Aleyrodidae (Aleyrodidae), or whiteflies, are a family of small winged insects, which unites more than one and a half thousand species. The scientific name of this family, derived from the Greek word, is translated as “flour”, and this is due to the fact that there is a powdery coating on the surface of the wings of such an insect. The whitefly is a very dangerous insect that can seriously harm both indoor and garden crops. Also, this pest is able to penetrate the greenhouse.

Despite the fact that there are a huge number of whitefly species, the length of this insect varies from 0.13 to 0.3 cm. Outwardly, it is similar to the moth-shaped lepidopteran. On the surface of the reddish-yellow body there are small dark spots, the whitefly has four wings, and they fold into a house, on their surface there is a mealy white dusty coating. Young larvae are very mobile, and they use the juice of various plants as food. Over time, they are attached to the wrong surface of the sheet plates. Some whitefly species are classified as dangerous quarantine pests.

You can understand that the plant was occupied by the whitefly by the following signs:

  • when you touch the plant, midges soar up from it white color, which look like a very small moth;
  • translucent scales formed on the wrong side of the foliage, which are pest larvae;
  • yellow chlorotic spots form on the shoots and foliage, and then a sticky coating appears, which is a honeydew or honeydew (this is the waste of the whitefly);
  • growth and development of the plant slows down.

This pest prefers heat and high humidity, which is why it breeds well in greenhouses and greenhouses. Already at 10 degrees, the whitefly dies, but its eggs can easily withstand even winter frosts. This most dangerous pest is also one of the main carriers of fungal and viral diseases (for example, curl, gray rot, mosaic, powdery mildew etc.), which are currently considered incurable.

Prevention measures

Experienced gardeners and gardeners know that it is much easier to prevent the appearance of a pest on your site than to fight it for a long time and hard. In this regard, preventive measures play an important role in the fight against whitefly:

  1. Systematically inspect the crops, while especially carefully inspecting the underside of the leaf plates, as the pest likes to hide and lay eggs there. Remember that crops growing in conditions high level humidity and at elevated temperatures, need special attention.
  2. Feed the plants in a timely manner and provide them with good care, since first of all pests infect weakened specimens.

Ways to deal with whiteflies in a greenhouse

If everyone possible ways you tried to fight the whitefly that settled in the greenhouse, and they turned out to be ineffective, only then experts advise resorting to the use of chemicals. Of course, pesticides are much more effective than folk remedies, but they are very toxic.

The following insecticidal preparations fight the whitefly most effectively:

  1. Aktara. This is a systemic remedy of prolonged action (3-5 weeks). A solution is prepared from it, which is poured under the root of the bush, but if there are a lot of pests, then it is used to treat foliage from a spray bottle. If necessary, carry out 2 more treatments with a break of 7 days. However, experienced summer residents advise getting rid of the whitefly at a time, for this you will need a concentrated solution of the drug (three or four times stronger than recommended in the instructions).
  2. Confidor. A drug of contact-systemic action, after treatment with which harmful insects die after 1.5 hours. The active substance that contributes to the death of whiteflies in various concentrations is also available in the following agents: Kopfidor, Gaucho, Admir, Marathon, Commander, Provado and Appleund.
  3. Akarin (Agravertin). This contact-intestinal insecticide is used in the fight against many harmful insects, as well as arachnids. The foliage of the crops is sprayed with a solution of the agent, and it is necessary that it must fall on the pest.
  4. Spark (Bio, Gold, Double Effect). Such a tool is very effective, it is able to exterminate all pests after the first treatment. On sale in the store, this drug is present in the form of water-soluble tablets, long-acting sticks, powder and in ampoules. After watering, the product penetrates into the root system and tissues of the bush, where it can stay up to 20 days, while poisoning both adults and larvae of the pest.
  5. Fitoverm. Insectoacaricidal drug is used in the fight against almost all pests. The solution prepared from it is sprayed with bushes over the foliage 1 or 2 times. Most often, this number of treatments is enough to exterminate the entire pest population.
  6. Actellik. Insectoacaricidal drug used in the fight against ticks and insects. Remember that the smell of this product is very strong and unpleasant, and it is also highly toxic. In this regard, experts recommend using it in open ground while remembering to take precautions.
  7. tanrec. This insecticidal preparation is distinguished by its contact-intestinal action, while it is very effective in combating various harmful insects. Such a tool effectively copes with the whitefly, especially on crops with smooth leaf plates without pubescence. If there is pubescence on the foliage, then it is best to use a fine sprayer to spray it.

Even summer residents in the fight against whiteflies very often use the following means: Fufanon, Alatar, Top-star, Rovikurt, Inta-Vir, Zeta, Pyrethrum, Fury, Talstar, Cypermethrin, Neudosan, Ekamet, Decis, Ambush, Arrivo, etc.

In the summer, whiteflies are most often found on crops growing in open ground. However, with the onset of autumn, when it becomes much colder, they try to move to greenhouses, greenhouses or living quarters.

You can understand that whiteflies have settled on tomatoes by the blurry yellow spots and sticky secretions that appear on the foliage. Conduct a mandatory inspection of the underside of the leaf plates, if you see colonies of this pest on it, then you need to start fighting it as soon as possible.

In order to exterminate the whitefly that has settled on greenhouse tomatoes, it is necessary to wash the leaf plates with special care with a soap solution (pay special attention to the underside of the leaves). Rinse the soap composition from the plants after 60 minutes. Thanks to this procedure, the tomatoes will be able to “breathe easier”. But in order to save the harvest, you will have to repeat this procedure many times. Also, this harmful insect is fought with glue traps (for example, by Bona Forte), and they should be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the greenhouse. You can also reduce the number of adults with the help of sticky tapes for flies Mosquitol or Fumitox, which are coated with a special composition. But such traps are effective in the fight only with adults. In order to get rid of whitefly larvae on tomatoes, use a garlic solution or an infusion prepared from the rhizome of the dandelion officinalis.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse can be severely affected by both whitefly larvae and adults. To obtain a powerful and quick effect, it is recommended to treat the bushes 1 or 2 times with a chemical agent. If there are not very many pests, then you can try to get rid of them with the help of more harmless folk remedies, but be prepared to process cucumbers several times. Remember that it will not work to exterminate the whitefly that has settled in the greenhouse with a pesticide or a folk remedy. AT next year she can settle on the bushes again. That is why experts do not advise to neglect preventive measures.

The signs of the appearance of this pest on cucumbers are the same as on tomatoes:

  • leaf plates become discolored, begin to curl and fade;
  • sticky, as well as blurry yellow spots and whitish dots form on the foliage;
  • on the underside of the foliage are larvae.

If you move the bush, you can see how small white moths fly from it in different directions, which look like a moth. If there are still few pests, then folk remedies can be used to combat it. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to carry out treatments regularly once a week, until absolutely all pests in the greenhouse die. During processing, be sure to thoroughly wet the wrong side of all sheet plates. You can also try to get rid of pests with a soap solution. To do this, a sponge is moistened in it, with which all areas where there are larvae are washed. The main advantage of this method is that after processing you will remove not only the larvae, but also the soot fungus, due to which the pores of the leaf plates will open and they will be able to breathe normally. If there are a lot of whiteflies, then the following pesticides are used to destroy them: Fufanon, Detis, Aktar or Verticillin (be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions). To reduce the number of adult insects, sticky tapes are hung in the greenhouse. However, it is most effective and safe to use insects that eat the eggs of this pest.

Whitefly in the garden (in the open field)

Signs that whiteflies have settled on outdoor tomatoes are the same as for greenhouse tomatoes. In both cases, this dangerous pest is fought in almost the same ways. Most importantly, remember to use chemicals needed only when processing folk remedies turned out to be ineffective. Also, the use of pesticides is justified if there is real threat lose the entire crop.

In order to prevent the appearance of whiteflies on the site, one should not forget about the following preventive measures:

  1. For planting in open ground, only those seedlings are used that do not have symptoms of diseases and pests.
  2. Systematically clear the area of ​​weeds, while keeping in mind that the whitefly loves the whitefly most of all.
  3. Glue traps are used to catch flying whiteflies.

If you find a pest on seedlings, then it is recommended to spray them once with one of the chemicals listed above or carry out several treatments with a folk remedy. Then the seedlings can be planted in open ground. If the insects settled on bushes planted in the garden, then it is recommended to fumigate them with sulfur, which can exterminate both larvae and adult pests. Instead, plants can be systematically sprayed once a week with a folk remedy. If there are a lot of harmful insects on tomatoes, then it is recommended to treat them with a powerful pesticide (for example: Fufanon or Mospilan). Plants are treated on a cloudy and calm day, but there should be no rain. Also remember that the whitefly has the ability to develop resistance to pesticides, so do not forget to alternate them.

