We all love to enjoy a hearty, ripe, sweet, aromatic melon at the end of summer. Some people’s favorite melons are “torpedo”, others are “collective farmer”, but there are few people who don’t like melons at all. Melon is not only a very tasty product, but also very healthy. It contains B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, folic and pantothenic acids, pyridoxine), beta-carotene, vitamins PP, A, C, E, organic acids and unsaturated fatty acid, dietary fiber, saccharides, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, iodine, potassium, copper, phosphorus, silicon, manganese, fluorine, chlorine, etc. 100 g of melon contains 0.6 g of proteins, 7.4 g of carbohydrates and only 0.3g protein. The calorie content of melon is approximately 30-38 kcal (depending on the variety and degree of ripeness) per 100 grams, and the calories in melon are contained mainly in fast carbohydrates - monosaccharides and diasaccharides.

This rich content of nutrients, combined with the low calorie content of melon, has made it a favorite dietary product for many people. Rarely can a fruit be as tasty and sweet and as low in calories as melon. At the same time, melon is also very useful. The substances contained in it are effective against many diseases, for example, rheumatism, high blood pressure, diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys. Due to the high content of silicon and beta-carotene, melon strengthens bones, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and vitamin C allows it to increase our immunity and help fight colds. The plant fibers of melon cleanse the intestines well, so if you have problems with bowel movements, melon can also help (that’s why it is included in the menu for constipation). Melon is an effective natural antidepressant; it increases the production of seratonin and improves mood, saves from insomnia, fights irritability and depression. The ability to improve mood, the presence of healing substances and the high iron content make melon an indispensable product for girls during menstrual syndrome. Melon promotes the production of blood cells, and beta-carotene contained in melon provides beautiful nails, hair, skin and teeth, and provides beach lovers with an even golden tan.

Melon is an effective aphrodisiac, or rather, not the melon itself, but its seeds, for which men have always loved it. In order to increase his sexual energy, a man needs to chew a teaspoon of melon seeds with honey. But it is not recommended to exceed this dose or use this remedy too often, otherwise unpleasant reactions may occur. side effects from other body systems.

Well, women love melon for its sweet taste, beneficial effect on the skin and low calorie content in melon.

How many calories are in melon

The calorie content of melon is indeed quite low - this makes it a tasty dietary product. Thanks to the high content of vitamins, microelements, dietary fiber and carbohydrates combined with the low calorie content of melon, you can safely arrange fasting days on the melon menu. One melon fasting day every 2-3 weeks will help you cleanse your intestines, remove excess toxins from the body and gain energy and good mood. Mono-diets based on melon can be followed for no more than three days without harm to health.

How many calories are in a melon depends on its variety. There are relatively low-calorie varieties, such as “Charente” and “Honey”, they contain 31 kcal per 100 grams. The sweetest varieties of melon contain the most calories - for example, the calorie content of the “torpedo” melon will already be 36 kcal per 100 grams, and the calorie content of the “collective farmer” melon will be much less, 31-33 kcal per 100 grams. The lowest calorie content of cantaloupe melon is 23 kcal per 100 g.

If we talk about processed melon, then high calorie content, of course, from dried melon. The calorie content of dried melon is 344 kcal per 100 grams, so do not get carried away with dried melon - otherwise you will unnoticed eat your entire daily calorie intake.

If you decide to make candied melon, then know that the calorie content of candied melon is also quite high - 320 kcal per 100 g, so you should not overuse this dessert. So, for a low-calorie melon dessert, make better melon jam.

Melon jam contains relatively few calories - only 170 kcal per 100 grams of product (when preparing jam from melon, sugar and water in proportions 1: 1: 2).

Also, how many calories in a melon depend on the degree of its ripening - the calorie content of a ripe and sweet melon is much higher than the calorie content of an unripe melon.

Calorie content of melon: can melon be harmful?

Melon, as we have seen, is very useful dietary product. But are there any contraindications for eating melon, and if so, what are they?

Like everything healthy and medicinal, melon has certain contraindications that you need to know about before you eat this product.

First, we’ll tell you how to eat melon. You need to eat melon separately from all other food. It does not combine with other products; its interaction with milk, dairy products and alcoholic drinks is especially bad - this can cause serious digestive upset. It is best to eat melon for dessert, 15 minutes after the main meal, or as a separate meal (for example, for an afternoon snack). Do not eat unripe melon, and do not eat melon on an empty stomach.

Those suffering from a disease such as diabetes are also not recommended to eat melon due to the sugars it contains. Moreover, it is not recommended for infectious diseases stomach and intestines, as well as gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

If you haven’t noticed among the list of contraindications those that apply to you personally, you can safely eat melon.

