Each zodiac sign has its own special talisman stone. It can be like a precious diamond and an ordinary mineral. It is important what effect he has per person and what brings him, in accordance with the zodiac.

Properties of stones for women and their effect on health and fate on the sign of the zodiac

Each zodiac has his own private stone mascot, who is able to bring good luck and give good fate. These are natural precious and semi-precious stones of natural origin, which for many years of their "maturation" absorbed the positive energy of the earth, water and the sun.

Choosing a stone should be strictly observing the recommendation, After all, since the signs of the zodiac will differ in nature, the properties of stones differ. Properly chosen stone mascot can be worn every day, and you can only wear in certain life when a person is in dire need of otherworldly power and help.

A woman can choose any decoration containing "its" stone and carry it on the chest in the form of a coast, in earrings and a bracelet. Stones can also decorate a variety of hairpins, pins, brooches and even belts. Natural stone is very beautiful and it is successfully complemented by precious and semi-precious metals: bronze, steel, gold silver.

Influence of stones on the fate of each zodiac sign

The gemstone can serve as a faithful amulet for each sign of the zodiac, it will definitely attract well-being, luck and good luck to its owner. The stone talisman will help the human character to balance, find harmony with himself and the world around him, and also protects from evil forces, failures and bad eyes.

What stones fit a woman on a horoscope and date of birth?

Aries - Special sign of the horoscope. Such women are emphasised, they have a solid position in life.

Woman Ariesoften positive and confidently looks into your bright future. At the same time, such people are distinguished by some egoism and emotionality. Impulsive acts of Aries often violate their plans and do not allow the doings to find their perfect appearance.

Stone talisman Ariesmust have a special force capable of balancing his mental state, smooth his conflicts with an external and inner world, hide everything negative traits, do not allow emotions to take over yourself. They are able to be only gem with strong and bright energy.

If speak about natural mineralsHere it is important to take into account all the features of the character of a person. The fact is that the Aries Aries is dispersed, depending on which date it was born. The patrons of the Aries can serve:

  • Mars (for those born from March 21 to March 31)
  • Sun (for those born from 1 to 11 April)
  • Venus (for those born from 12 to 20 April)

Stone talisman should also choose, focusing on the date of birth, so that the energy is clearly fitted with yours.

The patron sieve affects the choice of stone:

  • Mars - narcissistic, but purposeful adventurers. In such people will suit amulets agate, quartz, from a tiger eye and jasper
  • The sun -such Aries are more "soft", they are real faithful family mans and they are beautiful to fit the products from Sardonix, with a feline eye, heliotrop, amber and natural pearls
  • Venus -under its patronage there are only passionate and romantic Aries. Such Aries need "strong" stones and products with bright precious stones

Ruby - Perfect Stone for Aries

What stones fit a woman to the calf on a horoscope and date of birth?

Tales -confident zodiac sign, he characterizes his owner as a wise, noble, strong manhighlighting its qualities from the crowd. On the other hand, the tales are always very mercantile, that is, "think about their benefit." They are demanding and always need to contemplate the beautiful.

On a series with positive qualities, the calves also have negative - this is a small stubbornness and not many egoism. They love "their territory" and always sharpen to those who are trying to cross their lines. The selected stone-talisman will allow the Taurus to restrain all its negative emotions and discover favorable qualities.

Choosing a stone-amulet Tales should only focus on their date of birth. Decade (time of birth) defines a patron to sign the zodiac and very affects the character of a person.

Patolers for Taurus:

  • Teltsy ( 21.03. on 01.05) have their own patron - Mercury.This celestial body is considered one of the "worst and gold patrons" and therefore such stones will be able to bring such a calm as: agate, aventurine, amethyst, carnelian, a tiger eye
  • Teltsy (02.05 to 11.05.) have a strong patron - Moon.Such shoulders are different and passion. For them, stones will be favorable: turquoise, opal, mountain crystal, as well as products from chrysoprase, chalcedone and coral
  • Teltsy (12.05 to 20.05)have in the patronters of Saturn. The talismans "comfort" the teltsman and the inspiration of them even in them even in the most difficult moments. Such calves are suitable only precious "strong" stones: diamond, emerald, pomegranate or sapphire. Aquamarine will be also favorable

Emerald - a favorable stone for calves

What stones fit a woman twin on the horoscope and date of birth?

Twinsyou can safely describe how versatile women who possess some creative abilities and activity. In something - these are very variable people. Twin women often change the mood, views and solutions, even the most important and at the last moment. Positive feature Twins are their ability to simultaneously solve several problems and make several cases.

On a row with many positive qualities, still the twin women have some drawbacks - they can not do everything completely perfect. In order to faith harmony with himself, to gain success in their affairs, deserve respect and trust of others, the woman needs a talisman. Properly chosen stone can become a real amulet and be sure to attract their welfare welfare.

Decades of twins and their patrons:

  • Jupiter -"Guards" twins born from 21 to 31 May. He gave his ward a special intuition and the ability to reflect on logically
  • Mars -protects its twins who were born from 1 to 10 June. Since Mars has its own "burning" energy, then his wards also possess passion, selfishness and ambitiousness, as well as in some kind of aggression
  • The sun -he is the patron saint of those twins, which was born from 11 to 21 June. These "people of the Sun" possess a special positive charge, they love the world and the people around them

Choosing a stone, depending on the decade:

  • Gemini under the patronage of Jupiter will become stronger and confident if they have an amulet from Malachite, mountain crystal, obsidian, agate, lunar stone, amazonite or jade
  • Twins who patronize Mars will help to gain harmony such stones like: cat eye, natural amber, opal, citrine, onyx, as well as products from jade and pearls
  • Gemini who are born under the sign of the Sun must have a mascot with them, which will be made from sapphire, tourmaline, Topaz or Alexandrite

Nephritis - a stone that brings luck to twins

What stones fit a woman on a horoscope and date of birth?

Cancer -the sign of the zodiac, which characterizes women as gentle and at the same time unsure of the individuals. This is not a negative feature, just a person constantly doubts himself and its abilities. In addition, women crayfish love purity, order, silence and harmony around themselves. If something goes wrong, as was conceived - they immediately dip in the depressive state and blame themselves.

