With the help of smoking, they increase the shelf life of food and improve the taste parameters of meat, fish, and vegetables. This article talks about how to make a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands. Drawings, videos, examples successful projects and step-by-step instructions will help you implement the project quickly, accurately, without extra costs.

Read in the article:

What is a smokehouse smoke generator: basic definitions and problem statement

Cold smoking technology involves long-term exposure of the original products to the smoke of smoldering wood. This process destroys bacteria and blocks decomposition processes. At the same time, this treatment imparts a specific taste and smell.

The limited temperature range (+16°C to +36°C) allows moisture to be removed slowly. Using a gentle regimen helps preserve structure, healthy vitamins, and fat. Depending on the size of the pieces and other factors, the process may take several days. The information provided will be useful in creating a list of requirements for suitable equipment:

  1. It is necessary to create a sufficiently large amount of smoke to ensure rapid smoking.
  2. To maintain optimal temperature conditions, you need to consider a cooling system.
  3. The duration of the procedure forces the use of autonomous equipment that performs its functions without careful control.

To reduce costs, consider creating a cold-smoked smokehouse with a smoke generator with your own hands.

The device of a smoke generator for cold smoking, which you can make yourself

The figure shows a chamber (1), in which products are placed on hangers for subsequent processing. Sawdust (3) is poured into a firebox of a suitable size, made of a sufficiently strong, heat-resistant material. The draft adjustment here is organized using a blower (7). The compressor (6) supplies fresh air through a flexible hose (5) and pipe (4). The container is closed on top with a lid. Therefore, the smoke is directed through the connecting tube (2) into the smoking chamber.


  • the volume of the combustion area increases. The likelihood of solid fuel fading is reduced;
  • In this option it is easier to ensure slow smoldering. Consequently, you will have to replenish your firewood supply less often;
  • The upper location of the ejector with forced air supply creates sufficient thrust. Additional smoke filtration with a backfill layer will be useful;
  • lower - contributes to the entry of large particles into the chimney, forcing it to increase its length to reduce the operating temperature in the smoking chamber;
  • proximity to a heated area reduces the service life of the pipe and increases the risk of damage to welded joints.

Compressor for smoke generator

This connection of the compressor minimizes the thermal impact on the ejector, which extends the service life of the unit. At the same time, sufficient air flow is ensured to supply smoke to the food processing area.

Smoking chamber

The figure shows an example of a factory smoking chamber. It’s easy to guess that an old refrigerator is quite capable of performing such functions. While maintaining optimal temperature conditions, the components of its structure will not be damaged. Typical rubber seals will perform their direct functions. Built-in guides and grids are useful for placing food items.

Various projects and schemes for creating a cold smoked smoke generator with your own hands

How to make a simple smoke generator from an electric stove with your own hands

The power regulator allows you to set the optimal heating mode. Wood chips are poured into an old saucepan to create a homemade smoke generator for cold smoking without a compressor.

Fasteners are screwed into the walls and the mesh is fixed. Products for processing are hung on hooks. After starting, close the top hole with a suitable sheet of heat-resistant material.

For your information! The barrel is cleaned of paint and other contaminants before use. Rust particles, unlike combustion products of petrochemical compounds, are not dangerous.

Such a smoke generator for cold smoking is capable of performing its functions on one load of firewood for 4-6 hours, no more. It consumes electricity. In this option it is difficult to ensure optimal temperature regime. Operational performance adjustment is difficult. Despite the significant shortcomings, the low cost and simplicity of the design are attractive. On summer cottage With proper preparation, you can install functional equipment in literally 20-30 minutes.

Smoke generator from fire extinguisher

To make such a smoke generator with your own hands, you need to find a suitable fire extinguisher with a metal body. You can take possession of an expired product completely free of charge.

After removing the powder and washing, 2-3 holes with a diameter of 8-12 mm are drilled at a height of 40-60 mm from the bottom. Sawdust is added. A tee with pipes is screwed into the standard cover.

A failed heater was removed from this equipment. The step switch allows only two speed modes. Connection - to 220 V network.

How to use an aquarium compressor to create a smoke generator

The photo shows a steel chimney with a tee (1). The aquarium compressor (3) forces air through a flexible hose (2). Sawdust is poured into the combustion chamber (5). The smoldering process is activated by flame gas burner(4). In this version, the “weak link” is a cute jar instant coffee. The largest container does not hold more than 250 g, so the working volume is small. You have to frequently replenish the supply of sawdust. Thin walls are deformed by an open flame and quickly become unusable.

To eliminate the listed disadvantages, the smoke generator firebox can be made on the basis of a steel square

Smoke generator stove for cold smoking

The examples listed above demonstrated the features collapsible structures. If necessary, any of them can be disassembled into its component parts and moved to a warehouse for long-term storage. However, if you have free space in your summer cottage, you can install a stationary cold-smoked smokehouse with a smoke generator with your own hands. With proper calculation, high industrial-level processing performance can be achieved.

