The peculiarity of the horoscopes of the Aquarius man and the Libra woman is such that all disagreements between them are smoothed out without special effort on their part, at the behest of the stars. It is true that marriages are made in heaven. But no matter how favorable the stars are to the union, conflicts are still inevitable. Quarrels between Aquarius and Libra are like spring thunderstorms: downpours with gusts of wind and flashing lightning, and then everything around is illuminated by the radiance of the sun in the blue skies. In a word, a complete idyll ensues. And everything shines and shines very decently and decently: the Libra woman is distinguished by tact and the ability to get around sharp corners. She hates it when people shout ugly at each other, and will never allow that to happen.

Both of these signs belong to the element of Air. Libra is a cardinal, dominant and commanding sign. Aquarius is a permanent sign, which speaks of incredible perseverance and stubbornness. Aquarius will not agree that a woman should play first fiddle in a relationship. So what if she has more powers according to the Zodiac? He is the man! Although, it’s not even a matter of who is a man and who is a woman: he is not very interested in issues of traditional self-affirmation of the sexes, he is rather for universal equality. It’s just that the Aquarius man absolutely cannot stand it when people disagree with him.

The Libra girl will easily convince anyone, but not Aquarius. The water that he eternally pours from the vessel is designed to quench the thirst for knowledge of all mankind. It’s hard to argue with such a know-it-all. Heavy artillery enters the battle: the charming beauty Libra comes to the aid of her charming smile. When combined with the analytical mind, it is something that he cannot resist. That's it, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the storm is over. But sometimes quarrels can follow a different scenario. If the smile doesn't work and she continues to insist, Aquarius will use the most powerful Aquarius argument: the hat. He puts it on and leaves. So, who won the argument?

After some time, the status quo will be established: he is always half a step ahead. The Libra woman will remember that she is not only a cardinal sign, but is also ruled by Venus, the planet that gives her soft femininity. Another relationship scenario is impossible, only this way: he is half a step ahead, but the last word is hers. However, for them it will not be very difficult: what difference does it make who goes ahead, whose word is last, if they almost always talk about the same thing? – They have the same views on raising children, education, recreation, religion, philosophy and art. Even such little things as Libra’s love for sybarism and comfort and the eccentricity of Aquarius do not bother them. Aquarius can say to a Libra girl:

However, you are a spoiled lazy girl! - when she lies in the bathroom for an hour and a half, making herself beautiful with the help of hundreds of jars of gels, mousses and scrubs.

And she can scold him (gently) for some incredible prank. By the way, about the escapades of Aquarius (yes, they like to do everything differently from others, this is a character trait of Aquarius): Libra will be able to squeeze them into the framework of forced decency if she does not:

  • demand explanations of the motives for behavior;
  • force to answer, which was the purpose of the absurd act.

It’s better to leave Aquarius alone, just tell him that next time he shouldn’t watch TV upside down and crack nuts at the same time.

And yet, how the stars favor them! During the heated debates, they still admire each other and are filled with respect, because in no one else have they met such a sharp mind and ability to enjoy verbal battles. Aquarius and his girlfriend Libra are real gourmets of words and thoughts. These zodiac signs are connected by a golden thread of understanding that cannot be broken. Therefore, they always have the opportunity for reconciliation.

Legends can be made about Aquarius-Libra sexual compatibility. When he hugs her for the first time, both of them will have a feeling: God, how wonderful it is, it seems that they have met after a long separation. Their bodies and souls seem to be made for each other. Maybe they already loved each other in past lives? Maybe. Such harmony cannot be accidental!

Aquarius Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

An Aquarius man and a Libra woman have a good chance of building a strong and long-lasting relationship based on mutual understanding and love. Partners can be successful in the same business or creativity, complement each other well in the professional field or social work. As a rule, an Aquarius man and a Libra woman get along well with people - they have many friends with whom they enjoy communicating.

An Aquarius man and a Libra woman can meet each other at one of the parties that both enjoy attending, or in a business setting, in the office or at a meeting. They will immediately discover common creative plans, similar views on life, share fresh, original ideas with each other - and decide not to separate again. Often this union gives rise to a new business or entrepreneurship, because the Aquarius man and the Libra woman complement each other very well, practically merging into one big driving force.

