The foxes have almost the same body warehouse and the same teeth as dogs, wolves and sacks, but differ from them a longer torso, below planted on the legs, and a more lush long tail.

Fox is one of the most famous wild animals. The proverbs and sayings mention about it, there are many fairy tales about it; The best basinisians of all times and peoples did her heroine of their Bassen, and the Great German poet Goethe wrote a whole poem about her. However, in all these fairy tales and fables, the image of the fox little corresponds to reality. "The impartial observer," says Naturalist Pekhuel-Leshe, "this animal will not find the degree of clearness, tricks and resourcefulness, which the People's Solver is attributed to it. In my opinion, a fox in his swelling will be very little from other predatory animals, for example, from a wolf. It can only be recognized as the ability to use local conditions perfectly to escape from enemies; But also other animals from the family of dogs are developed the same ability. With the danger of fox sometimes flows even in panic. She comes across several times in the same traps, and in general it is easy to fool. During the o'clock, it is afraid of flags and rags and does not decide to run past them, despite the screams of the ignitions and shots of hunters. When the hunter stands motionless, Lisa will not soon find out about his presence and long does not feel it if he approaches it from the windward side. Vision and smell of it are not particularly developed. "

On the color of its beautiful furs, the foxes are very diverse. Among them are also snow-white albinos, and very dark, black and brown, and even completely black foxes, occasionally occur in our USSR in the northeasterns and in the Caucasus and more often in Northeastern Siberia. Fur industry depending on the color of the wool distinguishes whole line Liser varieties: Karagana (gray steppe fox), red, fire (bright redhead), a crusade (dark, which brought color often goes in intersecting strips along the ridge and through the blades), Susodka (dark black fox, transition to Chernobouri) and Chernoburai .

The most valuable are the darkest lice skins - black and brown or black. Bright redhead slices of forest foxes are valued higher than light steppe foxes. Pure white foxes, although very rare, do not have values. Sillodukka can be a dark form of fox and the fission of red and black fissures.


Fox is a valuable fur beast. In the USSR, it is produced annually to half a million fox skins, the best of which is estimated by over fifty rubles, and the black skins sometimes cost hundreds of rubles. The foxes are useful not only to their fur, but also in what they exterminate rodents, harmful to agriculture and forestry.

In North America, ranging from the Far North, a American fox lives, which is very similar to our European and Siberian. Among the red foxes there, as we have, there are such wool painted with darker. Bowl than in Siberia, there are completely black foxes with a silver raid. They are also called silver foxes. Such foxes whose skins were valued very expensive, in Canada and the United States, forty years ago began to keep in cells to obtain the rating and skins. Black foxes began to properly multiply in captivity, and little, first in America, then in Western Europe And in the USSR, there was a whole fishing of the breeding of black foxes on special fox farms. Now such farms are very much. There are farms in which they keep and fed a thousand foxes and more. We have two large foxes of the state farm are near Moscow and one from the city of Perenets.

Lisens live in most northern hemisphere countries: throughout Europe, in North Africa and in Western and North Asia. They will fall in a wide variety of localities. By the number of worst enemies, the fox belongs to the wolf; Therefore, where many wolves, the foxes are not multiplied very much; Conversely, in countries where wolves exterminate, the number of lisiques increases mostly.

Fox chooses his lair with great care. She suits him under stones or between the roots of large trees. The laurily consists of a deep hole with a rather spacious chamber. However, if possible, the fox tries to take possession of a stranger, already a finished hole. It is more willing to use an abandoned badge of a badger, and sometimes even lives with him in the same hole. In the fall and in winter, especially on the plains, the fox sometimes lives under a bunch of twigs or under the stones or arranges his lair in the wrapper of the old Willow, and just in a hole under dense bushes. In the storm, rain, frost and in a strong heat Fox almost all the time lies in Nore; In the winter and in winter and in the summer, she digs around the surroundings for prey and fall asleep where it is necessary. In warm steppe countries, where there is little forest, for example, in the fertile part of Lower Egypt, the foxes are digging holes only for their young, they themselves usually live on the ground surface.

For the extraction of foxes, it is sent mainly at night, but in little populated and relaxed localities hunts and in the afternoon. It sneaks very quietly and carefully, from time to time inspecting and sniffing the air, trying to hide as much as possible, for which he chooses the path between stones, bushes and in high grass. Usually she does not leave the forest, and if she has to run the clearing, it is solved on this only when it finds covers in the form of bushes and large stones. Experienced hunters know the habits of the fox and almost always guess, for what paths (lazam) it should run from one part of the forest to another.

Lisery mining consists of a variety of animals, ranging from young roe and ending may Zhukom.But most often she catches various mice. The study of the stomachs of the killed foxes showed that the fox eats, except for living prey, also Padal and berries. Small rodents she eats a lot. At openings, we found in the stomach of one fox to fifty pieces of mice and voles. A fox behind the hares and rabbits is successfully hunting, catches birds and empties the bird nests. There are cases when the foxes walked to the jacks of swans and lit up sidewged on the eggs of females. Very often they attack at night and on the poultry, and sometimes drag chickens from the yard and during the day. Especially often, Lisa visits the poultry houses at the time when it feeds the younger young. "Returning to one May morning with hunting," the Senior Forestry Meiierink reports, "I saw the oak on three steps from myself, on the blesses of which was calm and slowly something white. I ran up closer and saw a fox that dragged her home in my teeth. I managed to approach the steps to seventy and was preparing to pull the trigger when the fox suddenly threw a goose and jumping from the branch to the branch, quickly disappeared from sight. Noting the place where this oak was, cutting paper, I picked up a wounded goose and went home for assistants. Two hours later I was again the observed oak with several hunters, armed axes and a staircase. We began to knock on the tree axes until the fox was kicked out from there, who was immediately killed. She turned out to be a female, and the swollen nipples pointed her that she had little young. Then the hunters took the tree and the stick began to explore the hollow. At the depth of one and a half meters, we found lisate and, having to keep the tree at the base of the hollow, got through the hole made by the entire brood, consisting of four one-month lisate. "

Fox runs quickly and cleverly. She knows how to crawl, squeezing on the ground, rush to the whole spirit and make very big jumps. However, good greyhound dogs are easily catching up. With a quick run, the fox holds his tail (on-hunting - pipe) the cheating, throwing it back, and when walking it drags it on the ground. When the fox lashes prey, it lies tightly belly to the ground, and when resting, it is often, like a dog, stacked, curling the ball, or falls on his side. Very often she sits on the hind legs, just like a dog, and his fluffy tail throws to the front legs. Water fox is not afraid of all, goes to her willingly and swims easily and quickly. It climbs it is also quite easy and sometimes climbs on the lower branches of the trees. When flooding or spring, under the hollow water, the foxes are often climbed on the winds of the river valley.

