Bed secrets and talents of Aries

Aries are people who are active sex life. Both the element of Fire and the influence of Mars are “to blame” for this. Moreover, even in the heat of passion, they never forget about their loved ones; in their lives there are many connections held together by purely physical and not spiritual attraction.

Militant-minded Aries (this also applies to representatives of the fairer sex) do not wait for someone to choose them: they make the choice themselves. Sometimes their attempts to attack are modest and even shy, but more often they undertake such an attack that they do not even allow the objects of their passion to come to their senses. In general, Aries' behavior in the sexual sphere, as in everything else, is unpredictable.

Aries do not accept long foreplay, and the sexual act itself does not last long. People of this zodiac sign do not try to hide their feelings and sensations; in the most intimate moments they do not skimp on sighs, groans and exclamations. Excitement makes Aries forget about the remnants of decency.

Of course erotic horoscope Aries outlines only the main trends; character traits behavior can be strengthened or, conversely, mitigated by various factors, but not a single Aries will voluntarily give up the role of a winner, which is important for him even in the intimate sphere. If in his other manifestations not related to sexual life, Aries is aggressive, powerful and unpredictable, then it is logical to assume that his behavior on the bed of love will be even more spontaneous and uncontrollable.

Erotic horoscope: Aries man

The desire to dominate is most clearly manifested in men of this sign. To lure a woman into bed, Aries can resort to all sorts of tricks and even deceit, but since, alas, he is not a master of intrigue, such “maneuvers” more often become the cause of troubles and misunderstandings than a means of achieving the goal. It often happens that the intimate process itself is more important and interesting for Aries than its outcome. An Aries man in bed, directly during intimacy, can be unrestrained and rude; it is difficult for him to control himself. Has a tendency towards sadism. Aries partners need to know that pleasure for them can be associated with pain.

The rich imagination of Aries men generates a wide variety of sexual fantasies, and they tend to get their partners to realize them. At the same time, the Aries man does not accept attempts by a woman to take over the role of the main character; in this show he must be both the director, the director, and the main actor. Even in moments of passion, he can show irritation and temper if he is prevented from doing so.

The Aries man is a lover who reacts very sharply to any comments about his merits and abilities. If a woman happens to blurt out something wrong at the moment of intimacy, her partner can instantly turn into impotent, after which he can throw himself into a whirlpool of random relationships to prove to himself that there is still gunpowder in the flasks. During this period, any unsuccessful attempt can cause a severe nervous breakdown for an Aries man.

Erotic horoscope: Aries woman

Such a lady knows how, if she wants, to look seductive in the eyes of the stronger sex. Her position in intimate relationships cannot be called altruistic: she is focused primarily on satisfying her own needs, and behaves selfishly with men. At the same time, she strives to make the relationship with her partner as close to ideal as possible (in her understanding, of course) - even if only for one evening.

Finding himself in bed with an Aries woman, a man will undoubtedly feel her powerful, but at the same time simple-minded, not covered up by conventions, almost primitive sexual energy. The stronger sex is impressed by the willingness of Aries partners to have sex whenever and wherever. They will not be embarrassed by intimate dates in places where other women would never allow themselves such liberties.

In bed, the Aries Woman does not require long foreplay from her partner; she often bypasses the stage of candles, champagne and other romantic tenderness. She is not against realizing a man’s erotic fantasies, she is always ready to offer her own scenario and even experiment. This incredibly sensual, passionate and at the same time feminine creature is capable of experiencing sincere pleasure in bed, and what her partner experiences at this time is secondary for her, although she is ready to give him maximum pleasure.

The personal life of Aries women is characterized by a large number of a short but very stormy relationship. The erotic horoscope of Aries women calls the reason for the possible lack of complete satisfaction from sex the inconsistency of their desires: on the one hand, they do not want to obey anyone, even in bed, and on the other, they dream of seeing a powerful and strong partner next to them. Among the love adventures that befall the Aries woman, very dramatic and even tragic episodes occur.

Erogenous zones of Aries

Under the control of this zodiac sign in the human body is the head, in particular the face. It is this part of the body that is the erogenous zone of Aries. Touching and gently stroking the scalp quickly brings them into a state of excitement, and representatives of both sexes react equally passionately to this. Aries women absolutely love it when they do all sorts of manipulations with their hair - combing it, ironing it, making an artistic mess on their head. Aries men enjoy having their scalp gently massaged and feel pleasure when they run their fingers through their hair. They love to get their hair cut.

The most erogenous zones of Aries on the head are the eyes, lips and ears. Men are very turned on by the slightest kisses on the eyelids and light biting of the ears. Both men and women become very aroused when their lips are stroked by fingertips.

A head massage for Aries represents a combination of business and pleasure. Such manipulations can relieve the headaches that often plague these people. AND " by-effect“not bad - they set Aries up for love games. The effect on the skin in this case involves the application of a certain force, but within reasonable limits.

Virgo compatibility with other signs.

Virgo and Aries

Virgo may be intrigued by the cocky Aries. But Aries needs a passionate partner, and Virgo is too reserved to meet this requirement. Aries is always looking for adventure, while Virgo tends to stick to the tried and tested. Virgo likes to stimulate conversation, Aries likes action. The relationship does not promise anything good and you can be sure that such a marriage is not made in heaven.