Compressors for the smoke generator of a cold smoked smokehouse

This decision is explained not only by the reasonable cost of products that are produced in large series. Equipment in this category is designed for long-term use without close supervision. For household use, when working with cold smoking technology, it will be enough to choose a model with a capacity of 4 to 12 l/min. If there is no electrical control of performance, you can set the desired level using a standard throttle. It is also permissible to clamp the flexible tube as necessary and fix it in an acceptable position.

It is not difficult to make such a compressor for a smoke generator with your own hands. You need to take a working computer fan and fix it in the hole below plastic bottle suitable container. A hole is made in the lid. To connect a flexible hose, glue a plastic pipe to it. The speed is controlled by a variable resistor in the power circuit. Low power electric motors can be connected to batteries (accumulators).

Select a container of suitable volume. The operation of the supercharger is adjusted according to pressure levels using a special relay. Pressure gauges are installed for control. To drain the accumulated condensate, a tap is cut into the bottom. The safety valve will prevent excessive pressure build-up.

A primitive fan for a smoke generator operates constantly, and this installation is turned on as needed. For a capacity of 4−5 l/min you can choose storage tank volume 8−12 l. This is enough for 8-12 minutes of battery life.

How to make a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands: drawings, videos, step-by-step instructions, important nuances

To create the right smoke generator for cold smoking, you must ensure:

  • ease of loading;
  • speed of ignition;
  • cleaning smoke from condensate;
  • performance adjustment;
  • ease of care.

To simplify the task, you can study in detail the current installation and recommendations of the author of the project:

PhotoStep-by-step instructions with explanations

This homemade smoke generator for a cold smoked smokehouse is equipped with a system effective cleaning. Condensation collects in a plastic bottle attached to the bottom. An intermediate tank is installed in front of the ejector. Partitions are installed inside it, which accelerate heat removal and trap drops of moisture.

To begin work, open the plastic lid and pour alder chips to the middle of the working chamber volume. Such raw materials can be purchased inexpensively or prepared yourself.

A compact compressor with electronic speed control is connected to the inlet pipe of the ejector. Close the lid and ignite the wood chips with an open flame through the hole in the lower part of the working chamber.

This installation begins to perform its functions literally a few seconds after ignition. The intensity of the smoke formation process is determined by changing the speed of the compressor drive. After a practical check of the installation’s functionality, we’ll figure out the manufacturing algorithm.

The figure explains several important principles. In the red zone the temperature reaches 1400°C. In addition to aromatic components, the output smoke contains resins, soot, and other harmful components. If the chimney is long, it functions as a filter.

The compact design must be equipped with an element that performs cleaning. To select the appropriate dimensions of a homemade smoke generator for a cold smoked smokehouse, you can use the proportions shown in the diagram. The values ​​on the top line correspond to those of a standard canned fruit tin.

Schematic diagram of the block. Pay attention to the outlet part in the firebox. There is a reflector installed there that directs the smoke upward. This solution allows you to retain heavy mechanical particles at the final stage of cleaning.

In the main filter block, barriers are made of tin covers. Through the triangular cutouts, the smoke passes along a given path with swirls in the central part. Temperature drops. Resins and other impurities flow into a plastic storage bottle.

The main containers of the smoke generator for the smokehouse are made from tin cans. The large camera is made up of two elements, which are fastened with a standard car clamp. When the volume increases, an ash pan is installed below. For compact designs such as in this example, such an addition is not needed.

The resulting smoke mixture enters the tee. The attached screw cap is needed to connect a plastic bottle. This unit can be loosened to create additional air suction. This technique is used to reduce smoke concentration and increase the efficiency of the filtration process.

The photo shows the design of the cleaning unit (direction from top to bottom): cover with ejector; partition No. 1 with slots; lattice support; partition No. 2; lattice support; partition No. 3. All components are pressed by a spring, which is cut from a tin can.

The plastic lid provides a good seal. This part does not heat, so the product will not be damaged. For additional protection, a metal plate is attached to the underside. It also serves as a power frame for connecting the ejector.

This photo shows a mains-powered fan. For mobility, the author of the project uses a modification with a rechargeable battery.

This video shows the process of assembling a factory smoke generator for cold smoking.

Artem Shavelsky


To treat friends with smoked meats homemade, you need a smokehouse - for its convenient operation, use a smoke generator. This article talks about different types smoke generators for cold smoking with drawings and dimensions.

Smoke generator device

There are two main types of preparation of smoked products:

  1. Hot, at a smoke temperature of 50-130°C. This process lasts from 20 minutes to 1 hour.
  2. Cold, at temperatures up to 50°C. The preparation time can reach several days. During this time, pets may try to steal food if the smokehouse does not close tightly. To avoid this, fences and barriers are used.

Once upon a time, for smoking, food was hung over a fireplace that was heated with wood. the main problem The classical method of smoking requires constant monitoring and high consumption of firewood.

The figure shows a diagram of a cold smoking installation with a hearth and chimney in the ground

Nowadays, instead of a fireplace, a smoke generator is used - a device that produces smoke and supplies it to the smoking chamber. The taste of smoked meats depends on its temperature and composition.

