Create a pleasant atmosphere in the kitchen and interesting design quite simple. To do this, the interior of the room can be complemented with a set of pistachio color. It’s worth taking a closer look at the nuances of creating such interesting solutions.

Features of accommodation

Pistachio color kitchen set helps create an interesting and refreshing interior. Such furniture must be properly combined with other objects located in the kitchen. In this case, be sure to take into account the color of the walls and ceiling. The right combination of colors will make the interior balanced and very beautiful.


The set, made in a pistachio shade, is well suited for a kitchen with little light. Complementing the interior with pistachio-colored furniture will help to visually expand the space, but will not darken the room. In order to make the kitchen room even brighter, the ceiling should be white or soft cream, while it is recommended to also make the floor light. This combination of colors will help make even a dark kitchen lighter, which means it will add coziness.

Furniture sets in pistachio shades are great for decorating kitchens country houses. Furniture of this color can be combined with pastel elements, as well as wooden products, which will give the room a unique “rustic” style.

Kitchen sets can have either a single color or several different shades. Combined products are great for creating interesting design solutions. Often in such sets a combination of pistachio, beige and brown colors. For example, the top of such products has a gray-pistachio color or a rich pistachio shade, and the bottom is beige. Such sets perfectly complement the interior and can be used to decorate even small rooms.

Successful color combinations

When decorating a kitchen with pistachio-colored furniture, it is very important to correctly select the colors of the walls, ceiling, floor, as well as the items used for its decoration.

  • Pistachio color goes well with white. Designers use this color combination to create cozy spaces designed to fill the home with comfort.
  • One more good combination The colors are a combination of pistachio and cream, beige and milky. This combination is often used to create an interior in the Provence style. It is also possible to use such colors when creating rooms in other styles. Designers recommend that owners of small or corner kitchens. To decorate such a kitchen, it is recommended to use white or golden elements.

  • A pistachio set also goes well with sand or peach colored elements. You can also complement the interior with coffee-with-milk colored products. At the same time, it is recommended to choose a sand or peach color to decorate the walls, and make the ceiling cream or white. When creating the interior of a room made in such colors, you should not forget about good lighting. To make the kitchen cozy and comfortable, it is recommended to illuminate the work area with ceiling lights.
  • For those who like interesting design solutions, you can use a combination of pistachio and purple flowers. In order for the room to be pleasing to the eye, you should combine shades correctly. For example, pistachio color goes well with lavender. These colors are often used to create interiors of country houses in the Provence style.

  • The pistachio shade is considered quite natural and close to nature, which is why it goes well with natural colors. For example, you can complement the interior of a kitchen with pistachio-colored furniture with brown items. Quite large wooden products are suitable for decoration. They help make the interior more comfortable and also create a unique atmosphere. country house. This color combination is often used to decorate rooms in Provence and country styles.
  • Another color that complements pistachio well is gray. This combination is used by many kitchen furniture manufacturers. Sets made in such shades help make the kitchen interior more interesting. This option is suitable for people who do not like bright and saturated colors. A kitchen made in a gray-pistachio shade looks beautiful, but at the same time does not visually “overload” the space with color.

  • Designers recommend that adherents of modern styles in the interior pay attention to the combination of pistachio and black. This option is suitable for decorating a kitchen in a minimalist style. To prevent the kitchen from looking gloomy, it is better to make the floor and walls light, for example, beige or cream. To make the kitchen look harmonious, you should not choose too many decorative elements for the decor of the room.

Note that this option using black should not be used for corner kitchens with a small area.

We add accents

A kitchen set with a pistachio color is quite an attention-grabbing object. To prevent the kitchen from looking too bulky and uncomfortable, designers do not recommend using many other colors with such furniture. Caution is recommended with small decorative items. For example, to create an interesting interior, you can use individual elements that are dark blue or red. However, there should be few such elements; they should only act as a beautiful addition, without drawing strong attention to themselves.

For kitchens made in light beige and cream tones, pistachio colors go well with furniture wooden elements decor. Colored pots with plants also “refresh” the interior. In order not to “overload” the room with green shades, in large quantities

Plants should not be used as decoration.