Virgo and Taurus

Taurus likes to enjoy sex without much fuss and hassle, while Virgo likes to analyze, explore, and maybe even criticize. In other respects, Virgo turns out to be, if not passionate, then at least a desirable partner for Taurus. IN
the rest they have full compatibility. Both are materialistic, practical, admire
professionalism and homebodies. A happy connection (though not too exciting) and definitely a strong, realistic marriage.

Virgo and Gemini

They are perfectly compatible in sex, since Virgo is quite calm in this and Gemini is not too passionate. However, Gemini has a much more impulsive attitude towards sex, and is unlikely to put up with Virgo's nagging. Gemini needs freedom and will not accept Virgo's desire to dominate and control. Virgo counts Gemini
frivolous and irresponsible. Possible connection, but don't sign a prenuptial agreement.

Virgo and Cancer

Virgo provides the emotional protection that Cancer needs and gives small signs of affection that indicate affection for him. Cancer's tendency to be in a subordinate position perfectly matches Virgo's desire to be a protective, protective party. Cancer's rich imagination stimulates Virgo, and his desire to please strengthens Virgo's affection. Both begin to feel free and enjoy life. A passionate affair and a successful marriage.

Virgo and Leo

Leo is highly sexual, and Virgo is more interested in security than paradise in a hut. Quarrels will also arise over Virgo's unfortunate tendency to criticize, since Leo is and will always be above criticism. Virgo's practical, down-to-earth nature also comes into conflict with Leo's broad, optimistic nature. The affair probably won't last longer than one night, and the marriage could be a disaster.

Virgo and Virgo

They are reserved in sex and consider love relationship the basis for something more important - a life partnership. Demands in the bedroom will not be excessive, which does not exclude complaints and criticism about what is happening. Virgo simply cannot do anything about it. A tense relationship, but the marriage has good prospects if it doesn't get boring too early.

Virgo and Libra

Loving and gentle Libra is repulsed by Virgo's cold, analytical qualities. Virgo is hypercritical and undermines their self-confidence. The frivolous actions of Libra that happen from time to time also cause the displeasure of Virgo, who is intolerant of any manifestation of indiscretion. These signs have a lot in common. Communication is difficult, and it is better not to think about marriage.

Virgo and Aquarius

Both tend to treat the romantic side of life more as an intellectual pastime than as a physical exercise. The compatibility of these signs is, perhaps, only this. But there are a lot of differences. Virgo has a strict, puritanical attitude towards sex, while Aquarius is inclined towards the exotic. Virgo thinks that Aquarius is inattentive, careless, and he considers her unresponsive, cold. Love diminishes rather than grows over time. Possible relationship, unsuccessful marriage.

Virgo and Pisces

For Virgo, love is closely related to reliability, the ability to satisfy physical needs and spiritual compatibility. For Pisces, love is all-encompassing, the main charm of life, beauty and romance, emotional excitement. Virgo's disciplined approach to sex is constantly disrupted by Pisces' huge surges of desire. If Virgo cannot overcome her reserve, it will be a very short relationship and a joyless marriage.

Virgo and Scorpio

These two are generally compatible, although Virgo tries to cool down Scorpio's sexual fervor. Scorpio tries to awaken Virgo's desire for greater sensual pleasures, and Virgo wonders why Scorpio is so aggressive, can't they be friends as much as lovers? If Virgo wants to compromise, Scorpio becomes accommodating. An interesting connection with good prospects for a permanent union.

Virgo and Sagittarius

Sagittarius' careless attitude towards love can drive Dena, with her constant desire for reliability, crazy. Sagittarius makes very little (or no) attempt to understand Virgo, and is irritated by her cautious, bashful attitude towards sex. As a result, Sagittarius begins to look for other sexual partners. These two can spend a weekend together, but not their life.

Virgo and Capricorn

Virgo is sexually attracted to Capricorn, but fireworks may not happen. Virgo may find that outside of the bedroom she is second in Capricorn's life. This will cause some conflict. In other respects, these two signs work together very harmoniously. Both are practical, emotionally reserved, thrifty and intellectual. The relationship may be somewhat boring, but the marriage may be strong and reliable.

Erogenous zones

When you're looking for something to excite a Virgo, and things have progressed to the point where you can play with touch and feel, don't forget about the belly.
For Virgo, this entire area from the perineum to the chest is very responsive to the touch of the tongue, a slight transverse movement of the fingers, gentle stroking or even the lightest touch of the lover’s hair. Moving the nail horizontally from one side to the other will produce a pleasant tickling sensation. Sensual temperament manifests itself when washing the abdominal area with a sponge, soap and warm water. Virgo experiences especially pleasant sensations when a shower stream is directed into this area. Don't forget this if you're enjoying a shower together before a sexual encounter. (This is a great idea since Virgo is sensitive to cleanliness).
If the bathroom has a small seat, sit your Virgo on your lap and penetrate her from behind while the shower caresses her belly and other areas from the front.
While lying in bed, use a light circular massage, moving towards your navel. To achieve climax, place the tip of your tongue directly on the navel and continue the same circular movements. The results will exceed all your expectations!