To gain confidence in herself, charges with a positive and make mistakes with pleasure a woman cancer will allow the right talisman correctly. A stone that serves as an amulet should only choose clearly focusing on the decade of birth. Only such a pebble in any of its appearance will bring good luck to its owner and will be a faith.

Women's cancers have two major patrons - this is the Moon and Neptune. Both patrons empower their special femininity, tenderness and only positive features of nature.

Decade Cancer:

  • Moonhe serves as a patron at both for the first decade of cancer and for the second (from June 21 to July 1 and 2 to July 11). The moon contributes to the ladies of this sign with the pets of society, differed by kindness and caress. It is due to the fact that cancer has many positive qualities, he likes others
  • Neptune"Protected" the third decade of crayfish from July 12 to July 22. Under his patronage, he endowed these people with special creative small, intuition, desire to listen to magic and study science. Most of these women crayfish are desperate romance and subtle sacrifices with high moral values

Selection of cancer stone:

  • Women cancer who are born under the sign Moon, unusually useful will wear a ring with halcedon.Such pebbles will save it from the attacks of depression and melancholy. Moreover, he will give her a special attraction and makes interesting for the male half
  • Same lunar racksyou should pay attention to pearl.This natural jewelery is able to give a peace and soothing sometimes a fragile and unstable female psyche. The pearls can enhance his influence on women, if it is closed in silver
  • Women Cancer born in neptuneyou should pay attention to agate. This stone will give a lady confidence, strength and particle of masculinity, if wearing it in beads and bracelets
  • Women Cancer under the auspices of Neptunemoonstone should be worn. This pebble will help balance the mental state, give courage and give peace
Agat - a stone that will help cancers to gain equilibrium

What stones fit a woman lion on a horoscope and date of birth?

Women with friends Lion -it is always strong in character and emitting personality, strong, bold ladies who like men. Lady a lionhot and often too hot-tempered. She, as the "Queen of the Zodiac", completely obeys the Sun, which is its patron, regardless of other celestial bodies.

Character women Lion.very optimistic and cheerful. Such ladies are easily found with all communication, but in the case of life failures, they can fall in spirit and nervous. To gain peace of mind, faith in itself and its own strength and will help only the correctly chosen stone-talisman.

Decada Lion:

  • Lion (July 23 - 03.08), patron Saturn
  • Lion (04.08 - 12.08), patron Jupiter
  • Lion (13.08 - 23.08), patron Mars

Choosing a stone, in accordance with your patron:

  • The lions that were born under the influence of Saturn are distinguished by a strong spirit, unshakable confidence in their capabilities and recalcitable character. Such lions need only "strong" natural minerals and only precious stones that one of their external species Capably charged women with special energy and give power, masculinity and courage. These stones are quite capable of: eye of the Tiger any shade, clean nephritis without inclusions and any jasper
  • Women lions who are born under the auspices of Jupiter are distinguished by special idealism. They love them to obey all and everything so that every thing is in its place, so that everything is in order and practically perfectly. Such women will wait for the stones with the ability to "shine from the inside": citrine, for example, as well as opal and any shade of a cat eye
  • Women lions are characterized by increasing, passion and some aggressiveness. They need the same confident in their inimitable beauty stones: bright, sparkling in the sun, shining from the inside and very precious. Talismans will be: Red Ruby Blood, Deep and Dark Emerald or Even Simple Alexandrite

Lunar Stone - Talisman in the form of suspension, is very lioness

What stones fit a woman Virgin on a horoscope and date of birth?

Virgo -not only the most feminine zodiac sign, but even the most "boring". In this case, the "boring" should be perceived as a positive line. Women Virgo hardworking, active, creative personalities and do not like to brag their advantages. On a row with this, they can often judge themselves for something that goes not by their plan.

The mascot stone for the Virgin should be special, he must unite the virgin confidence, allow her self-control (which is very characteristic of women) and give calm. With confidence it can be said that women Virgin is a little "crazy." Often their creative natura takes self-control over logic and therefore they may suffer from mental disharmony.

A stone-talisman will help the Virgin to find the balance point between himself and the world around the world, will open all its abilities and relocate from the accumulated negative.

Decada of the Virgin:

  • The sunwinning maids (08.24 - 02.09)
  • Venusprotects virgins (08.08 - 11.09)
  • Mercurywinning maids (13. 09 - 23. 09)

The choice of talisman:

  • Virgo who are guarded Sun., love peace and hate change. Save the equilibrium with yourself and gain peacefulness to them: yashma, Agat and Malachite
  • Virgo who are guarded Venère, I really appreciate your deep inner world. It is very important for them to find the perfection of the spiritual and surrounding their external gray Mira. Lady with himself and love everyone around them will help unusual stones, which lurks inner light and bright paints: honey shade citrine, warm and marble onyxWarmly shades sardonyx, yellowish and mysterious rutile Quartz, either diverse in shades chalcedony
  • Virns who are guarded by Mercury will be able to overcome their imperfection, overcome lazy, depressive and excessively passive mood will help: deep greenery emerald, transparent and blue topaz, dark blue sapphire or bloody-black Garnet

sapphire - perfect stone for virgins

What stones fit a woman scales on the horoscope and date of birth?

Women Libravery sensual, emotional and changeable. Many plans ripen in their heads, which are not carried out in general at all. This sign of the zodiac is vital to the mascot, who is uniting confidence, vitality and courage.

Decades of scales:

  • The first decade is scales (24.09 - 02.10) that guarded Venus.Such weights require a stone that will give them confidence: Gentle dark blue lapis lazuli,natural sparkling diamond, Muddy and bluffy Moonstone ordeep green color malachite
  • The second decade is scales (03.10 - 13.10) that guarded Saturn.Such weights require a stone that will give life force and inspiration: a variety of shades zircon deep-red ruby, Sleeper blue ottkanki topaza, ordark blue deep sapphire
  • The third decade is scales (14.10 - 23.10) that guarded Jupiter.Such weights require a stone that will reveal their creative nature: natural diamond, Raspberry shades tourmaline, blue shades Topaza pink and raspberry shades rubin

tourmaline - stone, perfect suitable women Weighs

What stones fit a woman scorpion on a horoscope and date of birth?

Scorpio -extreme, bright zodiacal signWhich allows a woman to be always absolutely confident in the possibilities and itself, soulful and morally strong, attractive, passionate and partly excessively emotional in trifles. Women Scorpions love family wealth, peace and swarm. On a row with this, men and recognition of society are vital.