The voice of Liseza resembles a rippled bark, which goes into a ringing slim squeal. Adults are rarely crushed, only before the thunderstorm, in bad weather or with large frosts. Lylyaty scream and feel wheezing whenever hungry or begin to bored. In anger or at the danger of fox loudly grieves.

Foxes are not going to flocks, although they are often met by several pieces in one hole. Between themselves they live far away, and in hunger strikes devour their wounded and weak conifers. Forestish Muller watched, as six of the lisies first played with each other, then because of something they quarreled and one was sophisticated to the blood. The wounded animal was going to escape, but was overtaken by his sisters, killed and immediately eaten. The same fate has suffered one more convinted young fox, which had more strength to get to the hole, but there was eaten by his sisters.

Fox-female in May gives rise from four to six blind young. Lisyati begin to see in twelve days, after three or four weeks they stop sucking, but three or four months they live in Nore, where the mother brings them mining.

Little lies are easy to raise under the dog, which lets them to their nosses along with puppies. If you contact them, they will soon be manually done. "From many foxes living with me," Lenz says, "the last, female, was the most hand, since I took her very little when she just started to eat on my own. At first she was distinguished by a special enthusiastic and hotness. When she gave her favorite Kushanye, she began to grieve angrily even when no one touched her. However, the friendly and affection appeal to her soon made it so manual that she was not angry even when I pulled out from her bloody mouth just killed her rabbit. She always played with me with great pleasure. Becoming an adult, she also always rejoiced my parish, wiely the tail, like a dog, and with a screech hung around me. If a dog passed by, she was taken to jump and throw the teeth. In the afternoon she was as cheerful as at night. "

On the foxes hunt with a gun, etching their dogs and dig out of the holes. Catch them also with all sorts of traps and iron traps. "With great care," says Winquel, "there is a fox to the place where the traps are placed. Once in a winter frosty day, when it was started to try out, I witnessed how a hungry fox went to the cappon. Diligently and I suspect, she picked up the farthest pieces of scattered bait, conveniently located for meals and waved the tail. But the closer she approached the place where the trap was, it became more careful. Now, before take a piece of bait, she went around him several times around him. When she got to the last piece, hanging in a hidden cap, he stopped and sat down. Sitting against this fateful piece, she looked at him for about ten minutes, not the descent, but did not decide to grab. Then he tried several times around the trap. Finally, apparently making sure in the apparent security, she again approached the cappon and stretched out the front paw for a piece, but could not get it. She sat down again in front of the cape, contemplating a tallery piece, and suddenly it was rapidly rushed at him; And at the same moment the iron necklace covered her neck. "

Lisits have enemies and except for a person. They catch them and eat wolves, large predatory birds are thrown by lisate, and the Berkut attacks even adult foxes, although sometimes it is possible to escape from this mighty feather predator. "Fox," says Naturalist Cui, who ran through the Gutchcher, was captured by Berkut and raised to the air. But soon the predator somehow slammed the wings strange and disappeared behind the rock. I rose there and I was surprised to see how a fox was rushed past me. On the other side of the cliff, I found a dying eagle with a confused breast. Lisea, apparently, managed to free the neck and head and cling to the poultry throat. "

All dog diseases are peculiar to foxes, not excluding rabies.

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Foxes are very beautiful animals that are characterized as extremely cunning creatures. These features of their character, which are transmitted from generation to generation, allowed the animals to live to our times. If you are really interested in these animals, then specifically for you we have prepared interesting facts about foxes.

Most amazing and interesting facts about foxes

Foxes - lonely animals

Foxes belong to the family of pings, which means that their relatives are wolves, jackals, dogs. They have medium sizes (slightly less than the average size of a home dog), and weight ranges from 3 to 6.5 kg. Also a particularly distinguished feature of the foxes is their fluffy tail.

But unlike his relatives fox do not live with flocks. When upbringing his cub fox lives a little family called "lisiquette", in underground nora. Otherwise, they hunt and sleep alone.

Lisens have a lot in common with cats

Like cats, foxes are most active at night. Thanks to unique vision, these animals are well oriented in the dark. They even hunt in the same way as cats.

And this is only one of the many similarities. Like kutov, the foxes have sensitive hairs and spines in the tongue. They are also moving in a similar way, having an elegant gait. Lisizers also have "retractable" claws that help them to climb on trees and even climb on the roofs of houses. Some foxes even sleep on the trees as well as cats.

Redhead fox is the most common view.

Ferry foxes can be found in a variety of corners of the world (from the northern polar circle to North Africa and from Central America to Asian steppes). At the same time, the natural habitat of these animals is mixed landscapes of shrubs and foxes.

Such a wide population of this type of foxes is due to their flexible diet.

Lisers use the magnetic field of the Earth

As managed rockets, foxes use the magnetic field of the Earth to hunt. There are also the same abilities and other animals, such as sharks, turtles, some species of birds, but the foxes are still the only of them use their skills in order to catch the victim.

According to the New Scientist, the Fox can see the magnetic field of the Earth as the "Ring of the Shadow" on her eyes, which darkens when the animal is sent to the magnetic north. When the shadow and the sound of the victim create a line - it's time to pounce on it. Here is a fox in action:

Foxes - good parents

Another interesting fact about foxes is their concern about the offspring. Foxes multiply once a year, but, at the same time, they are born from 1 to 11 young (on average 6). Cubs are born blind, eyes open with them nine days after birth. During this time, they remain with the fox (female) in Nore, while Fox (Male) brings them food.

Little lisals live with parents up to seven months. Females defend their young with amazing loyalty.

Lisens are very playful

Lisens, as you know, are very friendly and curious. They love to play among themselves, as well as with other animals, such as cats and dogs. Also foxes adore the balls that they often steal with golf courses.