The Aquarius man is quite stubborn, and sometimes this rapid and friendly movement forward will be interrupted by annoying stops when the partner continues to stick to his line, and the Libra woman strives to take him in a completely different direction. Their quarrels will sometimes resemble a business conversation - both strive to argue their point of view, provide scientific evidence-based facts, and show off their eloquence and erudition. Fortunately, there will be few quarrels in this couple, and those that do occur will only contribute to bringing them closer to each other.

The Libra woman, more thorough in her affairs and judgments than her “airy” partner, will claim unconditional leadership in the couple. In their disputes, by the way, the Libra woman will most often win, because a person who can out-argue her has not yet been born. At a particularly tense and critical moment, the Aquarius man will either put a “good face on a bad game”, representing the height of indifference - but retreating from the subject of the dispute, or will evaporate altogether, preferring freer swimming than such defeats.

Numerous conversations, which they love very much, will reconcile and bring partners closer together. If in conversations the Libra woman tries to establish the truth, to bring to the attention of her partner everything that she knows about this subject, then the Aquarius man, reveling in his own eloquence, is able to completely forget about the topic of the conversation, taking the conversation in a different direction. Partners see each other as an interesting interlocutor, they never get bored together - even if they are doing routine work. They will make an excellent tandem in running their own business or creative workshop, showing others an example of marital and business relationships that lead to amazing success in life.

Even in disputes, the Aquarius man and the Libra woman respect each other, admire each other's talents and eloquence. Their business and personal conversations can strengthen relationships and fill them with meaning, but under one condition - if neither side puts excessive pressure on the partner. The eccentricity of an Aquarius man can upset the balance of his partner, but at the same time he will try to correct his mistakes and make amends. The whole life of these partners can resemble one long honeymoon, with minutes of misunderstanding and hours of tender happiness.

Libra woman and Aquarius man - good combination in all areas of life. Representatives of these zodiac signs have similar characters and life positions. They strive for common goals and help each other achieve them. The lady teaches her partner to consider emerging situations in detail and make informed decisions. He, in turn, stimulates her to improve herself and learn about the world around her.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The Libra woman and the Aquarius man are perfectly combined in love and marriage. They form a harmonious and strong couple.

Such people often meet in the company of friends, at social events or parties. Mutual attraction and sympathy immediately arises between them. In conversation, they discover each other's similar interests and views.

The marriage of a Libra woman and an Aquarius man is an example for others to follow. Their family life does not turn into a household routine. Spouses do not share household responsibilities, but perform homework together. They love variety, joint recreation and travel.

Disagreements and contradictions periodically arise between spouses. Since both do not like conflicts, they solve problems peacefully. The partners have a constructive conversation and as a result come to an agreement and a mutual decision.

Such spouses often form a creative or business union. In it they double their positive qualities and strengths.

Sexual compatibility

Libra woman and Aquarius man have high sexual compatibility. Immediately after meeting, partners feel emotional and physical attraction to each other. In the intimate relationships of such people there is romance, emotionality and sensuality. Representatives of these zodiac signs intuitively grasp mutual desires and needs. They are comfortable and calm in bed with each other.

Business compatibility (in work and business)

The Libra woman and the Aquarius man get along well in the business sphere. They understand each other easily. Similar methods and approaches to the work of representatives of these zodiac signs have a beneficial effect on the common cause. Such a professional union is successful in the creative or intellectual field. In the commercial field, it is better for these people to take a more practical person into their team, since their slowness and enthusiasm for plans can fail the business.

In such an alliance, the leader is often a lady. She skillfully directs the resources and strength of her partner in the right direction.

Compatibility in friendship

A Libra woman and an Aquarius man are highly compatible in friendship. The relationships of such friends are filled with harmony and mutual understanding. Friends respect each other's personal space and opinions. They do not conflict over trifles and make concessions. Both love spiritual communication. They find common topics and interests. Friends enjoy attending social events, visiting and traveling.

