When we are paid for a noble act, it is taken away from us.
(Chamfort Nicola Sebastian)


Noble people live in harmony with other people, but do not follow other people; lowly people follow other people, but do not live in harmony with them.

A noble husband is serene in his soul. A low person is always preoccupied.

Nobility is needed to serve friends.

He is truly noble who easily forgives the errors of people and at the same time is so afraid of doing something bad, as if he had never forgiven anyone.
(Pliny the Younger)

A noble man blames himself, a small man blames others.

A truly noble man is not born with a great soul;
GyoO himself makes himself such in (magnificent with his deeds.

Petrarch F.) A noble husband must beware of three things in his life: in his youth, when vitality

abundant, beware of infatuation with women; in maturity, when the vital forces are powerful, beware of rivalry; in old age, when vitality is scarce, beware of stinginess.
A noble husband, when in trouble, does not grieve, and when he finds himself at a feast, he does not shy away from fun. He does not shy away from the powers that be
This is why he has compassion for the poor and orphaned.

(Hong Zichen)

A truly humane husband achieves everything through his own efforts.

Everyone can become a noble husband. You just need to decide to become one.
This is why he has compassion for the poor and orphaned.

A troublesome person worries about himself and others, never remaining indifferent. An indifferent person does not care about himself or others, being indifferent to everything.

A noble husband knows how to observe moderation. He is not too fussy and not too indifferent.

A noble husband thinks about the righteous path and does not think about food. He can work in the field - and be hungry.

He can devote himself to teaching - and accept generous rewards.

Three mistakes are made next to a noble husband: speaking to him when words do not reach him is rashness;

  • not to speak when the words would reach him is secrecy;
  • and to speak without observing his expression is blindness.
  • Nobility provides freedom - from base feelings, motives and actions.
  • Nobility gives strength - for good deeds.

Nobility ensures openness - a noble person has nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide.

  • Nobility provides independence - from the opinions of the crowd.
  • Manifestations of nobility in everyday life
  • One day, at a reception with Duke Gaston d'Orléans, his favorite striking gold watch disappeared. Someone present suggested: “We need to close the doors and search everyone!” The Duke replied: “On the contrary, gentlemen, everyone is free. Soon the clock will start striking and the one who appropriated it will be betrayed: he will be embarrassed...” (historical fact; 18th century).
  • Forgiveness. Forgiving a guilt is always an act of nobility.
  • Charity. A person who does charity acts nobly.

Religious ceremonies. The ritual of absolution after confession is a manifestation of divine nobility (mercy).

  • Correspondence of words and actions. The words of a noble man are consistent with his actions. How to achieve nobility Nobility is a combination of several high moral qualities of a person. To cultivate nobility in yourself, you need to work tirelessly; improve yourself by developing your
  • best qualities
  • and suppressing the worst.
  • Refusal to judge. By refusing to condemn someone, a person acts nobly; he does not put himself in a superior position in relation to someone whom he could condemn.
  • Help others. By helping others, not necessarily those who are weaker or in need, a person learns to give; This is one of the manifestations of nobility.

Deliberate promises. A noble person will not take on impossible obligations, so as not to let down those who rely on him.

Empathy. Sensitivity to others, willingness to empathize and support - the behavior of a noble person.

Golden mean

Baseness, betrayal | antagonists of nobility


Truly noble people do not boast about anything. - La Rochefoucauld - A noble husband worries about the righteous path and does not worry about poverty.- Confucius - A noble man does not remember the old evil. - Chinese proverb - He is truly noble who easily forgives the errors of people, and at the same time is so afraid of doing something bad, as if he had never forgiven anyone.- Pliny the Younger -

Noble King Arthur and his valiant knights

The world of legends about noble knights of the past as retold by Andrey Efremov. Tournaments, feats and, of course, the search for the Holy Grail.

Lewis Spence / Legends and knightly traditions of Brittany Lewis Spence is a famous researcher of the oral traditions of the peoples of Europe. In the book you will find not only legends about noble knights and their exploits, but also information about their code of honor, the morals of the era, and the traditions of that time. Material wealth is at a premium today. Nobility is a manifestation of spiritual wealth, so it is not valued. Unfortunately, it is becoming less and less common to meet people who possess the set of qualities that all aristocrats previously possessed. Do you want to know how to become like a blue-blooded person? Then read the article. Definition Nobility is a set of positive qualities that make a person exalted in the eyes of others. What does it include? Honesty, frankness, sincerity, kindness and caring. People who combine this set of qualities do not pursue profit. They know how to distinguish real values ​​from fake ones. For good man

money is not an object of desire, but a vital necessity. True nobility is manifested in the little things. A person who helps not only relatives and friends, but also

Nobility is a set of character traits. Contrary to popular belief, nobility can be acquired not only at birth, but also developed independently. Everything will depend on the person’s upbringing, as well as on the environment. It is the people around you who lay the foundation of character. Therefore, parents should pay increased attention to the upbringing of their child, so that later he can apply nobility in life. A child must be taught from childhood to work and to discipline. It is necessary to explain to the child that helping others is not an obligation, but a necessity. It is imperative to instill in your child the concept of what is good and what is bad. And developing good manners will help complete your education. And in order for the process of education of a young pupil to go better, parents should not only talk about what nobility is, but also show its manifestation by their own example.