For outdoor cucumbers, whiteflies pose a very big danger. Also remember that they are one of the main carriers of dangerous diseases, for example: chlorosis, yellow cucumber mosaic, fruit necrosis, leaf curl and jaundice. As soon as the first signs of the presence of the whitefly are found on the bushes, you must immediately begin to fight it. The fact is that this insect is characterized by very high fecundity: during one month of her life, the female is able to lay about 130 eggs.

This pest on cucumbers is fought in the same way as on other crops, namely: folk remedies, pesticides and a mechanical method. However, prevention has shown the greatest effectiveness in the fight against whiteflies. If you take all the necessary preventive measures in a timely manner, then your cucumbers will be reliably protected from this dangerous insect. But if you failed to protect the plantings, and the pest nevertheless settled on them, then immediately after its detection, thoroughly wash the foliage with a soap solution, and after 1 hour after that, rinse them with clean water. Then manually remove the larvae from the underside of the leaf plates and loosen the earth to a depth of 20 to 30 mm. It is necessary to carry out this procedure repeatedly.

The most effective folk remedies against this pest are dandelion infusion and garlic solution. In order to reduce the number of whiteflies, it is recommended to spray the bushes once every one and a half weeks with a solution of the Bud preparation. And of the pesticides, the most effective in the fight against this insect are Spark and Tsitkor. Foliage should be processed on a cloudy calm day, but there should be no rain. Experts advise to alternate chemicals because this pest can develop resistance to them.


If there is a suspicion that a whitefly has settled on the cabbage, then it will be very simple to check this: shake the foliage on the bush, small white moths should immediately soar up from it. Inspect the wrong surface of the leaf plates, if there are translucent larvae on it, then they are removed with a soapy solution and a sponge. Then the bushes are washed with clean water.

You can also try to save cabbage from this dangerous pest with folk remedies. For example, several sticky tapes for flies are hung on the site. Also, the treatment of bushes with an infusion of garlic or dandelion foliage and rhizomes shows high efficiency. If necessary, cabbage can be treated with one of the pesticides. Moreover, it should be noted that the most effective in this case are such drugs as: Fitoverm, Fufanon, Iskra, Aktara, Actellik, Confidor and Inta-Vir.


The signs that whiteflies are present on raspberries are the same as on other crops: a whitish coating of honeydew forms on the surface of the foliage, darkening over time due to soot fungus. When examining the underside of the foliage, a cluster of adults and their larvae can be found.

In order to get rid of the pest, it is first recommended to use more harmless folk remedies. And only in the event that they turn out to be ineffective, chemical preparations are used to combat whiteflies.


If whiteflies have settled on the grapes, then the bushes should be washed with soapy water. After that, they are treated with dandelion infusion or garlic solution. However, the processing of folk remedies will have to be carried out regularly 1 time per week. After the harvest is harvested, the bushes are treated with a solution of Aktara or Fufanon.

How to get rid of whiteflies on houseplants


The whitefly can settle on indoor plants, for example, on fuchsia. This pest is thermophilic, and fuchsia has a fairly high resistance to cold. Therefore, if you transfer it to a cool balcony and leave it there for a while, this will lead to the death of the pest. Also, to combat this insect, you can use a harmless folk remedy: in 1 tbsp. warm water (about 50 degrees), dissolve 2 tsp. granulated sugar and immediately process the bush with this composition. Of the pesticides, it is best to choose Actellik for processing fuchsia.


Remember that having settled on indoor hibiscus, the whitefly can immediately fly to other plants located nearby. In this regard, pest control must begin as soon as it is detected. In this case, as in all the others described above, a soap solution and dandelion infusion are used. If such folk remedies do not bring the desired result, then the bushes are treated with Aktara's solution.

On indoor plants, the whitefly settles no less than on garden and garden crops. At home, it very quickly settles on all plants, and this must be taken into account when choosing a method of pest control. Experienced flower growers recommend that you first wash the infected bush with a soap solution, rinse it thoroughly with clean water, and then spray it with an insecticidal preparation, after transferring it to the street.

The simplest methods of pest control are effective only on initial stage infections. The fact is that they are designed to destroy the usual life cycle whiteflies.

Folk remedies

The transformation of larvae into adult insects occurs in 7 days. Up to this point, they, being on the wrong side of the leaf, actively suck the juices out of it. In order to reduce the number of pests, it is necessary to destroy as many larvae as possible. Therefore, once a week, it is necessary to carefully wipe each leaf with a moistened soft sponge. It is recommended to bring a soapy solution for this. Try to remove all existing larvae from the leaves. After some time, the pests will be completely destroyed.

However, this method is applicable only in the case of a not very large amount of vegetation. So, for example, in bulk plantings, greenhouses, greenhouses, this method is inefficient and labor-intensive.

Decrease in air temperature up to 10 degrees

If the temperature is lowered to 10 degrees or less, then adults die, but a certain number of larvae and eggs remain alive and simply hibernate. After an increase in temperature of more than 15 degrees, they come to life and continue their normal life.

Other folk remedies are various solutions that should either be watered on the affected plant or sprayed on it.

soap solution

To prepare the solution, laundry or tar soap is suitable. It should be crushed with a grater. Dissolve soap in water in a ratio of 1:6. The resulting liquid must be well beaten to form a stable foam, and then, using a sponge, apply it to the surface of the plant. The green parts of the plant can simply be sprayed with the resulting solution, and you do not need to beat it. The surface layer of the soil also needs to be lightly sprayed.

In some cases, all insects will be destroyed after the first treatment. However, in most cases, a new treatment will be required after 7 days.

Garlic infusion

For a liter of pure water, you will need 2 medium-sized chopped garlic cloves (6 grams). Everything is mixed, covered and the container is removed in a dark place. After 24 hours, the infusion is filtered and used for spraying. As a rule, 2 or 3 treatments are enough, between them there should be a break of 1 week.

Yarrow herb infusion

For a liter of water, you will need about 90 grams of yarrow leaves (not dried). Mix and infuse for 48 hours. Then the infusion must be filtered and the plant can be treated with a sprayer. It takes 2 or 3 treatments, the break is 1 week.

Infusion of tobacco

To prepare the infusion, you need to purchase cigarettes (for example, "I will accept"). Gut tobacco from cigarettes and pour a liter of not very much into it hot water. Remove the mixture in a dark place, and after 5 days the infusion will be ready for use. It must be filtered and used for spraying. The treatment is carried out once every three days until the whiteflies completely disappear.

Dandelion infusion

For cooking, you will need 40 grams of dandelion leaves and the same number of roots of this plant. They are finely cut and then mixed with a liter of water. After 3 or 4 days, the infusion will be ready. After straining, it is used for spraying plants. The treatment is repeated a couple of times, while the interval between them should be a week.

whitefly species

The most studied species of the entire family is the tobacco whitefly, which is one of the dangerous quarantine objects. This insect has spread all over the world. Lifespan adult- two weeks old, her body is yellow, her legs are yellowish, and her wings are painted white. One female can lay 50–300 eggs throughout her life. This species settles on melons, technical, vegetable and flower crops, as well as forage grasses, medicinal plants and on some weeds. Also, this pest can be found on berry, woody, fruit and citrus plants. Very dangerous this species whiteflies for crops grown in greenhouses or greenhouses.

This harmful insect can carry about 100 different types of viruses from one crop to another, while due to most of them, the summer resident can lose the entire crop. Biological enemies of the whitefly include: predatory bugs, lacewings and certain types of ladybugs.

In addition to the tobacco whitefly, the following species of the family are also widespread:

  • greenhouse whitefly, or greenhouse- such a pest settles on tomatoes, cucumbers and some flower crops;
  • cabbage whitefly;
  • citrus whitefly- this quarantine harmful insect settles on citrus crops, it can be found on the territory of Japan, America, China, India and the Caucasus;
  • strawberry whitefly- can be found in Europe.

We tell in detail how to deal with the whitefly at home - effective methods of struggle. See how to get rid of whiteflies on indoor flowers with the help of folk remedies and chemicals, as well as preventive measures.

How to deal with whiteflies on indoor plants?

It is difficult to get rid of the insect, only adults can be destroyed with insecticides, and, as a rule, there are pests at different stages of development.

The larvae are very firmly attached to the leaves, and it is not possible to wash them off with any solution, and the susceptibility to the action of chemicals is very low.

  • Therefore, the most best time for processing indoor plants by any means - this is when an adult has just formed.

An adult insect begins to actively feed and mate, and at this moment it is most sensitive to the effects of folk remedies or drugs.

It is also difficult to fight a pest on indoor flowers because, during spraying, adults often begin to fly and hide.


