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​can be kept in medicines for diseases, in potassium permanganate in a light solution, but this is no more than 0.5 hours, and you should not soak

​potassium permanganate is mainly used for rot, but a weak solution is useless, and a strong solution can be burned

​All healthy tulip bulbs

​I begin to plant tulips in the garden in the second half of September.​

Tulips: processing the bulbs before planting

​You shouldn’t plant all the bulbous plants at the same time. This is a step-by-step process.​


​The most suitable for bulbous soil is nutritious and moisture-absorbing, but well-drained loamy soil.​

Autumn planting of bulbous plants. Tulips.

​The best time to buy tulip bulbs is in August - September. At this time, the highest quality is sold planting material. The bulbs should be dense and free of soft rotten spots and a musty smell. The bottom of the bulb should be dry and dense, the health and vitality of the plants depends on this.

When to plant tulips

​If all procedures are followed, then in the spring you will be able to admire beautiful strong flowers. Good luck!​

Processing tulip bulbs before planting

In order for planting tulips before winter to be effective, you just need to put the plant in the hole and cover it with soil. However, please note that there should not be any recesses in this area that could collect rainwater. It clogs the pores in the soil, which allows air to enter the plant. And if the environment is too humid, the bulbs can begin to rot. Before frost sets in, newly planted tulips should be covered with a small layer of peat, straw or dry leaves. It is especially important to carry out this procedure if the winter turns out to have little snow. In addition, mulching prevents the rapid growth of weeds and promotes good nutrition for tulips.​

Where to plant tulips

​Planting tulips before winter - optimal solution, since during this period the soil has not yet cooled down enough and the bulbs have the opportunity to take root well before the onset of cold weather. For this you will need about a month. Before planting tulips, you should sort the bulbs by size. The fact is that those of them that are smaller in size do not need to be buried very deeply.​

​Under no circumstances - they will get sick!​

The bulbs are not soaked, but are pickled with special preparations, this can be Maxim, potassium permanganate, or special tablets for soaking bulbs.

Tulip planting depth

I make a solution of potassium permanganate by eye, just like for people pink, put the bulbs in the solution for half an hour and that’s enough, then dry it well and put it away for storage.

Before planting, I peel large tulip bulbs.


Tulips: processing the bulbs before planting

​The small-bulb crops are planted first: scylla, muscari, pushkinia, crocuses, then daffodils, and even later tulips.​

​The soil for planting bulbs must be prepared in advance: dig up to a depth of at least 30 cm (so that the roots have time to penetrate to a depth of 20 cm) and fertilize (organic matter and phosphorus-potassium or complete mineral fertilizer with a low nitrogen content (40- 60 g/sq.m). It takes some time for the soil to absorb them and the fertilizers to start working.

Before planting, the bulbs must be cleaned and treated for infections. Often, on apparently healthy bulbs, if you remove the integumentary scales, you can find the first signs of fusarium: grayish depressed spots surrounded by a brighter border. They should be removed, otherwise they can introduce infection into the garden. Peel the bulbs, sprinkle with crushed coal or powdered fungicide, let the cut dry and slightly cork for 2-3 days. Before planting, treat the bulbs in a liquid disinfectant (“Vitaros”, “Maxim”) according to the instructions.​

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​It should be noted that all procedures must be carried out very carefully and responsibly. Treating tulips before planting is mandatory if you do not want to end up with diseased plants. To do this, you need to leave the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate (0.5%) for an hour. After treatment, they should be planted very quickly, since after feeding, young roots begin to grow intensively, which can be broken, and new ones no longer form in their place.​

​Planting tulips before winter should not be done too late, as they will not have time to take root and will subsequently grow more slowly. It should be noted that large bulbs must be planted at a certain distance from each other (no more than 10 cm). As for the children, they can simply be sown in the furrow. If the bulbs are small, then they can be placed a couple of pieces in one hole.
​And if you decide to treat for diseases or pests,​

​No. The bulbs are not soaked before planting!!!​

​My wife soaks it in fufanol.​

? about pickling tulip bulbs in potassium permanganate:


​This cleaning helps to identify possible foci of infection that are hidden under the husk.​

Vladimir Petrov

​Cleaning and treatment of bulbs​




The planting depth is determined based on the size of the bulb. From the bottom to the soil surface there should be a distance equal to three times the height of the bulb. On heavy soils, the planting depth can be reduced by 1/5.​

Do tulip, iris and hyacinth bulbs need to be soaked before planting in September-October?