First steps

Virgos are attracted to charm, grace, and poise. They admire wit and talent. If you have neither one nor the other, then stock up on aphorisms from newspapers and books by humorists. To compensate for your lack of talent, show good taste. Show her or him that you also appreciate art, music and theater. If you really want to make an impression, take a good look at the critics' reviews first to bring your knowledge into the conversation.
Virgo appreciates wit, but it should be impromptu, not homemade.
They are dedicated to their work, true workaholics. You will find him or her among the few staying in the office late to get their workplace. When visiting, they will help put away dishes, empty ashtrays and wipe the table while the party is still in full swing.
Best approach? Find a topic that is a little different from the usual. Forget the dirty story that served you so well when you first met somewhere else. It's not appreciated here. And, most importantly, don’t be cheeky: “Well, shall we go or not?”
Do not invite Virgo to an expensive, but rather vulgar establishment. Avoid places like racetracks or low-class pubs where money is simply thrown away. Virgo hates waste. If you are thinking of a gift, there is nothing better than good book or a good music album. His taste in clothes is classic and discreet: discreet shirts and scarves. In perfumery, she loves the smell of flowers or lemon.
Remember: Virgo wants to respect you, believe that your education, interests and social status equal or superior to it.
A non-trivial move: try inviting a Virgo man to an exhibition of the latest office equipment. He is always interested in opportunities to improve productivity. Or invite the Virgo woman to a place where she can see new kitchen equipment and devices that make household work easier: maybe to a supermarket. One smart young man, having failed to make a date with a pretty young Virgo, in desperation organized an exhibition of products from a company that produces kitchen equipment and furniture in his house, to which he invited his friends and that same young lady. Not only did he get free kitchenware - he got a girl!

Last steps

Virgos will not pay attention to many things and are usually reluctant to end a relationship. However, they also have a breaking point. If you want to backtrack on this novel, there is a guaranteed list simple ways do it.
Use vulgar language.
Wash rarely. Dress casually. Throw cigarette butts into coffee cups. Let your apartment look as if it is very “actively” lived in.
Never be on time for a date.
Invite Virgo to a striptease or a pornographic film.
Don't be sympathetic.
Take offense at any critical remark.
Showcase your relationship in public.
Challenge any decision of Virgo. Or make decisions without Virgo's advice.
Give yourself permission to tell dirty stories and dirty jokes in mixed company.
Play for money.
Did you hear a loud knock? It was the Virgin who slammed the door behind her for the last time.

Source – “Intimate Horoscope” by J. Martinet (Moscow, ROSAD, 1995)

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The erogenous zone is a part of the body that is sensitive to caresses. Knowing male erogenous points, you can easily achieve intense sexual sensations and win the attention of the opposite sex.

How to find out where a man's erogenous zones are according to his horoscope?

Erogenous zone is an area located on the skin. Caresses in this area of ​​the body cause sexual arousal and in some cases even orgasm.

Knowledge of certain erogenous zones will help partners achieve sensuality in sexual relations, give each other a lot of pleasure and attract each other to themselves. Women need to know the locations of their men's erogenous zones.

This will help you achieve vivid sensations during sex. In addition, every man will appreciate attention from this side, since the stronger half of humanity is not so stingy with romance and sensuality.

It’s safe to say that basically, a man’s sensitive areas are the same as a woman’s. But all people are very individual, and therefore so are the zones.

Video: “Erogenous zone. The most erogenous zones"

Why is stimulation of male erogenous zones necessary?

Stimulation of male erogenous zones gives special sensations and sometimes even delight. It is always necessary to pay attention to the main erogenous points, so to speak universal: ears, neck, back of the head, lower back, stomach. Knowing the special “places” you can please your partner with unforgettable experiences and diversify your usual sex life.

stimulation of erogenous zones gives vivid sexual sensations

After you have fully studied the erogenous map of sensitive areas, you need to understand for yourself that there are different ways their stimulation. This knowledge will help you distinguish between ordinary tickling and real pleasure. If you caress a man correctly, you can bring him to the highest degree of bliss.

Ways to stimulate erogenous zones:

  • gentle touches with fingertips, very soft, light and barely noticeable
  • scratching sensitive areas with nails, women's manicure can cause the most tender and acute experiences
  • touching with lips can be completely different: dry kisses, stroking with lips, wet kisses, smacking and even hickeys
  • touching with the tongue soft, hard, massage, circular movements and tickling with the tip
  • touching erogenous zones with female breasts causes unforgettable sensations in the opposite sex
  • touching women's feet can be either completely indifferent or incredibly exciting, it all depends on individual preferences
  • light blows of hot and cold on the erogenous zone cause arousal
  • additional tools: feather, massage oil, whipped cream, piece of ice - all in order to fully explore the body of your loved one

Video: “Erogenous zones. Pleasure Map"

Where are the erogenous zones in men according to their zodiac sign?