Despite the fact that foxes are wild animals, but they have very good relations with people. In 2011, researchers discovered the grave that was in the cemetery in Jordan and dates back to more than 16,500 years of age. Archaeologists have found in the grave of the remains of man and his pet - foxes. It was 4000 years before the first a famous person And the dog was buried together.

You can purchase a domesticated fox

In the 1960s, the Soviet geneticist Dmitry Belyaev engaged in studying the foxes and brought more than a thousand individuals before reaching domestication of foxes. Unlike tamed foxes who have learned to endure people, domesticated foxes obedient to people from birth. Today you can buy homemade fox for $ 9000 (or about this amount).

Sands do not freeze even at -70 Celsius

Spring, living in the districts of the Northern Polar Circle, is able to withstand cold better than most other animals. They do not freeze even when the temperature drops to -70 degrees in Celsius. Their white fur helps to disguise from predators, but with a change in the seasons of their "coat" also changes in color (darkest). This allows them to mix with stones and dirt tundra.

The type of fox who can hear insects

The most name is so called not only thanks to their 5-inch ears, but also due to the fact that they use their rumor as the batsIn order to hear insects. When night comes, these foxes come to African Savan to start "listening to the victims." Most of their diet make up termites. In addition, the larger of the fox often makes their homes in meters.

Foxes can make many sounds

The last and, probably, the most interesting fact About lisakh - their ability to make sounds. These animals can reproduce about 40 different sounds, but the most striking of them is a cry.

Spring red flowers, summer - warm, and winter - white powders, cleanliness of frosty air, with its unique stories about the mysteries of nature. Good in the winter forest! All shrouded on a blue frosty morning. The circle quietly quietly, only the screech ski and barely caught the peak of yellow-headed kolologists, is concerned about the fluttering fir-firing fabric, violate the mysterious silence of the storm forest. The first rays of the rising sun are lit by the Fires of the borders of Zeindela Ryabina. A cheerful song is having a red-man bullfinch. From the top of the old pines, a fraction of a forest drummer who has embarked on its responsibilities - Dyatlah has been refused. Under this disconnect music, I go out to the edge, to the field, where the golden wheat once was aggregated. Now there is a lonely skirm. I run on skiing closer and learn Patrikeev's handprints. Surprisingly exactly, not the fact that the dog displays the fox pattern of its traces: a single bode, beautiful jumps, bends and turns, as if sewing an experienced craftswoman. Footprints in the snow, if you can read them, can tell about the inhabitants of the Winter Forest a whole story.

The sun was disappeared behind the top of the pines shocking on the frost. One after another was light on the dark sky cold stars. The daily rest of the red predator in the warmth of her sindy shelter. She left his refuge, stretched from sweet sleep and began to lie on a soft snowy bedspread. The ego was a kind of charging, after which the redhead went hunting. Sitting the meters thirty, alerted. Sharp jump. The victim did not leave the persecution. But the predator did not have a small, with an elongated animal nose of the animal. Baroçubka, or, as it is also called, earthling, very unpleasant smells of musk.

The fox thought leaving untouched prey, the fox once again led the bizarre lines of her traces. Having reassured under the snow mouse, began to dig a pit, then sharply hit all the paws to the place where a rustle was heard under a snowy crust. Pushed the face in the snow, and immediately rodent was in strong sharp teeth. But will you be filled with one mouse? Hunger is not aunt. He led the red hunter to the snow-covered anthill. Faith suggested her - here you should seek prey. And not mistaken. In the fall in the anthill, hedgehog was climbed. Insects were not a serious obstacle: With the onset of the cold, they went to the underground, a rather deep part of the dwelling, where, having gotten into a close one, expected warm spring days .. Leaving from hedgehog only a barbed skirt and thicker hunger, Patriceevna no longer hurried in the night Bypassing your forest land. Only she driven signs and barely caught seductive smell of the feather forced the fox after a while to stop. Now she, already quite sickly stepping and sniffing, headed towards the glades brightening in the moonlight, where, in the evening, tearing into the snow, TETEREV spent the night. The winged Sony felt the danger too late. As if they were walked in rummaged by one after another of their holes. But in the teeth of the predator already trepidated Kosach, who turned out to be less agile than his feathered fellow. Fox did not rush with a meal. She disappeared with her victim in a dense Ylannik, and here he poured into fame, and the remnants of the unstilled bird immediately buried in the snow about the reserve.

Tasty food and aroma of needles so crushed Lonyk, that she decided to dry, rolled up with a glomerus on a snow-covered bodice under a small osinky on the edge of a mixed forest. The place is though open, but convenient - you can notice the danger in time. Here and rose redheads, hidden by his fluffy tail in which the tip of the sharp face was hidden.

Day for a day does not have to. Not always Patrikeevna manages to be saturated with gifts of nature, not always hunting brings good luck. So this time, by pressing your empty belly, she risked closer to the possessions of a person. Snowy drifts in this winter were high, so she was not worth it to climb the roof of the barn and penetrate the chicken coop. Well, they seized the same sleeping birds sitting on the piping! On the clucking of frightened chickens immediately came guarded. When describing the fiery arc, the fox darted into the window, but did not calculate: the durable metal grille was reinforced outside. There was a ringing of broken glass, and the fragments crumbled at the unfortunate, the damned stunned ground. People who came down to the noise. "Good collar," - already dreamed of others. However, as soon as the door opened, a red-haired flutter, alive and unharmed, rapidly jumped out of the barn. Right say: do not share the skin of the unborn bear ...

The circumstances of life in the forest, and often the cruelty of a person forcing animals to take care of each other, sometimes selflessly. This story would like to tell you.

- Chickens of one of the villages of the villages were chaged for a long time and leaving the house from home. One day, a few cupcakes got to the foxes for lunch. People did not forgive predators, took sin to the soul.

They picked up and killed a redhead pair. Five little lisies remained orphans, doomed to the faithful hungry death. Yes, only they were destined to survive. Almost one of the six puppy family lived nearby. Aliens parents have not left orphaned baby, dragged them into their hole. Of course, now the foxes harder began to feed their almost twice the increased offspring. They were forced to spend more time on the hunt. When Ferobi Outigit Fox, the fox one continued to feed and patron kids.

The four-legged "mother heroine" managed to put on his feet and their, and adoptive cubs.