Positive features

A person who considers himself noble must confirm his words in practice. And the following traits should be present in his nature:

  • Charity. A person who spares no effort and time to help others is worthy of respect. Such people can show their positive character traits by helping the homeless, orphans or those in bad circumstances. financial situation. Moreover, the help of such people is not always expressed in material support.
  • The desire to improve the world. A person who wants all people on the planet to be happy deserves to bear the title of noble. This is encouraging, since most of the inhabitants of our country do not set any goal for themselves. They waste their lives senselessly, without thinking about why they came into this world.
  • Responsibility for your words. Every person must keep his promises. But few people do this. People believe that this promise is easy to take back. A man who does not keep his word cannot be called noble.

Personal qualities

  • Courage. A person who creates and wants to do good should not be afraid to openly express his desire. As the people say, one does not seek good from good. Therefore, sometimes nobility is not perceived appropriately by others, who are accustomed to seeing a catch in everything.
  • Nobility is courage. A person who is able not only to show courage once, but also to show it at a crucial moment, for example, on the battlefield, has courage, but a person who is afraid to walk a girl home at night does not have it.
  • Kindness. Only sincerely a kind person may be noble. Such people will treat well not only those who deserve it, but also those who do not deserve it.
  • Simplicity. The nobility of people is manifested in the absence of arrogance and kitsch. The simpler a person is, the kinder and more sincere he is.

Features of the principles of nobility

  • Same for all countries. Nobility is human behavior that, in connection with positive character traits, makes the person inimitable. Good behavior and attitude should be shown to residents of all countries. Regardless of what education a person has, what social status or political preference he has, each person is equal to another. Anyone who understands this and puts it into practice is a noble person.
  • They have a standard. In any country there are legends about a fictional or real person who is a symbol of nobility. The most famous such person is Robin Hood.
  • Created by a group of people. Each person can behave the way he wants, as long as his behavior does not hurt the interests of other people. But in order to become a noble person, a person must adhere to generally accepted standards and norms of behavior.
  • Doesn't tolerate pretense. A person who wants to become noble will never set himself the goal of showing off in front of someone. The desire to help must be sincere and personal. It is impossible to force someone to become noble.

How nobility is manifested

There are no ideal people. But people who behave nobly exist. The dignity of nobility does not lie in its encouragement, but in the fact that a person improves this world through his actions. To do good and act nobly, you can make grand gestures. For example, a person can adopt a child from an orphanage. This is a good deed that will make the baby's life happy. What if it is not possible to take the child? You can shelter a stray kitten or puppy. Such actions are also noble. A person should help others to the best of his ability and ability. For example, film actors do charity work. If they do not flaunt their activities, but simply help people, then this is very noble. But every person living in the world who cannot give large sums for the treatment of sick children or adults can still take part in some charitable event. For example, plant trees around the city or hold a cleanup day in a nearby park.

Is sacrifice nobility?

Some people confuse the concepts. And if nobility and honor are words consonant with each other in meaning, then sacrifice and nobility are not the same thing. Yes, a person who does free good deeds spends his free time. But you still need to always use common sense. For example, often single mothers devote all their free time to their children. What seems unusual here? But when the child grows up, the mother will begin to demand attention from him to his own person. Elderly woman will not be able to realize anything and will blame the child for this. After all, he took up all her free time. Do you find nobility here? He's not here. But a lot of such examples can be given. A person who helped you once, and then will pretend to be a victim for 10 years, has nothing to do with nobility.


When it comes to nobility, what comes to mind first? Well, of course, knights and noble ladies. The word "nobility" is associated with men. Why? Previously, this system of qualities was inherent in people with “blue blood”. They performed in tournaments, demonstrating their courage, challenged them to a duel, defending their honor, and won the hearts of ladies by performing feats. Today, examples of nobility are rarer. But this quality is now inherent not only in men, but also in women. The concept itself has become broader. The phrases “noble profession” and “noble deed” can be found in everyday speech. What professions can be called noble? Teachers, doctors and educators are professions that people choose not for the sake of financial well-being. And what actions can be called noble? Those that a person does not for the sake of acquiring some kind of regalia, but in order to help someone. What could it be? For example, gratuitous help neighbors on the landing or organizing a children's party in an orphanage.

