Pomegranate juice is not that uncommon these days. You can easily buy it in a store, and the fruit itself is sold both in summer and winter.

The benefits of this miracle of nature are undeniable. Scientists claim that it contains almost all known vitamins and minerals. Beauty, health, great well-being - this is what you will get if you make it a rule to use this product daily. described here. In any case, it is clear that this is an irreplaceable storehouse of all the best that nature has come up with for our immunity.

However, those who are interested in a real quality product will doubt the usefulness of the purchased one. There are preservatives, heat treatment, and additives so that it can be stored for a long time and be more economical to produce. What to do? Shouldn't you drink at all?

Well, first of all, you can simply eat pomegranate fruits - beneficial features remain the same. True, not everyone likes the presence of seeds in it. It is especially difficult for children to chew them, spitting out what is left.

How to drink this juice?

Before we tell you how to make pomegranate juice at home, it is necessary to mention that you need to drink it diluted. Otherwise it will be too concentrated. Like . It can be diluted with clean water 1:1, and the most delicious thing is to mix it with juice that you have just squeezed yourself: from carrots, apples, beets... Some people like to make the proportion more diluted so that there is still less pomegranate juice in it.

Another health rule: regularity is important: you are unlikely to gain strength and strengthen your immune system if you drink this healing nectar once or twice. Only constant use of this health drink guarantees excellent results. A small condition: consult your doctor. Not everyone can undergo treatment with pomegranate juice; there are contraindications.

How to squeeze pomegranate juice yourself?

So, here we come to the answer to how to do it yourself. Nothing could be easier! There are several options for you to choose from.


It’s simple: squeeze out the inside of the pomegranate (after cleaning it and disassembling it into “seeds”) using a good screw juicer. Films (internal partitions) and peel will add bitterness to the juice, so it is best to remove them.

Check out our other delicious recipes:

Blender + water

Is there no such unit? Or maybe there is a blender? Then place the seeds of one pomegranate in a blender and add a glass of water (you will still mix the juice with water later). Turn it on at full power and turn everything into a puree-like mass. After this, you need to strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth several times - and the nectar of health is ready for use.

Hand press

There is such a unit for manually squeezing juice. Some people manage to get the precious drops using a manual citrus juicer. If there is nothing at all, put the grains in a plastic bag and crush them (for example, with a pestle). After making a hole in the bag, drain the juice, but it will not be enough.

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If you spent your childhood in the harsh climate of northern latitudes, then this unusual, sweet and sour taste may be familiar to you from those times. As soon as they reached the warmer climes, caring mothers immediately began to put into action a plan for “vitaminization” of their weakened children. And not the last place in it was occupied by pomegranate juice.

Year after year, spending the summer in the same resort town, my sister and I were constantly tortured by this drink. Everything was furnished very decently: a man who lived next door to our landlady brought a small bowl of pomegranates into the yard every day and treated the surrounding children to it. Visiting mothers sent their offspring to treat themselves to juice without fail.

The neighbor sat on a bench, chose a larger berry (a pomegranate, it turns out, is a berry), performed cunning manipulations, working hard with his hands, and then poked a hole in the rind with a knife and gave the fruit to one of the children. After this, the juice from the pomegranate came out quite easily, and it had to be drunk directly from the hole.

As I already said, we drank it for the most part without much pleasure. Children most often do not like the acidity and tartness of pomegranate juice. But there was most likely a point in such summer therapy.

The pomegranate, or as it was called in ancient times, the “Carthaginian apple” (“Punic apple”), was used in ancient medicine. It also found wide use in cooking: it is still used to make delicious salads, unusual sauces for fish and meat, syrups.
For these purposes, both grains and pomegranate juice are used.

What is so wonderful about this fruit?
Pomegranate juice is considered very beneficial for anemia, since it contains a lot gland. It can even be used to treat this disease. The patient, along with a special diet, is prescribed to drink up to one glass of juice from the guarantor three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment averages 3 months.

Pomegranate is also rich B vitamins , and 100 grams of juice from the guarantor will provide 15% of the daily value of vitamin C. It is also noteworthy that by antioxidant content Pomegranate juice can be said to be a champion, as it outperforms almost all healthy juices in this indicator.

