain a strong connection; Bill and Tom see each other every day and admit that when they are apart, they call each other every two minutes.

Frontman leads active life: participates in photo shoots, appears on the covers of world print publications, and becomes a guest on television and radio programs with enviable regularity. On the group’s YouTube channel and Instagram, Bill publishes videos of the #TokioHotelTV project, which show the everyday realities of the team members without embellishment.

Pictures of clothes, shoes and accessories from fashion houses Rick Owens, Saint Laurent, Louis Vuitton and Dior also appear there.

The artist carefully monitors what ends up on his plate and what costume the assistants have prepared. There is also a place on the page for the beloved bulldog Pumbaa.

Kaulitz dreams of opening a club with a European atmosphere in America, and independently developing the design, program, and menu of bars. And, of course, perform there with live music.

In April 2019, the team began the Melancholic paradise tour in support of the album of the same name. Listeners from Western and Northern Europe, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus enjoyed the music of Tokio Hotel.

Personal life of Bill Kaulitz has changed a lot since he became the lead singer of the popular music group Devilish, which was later renamed Tokio Hotel. The group was formed by Bill, his brother Tom and their friends Gustav Schaefer and Georg Listing. Bill gained enormous popularity among teenagers, especially girls, who did not give way to the young musician, bombarding him with letters and declarations of love. Each of his appearances on stage was accompanied by their enthusiastic screams and it was difficult to believe that there were not many novels in Bill Kaulitz’s personal life. According to the Tokio Hotel vocalist, his huge busyness is to blame for everything, but he never lost hope of meeting true love.

Pictured: Bill Kaulitz

However, even in his loneliness, Bill tries to find the advantages that no one limits his circle of contacts and he does not have to report to anyone. Bill Kaulitz does not consider himself a heartthrob, therefore he does not welcome short-term hobbies and small romances; according to the musician, if he enters into a relationship, then it must be very serious and long-term. He admits the possibility that one of the fans could become his girlfriend, but only if he truly falls in love. In Bill Kaulitz’s personal life, he often communicated with fans, but he had not yet developed a close relationship with any of them.

In 2010, an important event occurred in the biography of Bill Kaulitz and his brother - they moved to Los Angeles, and explained their departure from Hamburg by the desire to hide from everyone and live their own lives. They settled in big house and feel very comfortable, and Bill and Tom are accompanied by four dogs. They are still drawn to Germany, where their family lives, and they come to their home whenever possible.

In the photo - Bill Kaulitz with his brother Tom

An important place in Bill Kaulitz's personal life is occupied by charitable activities - together with Tom they took part in the campaign “Remove Wild Animals from the Circus!”, as well as against the extermination of stray animals. As for his affairs on the love front, last year news appeared about his relationship with Nikki Ramsay, the daughter of a famous chef and TV presenter. But how true this news is is unknown, and Nikki herself says that they still have a good relationship, although they broke up.

Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel admits everything in a letter published on the SheKnows website. The 25-year-old German singer, who announced the letter on Instagram and Twitter, has decided to speak openly about his sexual orientation. The first and important step in which he admitted: there is no need for any restrictions in love. And even if he didn't want it, he had to explain himself. The phrase “Bill Kaulitz is gay” has accompanied him since his debut in the music world.

Tokio Hotel's Bill Kaulitz's homosexuality has been talked about on the internet and in music circles for several years now, sparking curiosity among his many fans who follow him on Facebook. In this touching letter, the German tattoo artist reveals unknown aspects of his private life.

The Tokio Hotel singer explains in his letter: "As a child, I always dreamed of finding the great love of my life. My twin brother Tom never understood the latter. He didn't really care about it. My friends sometimes laugh at me and almost everyone I know , they think that the kind of love that I believe in only happens in fairy tales. But I was also betrayed, deceived, and used. However, I still believe in magic, in great love that happens once in a lifetime. People like to classify everything. put labels on everything, - said Bill - even on sexual preferences and love. Especially in the industry where I move, I feel like people are just going crazy because they can’t find out who is in my bed: a woman or. man. That's why I've been constantly asked the same question, "Are you gay or not?" since I was 13 and started giving interviews."