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Melons are incredibly beneficial for the human body. They contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, useful nutrients. They are recommended not only for healthy people and children, but also for various diets. The calorie content of melon is very low, so it is often included in diets for weight loss, as well as in many diets when restoring the body after illness or surgery.

What is the composition of melon?

Melon refers to useful products thanks to its composition rich in vitamins and minerals. Below is the amount of useful substances contained in 100 g of melon.

  • Vitamin A – 67 mg;
  • Vitamin C – 20 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 – 0.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 – 0.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.06 mg;
  • Vitamin E – 0.1 mg;
  • Vitamin PP – 0.4 mg;
  • Potassium – 118 mg;
  • Silicon – 82 mg;
  • Chlorine – 49 mg;
  • Sodium – 31 mg;
  • Calcium – 15 mg;
  • Magnesium – 13 mg;
  • Phosphorus – 11.5 mg;
  • Zinc – 90 mcg;
  • Copper 47 mcg;
  • Manganese – 37 mcg;

Also, 100 grams of product contain 0.3 g of fat, 0.6 g of protein and 7.4 g of carbohydrates. If we take averages, then 100 g of melon contains approximately 35 kcal. But this approximate number, because the calorie content of melon depends on its variety.

How many calories do melons of different preparations have?

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Thanks to such a low calorie content, melon is indispensable in diets with increased weight. Due to the presence of natural sugar and plenty of water, this product allows you to remain full for a long time after consuming it. But in what form is it better to eat melon? The above indicator applies exclusively to a fresh product; during processing, the calorie content of melon can change the calorie content.

They eat it fresh, in salads, in the form of jam, jam, juice, desserts, and ice cream. There are also dried melons, healthy and tasty, but they contain much more sugar than the fresh product. Below is a table of caloric content of melons after processing.

Melon product or dish Calorie content (in kcal/100 g)
Fresh 35
Dried 340,79
Dried 341
Canned 33
Jam 169,66
Juice 47
Candied fruit 282,67
Melon seeds 555
Frozen 34
Melon oil 899

As you can see, the calorie content of melon largely depends on the form in which it is consumed. For people on diets, only fresh, frozen, canned melons and juices are useful, unless there are any contraindications.

Calorie content of Torpedo melon per 100 grams

Torpedo melon has elongated light yellow fruits, sometimes the skin has a greenish tint with a medium-density mesh. This variety is very common in Russia, Ukraine and neighboring countries.

100 grams of Torpedo melon contain only 35.59 kcal, which makes the variety a good component of any diet. The indicated amount of calories is on average 1.7% of the daily value for the average person. The weight of one Torpedo melon usually ranges from 5 kg and one such melon contains 1750 kcal, which is quite a bit compared to other sweet fruits.

Calorie content of Kolkhoznitsa melon per 100 grams

Melon Kolkhoznitsa is the second most common variety. It has a pleasant, sweet taste and is unpretentious to grow, so it is often planted for personal use, and not just for sale.

The calorie content of melon in 100 g is only 30.81 kcal. This is slightly less than that of the Torpedo variety, so this variety is even healthier to eat during diets, but do not forget that it is less sweet. There is not much sugar in it, and although it is tasty, it is still inferior in taste to the Torpedo variety.

What are the calorie content of different types of melons?

The calorie content of the two most popular melon varieties that can be found on the market and in stores was described above. But what about other varieties? Increasingly, overseas wonders appear on the shelves, striking with their color, shape, unusual peel or pulp. There are many people who want to try foreign fruits, but are they really that useful, especially when dieting?

  • Cantaloupe (Thai) 38-51 kcal;
  • Honey Dew – 38 kcal;
  • Galia – 30-38 kcal;
  • Piel de Sapo – 36 kcal;
  • Nutmeg – 36 kcal;
  • Honey – 33 kcal;
  • Charente – 31 kcal;
  • Kassaba – 28 kcal;

The calorie content of melon is very low when compared to other fruits. This interesting fruit, which has many interesting facts associated with it.

  • Melons are recommended to be included in the diet when losing weight, during a drinking detox diet, during blood type diets, salt-free diets, for those who follow daily norm KBZHU.
  • Cantaloupe is considered the highest calorie variety of melon. According to various sources, its calorie content is 38-51 kcal.
  • Melon is used in the treatment of nervous system disorders.
  • Increasing the amount of melon in a person’s diet reduces the risk of heart disease, obesity, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and increases body tone.
  • For vegetarians, melon is a must-have fruit that should be eaten at least once a week.