During illness, pomegranate juice can be taken as a anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent . It is also good for improving digestion, giving a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Use in medicinal purposes You can also use peels - they will help get rid of worms and save you from diarrhea.
The seeds of this fruit have a positive effect on stabilizing hormonal levels, which is very useful for women, especially during menopause.

As a home cosmetic product Pomegranate juice can be used to prepare masks and scrubs for oily and problem skin (due to its anti-inflammatory effect), and lotions for hair care are also prepared from it.

Basically, as already mentioned, pomegranate juice is used. However, anyone who has seen how this fruit “works” understands that squeezing the juice is not at all easy. On an industrial scale, juice is squeezed out using special presses. This is the juice that goes on sale.
When choosing pomegranate juice in factory packaging, you need to pay attention to the composition of the drink. Natural juice must be 100% natural without any additives and prepared through pasteurization.

If there is water there, then the juice is most likely reconstituted, and if among the ingredients, in addition to this, there is also fruit puree along with sweeteners, this is actually nectar, with a juice content of about 30%.

You can only be sure of the quality of the juice if you squeeze it yourself. There are several ways to do this.

How to extract juice from a pomegranate using a juicer.

If you have one, very good. Just before squeezing, do not forget to peel the fruit and remove all white partitions and films. If this is not done, the pomegranate juice will acquire a bitter-sour taste.

How to extract juice from a pomegranate using a citrus juicer.

The juicer you use to squeeze out your morning orange juice is also suitable for pomegranates. Only the juice, again, will have a taste. Because you won't be able to completely peel the fruit. After all, in order to squeeze juice out of a pomegranate, you will have to cut the fruit in half and press it with a press onto a special cone, as you do with citrus fruits. The peel will remain, but some of the bitterness from the partitions may make itself felt.

How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate manually

The most common is the method of our “resort” neighbor. Choose a large or medium-sized fruit with red, dry skin. You need to make sure that there are no stains or flaws on the crust. It is believed that a ripe pomegranate is heavier in weight than it looks.

Then they knead it thoroughly in their hands on all sides (this part is best left to men; for example, I never had the strength to squeeze out more than a tablespoon), then make a hole with a knife and pour the juice into a glass.
The output from one fruit will be, frankly speaking, a little liquid. However, it still depends on the strength and patience of the squeezer.

If you need a little juice, for example, to add to a cosmetic mask or sauce, then you can try using a sieve. Then it is squeezed out with a ladle, much like you wipe fruit.
The method doesn’t seem very successful to me, but they say it works quite well.

How to eat pomegranate correctly

Pomegranate seeds are usually used for salads and simply as dessert. In this case, you need to clean it carefully, removing the peel and selecting all the white films (due to bitterness).
There is a way to quickly peel the fruit. It's done like this.
We take the pomegranate and carefully, without damaging the “internal contents,” cut off the top part. Then, just as carefully, cut the peel a little with a knife. Place the prepared fruit in cold water for five minutes.

Then, right in the water, divide the pomegranate into pieces. The grains should separate freely and sink to the bottom of the dish. Now our task is to remove all excess from the bowl, drain the water, and dry the grains.

The question is often asked: What is the correct way to eat pomegranate, with or without seeds?

The important thing here is not how to eat pomegranate correctly, but how you like it best. In my opinion, it can be done either way. Seedless grains - the same juice from pomegranate. Grains with seeds are an additional portion of nutrients (see above about hormonal levels).

As you can see, pomegranate is a very healthy fruit. But if you are going to eat it or drink pomegranate juice, be aware of its astringent properties, which means it can cause constipation.
You also need to be careful if you take pomegranate juice to improve immunity - for this purpose you need to drink a glass a week. The acid can irritate the stomach and damage enamel. Therefore, for regular use, it is recommended to dilute the juice with water.

If you love or can’t stand pomegranate juice, or know any other beneficial properties or uses, share your experience with us! Or maybe you have your own opinion about how to properly eat pomegranate? We will be happy to learn about this too.