Just 1-2 pots are enough, which can be placed both on the work area and on the countertop or windowsill. Plants in white round pots also look good. You can also decorate your kitchen with steel-colored decorative elements. This method of decoration is perfect for rooms designed in a minimalist style. To make your kitchen look beautiful, it is recommended to choose household appliances , having a steel color. This will allow you to create an interesting and unique design. To illuminate such a room, it is recommended to use several ceiling lamps or large chandelier

with steel elements. Pistachio color can be used to decorate kitchens.

different styles

Classic wooden crafts, as well as items that have a terracotta tint or coffee with milk.


A kitchen set made in pistachio color is also suitable for creating a room in a minimalist style. This option is currently becoming increasingly popular. When creating a kitchen in a minimalist style, it is very important to pay due attention to the color of the main elements. It is recommended to keep the decor minimal, which will create the necessary color harmony in the room.

When creating a kitchen interior using a pistachio set, it is recommended to make the walls beige or peach. The ceiling should have a neutral shade. If desired, combined kitchen units can be used to decorate a room in this style. The brown facades of the upper cabinets and the pistachio “bottom” look good. You can complement the room with objects or furniture in warm brown shades.


Pistachio kitchen sets are great for decorating country style rooms. To create this style, simple and uncomplicated objects are used. You can decorate your kitchen with curtains with a delicate floral print. An excellent addition to the interior can be flower pots and containers for spices. To make the kitchen look interesting, it is recommended to make the facades of the furniture from wood.

It’s not for nothing that the warm and elegant pistachio color is popular among designers: it is light, airy, and visually makes the kitchen brighter.

Pistachio is a very elegant and noble color

Plus, it goes well with most colors and can easily fit into any decor style from to .

Pistachio goes well with any style

Features of pistachio color in the kitchen

Despite its apparent simplicity, pistachio color is much deeper than it might seem at first glance. The combination of yellow and green tones is harmoniously mixed, providing a natural and not heavy natural shade.

Pistachio has many tones - from translucent to rich

However, this color has its own nuances that must be taken into account when designing a kitchen in pistachio color:

  • Pistachio shades are undemanding and easily combined with a wide variety of tones. However, too overloaded shades do not suit them: an abundance of decor can destroy the airiness of the color.
  • At the same time, pistachio looks harmonious with any type of furniture. A light airy table or a rough set made of solid wood will look flawless against its background.
  • Psychologists believe that using pistachio in the interior can relax a tired person and give him a feeling of peace.
  • The peculiarity of pistachio is that, unlike other colors, it has practically no undertones. Therefore, the combination of colors in the interior of a pistachio kitchen is always predictable. This is an undeniable advantage, since some combinations can significantly change the main shade and not for the better.
  • Please note that pistachio is not suitable for creating monochrome interiors. It needs color additions, otherwise the kitchen will turn out too pale. The exception is rooms where different textures of pistachio are used. However, even in this case you need to be extremely careful: otherwise there is a risk that the room will look boring and faceless.
  • Visually, pistachio makes the room lighter and larger. Therefore, its abundance is often recommended for small kitchens facing north or west. For southern spacious rooms it is better to use it as a bright accent.

Color combinations

As we have already said, pistachio color goes well with almost any color palette. However, there are still clear favorites that look better than others.

Even as an accent, pistachio looks amazing.

Brown-pistachio cuisine - classic solution, which looks amazing in any stylistic solution. A room in this design will look cozy and elegant at the same time. Experiment with shades of wood, but avoid shades that are too light—pistachio will look paler against their background.

Against the background of brown, pistachio reveals deeper

The black and pistachio design looks very catchy. It fits perfectly into modern interiors, especially in high-tech style. It is best to choose for him - this way the combination will reveal itself brighter. The combination is not suitable for small rooms - it requires space, since black visually conceals space.

Black bottom and pistachio top - an unusual solution

Yellow and orange colors make the kitchen more positive and sunny. This solution is best suited for small rooms, windows facing north or west.

Yellow makes pistachio warmer

Blue, azure, and pearl shades can add freshness. Combine them more carefully in rooms in a modern style: this combination with pistachio does not look very advantageous in the abundance of metal parts. This palette is most suitable for kitchens in the style of Provence, American country, and shabby.
Be careful with this combination in rooms whose windows face north - they will seem too cold.

