Ethical conversations on the topic “Politeness.”

Explanatory note.

Moral education of preschool children is one of the most complex tasks teacher To solve this problem, the teacher needs not only knowledge of the subject and methods of teaching it, but also the ability to direct his activities towards the formation of the moral education of children. Issues of moral education and child improvement have worried society always and at all times. Especially now, when cruelty and violence can be encountered more and more often, the problem of moral education is becoming increasingly relevant.

In the system of lifelong education, the main function and significance kindergarten The moral education of the child is determined mainly by the unchanging value of this stage of formation and development of personality.

Very often, our mood, and indeed our well-being, directly depends on how the people around us treat us: parents, friends, classmates. Often a rude word, an offensive nickname or nickname, tactlessness, indifference or misunderstanding hurt us painfully, which sometimes even leads to a deterioration in our well-being. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your speech and not allow yourself to use rude words that are offensive to others.

Politeness is important for both adults and children

Politeness is a wonderful and kind country.

Everyone should learn politeness from childhood,

Politeness, guys, is a piece of magic.


Formation of moral and ethical standards in children, nurturing the desire to be polite.


1. Form a conscious attitude towards social norms behavior; strengthen the skills of friendly behavior in Everyday life; teach to be conscious of people’s actions, to be able to correctly evaluate these actions; encourage moral actions, evoke a desire to perform positive and condemn negative actions. Develop skills in using polite words and expressions in speech, teach children the correct construction of sentences.

2. To cultivate kindness and mercy towards people, to show by example the magnificent power of politeness.

3. Cultivate the moral qualities of politeness, honesty, respect for elders, and responsibility for one’s actions.


Teach your child: express your thoughts correctly and clearly for others. Answer questions and make requests politely. Listen and hear others. Master the strength of your voice and distinguish between intonations. Be an interesting conversationalist, feel at ease during a conversation.

Warm up.

Let's hold hands and bow and say, "Good afternoon, hello." Wishing each other health first and foremost. Ancient people argued that when bowing, part of the energy seems to flow from a person’s head, that is, when we bow, we exchange energy of our own free will.

Preliminary work:

Conversations:“Always be polite”, “Our good deeds”. Reading works of fiction. Discussion of rules of politeness.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to come and sit on the chairs.


Children express their opinions).

Children, now I suggest you play the game “Please don’t make a mistake”

Children stand in a circle with a teacher holding a ball in the center of the circle. I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete it when I call the “magic word.”

Please add lines with "magic words" (with ball)

Participate in the exchange of kind words

And speak more often Hello)

Don't be lazy during the day

Say when meeting, ( Good afternoon)

After breakfast you could

Tell all the chefs( Thank you).

Out of politeness, not out of pity

Talk more often ( Please).

When you leave to say goodbye to everyone

Say something simple, ( Goodbye)

Thank you)

Good afternoon)

Thank you)


forgive me please)


You can play the games “Polite Brook”, “Polite Chair”.

Well done guys, you know a lot of polite words.

Physical education minute:

It's easy fun.

It's easy fun -

Turns left and right.

We all know for a long time -

There is a wall, and there is a window. ( )

We squat quickly and deftly.

Skill is already visible here.

To develop muscles,

You have to do a lot of squats. ( Squats.)

And now walking in place,

This is also interesting. ( Walking in place.)

They do not seek good from good.

Hurry to do good.

Without good deeds there is no good name.

Good deeds make a person beautiful.

A quarrel will not lead to good things.

If you step on your foot

At least by chance, at least a little,

Just say: “I’m sorry”

Or better yet, “Sorry.”

Everyone will say goodbye

When leaving, “Goodbye” to everyone.

It's time for a friend to leave -

We'll say "Bye" to him.

To ask for something

You need to be polite.

We will “please” add -

Everyone will be happy with us.

"Good evening", "Good afternoon"

We are all not too lazy to talk!

“Good morning” we will say

Waking up in the morning, mom.