Garnet is one of the valuable and healthy fruits. Thanks to magnesium, ascorbic acid, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and many other elements, the intestinal microflora improves. Citrus juice has antiseptic properties, while pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant. As a result of regular consumption of juice, free radicals are eliminated from the body. To get your health in order, you need to drink pomegranate juice at least twice a week.

Useful qualities of pomegranate juice

  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • strengthens blood vessels and capillaries;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • accelerates the hematopoietic function of the brain;
  • strengthens the “chair”;
  • increases immunity during flu, colds;
  • gives vigor, raises morale;
  • restores the body after surgery or illness;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • removes poisons, free radicals, toxins from the body;
  • reduces the number of strokes and heart attacks.

How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate

  1. Traditionally, the juice is extracted by hand. Rinse the pomegranate and scrub it well with a sponge. Immerse in boiling water for 1 minute to partially soften the peel.
  2. Use a sharp knife to cut off the crown. Make several oblong cuts along the shell. Place the fruit in cool water for a couple of minutes. Without removing the pomegranate from the liquid, break it.
  3. You will receive several sections different sizes, the grains will fall out easily. Continue to retrieve them underwater. Now catch the grains and leave them to dry on a towel.
  4. Next, wrap the pomegranate particles with cling film or place them in several plastic bags. Place contents on cutting surface.
  5. Take a rolling pin and roll it over the pomegranate seeds. Prepare a decanter or glass and make a hole in a plastic bag. Express the juice.
  6. Leave the drink alone for 1-2 hours, during which time the composition will form a sediment. Carefully pour the juice without stirring up the particles at the bottom. To drink the juice, dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

  • granulated sugar - amount to taste
  • ripe pomegranates - 900 gr.
  • drinking water - 450 ml.
  1. First of all, you need to rinse the pomegranates, then wipe them. Pour cold water into a basin. Cut off the “crown” from each fruit and make several cuts along the peel.
  2. Place the fruits in a bowl and break each pomegranate into individual pieces. Carefully remove the grains; they will float to the surface on their own. Now get rid of the film.
  3. The peel should not be thrown away; delicious decoctions are made from it. As for the grains, catch them and dry them. Transfer to a blender bowl and turn into porridge.
  4. The resulting liquid with crushed seeds should be placed on 5 layers of bandage or gauze. This is how the juice is squeezed out. After getting rid of solid particles, leave the composition for 2 hours, remove from the sediment.
  5. You can start adding sugar, the best option it will become powder. The drink is sweetened according to personal preferences, but traditionally 25 grams are added. sand per 100 ml. drink
  6. After the sugar crystals have dissolved, pour in drinking water. Microwave the drink for 45-60 seconds to warm up the juice. Then cool it, remove it from the sediment again, and taste it.

Pomegranate juice with currants

  • fresh squeezed apple juice - 1.3 l.
  • pomegranate juice (strained) - 1.5 l.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • black currant - 2 kg.
  • granulated sugar - to your taste
  1. Rinse the currants, place in a sieve and let the liquid drain. Place the fruits in a blender bowl and puree them. Place the mixture on cheesecloth, squeeze out the juice and filter thoroughly.
  2. Prepare pomegranate juice by hand, combine with currant and apple juice (you can buy it). Squeeze the liquid out of the lemon and filter as well.
  3. Add granulated sugar to taste. It will take a long time to dissolve, so the drink can be heated. Never bring juice to a boil. After the crystals have dissolved, remove the sediment and roll the drink into jars.

Pomegranate juice with almonds

  • lemon zest - 60-70 gr.
  • squeezed pomegranate juice - 900 ml.
  • nutmeg - 3 gr.
  • chopped cinnamon - 3 pinches
  • granulated sugar - to taste
  • almonds - 70 gr.
  • cloves - 6 buds
  1. First of all, you need to squeeze the juice out of pomegranates using any method. You will receive 900 ml. clean drink. Fry the almonds in a dry frying pan, then grind them with a coffee grinder.
  2. Add ground cinnamon, nutmeg, granulated sugar (preferably powder) to taste to the nut crumbs. Mash the cloves and add them here. Grate the lemon zest and add to the total mass.
  3. Now pour in the concentrated grapefruit juice and put the mixture on the fire. Cook on low for 10 minutes, turn off the burner. When the crystals dissolve, cool and strain the drink.

