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Holidays and events of March.

Today is March 12th. Holidays and Events:

March 12 – Day of workers of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia
March 12 - The February bourgeois-democratic revolution began in Russia
Events of March 12 that happened in the world, in different years

March 12 is the professional holiday of employees of the penal system (penal system) of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. In 1879 the Emperor Russian Alexander III issued a Decree on the creation of a prison department, which laid the foundation for a unified state system of execution of punishments in Russia.
The selfless work of the employees of this structure is aimed at the triumph of justice and the rule of law, which are the guarantors of law and order in the state.
Unfortunately, the crime rate in the country remains quite high today. There are many social and economic reasons for this. However, the overwhelming majority of our fellow citizens, despite all the existing difficulties, lead a respectable lifestyle, respect the law and do not cross its lines.
Therefore, the main purpose of the work of employees of the penitentiary system is to protect this law-abiding majority from various criminal attacks and return fellow citizens who have stumbled and broken the law into a full-fledged, healthy society.

In 1917, the February bourgeois-democratic revolution began in Russia. Overthrow of the Tsarist autocracy. Formation of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.
February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917, the second Russian revolution, as a result of which the autocracy was overthrown and conditions were created for the transition to the socialist stage of the revolution.

1169 - Andrei Bogolyubsky captured Kyiv and burned it.
1229 - The Crusader army occupied Jerusalem.
1519 - Hernan Cortes landed with a detachment of Spanish conquistadors in what is now Mexico.
1609 - Bermuda became a British colony.
1714 - Emperor Peter I issued a decree on the opening of digital schools for the education of “young children from different ranks.”
1770 - The St. Petersburg English Assembly (English Club) was founded.
1798 - Decree allowing Old Believers to build churches in all dioceses.
1881 - France established a protectorate over Tunisia.
1896 - In St. Petersburg, on the premises of the university, the world's first radiogram was transmitted using a device invented by A. S. Popov.
1899 - The first international hockey match took place in the Russian Empire. This happened in St. Petersburg, near the Tuchkov Bridge, right on the ice of the Malaya Neva. The Russian team "SPORT" and the English team who lived in the Russian capital played. The score is 4:4.
1911 - Dr. Fletcher of the Rockefeller Institute discovered the causes of cerebral palsy (CP).
1912 - The Girl Guides movement (later called the Boy Scouts) is founded in the United States of America.
1913 - Canberra became the capital of Australia.
1917 - February Revolution in Russia (February 27, old style) - The Council of Elders of the 4th State Duma, on behalf of a private meeting of its members, formed the Provisional Committee of the State Duma, which was headed by Rodzianko:
1918 - A message is published that Moscow has become the capital (the government moved a day earlier).
- The transition of ships of the Soviet Baltic Fleet from Helsingfors (Helsinki) to Kronstadt began. Logged in Soviet history like "Ice March".
1922 - Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan formed the TSFSR, a federal republic that became part of the USSR.
1924 - Polish Minister of War General Wladyslaw Sikorski banned women serving in the ministry from wearing silk stockings and “other ladies’ rubbish.”
1928 - The former British colony of Malta became a British dominion.
1933 - German President Hindenburg banned the Republican flag and ordered the Imperial and Nazi flags to be flown side by side.
1940 - ended Soviet-Finnish war. The USSR and Finland concluded a peace treaty, according to which Vyborg and Western Karelia were transferred to the former.
1944 - the ISU-122 self-propelled artillery mount was adopted by the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.
1945 - The Ukrainian National Committee was created in Berlin, which tried to create a “Ukrainian army” from the remnants of the SS-Galicia division.
1946 - The 1st session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd convocation opened.
- The leader of the Hungarian fascists and Hitler's ally Ferenc Szalasi was executed.
1951 - the Law “On the Protection of Peace” was adopted in the USSR.
1964 - Dissident General Pyotr Grigorenko was sent for psychiatric examination to the Institute. Serbian.
1968 - Mauritius gained independence, and exactly 24 years later (March 12, 1992) became a Republic.
1974 - The Mars 6 station landed on Mars, transmitting to Earth for the first time data about the atmosphere and soil of this planet.
1990 - The Third Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR opened, which took place for four days, at which Article 6 of the USSR Constitution on the leading role of the Communist Party was abolished.
1999 - The Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary joined NATO.
2011 - an explosion occurred at the Japanese Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, damaged by an earthquake. The radiation level near the station exceeded the norm by 20 times.

Good-natured and charming, you are friendly and full of youthful exuberance and enthusiasm. Thanks to your high spirit and idealism, you will retain your youth longer than others. Nature has endowed you with clairvoyance and psychic abilities.