Color sea ​​wave goes wonderfully with pistachio

TO universal solutions also includes white-pistachio cuisine. White can be used in any undertone, but try to avoid shades that are too cool: they will visually contrast with the warmth of the greenish nut color. In this case, try to add another color to the interior - it could be fuchsia, burgundy, sapphire blue, rich chocolate. Experiment with natural, natural tones - they will fit into the composition perfectly and significantly enliven it.

Pistachio looks great with white if you add a color accent to it

Gray color also goes well with pistachio, but you need to choose the right shade. For example, metallic or wet asphalt will sparkle due to its depth.

Metallic will emphasize the depth of pistachio

But unsaturated light gray tones will not only look faded, but will also “extinguish” the warmth of pistachio. Therefore, design your kitchen carefully. It’s a good idea to add one or two more saturated tones - we recommend choosing from a natural palette or, conversely, sticking with a bright color, such as lemon.

Try combining different tones of pistachio

The main charm of pistachio cuisine is its warmth and naturalness. Whatever shades you decide to dilute the main gamut, try not to disturb the overall harmony, otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite.

Pistachio cuisine in various stylistic designs

Despite its naturalness, this color looks good in almost any style, even the most modern ones. We offer you a wide selection of photos that will demonstrate pistachio in various manifestations.

Even the most beautiful ones look good with pistachio modern style

Classic pistachio cuisine is a traditional solution for those who value comfort and homely atmosphere. Thanks to the softness of this color, it fits perfectly with wooden furniture and other furniture.

For classic cuisine choose soft tones of pistachio

Another benefit of pistachio classic interior- the ability to add a wide variety of colors and shades in small quantities to the decor of the room. Usually bright colors They don’t fit well with the classics, but the harmony and tenderness of the main tone soften their aggressive effect.

More saturated colors are suitable for small kitchens

Pistachio looks ideal in Provence style kitchens. It is characterized by natural, natural tones, so it will be very appropriate as a basis.

Add different accents to pistachio items

Try combining the dominant shade with unexpected combinations: aqua, delicate lime or muted crimson-orange will show you a new side.

Or give preference to classic combinations

Please note that Provence does not accept sharp transitions of shades. A smooth gradient from green or yellow to pistachio is perfect for it.

Try to avoid sharp color transitions

Follow the same rules if you want to recreate pistachio cuisine in a country style. Try adding it as a rich accent to curtains or as a decorative element. Pistachio goes well with red and blue, shades characteristic of this style.

Bright accents are good for country

Idea: Bright yellow pistachio checkered curtains look very unusual and stylish.

In modern interiors, such as high-tech, pistachio is best combined with dark tones of a glossy texture. It can be black or dark brown, chocolate. As an option, try decorating the kitchen in a white and pistachio palette - this solution is well suited for small rooms.

Pistachio walls and black and white furniture - a modern solution

In general, pistachio elements can be added to rooms of any style, from boho to ultra-modern high-tech. In some places it can become the basis of the color scheme, and in others it can successfully highlight the interior, being an unusual color accent. Much depends on the palette you choose and general design kitchens, so don't be afraid to experiment.

Don't be afraid to experiment - pistachio allows for different solutions

Pistachio color in the kitchen interior

Despite its lightness and the possibility of harmonious combination with a wide palette of shades, pistachio color still remains quite demanding. Therefore, if you want to add it to the interior, especially as a dominant element, carefully consider the final composition. Otherwise, you risk getting a kitchen that is too light or visually almost colorless.

The lighter the pistachio, the more expressive the accents

If you want to decorate the walls in this shade, carefully select materials. It could be , or even . Pistachio wallpaper looks very impressive in combination with panels imitating wood or light, textured stone. In this case, skirting boards, both floor and ceiling, are usually decorated in white or beige - this way they will emphasize the purity of the pistachio shade. However, for high-tech, black is acceptable.

Unusual choice - pistachio ceiling

Idea: If you want to decorate your walls with a print, keep in mind that too flashy colors and voluminous designs can kill the characteristics of the shade. Therefore, give preference to white or brown ethnic-themed patterns.

Pistachio flooring can look impressive, but it should be noted that caring for such a light-colored coating is not an easy task. Consider whether you can clean your kitchen every day to maintain its beauty. Also, choose materials that are easiest to clean. Complex floors with a relief texture will not work. In addition, pistachio simply does not harmonize with them: choose laminate, linoleum or tile.