VIDEO - Melon. Properties of melon - benefits and harm to the body

Melon is a vegetable from the pumpkin class of the “cucumber” type. The product is a tasty oblong or round product with a yellow or green skin, sweet pulp inside and seeds in the core. It is precisely because of its sweetness that the product is prohibited by everyone who wants to lose weight. excess weight. But in the way presented, a colossal mistake is made, since calorie content of melon per 100 grams is only 35 kcal.

As a result, even nutritionists recommend consuming this variety of melons with proper nutrition. Everything is explained by the presence in the pulp large quantity vitamins and microelements, which when losing weight must be consumed in large quantities for brain activity and physical endurance. If you have any doubts about the benefits of vegetables for weight loss, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the arguments presented below.

If a person refuses to eat melon while losing weight, it means that he is harming his health. In this case we're talking about about the benefits of false berries for weight loss.

Which is the following factors:

  • First of all, it is necessary to highlight the opportunity to preserve youth. This is based on the content of folic acid, antioxidants, vitamins C, E and group B. The female body During weight loss or pregnancy, the vitamins presented are vital: their lack leads to problems with women's health.
  • The pulp promotes cell regeneration - it is based on a diuretic effect, which promotes the timely removal of waste and toxins.
  • Using melon, you can make a face mask - this way the skin is moisturized. Grated melon is simply applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  • It turns out to be beneficial for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - the intestines, liver and other organs are cleansed.
  • Melon promotes the production of happiness hormones, which significantly improves mood.
  • Helps improve metabolism, which reduces the risk of gaining kilograms.

Because the the nutritional value dessert vegetable is small, it is recommended to eat it as a snack during practice proper nutrition. Consume the pulp in an amount of 200-300 g.

About the composition

It is not so important how many calories are in a melon, but rather the content of useful substances in it - vitamins and microelements, which people lack when losing weight improperly.

The composition is described in more detail in the table.

Useful microelement Content per 100 g of pure product
Fats 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Carbohydrates 12 g
Squirrels 1 g
Alimentary fiber 1 g
Sodium 23 mg
Vitamin A 5.276 IU
Calorie content 53 kcal
Folic acid 33 mcg
A nicotinic acid 1 mg
Vitamin B6 <1 мг
Vitamin C 57 mg
Calcium 14 mg
Magnesium 19 mg
Potassium 417 mg
Carotenoids 3219 mcg

The BJU of melon indicates its benefits for reducing excess weight and improving human health. There are no fats, and the composition pleases with a large amount of vitamins and acids. Therefore, it is impossible to refuse dessert vegetables both on a diet and with proper nutrition.

A little about the beneficial properties

If a person includes melon in his diet, his health will improve.

Which is reflected in factors such as:

  • normalization of liver function;
  • assistance in removing sand from the kidneys;
  • normalization of potassium levels in the blood;
  • help in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, digestive tract disorders.

As a result, a person not only loses kilos, but also significantly succeeds in improving the skin.

About the diet

Since the energy value of the vegetable is low, it is excellent for dieting to lose weight. You should not consume the pulp in unlimited quantities for several days - such eating behavior will provoke the development of diabetes mellitus and other problems.

Nutritionists advise spending fasting days on melon or using the product as the main meal for 3 days. In the future, the melon is supplemented with other vegetables and fruits, but no more. To eliminate excess weight, you can use the melon-kefir diet. Here, throughout the week, they consume the pulp and low-fat kefir in unlimited quantities, but within normal limits. You can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight in a week.

This is important: When practicing the melon mono-diet, 1.5 kg of pure pulp per day is allowed. This amount is enough to saturate the body with the necessary KBZHU.

Melon product or dish Calorie content (in kcal/100 g)
Fresh 35
Dried 340,79
Dried 341
Canned 33
Jam 169,66
Juice 47
Candied fruit 282,67
Seeds 555
Frozen 34
Melon oil 899

Please note: More sugar is contained in the “torpedo” and “Ethiopian” varieties. This means that these varieties contain more calories and it is not advisable to use such varieties for the diet. The “collective farmer” melon is suitable for a mono-diet.

About the right choice

The effectiveness of weight loss depends on ripeness and the right choice of product.

Where the following rules should be followed:

  • You cannot purchase unripe fruit - it does not contain the declared amount of nutrients. It is not recommended to eat unripe vegetables and fruits after they have ripened on the windowsill due to their unformed chemical composition, which can result in more harmful substances.
  • When tapped, a ripe fruit produces a dull, weak sound.
  • The smell of a vegetable is a sure sign of ripeness; it should come even from an uncut melon.
  • The fruit should not have cracks or damage on the surface - such vegetables may turn sour during storage.