You were born on March 12, zodiac sign Pisces. The peculiar mixture of materialism and idealism implied by your birthday indicates that, despite your determination, ambition and business acumen, you are capable of getting carried away, care about your image and strive for a prosperous life.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will find out what the planets say about your personality.

You are a quick learner and understand that the path to success lies through acquiring and creatively applying new skills.

A penchant for parapsychology and telepathy can lead you to mysticism. You have deep insight and strong feelings, and your inquisitive mind seeks to penetrate to the very essence of things. With true inspiration, you are determined to work hard and achieve prosperity and fame.

Kind-hearted, adaptable and outgoing, you are witty, entertaining and crave recognition and popularity.

You care about your image, it is important for you to look blooming and fit, and therefore you spend a lot of money on clothes and luxury items.

You love independence, but you understand that joint efforts and cooperation promise benefits and success. Being responsible, you often make a significant contribution to the common good.

Between the ages of 9 and 38, you will gradually become more confident and ambitious, deciding to take the initiative, initiate new projects, or be more decisive in your relationships with others.

At the age of 39, there will be a turning point, after which the pace of your life will slow down and you will need more stability and financial security. From age 69, you will develop an increased interest in communicating and exchanging ideas.

Personal qualities of those born on March 12

Despite your talents and skills, without the necessary effort and determination, your potential will remain unrealized.

Your optimism and youthful enthusiasm indicate idealism and love of life.

To prevent your many interests and activities from leading to uncertainty and dispersion, you need to have clear goals and learn to focus your attention on them.

Smart and ambitious, you can oscillate between what interests you and what promises material reward.

Deep down, you strive for an easy and prosperous life, but the thirst for inspiration forces you to work hard to bring your ideals to life.

Therefore, it is especially important for Pisces born on March 12 to learn to accept right decisions and strictly follow their implementation. Your remarkable ability to captivate people's hearts will remain with you throughout your life.

Work and vocation of those born on March 12

Personal charm and sociability will help you achieve success in any activity related to people. Organizational skills will allow you to reach the top in your chosen profession.

The gift of speech will bring success in literature and education to those born on March 12th. Artistry and the need for self-expression may draw you into art, music, or the world of entertainment. Original, talented and thoughtful, you will be able to combine your business sense and good knowledge people and achieve material success.

Love and partnership born on March 12

The ability to easily find friends speaks of sociability and easy-going character. As a rule, you have many interests and like to combine work and pleasure.

You admire those who have achieved creative or material success, and with your ability to communicate, you are able to benefit from your contacts and connections.

To make your relationship last longer, you should choose your partners more carefully.

With your warmth and creative approach to life, you can inspire others, but you must learn to be more open in expressing your own needs.

An ideal partner for those born on March 12th

It is better for you to look for a partner for love and long-term relationships among those born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 6, 8, 14, 23, 26, 28; February 4, 10, 12, 21, 24, 26; March 2, 10, 12, 19, 22, 24; April 8, 14, 17, 20, 22; May 6, 15, 16, 18, 20; June 4, 13, 16, 18, 28; July 2, 11, 14, 16, 20; August 9, 12, 14, 22; September 7, 10, 12, 24; October 5, 8, 10, 23, 26; November 3, 6, 8, 15, 28; December 1, 4, 6, 30.
  • Favorable contacts : January 9, 12; February 7, 10; March 5, 8; April 3, 6; May 14; June 2, 30; July 28th; August 26, 30, 31; September 24, 28, 29; October 22, 26, 27; November 20, 24, 25; December 18, 22, 23, 29.
  • Soulmate : January 12, 29; February 10, 27; March 8, 25; April 6, 23; May 4, 21; June 2, 19; July 17th; August 15; September 13; October 11; November 9; December 7.
  • Fatal attraction : 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 September.
  • Troubled relationships: January 11, 13, 29; February 9, 11; March 7, 9, 30; April 5, 7, 28; May 3, 5, 26, 31; June 1, 3, 24, 29; July 1, 22, 27; August 20, 25; September 18, 23, 30; October 16, 21, 28; November 14, 19, 26; December 12, 17, 24.

It seems like an ordinary day, but not for China. It was on this date that everything local residents must plant one green seedling each. It's no surprise that China has so much vegetation throughout its territory.

Russian events March 12, 2019

Day of workers of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

Every year on March 12, Russia celebrates this professional holiday. The date for the establishment of the celebration was chosen because on March 12, 1879, Russian Emperor Alexander II issued a Decree. This decree spoke about the creation of the beginning of the prison department, which marked the beginning of the organization of a unified state system execution of punishments in Russia. But in fact, the beginning of the provision of punishments in the Russian state for murder, theft or theft is attributed to the 10th-15th centuries.