Pistachio white tiles - bold decision

The color of the ceiling depends on how the entire kitchen is decorated. For example, if you choose a pistachio set, it is better to make the ceiling beige or white. You can paint it walnut color if you prefer white furniture. In addition, consider the color of the walls in the kitchen: their shade should be in harmony with the tone of the ceiling.

Light green walls and pistachio ceiling look very bright

Pistachio curtains look very gentle and elegant, but they are unacceptable in combination with plain walls: the curtains will simply merge with the decoration and the room will become visually smaller. For walls painted in this way, you can choose white curtains. Wooden blinds or roller blinds look good.

Match the pistachio walls sheer curtains

We recommend choosing the type of curtains depending on the style of the kitchen and the configuration of the room. In addition, for light curtains it is very important to correctly determine their density, otherwise in sunny rooms they will not be able to protect against excessive light.

The apron in a pistachio kitchen can be almost anything. You can design it tone-on-tone, or you can choose a bright contrasting shade: for example, blue, turquoise or red. Try decorating it with a bright print, mural or mosaic. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Pistachio green tiles on the backsplash look very fresh

Use tiles, false panels, ceramics as materials - anything that fits into the chosen design style is acceptable.

When choosing kitchen furniture, consider what you have made finishing. For example, a pistachio table and chairs in a dining group will look best on a white or, conversely, a bright contrasting background. Considering the delicacy of the shade, it is better to abandon massive pieces of furniture: choose light objects without complex, overly pretentious lines.

Keep the lines clean so as not to blur the effect

Against the background of pistachio walls, furniture made of dark woods looks best: for example, wenge. Or experiment with metal, plastic chairs and tables in contrasting shades.

Experiment with furniture shapes

As for the set, it all depends on the style of the kitchen. Pistachio looks great both in a modern glossy texture and on aged facades with patina. Pay attention to the shape of the kitchen: it should fit into the chosen interior and be in harmony with the configuration of the room.

Much depends on the chosen style

Please note that the pistachio color visually expands the set. Experiment with hidden backlight: this way the set will become deeper in appearance, which will create the effect of volume and airiness in your kitchen. However, do not get carried away with this technique in small rooms: the effect of imbalance may result.

Backlight brings pistachio to life

Don't forget about decorative items. In most decorating styles, pistachio decorations will be very appropriate. This could be one or two large items, or a set of decorative dishes, a beautiful tea set, or a series of photographs in pistachio frames.

Don't forget about decorative elements

However, you shouldn’t overdo it either: most design styles have a negative attitude towards the abundance of decor. It’s better to choose a few truly worthy items than to clutter your kitchen. Moreover, maintaining order in the latter case will be difficult, and pistachio color is very demanding on cleanliness.

Using pistachio color in the kitchen can give the room coziness and make it truly original. We are sure that with our advice you will be able to create the kitchen of your dreams!

The kitchen, as a rule, does not have the most big sizes. But at the same time, it must serve as a place for preparing food, a dining room, and even a place for receiving guests. The way in which its decor is decided largely determines whether it is pleasant to be in it. The color of the interior design can compensate for the shortcomings of the room and make it extraordinary. What are the advantages in this regard of pistachio color?

Pistachio color in the kitchen interior is perceived as fresh, giving cheerfulness and energy. And at the same time, this color is calm - it does not excite nervous system, does not tire or depress. It doesn’t stimulate your appetite, but it doesn’t suppress it either – this color is ideal for the kitchen!

Another plus in favor of choosing pistachio color is that it is not trivial, it is rarely used and allows you to create truly diverse, extraordinary solutions. This is due to the noble sound of color, which makes the interior respectable, restrained and sophisticated.

Pistachio color balances on a fine line between bright and pale tones, which is what makes it so harmonious.

What interiors is pistachio suitable for?

The desire to have a sunny kitchen does not always come true - often the sides of the room face the rarely lit sides of the house. In this case, it is possible to make the room more joyful, bright, and sunny by using certain design colors. And pistachio is an unsurpassed favorite here.

Likewise, this color is ideal for creating kitchens in different styles:

  • classic;
  • country;
  • Provence;
  • Japanese;
  • minimalism.

When creating different styles of kitchens, pistachio color can be used as the main dominant color, or as an accent or complement.

Important: when creating an interior, you need to stop in time and not overload it with pistachio tones. One thing can be done in this color - walls, curtains or furniture. The abundance of pistachio makes the interior intrusive.