  1. If an insect is found, place the flower separately from other pets and inspect the entire collection. The place where the specimen was located (windowsill, window, outer sides of the pots) - wash with a soap and alcohol solution.
  2. Replace the top layer of soil in the flower pot.
  3. Before treatment with the drug, wipe the leaves of the plant with a cotton swab (soft toothbrush) with a solution of water with methyl alcohol (1: 1) or soapy water. white plaque, and severely affected areas - cut off.
  4. Rinse off the solution and leave it to dry. After the water has evaporated from the leaves, spray the flower, topsoil, and spill the soil with a systemic insecticide.
  5. Ventilate the room well so that traces of the chemical agent disappear.

TIPS. Plant species that cannot be washed leaves need to be sprayed, and preferably with chemical preparations.

Treating all houseplants increases your chances of getting rid of whiteflies, as does rinsing your window sill, pots, and glass.

In addition to treatments with folk remedies or chemicals, you need to inspect daily home flower, collect whitefly eggs and catch adults. Cut off the affected and yellowed leaves on house flowers in a timely manner.

It is sometimes necessary to treat houseplants with whitefly remedies in order to completely get rid of it within 40-50 days.

greenhouse whitefly

whitefly medications

Since the susceptibility of the pest to chemicals at different stages of development is significantly different, then you need to deal with the pest in a comprehensive manner.

Chemical preparations for whiteflies are an effective tool in pest control on houseplants.

Experts advise using systemic insecticides (Aktara, Konfidor, Tanrek) with a soil mixture from the very beginning. These drugs will eventually spread through the roots throughout the plant, and the insect will be easier to destroy.

  • Systemic insecticides are recommended to be alternated with enteric-contact preparations, since they do not act on the fourth-stage larva (pupa - it does not suck plant sap).

Of the enteric-contact drugs, one can note: Akarin, Aktellik, Inta-Vir, Karbofos and Fitoverm.

Popular drugs

Near each drug, we indicated its hazard (toxicity) class: 4 - low hazard to humans, safe for bees and beneficial insects, 3 - moderately hazardous substance, 2 - highly hazardous substance, 1 - extremely dangerous for humans and animals.

Non-systemic insecticides of contact-intestinal action

  1. "Akarin" (the old name "Agravertin") - 4, (Avertin), price: 4 ml package - 13-20 rubles.
  2. "Aktellik" - 2, (pyrimifos-methyl), price: 2 ml package - 30-50 rubles. On the territory of Russia, the drug for personal use is not registered as of 01.10.2016. Although sometimes the drug can still be found in small stores and on the Internet.
  3. "Bankol" - 3 (bensultap), price: a package of 10 grams - 30-40 rubles.
  4. "Vertimek" - 2, (abamectin), price: $ 90 / liter, manual packaging - 2 ml - 25 rubles.
  5. "Inta-Vir" - 3, (cypermethrin), price: package 8 gr - 10-15 rubles.
  6. "Karbofos" ("Malathion", "Fufanon", "Iskra M") - 3, (malathion), price: a package of 30 gr - 30-40 rubles (a sharp unpleasant odor).
  7. "Fitoverm" - 4, (aversectin C), price: package (ampoule) 4ml - 15-20 rubles.

Systemic insecticides of contact-intestinal action

  1. "Aktara" - 3, (thiamethoxam), price: 1.2 ml ampoule - 40-50 rubles, package 4 gr - 90-120 rubles.
  2. "Confidor Extra" - 3, (imidacloprid), price: package 1 gr - 30-40 rubles.
  3. "Tanrek" - 3, (imidacloprid), price: 1 ml ampoule - 10-15 rubles.
  • Prices are based on hypermarkets such as "Obi", "Leroy Merlin" according to the rate of 1 dollar = 65 rubles. These preparations are widely found in many flower shops.

What is the best drug to choose?

These funds can be alternated, if necessary, with each other in order to completely get rid of the whitefly on indoor flowers.

In case of serious damage or a decrease in the effect of treatment with previous chemicals, go to Aktellik, Karbofos or Vertimek as they are more toxic.

"Karbofos", "Vertimek" and "Aktellik" can only process indoor plants in the open air.

ATTENTION! Carefully read the instructions for use of any drug and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

"Fitoverm" from the whitefly

The drug "Fitoverm" well destroys the whitefly on flowers, and many experts recommend starting the fight with it. "Fitoverm" is an insecticide of biological origin with minimal danger to humans and pets.

Dissolve 2 ml of the drug in 200 ml of water and spray indoor flower. Processing is carried out every 5-8 days, depending on the size and age of the plants, as well as the air temperature.

In most situations, 3-4 sprays of a flower are enough to completely get rid of the whitefly.

6-8 days after the last or next spraying with Fitoverm, the home flower can be treated with Epin to support it.

"Aktara" from the whitefly

Many flower growers prefer to deal with the whitefly on houseplants with the help of Aktara. "Aktara" is a very strong systemic insecticide that can destroy the pest quite quickly and easily for the grower.

Watering the soil, without spraying, is often enough to get rid of whiteflies on houseplants. According to the reviews of flower growers, this method of struggle helps well: water the indoor flower with Aktara, and the second time after 6-8 days, and the insect will be completely destroyed.

Standard application of "Aktara" in pest control:

The indoor flower is sprayed with Aktara solution 1 gram per 1.25 liters of water (enough for 25-30 plants) and the soil mixture is shed - 1 gram per 10 liters of water.

Processing must be carried out 2-4 times, every 10-12 days, depending on the air temperature. In most cases, after 2-3 procedures, it is possible to get rid of the whitefly at home.

After spraying the plant, "Aktar" does not need to be washed off. The waiting period for spraying is 1-24 hours, and for watering - 2-4 days.

The drug for severe lesions: "Aktellik"

Dilute the Aktellika ampoule (2 ml) in a liter of water and spray the indoor flower. Use no more than 2 treatments in a row. The waiting period is 3 days.

IMPORTANT!"Aktellik" can only be used outdoors. It is impossible to work with them for pregnant women, people suffering from asthma and allergic diseases.

The drug "Actellik" is a powerful and toxic remedy that helps get rid of the whitefly on house flowers.

Plan for the treatment of indoor plants with drugs

  1. It is necessary to process indoor flowers from the whitefly every 6-8 days (temperature above 20 degrees Celsius) since the egg stage lasts 10-20 days at 17-23 ° C.
  2. Be aware that if the air temperature at the time of spraying is below 18 °, then the effectiveness of chemicals is seriously reduced.
  3. After spraying, you do not need to put a plastic transparent bag on the home flower, it is more important to carry out a second procedure at the right time.
  4. Remember that a single treatment with any drug gives a one-time effect.

IMPORTANT! If a whitefly is found, it is necessary to process all house flowers in a way that it moves easily. If you process only part of your collection, then the risk of re-discovery of the pest is high.

How to get rid of whitefly folk remedies?

As before, it is folk remedies that are the main weapon in the fight against pests in vegetable crops. It is very important to fight the whitefly with them on cabbage, cucumbers, greens, tomatoes and others.

Since the treatment with chemicals leads to the accumulation of hazardous substances in the tissues of the plant, vegetables, fruits and berries will harm the human body.

However, pest control with folk remedies on houseplants is less successful than with chemicals. However, many flower growers have been able to get rid of the whitefly on indoor flowers with the help of folk remedies.

Therefore, the use of chemicals or folk remedies is the personal choice of each person.

  • The editors of the “Feast of Flowers” ​​can say from their own experience that among folk remedies, garlic, onions are more effective in combination with frequent washings of the plant with soapy water (tar, potash or household).

The use of traps and a fumigator in addition will also speed up the process of exterminating the insect.

1. Soap solution

To prepare the solution, you can take household, tar or green potassium soap, and, in extreme cases, any will do, as well as dishwashing detergent.

  1. It is necessary to treat the houseplant completely with a soapy solution, as well as the window sill, window frame, pot and pot tray. The more foam in the process, the better.
  2. After wiping the plant, it is better to wash off the soap foam after 2-4 hours.

RECIPE. Pour a tablespoon of soap shavings with a glass of warm water. To enhance the effect, you can add a teaspoon of ammonia (technical, medical, in extreme cases, vodka) and 300 grams of water.

The soap-alcohol solution must be washed off after 10-15 minutes with warm water so as not to burn the home flower.

IMPORTANT! Some experts insist that the use of a soap solution on indoor flowers is not acceptable. In their opinion, soap blocks the stomata, which leads to disruption of photosynthesis and flower development.

Alcohol can not process plant species with delicate leaves.

2. Wood ash

Wood ash from pests is often used by flower growers.

In five liters of water, add one glass of crushed wood ash and insist 3-4 hours. Then add 50 grams of soap and start spraying the plants with infusion of aphid ash.

2nd RECIPE. Pour 250 g of ash with boiling water, strain after cooling and spray the plant.

3. Garlic

Garlic infusion is a popular remedy in pest control.

