Pyramid (Pyramid)

This is an elementary fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish. There are two methods of this fortune-telling, which are based on the original system.

You can use the second method - Pyramid - in the free collection of card games. First way. In this fortune telling, the answer to the question posed is determined by the place of the hidden card, where it will appear when the deck is laid out. Take a deck of 32 cards. Choose 6 cards from the deck in any way you like, place them in

open form

on the table.

Then determine the area of ​​​​fortune, while thinking about any of the remaining 26 cards. Next, place the deck cards on the table open in the shape of a pyramid, where there are two cards in the first row, three cards in the second row, four cards in the third row, five cards in the fourth row, and six cards in the fifth row. After that, look where the intended map is located. Depending on which row it lies in, this will be the answer.
1st row- will not come true;
2nd row- hardly;
3rd row- quite possible;
4th row- very likely;

5th row

- will come true;
If, nevertheless, the hidden card remains in the deck, then lay out the remaining cards one at a time with the words as in the picture below.
Be patient.
Be strong.

Get angry.

Wave your hand. The answer to the question will be the word on which the intended card appears. Second

method (Pyramid).

For fortune telling we use a deck of 32 cards. We carefully shuffle the deck and select any 5 cards. We open these cards and invite someone to make their wish come true on any card from the deck that is not among the 5 cards.

Then determine the area of ​​​​fortune, while thinking about any of the remaining 26 cards. Next, place the deck cards on the table open in the shape of a pyramid, where there are two cards in the first row, three cards in the second row, four cards in the third row, five cards in the fourth row, and six cards in the fifth row. After that, look where the intended map is located. Depending on which row it lies in, this will be the answer.
1st row- will not come true;
2nd row Then we lay out the cards one at a time in the shape of a pyramid: 1st row - 1 card, 2nd row - 2 cards, 3rd row - 3 cards, 4th row - 4 cards, 5th row - 5 cards, 6th row - 6 cards.
3rd row- hardly;
4th row- quite possible;
If the intended card ends up in the pyramid, then the probability of the wish being fulfilled increases from the first to the sixth row. For example:- very doubtful;

6th row - almost certainly.

If the hidden card is missing in the pyramid, then the remaining 6 cards are laid out

eat with words as in the picture below.

In addition, he predicts the further development of events and what needs to be done, since it is important to understand what awaits you and in which direction to move. The Lovers' Pyramid helps to identify problems and try to avoid them.

How to make a schedule?

The cards are shuffled and laid out in four positions. The first is in the center, the second and third cards are on the sides, and the fourth is the top of the pyramid. The Major Arcana are used for fortune telling.

Position designations:

  • 1 card - You. Characterizes you within the framework that has developed at the present time. This includes your behavior, emotions, views specifically on this relationship. Other aspects of life are not considered here because behavior in non-relationship situations may be different.
  • 2 - partner. Characterizes your partner, his behavior, emotions regarding you. Shows its influence within your relationship.
  • 3 - relationships. The card talks about what relationships are like in the present. Shows what connects you, whether there are problems, what emotions are between the two partners. Based on the map, you can draw certain conclusions about current relationships.
  • 4 - future. The fourth card predicts the most likely path the relationship will take. Of course, these are just assumptions, the most likely option. Predicted based on your current behavior and previous cards.


In order to correctly assess the layout, you should refer to the meanings of the cards. The interpretation may be slightly different for different decks, in addition, each tarot reader ultimately comes up with his own interpretations. However, there are general points that are worth paying attention to.

The alignment should be interpreted in its entirety, since relationships are a close connection between the past, present and future. Cards are just signs; their meanings change depending on the situation. Therefore, when guessing, you should try to see the entire layout as a whole, and not each step of the pyramid separately, then you can get a complete picture of the prospects of the relationship.

Tarot will help you understand a confusing love situation when it is impossible to understand the outcome of the situation. The “Pyramid of Lovers” layout for 4 cards is a simple way to find out what the future awaits in everyone’s love story.