​During the growing season and flowering, bulbs need sun, but when they are dormant, lighting is not so important. Therefore, flowering in early spring, bulbous plants can be planted among deciduous trees or in flower beds with fast-growing annuals and biennials. The foliage of the trees blooms at about the same time when the foliage of the bulbous plants dies, and the flowers in the flowerbed will cover the empty spaces exposed after harvesting the bulbous plants.

Alex Leningradsky

For a truly blooming spring, you need to plant bulbous flowers in the garden in the fall. You can plant not only tulips, hyacinths and daffodils, but also numerous small-bulbed flowers: pushkinias, scillas, scillas.​

Olga Borisovna

​You should also figure out what the planting depth for tulips should be. It all depends on the size of the bulbs. The larger they are, the deeper you need to bury them. For tulips, the optimal condition is 2-3 bulb heights, depending on the severity of the soil. However, you should not break the 20-centimeter barrier. The fact is that in this case, the growth of the plant slows down, it does not feed well, it is more difficult for it to break through to the surface, and the number of children is noticeably reduced.

Valentine Capricorn

​Planting tulips before winter requires a certain distance between rows (at least 20 cm). The fact is that every bulb needs good nutrition. If they grow very close to each other, then the nutrients are supplied in insufficient quantities. While working, try not to press the bulbs into the ground too much, as you can damage them, as a result of which the plant quickly succumbs to diseases.​

Zhanna S

​must Definitely! dry.​
​They can be kept in the drug "Maxim" or similar for the purpose of disease prevention.​
​Buy a special preparation for treating Maxim tulip bulbs and then you don’t have to be tricky with potassium permanganate. The best remedy for the processing of bulbous plants has not yet been invented. Personally, I gave up potassium permanganate a long time ago in favor of Maxim. And I’m very pleased.​

​After removing the integumentary membrane from the tulip bulbs, you can sort out the diseased specimens.​

Just one bulb, infected with some fungal or infectious disease, when planted in a common flowerbed, can lead to the death of other flowers. Just imagine what sad consequences there could be due to a single small mistake! While proper treatment of the bulbs will protect the tulips from diseases and pests, it will help them grow faster and bloom better.

Why preplant preparation is needed for tulip bulbs

Regardless of what time of year you decide to plant tulips, such an important process as preparing tulips for planting deserves special attention. Of course, you can simply put the bulbs in the ground and cover them with soil, and then hope that “if they want to live, they will grow.” However, experienced gardeners are well aware of the role pre-treatment of tulips before planting can play.

Many gardeners still pay attention to sorting them, dividing them into large and small ones. Accordingly, tulips are then planted also, focusing on the diameter of the bulbs. In the future, this will greatly facilitate the summer care of tulips and digging up the bulbs after flowering. If you did not sort the planting material before storing the planting material or you just recently bought the bulbs different varieties, it’s not too late to sort them just before planting.

Video about proper planting of tulips

Processing of planting material: instructions

Processing tulip bulbs before planting includes several simple techniques:

  • peeling the onions;
  • careful inspection;
  • sorting of planting material;
  • disinfection;
  • processing of bulbs with minor damage.

So, having laid out in front of you all the tulip bulbs that you intend to plant, inspect each specimen from all sides for damage, rotting or signs of disease.

Remove the hard outer skin from the bulbs, because it is under it that there may be pockets of infection that are not visible at first glance. In addition, peeled tulip bulbs will better absorb nutrients from the soil. Just peel the delicate bulbs very carefully so as not to inadvertently damage them.

Sort peeled and carefully inspected bulbs according to their diameter

Sort the peeled and carefully inspected bulbs according to their diameter. It is best to use large specimens for planting, but there is no need to throw away small ones either - you can plant them in flower beds. The main thing is not to plant large bulbs together with small ones, so that later it will be easier to select large planting material from the garden bed for storage.

Pickle tulip bulbs suitable for planting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour to protect the flowers from fungal diseases.