Color combinations in the interior

Pistachio goes well with many colors. It is color combinations that allow you to create a variety of solutions and change interiors beyond recognition:

  • Pistachio and light green: An ideal combination for large spaces. The most the best option there will be a combination of pistachio walls and light green furniture.

Important: In the tandem of pistachio and light green, it makes sense to add a white accent - as curtains on the windows and a tablecloth on the table. This will make the interior fresher and brighter.

  • Pistachio and color warm wood : a wonderful combination for creating country style interiors. Creates a feeling of warmth, spaciousness and closeness to nature. The pistachio-colored kitchen walls are perfectly set off by natural wood furniture. You can use peach and orange as additional color accents.
  • Pistachio and pearl: Pearl and all gray shades soften pistachio and emphasize its depth. This combination is rare due to the wary attitude towards gray in the interior. Meanwhile, pistachio furniture against the background of gray-pearl walls creates an atmosphere of special comfort in the kitchen.
  • Pistachio and white: Classic color combination. A kitchen with this solution always looks respectable, fresh and elegant. As color accents You can safely use cinnamon shades.
  • Pistachio and black: It looks more than extravagant. This combination of colors does not tire, which is a valuable quality for interiors.

Important: Pistachio walls and a black apron look great in combination with a black and white set.

Pistachio and beige combine perfectly.


If you want to create a fashionable and extraordinary interior, pay attention to the pistachio color. And although, as a rule, such paint is pure form Rarely found in stores, the question of how to get pistachio color is easily resolved. It is enough to purchase white paint, yellow and green colors and you can achieve the desired shade.

Pistachio-colored kitchen (interior photo)

The kitchen is an important room. Here they cook, eat, relax, talk. The atmosphere should be relaxing and inviting. Pistachio kitchen is a bold design experiment. It will be appreciated by amateurs classic options interior design and those who prefer high-tech style. This shade of green is almost universal. Goes well with many others, can be accent, main or complementary. It doesn't change much depending on the type of lighting. Promotes relaxation, peace, tranquility. It's called summer. It is imbued with warming warmth. After all, pistachios grow only in subtropical or tropical climates (in Asia, northwest Africa, the Mediterranean). And he is also quite practical. For a room where it is difficult to constantly maintain perfect cleanliness, or for a home with children, it is ideal.

Pistachio color encourages relaxation and creates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

The advantages of this color scheme

As already noted, pistachio is versatile, rich and very interesting. Using it in the kitchen interior has many advantages:

  1. There are chameleon colors that change in daylight and nightlight, in different time days. This one, on the contrary, is almost always the same, regardless of the location of the light source and its direction.
  2. It is moderately light so as not to put pressure on the person in the room, and dark enough to hide defects that appear on the walls.
  3. Universal - it can be used in rooms of different sizes - large and small (and it will not visually make the latter even smaller).
  4. Creates a special warm atmosphere in the room and reminds of summer even in winter.

Original color combinations

Designers use the shade of these nuts quite often. Approximately every second idea plays with this type of green. And all because it is “delicious”, light, calm, cozy and very homely.

Creates a special atmosphere that you want to return to. After a hard day, it will calm your nerves and put you in a positive mood in the morning. It will refresh you after a walk in hot weather, and warm you up after a frosty promenade.

Pistachio-colored cuisine works up an appetite. Therefore, this option is probably not suitable for those who are always on a diet.

So, if you have an idea to use pistachio color, you need to decide how actively it will be used in the interior.

For example, this shade will look great on the walls or facades of a kitchen unit if everything is designed in a classic, Provence, country, or ethnic style. Such rustic romance is cozy, gentle, discreet.

Pistachio color will look great in a rustic kitchen.

But if the furniture is more reminiscent geometric figures and futuristic blocks, such green will look advantageous only in a glossy design.

You can make tiles, artificial stone, plastic and metal look like nuts, and the modern minimalist style will sparkle with colors.

This tone of green is considered very "friendly". He gets along well with many, sometimes contrasting, “brothers”. Therefore, they try to combine it in the design of rooms.

It is rare to find a kitchen, living room, bedroom or other room completely painted in pistachio. On the contrary, an interesting color mix always looks more interesting, more original, and more beautiful than a monochrome composition. After all, even the calmest and most pleasing shade to the eye can tire and bore you.