Of course, predators, kidding the poultry, damage to people. But the reason for this should be sought in violation of environmental equilibrium, in which, as a rule, the person himself happens. The thoughtless and non-valid use of yodehomikatov, unreasonable, and sometimes the cruel extermination of animals of certain species leads to the destruction of the fauna of our forests and fields, violating the centuries of the established habitat of wild animals. And, of course, not from the good life of the forest predator approaches the human housing, the danger is almost threatening to him. After all, for him a person is the most terrible beast.

I remember the Vladimir region. Many I came out roads and off-road, studying the fauna of these places. Somehow passing around the village of Novino, I heard the woman sent a curse of red predator:

- Had every day for chickens to visit. Right from under the nose, gender, pulls. The third day immediately seven young crowded. Two in Never found, the rest in their lair drached down, shameless.

It turned out that in the surrounding villages of Sulukovo, Ryzhkovo, Tolpukhovo, berry and other things were not better. Residents complained about the robbery behavior of the fox. Maybe all these mercies are not so firmly donkened in my memory, if it were not for the case that revealed me a revolving pretty sad side of what is happening.

Tired multi-kilometer walking and exhausted by thirst, I descended at the bottom of the swordless ravine ravine, where the rodnichok was quiet. Cold water Quenching thirst, but the fatigue took her. I climbed onto the valepan, I tried up ... I don't know how many minutes the sweet forgety continued, but some rustle made me open my eyes. On the opposite side of the ravine, I saw a red-haired, disgraced from endlessly fox. In the teeth she kept a white chicken. Now, I think, I will notice me Patrikeevna, waving the tail and remember as called. I was wrong. Five Lisyat jumped out to meet the mother. The kids with greed thrown on the extraction, challenging the river pieces from each other. In a few minutes they were so separated by a chicken that only a handful of feathers remained.

As I masked, and the fox still learned the danger. Putting to the ground, she looked at my direction for a few seconds, then he darted into the hollow and disappeared into the Thickets of Toll. Yes, and devoted as the wind fouled - hid in its nearby dwelling.

I approached Nore, and, I realized that there were once badgers shopping here. Seen, the ribbed hands of poachers did not spare innocuous animals. And the fox used empty housing. Under the hole, except for feathers, I did not find anything, but the bones were lying somewhat in the side, shoes of wool, skin skins. To feed the numerous offspring, the parents did not have to be broken. And lively in the forest has recently become less, especially after the next chemical treatments. So there was a growl mother and dads, risking her head, attack chickens and ducks. What you will not do to save the hungry kids, - the laws of nature will not redo, it is better not to violate them.

Often desperate hunters for poultry becomes weak, sick animals who are difficult to hunt on wild animals. Once I came to the village of Durykino, where a poultry often disappeared. I did not have to look for a culprit for a long time. Fox lost fear to a person, right day straight with chickens, ducks, geese. I saw a predator chased by chicken, and people fled to the cry. Despite this, the red-haired flutter still grabbed the prey and disappeared with her in the thickets.

When the thief is overtaking the shoard of the fraction, then no one risked to touch her skins, it was terrible - everywhere greeted the disgusting shoulders, the tail, as if Nude, was naked.

Lisers affected by depriving, scabies and other ailments, unfortunately, are not so rare. There are many reasons for here. To some extent, the person himself, completely destroyed in many areas of wolves - natural enemies of foxes in many areas. No one began to fulfill the role of the Sanitary. Meanwhile, patients with foxes live sometimes for quite a long time, infecting their fellow, and even transmitting during raids to pet infection during raids. Once again you are convinced - everything is interconnected in nature.

For many, there will be a revelation that foxes constantly live on the outskirts of Moscow. However, they can not everyone can see them, they are very careful of these animals and, as a rule, a person is noticed first. Happy Foxes prefer to lie down in their secluded shelters. Hunt most often with the onset of twilight and in the early morning watches. True, I had to observe foxes and in light time day.

I go somehow summer in the morning in Kuzminsky forest park. Circle is so grace! And suddenly, in front of my gaze, five redheads appeared, with white tips tips, lisate. They were so blinking with a crow, which did not immediately notice a person. Looking at funny lisate, I misstick thought: now they will notice and immediately will be broken. But the kids have little embarrassed my appearance. One of them allowed to approach ten meters. Only at the very last moment, viciously imparting, darted in Nora, which was found to be nearby. It was located on the slope of the earthen embankment, stretching along the gas pipeline, meters in seventy from the ring road ...

I watched a curious picture in one of the February nights, during the fox weddings. After the wood painter skiing, I heard a disheveled Lai of the male, and then a deaf suction of female. It was then on the lighted month of the forest gasy and was lucky to watch fox dances. Becoming to the rear paws, the lovers of Cavalers demonstrated their intricate "PA" girlfriends. "What is not focust" - I thought. It is not by chance that the name of this dance in translation means "Lysis Step". It is so established in fox society that a good dancer makes it easier to acquire a friend and families are often formed without special conflicts.

However, it does not always happen, the beasts are learning such fights that wool flies in all directions. The defeated male female avoids. Yes, it is clear: the strongest is the strongest. Sometimes pairs are selected without dances, gnawing and other tournaments. I will meet a lonely Lynonya and remains with it for the entire period of reproduction and upbringing offspring.

After the marriage games, the foxes often disintegrate, and only before the female, it is disappointing the male again. At the same time, often beasts secondly learn fights. But now for the right to educate children. This educator may not necessarily become a father, but also "stepfather".

Upon abundance, fox feed can perfectly feel even surrounded by multi-storey houses. So, once frosty December in the morning, going out on the street, I noticed among the many dogs and cat traces on the snow, a smooth line of fox. The jacket crossed the territory of the Moscow Veterinary Academy, then Volgograd Prospect, and went to Kuzminsky cemetery. At first I thought that the beast was accidentally here. But a few days later the same traces appeared again at the same place. Further observations showed that the predator came here for no reason. Visitors to the cemetery are often left at the graves of a camp, candy, and you look, gingerbread or a piece of sausages. That fell Patrikeevka tagged pieces to pick up. She visited both the territory of the flower household, where the mice was industrial. Attracted her and garbage boxes: there was also nothing to get ...

The first time of the fox only fell in the city at night, and closer to the morning went to Kuzminsky forest park. Yes, only she soon enjoyed rushing on the construction site adjacent to the Vyshinsky refuse. Break under concrete plates And hass myself on health.