The main advantage of a smoke generator for a smokehouse is that it is able to operate with minimal control and use wood chips and sawdust to generate smoke.

How to use a smoke generator

Any smokehouse consists of two functional parts - a smoke generator and a chamber for food. In the most simple devices for hot smoking, made from a barrel or a large pan, these components are located in a common body.

Wooden sawdust or chips, preferably fruit wood, are placed in the smoke generator. The sawdust is ignited or external heating is turned on. The smoke released by natural draft or with the help of a compressor enters the smoking chamber.

By changing the heating, the amount of incoming air, or in another way, depending on the design of the correct smoke generator, the required amount and temperature of smoke is achieved.

A private house or cottage has everything the necessary conditions to install the device - a porch and a canopy so that rain does not interfere with the process, or, at worst, a roof and good roof, where you can also install a smoking cabinet. If smoking will take place in an apartment (most often in the kitchen), you need to provide for the smoke to escape through a pipe into the hood and close the doors and windows so that the smoke does not spread throughout the rooms.

Design and operation of a smoke generator

The picture shows simplest scheme smoke generator:

The figure shows the simplest diagram of a smoke generator

The job of a smoke machine is to produce smoke and supply it to the products being smoked. To do this, wood chips are placed on the grate and set on fire, and the compressor transfers air to the smokehouse.

The amount of smoke depends on the properties of the wood on which the smoke generator operates, the air draft through the blower and the pressure and performance of the compressor.

How does a classic smoke generator work?

The principle of operation of the smoke generator is simple:

  1. before starting work, sawdust is placed inside the housing and set on fire;
  2. for better combustion and supply of smoke, air is supplied to the combustion chamber using a compressor;
  3. smoldering sawdust emit smoke, which passes through the smoke pipe into the smokehouse;
  4. passing through the pipe, the smoke cools to the required temperature, to control which a thermometer is installed at the end of the pipe or in the smoking chamber.

Types of smoke generators

Despite the fact that most devices are designed according to the same principle, there are many varieties of smoke generator designs.

Drawing of a cold smoked spiral smoke generator

The spiral smoke smoking machine is distinguished by the design of the smoke tube. This system is used to cool the smoke. Inside the chimney there is a structure reminiscent of an Archimedes screw, or a meat grinder worm. This lengthens the path of smoke from the generator to the smokehouse, which helps to cool it.

Diagram of a smoke generator with a condensate collector

In addition to the aromatic substances themselves, the smoke contains moisture. Getting into the smoking chamber with it, it moistens the products and accumulates at the bottom, and, flowing back, moistens the sawdust. You can get rid of condensation by adding a condensate collector to the smoke generator device.

In a device with this addition, the chimney bends so that the middle part is lower than the beginning and end of the pipe. A tee is installed in this place, onto which a plastic or rubber tube is placed. Through it, the condensate flows into a glass bottle or plastic bottle.

Conventional generators require a compressor and a condensate collector. But there is a design that allows you to do without these parts. This is a passive smoke generator.

The main element of a passive generator is a rectangular box, the dimensions of which are smaller than the combustion chamber. In this box, partitions are arranged in a snake pattern so that the distance between them is 4-6 cm. For air access, the smoke generator structure is made of perforated metal.

A passive labyrinth type generator works as follows:

  1. sawdust is poured into the formed grooves at 3/4 of the height and lightly compacted;
  2. compacted sawdust is set on fire at one end of the snake;
  3. a box with smoldering sawdust is installed in the combustion chamber.

The labyrinth filled with sawdust provides up to 10 hours of combustion.

Important! After work, all holes must be cleared of ash.

Smoke generator "snail"

The spiral-shaped smoke generator is similar in design and operating principle to a labyrinth one. The difference is in the rounded shape of the moves. This design is installed in a round combustion chamber.

The figure shows a diagram of a snail smoke generator

Industrial smoke generator for cold smoking

An industrial smoke generator is more complex than a household one and is designed for continuous operation.

It consists of a wood hopper, a feeding mechanism, a heating element and other parts.

Industrial units allow you to regulate a large number of parameters:

  • temperature in the smokehouse;
  • humidity;
  • smoke density;
  • cooking time.

The electrical installation consists of the following parts:

  • housings;
  • containers for wood chips;
  • electric motor;
  • auger for feeding sawdust;
  • heating element;

Smoke is generated when wood chips hit a heating element. The feed mechanism consists of a hopper, a screw (Archimedes screw) and an electric motor with a gearbox that rotates this screw.

When the screw rotates, the wood chips fall onto the heating element, heated to a temperature of 250-300°C, and heat up until it emits smoke. Ash from burnt wood chips falls down into the ash pit.

This design is a simplified version of an industrial smoke generator.

Operating principle of an electric cold smoked smoke generator

Mini smoke generator (travelling)

To smoke freshly caught fish, a smoke generator can be made from a pot, an iron barrel and other available materials:

  1. Chips, sawdust and small twigs are placed at the bottom of the pot. The bark from the branches must be cleaned.
  2. Closer to the upper container, a grate is installed on which meat or fish is placed. Instead, you can turn the lid upside down and tie the food to the handle.
  3. The cauldron is closed with a lid and placed over a small fire.