Future and nobility

Have you ever thought about the future of our society? What will it look like in 10 or 50 years? Will there remain good, sincere people in our country, or will corruption enslave everyone who has not yet been touched by its clawed paws? The nobility of a man today is helping others, and especially ladies. But if good manners are gradually becoming a thing of the past, can we expect that nobility will not follow their example? Let's hope not. Kindness is what distinguishes a decent person. Courage, pride, faith in yourself and your homeland - these qualities are also needed by a person who wants to claim nobility. But it's easier here. A person needs these qualities in order to take a decent position in society. But for some reason people change dramatically when they gain power. They say she spoils people. Is it so? No. A person simply begins to allow himself what he did not allow before. It turns out that his true essence comes out. In order not to kill nobility, parents must raise their children correctly. Teach the younger generation to work, talk about good manners and etiquette. And most importantly, do not forget to demonstrate everything by your own example.

Nobility is the willingness to act contrary to one's own interests. Sergei Donatovich Dovlatov

Evaluating worldly affairs, a noble man neither rejects nor approves of anything, but measures everything with justice. Confucius

A noble man blames himself, a small man blames others. Confucius

Nobility is needed to serve friends. Menander

A noble husband, attached to the comforts of home, is not worthy to be called such. Confucius

A noble husband does not strive to eat his fill and live richly. He is hasty in business, but slow in speech. Communicating with virtuous people, he corrects himself. Confucius

A noble man awaits the dictates of heaven with dignity. A short man fussily waits for luck. Confucius

The driving force of Heaven is incomprehensible. She bends and straightens, straightens and bends. She plays with heroes and breaks heroes. A noble husband is submissive even to adversity. He lives in peace and is ready for the vicissitudes of fate. And Heaven can't do anything about it. Hong Zicheng

Everyone can become a noble husband. You just need to decide to become one. Confucius

A noble husband endures adversity with fortitude. And a low man in trouble blossoms. Confucius

He is truly noble who easily forgives the errors of people and at the same time is so afraid of doing something bad, as if he had never forgiven anyone. Pliny the Younger

Three mistakes are made next to a noble husband: speaking to him when words do not reach him is rashness; not to speak when the words would reach him is secrecy; and to speak without observing his expression is blindness. Confucius

When away from home, behave as if you are receiving honored guests. When using the services of people, behave as if you were performing a solemn ceremony. Don't do to others what you wouldn't want for yourself. Then there will be no discontent either in the state or in the family. Confucius

A noble husband is serene in his soul. A low person is always preoccupied. Confucius

Noble people live in harmony with other people, but do not follow other people; lowly people follow other people, but do not live in harmony with them. Confucius

A noble husband thinks about the righteous path and does not think about food. He can work in the field - and be hungry. He can devote himself to teaching - and accept generous rewards. But a noble man worries about the righteous path and does not worry about poverty.

Nobility is a personality quality that reflects the combination high level developing traits such as morality, honesty and selflessness. The meaning of the word nobility is often used synonymously with chivalry and holiness, emphasizing the uniqueness and value of personal manifestations not only for the person himself, but also for the surrounding society.

Initially, the word was used to characterize a whole set of qualities inherent in a person from a noble family or high origin, and this was due to the fact that people of these classes underwent special training that developed these traits. Such education was necessary for the worthy performance of their chosen service or compliance of actions with a high rank, where nobility was inseparable from the concept of honor. Now noble traits are not determined by gender, because knowledge and upbringing have become accessible, so they can be inherent in a person of any class, which depends on the personal aspirations of maturity, moral choices and internal values, but the connection with the concepts of honor and honesty, faith and devotion remains.

What is nobility

In many sources, the emergence and very fundamental positions of nobility are explained by Christian influence and the definition of God as the source of this quality, but even bypassing religious confessions, the concept of nobility is the same in its manifestation in different countries, for it there is no difference between national and social, and in level of education.

Nobility has a certain list of its manifestations and rules, against which a person’s act is assessed as moral or violating the concepts of honor. It is also characteristic that there are examples from history or personal life that one can follow (such trends are most clearly reflected in knightly orders, which have their own set of rules, as well as outstanding characters about whom legends are already being formed).

Visible nobility is a personality quality that elevates a person spiritually, regardless of faith or atheism, since it implies sincere good deeds performed under the guidance of internal convictions, and not under the influence of created laws and necessities.

Nobility is a personality quality that reflects a deeply internal, not conditioned external factors, a person’s desire to perform good deeds and a strong will to achieve his aspirations. It is impossible to persuade a noble person to act differently, because then his behavior will violate his own internal foundations. Such people separate good and evil without halftones or justifications, drawing a clear line between them; they will not consider betrayal as justifying behavior under certain circumstances; for them it will always remain a betrayal. Often faced with a choice of their own well-being and benefit, noble people commit for the sake of others, and we're talking about not only about the great feats of saving a life, but also about more mundane things such as giving away the most delicious morsel, covering another with a warm blanket, refusing a lucrative deal if it is known that it will harm someone. Such self-sacrifice is often justified by the concept itself and involves giving one's time and mental strength, putting one's own desires on the back burner, and making charitable donations (from starting foundations to donating one's clothes or cooking dinner for the homeless).