Honestly, I had little hope that the Forest Beast would long stay in the neighborhood. "The period will come fox weddings, and runs fox to his cavaliers," I thought. But it happened otherwise. At the end of February, fire-redhead began to visit her, with a white tip of the fox tail, Starked Kuzminsky Forestry.

So far, winter lasted, it was easy to observe the movements of animals, their events of their life. Footprints in the snow, like the page of the book, told me about all foxes. But April came, and flowed the winter with muddy flows into roadside ditch. It was then that the thread was cut into the thread, which was tied me with these unusual animals for the city.

Only at the end of May I was lucky again, and I learned something about the life of urban foxes. Somehow at dawn, bypassing a cemetery, I saw the six people who were lisovy. Noticing a man, they jurmed into a dark hole of the hole, which was on the side of the scorched latter and the swan of an earthen embankment.

Unfortunately, local boys learned about fox housing. They often visited here, disturbing the red family. A lot of concern caused stray dogs. Once nearby, I discovered a confused fox. I could see the baby and did not notice how the osranion was torn to him. A few days later, another fox was less. This time, the bells kidnapped people. It was dangerous in the former hole to remain in the same hole. And here in one of the dark nights when the movement of cars stopped on the highway, the parents decided to smuggle in the Kuzminsky forest park. Here, not far from the river Churieli, in the dilapidated cellar and placed the family. True, it did not cost without adventure. One kid somehow stayed in the old hole. I can see something prevented him to follow my brothers. Perhaps the fact that people returned the very fox in which the boys kidnapped. It would seem that losing parents, who was unsuitable for independent life, the fox was doomed to inevitable death. So it would happen. But unexpectedly happened: the watchman brought a monthly puppy in a greenhouse. With Mukhtar - so called the puppy - and the orphan fox made friends. It was funny to watch how two puppies are home and wild, as if native brothers, tumbling on a green lawn. Putting to the chance of playing, foxed to the dog bowl and absorbed the delicious snack with greed. However, it was worth appearing a man, the baby immediately rushed towards the cemetery.

There was time. Hip rains and leavefall autumn. In the capital with snowstorms and frosts came Winter. And the funny fox in the Fire-Red College turned. During the day rarely, who managed to notice her. But with twilight, Lonlyka immediately appeared on the territory of the flower flow. She avoided people. Just guarded that they constantly fed it, allowed to approach ten to fifteen meters. From dogs was friends only with Mukhtar, now become a hefty dog. All night four-legged friends were raised by Kuzminov, but with a dawn, the fox went on vacation to his underground shelter. By the way, she had three holes. She was perfectly focused on the terrain challenged. And, if anyone tried to pursue her, she instantly confused traces and disappeared in an unknown direction ...

For more than a year, Patrikeevna lived so much. And only in August, when the territory of the flower household was acquired by a high concrete fence, the fox went to Kuzminsky forest park. Soon she moved over the annular road and settled in the vicinity of the city of Dzerzhinsky near Moscow. At first, her traces appeared everywhere - at the entrances of residential building, garbage containers, cutlery, shops, and in other places where it was possible to rejuvenate.

Once the fox appeared in the territory of the Research Institute. There was a lot of greens here, and people were hospitable. They fed the four-legged guest. I don't care about the passage and my eyes I do not believe: the redhead calmly smalleled behind the edge of the asphalt, pulled his paws, put her sharp face on them and watches the human crowd. There is no living room here. Who is a candy, and who and the cutlet will treat. Gourmet, and only. Caramel refuses, prefers chocolate candies, and the sausage is more dryly like.

"This is now such a picky," explains the employee approached me. - When they appear lisate, no food is forced. It happened, grab a piece of bread and immediately runs away. Hide the hotel and for the new run. And only then transfers production into his lair, in which she always has six to eight young.

In the summer of Patrickevna is engaged in raising offspring. She teaches kids to all the subtleties of animal life. By the autumn, Lysali not only know how to well focus in the complex setting of the city, but also are capable of existence far from human housing. With the end of the leaf fall, the young leave their parents, go to an independent lifestyle.

What to say, the case is amazing. Moreover, the fox not only managed to adapt to people, but also made friends with dogs. Pots are so accustomed to the wildest beast that they stopped paying attention to him. Lisonka did not borrow only cats, pursued them on earth and even on the roofs of buildings.

Many joy delivers a person neighborhood with wild animals. But the trouble, we still have no cruel people. There was a case when the fox ran in a smoking room. What was the surprise of people who gathered there, when they saw drone on fox lape. Fox herself came to people for help. Once they found a trap with a lape, and a little later discovered a fox. She was dead ...

Feeling human cruelty, the animals left a dangerous place. Some of them moved to the extensive territory of the oil refinery in Kapotné, others - to the Lublin irrigation fields. Lives there for chanterelles. Among the thickets of wild cannabis can be found these elegant, in fluffy red fur coats of animals. Although, it should be noted, and here they are not always calm - no, no yes and poachers will announce.

Somehow I met a group of teenagers with shovels at the Lublin fields. They came here to burst the Lisa Nora and pick up lisate. On my protest, the boy in vain began to assure the foxes - harmful animals.

- Recently, Redhead dragged two young pigeons from us! - One of them got angry. "They still catch seasures, ducks, partridges here," others were justified.

For a long time I had to clarify the violators of the beast rest, which predators are needed. After all, the same foxes destroy the inconspicuous amount of mice and pools. And from larger animals and birds, first of all, their prey become wounded and sick animals, which are doomed to death and sometimes are the peddles of all sorts of infections, diseases dangerous to humans.

Sometimes they ask me whether there are cases of man friendship with a fox. Yes, I will talk about the friendship of the Lesnik with Fiska who fell into Bed. That's how it was.

On the coast of the Polar Kandalaksha Bay, some mountain hunter shot fastened in the thickets. One crazy crusher fell into the joint of the front paw. Damage made itself felt. The fox was difficult to extract food. So she moved in front of the reserved island. Here and lively more, and no hunters.

Soon the old forester found out about the fox, he began to leave the bone, fish and all sorts of food remaining near the porch. At first, the predator only came to the guardhouse at night, and then and then began to visit the "caught up". So the friendship of a person with a dicarkie. Special credulity was different in winter strumbs. It was worth the forester to go out on the porch and call: "Katka-Katka-Katka," - as chanterelle immediately rushed to a person to take a treat from his good hands.