Advice! The grate with food can be folded for ease of transportation.

The device of a camping smoke generator

Differences in smoke intake

After the start of operation, the air flow from the compressor is mixed with smoke and enters the smoking chamber. This unit is called an ejector.

The ejector can be located either at the top of the smoke generator, above the wood chips, or at the bottom, near the combustion zone.

Device and design of the device with a lower ejector location

A device with smoke intake from the bottom works well with small dimensions and a small smoking chamber.

In other cases, this design has a number of disadvantages:

  • the direction of the air flow does not coincide with the draft, which worsens the combustion process;
  • the large camera often goes out, and the small one has a limited time of continuous operation;
  • smoke enters the chimney directly from the combustion zone, which increases its temperature;
  • The chimney pipe must be protected from sawdust getting into it.

The design with upper smoke extraction is free from these shortcomings.

Design and design of an apparatus with an overhead ejector

The ejector, located in the upper part of the housing at a distance of several centimeters from the lid, takes smoke from the upper part of the combustion chamber. This design has many advantages:

  • the smoke has a lower temperature, which simplifies the process of cold smoking;
  • the direction of natural draft coincides with the movement of smoke, which ensures more stable combustion even when the compressor is temporarily turned off;

Device with ejector located on top


There are many factory-made models on sale, but if you have the skills to work with metal, you can make a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands according to our drawings.

The production of one of the structures using scrap materials is shown in the video below (Kamchatsky smoke generator):

Fan design

The most common model for DIY creation is a device with a fan. A drawing of a smoke generator for a smokehouse with a fan is shown below.

To make a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands according to the drawing above, you need:

  • For the body you need a square 100x100 mm or round ∅100 mm pipe 0.8 m long. Dimensions are approximate.
  • A piece of 3/4-1.5″ water pipe with thread and nuts of the appropriate diameter for the chimney. For hot smoking, the length of the chimney is 30-50 cm; for cold smoking, a metal hose is put on the end of the chimney or it is extended to the required length. It is selected through experience.
  • Low power electric fan. You can take an aquarium compressor.
  • Small diameter rubber and steel tubes. Needed to connect the fan to the case.

To make a smoke generator for a smokehouse, the following procedure is necessary:

  1. The bottom and lid are made for the body. These parts must have sides that fit tightly onto the pipe and prevent ash from below and smoke from above from escaping.
  2. In the body itself, just above the sides, several holes ∅6-10 mm are drilled to supply air to the combustion zone. If traction is poor, their number can be increased.
  3. A hole for the chimney is drilled at a distance of 5 cm from the top. It is secured with two nuts or electric welding.
  4. On the side opposite the chimney, a hole is drilled for a thin tube through which air is supplied. Inside the housing it should be directed towards the chimney, but not into it. In this case, the air from the fan is mixed with smoke and enters the smoking chamber.

To make a cold smoked smoke generator with your own hands, you can draw drawings with dimensions yourself using the examples above.

This design can be made from other materials, and can also be optionally supplemented with a condensate trap, cooler and other accessories.

The body parts of a simple smoke generator for cold smoking can be made with your own hands from a three-liter enameled or stainless steel can.

Important! An aluminum can will burn out immediately, so this material is not suitable.

The walls of this container are thin, so the chimney with the injector is attached to the top, and at a height of 2-3 cm from the bottom, 3-4 holes ∅6 mm are drilled for air intake.

A compressor is connected to the injector on one side with a thin rubber or PVC tube, and on the other side a chimney made of a metal corrugated pipe is connected.

The process of making a smoke generator with your own hands from a can

How to make a smoke generator from a gas cylinder

The design of this device resembles a “potbelly stove”.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a smoke generator from a gas cylinder include the following points:

  1. Release remaining gas.
  2. Constantly pouring water on the tap, cut it off with a hand saw. If the cylinder contains carbon dioxide or oxygen, then you can use an angle grinder.
  3. Weld the legs to the cylinder. This is necessary for sustainability.
  4. Cut two doors with a gas cutter or grinder. One at the bottom, measuring 10x10 cm, will be the blower. The second from the top, the width is 1/3 of the circumference of the cylinder, and the height is its diameter. A grate will be installed through it and wood chips will be loaded.
  5. Make doors from cut out pieces of walls. Secure them on the hinges.
  6. At a height of 1-2 cm above the blower, weld 4 M20 nuts inside. The grate is laid on them.
  7. Make a grate from steel rods ∅10 mm or a steel circle 10 mm thick. Place the grille on the nuts.
  8. Instead of the cut valve, weld a piece of threaded pipe. Its length is 5-7 cm and diameter is 25-40 mm.
  9. The ejector is screwed onto the thread. A compressor is connected to it on one side, and a chimney on the other.