Fortune telling will help you understand relationships that have just begun, as well as find out what awaits stable couples. “Pyramid of Lovers” will talk about the future of partners and answer questions of interest. Turning to the Tarot is a good opportunity to intelligently deal with the problem that has arisen and avoid dangerous mistakes.

Features of fortune telling

There is no need to use all of the Tarot during a reading. Only the Major Arcana and cards of the Cups suit are used. Other Arcana do not take part in the layout. “Pyramid of Lovers” with 4 cards will help you understand the issue where you cannot do without the participation of otherworldly forces. This version of fortune telling will allow you to understand the sincere intentions of your other half and better understand the problem.

If emotions and fear of the future prevent you from sensibly assessing a possible outcome, the “Pyramid of Lovers” will put everything in its place.

The layout takes place on four cards, which are laid out in the form of a pyramid. The first is placed in the center, the second Arcana is laid out to the left of it. The third is located to the right of the first (main card). Above the other three, at the head is the fourth Arcana. This arrangement of the Tarot makes love predictions as accurately as possible. In fortune telling, each card gives a specific answer to a question.

Detailed meaning of cards

It will be possible to correctly interpret the Tarot if you first understand what each symbol in the layout means. The table shows detailed characteristics each Arcana.

PositionWho does it characterize?Meaning
1 cardThe man himself (fortune teller)Describes the current feelings of the one who tells fortunes. The cards indicate whether everything suits the fortuneteller in the couple and whether he is happy. The lasso describes only the state of a person in love relationships and does not affect other areas of life.
2 cardSignificant otherShows the feelings of a loved one and his behavior pattern in relationships. The second position shows how the loved one influences the fortuneteller. Arkan explains why a person behaves this way in the current circumstances.
3 cardLove relationships todayTarot shows what is happening in a love tandem today. This map should be used as a starting point for future relationship forecasts. In the case when the Major Arcana appears in the scenario, the forecast turns out to be fateful. The third position also indicates what unresolved issues and problems there are in the couple.
4 cardPossible future of loversArkan shows what awaits lovers in a relationship and says whether the couple will be able to resolve the issues that have arisen and maintain the connection. The tarot will indicate whether a possible breakup is expected in the future. When the Major Arcana appears in a reading, this means that the outcome of the love affair will greatly influence the fate of the fortuneteller.

“Pyramid of Lovers” is a simple option to find out the possible future awaiting partners. It must be remembered that the most accurate forecast depends on the correct interpretation. It is much easier to find out what fate has in store for a person if the fortuneteller pays attention to the following tips.

  1. During fortune telling, it is better to choose the suit of Cups. Cards in this category will help you understand as accurately as possible what kind of relationship a couple has and whether love lives in the partners’ hearts.
  2. The Major Arcana are the easiest to interpret. They give an accurate and detailed forecast of the situation. Please note that fortune telling when using the entire deck leads to confusion.
  3. During the layout, special attention is paid to the interpretation of the fourth card, which is responsible for the future. If the decoding of previous cards is done incorrectly, this will distort the entire result.
  4. When working with Tarot, focus as much as possible on your significant other. This mood will be transmitted to the cards, making the forecast reliable.
  5. It is important to remember that the future can be changed. If partners actively work on mutual understanding and harmony in the couple, the forecast will change. If the fortuneteller feels changes in communication with a loved one, it is necessary to repeat the clarifying alignment.

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Remember, it is easier to get a reliable answer to exciting questions for a person who understands the intricacies of working with Tarot. A professional tarot reader will make a more accurate forecast for the future in a love relationship than a beginner.

Sometimes during a reading the fortuneteller uses the entire deck. By choosing only the main Arcana, it is much easier to make a four-card layout and understand the forecast.