It is not recommended to choose large melons, which, although ripe and juicy, may not have that characteristic sweet taste. The effect on the body depends on the choice of fruit - ripeness and sweetness provide the benefits that were presented above. It is not recommended to choose a melon mono-diet if you have diabetes mellitus and other contraindications that are associated with the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to consult your doctor first.

Fresh melon is loaded with vitamins and minerals. It contains a lot of vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, PP, E, minerals calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, iron, iodine, manganese, fluorine, zinc.

Calorie content of dried melon per 100 grams

Calorie content of dried melon per 100 grams is 341.3 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of dried fruit:

  • 0.7 g protein;
  • 0.1 g fat;
  • 82.3 g carbohydrates.

Despite the high calorie content of the product, dried melon has many beneficial properties. It is recommended to include it in the diet to prevent heart disease, vascular disease, nervous system disorders, and constipation. Numerous studies have proven the benefits of dried melon for skin rejuvenation, improving male potency, and treating vitamin deficiency.

Calorie content of dried melon per 100 grams

The calorie content of dried melon per 100 grams (meaning the product sold by weight) is 339 kcal. In 100 g of sweets:

  • 0.6 g protein;
  • 0.15 g fat;
  • 82.1 g carbohydrates.

Calorie content of melon for weight loss

Fresh melon has low calorie content, so it can be included in the diet when losing weight. At the same time, you should limit the amount of product you eat, since melon contains quite a lot of sugar, which activates the absorption of fats.

As for dried melon, it is better to completely avoid such sweetness during the diet. The calorie content of 100 g of dried fruit exceeds 340 kcal, while a 100-gram serving contains 82 g of carbohydrates.

Benefits of melon

The beneficial properties of melon are:

  • Regular consumption of the product ensures the prevention of heart and vascular diseases;
  • melon helps cope with depression and nervous disorders;
  • due to its diuretic effect, melon is used to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • It is recommended to include the product in the diet for hemorrhoids and constipation;
  • melon is indicated for anemia, gout, malfunction of the kidneys and gall bladder;
  • due to the large amount of vitamin C in melon, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system;
  • melon eliminates irritability, normalizes sleep, stimulates brain function;
  • Melon-based cosmetics are used to improve the condition of skin, hair, and nails.

Harm to melon

Contraindications to consuming melon are allergic reactions to the product and individual intolerance. For some people, melon provokes problems with stool. If you overeat the product, you may gain excess weight and there is a risk of experiencing disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • breastfeeding;
  • peptic ulcer of the intestines and stomach;
  • on an empty stomach.

During pregnancy, the daily intake of melon should not exceed 200 g. The product should not be washed down, including with water. Only separate meals are suitable for melon, that is, you can eat it no earlier than an hour after other foods.

In the East, there are many legends about melon. They love it for its delicate taste and unique aroma, it is valued, it is the second bread. In ancient times, travelers always took melon with them. Melon was considered a heavenly fruit that accidentally fell on earth into the hands of people. This is such a sweet, aromatic, tasty berry that the question arises - is melon healthy?

The medieval scientist and doctor Ali ibn Sina noted in his works the healing properties of melon, and also widely used it for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Melon, 100 g 0,8 0,2 8 34
  • The benefits of melon for the body
  • Harm to health
  • Melon for weight loss
  • Benefits of melon for women
  • The benefits of melon for men

The benefits of melon for the body

The melon is incomparable, everything in it is healthy and can be eaten: sweet pulp, peel, seeds. Melon is necessary for the body, because the content of necessary and useful elements in melon is very high: folic acid, carotene, ascorbic acid, fats, vitamins A, P, C, mineral salts Fe, K, Na, sugar, fiber.

Despite the sweetness, it copes very well with thirst. Often, melon is consumed raw, in its original form. They also dry it, make honey, make jam, and candied fruits.

Harm to health

But melon is considered useful not only fresh, but also dried. Dried melon retains maximum beneficial substances and properties. Dried melon, as a sweet delicacy, is consumed during tea drinking in Eastern countries. It perfectly cleanses and tones the body.

  1. The benefits of this heavenly fruit are undeniable, and melon does not cause harm. There are certain rules on how to eat it. If you do not follow them, you can cause yourself a lot of troublesome minutes and unpleasant sensations:
  2. it causes severe upset of the digestive system, including vomiting, if combined with dairy products or drinks containing alcohol;
  3. people who have gastritis or peptic ulcers should consume melon in moderation so as not to harm themselves;
  4. nursing mothers, to avoid problems associated with the baby’s digestion;
  5. people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus due to high sugar content;

in the presence of an infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Melon must be eaten separately, not mixed with other foods. Perhaps as a dessert or a separate meal, but in a small volume. It is not recommended to eat melon on an empty stomach and it is advisable to avoid eating unripe melon.