Woman Scorpio needs a strong energy stone that will not allow her to fall in spirit, eliminating any depressive mood, will give inspiration and positive in any business. In addition, a stone-talisman will not allow it to be negative to some kind of qualities too prevail, thereby creating a scorpion not a favorable reputation.

Decade of Scorpio and the choice of the appropriate talisman stone:

  • First decade (24.10 - 02.11), patron Mars.Such ladies Scorpions are very bold, artistic and sociable. They also need a talisman, he will protect them from a bad human eye and will allow you to discover positive traits of character. For the talisman, it can be a gentle green shade coil,who will give peace of mind. One more nice green stone - m.alachiteif the lady prefers cold shades of stones, then pay attention to the purple amethyst
  • Second decade (03.11 - 13.11), patron The sun.Protect natural energy, discover creators, inspiration and positive thoughts will help cold amethyst,warm shades decorations made of natural coralovdecoration or bright gentle turquoise
  • Third decades (14.11 - 22.11), patron Jupiter.Such ladies scorpions need a little "cold" stones that will cool the dust of temperament, salting in the heart calm. Pay attention to dark blue aquamarine, gentle celestial shades turquoise, green and turquoise shades beryland soft blue topaz

Amethyst - a stone that will serve as a scorpion talisman

What stones fit a woman for a horoscope and date of birth?

Women born under the sign Sagittariusvery focusing and recognition in society. Often they are very cutting and straightforward, which characterizes them the best way. Such women felt can not tolerate when they are controlled and protected. Often they are hot-tempered and impulsive, make rapid acts and say rude words.

Women of the Sagittarians need such a talisman, which balances their inner world with external problems. The mascot should help a woman to show his femininity to open positive character qualities and help to be tender, sensual and affectionate.

Decade Sagittarius and Choice of Talisman Stone:

  • The first decade - Sagittarius, that were born in the period from November 23 and December 2. Such fittings are under the auspices of Mercury. These are very strong personalities, confident, bold adventurers. They need a stone talisman capable of giving harmony with the outside world: tiger eye, lags, agate, quartz
  • The second decade is the Archers born in the period from December 3 to December 12. Such shooters with confidence can be called creative personalities capable of finding something interesting even in the most boring. They need to choose those talismans for themselves, which will help to reveal the inner world: Rutile Quartz, turquoise, Onyx
  • The third decade - the Archers who were born in the period from December 13-21. These are confident personalities who seek for the better and reach it. Such agrarians need an energetically strong stone-talisman: ruby, Pomegranate, Zircon, Emerald

Onyx - Stone-Talisman for women of Sagittarov

What stones fit a woman Capricorn on a horoscope and date of birth?

Women Capricornvery susceptible to how the surrounding external world. They really need to feel and receive approval, praise and compliments to live with pleasure and joy. But at the same time, this zodiac sign can often suffer from egoism and narcissism.

In order to avoid problems and conflicts with people, a Capricorn woman should have a stone talisman. Such a charm will allow us to manifest it only with quality features, will save from a bad eye and will not allow to absorb the negative.

Capricorn decades and the choice of talismans:

  • The first decade is Capricorn, which was born in the period from December 22 and January 2. These Capricors guard Jupiter awesome. Such women Capricorns are calm, wise and economic. They need special stone talismans, the coordinates will be able to transfer and instill their energy to a person, having endowed a woman with many advantages and power: should be paid to burgundy shades agatha, Dark and bright bloody shades Yashma Dark brown and honey shades eye of the Tiger, Warm pink and lilac shades amethyst, and the most common transparent and heavenly pure mountain crystal
  • The second decade is Capricorn (03.01 — 13.01). Girls and women of Capricorps are very active, they are positive and always with joy perceive life. They are simply needed a special stone capable of protecting against a bad human eye, attract positive and inspiration. Pay attention to cold shades sardonix,blue or cosmic overflows opal, heliotrope, as well as deep turquoise tones chrysoprase
  • Third decada ( 14.01 — 20.01) . Such women differ from other caperpashers with their creative glances, their energy, activity, the desire to create something and create. A successful talisman for them will be stone that will not allow "to leak" with life strength: deep and shining from the inside of dark blue sapphire, Dark, almost black Garnet, Cold blue shades Alexandrite, tender tourmaline,either red hyacinth

Chrysoprase - a stone that protects women of Cashers

What stones fit a woman in a horoscope and date of birth?

Women Aquariusvery creative nature, from the part they are idealists and do not tolerate unrest. They need people and their recognition. This zodiac sign is very calm and even sometimes "cold". For this reason, women are very much needed by Waving Aquarius-Talisman.

Decade of Aquarius and the choice of Talisman stone:

  • First decade (21.01 — 01.02) . Most often, such ladies in their nature are melancholic and infinitely romantic. Sometimes too soft nature such a woman will help to fix a talisman consisting of a powerful and energetically charged stone: to pay attention to the green and a little turbulent nephritis, Any shade jasper, Shining cosmic brilliance aventurine,deep black and with cruise of blue obsidian
  • Second decada (02.02 — 11.02) . The ladies of this decade are distinguished by a pleasant and very soft sense of humor, they are popular with men, but rarely fall into impotence and depression. For this reason, they need a talisman who will have a stone with positive and strong energy. Pay your attention to warm shades onyx,gently pink and molina shades amethysteither cool and heavenly turquoise
  • Third decades (12.02 - 20.02). The ladies of this period are distinguished by their ease, tenderness and lovingness. In order for them to conquer the vertices, gain recognition and strength, they should have a strong stone talisman. Pay attention to the "cool" shades of natural stones, for example, gentle-green chrysoprasedeep blue aquamarine, as well as blue shades zircon.

Quartz - Stone-Talisman for Women Aquarius

What stones fit a woman in a horoscope and date of birth?

Women Fishvery soft, but very friendly women. Often achieve certain life success They do not allow insecurity and fear to make a mistake. For this reason, such a woman needs a strong and energetically charged Kamen-Talisman.