Pour five crushed cloves (a teaspoon of gruel) of garlic into a glass of water. Infuse the mixture in a tightly sealed container for 1-2 days, and then rinse the plant every 7-8 days. To spray - strain the infusion through three layers of gauze.

Recipe number 2. A teaspoon of garlic gruel (4-5 crushed teeth) is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and insisted for 4-5 hours. The infusion is filtered and the affected flower is wiped.

Recipe number 3. Lay out a few sheets of paper around the potted plant and place a slurry of garlic on top. Then cover the indoor flower with a bag (for garbage).

The package is left for a week, the plant is ventilated every evening. If desired, after 3-4 days, you can add fresh gruel of garlic.

4. Bow

A medium-sized onion is finely chopped, rubbed and poured with a glass of water for 2-3 hours. Then everything, as with garlic.

ONION SHELL. To prepare an infusion from aphids, 20 grams of husks are poured with a liter of warm water and infused for 13-16 hours. The resulting infusion is sprayed with indoor flowers, usually 2-3 procedures are enough to destroy insects.

5. Infusion of pepper

Apply an infusion of red hot pepper to kill the whitefly: boil 20-30 grams of chopped (finely chopped) pepper in 200 ml of water for 60 minutes. Then leave the resulting liquid for 24 hours and strain. For spraying, dilute 10 ml of infusion of pepper from aphids in a liter of water.

You can treat indoor plants with infusion of pepper once every two weeks. Pepper tincture can be stored for a long time in finished form, which allows it to be used immediately after the pest is detected.

PROCESSING RULES. Folk remedies are best used every 5-6 days 3-4 times in a row with one of the infusions. For each procedure, it is necessary to prepare a fresh solution, with the exception of exceptions (pepper tincture).

ADVICE. For a greater effect from spraying with a folk remedy (it will stick to the plant better), add soap to the solution - about a teaspoon of chips per liter of infusion or solution.

There are other home and folk remedies for whitefly, but we believe that this list of folk remedies will be sufficient for the grower. Since the presented home remedies are easy to find and apply, and they are also quite effective.

Other folk tricks

Glue traps

In order to make it easier to deal with pests on plants, in addition to folk remedies or chemicals, glue traps can be used. They are great at catching adult insects.

To kill whiteflies, you can buy a glue fly trap or make your own.

Mushroom gnats caught in a trap

How to make a DIY whitefly trap?

Paint a piece of plywood, cardboard or thick paper yellow. You can use white traps, but yellow attracts the attention of the pest more strongly.

Lubricate the trap with a sticky substance - castor or machine oil, petroleum jelly, rosin with honey.


You can fight the pest with dichlorvos, but only if there is no aquarium, children and animals in the house. To do this, spray dichlorvos in the morning and evening around the houseplant.


If there is a separate sealed room (balcony, loggia) that no one will enter, then you can transfer the home flower into it for 2 days and turn on the fumigator with insect plates.

You can also turn on the fumigator for the time when you leave for work or at night and put the plant in the bathroom.

Benzyl benzoate from whitefly

Many flower growers advise using a benzyl benzoate emulsion rather than an ointment to treat scabies.

Dissolve a teaspoon of benzyl benzoate in 200 ml of water and spray the flower.

Reviews are very effective remedy, capable of removing the whitefly in one procedure. On average, the plant is sprayed 2-3 times in 5-7 days.

Fighting whiteflies using temperature (thermal method)

Insects do not tolerate low temperatures - less than 10 degrees Celsius. For this afflicted home plant put in a cool place. This method is in addition to flower treatments with drugs or folk remedies and is suitable for species that can withstand cold.

2nd OPTION. Heat the plant in a closed space (glazed balcony / loggia on a hot day or a greenhouse) to 40-45 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the whitefly will go into thermal shock.

Biological control methods

These control methods are ideal for greenhouses and greenhouses. Therefore, in order to bring out the whitefly, it is recommended to use its natural enemies (lacewing, ladybug, macrolofus, encarsia and others).

Biological agents effectively destroy the pest without harming humans and animals.


To prevent the appearance of whiteflies on houseplants, it is necessary to prevent both high temperature and humidity at the same time. Ventilate the room and do not place indoor flowers too close to each other.

It is very important to properly care for a house plant, as a strong flower will be able to withstand the pest longer.


We hope that you know how to deal with the whitefly and can get rid of it with the help of drugs or folk remedies.

Keep pests away from your favorite plants!

Whitefly on houseplants how to fight Greetings, dear reader!

Yesterday, a neighbor saw small white insects on her flowers. Either large midges, or small mosquitoes.

And, of course, the first thing she turned to me was with a question - what is this new attack and what should we do now?

After inspection, it turned out that a whitefly settled on her houseplants. But how to deal with it - read our article.

Prompt identification of the pest will help you quickly begin appropriate treatment, including chemical insecticide treatment. Poisoning a plant at random or as a preventive measure is strongly discouraged, so accurately identifying the “enemy” is half the battle.

Because of the immobile larvae, tightly attached to the foliage, the whitefly can be mistaken for a scale insect. When approaching the plant, whiteflies rise into the air and you can see a cloud of small light insects.

In total, there are more than two hundred species of whiteflies in nature, indoor plants and horticultural crops are most often affected by the greenhouse, tobacco (aka cotton) or citrus whitefly. Particularly affected by this pest are flowers such as geranium, fuchsia, nightshade, eucalyptus, pomegranate, gloxinia, lantana henbane, fern, calla, myrtle.

The causes of the appearance of whiteflies are often such factors:

  • warm;
  • humidity;
  • stale air;
  • density of plants.

The whitefly often appears in greenhouses, where all the above factors create simply ideal conditions for it. Mini-greenhouses arranged on the windowsill for seedlings or rooting cuttings can also be a source of whiteflies.

It is very important in conditions of high temperature and humidity to ensure the flow of fresh air, its natural movement. Also, the cause of infection can be the soil brought into the house by an already diseased plant (vegetable, melon, garden culture), the whitefly can get on your flowers and just through the window or open window.

Methods of dealing with whiteflies on houseplants

It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with the whitefly at one time - get ready to work on its extermination in several stages. Do not delay with the treatment of the plant - the whitefly breeds very quickly. The female lays about 300 eggs every 25 days, which after 2 weeks turn into larvae that suck the juice of the plant.

It is necessary to start the fight against the whitefly with the hygienic treatment of plants. Create conditions for the flowers so that in the morning there is a slight coolness - this will prevent the whiteflies from taking off. Take the plant to the bathroom and wash the leaves thoroughly for pests, especially the undersides of the foliage.

Replace the soil, dispose of the infected. If you can’t create a temporary coolness - use a vacuum cleaner - catch flying pests with it, and wash off the larvae with water. If your indoor plant can tolerate low temperatures - below 15 degrees, optimally 12-14, then just put it in the "cold" for 7-10 days.


The whitefly dies at temperatures below 15-14 degrees. Heat-loving plants are treated with chemicals. Best of all, such systemic insecticides as Aktellik, Fufanon, Konfidor, Mospilan help to fight the whitefly.

However, they do not completely suppress the whitefly at the stage of transformation of larvae into so-called nymphs, therefore it is recommended to treat the plant 2-3 times every 7-8 days, and also to combine treatment with biological preparations based on an entomopathogenic fungus, for example, Verticillin.

After washing, the plant is treated according to the instructions (sprayed, soil is shed) and wrapped in polyethylene to create a “toxic greenhouse”. The chemical will continue to evaporate and kill the larvae, if the treated plant is left unpackaged, there is a good chance that the whitefly will survive.

All work on the treatment of plants with chemicals should be carried out outdoors, in calm weather, in protective clothing and a respirator. Particularly damaged areas of the plant, its individual parts, leaves are easier to remove - it will not be possible to restore their integrity, and dead areas will be a good platform for the development of rot.

Good for getting rid of whiteflies folk recipe: garlic is peeled and crushed, poured with water (proportions 1 to 5), infused for 5-6 days, filtered and sprayed with this infusion of an infected plant.


Tiny white butterflies may seem completely harmless: it never occurs to some that these insects are somehow connected with the death of plants. Who is this whitefly? And how to get rid of it?

How to recognize a whitefly

How to get rid of the whitefly Adult individuals resemble a small butterfly, on average they reach 1-1.5 mm.

Whiteflies are active throughout the year and are known for their ability to reproduce rapidly.

They lay their eggs on the underside of the leaves, hidden from the sun.

The body of the hatched larva is flat and translucent.

Young individuals move little: they have enough juice from the leaf on which they live to feed them. Most often, the whitefly damages flowers such as:

  • geranium;
  • fuchsia;
  • begonia;
  • orchid;
  • balsam;
  • begonia;
  • heliotrope.