There was time, there was a period of fox weddings. It seems not to love with chrome chickens ... But it began to visit the Red Cavalier. From this time, obeying the instinct, the predator became more careful, less often approached the house of the forester. And when in the hole appeared Lisyat, she completely forgotten human housing.

While the young were small, they had enough milk, but they grown up - I pulled on the meat, all the concerns were assigned to the Father. So it continued. But alas! Once I did not return the fox with another hunt. Whether the poachers were shot, or a wolf, a lynx or bear landed for lunch. Hungry became lisatam. So remembered the thoughtful mother about the old friend. At first, one began to visit the wagon, and then the family led.

In the autumn, young animals, becoming independent to disperse who where. Only Khromaya Katka remained near a good man.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Basic principles of organizing huntingYu.A. Gerasimov(Tagged, Moscow, 1950)

The main provisions in the organization of hunting fishe approves the Government of the USSR. Hunting rules are installed in the field of hunting departments at the Councils of Ministers of the Allied and Autonomous Repubies, at the regional and regional executive committees of workers' deputies. Each hunter should be good to know the rules of hunting, installed for the terrain where it is industries animals.

Hunting fishery organize lower procurement organizations in / about the funds of the Ministry of Blanks of the USSR. They attract collective farms to participate in the fishery, keep records and involve new hunters, conclude a contract with them, supply with ammunition and hunting equipment, organize a socialist competition between hunters, introduce advanced working methods, take advantage of the ones, and biotechnical measures are carried out, conducting a special commission to organize Test shooting to establish the correct time of fishery.

The procedure for the relationship between collective farms, hunting brigades and individual hunters with one or another procurement organization is determined by bilaterally informative economic agreements concluded between hunters and procurement organizations.

The main form of labor organization in the hunting field is a brigade. Hunting brigades conduct fishery and prepare for it is much more organized and much more successful than single hunters. This is especially noticeable in the fishery of a fox, which includes several methods for collective beasts, such as hunting flags, chamber, harbor, etc.

With augable and other sampoline, it is very important to correctly distribute the hunting grounds between the hunters, the place of the privad and the arrangements of them cappos. And in this case, the hunters combined into the brigades can make their time and hunting area much better.

The brigadier, usually an experienced hunter, in advance, in May, and then a month before the start of hunting, conducts expensive exploration and determines the conditions of fishery, reveals the number of foxes, their habitat and the most appropriate areas for various hunting. By order of the Special Commission, he holds a trial fox shooting to determine the ripeness of their skins and refine the start of the start of hunting. In the meantime, members of the brigade are preparing trapping, sampling tools, flags and another hunting inventory, laid out the privades, prepare bait, they are taught and dangled dogs and perform other orders of the brigadier.

With the beginning of the field, the brigadier leads the organization of all hunting and reports to members of the brigade their experience and skills, increasing these qualifications of other hunters and contributes to the successful fishery.

Preparation for fishery

Privada. In the fishery of the Lisers, the privades have great importance. Measuring the foxes in a small area will make it easy to make rifle hunting, and drunk fishery. The use of privad provides rapid finding of a short and straight trail of the full fox, predetermining the success of hunting in a short winter day. When using samolsters at approaches to Privada, tray are made, which also makes it much easier for fishery of the fishery.

The privada should be uploading for a month or two before the start of the fishery and as needed to constantly reincut them throughout the hunting season.

It is desirable that the hunter had 2-3 privades, laid at 8-10 kilometers one from another. For privad, it is necessary to use corpses of large farm animals (horses, cows), which fell from non-disabilities. If the wolves in the area are not, then you can use rimmed carcasses of dogs and small animals. So that the dogs do not disappear carcasses and did not fall into the captacins, you need to lay out the privacy away from the villages (no closer than 5-8 kilometers) and, if possible, away (for a kilometer) from passage roads - anywhere on the forest edge, at the edge of the swamp, Urema or other strong places that foxes are used for the day, or near ordinary foxes and alive places.

Places are chosen on an open clearing 50-100 meters from the edge of the forest or thickets of shrubs and a reed. This greatly facilitates the inspection of the privada in winter and the installation of cappos at the approaches and exit of foxes.

To birds did not disappear the privades, the carcass of the animal should be burned into the ground, leaving only the head and neck outside. With this method, the laid out of the privada, the foxes are dried to a latice carcass, in which it is convenient to install during the late winter in the Chernotrop of the trap.

If the hunter suggests to impair the foxes from the privada with a gun, then the carcass should be laid out on an exalted place, and 30 steps from it in the direction of the prevailing winds to tear off a hole for a jam. Do it so that from the Persian pit and the fox who visited her was visible against the sky. It greatly facilitates shooting in a dark night.

During the month or two before the start of the hunt, the privada regularly bypass at least once a week around the circumference with a radius of 50-100 meters, and then approached and the foxes visit the fox herself to check whether it is visited. At carcasses and on fox approaches it is recommended to scatter the slices of iron (horseshoes, cores from under canned goods, etc.), by interpreting these foxes not to be afraid of foreign iron objects and the smell of man.

Parking bait. Under the driving fishery for the privacy of animals, smelting bait is used. To do this, it is cut into advance with small pieces of meat, filled with them on a 2/3 glass jar with a volume of 2 liters and add some fish fat. Then the jar is tied with a cloth and exhibit in the sun. When meat is completely decomposed, the bait is ready.

Lisce bait also applied fierce lizards. The carcasses for this are finely chopped and impose into the bank, tolding it with paper. The jar put on the sun or in a warm place. In addition to lizards, you can use fish using it in the same way.

A noble hunter of the Neftegorsky district of the Krasnodar Territory V. M. Vasilenko, the best bait on foxes considers earthy toad, impregnated with unsalted feline fat. Large toad, at the same time, it divides on 2-3 parts, small uses the whole, causing them in September-October and folding in the dishes with feline fat.

Very successfully used by the fox urine, collecting it from just killed animals in a bottle or using frozen urine, left by foxes in columns and bushes. Keep such a urine in a cold place. In places of fox transitions, the pockets, bushes or any other elevations are sprayed, near which traps are installed.

With dribbon fishery, other artificial bait, with which you can get acquainted in detail in the book of P.O. Vardas and S.N. KORCHEV (see References at the end of the book).