Particularly severe punishments were applied to thieves. Any person could kill a thief if he caught him at the crime scene. In 1497 and 1950, the Code of Laws were one of the first legislative acts in the existence of the punishment policy of the Russian centralized state. The documents tell us that the punishments became more and more frightening and cruel, and the system of fines was replaced death penalty. For many years, the penal system was under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But since there was then a reform of the state system and a transition to democratic forms of government, the documents showed the transition of the penal system to the department of the Ministry of Justice. On October 8, 1997, the President of Russia issued a decree “on the formation of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.” Today the number of employees is more than 300 thousand people.

What holidays are celebrated around the world on March 12, 2019

Arbor Day in China

This spring festival is celebrated every year in China and Taiwan. On March 12, the day of the death of the outstanding revolutionary Sun Yat-sen, every year, green spaces are planted in countries. Sun Yat-sen once took the initiative of mass tree planting. Today, the leaders of the party and state are personally participating.

At the fourth session of the Fifth National People's Congress of China in 1981, the government adopted a Resolution to conduct a nationwide voluntary tree planting campaign. The resolution also states that every capable citizen of the country from 11 to 60 years of age must plant and grow from three to five trees per year. And if for some reason it was not possible to plant a tree, then it is necessary to perform work of an equivalent volume - cultivation, sowing, weeding, and so on.

This initiative of the country's leadership was immediately supported by the Chinese population. And despite the fact that not all residents take part in it, the scope itself is simply enormous. About 500 million Chinese take part in the events every year. So since 2008, about 50 billion seedlings have been planted in the country.

March 12, 2019 in the folk calendar

Prokop Perezimny, Road Destroyer

On such a day, people remember Procopius Decapolite, who was a confessor and lived in the 8th century. As a rule, real spring came to Prokop and the snow melted. Winter roads no longer existed. The people also said: Prokop Zimny ​​will dig a road, but Prokop Perezimny will destroy it.

So, before leaving the yard, people had to listen to the road to see if it was reliable. You also had to listen to the drops: if they were heavy, then it was better not to go on a long journey just yet. But if the drops were good, then you could go into the forest and hunt a hare. By the way, hunters also had their own signs. For example, if a hare crosses the road, it means bad luck.

And if the dog does the same, then there will be no food. But there was no need to expect great success either. The ancestors also watched the willow on such a day. If the willow buds began to bloom from the top of the head, then you can start sowing earlier. But if the tree is fluffy at the top, then there is no need to rush yet; a second sowing will be good. The peasants were also waiting for snowdrops. As soon as the flowers appeared, it meant it was time to start hunting.

Which people celebrate their name day on March 12, 2019

Makar, Mikhail, Nison, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Julian, Yakov.

What happened in the world on March 12

  • 1365 – University of Vienna founded.
  • 1839 – a dress called a tutu was used for the first time in ballet.
  • 1918 – Moscow regained its status as the capital of Russia.
  • 1940 – an agreement was signed to end the Soviet-Finnish war.
  • 1968 – the island of Mauritius gained independence from England.

What personalities were born on March 12

  1. Vasily Bazhenov 1737 – Russian artist-architect.
  2. Vladimir Vernadsky 1863 – Russian naturalist.
  3. Mustafa Kemal 1881 – founder and first president of the Turkish Republic.
  4. Vaslav Nijinsky 1889 – Russian dancer and choreographer.
  5. Hjalmar Johan Andersen 1923 – Norwegian speed skater.
  6. Harry Harrison 1925 - American science fiction writer.
  7. Valentin Chernykh 1935 – Soviet and Russian screenwriter and playwright.
  8. Zurab Sotkilava 1937 – Georgian and Russian opera singer.
  9. Boris Durov 1937 – Soviet director.
  10. Grigory Gorin 1940 - Soviet and Russian playwright.
  11. Liza Minnelli 1946 – American singer and actress.
  12. Irina Ponarovskaya 1953 – Soviet and Russian pop singer.

Day of workers of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice The day was not chosen by chance; Alexander II issued a decree in 1879, March 12, according to which a prison department was created. It is difficult to imagine in what dangerous conditions representatives of this profession have to work.

On this holiday, they have the opportunity to hear the words of gratitude from millions of Russians for a peaceful and calm life.