After itself, the insect leaves loose sugary secretions, on which a soot fungus soon develops. A plant dying from a whitefly can be recognized by the discoloration and deformation of its leaves. Soon they begin to fall, and along with them the buds with flowers.

The whitefly is very tenacious and easily moves to more and more new plants. In the house, she can even “move” to another room, if only there are flowers there. Sometimes the insect lives in greenhouses or in open ground.

Whitefly on flowers: how to get rid of it mechanically

The easiest way to deal with whitefly is to manually remove insects from plants. To do this, pick off the affected leaves and burn them. After it is necessary to loosen the earth in a pot.

The remaining leaves should be wiped with soapy water or plain water, and then dried. You can also hang sticky tapes near the plants to catch flies: whiteflies also come across on them, but, of course, only adults.

It is easy to scare away insects with the help of sunlight. It is necessary to lay out sheets of foil near the flowers: silver or yellow-gold. It will reflect the sun's rays in such a way that they fall directly on the lower surface of the leaves, where the whitefly lives.

If the colony of flies is especially active on some not very favorite flower, then it makes sense to sacrifice it: this way you can be sure that the insects are completely destroyed.

Flies in flowers: how to get rid of folk remedies

The whitefly is not very susceptible to chemicals: insects simply scatter "until better times", but very soon come back. First you should try the fight with folk methods:

  • Pour boiling water over 100 g of chopped yarrow. Let it brew for 5 hours. Then strain and add a little dishwashing detergent. The resulting solution is necessary to wipe the affected leaves.
  • Need to fill cold water 80 g dried lemon or orange peels. Wait 18-24 hours and add 2 tbsp. l. soap solution. Treat insect-infested flowers for 5 days in a row. You can store the product in the refrigerator, but not more than 3 days.
  • You should collect leaves from 6 dandelions and finely chop the rhizomes of the flowers. The resulting ingredients must be poured into 1 liter of hot water and wait until the infusion cools down. They need to spray houseplants every 1.5 weeks. Also, an infusion of dandelion can be used to prevent the appearance of whiteflies in the house.
  • It is necessary to finely chop or grate 3-4 garlic cloves and pour the resulting slurry with 0.5 liters of water. After 4 days, the infusion will be ready for use. They should either wipe the leaves or spray the flower. This remedy is considered effective only at the first stages of infection.

As a rule, in a house where there are not many plants, it is easy to get rid of the whitefly with folk remedies.

How to get rid of whiteflies with insecticides

There are many pest control products available. You can increase their effectiveness by adding a little shampoo or soap solution to the insecticide.

Thus, the chemical will linger on the plant and will have a longer effect on the whitefly. The most popular are such tools:

  • Aktara. On average, it costs 8700 rubles. for 1 kg. The drug has established itself as an excellent insect repellent. It paralyzes the nutritional function of pests, causing them to starve to death within 24 hours.
  • Actellik. average price- 3100 rubles. for 1 liter Helps to "thin out" whitefly colonies. Usually used in combination with Actara.
  • Kinmiks. Estimated cost - 4200 per 1 liter. Has an impact on nervous system insect, disrupting the transmission of impulses through the body. The death of pests occurs within 1-1.5 days.

The use of insecticides must be approached with extreme caution. If they are used in a residential area, then it must be ventilated after processing. In the case of using the chemical in a greenhouse on fruit crops, fruits can be eaten no earlier than after a few days.

Whitefly in the greenhouse: how to get rid of

You can fight pests in the greenhouse in all of the above ways. If for some reason they are not suitable, you should consider the following options:

It is very difficult to completely get rid of the whitefly, since more and more insects will hatch from the larvae. But sooner or later the moment will come when the pests will die before they have time to lay their eggs. This will be a victorious turning point in the fight against the whitefly.


How to deal with Whitefly?

The whitefly is a dangerous plant pest. These small flying insects look a bit like miniature white moths swarming over a disturbed plant. On the leaves, you will find both pest eggs and their larvae in the form of small grayish grains. Let's see how to deal with it.

Whiteflies, or Aleyrodidae (Aleyrodidae) - a family of small insects. There are about 1550 species, 160 genera and 3 subfamilies. AT Central Europe there are about 20 species. scientific name comes from the Greek word aleuron (flour) due to the powdery coating on the wings, and the Russian word comes from the presence of 2 pairs of white wings.

Description of whiteflies

European species of the family are usually about 1.3-1.8 mm long (up to 3 mm). A bit reminiscent of small moth-shaped Lepidoptera. They have 4 wings, which are covered with a white powdery coating resembling flour.

The larvae of the first age are mobile, the subsequent ones are immobile. They feed on plant sap. Usually kept on the lower surface of the leaves. Some species are dangerous plant pests.

Whitefly Diet

The whitefly's favorite diet primarily includes: fuchsia, begonia, balsam, passionflower, pelargonium, lantana. For lack of a favorite, the whitefly is able to attack most indoor plants. In greenhouse-greenhouse conditions, it prefers tomatoes and cucumbers, but does not disdain other plants.


The whitefly appears where heat combined with high humidity (greenhouses, greenhouses - above all), there is not enough ventilation, the plants are placed too closely. For this reason, first of all, it is necessary to provide the plant with an optimal moisture-temperature regime and ventilation.

Also, all preparations that strengthen the plant have a preventive effect - a healthy strong plant will endure the invasion of the whitefly with less losses, provided that you still defeat it!

Natural enemies of whiteflies, such as lacewings and ladybugs, can quickly destroy pests.

External signs of damage to the plant by the whitefly

Whiteflies usually hide on the underside of leaves. On the upper side of the underlying leaves, a shiny coating (honeydew, or honeydew) appears - insect feces, on which sooty fungi (“black”) subsequently develop, due to which the leaf surface becomes first white and then black.

It is believed that it is soot fungi that can greatly harm the plant, and not directly whiteflies. Sometimes, because of them, the growth of shoots stops.

Whitefly Control Measures

Biological methods of control Recently, biological methods of combating whiteflies are becoming more widespread.

The female of this small insect lays her eggs in the body of a whitefly larva.

At the same time, the efficiency of this method is very high. Also, the predatory bug macrolofus is used to combat the whitefly.


In the fight against whiteflies, common insecticides are effective. It should be noted that it is dangerous to stay in a room where plants were treated with insecticides for a long time. Also, when processing, it is necessary to use protective equipment: a respirator, glasses, gloves, overalls.

  • Actellik. Dilute the ampoule in 1 liter of water and process during the appearance of the pest. Solution consumption up to 2 liters per 10 sq.m. No more than 4 treatments. Waiting period 3 days.
  • Verticillin Zh - 25 ml per 1 liter of water. Double spraying with an interval of 7-10 days.
  • Confidor (20% VRK) 0.1 ml per 1 liter of water. Single spray.
  • Mospilan (20% RP) - 0.05-0.06 g. Single spraying
  • Pegasus (25% EC) - 2 ml per 1 liter of water. Double spraying with an interval of 7 days.
  • Fufanon (57% EC) - 1.2-1.5 ml. Single spray.
  • Phosbecid Dilute 5 ml per 5 liters of water, consumption - 100 square meters. m.

Folk remedies

Insects attracted by bright yellow or white (yellow is better) sit on these baits and stick. When there are a lot of them on a piece of plywood, they wipe it and smear it again with the same solution. You can also use sticky fly traps.

Whiteflies do not like low temperatures, so you can move the plant to a cooler room. Since whiteflies fly, they can be caught with sticky tape (sold in fly-catching stores).


You can use folk remedies, for example, herbal infusions against insects - they are sprayed with plants. Relatively effective infusion of garlic. Chopped garlic cloves (150-170 g) pour 1 liter of water and insist in a tightly sealed container for five days.

For spraying, 6 g of concentrate diluted in 1 liter of water is enough. Keep in mind that folk remedies can help if there are not too many pests. Try washing the plant with clean water - whiteflies are well washed off with its water, after this procedure it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil in the pot.


All about whiteflies and how to deal with them

The whitefly is a small insect (about 1 mm long) with a yellowish body, two pairs of wings covered with a white powdery waxy coating. The whitefly resembles a small white moth. Whitefly larvae are pale yellow with orange-red eyes and are covered with short hairs.

The largest of them do not exceed 3 mm in length. In nature, there are at least 200 species of whiteflies, living mainly in warm regions of the globe. There are relatively few representatives of whiteflies in the temperate zone.

Nevertheless, some species, once in greenhouses and greenhouses, have become dangerous pests of ornamental and vegetable crops. The whitefly breeds quickly - one generation in 30-40 days. Female whiteflies lay eggs in groups, often in the form of a ring of 10-20 on the inside of young leaves.

The average fecundity of one female is 130 eggs, but can reach up to 280 pieces. Wandering larvae emerge from the eggs, which for some time move around the plant in search of the most convenient place to feed. Having found it, the larvae stick to the leaf and begin to feed on the juices of the plant.