The stars say that the compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Libra woman has every chance of a smooth transition of a beautiful relationship into a strong family. However, there are some nuances in this alliance that are better to know in advance: after all, forewarned means forearmed.

An Aquarius man and a Libra woman belong to the element of air and simply by definition cannot help but interest each other even at the first communication. People of these zodiac signs are incredibly sociable, open and very friendly. Moreover, they express these emotions completely sincerely, and not because it is customary.

They have every chance of liking each other at first sight. But remember: to please, not to fall in love. Neither the Aquarius guy, nor even the Libra girl likes to run ahead of the locomotive in amorous affairs, and they are not characterized by outbursts of passion from Mexican TV series. These two prefer to first study their partner from all sides, find out what skeletons he has in his closet, and at the same time have time to be charmed by his personal charm and quick, lively thinking, in which Aquarius and Libra will not yield to each other.

Their communication is very good and easy - in the first months it will generally seem as if they have found a real soul mate. Libras do not like to argue and are very compliant. It's all about their natural diplomacy, which does not allow them to speak harshly even in personal communication.

It’s just that Libra is an example of good manners and good manners. Sometimes one gets the impression that the girl graduated from the Institute of Noble Maidens with honors. But Aquarius, on the contrary, is also a debater. He loves when he is not only listened to, but also obeyed.

And by the way, he often does not mince words, especially when he is sure that his words are true. The result is a contradiction: from the phrase about sweet lies and bitter truth, Aquarius will choose the latter, and the girl of spring will definitely choose the former. It is for this reason that their compatibility in love relationships may be subject to serious testing.

Behind the external impression of friendly, rather gentle people, there actually lies a union of two strong and difficult personalities. True, what saves the matter is that both Aquarius and Libra are still accommodating. It is only important for them to show each other that they really want to negotiate, and not just pretend.

Reconciliations in such a couple are similar to the beginning of a romance - they are always very tender, sweet and more reminiscent of a date than a conversation to say “I’m sorry.”

Another serious risk for relationships is a different outlook on the beauty of life. The fact is that an Aquarius can easily wear old pants for 3 seasons in a row, but a Libra won’t wear anything even when going to a local store. It is important to understand that this girl is a real esthete, she loves everything beautiful and will not sit at the table if there is even one small spot on it. She demands the same from her partner: impeccable observance of external beauty, harmony of the body and, of course, the soul. For Libras, believe me, this is not an empty phrase.

A girl may agree with many things regarding the views of an Aquarius, but not with the fact that he sometimes denies almost everything: from traditional foundations to standards of appearance that are self-evident to her.

And Libra is clearly not satisfied with the directness of Aquarius, who, if desired, will express anything to his partner directly. One piece of advice: show him that you are hurt. Pity for others and feelings of guilt greatly sober up Aquarius. Do you know why? Because in reality he does not wish harm to anyone. It's just that a person screams when he's in pain, isn't it?

Therefore, the compatibility in love between an Aquarius man and a Libra woman is quite favorable: the similarity in the energy of these people can withstand a lot. The main thing is to look for approaches, but otherwise the stars give a favorable forecast.

Marriage compatibility: bohemian couple

Aquarius is the most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac. And any woman who will date him will understand this almost on the first date. And Libras themselves often do not seek to burden themselves with official relationships. Therefore, such couples often freely get together with each other, without attaching much importance to the fact that there is no corresponding note in the passport.

From this point of view, the compatibility of partners in marriage develops harmoniously: they give each other a portion of freedom, and such a sip is important for any relationship, isn’t it?

However, growing up next to each other, the couple may get bored and need something more. This is especially true for the Libra girl, who, as already mentioned, loves all the most beautiful things. Do you think she didn’t dream of a wedding dress and a carriage that would definitely come for her along with her beloved?

Of course, she wants to have her own celebration. And at some point she will begin to hint to the Aquarius guy that it’s time to think about something more than just a relationship and tea together. Here a woman may face a wall of misunderstanding. The only way is to charm, lure, and get your way. If you managed to do this, and Aquarius has now truly become your husband, consider that all other life obstacles will seem to you only minor obstacles.