Fish decades and the choice of talisman stone:

  • The first decade - fish born in the period from February 21 and to March 1. These women are real dreamers and romance. They are suitable talismans: avenue, Tiger Eye, Moonstone
  • The second decade - fish born from March 2 to March 11. These are honest and open women, sensual and gentle. They need such talismans as: pearls, Opal, Corals, Heliotrop
  • The third decade is fish born from March 12 to March 20. These are fun women and capricious ladies. Their talismans: Diamond, Aquamarine, Topaz

Video: "Stones of the Zodiac"

Anyone can pick up a stone that he perfectly suits him. Sometimes his talisman is felt immediately after touching. This method is not always triggered, so you should refer to the magic numbers.

His magical properties of a precious or semi-precious stone exhibits as much as possible when they believe in its power. It is important to selection of stones with responsibility. There are many ways to search for talisman, but the most faithful is a definition by date of birth. Amulets chosen by this method will be able to:

  1. Protect from negative.
  2. Improve health.
  3. Bring success in life affairs and career.
  4. Award strength and energy.
  5. Help in personal life.

The main thing is not only a competent choice, but careful care of mineral. With incorrect operation, it loses its strength and cracks. The easiest way to feed the amulet energy of the Earth is. For this you need to put it for a couple of days in a pot with a flower.

Date of Birth

Numbers play in human life a big role, so people are dependent on them. This feature relates to the question of how to choose a stone-talisman.

Numerology specialists argue that birthday brings important information. Perennial studies have shown that it is possible to find out certain features of character. Data is able to help in the formation of personal qualities.

The stone by date is chosen, based on certain calculations, during which the essence of the number is found. It can be calculated as follows:

  1. Date of birth on November 29, 1991. The month in the calendar goes 11 in the account. It turns out on November 29, 1991.
  2. The sum of the components is calculated: 2 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 \u003d 33.
  3. It is necessary to obtain the result in the range from 1 to 9, so additionally we fold 3 + 3 \u003d 6.
  4. According to calculations, it is clear that the essence is the figure 6. It is necessary to find it in a memo and in accordance with it choose your talisman.


  • Number 1. Awards with energy and determination. Obsidian is a talisman in love affairs.
  • Number 2. Sapphire and citrine cleans the mind and guide in the desired direction on any vitality.
  • Number 3. Coral, and obsidian will restore sincere equilibrium and retain strong health.
  • Number 4. Protects from the evil and create powerful protection against bad thoughts from the side.
  • Number 5. Turquoise will soften a sharp character and help to establish harmonious relations with surrounding.
  • Number 6. Promotes the disclosure of creative potential and the implementation in the professional sphere.
  • Number 7. Attracts good luck, which will accompany everywhere.
  • Number 8. will help build successful friendly and professional relationships.
  • Number 9. Clean the mind from unnecessary thoughts and configures on solving current tasks.
RepresentativedateOberegDangerous talismans
AriesMarch 21 - April 20TopazSign Sign
calfApril 21 - May 21Beryl, Onyx, TurquoiseScorpion sign
TwinsMay 22 - June 21JasperSagittarius sign
CancerJune 22 - July 22Emerald, tourmalineSign of Capricorn.
a lionJuly 23 - August 23Chrysoprase, OnyxSign of Aquarius
VirgoAugust 24 - September 23TurquoiseSign of fish
LibraSeptember 24 - October 23Obsidian, sapphireSign of Aries
ScorpioOctober 24 - November 22Chalcedony, SerlenicSign Taurus
SagittariusNovember 23 - December 21Almaz, opalGemini sign
CapricornDecember 22 - January 20Amber, TopazSign of Cancer
AquariusJanuary 21 - February 18Citrine, sapphireSign Lev.
FishFebruary 19 - March 20Coral, bedDeva sign

Day of the week

The day of the week, in which a person was born also carries a special meaning. If the previous ways did not help determine your talisman, you can consider this option by selecting your day of day from the table.

In the distant past, a person's desire to enlist the support of the highest strength in the embodiment of their ideas is rooted. Ancient people were closer to nature and were able to identify patterns, as in different matters, various mascot minerals on the signs of the zodiac can help as an amulet. Take advantage of these knowledge - pick up a reliable charm!

Stones signs of the zodiac

Jewelry using such natural materials - not just jewelry. If you correctly choose a stone by date of birth and year, this mascot will strengthen certain qualities of a person, will attract good luck to him, wealth. Such an item when he is picked up according to the recommendations of a personal horoscope may be a good faith, protect its owner from diseases and negative external influences. Consider what stones on the signs of the zodiac, by the date of birth, you are suitable. Take advantage of these knowledge, because neither women nor men will never prevent reliable talisman.


This active representatives of the fiery element is great for the most famous precious natural material - Diamond, which after the cut becomes a diamond. This stone of the sign of the Aries zodiac seems to nourish its owner forces for new achievements, helps to quickly recover after unsuccessful periods. Rubin will also contribute to such people when restoring the strength and movement towards victories. Sapphires, amethysts and sultanites are still suitable, and the last wubble is attributed to the warn of danger: in the case of such cracks will appear.


People born in the last decade of April and in the first two decades of May of the month, correspond to the spring bright green talismans. Best stones for zodiac sign Taurus - precious emerald and semi-precious chrysoprase. The task that will be under the power of the first amulet - bring our owner success in affairs, help comprehend everyday wisdom, give joy, keep love. The second stone talisman not only attracts good income and protects against failures, but also is able to solve many health problems.


What natural jewelry will be useful for representatives of this dual symbol? Agat, Alexandrit, Topaz, Beryl - Here are useful stones on the sign of the zodiac - Gemini. Agatu can help their owner to make the right prudent decisions. Alexandrite promotes the equilibrium, smoothing internal contradictions. Topaz serves the same purpose, and he also helps prevent the negative impact of stress, quickly recover in energy and physical exhaustion. Beryl will be a talisman for twins who have decided to devote themselves career.


In these people, pearls, emerald, lunar stone and chrysoberill ("cat eye" are favorable influence. Stones for the sign of the zodiac cancer will help representatives of this symbol in different areas Life. So, under the influence of pearls, their hidden talents will be able to develop, and another decoration will be a good faith. He is attributed to the property to defend their owners from negative, and girls are also from unrequited love. Stone on the sign of the Zodiac "Cat Eye" will give strength to overcome its drawbacks, Emerald will save from excessive closets, and the lunar mineral will be accompanied in love affairs.

a lion

People of this fiery sign, the protection of talismans also does not hurt. What precious stones are suitable for lions? They necessarily need to have a sunny amber so that the highest forces patronize their health and successful accomplishment of cases. Chrysolites and Topazy are also helpful. According to beliefs, these minerals for the signs of the zodiac are patrons in affairs, help to achieve the favor of others. Pink Quartz - Mineral, who will be referred to the owner a long-minded life. The gem of the carnelian will help the lions to build a cozy family hearth, its influence on women of this sign is especially useful.