Instructions for assembling a smoke generator from a gas cylinder

Design of a smoke generator with a cooler (cooler)

The cold smoking process requires smoke with a temperature of no higher than 50°C, and it comes out of the generator much hotter. To cool it, you can extend the chimney or install a cooler.

The principle of operation of a device with a cooler is based on increasing the time it takes for smoke to move to the smoking chamber. To do this, an additional capacitance is installed between the generator and the camera.

Advice! When the smoke cools, condensate is released from it, so it is necessary to install a condensate collector at the lowest point of the cooler.

Do-it-yourself labyrinth-type smoke generator

The main difference between a labyrinth smoke generator is the presence of a container for sawdust. To make such a unit with your own hands, you need a steel mesh or fine-mesh grid:

  1. a square is cut 50 mm smaller than the base of the unit;
  2. Strips 5 cm wide are cut from the same mesh;
  3. paths 4-6 cm wide are marked on the base;
  4. The strips are secured to the base by electric welding.

The operating diagram is shown in the figure above

Advice! Sawdust should be taken as small as possible, after a circular saw.

Friction smoke generator assembly diagram

Most smoke generating devices operate on the principle of burning wood sawdust and wood chips. But there are devices in which smoke is produced by rubbing a wooden block against a steel pulley.

The pulley is located on the shaft of an electric motor with a power of 2-4 kW and 1400 rpm. It is made of textolite with a steel frame. For cooling, inclined holes are drilled in the PCB.

It is pressed against the pulley using a clamping device. wooden block. This device can be weighted, and the force is regulated by its value, or spring-loaded, with an adjusting screw. The amount of smoke depends on the pressing force.

In the path of the smoke, a fine mesh is placed in front of the smoking chamber, to which the negative terminal of the source is connected high voltage, and the positive one is connected to the hooks and grates on which the products are attached. Smoke passing through the grate acquires a negative charge and smokes positively charged products faster.

The high voltage source is a magneto installed on the engine shaft, or an ignition coil connected to a ~220 V network.

Stainless steel smoke generator

Most smoke producing devices are made of carbon steel. But if you have the skills and materials, then it is better to make a homemade smoke generator for a cold smoked smokehouse from stainless steel.

Such devices have advantages over other materials:

  • due to higher heat resistance, a stainless steel firebox burns out more slowly;
  • The device is not subject to corrosion due to condensation and precipitation.

The operating diagram of such a unit is shown in the figure below.

Smoke generator for cold smoking with bottom smoke supply

The classic design of a device for producing smoke involves installing an outlet at the top. But the smoke, rising up the apparatus, cools down. It is advisable to make devices intended for hot smoking with a lower ejector, at a height of 50 mm above the grate.

The design and operating principle of such a unit are shown in the figure:

Important! In devices with bottom smoke exhaust, installation of an ejector is mandatory.

Manufacturing of a spiral smoke generator

To cool the smoke, in addition to an additional chamber, a vertical pipe with a screw located in it, or an Archimedes screw, is used:

  1. the spiral cooler is assembled in a housing made of a pipe ∅100 mm and 500 mm long;
  2. a pipe with a diameter of 40 mm and a length of 500 mm is used as an axis;
  3. screw turns are made of steel rings with an outer diameter of 100 mm and an inner diameter of 45 mm;
  4. the rings are cut on one side, the coils are moved apart and put on the axle;
  5. all structural elements are secured by electric welding, the auger is placed in the housing;
  6. Covers are welded to the ends of the body, and a chimney is attached to the sides.

Important! When cooling, condensation is released from the smoke, so a condensate collector is connected to the bottom cover.

In addition to aromatic substances, the smoke released during the smoldering of sawdust contains resins, soot and other components. They spoil the taste of the finished product, and to improve the quality, the smoke from a proper smoke generator should be passed through a purifier.

This is a pipe with a larger diameter than the chimney. Inside it are steel shavings or metal scourers for washing dishes.

Smoke generator with condensate collector

As the smoke cools, condensation is released from it. When moisture gets on food, it degrades the taste and appearance smoked meats, so it must be removed from the smoke.

To collect condensate in the chimney, a tee is installed with a drain in plastic container. There are two ways to install it:

  • Using electric welding. The chimney bends in the middle third and an outlet is welded at the bottom of the bend, onto which a tube is placed to collect condensate.
  • Using plumbing tees. If used for a chimney water pipes, then a tee with an outlet into the condensate collector is screwed onto them. Due to the design, the outlet will be bottom horizontal chimney.

Installed tee for condensate drainage

Various accessories for smoke generator

To improve the quality of smoke, a smoke generator with additional accessories is suitable.

Smoke generator injector device

The most responsible and the hard part The device is an ejector. The quality and quantity of smoke and the operation of the entire installation depend on its manufacture and settings.

The operating principle of this device is as follows:

  1. the air flow moving through the chimney creates a reduced pressure inside it;
  2. Low pressure in the chimney pipe draws smoke from the smoke generator and creates additional draft through the lower holes.

Thus, the operation of the ejector increases the flow of smoke into the smoking chamber, the smoldering of wood chips and the intensity of smoke emission.