Melon for weight loss

Melon - as a sweet option for losing weight. There are many diets based on it; fasting days are organized with its help. Due to the fact that melon consists mainly of water, 90% of the stomach takes the usual amount of food, and as a result receives very few calories. The undoubted advantage of the melon diet is that the body receives the vitamins, trace elements and minerals it needs.

The presence of a large amount of fiber in combination with other beneficial substances improves digestion, normalizes the intestinal microflora, produces a cleansing and rejuvenating effect for the human body as a whole, and helps reduce excess body weight.

The calorie content of melon is very low, depending on the variety and sweetness of the fruit, it varies from 31 to 38 kilocalories per 100 g. As an example, the calorie content of Torpedo melon is only 36 kcal per 100 g, but this is a very sweet variety.

Benefits of melon for women

Melon is an ideal fruit for people who pay a lot of attention to their appearance. The question arises: what is the benefit?

Thanks to the presence of silicon, complexion and overall skin condition improves. And the combination of vitamins A, E, B and C improves the structure and thickness of hair, evens out skin color, strengthens nails, renews skin cells, thereby preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Folic acid, coupled with B vitamins, normalizes hormonal levels, improves health, and alleviates the condition of women during menopause.

Those who love a beautiful tan will also benefit from melon; the carotene contained in the fruit promotes an even tan.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to consume melon to alleviate the condition during hormonal changes in the body. However, in the last trimester of pregnancy it is better to avoid the sweet fruit, as it can cause intestinal spasms in the baby.

The benefits of melon for men

Melon never ceases to amaze with its unique valuable properties. Even in ancient times, people made up legends about the benefits of melon, because it helped men gain their virility. Due to the fact that melon seeds contain a high content of zinc and folic acid, ailments such as prostatitis and impotence are overcome. The recipe is surprisingly simple - before eating, chew melon seeds (but no more than two grams per day), you can eat honey.

When considering melon, its beneficial properties and contraindications for use, we conclude: melon is a wonderful gift of nature, in addition to the pleasure of taste and aroma, it gives humanity energy, good health, incomparable beauty and good mood.

Fresh melon is loaded with vitamins and minerals. It contains a lot of vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, PP, E, minerals calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, iron, iodine, manganese, fluorine, zinc.

Calorie content of dried melon per 100 grams is 341.3 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of dried fruit:

  • 0.7 g protein;
  • 0.1 g fat;
  • 82.3 g carbohydrates.

Despite the high calorie content of the product, dried melon has many beneficial properties. It is recommended to include it in the diet to prevent heart disease, vascular disease, nervous system disorders, and constipation. Numerous studies have proven the benefits of dried melon for skin rejuvenation, improving male potency, and treating vitamin deficiency.

Calorie content of dried melon per 100 grams

The calorie content of dried melon per 100 grams (meaning the product sold by weight) is 339 kcal. In 100 g of sweets:

  • 0.6 g protein;
  • 0.15 g fat;
  • 82.1 g carbohydrates.

Calorie content of melon for weight loss

Fresh melon has low calorie content, so it can be included in the diet when losing weight. At the same time, you should limit the amount of product you eat, since melon contains quite a lot of sugar, which activates the absorption of fats.

As for dried melon, it is better to completely avoid such sweetness during the diet. The calorie content of 100 g of dried fruit exceeds 340 kcal, while a 100-gram serving contains 82 g of carbohydrates.

Benefits of melon

The beneficial properties of melon are:

  • Regular consumption of the product ensures the prevention of heart and vascular diseases;
  • melon helps cope with depression and nervous disorders;
  • due to its diuretic effect, melon is used to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • It is recommended to include the product in the diet for hemorrhoids and constipation;
  • melon is indicated for anemia, gout, malfunction of the kidneys and gall bladder;
  • due to the large amount of vitamin C in melon, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system;
  • melon eliminates irritability, normalizes sleep, stimulates brain function;
  • Melon-based cosmetics are used to improve the condition of skin, hair, and nails.

Harm to melon

Contraindications to consuming melon are allergic reactions to the product and individual intolerance. For some people, melon provokes problems with stool. If you overeat the product, you may gain excess weight and there is a risk of experiencing disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • breastfeeding;
  • peptic ulcer of the intestines and stomach;
  • on an empty stomach.

During pregnancy, the daily intake of melon should not exceed 200 g. The product should not be washed down, including with water. Only separate meals are suitable for melon, that is, you can eat it no earlier than an hour after other foods.