If you broke a toy

A friend or suddenly a girlfriend,

You tell them "I'm sorry"

And offer them yours.

"Welcome" to the guests,

They say both here and there.

The guests are leaving home

"Bon Voyage!" we wish.




Well done! You are very polite children, but do you think that in order to be a cultured person it is enough to just be polite?


Right. In order to be a cultured person, you also need to be honest and truthful.

Summary of the conversation:

Summarizing the results of the conversation, vivid statements should be given so that the conversation penetrates deeper into the consciousness and feelings of the children.

Well, let's never forget kind, polite words. And we will do good deeds more often. Do good, learn to do good deeds!

Guys, you are all great! were very active throughout the conversation.



Summary on the topic: Ethical conversations on the topic “Politeness.”

Explanatory note.

The moral education of preschool children is one of the most difficult tasks of a teacher. To solve this problem, the teacher needs not only knowledge of the subject and methods of teaching it, but also the ability to direct his activities towards the formation of the moral education of children. Issues of moral education and child improvement have worried society always and at all times. Especially now, when cruelty and violence can be encountered more and more often, the problem of moral education is becoming increasingly relevant.

In the system of lifelong education, the main function and significance of kindergarten is determined mainly by the unchangeable value of this stage of formation and personal development - the moral education of the child.

Very often, our mood, and indeed our well-being, directly depends on how the people around us treat us: parents, friends, classmates. Often a rude word, an offensive nickname or nickname, tactlessness, indifference or misunderstanding hurt us painfully, which sometimes even leads to a deterioration in our well-being. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your speech and not allow yourself to use rude words that are offensive to others.

Politeness is important for both adults and children

Politeness is a wonderful and kind country.

Everyone should learn politeness from childhood,

Politeness, guys, is a piece of magic.


Formation of moral and ethical standards in children, nurturing the desire to be polite.


1. Form a conscious attitude towards social norms of behavior; consolidate skills of friendly behavior in everyday life; teach to be conscious of people’s actions, to be able to correctly evaluate these actions; encourage moral actions, evoke a desire to perform positive and condemn negative actions. Develop skills in using polite words and expressions in speech, teach children the correct construction of sentences.

2. To cultivate kindness and mercy towards people, to show by example the magnificent power of politeness.

3. Cultivate the moral qualities of politeness, honesty, respect for elders, and responsibility for one’s actions.


Teach your child:express your thoughts correctly and clearly for others. Answer questions and make requests politely. Listen and hear others. Master the strength of your voice and distinguish between intonations. Be an interesting conversationalist, feel at ease during a conversation.

Warm up.

Let's hold hands and bow and say, "Good afternoon, hello." Wishing each other health first and foremost. Ancient people argued that when bowing, part of the energy seems to flow from a person’s head, that is, when we bow, we exchange energy of our own free will.

Preliminary work:

Conversations: “Always be polite”, “Our good deeds”. Reading works of fiction. Discussion of rules of politeness.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to come and sit on the chairs.

Children, today we will talk about the culture of behavior. Please tell me, how do you understand the expression “cultured person”? (This is a person who does not swear, gives in to others, does not shout, does not interrupt adults, speaks polite words, does not deceive).

Please tell me which of the children in our group can be called a cultured person and why? (Children express their opinions).

Children, now I suggest you play the game “Please don’t make a mistake”

Children stand in a circle with a teacher holding a ball in the center of the circle. I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete it when I call the “magic word.”

Please add lines with "magic words" (with ball)

Participate in the exchange of kind words

And say hello more often

Don't be lazy during the day

Say when meeting, ( Good afternoon )

After breakfast you could

Tell all the chefs( Thank you ).

Out of politeness, not out of pity

Talk more often (please).

When you leave to say goodbye to everyone

Say something simple (goodbye)

An ice block will melt from a warm word ( Thank you )

The old tree stump will turn green when it hears ( Good afternoon )

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ( Thank you )

The boy is polite and developed and speaks when meeting ( Hello )

When scolded for pranks, they say (forgive me please)

With great love to all of you, I wish you strong ( health)

You can play the games “Polite Brook”, “Polite Chair”.