They are covered with a waxy coating and molt three times. After the third molt, the larvae stop feeding and the dormant phase begins. The larval skin hardens and turns into a "false cocoon". At this time, whitefly larvae are practically inaccessible to anyone, incl. systemic insecticides.

This makes it very difficult to successfully control this pest and leads to the need for repeated chemical treatment of plants at certain intervals. AT last years The whitefly has become one of the main pests of greenhouse plants.

Larvae and adult insects suck the juice from the leaves, cuttings, less often from the stems, as a result, the leaves become discolored, turn yellow, and sometimes dry up and fall off. A sooty fungus settles on the sugary secretions of the whitefly, as a result of which the plants weaken and die.

In addition, the whitefly is a carrier of viruses. The whitefly infects balsam, fuchsia, ferns, pelargonium and other indoor plants with soft leaves. Whiteflies stay in groups on the underside of leaves.

External signs of whitefly damage

Fuzzy yellow spots (more fuzzy than spider mite infestation) on the leaves and slight curling of the leaves indicate damage to the plants by the whitefly, which, together with the larvae, suck the cell sap from the veins on the underside of the leaves.

The consequence of this is the appearance of sugary secretions and the soot fungus settling on them, sometimes the transmission of viral diseases.

Preventive actions

Warm, dry air favors whitefly infestation. When flying insects appear, carefully inspect the plants.

Regularly inspect the most commonly affected plants - fuchsias, poinsettias, hibiscus, abutilon, balsam, ferns, pelargonium.

Ways to deal with whiteflies

It is difficult to fight the whitefly, but it is possible. Adult butterflies can be reduced by hanging flypaper or other yellow sticky tape around the plants. Eggs and larvae should be washed off the leaves regularly.

At the slightest touch to the plant, the whiteflies immediately scatter in different directions, so the collection of insects is possible only in a cool place early in the morning, when after the cold of the night the insects are still motionless.

However, when collecting, it is almost impossible to catch all the larvae and collect all the eggs. Frightened insects are very easy to suck out with a vacuum cleaner. It is also recommended to wash the plants with water, possibly soapy water, especially the undersides of the leaves.

The method in which the plant is placed in a humid environment also helps - it can be a plastic bag worn on the plant and fixed at the bottom (for example, with an elastic band), while the plant is watered abundantly and sprayed from a spray bottle, and then placed in a bag for 2-3 days.

You can also use insecticidal preparations (Aktellik, Fufanon, Intavir, Decis). From biological methods use microbiological preparations (bacterial, fungal): verticillin. New generation drugs are effective - pyrethroids, such as cypermethrin, talstar, arrivo, fury.

Folk remedies for the fight against whiteflies The treatment of plants with infusion of garlic helps: finely crushed garlic (170 g) is infused in 1 liter of water for 5 days in a dark, tightly closed glass container. When preparing a working solution, take 6 g of concentrate per 1 liter of water.

Glue traps can be used to capture adults. To do this, take pieces of plywood or hardboard, paint them yellow or white and smear them with petroleum jelly, rosin with honey or castor oil.

Insects attracted by bright yellow or white (yellow is better) sit on these baits and stick. When there are a lot of them on a piece of plywood, they wipe it and smear it again with the same solution. You can also use sticky fly traps available at any hardware store.


Have you noticed white midges on indoor plants, which immediately take off, you just have to touch the leaves with your hand? These are whiteflies. Whiteflies are a type of small aphid with white wings that live on the underside of plant leaves.

  • Whiteflies on indoor flowers are quite common. Where they come from is also unclear, but they have preferences, for example, royal pelargonium, small-leaved carmona, nephrolepis, ctenant, aglaonema, clerodendrum. Also, whiteflies greatly harm vegetables in greenhouses, for example, radishes, cabbage.
  • If in the summer indoor plants stand on an open veranda or in the garden, then whiteflies will not take long to wait either. Whiteflies multiply rapidly, feeding on plant sap, weakening them. Plants look depressed, do not bloom, the leaves wither.
  • After themselves, whiteflies leave a sticky dew, very similar to aphids and scale insects, which serves as fertile ground for the development of fungal diseases. If you notice these white flies, feel the leaves: they will be slightly sticky or sticky to the touch.
  • Whiteflies usually sit on the underside of the leaf where they lay their eggs. Do not put off fighting whiteflies if you suddenly find them, because fighting whiteflies is quite difficult. During spraying, they fly away, hide, and then, as the smell of the insecticide disappears, they again sit on the leaves.
  • Calathea leaf, which got from whiteflies: numerous puncture-bites are visible in the light. The whiteflies were noticed and neutralized in time, but the decorative effect of the leaves managed to suffer. And this is the reverse side of the leaf after the attack of the whiteflies.

Black dots are visible, they are very sticky to the touch and serve as fertile ground for the development of fungal diseases. Such leaves can be washed with a damp cloth and soap or shampoo. If the leaves are tender, then it is better to remove them.

Therefore, it is necessary to process not only one plant on which the whitefly was found, but also neighboring plants, and also wash window frames and glass to remove all escape routes for whiteflies.


If a plant is particularly affected, cover the plant with a large plastic bag after insecticide treatment. Let the plant stand for two hours. The contact of pests with the insecticide will be longer, and you will not have to breathe insecticide fumes. Such treatments are good to carry out in the bathroom.

It will be necessary to treat with an insecticide every week for a month and a half to remove all insects (those that hatch from their laid eggs). The insecticide does not work on eggs, so repeated treatments are necessary.

Yellow glue traps will also help in the fight against whiteflies. You know, I found another way to deal with houseplant pests. I put it next to the kitchen window flower pots dishwashing liquid with an open valve. And flies die, and mosquitoes, and other insects are not visible.

Look at the underside of the plant's leaves at all times while dealing with whiteflies. If you see white dots, then remove them manually. Or cut off such leaves altogether. This will also help in the fight against whiteflies.

Leafhoppers jump high, one has only to touch the leaves. Whiteflies can also be confused with leafhoppers - small winged insects of green, brown or yellow. Leafhoppers also live on the underside of the leaf, from which they suck the sap.

Plants after the attacks of leafhoppers also look oppressed, the leaves gradually wither. Leafhoppers are quite easy to spot: you just have to touch the leaves, as they bounce high. And the cicadas look quite large, up to 5-8 millimeters in length.

They, like whiteflies, feed on leaf sap, leaving small white dots at the bite sites. All plants with tender, succulent leaves may be at risk. The leafhoppers can jump into the room through the open window.

Leafhopper attacks are rarely serious, a single insecticide treatment is enough, and severely affected, withered leaves are best removed.


Whitefly attacks on plants are a real problem for flower growers, gardeners and gardeners. After all, these annoying pests can not only superficially infect cultivated crops, but also endure many viral diseases from which plants die. What methods of dealing with whitefly exist?

How to identify larvae and adults

Reproduction and distribution of whiteflies occurs in several stages. First of all, the female lays eggs (usually on the underside of the leaf). They have a small stalk that allows them to move around and look for a suitable place to feed.

Having tightly attached to the surface of the plant, the larvae develop within 5-10 days and completely transform several times. At the final stage of its development, the larva changes the shape of the body and rebuilds, forming future legs, wings, antennae and other necessary organs of an adult.

Fully hatched larvae resemble gray crumbs. They are also located on the lower surface of the leaves of plants. At this stage of their development, they are absolutely not susceptible to the damaging properties of insecticides. As they develop, they feed on plant sap and contribute to the spread of black soot fungus. The leaves of plants that they damage are deformed, dry out and fall off.

Whitefly larvae

The adult whitefly is a tiny insect resembling a small white moth with a yellowish abdomen. Its body length is only 1-2 mm.

Colonies of these harmful insects infect both ornamental and horticultural plants, both in greenhouses and in the open field. An adult individual secretes a special sticky substance that promotes the development of fungus on the leaves, causing them to turn yellow and die.

The main whitefly species and the plants they damage

Most deciduous trees such as mountain ash, pear, apple and some shrubs are attacked by the so-called ash whitefly (Siphoninus phillyreae). Its larvae are distinguished by wide stripes of white powdery coating on the back and a fringe of thin tubes with droplets at the ends.

Adults are white. Cotton and gourds are preferred by insects called the bordered whitefly (Trialeurodes abutilonea). Their larvae have short waxy threads along the edges. In adults, the body is gray in color, and brown stripes are located across the wings.

The citrus whitefly (Dialeurodes citri) damages ash, gardenias, various types of ficuses and citrus crops. Her larvae do not have a fringe around the edges, but there is a Y-shaped mark on her back. Mature individuals are white.

Larvae of the crowned whitefly (Aleuroplatus coronata) damage chestnut trees and oaks. They are black with a little white trim. Hibiscus, mulberry, banana tree, safe crops and many ornamental plants are the favorite "delicacy" of the giant whitefly (Aleurodicus dugesii).