  • honey - 370 gr.
  • pomegranate - 950 gr.
  • filtered water - 230 ml.
  1. Wash the pomegranates, rinse, dry with towels or napkins. Cut off the “crown” (top), make several cuts along the peel. Pour cold water into the container and lower the fruits inside.
  2. Now break each pomegranate to open the fruit. Get rid of the film, select the grains, they should float to the surface. Dry the grains.
  3. Using a potato pestle, mash the kernels until the juices come out. Place the porridge and liquid on cheesecloth, squeeze out the liquid, and discard the seeds.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan, add water and heat on the stove to 70 degrees. Add honey, stir, but do not boil. Cool the juice, let it brew, and remove the sediment. Start tasting.

How to drink pomegranate juice

  1. Pomegranate juice is consumed exclusively in a diluted state. As a rule, the drink is diluted with filtered or boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Some people prefer to mix a pure drink (not diluted) with the juice of carrots, celery, cabbage, apples, beets, pumpkin, etc. Pure water is also added here in an amount to taste.
  3. To strengthen the immune system, you need to drink juice regularly at least 2 times a week, but better - every other day. Pomegranate juice has contraindications, so consult a specialist before drinking.

Contraindications to drinking pomegranate juice

Contraindications include ulcers of the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs. Also, pomegranate juice is not recommended for those who suffer from constipation (the composition provokes this disease).

The drink should be consumed with caution by people with unstable blood pressure, heart disease, and individual intolerance to foods containing vitamin C.

A pomegranate-based drink contains at least 35% daily norm vitamins For this reason, the composition is also suitable for daily use. The most the best recipes Options based on apples, currants, almonds, and honey are considered. Granulated sugar or powdered sugar is used as a sweetener.

Video: DIY pomegranate juice in 4 minutes

Pomegranate is a fruit that in eastern countries is considered the “king of all fruits.” With its color, taste, and aroma, it has captivated the hearts of many gourmets. In this article we will talk about flawless benefits of pomegranates and pomegranate juice, and we will also tell you in what cases it is prohibited to eat this fruit and its derivatives.

Pomegranates grow on bushes. Their amazing feature is the fact that pomegranate bushes bloom throughout the whole summer, and the fruits ripen after that for almost six months. This means that people who grow this crop, valuable for the human body, put a lot of effort and labor into getting a good harvest.

This is probably why the pomegranate entered the history of many peoples of the world as a fruit symbolizing wealth, abundance and fertility:

  • For example, Muslims are deeply convinced that it is pomegranates, and not apples, that grow in Eden. In their sacred book it is written that it was with a pomegranate that the tempting serpent seduced Eve.
  • During archaeological excavations and many other studies carried out by historians, it was revealed that the Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks and Arabs revered the pomegranate, considering it a healing fruit of paradise - the “sacred fruit of life.” They depicted him on the walls of the pyramids, on expensive fabrics.
  • People who lived in the first civilizations drank pomegranate juice every day to not only improve their health, but also their spirit. The Greeks generally believed that pomegranate juice bestowed immortality, because it was not for nothing that the gods of Olympus ate the grains of this fruit every day, according to myths and legends. Known to the world The Prophet Muhammad believed that eating pomegranates could cleanse a person’s soul and thoughts from envy, hatred and evil.
  • Many peoples have many traditions and customs associated with pomegranate. For example, in Greece, at weddings, newlyweds must break a pomegranate so that a “love potion” flows out of it - the juice of the fruit, which, according to legend, was planted in Cyprus by the goddess of love and fertility, Aphrodite. By the way, in Turkey, many coffee shops sell pomegranate juice, presenting it to customers as a powerful aphrodisiac.

  • In China, new husband and wife always eat sweet pomegranate seeds to strengthen family ties. Even guests who come to a Chinese wedding often bring a picture with a pomegranate in the center as a gift to the newlyweds. But before their wedding night, Armenian brides throw a pomegranate fruit against the wall to see how many grains fall out of it. Their number always indicates how many children a girl will have.
  • In Azerbaijan, in general, every year on October 26, a grand public holiday dedicated to pomegranate is held. Exhibitions of jam, wine, and juice from this fruit are organized, people have fun and rejoice. And this is not without reason, because absolutely all varieties of pomegranate grow in Azerbaijan.