Preparation of cappos. In preparation for drifting fishery, much attention is paid to cleaning old tray from rust with a fitting, sandpaper and sand; New traps need to be carefully cleansed from the oil. Then adjust the interaction of parts of each cafacana, the sensitivity of the cavulus, the power of the springs, etc., to achieve trouble-free operation. It is necessary that the arcs do not have conversations and scubons on the sides (where the rings of the springs are sliding) and slammed without delay when the springs are placed at a straight angle to the cabpan bed. It is also important to properly adjust the cauldron, so that the plate at a wary trap does not stand Cosos and did not rise above the arcs, and would be in a horizontal position, strictly in the middle of the detailed arcs and below their upper edges by 0.5-1 centimeter. The wary trapper should not work from a 100 gram girlet put on the middle of the plate. At the same time, the resulting force should not exceed 200 grams, i.e., the trap must be triggered when performing the girks and 150-200 grams on the plate.

To each tray is attached to a steel cable with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 centimeters and a length of 1-2 meters to attach a cappon to the hair-stick in the hand thickness and a meter. Then, for carrying and installing trays, male canvas mittens with double palm face, a deck or a tarpaulin bag and a springs compression key. Capps with all these accessories I put a clean boiler or bucket and, bay with water, boiled for 2-3 hours, periodically changing water. Welding trap kept in a dry place in the yard. Before starting the fishery, they once again boil or processed in any other way depending on the places and methods of installing samolsters (see about it below).

Preparation of a gun. With a rifle hunt for foxes, it is especially important to have a well-working reliable double-rolled or three-bed rifle of the 12th, 16th or even 20th caliber, so that it can confidently beat the beast. Each hunter must take care of the health of his weapons and accessories to it.

To avoid wrinkles and protracted shots, a gun should be carefully cleaned, removing from the shock mechanism with a summer thick lubricant and lubricate the parts with spindle or liquid machine oil. To improve the battle of the gun, greater adhesion and sharpness, it is necessary to remove an extrusion in the trunk, using the copper brush-brush or a bunch of thin (0.3-0.5 millimeters) copper wire, coated at the end of a thick wooden hack. Such a shrom is tightly driven by a trunk several times. It is also necessary to clean the gun and in the future, after every 20-З0 shots. In the case of the need for a gun, you need to give a master to remove the shutter, repairing the locking mechanism, the change of weakened combat springs, upholstered and shortened bricks, etc.

After that, it is necessary to pick up folder and brass sleeves to the gun, enhanced swollen, clean and wash them inside from the powder nagar using the heroic and saturated hot solution of technical (calcined) soda.

When the rifle and the sleeves are given in full order, It is necessary to carefully targe each trunk individually and achieve maximum adhesion and sharpness, as the fox often has to shoot 50-70 steps, and it is important to put it on the spot. Otherwise, the wounded beast can be far away in strong places or hide in Noura. Therefore, shooting a gun should be enlarged (as far as the weight and strength of the gun) charges.

Charge weight for shooting durable unstary rifles (dazzed, without plate and inflatation, with clean barrels or small sinks inside) from a good selected black powder (good black powder - brilliant in appearance, it does not have lumps, the grains of it are similar in size. This powder, burned on a sheet of white paper, leaves only a weak gray-yellow flare, while poor powder - matte, has a lot of dust and large grains, and after combustion on paper leaves black nagar.) Must be 0.2%, and from Fruit up to 1% by weight of the rifle (without a belt). Consequently, for the 12th caliber gun weighing 3,500 grams: black powder 3500x0.2% / 100% \u003d 7 grams per charge and fractions 3500x1% / 100% \u003d 35 grams.

For the 20th caliber gun, weighing 3000 grams is required to charge black powder 3000x0.2% / 100% \u003d 6 grams and fractions 3000x1% / 100% \u003d 30 grams.

Shoot with smokeless powder is allowed only from rifles specifically tested under nitroporough. When using a smokeless powder, the calculation and weight of the charge of the fraci remain the same as during the shooting of a black powder, the shoe of smokeless powder is accurately answered on pharmaceutical scales. For the gun of the 12th caliber of the gunpowder, no more than 2.3 grams need, for the 16th caliber gun - no more than 2 grams and for the 20th caliber gun - not more than 1.8 grams.

Charged cartridges for the shooting should be especially gently and carefully, be sure to be powder with cardboard gasket and unandlled felt puffs. Different felt forces, cork, paper and pacles are unsuitable.

To score torture follows with uniform efforts of 40- 50 kilograms for the charges of black powder and in 4-5 kilograms - for smokeless powder. In no case cannot be scared with a hammer, as it strengthens the return, spreading the fraction and can lead to a rupture of a gun.

When shooting with smokeless powder, it is recommended to use folder sleeves under special strong closed caps of type Zhevo. Such cartridges provide greater accuracy, sharpness, constant and uniform scree. Therefore, for the targeting and shooting on the beast, it is recommended to use folder liner under the closed caps.

When shooting smokeless powder from brass and folder sleeves with conventional open hunting capsules, protracted shots are often obtained. This is explained to a largely weak flame that gives open capsul.

In such cases, it is allowed to put 5-10 grams of black powder in the capsyl nest, and then score the caps.

Flashing is recommended for a solid grinding (rolled in graphite) by fraction No. 0 and No. 00, i.e. crushers that have in diameter 4.25-4.5 millimeters. To determine the diameter and the fraction number, take 10 crushers, place them in one row on a bending of a bent paper and are measured by a centimeter ruler from the edge to the edge. Ten crushers No. 1, laid in a row, will have a length of 4 centimeters, i.e. the diameter of each crushing is 4 millimeters. An increase in each crushing by a 0.25 millimeter, or 10 crushers by 0.25 centimeters, will correspond to the order of zero numbers of the fraction. For example, zero crushing has a diameter of 4.25 millimeters, and fraction number 0000 - 5 millimeters. According to the same pattern, the diameter of the shallow fraction is changed. For example, crushing No. 3 have a diameter of 3.5 millimeters, No. 5 - 3 millimeters, etc. Knowing this principle of change and receiving counting, each hunter can unmistakably determine or check the numbers of the resulting fraction.

Feeding ammunition and carefully charged the cartridges, spend from a distance of 40 steps to shoot a gun on 10- 12 targets in two glued newspaper sheets. On each such target, the throbbers of crushers, and then compare them between themselves and choose the target with the greatest adolescence and uniform fission.