As a rule, designers try to maintain in this range additional details kitchens. They have to breathe new life, add refreshing notes to the interior, without standing out, but rather complement the overall picture.

How can you play harmoniously with color and not make a mistake?

A bright and rich shade will definitely make friends with:

Pistachio color goes well with yellow and orange.

  • juicy yellow;
  • delicious peach;
  • aromatic apricot;
  • ripe pink;
  • screaming red.

Muted pistachio has excellent color combinations are obtained with:

  • white as snow;
  • cream and caramel;
  • related to olive;
  • the color of champagne and coffee with milk.

The above colors can be used as accent spots. For example, a lampshade, curtains, fabric for a soft corner, a tablecloth, napkins, potholders, a vase, dishes - whatever. More often, designers use one or two large details rather than a lot of small ones. This creates a complete composition - a real melody.

Options for interesting combinations

The color of delicious nuts can be either the main violin in a design orchestra or play a supporting role.

Pistachio color has a beneficial effect on appetite.

For example, in this range you can order textiles or facades, or choose tiles for a backsplash, you can even paint the walls, and the dining table will act as white islands in a riot of green, working surface, sink, etc.

The combinations can be anything. It all depends on the idea and the space you have to work with. For example, if the kitchen has a low ceiling, then the room will be refreshed by pistachio walls with narrow white vertical stripes, which will make the room visually higher. Some may find this option boring. In this case, orange, yellow, pink, coral, terracotta inclusions will add mood as a third color note. If you want real summer, juicy, fresh with drops of dew, then it is better to choose rich pistachio. And place crystal accents using transparent glassware, vases and other decorative elements.

Such soft greens go well with equally soft beige, vanilla, various shades of gray and brown (ocher or terracotta), and cappuccino with pistachio will look amazing - gentle, stylish and restrained.

Naturally, other shades of green also work well: from light to emerald. But it is more correct if these spots play a secondary role in the design of the room.

Pistachio-colored facades go well with wood, stone and marble.

Sometimes, very rarely, but you can experiment with different types blue: rich, cyan, turquoise. But be careful, because... you can make a mistake.

And this tone of green can be perfectly mixed with such independent colors as dark red and even purple. The last combination looks bold, but this makes it even more original.

The idea will look more than creative. Only creative people with an excellent sense of taste undertake its implementation. The combination of pistachio color with black looks no less bold. Although it is important not to overdo it. Just dilute, for example, a black and white palette with nut-colored details. Otherwise it may turn out dark and gloomy. Or just add black glossy notes. They will perfectly set off the delicate green.

But this shade does not harmonize well with all colors. For example, you need to be very careful when connecting it to the marsh one. The floor or just a rug will look organic - this is a great idea. But if a chandelier or floor lamp for the kitchen is chosen in this range, the idea may not look very expressive. On the contrary, like a heavy, dark spot above our heads.

Combinations with materials and textures

For pistachios to start playing, you need to choose the right “comrades” for them. They make excellent friends with wooden, stone, and bamboo surfaces. In a word, with natural materials. They will also harmonize well with glass. When choosing facades in this tone, you can choose MDF, plastic or painted wooden facades. But don't choose a shade that's too dark to make it look moody.

You can use this technique on the walls, on the contrary, to shade dark or light kitchen furniture. Decorate them only where the set will be located, so as not to oversaturate the room with green. You might prefer a floor to walnut-colored walls, but then cashing the door and possibly window frames inside the room they must correspond to them, complement them, and form a single composition. Then the walls need to be made lighter - calm gray, warm coffee-milk or soft pink. Designers also advise: if the bottom of the room is dark, then it must be diluted with a light top - the ceiling or chandelier.

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Pistachio cuisine: photos, suitable combinations of shades

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Modern kitchens are usually decorated in neutral and light colors to create a cozy atmosphere. Fashion trend is the pistachio color in the interior. The shade of green has gained popularity due to its versatility. Photos of kitchen spaces decorated in these colors can be found in online catalogs of companies offering interior design services.



This color is light shade green tones and promotes relaxation and tranquility.

Each person upon completion working day wants to find himself in a place that is conducive to relaxation and puts you in a positive mood, and in the morning fills you with vigor and good mood no worse than a cup of coffee. Therefore, this color began to be often used in the design of different rooms.

Neutral colors are pleasing to the eye and fit into almost any modern trend, visually refreshing the room.