Design and self-assembly of the ejector

This device can be made from a water tee. The middle part is connected to the smoke source, one of the outer parts is connected to the smoking chamber, and a plug with a tube from the compressor is screwed into the opposite part. The temperature is relatively low, so the cork material can be anything: plastic, rubber or metal.

The tube for supplying air to the ejector is taken with a diameter of 6-10 mm and such a length that it extends 8-10 cm into the chimney. It is important to ensure the alignment of the nozzle and the chimney. To do this, it must fit tightly into the plug - it is inserted into the rubber one, and screwed into the metal one with a thread.

Cooler for smoke generator

Cold smoking uses smoke at room temperature, and it comes out of the generator up to 120°C, especially with a lower chimney connection. To reduce its temperature, a cooler or cooler is installed.

This is a cylindrical or square chamber similar in size to the smoke generator body. Once in this chamber, the smoke slows down and cools down. For greater efficiency, the entrance to the cooler is made from the top, and the exit from the bottom.

When cooling, condensate is released from the smoke, which accumulates at the bottom of the cooler, so in addition to it it is necessary to install a condensate collector.

The principle of operation and operation diagram of the cooler are shown in the picture.

Filter for smoke generator

To improve the quality of smoke, it should be cleaned of resins, soot and other substances. To do this, a filter is installed in the chimney.

Structurally, this is an extension of the chimney filled with steel shavings or metal scourers for washing dishes. This extension can be made in the form of an additional chamber with a cover for replacing the filter or a pipe of a larger diameter than the chimney. In this case, to replace the chips, the chimney will have to be partially disassembled.

The operating principle is shown below.

Compressor for cold smoked smoke generator

One of important nodes smoke generator - compressor. It directs the air flow through the ejector. This flow carries smoke into the smokehouse, creating a vacuum in the combustion chamber and additional draft.

Making your own compressor

The simplest compressor can be made from a computer cooler and a plastic bottle:

  1. a hole is cut in the bottom of the bottle corresponding to the diameter of the cooler;
  2. a fan is inserted into it and secured with tape;
  3. a hole is made in the lid for the connecting tube;
  4. the tube is inserted into the lid, and the connection point is also wrapped with tape;
  5. The cooler can be connected to any 12V DC power source.

Making your own compressor

DIY liquid for a smoke generator

In addition to smoke generators designed for smoking products, there are devices that create smoke on theater and concert stages.

In these devices, smoke is generated when it enters special solution on the heater and its evaporation, that is, it is not smoke, but steam.

The composition may be different, for example:

  • glycerin – 15%;
  • alcohol – 10%;
  • distilled water – 75%.

Naturally, the steam from such a solution is not suitable for smoking food.

A smoke generator is a device typical for a cold smoked smokehouse. With hot smoking, smoke is usually produced directly in the smoking chamber, so a separate apparatus for producing smoke is not required. For a cold smokehouse, it is important that, firstly, the smoke reaches the products already cooled to room temperature, and secondly, that the process proceeds autonomously for a long time, without requiring supervision. Smoke generator drawing for household use, and short description builds of it can be found later in this article.

There are two main methods of smoking -. Designs of smoking installations are being developed for these methods. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is very difficult to say for sure which method is better.

For example, with hot smoking, the temperature is usually in the range from 50 to 120 degrees, and the main advantage is the speed of cooking. But, at the same time, such processing cannot be called “gentle”, since high temperature can destroy most of the beneficial vitamins and microelements contained in products.

Cold smoking, on the contrary, allows you to cook food in a more gentle way, preserving nutrients, unlike hot smoking. The smoke temperature at which cold smoking occurs ranges from 20 to 35 degrees, but the cooking time will not take 2-3 hours, but from one to three days. Such a long processing period allows the products to retain their freshness longer and be suitable for consumption for another 3-5 weeks after smoking. Therefore, people who want to cook food immediately for a long period of time choose the cold smoking method, and a homemade smokehouse with.

What is a smoke generator?

Any smokehouse should have a compartment in which firewood or chips are placed, the smoke from which affects the smoked product. But the problem is that cold smoking, as mentioned above, can last two to three days, which makes life much more difficult, since you need to constantly maintain the desired temperature, avoiding overheating or, conversely, lack of heat. For these purposes, people came up with such a design as a smoke generator for a smokehouse.

A smoke generator for cold smoking is a device that produces sufficient quantity smoke necessary to maintain the smoking process, and also transfers this smoke to the smoking cabinet.

Sketches or drawings of a smoke generator can be easily found on the Internet. Despite the apparent complexity, if you have a certain skill, simple materials at hand and advice from home craftsmen, you can make the device yourself. Its main advantage is that it can operate automatically and does not require constant monitoring.

The smoke generator device is simple. The main source of smoke in it is shavings, sawdust or wood chips that are inside the generator and slowly smolder. Features of the choice of sawdust can be considered separately, but it is necessary to pay attention to an important subtlety - do not use sawdust from coniferous trees. For smoking, as a rule, exclusively hardwood is used, and fruit chips are also allowed.