For this sign of the horoscope, their amazing magical patrons was entrenched. The stones of the Virgin is chrysolit, jade and jasper. Assistance in affairs, attractiveness for others, patronage in training - Chrysolite is responsible for it. It will help the devans get rid of excessive conservatism, so often blocking their growth and development. Jasper's gem gives its owner wisdom, tolerance, the ability to maintain good family relations. Nephrite, which is revered by many nations as a sacred mineral, protects Dev from different ailments, strengthens their vitality.


What amulets should you take a look at people born under this horoscope symbol? Scales are aquamarine, opal, lazuli and aquamarine. Semi-precious aquamarine balancing harsh mood shifts. Tourmaline helps to maintain peace of mind, and he also contributes to creativity. The lapisy will smooth the changes and duality of nature, characteristic of the scales, will increase the vitality of its owner, will clarify the mind. Opal will bring weights harmony and the ability to concentrate on important matters.


What talismans will be favored by representatives of this strong ambiguous sign? Aquamarine, pomegranate, black opal - here are scorpion stones by date of birth. Heavenly Blue Aquamarine will be referred to its winner a happy family union, and he still strengthens nervous system. The grenade will strengthen the magnetic attraction of scorpion, and the black opal balanced the contradictory qualities of the nature of its owner and will send it to the path of self-improvement.


People born under this symbol must necessarily get turquoise. This is the best stone for a shank, giving a strong immunity that replenishes the lack of decisiveness and leveling excessive carelessness. Favorable for these representatives of the fiery element and topaz. This mineral is a good amulet on the road, and gives women of this sign fertility. Topaz will help identify miscarius of ill-wishers, make sure solutions. Such a talisman, like chrysolit, will help the firing to avoid unreasonable actions, and the grenade will protect against bad effects.


What kind of minerals help people born under this symbol? Stones on the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn - Ruby, Onyx, Green Malachite. The most magical influence on its owner is able to render Rubin: it attracts happy love, and still has the property to darken if the owner threaten misfortune. Onyx will clarify the mind, will help bring all the projects started to end. Green malachite will be very beneficial to affect the health of the Capricorn.


Representatives of this symbol will also not prevent the protection of mascot minerals. People whose constellation - aquarius, stones on the sign of the zodiac help to balance their negative quality dispersal on trifles. Amethyst sends the ability of the owner to the right direction, brings good luck, is an effective amulet from different diseases. Such a horoscope stones like a zircon and hyacinth (type of zircon) will be ruined by the Aquarius, the desire for knowledge will increase the intelligence and memory, will increase positive external influences.


What kind of minerals will support people born under this symbol? Stones on the sign of the zodiac fish - pearls, aquamarine and amethyst. The pearls used in the jewelry decorations will not only delight the eye of a pearl overflow - it will help his owner to keep the balance between different sides of life will save from the evil eye and bring prosperity and longevity.

Aquamarine not only grounds of those who love to stay in excessive dreams of fish, but also give them sometimes the missing courage to the incarnation of cherished designs. This mineral will save people born under the influence of this constellation, often excessively, to the detrimental desire to help others. Together with Amethyst, the world will come to his owner and peace of mind, luck in affairs, and the heart will open for new love.


Astrologers (ancient and modern) argue that the influence of stones on the health and fate of a person is predetermined by the situation of the planets and constellations of the zodiac. The most favorable for humans are those stones that are associated with a sign under which he was born.

In 1912, the Congress of the National Association of Jewelers could have unified a list of month-old stones in accordance with the sign of the zodiac. Below is a given list.

Aries (21.03 - 19.04)

Aries corresponds to diamond - the most expensive and beautiful of precious minerals. The believer came to this day that he brought good luck to his owner in affairs, protected from diseases, injuries and wounds, gave courage in battle. A diamond as a talisman astrologers advised to wear on his left hand or neck, and the frame was not to obstruct the stone to touch the skin. There was a conviction that the stone brings happiness only if I got a honest owner. However, the beauty of diamonds awakened greed in man. The history of famous diamonds is often a detective with killings, abductions, tragedies, unsolved secrets.
Aries brings happiness and good luck a red grenade stone.

List of all stones corresponding to the sign of the zodiac Aries: Diamond (diamond), amazonite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, pomegranate, pearls, coral, quartz, flint, hematite, labrador, lazulist, jade, onyx, obsidian, rhodonite, ruby, sardonix, Selenite, carnelian, serpentine, falconry, chrysoprase, chrysolite, crystal, amber, green and red jasper.

Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)

For the calf, the most suitable stone is sapphire, one of the most beautiful stones, the mascot of lovers and newlyweds that protects from slander, firming memory, contributing to prudse. It is believed that sapphire helps with heart disease, asthma and neuralgia.

Blue turquoise is also suitable for calves. It has long been considered a talisman that helps in love affairs. Rings with turquoise should be given to a woman in heart attraction. In the East, there was a custom putting turquoise to the cradle of a newborn girl.

List of all stones, appropriate zodiac sign Taurus: Agat, Aventurine, Amazonite, Beryl, Turquoise, Bull'y, Gagat, Emerald, Pink Quartz, Kakholong, White Coral, Flint, Lazurit, Malachite, Nephritis, Onyx, Rodonit, Ruby, Sapphire, Selenite, carnelian, tiger eye, topaz, chrysoprase, zircon, blue spat, jasper.

Gemini (21.05 - 20.06)

Semi-precious varnish agate color, green chrysoprase and bluish beryl - are the best stones for twins.

Green chrysoprase was a mascot of business people who protect them from deception and material losses. His healing properties were associated with nervous diseases.

Blue Berill must bring twin happiness in love.