After etching with potassium permanganate, the bulbs must be immediately planted in the ground, since they quickly become saturated with moisture, and young roots can easily break off as a result, and new ones are no longer formed in their place.

What to do with bulbous “marriage”

If you find a diseased or damaged bulb, but you are sorry to throw it away, then cut off the damaged area from the bulb, being careful not to damage the inner layer of scales. Such bulbs should also be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, dried and planted in a flower bed. However, although after such treatment, infection of the remaining tulips and garden soil is unlikely, it is still worth planting the treated damaged bulbs separately from healthy ones.

When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the bulbs.

For some, the annual sorting and processing of tulip bulbs will seem too troublesome. In this case, you can purchase in the store already prepared planting material that has undergone heat treatment. But when purchasing, you must definitely pay attention to the quality of the bulbs, as well as the reputation and reliability of the supplier. It is advisable that the purchased tulip varieties be tested in your area and have a high germination rate.

The soil also needs preparation.

In addition to processing the bulbs, you need to take care of the soil in which the tulips will be planted. If the soil on your site is not entirely suitable for growing beautiful tulips, you can make an effort to improve its properties.

In addition to processing the bulbs, you need to take care of the soil

Please note that tulips need soil:

  • permeable;
  • loose;
  • fertile;
  • neutral acidity;
  • with level groundwater up to 75 cm.

If the groundwater level is higher, artificial drainage from a layer of sand can be provided for the tulips, otherwise the bulbs will quickly rot. Add peat and sand to clay soil. To increase the permeability of the soil when digging, it will also be useful to add coarse washed sand and humus.

You should not plant bulbs in sandy soil, because such soil dries out quickly and the tulips will lack moisture.

Video about planting tulips in autumn

Before planting, loosen the bed or flowerbed to a depth of 30 centimeters and leave for a day for the soil to settle. Remove weeds so that they do not impede the growth of flowers. Additionally, you can spill the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate, but if you have correctly carried out the pre-planting treatment of tulip bulbs, this point will no longer be necessary.

By following all the above recommendations, you can safely count on the fact that the tulips in your area will grow well and give you an unforgettable experience of the beautiful abundant flowering! In addition, caring for tulips will bring you much less hassle than if you planted unsorted and untreated bulbs.

Tulips are one of the most popular flowers among gardeners. They can be found in almost all flower beds and garden plots. The tulip is distinguished by its beauty and ease of care. It is worth noting that planting tulips in the ground in the fall is a little troublesome. In order for a tulip to please you with its beauty in the spring, you need to know how to plant it correctly.

Did you know? There are 15 classes of tulips in the world, and hundreds of species. Its color varies from classic red to dark green.

Dates for autumn planting of tulips

The timing of planting tulips in the fall depends on the soil temperature. It is best to plant these flowers from late September to early November. The main thing is that the weather is still warm. With the onset of severe cold, and especially frost, this cannot be done.

For productive planting of tulips in the ground in the fall, it is important not to do this too early, otherwise the bulbs will take root and sprout. Then frost will damage them. In order not to miscalculate the time of planting, take periodic measurements of the soil temperature. At the planting depth of tulips (15 cm), it should be +10°C.

Important! It is difficult to name the exact landing dates due to the weather, which changes every year. Focus on the soil temperature and the rooting time of the tulip - 3-4 weeks.

How to choose quality bulbs for planting

Correct fit The number of tulips in autumn also depends on the choice of planting material. Give preference to large and healthy bulbs. When planted, damaged or diseased ones can infect healthy ones, and then you may be left without tulips.

Before planting flowers in the ground, treat the bulbs with a special antifungal or antibacterial drug.

There are a huge number of drugs with a similar effect in every specialized store. Prevention will help get rid of pests of tulip bulbs, diseases and viruses.

Site selection, soil preparation and fertilization before planting

It is best to plant tulips in the fall in a well-lit area. The surface must be flat so that water does not stagnate there. Otherwise, this can lead to rotting and freezing of the bulbs. If you plant tulips in the shade, they will not get enough sun, and the stems will be thin and the flowers small.

Gardeners often ask the question: what kind of soil do tulips like? There is an answer that has been tested by practice - it is soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Tulips love light, humus-rich soil. If you plant them in an acidic environment, the buds will be damaged.