The couple will be able to succeed in family relationships, since the stars guarantee their intellectual and sexual compatibility. When both people are, as they say, on the same wavelength, building relationships is much easier. Conflicts can begin against the background of money problems: Aquarius does not care too much about the financial sphere, and for Libra, money is pleasure, and shopping is therapy. This is why temporary troubles can cause serious damage to their relationship.

In this sense, astrology recommends that Libra tune their beloved Aquarius well. Use the right buttons: if an Aquarius feels that you need him, that you believe in him, he will definitely achieve a lot. This is just one of those rare men on whom a whole mountain of despondency can fall. Sometimes he feels extremely insecure. If you can support him in these moments, your husband will be grateful to you from the bottom of his heart and will give much more.

In general, Aquarius and Libra will be incredibly interested in just being together: these are people who keep the freshness of their feelings for a long time. They will be happy to appear at creative events and go to theaters. In general, their ideal is the life of an aristocrat. Wake up at 10 am and start your day with breakfast in a restaurant. Visit the exhibition during the day, and be sure to go to the premiere in the evening. In terms of cultural level, Aquarius and Libra have similar potential and will definitely create an interesting tandem.

As for mutual fidelity, it is impossible to guarantee that both will not take sides. It’s just that Libras love pleasure, bright emotions, and Aquarius sometimes simply cannot refuse. The sociability of both partners almost always leads to the fact that they have a bunch of friends, acquaintances and just good people. This is where the risks of betrayal appear.

The truth is worth understanding: representatives of air signs really do not like to offend people. Even if thunder strikes, they will try to make sure that their partner never finds out about anything like that. But they maintain spiritual loyalty unconditionally - if you need moral support, you can rest assured that your spouse will be there.

Sexual compatibility: arousal by intellect

Aquarius and Libra see each other primarily as an interesting personality, and not as a set of height/weight parameters. They really can get excited about how interesting their partner is. They are attracted by intelligence, excellent communication, which in the right environment can easily be transformed into an interesting night continuation.

Partners feel each other well in physical matters, so their compatibility in bed is no less favorable than in relationships. Aquarius and Libra do not like passion, heat and haste. They are characterized by long, beautiful foreplay, a thirst for experimentation and, of course, the quality of the process. That's why we can say that the stars give the couple another bonus - you will have fun not only in conversation.

Compatibility at work: IQ is everything

The working tandem of an Aquarius man and a Libra woman brings great success in matters related to communicating with people, as well as in creative projects. They have wide erudition and endless inner charm, thanks to which the bosses do not even doubt who to entrust with establishing important connections or developing a script for a fun event.

It is interesting that Aquarius will begin to compete with Libra, fighting for their exclusive right to bring into the light original ideas and generate invaluable thoughts. However, this competition will only benefit the cause. The reason is that the partners are very friendly to each other, and there is practically no risk of conflict.

Aquarius and Libra: they are different, but on the same wavelength - that is why the stars give the couple many chances to create real, sincere relationships.

According to the compatibility of the Libra woman and the Aquarius man, there is no special warmth and comfort in their family union, but there is also no strong tension and dissatisfaction with each other.

Both partners do not seek to change or somehow put pressure on their half. Equal, respectful and friendly relations develop between them.

Compatibility between Libra woman and Aquarius man – PROS

A couple of a Libra woman and an Aquarius man are happily welcomed in any company. They are friendly, sociable, benevolent and many people like them for their ease and ease of communication. Moreover, they never let others in on their problems and concerns, and do not show dissatisfaction or fatigue. They often attend various events together, as joint leisure gives them pleasure. But, often they can be met separately, which in no case causes mistrust in the other partner.

In the Libra-Aquarius compatibility union, both the woman and the man reserve the right to external and internal freedom. Each of them has their own interests, hobbies and friends. in their chosen one, and the partners keep their distance, maintaining the established distance. In alliance with an Aquarius man, the Libra woman finds the mutual understanding she needs, an intellectual partner-friend, and the opportunity to maintain her personal space.