And the agate in antiquity was considered a stone dedicated to the goddess of gardens, gardens and crops. This stone was widely used for making decorations, figurines, buckles. In the Middle Ages, doctors advised to wear agate beads with throat diseases.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Gemini: Agat, Alexandrite, Amethyst, Beryl, Turquoise, Hyacinth, Pearls, Emerald, Flint, Coral, Nephritis, Rodonit, Sardonix, Sapphire, Selenite, Cartellic, Tiger Eye, Topaz, Uvarovit, Fluoritis, Chrysoprase, chrysolite, crystal, citrine, jasper.

Cancer (21.06 - 22.07)

The happiest stones for cancer are emerald, lunar stone and chrysoberill, called more often "feline eye.

Moonstone, or selenite symbolized the magic power of the lunar rays. Rings with moonstone helped in love to overcome obstacles to happiness.

Emerald in ancient Egypt was a gentle stone of Goddess Isides, hence the belief that he helps women and protects the homely hearth. Emerald was also considered the talisman of fishermen and sailors.

Chrysokerill, called a feline eye, last centurious was taken to wear during mourning. He was considered an amulet at gambling, helped children with diphtheria.

List of all stones, appropriate zodiac sign Cancer: Agat, Aventurine, Adular, Aquamarine, Amazonit, Amethyst, Berman, Beryl, Turquoise, Gagat, Heliotrop, Hematitis, Pearls, Emerald, Coral, Feline, Moon Stones, Morion, Nephritis, Obsidian , Onyx, Opal, Rodonit, Ruby, Posteryitis, Cherdelik, Falconary Eye, Topaz, Chrysoberill, Chrysolit, Eklas.

Lion (July 23 - 22.08)

Lion is most suitable for yellow stones: amber, chrysolite, olivine, topaz.
Amber, since ancient times, used as decoration and amulet, attributed the miraculous properties to heal from diseases of the skin and rheumatism, to protect from the spell and anger.

A semi-grated yellowish-green chrysolite was recalled in gold, as it was believed to foresee the future. Pansno with chrysolite wore astrologers and predictors.

Olivine, according to our ancestors, provided its owner sympathy surrounding and good luck in affairs.
Topaz was an amulet for people who went to the long road was considered good to a tool With insomnia, asthma and gout.

List of all stones appropriate sign Zodiac Lion: Aventurine, Beryl, Bull'ye, Heliodor, Heliotrop, Hyacinth, Pomegranate, Demantoid, Emerald, Golden Quartz, Flint, Nephritis, Onyx, Olivine, Rodonit, Ruby, Sardoniks, Cherdonix, Topaz, Chrysoprase , chrysolite, crystal, zircon, citrine, amber, jasper.

Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)

Those who were born under the sign of the Virgin, happiness brings jade and carnelian. So that these talismans have a lot of power, they must be migrated to gold. In antiquity, nephritis was considered a stone of leaders, emperors, monarchs, and then acquired the symbolic name of the stone of life. In the Middle Ages, jade beads were carried by people suffering from migraine, kidney disease, vision disorder.

Chernelic - an opaque semi-precious stone of red, reddish-brown, greenish or white color - was a beloved stone of Grechany. They believed that it attached shine and freshness to the skin. In the Middle Ages, carnelian decorations were very popular, as people believed that he wins black magic and helps to keep secrets.

List of all stones, appropriate sign signs Virgo: Agat, Diamond, Beryl, Turquoise, Pomegranate, Emerald, Flint, Coral, Feline Eye, Nephritis, Onyx, Opal, Rhodonite, Sapphire, Selenite, Chernelic, Tiger Eye, Chrysolite, Chrysoprase, Crystal , citrine, jasper.

Scales (09/22 - 22.10)

Weighing Astrologers have long been recommended opal and lapis. Overflowed, with rainbow shine, opal guarantees success in people with noble aspirations. Ancient believed that this stone would fight even from the plague.

From the blue lazurite, hemma-oval plates were made with drawings engraved on them. Roman art lovers proud of their gym collections. This stone was considered also possessed medical properties. Medieval doctors recommended to carry Necklaces from Lazuritis to people anemic, suffering skin diseases, epilepsy and rheumatism.

List of all stones corresponding to zodiac signs Scales: agate, diamond, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, gagat, demantide, emerald, smoky and pink quartz, kakholong, coral, flint, lazuli, malachite, morion, jade, opal, olivine, rhodonite, Selenite, carnelian, falconry, tourmaline, fenactite, fluorite, chrysolite, chrysoprase, chrysoberill, crystal, zircon, citrine, jasper.

Scorpio (23.10 -21.11)

The main stones of Scorpio - Aquamarine and Carbuncoon. They are used as amulets in rings or bracelets made in the form of a snake.

Aquamarine is a transparent greenish blue stone. Decorations from it were exchanged in love before the forced separation, because He was considered an amulet of happy marital unions. The stone color of the sea was supposed to cure the diseases of the throat and teeth.

Carbuncoon is the old name of the dense-red ruby. Legends went about his mysterious strength. IN Ancient Rome Carbuncoon was a talisman of pregnant women, as they thought he would provide happy childbirth. In the Middle Ages believed that the carbuncoon protects against injuries, so he was loved to wear warriors.

Another destination of the Carbuncoule is to awaken in people friendly feelings, drive black thoughts.
Scorpio also suits red pomegranate.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Scorpio: Adyar, Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Amazonit, Amethyst, Berill, Beryl, Turquoise, Gagat, Hematite, Pomegranate, Smoky and Dark Opaque Quartz, Coral, Feline, Malachite, Morion, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Selenit, Serpentine, Topaz, Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Yasma.

Sagittarius (22.11-21.12)

The main stone of Sagittarius is amethyst, otherwise the Love Stone. It is said that he is able to cause a love for the donating, even if he who accepted him in love with another. "Amethyst - a stone of love - former love turns into indifference. Beware of his women engaged, or married ... "These words Sumerian priest wrote three thousand years ago on the clay plate. As you can see, personal problems that disturbed people then, few different from the problems of our days. Amethyst also brings good luck in the games, protects against drunkenness.

Strels, like lions, topaz and chrysolite are very suitable.

List of all stones corresponding to zodiac sign Sagittarius: Amethyst, Beryl, Turquoise, Hyacinth, Pomegranate, Demantidoid, Emerald, Blue Quartz, Flint, Coral, Labrador, LaZurit, Nephritis, Sapphire, Sardonix, Selenite, Chernelic, Falconary, Osdian, Olivine , Onyx, Tiger Eye, Topaz, Chrysoprase, Chrysolite, Amber, Yasma.