In autumn, it is necessary to apply humus and fertilizers at the site where the tulips are planted.

Did you know? It is best to plant tulips in a place where there were pumpkin crops, calendula, strawberries or legumes. Do not plant them in an area where nightshade or bulbous crops grew.

Pre-planting preparation of bulbs

Preparing tulips for planting in the fall is as follows:

When preparing to plant, be sure to remove the skins from the bulbs. Underneath there may be pests or signs of disease, such as bulb rot. In addition, without husks, tulips better absorb minerals from the soil.

To protect the bulbs from pests and diseases, you should know how to treat tulips before planting. To do this, soak the bulbs that you have sorted for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to protect against fungal diseases.

How to plant tulip bulbs in the ground

Proper planting of tulips in autumn is as follows:

  • fertilize the soil with compost;
  • Plant the bulbs to a depth of 15 cm;
  • the distance between the bulbs should be 10 cm;
  • Plant large bulbs in the center, small ones - along the edges. This way, large flowers will not block the light from smaller ones;
  • different varieties need to be planted separately;
  • do not forget about protection from rodents.

If you plant tulips correctly, following the timing and technology, then in the spring they will delight you with their beauty. Don't forget to fertilize the planted bulbs in the spring.

Mulching the soil: pros and cons

Mulching -This is covering the soil around plants with materials that regulate water and air conditions. Gardeners use mulching to control weeds.

This agricultural technique helps protect plants from drying out, weeds and pests. The advantage is that materials which are used for mulching, natural: grass clippings, hay or straw, bark, wood chips, sawdust, compost, pebbles or gravel.

They enrich the soil with useful minerals and fertilize, improve drainage and soil structure, and ensure water and oxygen exchange.

The downside is that using straw can attract rodents or other pests of tulip bulbs, the grass can disintegrate into a slimy mass and burn the plants, bark and wood chips are not suitable for young tulips.

If you decide to mulch the soil, determine for which plants look will do material you have chosen. For tulips It is best to use peat or chopped straw. The mulch layer should not exceed 5 cm.

Tulips feel most comfortable in humus-rich soil with a neutral reaction to the environment. If your soil is different from the specified, then it needs to be brought to the requirements. This is done with the help of frequent watering and fertilizing the soil if the tulips grow in dry sandy soils.

If your soil is heavy clay, then you will have to work harder. To do this, you will need coarse river sand, organic fertilizers, all this will allow the soil to better allow air to pass through, which is very important for the growth of tulips. Let’s make a reservation: if you use peat as an organic additive, it should be removed from acidity; for this, use lime or chalk.

Feeding tulips.

In the first year, before planting tulips, it is necessary to cultivate the soil, this is done in the spring, with organic fertilizers, the amount of fertilizer depends on the fertility of the soil, fertilizers are applied to a depth of 40 cm.

Once again, dig up the soil just a month before planting the tulips in the ground; this time we dig not so deep, up to about 20-26 cm. This time you need to apply potassium fertilizers, forty grams per square meter potassium salt and thirty grams per square meter - superphosphates. Sometimes instead mineral fertilizers add mineral mixtures.

How and when to plant tulips?

The timing of planting tulips depends on the climate zone in which you live, for example, for middle zone The dates for planting tulips are September 15-30; sometimes, if the weather permits, tulips are planted until mid-October. The main thing to remember is that there are two temperature factors, the first is to plant tulips in slightly cooled ground, the desired temperature of the ground at a depth of 15 cm is considered to be 7-8 degrees Celsius, the second thing to consider is that tulips should grow at least two weeks before the onset of stable frosts. Planting in this temperature range is considered optimal, and the most desirable for achieving successful landing and further germination of tulips.

It is also worth considering the variety of tulips, if this early variety, it is planted about half a month before the usual varieties of tulips are planted.

For planting, use only healthy bulbs, carefully inspect them for damage to the skin, you also need to make sure that there are no dark spots, the bulb itself must be strong.

How to care for tulips?