All these phrases of the vocalist are reminiscent of the words of the British swimmer Tom Daly, when he admitted his homosexuality last year: before that, he first said that in love for him there is no difference between men and women, and then became an open homosexual. News of Bill Kaulitz's letter quickly spread throughout the world. in social networks. Now many of his fans are wondering: is Bill gay or bisexual? We'll likely learn something more very soon. The fact remains that all the confessions from celebrities in the world of music, film, television and sports are very useful and meaningful for all homosexuals who are victims of homophobia, bullying and ignorance every day.

Bill Kaulitz was born on September 1, 1989 in Leipzig, East Germany. The baby was born ten minutes after the birth of his twin brother Tom Kaulitz.

After 7 years, their parents decided to separate, after which the family changed their place of residence and moved to the village of Leutsche. After some time, the mother married musician Gordon Trumper.

Also in early childhood Bill dreamed of singing on stage, and his favorite singer was Nena, and the boy even managed to listen to her perform at a concert.

Tom also shared his brother’s hobbies, so his mother and stepfather did everything to make the children’s dream come true. At the age of 12, Bill got piercings, piercing his tongue and eyebrow, and also dyed his hair black. For Halloween, Bill always dressed up as a vampire, as he liked the dark gothic style.

In the photo, Bill and Tom Kaulitz in early childhood

To match the image, the boy painted his eyes with black pencil. Since Kaulitz stood out among his peers with his unusual appearance and hobbies, they constantly teased and offended him.

Creative career

Studying was difficult for the brothers; they were hooligans and did not obey their elders, so the teachers constantly scolded them. When Bill and Tom were 13 years old, they began performing in bars in Magdeburg, where they met two young men, Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing, who were also passionate about music. The guys teamed up and created their own group called Devilish, releasing a disc with their own compositions, which is still valued among music lovers. They reproduced it in quantities of 300 pieces and distributed it at their performances. The young musicians were accidentally heard by a producer who subsequently invited them to an audition. The members of Devilish were very worried, but everything went well, and the producer signed a contract with them, renaming the group Tokio Hotel.

In 2003, Kaulitz tried his hand at a German competition for young talents, but despite the fact that the performance was unsuccessful, he was noticed by producer Peter Hoffman, who later did a lot for the successful promotion of the team. Having entered the world of show business, musicians began to learn how to behave properly on stage, give autographs to fans, and also communicate with representatives of the press. Bill began to improve his vocals, as he was always too lazy to study musical notation, so he did not know how to play musical instruments. In August 2005, the band's first single, “Durch den Monsun,” was recorded, which quickly rose to the highest level in the Austrian charts. A month later, the first studio album “Schrei” was created. Within a year, the group members recorded three videos, which quickly reached first place. The talent of the musicians was recognized by the important König Pilsener Arena prize, which they were awarded right at the concert in the spring of 2006. During the same period, they released their second album “Schrei - so laut du kannst”, and in the fall they went on their first tour, having visited a concert in Moscow.

In the spring of 2007, Tokyo Hotel tours Europe. In Russia, they first performed in St. Petersburg and then in Moscow. In the summer, their first English-language album “Scream” appeared, with which the musicians began to gain popularity in America, England, Italy, and Spain. Frequent tours around the world and a busy work schedule undermined the health of the musicians. Thus, at the beginning of 2008, the artists were forced to cancel a tour of Europe due to the illness of the lead singer, who was diagnosed with a tumor on his vocal cords. After the operation, Bill was not allowed to speak for several weeks. But already in May the group gave their first concert after the operation at a festival in New York. In the fall of 2009, the fourth album “Humanoid” was released, where the arrangement of the songs was mainly composed of electronics. In the spring of 2010, the musicians went on tour to Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, and then to Japan.