Capricorn (December 22, - 19.01)

Born under the sign of Capricorn Happiness in love brings ruby \u200b\u200b- a red stone with a purple tint. "If you want to achieve reciprocity, give one or the one to which your heart is inclined, ruby \u200b\u200bthe colors of the flame - and you will unwind in it love" - \u200b\u200badvised the ancient astrologer. Pansno with rubies wore people who fear poison. They believed that the Rubin was immersed in poisoned drinking color.

Another Capricorn Stone is a semi-precious stone of brown or even blacks called onyx. Ancient highly appreciated him for magic and healing properties.
People of this sign also recommended an amulet with a dark green malachite, reinforcing human spiritual forces.

List of all stones corresponding to Zodiac sign Capricorn: Alexandrite, Amethyst, Beryl, Turquoise, Gagat, Pomegranate, Cat Eye, Freshrain, Coral, Malachite, Morion, Nephritis, Osdian, Olivine, Opal, Onyx, Ruby, Selenite, Chernelic, Falconary Eye , Tiger eye, tourmaline, chrysoprase, zircon, jasper.

Aquarius (010.01 - 19.02)

Born under the sign of Aquarius should bring happiness grenades and zircon. There are several varieties of semi-precious pomegranate - from dark red to yellowish. This stone is considered a symbol of love and friendship. Rings with a grenade was made to give in proof of friendship, memory, gratitude. Ottime all this stone was exchanged in love. Highly appreciated the red stones of the inhabitants of the East, who considered that the grenade had healing properties.

Zircon is a rare transparent stone, which in the east was called the younger brother of diamond. It was believed that this stone improves mental abilities.

List of all stones appropriate signs of the zodiac Aquarius: Agat, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Beryl, Turquoise, Hyacinth, Pomegranate, Demantoid, Pearls, Emerald, Pink Quartz, Flint, Coral, Lazurit, Jade, Obsidian, Opal, Sapphire, Sardoniks, Chernelic, Falcine eye, fluorite, crystal, citrine, zircon, jasper.

Fish (20.02 - 20.03)

Fish Astrologers recommend pearls. Pearl ornaments are known from time immemorial. Rich Breaks willingly wore threads with pearls, who had to give her eyes to the shine and keep him owner from the Muk unrequited love. In the Middle Ages, the pearls were expanded by the pearls of the bride - it was believed that pearls strengthens family bonds. In the era of romanticism, it was fashionable to give the subject of love ring with pearls. Residents of the East also appreciated pearls. Indian merchants, for example, believed that the pearl ring protects against the thieves.

List of all stones corresponding to the sign of the zodiac fish: Adorar, Amazonit, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Berill, Berill, Turquoise, Gagat, Demantoid, Pearls, Coral, Lazurit, Morion, Nephritis, Olivine, Opal, Sapphire, Selenite, Cherdelik, Falcon Eye, tiger eye, chrysolit, chrysoprase, euklas.

Our ancestors have long noticed the enormous influence of celestial bodies on human destinies - just as Astrology appeared in the world. Each of us is born under some kind of defined constellation, each has its own planet patron and their zodiac stones. The influence of patron planets per person is significantly enhanced when wearing stones corresponding to the zodiac. After all, the stars in the sky and stones on Earth have astral connection. All that is on our planet carries particles of star dust. Do not forget that we are the children of the Universe.

Stones of the zodiac have the most powerful and beneficial effect on us than all other stones. Talismans are capable of helping a person throughout life.

To learn suitable stones - Choose your zodiac sign

Why do we need talisman stones?

Stones-Talismans are your happy stones endowed with the highest magical power. They are ideally tuned to the energy sector of their owner and are powerful patrons.

Zodiac gems strengthen the influence of our patron planets on our life and well-being. These are intermediaries and conductors of star influences. Stones of the zodiac were always considered not just symbols, but something much more significant.

When your stone talisman is with you - your potential is repeated multiple times, your strength and opportunities are increasing, your intellectual abilities and creative starts.

The stones of our zodiac give us special forces help develop top Qualities, Neutralize the shortcomings, increase self-confidence, attract success, happiness and wealth.

In addition, the zodiac stones reliably protect their owner from various kinds of negative impacts - from the evil eye and damage, diseases and troubles. The owner of the stone receives a unique ability at an intuitive level to feel the first signs of the approaching danger.

Without natural stones, no spiritual practice is required. With them are configured on thin vibrations and meditate. Choosing stones on the sign of the zodiac, you acquire your zodiac talismans that will contribute to the healing of your body from diseases, to protect against negative energy and bring good luck throughout life.

What is the impact on us zodiac stones?

Natural stones on a horoscope have a magical and healing effect on the body of their owners. If we are constantly carrying them, it will certainly strengthen the immunity and will significantly replenish your vitality. At the same time, each gem radiates certain vibrations and contributes to the healing of certain organs.

Magic properties of natural stones are extensive and amazing! Since ancient times, their strength is used to implement their most hidden desires. To excite love from the opposite sex, wearing talismans with turquoise, with the help of a tiger eye improve the business grip, with the help of lunar stone gets rid of solitude, etc.

Mountain crystal is one of the best stones for meditation and spiritual practices. Ruhathopaz is perfect for rites black Magic, anesthetics and removes spasms, saves from various kinds of dependencies. The royal charger is black agate, the "Russian Stone" protects Malachite, a falcony eye helps to concentrate on an important task, chrysoprase brings success in business.

What zodiac stone is better?

Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a whole group of talismans, so you can pick up various minerals with those properties that you most needed on this stage. At the same time, you are not tied to some one stone.

You can use both one or two zodiacal stones and a lot of stones from your horoscope. It all depends on your sensations and personal needs. It is absolutely optionally to use all the stones of their patrons planets at once. You can choose any you like. Then change to another, if you feel that something is missing, or it has come to change the stone-talisman.

Stone Talisman needs to choose from the list of stones of your sign. The choice is carried out intuitive. There are no hard frames and restrictions. The subconsciousness very accurately tells us what is missing, and what is categorically contraindicated, so many rely on this feeling.