If you have done all the soil preparation, then special effort There is no need on your part when caring for tulips. If it is a warm, dry autumn outside, the tulips need to be watered, and the moisture should penetrate to a depth of 30-35cm. You can also feed the tulips a little, this is done using ammonium nitrate, you need to add about 16g of it. per square meter

Preparing tulips for winter

When frost sets in, the ground on which tulips grow is covered with spruce branches. This is done to be on the safe side in case the winter is snowless, and it also helps protect the bulbs from rodents. In spring, this shelter should be removed so as not to interfere with the growth of tulips.

So September has arrived. It's time to get ready to plant tulips. And although, as a rule, tulips are planted in the third ten days of September, preparations must be made a little earlier. First, you need to prepare the soil for planting tulip bulbs.

Preparing for autumn planting.

To do this, scatter fertilizers (g per square meter) over the area that you have allocated for planting: ammonium nitrate - 12, superphosphate - 50, potassium sulfate - 40, wood ash– 200 (although you don’t have to spare the ash, if possible). After this, we dig up the area to the depth of a spade bayonet. If the area where the tulips will be planted is small, and especially if it is wet (close to groundwater), it is advisable to add it and raise it. You can start planting tulips. Although the planting date, as I already wrote, is the third ten days of September, in different regions cold weather comes in different ways. Therefore, planting must be done based on soil temperature. The most favorable temperature for this is +9…+10 degrees. If the bulbs are planted earlier, they will begin to grow in the spring earlier, and as a result, they may be damaged by spring frosts. If you plant later, the bulbs will not take root well and will freeze. Before planting, it is advisable to treat the bulbs for prevention against pests and possible diseases. Therefore, before planting, I recommend keeping the bulbs for 30 minutes, first in a 0.2% solution of karbofos, and then in a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate.

Planting tulips, how and when to plant bulbs, video

Autumn is the time when it's time to think about spring. It's autumn, which means it's time to plant tulips.

Time to plant tulips. The best time for planting tulips is when the soil temperature drops to +7-10°C. This usually happens at the end of September - beginning of October. If necessary, a later planting in November is possible, but with subsequent good cover with spruce branches or foliage.

It must be remembered that when planted early, the bulbs take root slowly. heat favors the development of diseases such as fusarium. And for bulbs planted too late, the roots do not always have time to develop before the onset of frost.

Places and soil for planting tulip bulbs. For planting tulips, choose sunny areas protected from the wind. Tulips grow well in any cultivated garden soil, but for the successful cultivation of these flowers, the best soil is permeable, loose, humus-containing loamy or sandy loam soil. Heavy clay soils can be improved by adding organic matter, such as peat, compost.

The main requirement when planting tulips is good drainage! In low, damp areas with high groundwater levels, even short-term accumulation of water during the winter months can cause the bulbs to become wet, susceptible to disease and risk of freezing. In waterlogged areas, it is recommended to create high ridges.

Tulips prefer neutral or slightly alkaline soils with a pH of 7.0-7.5. Acidic soils are not suitable for planting tulips and require liming. Before planting, carefully dig up the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm. It is better to do this a month before planting, so that the soil has time to settle.

To remove perennial weeds, the area can be treated with Roundup before digging. The tulip begins to absorb nutrients from the soil around the beginning of March, by which time all nutrients should be available to the plant, i.e. already in the root zone. Organic fertilizers applied under the predecessor, a year before planting tulips.

Applying fresh manure to plant tulips is unacceptable!

Applying fertilizers when planting tulips. Tulips respond very actively to the addition of mineral nutrients. It is better to use a special complex fertilizer for bulbs that has become commercially available, which contains all the necessary nutrients and microelements.

If you can't purchase it. then you need to apply the following fertilizers when digging the soil: well-rotted humus (up to 5 kg/sq.m), superphosphate (50-100 g/sq.m), nitroammophoska (40-60 g/sq.m), granulated bird droppings ( 200 g/sq.m.), ash (200 g/sq.m.), bone meal (200 g/sq.m.).

Before planting, you should carefully inspect the bulbs, removing all diseased and rotten ones during storage. Before planting the bulbs, etch with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate, treatment time - from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Planting is carried out immediately after dressing, since the bulbs quickly absorb moisture, the swelling of the root roll accelerates, and if planting is delayed, the resulting roots easily break off. Furrows are prepared with a depth of 10-15 cm at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, the distance between the bulbs is 9-10 cm.