The map of the location of erogenous zones in men according to zodiac signs is completely diverse. The location of sensitive points is influenced by the character and lifestyle of a man.

When compared with women, in contrast to them, in men, the nerve endings are not located so globally and are concentrated in “bundles” in different places.

male erogenous zones are not as “global” as female ones

The most common sensitive areas are:

  • ears: lobes, shells, area behind the ear
  • eyes: eyelids, eyebrow area, touching eyelashes
  • mouth: corners of the mouth, lips, nasolabial septum
  • neck: back of the head, back of the neck, collarbone
  • hands: subulnar fold, fingers, webbed fingers
  • legs: hamstrings, feet, areas between toes
  • genital area, buttocks, sacrum
  • breasts, nipples, belly, back

Flirting Aries

For Aries, flirting is a game that must be won. Aries's flirting is fast, impetuous and assertive. If you have a first date, and Aries is already talking about his sympathy, or even love at first sight, this is a flirting technique for a hot Aries. At parties, he wants to show off and win a new victory, because his instinct as a fighter and conqueror must be satisfied.

The most common erogenous zones in Aries men

  • Strong, purposeful and sometimes stubborn Aries have many erogenous zones. Basically, all the sensual points of this sign are located in the head area. Erogenous points also occupy the face of Aries. Therefore, women need to know that regular stroking, touching, kissing and tickling the head will give their partner affection and pleasure
  • Try not using strong massage movements to touch your face: forehead, nose, cheeks, chin. As often as possible, stroke the Aries head, run your fingers through his hair, or simply comb him. Try massaging the most energetic areas: the crown, back of the head and temples. If you simply run your fingertips along your cheek to your temples, any Aries will regard this as sexual sympathy
  • With Aries, you don’t have to be shy about biting, so practice gentle biting of your earlobes and lips. Just don’t overdo it with pressing your teeth, as any caress can turn into painful sensations. Kisses with an Aries should be very sensual. Run your fingers along the line of your lips: from corner to corner and see how much Aries likes it. Kissing an Aries on the lips, take his chin with your fingertips

Aries erogenous zones

Erogenous zones in Taurus men, stimulation of sensitive areas

Taurus people have a sensitive neck. This part of the body is almost always open, which means it can be influenced almost always. The following will be effective:

  • gentle stroking of the back of the head with fingertips
  • tickling of the back of the head and hair movement
  • kisses on the back and side of the neck
  • caressing the area behind the ear

Try to help a Taurus man tie his tie and, as if not on purpose, caress his neck and throat. Biting and blowing in the same area will be gentle and sensual.


Taurus, flirting, comes on slowly but surely. As soon as Taurus feels that he has aroused a stable interest in himself, then there can be flirting, and play, and sex, and full disclosure of oneself through receiving pleasure when communicating with another person. Taurus is less suited to virtual communication than other zodiac signs; they are interested in real acquaintance.

erogenous zones for Taurus

What are the most erogenous zones in Libra men?

Libra's flirting is beautiful and aesthetic! They great masters communication, love flirting and romance, courtship and gifts. At a romantic evening, men enjoy meeting and communicating with many girls, and women wait for words of love and invitations to go on dates. When Libras are passionate about flirting, their manners become graceful, their movements elegant and artistic. Libras are looking for acquaintances for marriage, love and a pleasant holiday.

The most sensitive areas in Libra men are the gluteal muscles and the sacral area. The very first signs of attention can be given in any setting with gentle touches to the lower back. In more intimate encounters, try rinsing your partner's bare buttocks with your palms in a circular motion. This will give strong stimulation and excitement.

Since the sacrum of Libra is very sensitive, a breast massage will be an unusually vivid feeling. Gentle touches of the nipples of a woman's breasts to the lower back and back will excite the partner and give affection. If you love the thrill, try slapping your partner's buttocks during intercourse.

erogenous zones in a Libra man

How Geminis flirt

Erogenous zones in Gemini men, how to influence them?

Gemini flirting is intellectual game, the result of which is not so important, the main thing is participation! The sharper the “presentation”, the longer the exchange of witty phrases takes place, the more turned on he is and the more pleasure he gets from interacting with another person. “If you can’t lie beautifully, you can’t tell a story,” this is about playful Geminis who are carried away by flirting.

Gemini men are very sensitive to touching their upper limbs. The most susceptible areas are the hands, fingers and forearms. This zodiac sign loves stroking and kissing hands. Biting and sucking the follanges gives special vivid impressions.

Kiss your partner on the back of the forearm, draw a thin, wet line with your tongue from the hand to the forearm and continue down to the armpit. Such caresses cause a storm of delight.

erogenous zones of Gemini

How Leos flirt

For Leo, flirting is his native element. And how beautifully they know how to care! The candy-bouquet periods were obviously invented by Leos. When flirting, Leos become generous and magnanimous. Romance and love fill their hearts, they want to see the sparkle of the eyes that admire them. Then Leos begin to bask in the love of their surroundings, generously giving gifts and expecting praise and approval in return.