After this, the German artists took a break creative work, to relax and work on a new album, but already in the fall of 2012, Bill and his brother appeared on the screens in the show “Germany is looking for a superstar,” where they became part of the jury. This popular German program has a permanent jury member, Dieter Bohlen, and others are invited every year. Last news about the Tokio Hotel group will only please their fans: the musicians released new album“Kings of Suburbia” (Kings of the Suburbia), work on which took place by twin brothers without any outside help. Those who have already listened to new compositions sounding on English language, had mixed reactions to this work. Some did not like the musical sound of the songs, but critics believe that the artists were able to achieve a superior sound in them. In the first half of 2015, the musicians intend to begin the world tour “Feel It All World Tour” in support of their new album, which will last until December 2015.

Personal life of Bill Kaulitz

After Bill Kaulitz and his brother became famous, they had many fans who bombarded them with love letters. But the peculiar style of the twin brothers, various photos, as well as their songs, gave rise to many questions and speculations about their personal lives. Rumors about Bill and Tom kissing publicly, whether Bill has a girlfriend, and where to find her photo constantly interested fans of the brothers’ work. And few people could believe that the singer had not yet met the girl of his dreams, which is why he was still alone. It should be noted that Kaulitz himself does not like to talk about his love affairs, believing that these relationships should be personal and intimate, but in one interview he admitted that he dreams of meeting his beloved girl.

Pictured is Nikki Ramsay

According to the musician, he is not a fan of easy hobbies and welcomes only serious and long-term relationships. At the same time, Bill, who often has to communicate with fans, does not exclude the possibility that one of them could become his girlfriend. At one time, there were persistent rumors about Bill's affair with Nikki Ramsay, the daughter of British chef and TV presenter Gordon Ramsay, but this relationship quickly ended. One way or another, lovers become the object of close attention from cunning paparazzi and fans, and the latter treat the object of their idol’s love very jealously, sometimes even hatefully. Kaulitz fans began to threaten Ramsay and her family, after which the frightened girl decided to break up with her lover.

In the photo Laura Kleinas and Bill

During the participation of the lead singer of the group Tokyo Hotel in the DSDS show as a member of the jury, many of his fans noted that Bill sympathized with one of the participants, whose name is Laura Kleinas. The artist was absolutely delighted with the performance of the charming 17-year-old Frenchwoman, so he tried to promote her to the finals. In one of the episodes of the show, Bill confessed his love to the girl, but Laura herself claimed that only music stood between them.

In 2010, the Kaulitz brothers changed their place of residence, moving to Los Angeles. The artists decided to take a break from their creative careers and, hiding from everyone, dreamed of living their own lives. They purchased a luxurious mansion, where they can now calmly work on new projects. Four dogs also settled in the musicians' new house. Bill and Tom are vegetarians and wildlife lovers, so they became involved with PETA, an organization that fights for animal rights. In the fall of 2010, the Kaulitz brothers took part in an unusual photo shoot under the motto “Slaves of the Entertainment Industry: Wild Animals Have No Place in the Circus.” In these photographs they are captured in a cage where circus animals are kept, and the performers were not only chained, but also smeared in soot and blood. Bill and Tom also recorded a video message to the public, describing the conditions in which four-legged circus performers are kept, who are often beaten. Also, young people believe that it is necessary to reduce the use of animals in entertainment events and try to replace them with people.

Relationships with other singers and popularity among fans

The members of Tokyo Hotel are friendly with each other and work as a well-coordinated team, but sometimes Bill gets the worst of them, as he can be very capricious and lazy. During tours, the lead singer of the group does not help his colleagues carry heavy stage props, believing that his instrument is only a microphone. Bill looked for clothes for performances himself, and he liked this activity. According to the singer, if his musical career had not worked out, he would definitely have become a fashion designer. Kaulitz always treated his stage image with trepidation, so professional stylist and makeup artist Natalie Franz, who has extensive experience in working with famous people, began working with him. The girl is originally from Ukraine, but already in the late 80s she settled in Europe. It was she who created Bill's crazy hairstyles and makeup, which drove his fans into wild delight.