In larvae, a distinctive feature is long wax threads (up to 2 cm in length). Adults reach 0.5 cm in length, wax spirals are left on the leaves. Greenhouse or greenhouse whitefly infects almost all existing herbaceous ornamental plants and most vegetable crops. The larvae have thin long wax threads along the contour of the body. Adults have a yellowish body and white wings.

Where You Can Encounter Pests The original natural habitat of a vast number of whitefly species was in tropical and subtropical climates.

But modern possibilities of plant care make it possible to create the necessary microclimatic conditions and grow many crops in areas with an unfavorable natural environment.

In nature, there are about two hundred species of whiteflies, and many of them eventually learned to adapt to survive and develop in artificial conditions.

Warm and humid environments are great for these pests. Therefore, in greenhouses, greenhouses and even apartments with a large number of decorative rooms, it is most likely to face their sabotage attacks.

What is the possible fight against whitefly

In severe forms of infection with whiteflies, it is very difficult to fight against their sabotage and spread. Most insecticidal agents do not help to get rid of the whitefly, they give a weak effect, and even that passes quickly, since the larvae are completely unreceptive to chemicals.


You can reduce the number of adult insects by covering the soil with aluminum foil and placing a large number of sticky baits on the trees. Significantly reduce the number of pests, some types of beetles and bedbugs.

You can remove a certain number of insects and manually. So the leaves, on which the larvae and adults of the pests are located, are plucked from the trees and burned. To get rid of pests indoor flowers and plants, you can wash the leaves with an infusion of garlic or yarrow.

At home, sticky tape is also hung around the affected plants to catch adult butterflies. It also helps to place near objects that have a large surface, the color of which resembles sunlight(white-yellow-gold).

Some special preparations can also help get rid of whiteflies. These include Fosbecid, Furanon, Mospilan, Confidor, Verticillin Zh, Actellik, Decis, Inta-vir, Fitoverm, Kinmiks.

The whitefly is a pest that often appears on horticultural crops and houseplants. It is quite difficult to get rid of it - for this they resort to folk methods and the use of powerful insecticidal agents. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, the plant may die. What to do if a whitefly appears, and how to reduce the risks of its occurrence, we will consider in this article.

Reasons for the appearance

Another way of infection of indoor plants is through the soil. The fact is that the eggs of the whitefly, which are in the ground, calmly endure the cold. They do not die in winter at low temperatures and can be brought along with the soil. Once in favorable conditions, they begin to actively develop and multiply on indoor plants.

Signs of infection

There are a number of signs that indicate the appearance of whiteflies on domestic green pets. We will analyze how to recognize the enemy in order to take timely action and save the plant from death.

  1. The appearance of small flies on vegetation. They can fly or jump from leaf to leaf. If you do not start pest control, over time, when plants are affected, insects will take off, forming a "cloud".
  2. Translucent scales appear on the reverse side of the leaf - this is exactly what adult larvae look like.
  3. The formation of a shiny coating on plants with a sticky consistency. These are the waste products of insects.
  4. If you do not pay attention to the midges that have appeared for a long time, the leaves of the plants suffer - they turn yellow, begin to curl and soon fall off.

Home flower growers also note that dark spots often form on the leaves. This is a sooty fungus, the occurrence of which is provoked by the waste products of whiteflies. Sick flowers look sluggish and may stop growing or stop blooming.

Please note: the greatest harm to indoor plants is caused not by adult insects, but by larvae. Developing, they absorb large amounts of nutrients from plant crops.

During the transformation of the larva into a moth, the plant can be destroyed.

Description of species

These insects are most common on the Black Sea coast.

The development of these species has 3 stages - egg, larva and adult. Adult females are able to lay up to 20 green-colored eggs up to 0.2 mm long at a time. If conditions are favorable, an insect can lay up to 300 eggs in a couple of weeks. After 1-2 weeks, transparent larvae appear. They attach themselves to leaves and use their piercing-sucking mouthparts to suck the juice out of plants. After another 2 weeks, the larvae turn into nymphs, which, after the same time period, turn into adults.

How to get rid?


The use of special insecticides is recommended in cases of severe damage to plant crops. First you need to make a thorough visual inspection of the plants. Infected flowers are recommended to be quarantined in a separate room. So the risks of damage to healthy plants will be minimized. Using any drug, you must follow the dosage indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. Plants should be treated with a respirator and gloves, as well as in the absence of children and pets.

Please note: it is not recommended to spray insecticides for prevention on healthy flowers - if the solution gets on the foliage, the plant may weaken, stop growing and blooming.

The most effective drugs:

  • "Spark"- the affected crops are sprayed with a solution and watered after cultivation (about 2 ml per liter of water);
  • "Aktara"- a powerful drug recommended for severe lesions (capable of destroying both adults and larvae).

The following drugs are also considered effective means to combat whitefly: Vertimek, Tanrek, Mospilan, Thiazipir and others. Experienced gardeners advise adding a little shampoo to the solution - due to this, the chemical components “stick” to the affected areas better, due to which a greater effect will be achieved.

Biological agents

Another effective, but very toxic drug - "Aktellik". It is able to destroy harmful moths in 4 days. When processing affected plants, be sure to use personal protective equipment (gloves, respirator). In order not to ruin the plants themselves, when using, you must follow the instructions, excluding frequent use.

"Biotlin"- another effective remedy recommended experienced gardeners, gardeners and amateur flower growers.

The drug is toxic, so when processing, you also need to take care of effective protection respiratory organs.

Folk methods

resort to folk ways whitefly control is recommended for small lesions. In addition, it is possible to combine chemical methods for the destruction of "intruders" with folk methods. Among the advantages of such methods of struggle are noted:

  • absolute safety for the health of households and pets;
  • ease of preparation of solutions;
  • efficiency.

Water with the addition of laundry soap is effective against whiteflies. With the help of a sponge and a weak soapy solution, the leaves are gently wiped from the outside in order to destroy the larvae. Thus, you need to "pass" through all the leaves. And also laundry soap can be rubbed and diluted with water (taken in a ratio of 1: 6, respectively). Beat the resulting solution into a thick foam and apply with a sponge to the leaves of plants.

A soapy solution can be sprayed from a spray bottle with plants and the top layer of soil. It is important that the solution does not penetrate deep into the soil.

If it was not possible to destroy the pests the first time, after 1 week it is recommended to repeat this treatment.

You can get rid of pests with the help of dandelion infusion. To prepare the solution, you need to take 40 grams of rhizomes and foliage of the plant and pour them with a liter of hot water. All this is kept for 4 days. The finished solution is sprayed with foliage and upper layers of soil.

A solution of water and ammonia (1.5 liters of liquid for 5 drops of ammonia) will help to destroy the whitefly. In the resulting product, a sponge or cotton pad is wetted, each leaf of the plant is processed.

They are sold in stores that sell flowers or seeds.

This harmful insect with white wings can cause great damage not only to crops, but also to many houseplants. The whitefly looks like a small butterfly (Photo), 1.5 to 3 millimeters in length, which is capable of unusually fast reproduction, in addition, it is able to migrate over considerable distances. The insect is not afraid of medium frosts and easily endures winter in the ground, in greenhouses, houses and apartments. The main food of the whitefly is the juice that it sucks from the leaves. If you do not take timely measures against the pest, then the development of the houseplant will be slowed down, and in some cases it may die.

Before you start fighting the whitefly on indoor plants, you need to find it. This is not at all difficult to do, you just need to show some observation. If you notice that small white butterflies are flying over the tubs with your flowers, then it's time to take urgent action. We recommend that you carefully examine the undersides of the leaves. It is there that the whitefly lays eggs, from which larvae will appear in speed (Photo). It should be noted that the insect harms not only by sucking juices from plants. It is much worse that the larvae cover the leaves with secretions of their vital activity. In this layer, fungi form, which interrupt the process of photosynthesis. As you understand, in this case, the death of the plant occurs.

To date, there is no universal remedy that can completely destroy or drive away the whitefly from indoor plants. Effective fight with this insect is possible only with complete measures, which include the prevention of infection of plants, their treatment with folk and agrochemical means.

Prevention of whitefly

Like any living organism, the whitefly prefers comfortable conditions existence (high air humidity and temperature above 10 0 C). Preventive measures to combat the whitefly are aimed at creating conditions under which the pest will die, leave your garden, greenhouse, room, or be unable to reproduce and develop. It should be borne in mind that the adult and its larvae die already at temperatures close to zero degrees, but the laid eggs feel comfortable at much lower temperatures.