Tarot cards in this fortune-telling act as an adviser who will help you deal with the difficulties that have arisen in love. The layouts will show how to influence fate and change the outcome of events. The pyramid will tell you about the sincerity of your other half’s feelings and point out possible misunderstandings that exist in this moment.

If the Lovers' Pyramid showed unfavorable developments in the near future, this is not a reason to be upset. There is always time to influence the situation and turn the forecast in your favor.

Love. How much has merged in this word for the Russian heart. How much resonated in him. Having slightly paraphrased the words from “Eugene Onegin”, we can say that love is the most important and delightful state of a person, being in which you want to sing and dance, fly and be delighted and just live. Live next to your loved one and be loved. What a joy it is to love and wait to meet a person for whom you are ready to do anything.

As they say, all people in love are equally happy and they have no need to decipher their relationship. It’s a completely different matter during the period of falling in love, when there is still no clarity in the relationship, when there is no confidence in reciprocal feelings, when every gesture can be deciphered differently. Turning to Tarot cards, lovers are looking for a kind of guide along the difficult path of developing relationships. Which will sort out the mistakes you are making and suggest a way out of the current situation. The “Pyramid of Lovers” Tarot layout includes cards of the Major Arcana, which will help you figure out where you and your chosen one stand on the road of life. What will be the consequences if your paths cross? Or maybe your paths through life run parallel, without intersecting, only occasionally touching each other.

The crisis of human relations affects not only the heart and soul of the participants in the conflict, but also those around them. Therefore, you should not delay your visit to knowledgeable person, who will tell you what to do next and how to get the relationship out of the deadlock. There is no way to find such a person - then do the “Pyramid of Lovers” fortune telling yourself on the Tarot. Here you will have the opportunity to analyze your relationship. Understand what mistakes you have already made and what to do in the future to prevent their repetition. The cards will help you look into the soul of your partner and look at yourself through his eyes.

Fortune telling “Pyramid of Lovers” - how to make a layout?

There are 78 cards in the deck, each of which carries certain information. The pictures and episodes depicted on the maps help to more fully characterize the state of affairs and make their interpretation clearer and more acceptable. But in the Pyramid of Lovers layout, only four cards take part. By decomposing them, lovers gain access to information that is embedded in their subconscious and which they are ready to accept as it really is.

  • The card in the first position will characterize you and your attitude only within the framework of relationships. You may not recognize yourself, but the cards are rarely wrong and you should consider why you and your subconscious mind are at odds.
  • The second position card will tell about your partner. About his feelings for you. About his thoughts about your relationship. About how your partner sees your future relationship.
  • What feelings your partner has for you and what kind of relationship characterizes your connection. This is exactly what the third position of the layout will tell you about. From what the cards tell you, you need to draw the right conclusions and act as your intuition tells you.
  • Lovers take the fourth position of the Tarot layout as an excursion into the future, in which you, she and your feelings take part. It will become clear to you whether your relationship has a future and what to do to ensure its continuation.

If, nevertheless, a breakup occurs, and you still cannot understand the reason, the cards will tell you that perhaps you shouldn’t blame anyone but yourself for the breakup. If your relationship can be restored, then the cards will show you what is wrong with your relationship and whether there is a way to improve it. You just have to look inside yourself and draw conclusions.

The Lovers' Pyramid is a simple tarot card layout that characterizes current and potential confusing situations. This is an ideal way to get answers to direct questions.

The cards are laid out as follows:
1. YOU: This card characterizes you only within the framework of your current established relationships. Your behavior, determined by other aspects of your life, can be very diverse.
2. PARTNER: This card gives you the opportunity to correctly understand your partner and characterizes his behavior and influence on you at the moment within the framework of your existing relationship.
3. RELATIONSHIPS: This card characterizes the relationships that have developed between you at the moment and shows you what useful conclusions you can draw from your current life experiences.
4. FUTURE: You, your partner and the relationship between you are a single whole with great opportunities for further development. This card will show you the most likely fate of your union in the near future.

Layout:© Naina Vladimirova