But the performer, who was popular mainly among teenagers, also had those who opposed his popularity, who considered the soloist’s image to be overly sexual. These young people even created a small club of anti-fans, where its members claimed that the singer was equally attractive to both women and men. According to rumors, the German rapper Buschido had a special affinity for Kaulitz, but the artist himself always denied his involvement with gays. Also, American singer and actor Adam Lambert, known for his participation in the American Idol show, has repeatedly said in interviews that he would like to personally meet and get to know Bill. At one time, Adam was classified as gay, but this did not stop him from becoming a successful performer with his own style. Lambert himself announced on Twitter that the two singers had met. He enthusiastically told readers that the meeting did not last long, but in a very friendly atmosphere.

Many fans are interested not only in Bill’s work and photographs, but also like to read his quotes recorded in different time. They like their idol’s interesting point of view on many things, while some even change their imagination and learn from him to achieve their goals, overcoming obstacles. For example, the singer said that when a dream comes true, it leaves the person. Also his catchphrase is: “The most powerful drug is fame, but if it is taken away from me, I will not survive this blow.”

Evolution of style and participation in photo shoots

At the beginning of his singing career, Kaulitz wore eyeliner, piercings, and short haircut With long bangs. The producers of the Tokio Hotel group considered this bisexual image of the lead singer to be successful, since it aroused the interest of many music lovers, and teenage fans began to imitate him. As Bill grew older, changes occurred in his image.

The bright androgynous image of Bill Kaulitz was remembered by fans for a long time

His black hair became long and his nails had black polish. Makeup became more professional, and lips appeared glossy. His bright appearance and confidence on stage allowed the artist to achieve great success in his career. In 2007, he uses white highlights in his hair and prefers to wear rocker-style clothes. In 2009, Kaulitz demonstrated several images: first he appears with dreadlocks, and then a mohawk appears on his head, and the performer switches to heels and tight clothes.

Since 2012, Bill has radically changed his image...

Then, like many celebrities, the singer fell in love with knitted hats. For some time, the twin brothers did not perform at concerts or appear on television, but when in the fall of 2012 they took part in the filming of the show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”, they showed the audience their new image. Bill became blond, but he had no makeup and three days of stubble.

The lead singer of Tokio Hotel acquired tattoos at a young age: a star-shaped design on his right thigh, then the inscription “Freedom-89” on his left hand and the band’s logo on his neck. There is also an image on the shoulder that resembles a mermaid, and the inscriptions on the left side likely refer to her: “We go back to basics” and “We will never stop screaming.” Now Kaulitz has several more tattoos: the time of birth is stamped on his fingers - 0630, and on his left hand there is a skeleton with a flower and a bird. Bill also has a large tattoo on his chest that reads, “See you in outer space.” But he does not reveal what this symbolic tattoo means.

The popular German singer, with his tall height of 184 cm, weighs only 52 kg, so many fans were concerned that their favorite had developed anorexia. In addition, there were rumors that he was using large quantities alcohol and indulges in drugs. In one interview, Bill said that he was fine and was not sick with anything. Moreover, the singer loves sweets and everything baked. Kaulitz admitted that during the times when they had their first musical group, he often drank alcohol and was very drunk, but then the singer grew older and realized all his wrong actions.

Tall and thin, Bill had an eccentric style and dreamed of trying his hand at modeling in the fashion industry. And at the beginning of 2010, he took part in the show of the Dsquared fashion house for the first time, where he created the image of a “fallen angel.” Then the singer was invited to a shoot by Stern publishers, where he showed off his graceful figure in various outfits. The artist was given bright makeup, his nails were painted with dark polish, and his hair was combed back. Also in October 2010, the Kaulitz brothers became the faces of the glossy magazine L'Uomo Vogue, and the photography took place in Sicily at the Biscari Palace. But sometimes the lead singer and members of the Tokio Hotel group manage to relax and unwind in the Maldives. That’s when Bill can afford to be without makeup and hair, however, even there the musicians are harassed by the ubiquitous paparazzi.

At the peak of his popularity, the German singer had many doubles. But what a surprise it was when Kaulitz himself was accused of copying the image of the 25-year-old Japanese singer Miyavi, former guitarist of the Indian band Duele Quartz. The performers themselves ignored this statement. Most likely, both showed interest in Japanese “manga”, which was then in big fashion. Bill only adjusted his gothic-vampiric style, which is why the resemblance to Miyavi arose.