Now let's take a closer look, benefits of pomegranate juice. After all, this product is very popular and in demand among people today.

Pomegranate juice: benefits and harms

All properties of pomegranate juice today have been thoroughly studied by researchers. It has been revealed that the composition of pomegranate is rich in vitamins and various beneficial microelements that help a person maintain excellent health.

IN chemical composition freshly squeezed pomegranate juice includes:

  1. Monosaccharides, which are easily absorbed by the body, improve metabolic processes in it, especially those related to the functioning of the heart, circulatory system and liver.
  1. Organic acids, dilating blood vessels and thereby reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels:
  • Citric acid (helps with urolithiasis, rheumatic diseases and radiculitis)
  • Tartaric acid (beneficial for skin)
  • Malic acid (cleansing gallbladder and ducts from excess bile)
  1. Phenolcarboxylic acids, strengthening immune system person. These substances prevent the formation of cancerous tumors on internal organs and help in curing diseases associated with the human endocrine system.
  2. Amino acids
  3. Phenolic compounds:
  • Anthocyanins– the unusual purple color of the fruit depends on them
  • Tannins– add tartness to the pomegranate taste
  • Phytosterols– improve metabolism and rejuvenate the skin
  • Phytonicides– treat purulent wounds, colds and inflammatory processes in the body

  1. Vitamins:
  • B6 and B12
  1. Pectin – removes toxins and waste from the body
  2. Minerals

In which cases pomegranate juice is contraindicated:

  1. For gastritis
  2. For ulcers (stomach or duodenum)
  3. For pancreatitis
  4. At increased acidity stomach
  5. For constipation
  6. For hemorrhoids
  7. If you are allergic to pomegranate juice
  8. For increased sensitivity of tooth enamel
  9. For low blood pressure

Important! There is a myth that pomegranate juice increases blood pressure, However, it is not. Pomegranate juice lowers blood pressure, so doctors often prescribe it to older people and anyone diagnosed with hypertension or low hemoglobin levels.

What are the benefits of pomegranate juice for children?

Pediatricians often diagnose young children with anemia. To prevent it, mothers can start giving their six-month-old babies homemade pomegranate juice, but only after checking in advance whether the child is allergic to this product.

Administer as complementary food to infants homemade pomegranate juice you need to take it very carefully - one teaspoon per day. The fact is that pomegranate juice can cause constipation or other problems with stool in the baby. If after the first use the baby does not experience any negative reactions, then the volume of the juice portion for him can be increased. The main thing is to give your baby pomegranate juice no more than twice a week and dilute it with a little water.

Pediatricians, as a rule, after children turn six months old, give mothers a special sign that states how much of what can be given to the child as complementary foods. It also mentions how to drink pomegranate juice infants.

The formula for preparing a portion of juice for a child is as follows: the number of months of his life must be multiplied by 10. The result is a figure indicating how much pomegranate juice to drink Can be done at one time for the baby.

What are the benefits of pomegranate juice for women?

According to numerous positive pomegranate juice reviews Women simply need to drink at least one glass a day, as it:

  1. It is an excellent preventive measure for breast cancer. American researchers from Ohio University came to this conclusion after a series of studies they conducted.
  2. Contributes to uninterrupted and proper operation ovaries (hormones are produced in normal quantities, and the menstrual cycle is always stable).
  3. A must drink pomegranate juice during pregnancy, because thanks to this product the expectant mother:
  • Hemoglobin will be normal
  • Swelling will not appear
  • General well-being will improve

  1. You can, but very carefully, drink pomegranate juice for nursing women. It is advisable, before you start using it, to consult a doctor who, knowing all the characteristics of your body and state of health, will accurately determine can you drink pomegranate juice you or not.