Holidays around the world

Arbor Day It is interesting that this holiday is celebrated by two states at once - China and Macedonia, located in different parts of the planet. Residents of countries that are separated by thousands of kilometers come out into nature on this day to increase the amount of green space on the planet, and thus make this world a cleaner and better place.

Girl Scout Day The scouting movement is widespread in many European and American schools. The holiday is celebrated in the USA, since on this day, in 1912, a girls' organization was founded. The joining of girls in the scouting movement made it possible, firstly, to make their pastime interesting and useful, and secondly, to increase physical activity.

Mauritius Independence Day The island African state, located in the Indian Ocean, celebrates liberation from the yoke of the colonialists on this day. This not very beautiful role was played first by the French, then by representatives of England.

Today Mauritius is a free country, developing through tourism, on Independence Day settlements decorated with national flags, many official events and vibrant concert programs take place.

Purim One of the famous Jewish holidays is associated with the legend of the miraculous salvation of Jews. The name of the holiday comes from the word “pur”, which translates as “feast, feast”.

Nowhere does it say that the day should be a non-working day; in the book of Esther, in which the first mention of Purim was found, it is suggested to have fun on this day, give gifts to each other, and take care of the poor.

Holidays according to the national calendar March 12, 2019

Prokop Perezimny The appearance of this name is correlated with the name of Procopius (Gregory) Decapolitus, a monk who lived in the 8th century. He gained fame due to the fact that he knew how to cast out demons, relieved bodily ailments, and was a seer.

The second name of the national holiday is “Road Destroyer”, it is clear that spring was coming into its own, and muddy conditions began on the roads.

In Orthodoxy - Procopius, Titus, Peter, Michael.

In Catholicism, Gregory (the same Gregory, Procopius), Theophan, Maximilian.

Events in the history of this date

Landing of Hernán Cortés in Mexico (1519) The famous Spanish conquistador and his team landed on lands that now belong to the Mexicans. From the positive aspects of that landing - the Europeans learned what chocolate and vanilla are, from the negative consequences - the conquest of Mexico, the complete destruction of the Aztec state.

The publication of the first Russian student in geometry (1708) From then on, students began to study what “Pythagorean pants” and similar rules are. The title of the book is “Geometry of Slavic land surveying,” that is, it was assumed that the textbook would help in practice in land surveying, which in Russia at all times caused a lot of controversy.

The first radiogram on the planet was sent This event could not have happened without the participation of A. Popov, the Russian genius who invented radio. Using a device also developed by the scientist, a radiogram was sent to St. Petersburg University. Later, words of gratitude to the inventors were more than once spoken by the captains of ships that were in disaster in the world's oceans.

Canberra became the new capital of Australia (1913) Interestingly, this Australian city is chosen as a compromise. Large cities – Sydney and Melbourne – equally claimed capital status.

The choice of Canberra as the official capital allowed the conflict to be resolved gently, without moral damage to representatives of either side, to the great joy of all residents.

Celebrities born on this day

  • 1685 - George Berkeley, considered the father of modern realism;
  • 1863 - Vladimir Vernadsky, brilliant Russian scientist, creator of the science of the biosphere;
  • 1937 - singer Zurab Sotkilava;
  • 1946 - the great American singer and actress Liza Minnelli.

Girl Scouts Day in USA

The Girl Scouts is an educational and voluntary movement that helps young people develop fully, think independently, and make good decisions in life. The mission of the Girl Scouts is to assist in the educational process of youth, instill true values, build better world, where every teenager can become a self-realized person. The organization tries to achieve its goal by involving the young population in educational process, using a specific method that helps people develop psychologically and feel more confident in society, assisting in the creation of a value system as a control center for all humanity. And to raise money for their causes, they sell cookies.

Day of Penitentiary System Workers

On March 12, 1879, in Russia, Alexander II established a law on the organization of the prison department. The emperor's decree marked the beginning of the formation of a state penal system in the country. For many years, the criminal executive body was in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and only with the transition to a democratic method of management, it came under the control of the Ministry of Justice. From 1997 to 1998, President Boris Yeltsin adopted a number of laws that were able to complete the stage of complete transition. Currently, the number of employees of the penal system in the Russian Federation has exceeded 300,000 people. The purpose of the system is to prevent any criminal attacks, as well as to promote the correction and return to a full-fledged society of citizens who have violated the law.

March 12 in the folk calendar

Prokop-Road Destroyer, Prokop-Perezimniy

On March 12, people honor the memory of Saint Procopius Decapolite, who lived in the eighth century and was a confessor.