When choosing a zodiac stone that you need at this stage, it will give yourself about yourself! It will be the most energy-effective mineral from all that you will look and hold in your hands. He will "open" to you in any way - it will seem brighter from everyone, or the flexible will be slightly warmer than the rest.

The choice of zodiac stone is a real ritual and a very personal procedure. When choosing your stone, you can not rely on whose opinion!

If you choose a stone in the jewelry store and you have the opportunity to hold it in your hands - it's just wonderful. You can shake it a bit or lightly knock them on a solid surface - it activates the natural charges of electricity, which are in every stone. So you will feel better, your stone is or not.

If the stone is suitable for you in the talismans, you can feel the heat outgoing from it - this is barely noticeable feeling. Or he will seem the most bright and most mysterious and beautiful of all others. In the end, you just like it very much! The stone-talisman you need will definitely touch your soul and will certainly give yourself to know.

If you choose a stone in the online store, then completely rely on your taste and the inner voice - which you will seem the most beautiful, that comes up most of all! When we like something or do not like, it happens at all in chaotic order, but according to the resonant principle. Everything around vibrates on a certain frequency, each color emits a specific wavelength. You, in principle, can not like what you does not fit! Another thing is when you choose, relying on someone's advice or recommendations. Remember: If you do not like a stone or decoration, it is impossible to wear it! Even if it is indicated in your horoscope. Even if you are advised by the closest person. When choosing charms, always rely solely on your feelings.

How to wear amulets stones?

Your zodiac stones can be worn both in the form of pendants and in the form of any decorations. The more you need the support of your astral patron, the closer to the body you need to keep it. If you are satisfied with your fate and distinguish with strong health, then you can wear champs in a handbag, in your clothes pockets or at all keep them at home in our room. If you need support in affairs and career - wear rings and bracelets. Pendants in the chest area and beads have a powerful impact on internal organs And contribute to rapid healing. If you do not take love - wear jewelry with stones -Talismans in any form and as often as possible.

Does the strength of the stone lose its power after processing and cutting?

No, natural stones do not lose their unique properties after cutting. Moreover, psychics and lithotherapists argue that it is best for human energy, stones are influenced from which decorations are most often made.

Precious and natural stones extracted from the Earth, forever retain all the gifts of earthly life, obtained by them in the depths of our planet. Also, natural minerals always emit all the celestial properties from the stars and planets.

Each stone is individually sensitive to the emanations of a certain planet, stars or constellations, under which we are born. Therefore, it will work in any decoration and in any cut.

How often do you need to wear talisman stones?

It all depends on your well-being and level of vitality. If you feel the lack of energy, the need for support or need to constantly protect the aura is to carry your stone-talisman constantly, periodically cleaning it, giving him from time to time to relax.

If you are full of strength and health, then zodiac talismans can be worn in a handbag or just keep at home. Returning home, pay attention to your peasons. Keep it periodically in your hands when resting in a relaxed atmosphere. Even in a short time, your zodiac stone quickly adjusts all the necessary settings, will strengthen your aura. Contacting on the street and in society with different people, we often lose psychological equilibrium. The psyche of man is a very subtle mechanism. Alien energy is very often harmful to our well-being. Your stone will quickly help you return to your natural vibrations. You will feel how your mood and peace is returned. Stone Talisman will return your individual settingswill eliminate the negative accumulated per day, it will help to restore energy resources, the psychological state is equalized.

The more often the faith is worn, the more often it needs to be cleaned of unnecessary information - talismans accumulate negative energy over time, from which it is also necessary to get rid.

For the first time you clean the stone immediately after the purchase - to remove all foreign information from it and someone else's energy. Sometimes the gem has to make a pretty long way to find its owner. Everyone who touched the stone leaves his mark on it and before putting the decoration on himself, it is very important to clean it. Remove someone else's information from the stone is simple enough - just hold it under running water. If there is an opportunity under spring water is perfect option For information cleaning.

In the process of constant use, it is necessary to periodically clean the stones-talismans, removing the entire accumulated negative from them. Sometimes stones themselves give you signals that are overwhelmed with information and need cleaning - fall out of the rim, they begin to interfere with the feeling of gravity on the neck if the stone in the pendant, the "tired" gem in the ring begins to suddenly cling for everything in a row, etc. d. it pretty signthat pebbles require water procedures.

The procedure for cleaning natural stones is very simple - absolutely everyone can cope with this. The stone is lowered into a glass transparent vessel with clean water and leaves for several hours in a well-lit place - gem must contact with water and sunlight. Water as a keeper of information will take the entire negative, and the sun charges its structure new energy. After the cleaning procedure, water is necessarily poured and is not used anywhere. It is better to pour water into the ground. Perfectly copes with negative energy The most common patio salt - after the procedure it is also impossible to use.

It is categorically recommended to wear other people's stones and decorations. People with powerful energy leave, sometimes, so strong information on the stone that it is possible to clean it for only experienced psychic. The stone simply will not be able to tune in to you, and someone else's information can cause you serious harm. Wear only new stones and decorations.

Before putting the decoration, each time you always carefully examine the stones - if there were unexpected cracks or cloues on them, it means that your defender is no longer able to effectively protect you from negative and, most likely, moved negative information. This happens, but extremely rare. It is important to remember that such stones can not be worn and no cleaning will help them - the energy structure of the stone is destroyed. What to do with listening talismans? The chaff need to "bury" as a patron and faithful companion - somewhere on the lap of nature, away from the city bustle.

Is it possible to wear zodiac stones in the rim from ordinary metals and jewelry alloys?

Stones-talismans can be worn both in a frame of noble metals and in rimming of ordinary metals. The difference is that some minerals reveal their properties better in the gold frame, some - in silver, others are equally well working in any rim. There are many subtleties for each concrete stone. But in any case, there will be no harm if your zodiacal talisman will be in a rim of the most common copper, which, by the way, has unique healing properties. The jewelry alloys are most often cast on the basis of copper, tin, bronze, Melchior. All these metals have long been proven themselves as high quality and reliable materials For riming natural stones.

Remember that zodiac stones must be changed regularly. We change throughout life, the circumstances and our needs change. More often, visit specialized stores, carefully study new items. You will feel how your new stone will definitely respond and you will want to buy it.

Choose your talismans and decorations correctly, and wear them with pleasure!