  • Remove fallen leaves and stems in a timely manner - it is on them that the largest number insect larvae and eggs;
  • Disinfect the soil under the plant regularly. As a rule, whitefly offspring are found in the upper soil balls;
  • Monitor the humidity of the air in the house, you should not water the plants before the top ball of soil dries out;
  • Do not allow your pets to thicken the plantings. Your flowers and ornamental plants should be well ventilated, open windows from time to time or take them outside;
  • Apply fertilizer in a timely manner, special attention must be paid to enough minerals such as potassium and phosphorus;
  • Disinfect the inventory with which you work with your green spaces, keep the gloves clean;
  • When planting roses, fuchsias, violets and other flowers in tubs, check them for whitefly larvae and eggs and destroy them if found;
  • As a preventive measure, place whitefly traps. They can be made from colored paper or polycarbonate (preferably yellow or blue) and coated with a sticky substance, some gardeners use Vaseline (Photo). Also, such traps can be purchased at specialized stores. In their reviews, gardeners and gardeners recommend hanging glue traps Pheromon, Bona Forte, ARGUS.

Folk methods for dealing with whitefly

As noted above, today many recipes have been developed for the destruction and repelling of whiteflies with folk remedies. Most are easy to prepare, non-toxic, and require little to no investment.

Dandelion infusion. One of the fairly effective means in the fight against whiteflies on indoor plants has proven itself to be an infusion of dandelion. This grass grows in many gardens, in parks, on roadsides - so everyone can collect 100-200 grams of grass. However, dandelion is also sold in ordinary pharmacies, as it is used for medical purposes. The plant in the place with the stem and rhizome is thoroughly washed and crushed. We weigh 80 grams, that's how much herbs are needed per liter of hot water. The resulting solution is infused for 100 - 120 hours, then filtered. The tool is ready to use. We carry out repeated processing of plants with an interval of 6-7 days.

25240896 - foraged edible dandelions flowers and greens with jar of dandelion preserve

Garlic. Well protects indoor plants from whiteflies ordinary garlic. You can use it in the fight against harmful insects in a dry form, or in the form of an infusion.

When a whitefly appears, chop the garlic cloves and place them under the houseplant. Which then wrap with cellophane film for several hours - adult insects will die during this time or try to escape. To prepare the infusion, take 3-4 cloves of garlic, chop it on a grater or under pressure. Pour the garlic mass with a liter of hot water and infuse for 36-48 hours. Before using the infusion, it should be filtered. To achieve maximum effect, spray 2-3 times with an interval of 5-6 days.

Infusion of wood ash. To combat the whitefly on houseplants, many flower growers use ordinary ash. This is an environmentally friendly and fairly effective remedy, in addition, the ash contains trace elements necessary for the normal development of your flowers.

The infusion has a simple recipe for preparation that does not take much time and unnecessary effort. Pour one glass of wood ash (preferably softwood) with five liters of hot water. The agent is infused for at least 4-5 hours or until completely cooled. The resulting mixture must be filtered and about 50 grams of liquid soap added to the liquid. You can now treat infected flowers and other houseplants.

Tobacco. Another plant that can be used to control whiteflies, both dry and in the form of an infusion. Take some tobacco or shag dust and sprinkle it in a tub around your flowers, wrap them in plastic wrap for a few hours.

To prepare a tobacco infusion, buy 50 grams of tobacco or gut a pack of strong cigarettes. Pour tobacco with one liter of hot water and infuse for 5-6 days. After that, it is necessary to strain the liquid and you can start spraying the flowers. Processing of indoor plants is carried out 2-3 times a day, for 3-4 days.

Infusion of yarrow. Popular medicinal plant, which has been successfully used to control whiteflies on houseplants. To prepare the infusion, you can use fresh grass or buy dry yarrow in a pharmacy. The infusion is prepared in the ratio of 90 grams of fresh (30 grams of dry) yarrow per liter of hot water. The resulting mixture must be insisted for 36-48 hours. Spraying of plants is carried out several times, with an interval of 5-6 days.

Ammonia. You can use this remedy provided that your plants are not in a residential area. In addition, make sure that pure alcohol does not get on the stems, leaves or flowers - this will lead to the death of green spaces. To prepare the solution, pour one tablespoon of ammonia into a bucket of water (nine liters), after which we thoroughly stir the liquid and proceed to the treatment of plants. Spraying can be done no more than three times, with an interval of 7-8 days.


First of all, it should be understood that the use of chemicals in residential areas should be done with extreme caution. Some chemicals should not be used in houses, apartments or offices at all, as this can cause significant harm to people's health.

Spark Golden. The insecticide is designed to kill a wide range of pests, it can be used both on open ground and in room conditions. The drug practically does not emit a smell, it is absolutely safe for people, warm-blooded animals and plants. When preparing the mixture, the use of chlorinated water is unacceptable, in which case the active ingredients of the insecticide lose their effectiveness. Iskra Zolotaya can be used both for preventive purposes and in the fight against a large number of whiteflies and their larvae. In residential premises, no more than three sprayings are allowed per season.

Iskra Golden

Agravertin. The insecticide does not pose any threat to humans and does not emit an unpleasant odor, but at the same time it is able to effectively control a wide range of pests, including the whitefly. For the treatment of indoor plants, prepare a mixture based on the proportion: 5 milliliters of Agravertin per 2.5 liters of water. Spray the plant thoroughly and place it in full sun (not direct sunlight) until completely dry. After a week, inspect the leaves, if you find a whitefly, re-treat the plants.

Fitoverm. The drug belongs to the fourth class of toxicity, that is, it practically does not pose a threat to warm-blooded animals and humans. At the same time, it can harm bees and other beneficial animals - consider this factor if you breed encarsia in a greenhouse. Insectoacaricide refers to chemicals of contact-intestinal action, with direct contact with the drug, the whitefly dies within 6-8 hours, the protection period in enclosed spaces: 18-20 days.


Aktara. The contact-intestinal insecticide is used in the fight against a wide range of pests, it is able to effectively control the whitefly. The product can be used both for spraying plants and for soil treatment. We recommend using this insecticide when planting tubers or seedlings to disinfect the land in tubs or greenhouses. Aktara has a number of important advantages over other insecticides. Firstly, it does not emit a smell and does not pose a threat to humans. The second advantage is the fact that the drug does not accumulate in the fruit. Thirdly, Aktara spreads through the systems of the plant: it can be used simply for watering the soil - the drug will rise through the plant to the very top.

Confidor. The insecticide is excellent in controlling adult insects and larvae of a wide range of pests. With its help, you can get rid of whiteflies, aphids, spider mite and other pests. The drug is characterized by low toxicity, it is completely safe for warm-blooded animals and humans. Due to the fact that Konfidor has a prolonged period of action, there is no need to carry out multiple spraying - one treatment is enough.

Advantages and disadvantages of agrochemicals


  • Effectively destroy not only adult insects, but also their larvae and eggs;
  • Some chemicals, other than medicinal ones, have stimulant properties;
  • Large selection of drugs on the market.


  • Not all chemicals can be used in residential areas, some of them have an unpleasant odor and can adversely affect people's well-being;
  • High-quality, low-toxic drugs have a high cost;
  • Some chemicals can accumulate in the soil and in the plants themselves.

Whitefly control on houseplants: video review

Causes of the appearance and measures to combat the whitefly on indoor plants:

How to get rid of whiteflies - pest control on houseplants:

Whitefly on fuchsia and rose - pest control

How to deal with whiteflies on indoor plants - flower growers reviews

Lyudmila Ivanovna, 51 years old, Leningrad region:

My husband and I have a greenhouse, so we know firsthand about the whitefly. When she appeared in the house, they immediately realized that fighting with proven methods is not good - environmentally friendly means are needed here. Therefore, they decided not to resort to chemistry. To scare away and destroy insects, I use an infusion of ash, and also shower plants with makhorka dust. Whitefly eggs are much more difficult to destroy, sometimes it comes to the point that I wipe the leaves with a solution of ammonia. In the fall, I think to take out all the tubs in order to disinfect the soil and destroy the larvae and adult pests. This is how we fight.

Maria Epifantseva, 43 years old, Pskov region:

There are many different plants in the house - it's beautiful, but there is enough trouble with them. Even despite our rather harsh climate, there are a lot of various pests in the region, among them the whitefly stands out for its voracity. Since I do not have extra time to care for plants, I fight pests with the help of chemicals. In the spring I take out all the tubs and pots on the veranda, open the windows and treat them with Fitoverm at least twice with an interval of 7-8 days. for the winter and in early spring I water the soil with a weak solution of Aktara. As a rule, after using it for several days, all pests die.

Benefits of using Aktara insecticide: effectively controls the population of adult whiteflies, as well as its eggs and larvae, the drug can be used both for spraying and for watering plants, no unpleasant odor, affordable price;

Flaws: when processing plants, it is necessary to follow the rules of individual safety, it can harm bees and other beneficial insects.