Pomegranate juice for men

Scientists at the University of California have concluded that pomegranate juice has a beneficial effect on male virility:

  • Firstly, it reduces the risk of prostatitis and prostate cancer;
  • Secondly, it improves potency and enhances libido (a surge in testosterone occurs if you regularly drink one glass of pomegranate juice a day);
  • Thirdly, it increases performance and relieves stress.

Pomegranate juice: recipe

Pomegranate juice, in addition to being very healthy, is very easy to prepare. Models, such as Cindy Crawford, often make it for themselves to keep their figure in shape (100 g of pomegranate juice contains only 60 calories).

There are only three ways how to make pomegranate juice:

Method number 1:

  • Peel the pomegranate
  • Place the grains in a sieve
  • Mash the grains with a regular potato masher (it’s better to use a wooden one)
  • Strain the finished juice through cheesecloth

Method number 2:

  • Peel the pomegranate
  • Place the grains in a blender and grind them
  • Strain the resulting pulp through cheesecloth

Method number 3 (suitable if you bought thin-skinned fruits):

  • Mash a pomegranate with your hands
  • Beat the fruit on a hard surface
  • Make a small hole in the pomegranate peel and release the juice through it

Be sure to drink pomegranate juice, if possible, be healthy and full of vitality!

Video: “Healing drink. Pomegranate juice"

Many people know about the benefits of pomegranate juice. It is in it that all the beneficial vitamins and elements contained in the pomegranate are collected in concentrated form. But do not confuse fresh pomegranate juice with bottled or packaged juice. Factory juices, after heat treatment, the addition of preservatives, taste improvers and sugars, become not only useless, but can cause real harm to the body.

Vitamins and minerals declared on the labels of factory juices, if they are actually present there in the indicated quantities, are usually added artificially by manufacturers at the end technological process. Everyone knows that almost half of the beneficial substances in natural juice disintegrate and oxidize within twenty minutes after its preparation. And after exposure to pomegranate juice high temperatures, it turns into a tasty, long-lasting, but weakly healthy drink.

You can buy natural pomegranate juice or make it yourself at home. You can buy freshly squeezed juice in markets, shops and restaurants, where there are special juice production points directly at the customer’s location. There are not many such places, but they exist. A specially trained person, using a press or juicer, will prepare the required volume of pomegranate juice in front of you. Convenient, fast, but not very cheap. It’s possible to make pomegranate juice yourself; it won’t take much time and will certainly be a pleasure.

To begin, you need to select several ripe pomegranates with sweet berries. (Here you will find comprehensive tips on how to choose a tasty and ripe pomegranate.) Very sour pomegranates will turn out unpleasant sour juice, which will need to be further sweetened. The juice yield will be approximately half the weight of the whole fruit.

If you don’t have much time or desire to tinker with pomegranates, then instant cooking For fresh homemade juice, you can use a regular citrus juicer with a rotating core. Cut the pomegranate around the circumference, break it into two halves, and just like when squeezing juice from an orange, squeeze the juice out of the pomegranate. This method is not very neat, not all the juice will be squeezed out, and some seeds will fall into the juice, so it must be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth. In addition, pomegranate juice prepared in this way will be more tart and bitter due to the ingress of substances from the white films and peel.

For more practical cooking Fresh pomegranate juice at home requires more time. You will need to select all the grains from the pomegranate, separating them from the peel and membranes. Then you can use a centrifugal juicer, if available, and very quickly obtain the required amount of pomegranate juice from minimum quantity waste and a clean product at the exit.

If you don’t have a juicer, then this is not a problem - use gauze and a rolling pin. To do this, pour some of the berries into a large piece of gauze so that you can tightly wrap the pomegranate seeds and at the same time comfortably hold them by the edge. In a wide saucepan, using a rolling pin, crush the berries and then twist the cheesecloth to squeeze out the remaining juice. Then remove the seeds from the gauze, add a new portion of berries and repeat the procedure.

Ripe pomegranates will turn out sweet and tart healthy juice. It is advisable to dilute it with water to reduce the concentration organic acids and their effects on the teeth and digestive organs, and then drink immediately. With just a little time, you can make freshly squeezed pomegranate juice at home using these methods, which will have maximum benefits and improve your health naturally.

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