The most sensitive erogenous zones in Leo men

We can safely say that Leo's back is the most sensitive place. Caresses in the bathroom will be incredibly pleasant and funny, where you can caress Leo with a washcloth from the neck to the lower back. If you have moved on to more “close” caresses, then stroking Leo on the back or sometimes even sticking sharp nails into the area of ​​the shoulder blades and buttocks will be relevant.

Try playing with a feather with Leo, ask the man to relax and tickle his body with a feather or brush. You can touch Leo’s skin with the tips of your eyelashes, it’s very gentle and sensual. It is not uncommon to notice that the sensitive back turns red - this is a sign of excitement.

erogenous zones in Leo

Flirting for Virgo

Virgo's flirting is intellectual and caring. At the first meeting, a flirting man launches into lengthy stories to show off his encyclopedic knowledge. The main thing for him is to be listened to. The Virgo woman will never allow you to cross the boundaries of what is permitted at a party or at the first meeting. Virgo is interested in dating for a serious relationship.

Erogenous zones in Virgo men, how to influence them?

Virgo men are extremely susceptible to caresses on the stomach and chest. Therefore, take a lot of time to heal every centimeter of his body. Apart from the chest and abdomen, the groin area is incredibly sensitive. Therefore, touching the lower abdomen, inner thighs and genitals with fingers and lips is the highest degree of pleasure.

In addition, Virgos adore cleanliness. Erotic games with a Virgo man in the shower will be incredibly enjoyable. Try to influence sensitive areas with a stream of water from the shower, rub the sponge on your stomach, chest, thighs, and groin. Massaging the abdomen with the tongue in a circular motion will give Virgo great excitement.

erogenous zones in Virgos

Flirting For Cancer

Cancer's flirting begins with care: giving him a coat, giving him tea, feeding him lunch and creating a romantic mood. You don’t even notice how you relax and become so close to each other. Cancers rarely open up at the first meeting. A call from Cancer signaling the start of a relationship may come some time after meeting.

Erogenous zones in Cancer men, ways to stimulate them

  • The most sensitive place for Cancers is the mouth. Cancer men incredibly love long, passionate kisses that involve more than just the lips. In such kisses there must be contact and penetration of tongues and often even teeth
  • But they are no less susceptible to caresses on the chest. Therefore, you should not forget to caress the nipples, upper abdomen and collarbone
  • Women are advised to caress Cancer's breasts during intercourse; they can stroke them with their fingers, touch them with their nipples and the ends of their hair. Such stimulation will not leave him indifferent and will show him as a confident, good lover

erogenous zones of CancersFlirt for Scorpios

In society, Scorpio doesn't really like to flirt. He is rather inclined to take the position of an observer, look out for the object of his attraction and pursue him with a hypnotizing gaze. He is interested in dating for intimate meetings, romantic relationships and love. Scorpio tries to keep his distance - this makes it easier to control his emotions. And only when left alone, he will spontaneously begin his sexual flirting game, intoxicating his partner with magnetism and the power of feelings.

How to caress the erogenous zones of Scorpio men?

Scorpio is a strong and confident zodiac sign. The most sensitive place for a Scorpio is the genitals. You can touch them with anything: with your hands, a feather, clothes, sex toys - in any case, the effect of such caresses will be exciting.

This sensitivity does not disappear even if you touch the body through clothing. The most vivid experiences come from caressing the genitals with the tongue. If you regularly give a Scorpio man such affection, then you can say with confidence that he will be completely in your hands.

erogenous zones of Scorpio

Flirting Aquarius

Flirting, Aquarius becomes joyful and happy, like a child in a group kindergarten, where there are those with whom you can dance in a friendly circle. He is looking for friendship, romance and love. Aquarius flirting is full of excitement, laughter, fun and electricity. When making acquaintances, he is guided, first of all, by common interests.

How to caress the erogenous zone in Aquarius men?

No matter how surprising it may be, the erogenous zones of Aquarius are the legs. You can pet them everywhere! Try giving your man a sensual massage in which he will touch your intimate parts of the body with his fingers and calves - the effect will be strong and exciting.

Aquarians are sensitive only to gentle and pleasant caresses, so when caressing your calves, thighs and ankles, do not forget that your touch should be barely perceptible. Try playing the game “Erotic Dice” with Aquarius. These cubes can be bought at any sex store. Allow yourself and your partner to touch any part of the skin with absolutely any part of the body.

erogenous zones of Aquarius

How Pisces flirt

Pisces' flirting is timid and shy at first, seductive and alluring later. Pisces are ready to merge with another person, wanting to become one with him, at least in a far-fetched impulse of love, making their dreams and fantasies come true.

When it comes to the moment that requires the perfect setting for lovemaking, consider the following: Pisces enjoys a warm place and moving water. So try a heated blanket and waterbed, or look for a bathtub that's comfortable enough for two.

Erogenous zones in Pisces men and their stimulation

Pisces have sensitive feet. Give your man a massage after a relaxing bath or play with him right there. Let his feet touch the most intimate parts of your body. After the bath, you can caress the Pisces man's feet and toes with a feather or brush.