To accurately determine the thickening to the center, the percentage of cuminess and uniformity of the scape of the target, the circle of 80 centimeters with a grid is specifically delicted on the tank (wax), separated by a mesh per 100 semi-graded cells. On them and determine the results of firing for each target.

If the rifle dispels, does not give good adhesion and uniform in the scree (for example, only 3-5 crushers fall in the body of drawn fox), then the concentrator-urchinator should be applied. For guns of the "chock" drill (with a narrowing of the muzzle cut), it is recommended to shipping the shot with a talc or starch flour.

To this end, the charged cartridge should be poured 1 gram of talc or starch flour, and on top of the ships, then knock on the top row of crushers, which they will dare, and talc will protrude on top of them. Thus, all charge crushers will be evenly reinforced with Talc.

This method of charging the cartridges is much improving the uniformity of screaming and cuminess and makes it possible to shoot a fox at a distance of 70-80 steps.

Other developers are used, for example, lubricant with oil with oil; For rifles with cylindrical drilling, the Elea ring is used, turning the fraction in a paper cylinder, etc. However, all these methods are very laborious and are not very effective, so we will not stop on them.

Sharpness of the gun, i.e., the punching ability of the fraction is determined in depth to which it goes into a pine board. If, from a distance of 40 steps, the central charge crushers delved into the board only 0.5 centimeters, and the extreme even visible, then this is a weak sharpness of the gun, and the fox does not kill such a charge. With good sharpness, central crushers must punch through a 1.5-2-centimeter board.

To achieve good sharpness from the gun, it is necessary to reduce the shift of the fraction for 2-3, and even 5 grams. With an excessive decrease in the charge, the fraction increases its scatter, therefore it is recommended to shoot guns with different charges of 10-20 large targets so that it is possible to choose the most suitable charge with good sharpness, adolescence and uniform fusing.

Shot of guns for lanes, hemp, etc. Does not give the opportunity to judge the ball guns, and therefore it should not be engaged in this kind of aimless shooting.

yami, but it is that Sugoku / Kitsuna Sita Bau / Tama Makuva (8-7-5)
Strange Dark Night / Fox Sanding / Lovely Melon
(IB-134, HS-145, JR-138) 1681, Summer

The size of the first line is violated: 8 syllables are more than 5. What is the case? As you can see, in most cases, the change in the form at baces is dictated by the content. Any violation of the strictest shape hayk 5-7-5 syllables attracts the attention of the reader. He is surprised: what happened! And then, reading in the text, he understands that the poet wants to draw attention to the fact that it is not just a "dark night", but also "strange", "mysterious." Because we are talking about the fact that this mysterious night to a certain beautiful "beautiful melon" is sinking a lover, called "fox", it is probably important to emphasize that Lisa this male race.

Other translations:

"In the darkness of a moonless night
Fox springs on the ground
Stealing to ripe melon. "
(© Vera Markova)

As in many other cases, Vera Markova adds some details that are missing in the text:

1 line: "In the darkness of the moonless night." About the moon or her absence Baso does not write anything, so the word "selfless" is a fantasy translator.
2 Row: "Lisitsa is stealing on the ground" - about the land of Bass, he also says nothing, he writes only "Lis stealing"
3 Row: "It's stealing to ripe melon" - as the translator has already written that "Fox is stealing on Earth", then in the word "stealing" there is no longer necessary, because it turns out the tautology - the luxury is intolerable in such a compressed form, like a hayk. The word "ripe" in relation to the melon is inaccurate. In the third line, Baso writes just: "Tama Makuva" is a wonderful melon, or, if you deepen in the additional values \u200b\u200bof these words, it will turn out: "Precious, truly, like Silk is a beautiful melon."


闇 の \u003d やみ の \u003d yami - Dark
夜 \u003d よ \u003d E - Night, Evening
[凄く \u003d すごく \u003d Sugoku - very; extremely; terribly; scary]
狐 \u003d きつね \u003d Kitsune - Fox, Fox
下 \u003d し た \u003d sieve - under; bottom
這 ふ \u003d は ふ \u003d はう \u003d how - steal
玉 \u003d たま \u003d Tama - gemstone; Ball, Ball, Bead
真 \u003d ま \u003d Ma - True, Truth
桑 \u003d く は \u003d くわ \u003d Kuva - Mulberry; Mulberry tree
真桑 (瓜) \u003d まく は, まくわ (うり) \u003d Makuva (Uri) - Melon (Cucumis Melo Var Makuwa)

Note ISAO Yasuda:

闇 夜 きつね下はふ玉眞桑
ス ゴ ク
ヤミノヨト‎ ば
闇 夜 狐下這ふ玉真桑
ス ゴ ク
やみ の よ と たは たは ふ (or ばふ) たままく は
やみ の よ と た た は う (or ばう) たままくわ
yami No Yo to Sugoku / Kitsune Shita Bau / Tama Makuwa

In the original Hyku in the collection "東 日記" "ADZUM NIKKKI" - "Eastern Diary" on the right side of the hieroglyphs "闇夜" is written by Kana "ヤミノヨト" yami, but it is that, and in the left - "スゴク" - "Sugoku". Thus, "闇夜" is read as "闇の 夜 と すごく" "yami, but it is a snowy." Such reading is called "文選 読み" Mondzen Yue "Reading on Mondzen". "Reading on Mondzen" - one of 漢文 訓読法 "Canbun Kundoku Ho" ("Reading Chinese texts in order of words of Japanese"). According to him, the hieroglyphs are read by "音" - "He" (Chinese sound) and are once again read by "訓" - "Kun" (Japanese reading). In Haiku, the hieroglyphs "闇夜" are loaded, on the one hand, the ordinary reading "ヤミノヨト", but it is "night darkness", on the other, the word of the poetic value "スゴク" "Sugoku" - "inexplicably terrible." This special way of baces expresses not only the community of importance, but also unusual feeling Night darkness.

下 は ふ "Sita Howe" is an old word during the "manniasu" ("Collection of Miriad Leaves"), meaning to "love deep in the heart." Kato Sheson notes: "In this hayk, thanks to the use of the old reading of Chinese text and the old Japanese word, a comic shade is created due to the decline in classical literary theme. " (cm.