Compatibility between Libra woman and Aquarius man – CONS

The problem of compatibility of the zodiac signs Libra and Aquarius is that the Libra woman, more than anyone else, really needs to feel that next to her is a reliable and faithful man, on whose shoulder she can lean in difficult times. But the Aquarius man belongs to that category of men who are often drawn “to freedom.” Usually the Libra woman does not restrict the freedom of the Aquarius man, but it often happens that one of her partner’s friends urgently needs a friendly Aquarius shoulder just when they need to go to the country (the toilet has broken down, mom is coming, grandma’s birthday)? The first few times the Libra woman can tolerate such behavior, but when such situations begin to repeat with enviable consistency, there is no man nearby on whom she can rely.

Another difficulty that this couple may encounter is that both do not know how to obey and renounce their interests. The Libra woman will do as she sees fit without the slightest hesitation. But, if the Aquarius man decides to answer her in kind, then the Aquarius man will still win the game of “who is more stubborn.”

Horoscope Libra-Aquarius – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the horoscopes of Libra and Aquarius, in order to maintain harmony in the family, the Libra woman must come to terms with the excessive sociability of the Aquarius man. There is no need to redo it. This will not lead to anything good. It’s better to remember who but yours from another city just because you were sad? Wasn’t he the one who helped you out with money more than once before living together? Yes, it happens that at some point he is not around, but appreciate his ability to be friends with people and help them out in difficult times. If you really need help and your partner is not around, ask your friends or colleagues for help.

If a “cold war” has begun in a couple of a Libra woman and an Aquarius man, then both of them need to talk openly and honestly in a calm home environment. If a couple decides to cope with this situation together, they will definitely find a way out.

How can a Libra woman win an Aquarius man?

When conquering an Aquarius man, you should not expect ardent passion and signs of falling in love from him. This man often treats friendship as love and love as friendship. Therefore, if you notice that, know that this is a sign that he is not indifferent to you.

In a Libra girl, the Aquarius guy will like her intelligence and sociability. He himself possesses these qualities and it will be interesting for him to communicate with the same woman. In addition, the Libra woman, when first meeting him, seems compliant to him, which greatly facilitates the communication process. It is only later that he understands that the Libra woman’s compliance is only external. Internally, she will never give up her beliefs and goals.

If the Libra woman does not strive to get a stamp in her passport, then if the Aquarius man begins to pay attention to you, then the job has already been done. But, if you want to formalize the relationship, then it will be very difficult to convince the Aquarius man of this. The main thing is, do not put pressure on the Aquarius man, otherwise you may lose him forever, because he is stubborn, and if he says “no” in the heat of the moment, then he will not change his mind. In this case, the Libra woman needs to show her creativity and ability to create beauty around herself. The Aquarius man is an incorrigible romantic at heart. And if you create for him a fairy tale, at the end of which the hero and heroine get married, he will happily accept this game. Very often, Aquarius men get married under unusual circumstances: abroad, on an island, while traveling.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Aquarius man in friendship

A Libra woman and an Aquarius man are true friends. A sincere, selfless friendship is established between these partners, with no elements of flirtation or coquetry. Such friendship as that of a Libra woman and an Aquarius man is very rare for other zodiac signs. The basis of this friendship is the common interests and freedom of each friend. When a Libra woman communicates with an Aquarius man, she feels as if she has returned to her school days, with other men slipping into flirting every now and then, and female friends often becoming rivals. This does not happen with an Aquarius man. If you behave with him in a friendly way, he will behave in a friendly way in return.

Both partners value friendship and do not test its strength. They do not know how to make peace, so they are very careful in their statements and watch their words.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Aquarius man in business

A Libra woman and an Aquarius man can be good business partners. They will achieve stunning results if they work in the field of intellectual work. But where a practical result is needed, it is better to work not in pairs, but in a team where among the employees there is one of the earth signs.

When a Libra woman and an Aquarius man are colleagues or partners, it is a good business alliance. The Libra woman and the Aquarius man easily find a common language and work well together, doing the same thing. In addition, only the Libra woman has the unique ability to decipher the unique idea of ​​the Aquarius man to her superiors or colleagues. There is no rivalry or competition between these partners, as often happens between two people of these zodiac signs, but of the same sex.