The main task of the master is to assemble all parts of the generator housing in such a way as to ensure a uniform supply of smoke to the smoking cabinet.


In order to make a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands, you will need the following elements:

  • Line segment metal pipe. The pipe can be round or square, with a diameter of approximately 100-140 mm. The pipe will be the basis of the device - the chamber in which the formation and movement of smoke will occur.
  • Smaller diameter tubes for making an ejector. The ejector structure is visible in the figures.
  • A spring that will be located inside the chamber. It is only needed so that smoke from the lower layers of sawdust can easily rise upward.
  • A compressor that will supply air to the ejector.
  • Thermometer. Using a thermometer, it will be possible to determine the temperature inside the smoke generator to avoid the possibility of cooling or overheating of the container in which the smoke is generated.

In short, the operating principle of any smoke generator comes down to a simple diagram:

  1. The smoke generator chamber is heated from below by an external heat source, or the sawdust itself smolders in it.
  2. Sawdust gives off smoke smoke.
  3. The smoke rises up and, with the help of an ejector, goes into the chimney, from where it is then directed through a tube into the smoking chamber.

Thus, the smoke generation process is completely automated and does not require any human intervention.

By and large, all these components can be purchased at any hardware or hardware store. To connect the parts of the smoke generator you will also need construction tools such as a grinder and welding machine, but all this can be borrowed from someone for a while.


Often people who are planning to build a smoke generator ask the question “how to make a compressor.” In fact, everything turns out to be simple - just like a smoke generator compressor, a regular computer cooler can work. It is glued from the inside to a piece of plastic bottle, and a hose is put on the neck of the bottle, which goes to the smoke generator. Such a device may well work, although it looks unpresentable.

You can also use an aquarium compressor, many people do this. You can do without a compressor at all, and the smoke generator will also work, but, however, not as efficiently. Air will flow into the smoke generator by gravity, and natural draft will not be enough. Subsequently, this will lead to smoking taking a much longer time, and the result will not be what was expected. That is why it is better to spend a little time and money, but install the simplest compressor in the smoke generator.


As mentioned above, the main components of a smoke generator are: a chamber (a piece of pipe), a chimney, dampers and a compressor. Now the question remains how to put it all together. Everything will be told in order.

First you need to build a camera. Usually the height of the smoke generator reaches 70-80 centimeters. It should have a removable lid on top so that there is access to the inside of the device - for filling with fresh sawdust and for cleaning. At the bottom it is necessary to provide a container for collecting ash.

In the most simple options smoke generator, sawdust is poured directly onto the bottom, which is tightly welded to the lower edge of the pipe. In this case there is no ash pan, and to clean the smoke generator it is simply turned over and shaken out.

In more accurate designs, sawdust is poured onto a grate, which is fixed at some distance from the bottom. The ash formed during the smoldering process spills down through the grate. In such devices, the bottom is often made removable - for example, in the form of a glass, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the container in which the sawdust is located. That is, the glass is simply put on the smoke generator from below and fixed to it with bolts. You can also equip the ash pan chamber with an opening damper, like a stove door. For cleaning ash, this is the most labor-intensive option.

In any of the options, you need to drill a hole with a diameter of 5-6 millimeters in the lower part of the smoke generator for air access. No more is needed, otherwise the sawdust inside may simply catch fire, but they should only smolder, producing smoke.

At the top of the chamber, approximately 7-9 cm below the top edge of the pipe there will be a chimney. As can be seen in the drawing, the chimney pipe is attached to a hole in the wall of the generator; its length can be 7-8 centimeters, so that it is convenient to put on a long plastic tube that goes to the smokehouse. But generally speaking, in stationary versions, the smoke generator is attached directly to the wall of the smokehouse, and the chimney tube directly enters the smoking chamber.

Now you need to assemble the ejector. This is a device that sucks smoke from the smoke generator and directs it into the chimney. Its design is clear from the drawings. A thin tube into which pressure is supplied from the compressor extends a few centimeters into the wider chimney pipe. Due to the movement of air, a slight vacuum appears, and the smoke from the smoke generator chamber goes into the chimney.


Now that all the main parts are connected and securely fastened, all that remains is to assemble the smoke generator to test its operation:

  1. Chips are placed inside the smoke generator, the weight of which is approximately 700-800 grams. As has been repeatedly said, mainly deciduous or fruit trees should be used as sawdust, but not coniferous ones.
  2. The lid closes tightly and the device is installed in its place on the wall of the smokehouse. Or, if you have a freestanding structure, a hose is attached to the chimney leading into the smokehouse.
  3. Through side hole the sawdust inside is ignited and the compressor turns on.

These three simple steps will get the generator up and running and the owner ready to enjoy the most delicious smoked food possible.

All materials used in this article for the design and assembly of the smoke generator are average, that is, approximate. Let's say if you don't find a steel pipe, you can use a milk can, an old fire extinguisher, a deep pan or any metal containers, even from the lightest and softest metals.

The same applies to sizes. The drawings indicate approximate dimensions, and you must relate them to your specific case. Everything will depend on the design of the smokehouse itself.