Steaming your feet in the bath makes your feet more sensitive. If you don't mind, lick the areas between your toes with your tongue and tickle the instep of your foot. Touching the genitals with your feet can give not only arousal to a man, but also an orgasm.

erogenous zones of Pisces

Flirting Capricorns

Capricorn's flirting is careful and prudent; he always thinks about marriage and is looking for serious acquaintances. Having his eye on someone, Capricorn will be very persistent and will definitely agree on the next meeting. The world of romance is of little interest to him, but, carried away by flirting, he becomes witty and begins to evaluate what is happening with slight sarcasm and self-irony.

Capricorn men love a woman to touch his face, mouth, chest, stomach, groin with slow sliding movements with her nipples. It drives him crazy.

What are the erogenous zones in Capricorn men?

Capricorn men are very fond of lush female breasts. They find it incredibly pleasant when a woman touches her face, neck, stomach, back and genitals with excited nipples. Strong stimulation is also given by a gentle kiss on the navel area and caresses under the kneecaps and elbow caps.

A Capricorn man will be aroused by a back massage, especially if done in the nude. Stroke your back and touch your tongue to the area of ​​your shoulder blades. Using circular motions, massage the inner and outer thighs.

erogenous zones of CapricornsFlirt and Sagittarius

Sagittarius flirts are bold and self-confident, enthusiastic and friendly. If Sagittarius is carried away by flirting, he becomes joyful, excitable and playful. Sagittarius is happy to splash out his emotions, so an atmosphere of kindness and cordiality reigns around the flirting Sagittarius.

For the ninth sign of the Zodiac, the most erotic zones are the hips and thighs. But for Sagittarius women, this also includes hair. Play with them, stroke them, comb them. She will purr like a kitten. If this lasts long enough, it can awaken her sensuality.

Erogenous zones of Sagittarius and their stimulation

Sagittarius is sensitive to touch in the hips and buttocks. Regularly stroking all sides of the thighs will allow a Sagittarius man to experience strong arousal. In addition, you can greatly excite a Sagittarius man by squeezing his genitals with your thighs.

Sagittarians are quite relaxed and therefore do not hesitate to express their sexual fantasies. Rubbing Sagittarius's entire body with oil and subsequent sexual intercourse will bring great pleasure. Touch Sagittarius’ shoulders with your palms, hug him with your legs - this will allow him to get excited and show himself “with the best side».

erogenous zones of Sagittarius

He is very sensitive to touch, especially to the caresses of the palms, fingers, and arms. Slow kisses of the fingers in the case of a Gemini work more reliably than a blow job.

It flares up gradually and has nothing against additional incentives. emu needs bright light in the bedroom, so he can see everything, even better - a large mirror or a porn film, and ideally, another partner that he would just look at. Geminis are the kind of people who are ready to bring into the bedroom the entire arsenal of a sex shop, condoms of all kinds imaginable and inconceivable textures, as well as all known pills to increase potency or, conversely, to delay ejaculation. Moreover, if no one stops him, he will swallow both of them at the same time.
The monotony of Gemini tires him, so when the Kama Sutra ends, move on to games - this is his element. There is no script, at least put on stockings or do makeup in the style of a corrupt woman - he will appreciate it.
Gemini is not indifferent to corrupt women, because they do not require emotions and agree to fulfill any client’s requirement. What else does an experimenter need? Knowing this weakness of Gemini, however, you should not compete with prostitutes in submissiveness. A woman’s unpretentiousness can turn a completely healthy Gemini into a completely sick sadist.
Due to the duality of the sign, it is not always easy for Gemini to decide on their sexual orientation. And races into a foreign camp, as well as games with dressing up in women's clothing (sometimes ending in a gender change) are not uncommon for them. No self-respecting Gemini will miss an opportunity to have group sex. Well, the most inveterate perverts keep a detailed diary (or video recording) of their sexual adventures.