On Procopius, as peasants in Rus' noticed, spring completely takes the reins into its own hands - the frosts recede, the roads begin to be free of snow. People gossiped about this: “The snow lay and lay on Prokop-Perezimny, and then ran away into the river.” Before leaving the yard, people carefully checked the road to see if it was strong. They also listened to the drops. It was believed that if it was abundant, it meant it was unsafe to go on a long journey. But when there was little rain, men went into the forest and hunted animals. By the way, hunters on this day had their own signs. For example, if a hare crosses the road along the way, this is not good. If a dog crosses the road ahead, the hunt will be unsuccessful.

The peasants also observed the willow tree. The blossoming of her buds from the top of her head indicated that the harvest should be sown earlier this year. We also looked forward to the blossoming of snowdrops: as soon as they appear, plowing can begin.

Historical events of March 12

The tutu is a fluffy multi-layered light ballet dress. The “debut” show of the outfit took place at the premiere of the ballet La Sylphide, which took place on the stage of the Royal Academy. The first pack was made according to a sketch by the then famous fashion designer Eugene Lamy. It is only natural that ballet attire has changed shape and style many times over the years. At the end of the 19th century, the tutu of the artist Anna Pavlova was very different from the modern one. Anna loved to improvise with outfits and decorate dresses with various accessories. In addition, the dress had a longer shape than it does now.

March 12, 1904– The first electric trains, more simply called electric trains, were launched in Great Britain. An electric train is a type of public transport that receives energy for movement from an external contact network through current collectors. As you know, electric trains are widely used in major cities and, unlike other modes of transport, do not affect the environment. In Russia, the first electric trains appeared a little later - in 1926.

Since the beginning of the 14th century, the residence of the Moscow princes was located in long-suffering Moscow, the capital of Russia. However, in the 18th century the capital was moved to St. Petersburg, which did not prevent rulers from continuing to be crowned in Moscow. In 1812, the city fell under the onslaught of a strong flame, and it took a lot of time to completely restore it. For protection, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was built. The status of the capital returned to Moscow shortly after the October Revolution, according to the resolution of the Fourth All-Russian Congress of Soviets.

The island of Mauritius, located in the vast Indian Ocean, gained independence from England in 1968, while remaining a “member” of the British Commonwealth. Twenty-four years later, the island of Mauritius declared itself a republic.

The discovery of the island belongs to the Portuguese. It was they who first set foot on its lands at the beginning of the 16th century. Since then he has wandered from hand to hand. At first Mauritius belonged to the Dutch, then to the French. And later - to the British. Today, about a million people live in the republic, the main population being Indians and Africans. The economy of Mauritius is based mainly on the cultivation of sugar cane. Banking, offshore and tourism businesses are also thriving here. On this moment the island is one of the most prosperous countries on the African continent.

Born on March 12

— March 12, 1953 was born Irina Ponarovskaya- popular singer, film actress. A girl was born in St. Petersburg into the family of an outstanding musician who specialized in jazz. IN early age Irina showed a talent for music, and her grandmother sent her to music school. Ponarovskaya grew up as an overweight child and a little strange, which is why she was an object of ridicule from her peers. But, having matured, the girl turned from an ugly duckling into a swan. And for many years now, Ira has been called the most elegant lady on the Russian stage.

- In 1685, an original thinker of his time, missionary, bishop, innovator and retrograde was born - George Berkeley. A tireless debater, Berkeley attacked many scientific theories, refuting the works of some theologians, mathematicians and physicists. Berkeley's worldview succumbed to mass criticism, however, centuries later, with the development of technology and equipment, science confirmed the bishop was right.

— 1738 – year of birth Vasily Bazhenov, who became a great architect, the founder of Russian classicism. Even in his youth, Louis the Fifteenth liked his talent, and he eventually offered the teenager a position as a court painter, but Bazhenov refused the tempting offer, exchanging court life for a very simple existence in his homeland.

— Born in 1889 Vaslav Nijinsky- a great Russian dancer, choreographer, unsurpassed star of Russian ballet. One of his productions, “The Rite of Spring,” staged in Paris, became popular throughout the world thanks to the scandal that erupted.

- On this day in 1937, a brilliant film director and screenwriter was born - Boris Durov. Behind him there is more than one higher education. In 1967, Durov directed the film Vertical with V. Vysotsky, and 12 years later the beloved film Pirates of the 20th Century, which became the box office leader in the early 80s. Durov also shot such films as “The Tale of a Chekist”, “I Can’t Say Goodbye”, “Here is My Village” and many others. His last work was the mystical mini-series “The Secret Sign”.

Name day March 12

Maximilian, Finna, Victoria, Makar, Mikhail, Procopius, Peter, Timofey, Stefan, Jacob, Fedor.