The planting depth for extra-class tulip bulbs is 15-18 cm. Tulip bulbs of the II and III varieties are planted to a depth of 12 cm, and baby ones - even shallower. On light soils, the bulbs are planted deeper, on heavy soils - shallower.

If the soil is dry. The furrows are well watered (with KMpO4 possible). At the bottom of the furrow (if no fertilizer was applied for digging), a special fertilizer for bulbous plants is poured, covering it with a layer of sand of 2-3 cm. Next, the tulip bulbs are laid out bottom down at a distance of 8-10 cm.

Do not press the bulbs too hard into the soil. since swollen roots can be damaged.

The bulbs are dusted with ash and sprinkled with sand on all sides. Next, the spread out bulbs are covered with soil. If you want to plant tulips not on ridges, but to lay out some kind of pattern with them, then the top layer of soil is removed from the entire area of ​​​​the site.

The bulbs are laid out in a certain order (according to the drawing) on ​​a leveled surface, then covered with previously removed soil.

Tulips are returned to their original place no earlier than after 4 years. With the onset of stable frosts, the plantings can be mulched with peat with a layer of 3-5 cm, which will prevent cracking of the soil in winter, provide an even temperature at the depth of the bulbs and thereby prevent damage to the root system, in addition, maintain looseness of the soil and reduce weed clogging. Peat is not removed in spring.

Multi-colored and single-colored, with fringe, high and low - all these characteristics apply to tulips. These are one of the most common flowers in all Russian flower beds. All gardeners eagerly await the flowering period to admire the fruits of their labors.

When can you dig up tulip bulbs?

However, after they bloomed, a large number of summer residents are wondering about proper care, because summer is ahead. So that tulips please with generous flowering and next year, it is important to provide proper care to their bulbs.

The bulb accumulates useful substances throughout the summer. She needs strength to raise her children. It would also be wrong to trim the leaves after the flower has withered. Everyone knows that the process of photosynthesis occurs in them. Without leaves, the bulb will not receive nutrients. The second reason why you should not cut off the top of the plant is that you can damage the bulb, since it will be impossible to immediately find it in the ground.

It is worth digging up tulips in June or focusing on flowering - after 4-6 weeks. If the leaves have wilted and turned yellow, they can also be dug up.

Since the bulbs go deeper and deeper into the ground over time, you need to dig the tulip deeper and carefully remove the bulb with the children. Next, you will need to tear off the roots and dried stems.

A ripe onion will have dense brown scales that will need to be removed. Upon careful examination of the bulb and its pronounced fungal infection, it must be disinfected with a fungicide.

You don’t have to immediately tear off the stems and roots, but put the bulbs in one layer in the shade for 10 days. Only after the leaves wither can they be torn off. Next, you can begin to calibrate the planting material - separate the adult bulbs and children, putting them in different boxes.

The containers must be placed in a well-ventilated place, away from direct sunlight. It is important to take care of temperature conditions– for the first 2 months the temperature should be about 20-25 degrees.

Immediately 2-3 weeks before planting, it can be lowered by 5 degrees.

How to treat tulip bulbs after digging them up

In order for the planting material of tulips to be preserved, you need to take care of their storage. After all the bulbs have been dug up, you need to start processing them, rinse them with cold running water. To avoid diseases and pest attacks, it is recommended to disinfect them in a solution of karbofos. You can also just leave them in 50 degree water for 10 minutes. Double treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable. And only after such manipulations are done, the bulbs are ready for drying.

During drying and storage, do not forget that it is necessary to inspect them. Bulbs that are too soft and damaged by yellow or white coating should be removed immediately.

Some experienced gardeners For the winter, place the tulip bulbs in the refrigerator, where they will be stored at a temperature of 3-5 degrees. However, it is important to remember that these conditions are not suitable for all varieties.

The most favorable way for the bulbs will be to store them on a peat bed. To do this, you need to take a plastic bag and make small holes in it. 10 cm of peat is poured into the bottom of the bag, the bulbs are laid out, which are also covered with a 12-13 cm layer of peat. In this way, several layers of bulbs can be placed. The storage temperature should not be higher than 3-5 degrees Celsius.