Seduction tactics
If you are only looking for a short and easy relationship, you have no problem. Don't try to be overly sexy - this will scare him away. Don’t worry about the dress, hairstyle and makeup at all - he won’t notice anyway. Be lively and cheerful. He loves flirting and easy relationships, and cheerful girls without unnecessary cockroaches have the best chances. And there is no need for any ostentatious inaccessibility, otherwise he may change his mind. Tell him “yes” all the time and you won’t regret it!
But if you want to live side by side with him all your life, not everything is so simple. Gemini falls in love right away, but finding leverage to put pressure on him is almost impossible. He is emotionless and therefore invulnerable. No one has ever managed to capture his heart. He is one of those rare men who does not lose his head in love, but chooses his wife (or girlfriend) like a telephone - based on the set of functions. He may get married or fall in love with money, social status, fall for the most enviable beauty in the village, or just simply for sex. But the most powerful lure for Gemini is intelligence.
Therefore, if you want to get a Gemini, you will have to become interesting to him. Silent, dull and narrow-minded girls are not his option. Make jokes, laugh, tell him last news(or gossip), share grandiose plans for the future, demonstrate a lively mind and a broad outlook - what normal men are furious about, delights Gemini. But don't forget to be a good listener. He loves an intellectual duel.
Under no circumstances should you shower him with declarations of love, much less demand passionate words from him. Geminis are afraid of "relationships", they prefer to be friends. For friendship and catch. And when you become bosom friends, get them hooked on sex. There is no need for passion, just technology and the desire to experiment together.
Don't stop him from hanging out, better keep him company. At parties, don’t hold his hand all the time, let him run around. The easier you let him go, the more vigilantly he will watch you all evening.
Don't demand clarity in the relationship - give him the opportunity to hunt, don't be jealous, don't control, don't impose yourself - leave him the illusion of freedom. He must somehow compensate for the heavy shackles of sexual addiction.
Don't overcomplicate or overdramatize. Fewer feelings and any emotions in general - they scare him. Crying is pointless, begging is useless, coming to him with requests and advice when he is out of sorts is dangerous, you will find yourself to blame for all his troubles.
Don't get on his already frayed nerves. Don’t nag me for irresponsibility, don’t blame me for cynicism and inappropriate irony. It is better to support, for example, with flattery. The more often he hears from you that he is the best, the more he will do for you.
Gemini considers any woman stupider than himself. Don't try to change his mind, use your advantage. For example, explain to him why giving you expensive and even very expensive gifts is terribly profitable. Everyone will ask you: “Where did these earrings/ring/boots come from?”, you will answer that he gave it to you, and everyone will be delighted with his generosity and exquisite taste. The opinions of others are very important to Gemini, so, as a rule, this trick works.
Don't try to push him towards the topic of marriage. If he has other plans, he will masterfully avoid the issue that is unpleasant for himself. And to understand that a client has matured is, in fact, simple. If he is ready to take some of the worries off your shoulders, if he has begun to look for a better-paid job, if he is trying to be useful, to care and is interested in any little thing that concerns you - everything is serious. He seems to have already weighed the pros and cons. Get ready, because once he makes his decision, he is the first to start talking about marriage. And when the proposal has already been made, the main thing is not to let him go for a long time - no long business trips, no “we’ll get married in 2 years, when we graduate from college, but for now we’ll live separately,” etc. He may like to be free and will easily forget about everything. True, during random meetings, he will always be glad to see you and won’t mind chatting.

Nerve endings that are especially sensitive in Aries men and women are located on the head and face. Aries respond to a gentle stroking of the forehead or playing with the hair on their head. You can comb or gently caress the top of the head. Touch your hand lightly to Aries's temple or run it through his hair, and you will have the beginning of a sexual friendship.
The earlobes are extremely sensitive, and women get a strong desire if you blow in her ear. Biting your lips gives good results, and lightly kissing your closed eyes for some reason causes pleasant spasms in your back.
Kisses from bearded men drive Aries women crazy. The soft hair of a man's beard is a thousand wonderful sensations received by its nerve endings. If you don't have a beard, don't worry. Simply touching her lips with your fingertips will create incredible sensations.
If you communicate with an Aries man, then you will be amazed by the result when you lightly touch his lips with your fingers - but don’t say then that you weren’t warned!

The sensitive area of ​​Taurus is the neck. Start with light touches and stroking your fingers at the back of the head, slowly moving down to the neck. Keep kissing the throat and soon Taurus will ignite. There are unlimited possibilities for "accidental" touches. For example, when straightening a man's tie, you can stroke his neck or gently run your nails along it. You will be surprised at his quick reaction.
On the beach, gently touch a woman's bare neck, shake the sand off her, and this will serve as a signal to her. When alone in a room, the neck should be the center of attention. Sensual kisses and tender loving bites of the neck will especially excite Taurus. But do not forget that Taurus prefers leisure and naturalness. Therefore, behave with restraint and do not force things.

Particularly sensitive places are the hands. Gemini women respond well to hand kisses. Gemini men love it when they kiss their fingers one at a time, sucking them.
Try to carefully “run” your fingers along your hand, regardless of the gender of Gemini. This will make a strong impression, it will seem to you as if the nerve endings are trying to touch you. An accidental caress of the fingertips can cause an enthusiastic shiver. Special treatment for Geminis is kissing the inside of the hand. A more provocative option is to lightly sweep your lips and tongue from the elbow to the armpit. You will simply feel the desire signals that arise.

Both men and women born under this sign will find the greatest pleasure in deep kisses involving the tongue and teeth. It is known that they are even able to experience an orgasm!
However, the most sensitive part of the body remains the chest. Both sexes react acutely to oral and manual stimulation of the nipples. Gently stroking the breasts with your fingertips evokes strong sexual desire. They also enjoy pinching their nipples with their thumb and forefinger. Even in the final part of foreplay, gently pinching the breasts or nipples can increase their desire.
Advice for women making love to a Cancer man: run your hand over his chest, gently touching it. If you do this repeatedly, you will be able to greatly excite him.

a lion
So, let's assume that you have placed Leo in the appropriate setting for the moment. How to start?
You can go to the bathroom. Rub the Lion with a sponge until his skin turns pink. The back is especially sensitive. Slowly go down your back from top to bottom, perhaps. Leo will invite you to climb into the bath too.
If you are dealing with a Leo man, while making love, gently scratch his back. This will have an exciting effect on him.
Take a shawl (cashmere is best) and touch its fringe to the naked female body - from the shoulder along the entire back. Then do the same with a brush, like the one hairdressers use to apply powder. After this, your lady will turn into a passionate lioness.
TIP: When engaging in foreplay with a Leo woman, look for the degree of her sexual arousal in the redness of the skin, which begins in the abdomen and then slowly spreads to the chest and neck. The intensity of the color will be directly proportional to the degree of stimulation. As soon as the desired shade appears, it’s yours!