Pistachio color has a number of advantages, because of which it is recommended to be used in kitchen decoration:

  • like any other natural shade, it does not carry an emotional load;
  • calms and evokes only positive feelings and emotions;
  • due to its versatility, it can be used in decoration, furniture and accessories;
  • combines not only with many colors, but also with wooden textures;
  • the harmony of the interior is achieved by restraint and sophistication of light colors;
  • Another feature is its predictability: different degrees of illumination do not change its tonality, so there is no need to worry that it may change due to a change in neighboring colors;
  • Suitable for implementing ideas in many styles.

Tone and rules of use in the design of walls and kitchen interiors


It is possible to properly decorate a kitchen using the following techniques:

  • if the pistachio shade is used in the cladding of the set, then the colors of other surfaces and accessories should be adjusted to it. For example, such facades will look organic with beige, milk or coffee walls without bright patterns or intricate patterns. To maintain the color scheme, the floor is decorated with laminate or artificial stone;
  • pistachio walls in the kitchen should have a matte surface or plain wallpaper. To emphasize the depth and best properties of the shade, it is necessary to use glossy tiles or mosaics in finishing the work area. Depending on the style direction kitchens, the apron is decorated with artificial stone or plastic;
  • In a neutral kitchen, you can add combined pistachio accents in the form of curtains or window curtains, lamp shades, picture frames, gray-green dishes and towels.

Combination of pistachio shade with other colors

As mentioned above, pistachio can be combined with various shades, but there are standard solutions for combining colors that are win-win options for decorating a kitchen space. Light green harmonizes well with warm natural colors and welcomes the presence of accents in some rich colors.

This color also goes well with sand, beige, milk and cream paints.

A kitchen with a light finish can be enlivened with red, orange or pink accents, such as decorative elements and even dining chairs.

Other colors should be added sparingly to pistachio cuisine. But the pastel shade does not combine with blue and swamp green at all, but only fades against the background of dark colors.

Style directions


The chosen style influences the choice color solutions and building a concept in the kitchen interior. The color of pistachio is used in almost any direction, but for such luxurious styles as baroque, empire and rococo, a pastel shade cannot give an atmosphere of solemnity and deep nobility.

But the light green tone will fit perfectly into decoration with natural motifs and into modern interiors that require restraint in style.


A light shade of green will be ideal solution for the interior where it is used wood trim and furniture made from natural materials along with rough textiles. Cabinets and other pieces of furniture made of wood painted pistachio look good. In this case, the walls should be decorated in beige tones, and for the floor you should use wooden board from light or dark breeds. If you want to feel closer to nature, then you should decorate your kitchen in a country style.



Considered in more detail. For a romantic provincial style, pistachio can become the main tone. Provence always attracts simple features and delicate shades. The fronts of light green cabinets can be paneled or carved. Sometimes they use glass inserts. The windows are draped with pastel curtains with small flowers or stripes.

Pistachio is often combined with lilac as ornaments on walls, textiles or decorative items. Lavender color looks organically in a provincial style. You can dilute the palette with colors such as white, light yellow, milk and coffee with milk. For decoration and furniture, it is better to use wood with light and warm colors.


Mediterranean style

Many people are used to seeing mostly blue color scheme. But the landscapes of the Mediterranean coast include many different shades, including light greens intertwined with sand and rich blues. A white finish will make the room more spacious and refreshing. Tiles under a natural stone in the lining of the floor or apron will successfully emphasize sea ​​style, into which a pistachio-colored kitchen will fit perfectly.



In a direction that welcomes natural colors and natural materials, you can safely use this shade of green. It goes well with natural wood or stone finishes. Fresh flowers and shrubs in wooden pots or rattan baskets look good against a light green background. Pistachio may be present in natural fiber textiles and furniture. Pastel walls can complete the overall image of the room.


High tech

Pistachio is also used to soften strict designs, which are often designed in monochrome and with chrome surfaces. It most often appears as accents on cabinet fronts and in the form of decorative details. Black is used for additional accent inserts.


Japanese direction and minimalism

It is common to use combinations of neutral colors. WITH minimum quantity pistachio color decor looks organic in a minimalist interior. As “neighbors” for light green, shades of milky white and wood textures are selected. The decoration should use relief surfaces that will perform a decorative function in the room.