This quality is not innate or genetically determined, it is acquired in the process of upbringing and its presence and degree of manifestation is due to the people around the child, their values, ideas, techniques and methods of education, moral and ethical qualities. Even the meaning of the word nobility has this information in it, noting that such a character was inherited from a noble family, which was previously possible in aristocratic families involved in the clergy or knighthood, government. Now this is an integral characteristic of a cultured person, regardless of his class, spiritual, age or educational background.

The concept of nobility is so broad that it is not possible to describe it with a couple of synonyms. Thus, in addition to actions that benefit others, it also includes the internal aspects of empathy and sympathy, understanding of other people and impartiality in one’s attitude, as manifestations of spiritual purity.

A noble person does not put himself above another and will not consider any external manifestation more significant; in general, judging people is not a noble act, but at the same time there is observance of the code of honor and rules that determine worthy behavior. Guided by such a set of rules or guidelines of his conscience, a noble person may well punish a criminal, go to war against an enemy, or refuse to support someone who is hypocritical. All good deeds are performed out of sincerity and spiritual purity, but this does not mean that these are good-natured people who can be forever used as patrons; on the contrary, the will of such people is strong, and they will not indulge in the corruption of others, sharply but with dignity discouraging people with selfish motives. thoughts and unworthy behavior.

Signs of nobility

Despite the breadth of the concept and the multifaceted nature of the manifestation of nobility, it is possible to identify the main signs or character traits that make it possible to define a person as noble. This includes following their words and supporting them with deeds (keeping oaths and promises, strictly following agreements, without making independent changes, but only after discussion), so they will not let you down, even if you have to sacrifice your own comfort or plans to keep your promise.

Noble people have a clear concept of justice, value this quality in others, and themselves strive to act according to fair laws. You will not see how they give a large share of the joint profit to those they love, they will divide everything in accordance with the efforts put in by each, and if they understand that they cannot objectively assess the situation, they will seek help and advice, but will not give in to feelings and other kinds of provocations.

Usually the noble ones are quite strong, and not so much physically as spiritually and intellectually, but they never use their strength and skills for the purpose of subjugating others or pointing out their shortcomings. On the contrary, knowledge and power are used to help those around them in their development and overcoming difficulties, and a high development of spiritual qualities helps to avoid being patronizing and condescending, instead remaining an equal with the person and showing the same level of respect to both kings and homeless people.

Nobility forces you to do good to others, without stinting on your own time or material wealth. In their manifestations, such people are not afraid to appear strange and stand out, but what they are afraid of is committing an unworthy act or one that entails troubles for others.

Strength of spirit allows you to see only the best in others and support these inclinations in a person; they will not constantly make comments and point out mistakes, they will pretend that they did not notice, pointing out what worthy traits a person can develop. This same inner strength protects them from complaining and whining, forcing them to fight difficulties rather than stop. Noble people easily forgive others and almost never forgive themselves; the severity of their assessments and demands on themselves are always maximum.

Nobility and loyalty

Loyalty has many similarities with nobility in its characteristics, but these are different qualities, although they always go hand in hand. A noble person who violates the laws of fidelity is impossible, just as fidelity is a reflection of the nobility of the spirit. The very concept of fidelity is also one of the moral and ethical components of personal manifestation and characterizes the immutability of a person in his choices and feelings, the fulfillment of imposed obligations and duties, despite the changes taking place. The word fidelity itself is derived from faith and speaks of the inviolability of human faith, confirmed by the immutability of commitment. This may be faith in God, and then fidelity is manifested by strict observance of the laws of Scripture, or faith in man, and then fidelity will be manifested in maintaining purity and constancy of relationships, or perhaps the manifestation of faith in an idea and fidelity to it through development and implementation. Just as nobility requires a person to strictly fulfill his words, so loyalty requires strict and constant adherence to the chosen path.

The concepts of loyalty and nobility are based on similar things: honesty, courage, confidence, immutability, fortitude, confidence in one’s own decisions, as well as following what is good (not exclusively for oneself, but in the understanding of humanity). One of the manifestations of knightly nobility (as the main example and image that comes when pronouncing the word) is loyalty to one’s king, one’s cause and one’s woman. If at least in one of the moments loyalty was violated, the entire moral character of the person was questioned, up to the deprivation of his title. Now chivalry has a slightly different look, but the nobility of a person who does not show loyalty is still unthinkable, and loyalty not only to external figures (boss, business, woman, idea), but also to himself and his internal principles.