When you have reached the point of outright affection in your relationship, do not forget about the belly.
For Virgo, everything - from the crotch to the chest - reacts to the touch of the tongue, light stroking with the fingers or barely noticeable touches with the hair. Run your nail horizontally across the body - this will cause extraordinary sensations.
Stroking the abdominal area with a sponge, soap and warm water is a good stimulation. Virgo really likes it when the stream of water from the shower gets there. Don't forget about this if you first find yourself in the shower (which is very fortunate, since Virgo has a “fixed idea” - cleanliness).
If the bathtub is narrow, place the Virgo woman on your lap to enter her from behind, while caressing her belly with the shower.
While lying in bed, do a light massage in the navel area. Finish it by touching the tip of your tongue to the navel itself. You will see how quickly it works.

The most sensitive places for Libra are: Bottom part back and buttocks. In a social setting, at a dance, or even while walking together, lightly touch Libra's lower back with your fingers. For a more intimate moment, place your hands on Libra's bare buttocks and make small rotational movements with your palms, gradually moving up the back and back down again. Real Libras will go into ecstasy.
If a Libra man is a Libra man, he will go crazy with the soft touch of your nipples on his lower back. You don't have to repeat this twice.
For all Libras, the buttocks are an extremely erogenous zone. Women love having their buttocks stroked, patted, and playfully pinched and become sexually aroused. They also prefer positions where their buttocks are clearly visible to their partner, as, for example, happens when they enter her from behind. Libras of both sexes react to blows to the buttocks with a hand, a whip or other objects. By the way. Libras can be easily identified by their round, well-shaped buttocks.

The most sensitive places for Scorpios are their genitals. Even a light touch of your fingers can turn a man into a volcano. Why not? A woman of this sign can become aroused by simply crossing her legs and in this position rubbing her “lips” together. (Some other approaches to Scorpio's sensitive areas have already been discussed.)
Nothing brings a Scorpio man such pleasure as lightly touching the tip of his penis with her tongue. Need I add that women experience special delight in cunnilingus?
When you play with a Scorpio's genitals, you can literally tell that you have your partner in your hands!

For the ninth sign of the Zodiac, the most erotic zones are the hips and thighs. But for Sagittarius women, this also includes hair. Play with them, stroke them, comb them. She will purr like a kitten. If this lasts long enough, it can awaken her sensuality.
His vulnerable area is near the genitals. Kissing the inside of your leg or lightly touching your tongue from your knee to your crotch will give him pleasure. The same can be said about gently stroking the thighs. Homosexuals like their partners to smear Vaseline on the inside of their thighs. After this, just inserting the penis between tightly clenched legs can lead to orgasm.
Rubbing with warm oil has the same effect on Sagittarius men and women. On the hips this should be done with rotational movements, on the thighs - with vertical strokes. Lightly run your nails along the curves and this will awaken an erotic feeling throughout your body.
And don’t be surprised if you never manage to complete the massage.

Capricorn men love a woman to touch his face, mouth, chest, stomach, groin with slow sliding movements with her nipples. It drives him crazy.
A Capricorn woman's passion will turn into a hurricane if her partner kisses her on the stomach or under the knees. The skin around the navel is especially sensitive in women born under this sign. And the skin under the knees is easier to stimulate than the thighs of other women.
Both the Capricorn man and woman will respond to a massage from the lower back to the top if the tongue is slowly touched to the body in a circular motion.
An unusually large number of Capricorns prefer to replace the vagina (as a source of pleasure) with the armpit. Don't agree.

Sensitive areas are calves and ankles. Any position in which you touch these areas will significantly increase desire.
As if by chance, stroke your leg from the ankle before playing, very carefully. You will be happy to see Aquarius's reaction.
Try making love while standing, with the woman wrapping her legs around the man's knees, touching his calves. During the act, natural friction of the erogenous zones will occur. (Especially effective in the pool.) Other positions that allow contact with the calves and ankles will always increase sexual satisfaction.
Aquarius is receptive to gentle touches.

When it comes to the moment that requires the perfect setting for lovemaking, consider the following: Pisces enjoys a warm place and moving water. So try a heated blanket and waterbed, or look for a bathtub that's comfortable enough for two.
Feet. Pisces will respond to gentle massage and stroking of the heels and feet, soft stroking of the sole with a feather, and kissing of the toes. Make circular movements with your fingertips, starting from the ankle, along the instep and to the toes, stroking your toes with your hands or lightly biting them, you will give Pisces a lot of pleasure.
Pisces women love to masturbate men with their feet. She does this by gently gripping the penis with her feet. Pisces men get a special extra stimulation by sticking their toe into the vagina or simply stroking the perineum with their foot.
Pisces' excitability increases if they hover their legs before having sex