Also, do not forget that if your smoke generator is connected to the smokehouse with a long hose, then condensation will accumulate in it. The smoke comes out of the device hot and cools as it moves through the hose, so it will inevitably release moisture. If you do not remove it, it can completely clog the hose! Therefore, provide a tee on the hose through which water will flow into the bottle.

Smoking is not only a way to increase the shelf life of meat or fish. This method improves their taste. This is why smoked products are so popular today.

In this review we will talk about an integral element of a cold smoked smokehouse, or more precisely about how to make a smoke generator with your own hands.

Specifics of the concept

The source of smoke for any type of smoking is a fire. But for the cold smoking method you need smoke with a temperature of no more than 40°C. Moreover, the process itself can last several days and all this time the temperature must be carefully controlled, otherwise the technology will be disrupted. This is why the smoke generator was invented.

A smoke generator is a smokehouse element that produces smoke in the volume required to maintain the smoking process and transfers it to the smoking cabinet. You can buy it, or you can make it yourself.

As you can see in the photo of a self-made smoke generator, it is a small-sized device into which sawdust or wood chips are poured. There they slowly smolder and form smoke.

It's closed, completely autonomous system. The principle of operation is based on heating sawdust and smoldering without access to oxygen. There can be many design solutions. Factory-produced models are equipped with switches, temperature control sensors, and a chip dosing mechanism.

Generators may vary in size. The larger the device, the larger the volume of the smokehouse it is intended for.

At self-production smoke generator drawings can be found on specialized websites on the Internet. It is not difficult.

Structural device

The design of a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands includes:

Making the device yourself is much more economical than purchasing a purchased version. Moreover, you do not need any special tools or equipment. All materials can be purchased on the construction market.


Often, a person who decides to take on making a smoke generator with his own hands has a question about the compressor. How to make it? It's simple.

You will need a regular computer cooler. It must be glued to the inside of a piece of plastic bottle, and a hose must be put on the neck. The compressor for the smoke generator is ready! It is quite functional, although it looks unpresentable.

An aquarium compressor will also work. You don't have to use this element at all. The design will work without it, but not as effectively.

Safety precautions

Before assembling the device, you must study the main safety points:

Fuel for smoke generator

Most factory models are equipped with an electric or gas firebox. But this is financially expensive. Therefore, if you are going to make a smoke generator with your own hands, then it must be one that runs on sawdust and wood chips.

Advantages of such a device:

It is preferable to choose sawdust from deciduous trees. Coniferous trees are not suitable as fuel. They will spoil the food, giving it bitterness.

The grind size plays an important role. So, if you plan to use small wood chips, then you will need to add a spring to the smoke generator device so that the smoke passes unhindered.

Home-made smoked products are a real delicacy, especially if they are made using a homemade smokehouse with a smoke generator made from a pipe with your own hands. Therefore, if you do not yet have such a unit, we recommend that you take the time to assemble it.

DIY photo of smoke generators

There are always a variety of cold smoked products on the shelves of grocery stores. Unfortunately, the quality and taste of such “delicacies,” so to speak, are far from perfect. The problem is in the manufacturing technology.

Over the past few decades, in Food Industry are actively used chemicals, under the general name " liquid smoke" Meat or fish are immersed in the solution for some time, acquiring a characteristic appearance and aroma. It is clear that this process has nothing to do with smoking.

Important! These additives are certified and approved for use. The harmful effects on the body are no greater than from any other additives and flavorings.

But we want natural product! Therefore, real gourmets prefer to organize cold smoking themselves, using old antiquated technologies.

To meet the needs of workers, various smoking units are available for sale, both for hot and cold smoking.

Classic technology involves spaced chambers connected by a long tunnel in which the smoke is cooled. As a result, no heat treatment is performed, and the smoked product remains as soft as if it had just been cooked.

Instructions: how to make a simple cold smoked smoke generator

To make a simple smoke generator you will need:

  1. Three-liter tin can
  2. Tin liter can
  3. 4 screws
  4. Half inch tube
  5. Half-inch fitting with adapter for rubber hose
  6. ½ coupling for connecting the fitting and tube

Let's start production

How does a cold smoking machine work?

The cameras are located at different levels. The height difference regulates the draft in the chimney and affects the intensity of smoke cooling. The difference can be up to 1 meter.

Important! To install such an installation, free space is required, and a natural slope of the ground is desirable.

Such conditions are not always available in the courtyard of a private house or on a summer cottage. Moreover, the construction of a real smokehouse involves engineering work.

In the lower chamber (let's call it the firebox) smoke is formed. There are several options:

  • This can be a relatively sealed container in which, with a weak influx of fresh air, fuel (chips or sawdust) smolders intensely. The inlet damper regulates the flow of fresh air. It should be insufficient to cause a fire, while at the same time ensuring normal draft in the chimney;
  • The second method is a two-chamber firebox. An open fire is lit under the brazier, and a metal sheet material is poured to create smoke (the same sawdust or wood chips). Draft is generated in the upper chamber, only for smoke.