When the Libra woman is the boss and the Aquarius man is the subordinate, this is a good combination. The Libra woman is a good boss for the Aquarius man. Perhaps no one except her is able to understand the Aquarius man like that. She allows him to develop his own style of work, gives him instructions, does not control him (which the Aquarius man cannot stand) and absolutely trusts him. And the Aquarius man works great if he doesn’t have someone over his soul.

When a Libra woman is a subordinate and an Aquarius man is a boss, this is an excellent combination. The Aquarius man really appreciates his Libra employee for her responsibility in her work, her ability to get along with people, but, most importantly, for the fact that she knows how to explain to other employees the ideas of the Aquarius boss, which he himself is not able to convey to other people.

Aquarius man Libra woman compatibility. An Aquarius man and a Libra woman do not need unnecessary explanations to understand each other; this couple has an understanding top level. He and she quickly find a common language without hesitation. After radiant understanding, strong torrential rains of misunderstanding come, even lightning flashes somewhere in the distance. Then a truce comes, everything blooms again, a complete idyll sets in, which will soon be replaced by cloudy weather. The first reason for all quarrels between an Aquarius man and a Libra woman can arise due to her dissatisfaction and claims. They communicated so well, he took her home, said a sweet goodbye, and the next day she told him that he was not decisive in his actions. The Aquarius man thought about it, analyzing yesterday; as it turned out, according to her, he did not take her hand or kiss her. The whole point is that the Libra woman lives by feelings, and the Aquarius man is an intellectual genius, his erogenous zone- a brain, but at the same time he is as crazy a romantic as she is. That evening he wanted to talk about high things, and she wanted him to just shut up and kiss her. The Libra woman rather hints to the Aquarius man that “you are not decisive,” and the Aquarius man must understand this to himself: “be decisive.”

The Aquarius man is the one a real man, which is under the auspices of the male planet Uranus. And in order not to go into details for a long time, the Aquarius man suddenly buys a bouquet of daisies and unexpectedly meets her near the house. Instantly, all the accusations against him are blown away by the wind, she blossoms. Although the Libra woman can often pretend to be hard to touch, in her heart she wants the Aquarius man to hug her and gently touch her refined lips. And if he still whispers tender words in her ear, she will melt like butter in a frying pan, and another book about Romeo and Juliet can be written about this couple.

Aquarius man Libra woman compatibility. The Libra woman will try more than once to convince the Aquarius man. Someone else could listen to the Libra woman, but not this know-it-all who pours water. This water will quench the thirst of the most knowledgeable and versed person in any matter. The Aquarius man does not tolerate it when his opinion is not taken into account or agreed upon. The thing is that the Libra woman has more authority over astrological signs, but the Aquarius man only stands for equality. The Aquarius man is sometimes very stubborn, which means it will be very difficult to convince him on some issues. Then the smart, charming Libra woman will prevail over their intellectual debates with her sweet, beaming smile.

Aquarius man Libra woman compatibility. The Aquarius man and the Libra woman must understand that it doesn’t matter who is first or who goes one step ahead, but what is more important is that their thoughts about raising children, relaxing, and spending time together are very similar. The Libra woman may try to set up or put the Aquarius man in a framework. The Aquarius man can do everything in a way that others don’t, he’s quirky. It is enough for a Libra woman to say in a calm voice: “Darling, let’s replant your palm tree, which grows in the middle of our room outside.” How will an Aquarius man instantly listen to a Libra woman if she doesn’t ask why he planted this palm tree and what went into his head. Believe me, an Aquarius man will not even think of such things.

An Aquarius man and a Libra woman are connected by an unearthly understanding. After a stormy quarrel, a stormy reconciliation will follow. An Aquarius man and a Libra woman can be called masters of words and thought. They build the chain of understanding from durable metal that will not bend or rust. It is rare when couples enjoy verbal battles, and the Aquarius man and Libra woman only admire each other.

After stormy discussions, the Aquarius man will hug the Libra woman, and the stars will shine in the sky again. They will feel that dearer than man did not meet on your way. We can talk about sexual attraction and attraction for a long time; it is as stormy as their battles.