Well done guys, you know a lot of polite words.

Physical education minute:

It's easy fun.

It's easy fun -

Turns left and right.

We all know for a long time -

There is a wall, and there is a window. (Turns the body to the right and left.)

We squat quickly and deftly.

Skill is already visible here.

To develop muscles,

You have to do a lot of squats. ( Squats. )

And now walking in place,

This is also interesting. ( Walking in place. )

It is appropriate to recall proverbs and sayings about kindness:

They do not seek good from good.

Hurry to do good.

Without good deeds there is no good name.

Good deeds make a person beautiful.

A quarrel will not lead to good things.

Reading poems “Polite words”

If you step on your foot

At least by chance, at least a little,

Just say: “I’m sorry”

Or better yet, “Sorry.”

Everyone will say goodbye

When leaving, “Goodbye” to everyone.

It's time for a friend to leave -

We'll say "Bye" to him.

To ask for something

You need to be polite.

We will “please” add -

Everyone will be happy with us.

"Good evening", "Good afternoon"

We are all not too lazy to talk!

“Good morning” we will say

Waking up in the morning, mom.

If you broke a toy

A friend or suddenly a girlfriend,

You tell them "I'm sorry"

And offer them yours.

"Welcome" to the guests,

They say both here and there.

The guests are leaving home

"Bon Voyage!" we wish.

Question: Now ask yourself the question again: are you polite?

What kind of person do we call polite? (A well-mannered person who speaks polite words and does good deeds).

Can a person be called polite if he doesn’t greet anyone or deceives or offends little ones? (No, such a person cannot be called polite).

Well done! You are very polite children, but do you think that in order to be a cultured person it is enough to just be polite?

What other quality do you need to have? (Do not deceive adults and friends, if you promised something you need to do).

Right. In order to be a cultured person, you also need to be honest and truthful.

Summary of the conversation:

Summarizing the results of the conversation, vivid statements should be given so that the conversation penetrates deeper into the consciousness and feelings of the children.

Well, let's never forget kind, polite words. And we will do good deeds more often. Do good, learn to do good deeds!

Guys, you are all great!were very active throughout the conversation.

Summary of ethical conversation in preparatory group

"Polite words and actions"

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative” Speech development", "Physical development"

“Speech development”:

Learn to emotionally and actively participate in dialogues

Develop skills in using polite words and expressions in speech, teach children the correct construction of sentences

“Social and communicative development”:

Cultivate moral qualities: politeness, respect for elders

Develop the ability to reasonably evaluate your own actions and the actions of other people

« Cognitive development":

To consolidate children's knowledge about politeness, about polite people, knowledge of proverbs and sayings about politeness

"Physical development""

Promote the development of children’s motor activity: coordination of movements, coordination of actions, dexterity

Preliminary work: creation of special situations requiring polite treatment. Stories from a teacher from his childhood “How I learned politeness as a little girl.” Observing the relationships between children in games, everyday life, reading works with an aesthetic basis.

Progress of the lesson:

1 part

Leading: Guys, think and tell me, who can we call a polite person? (children's answers)

Leading: That's right, a polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another. A polite person always says hello and goodbye, is friendly and attentive. If they ask him about something or ask him to provide some kind of service (bring something, help, etc.), he always does it willingly.

Guys, imagine that you live in a world where no one ever says: “sorry”, “excuse me”, “Please”. What do you think would happen? Why do we need such words? (children's answers)

Now tell me what polite words you know? (children's answers).

Leading: If someone does something for you, you should say “thank you.” If someone says “thank you” to you, then you should say “you’re welcome”. And if you accidentally pushed someone, you should say “please excuse me.”

part 2

Leading: To make sure you really understand everything, let's play a game. The game is that you will chorus to insert polite words into my story.

“One day Vova went to the theater. On the tram, he sat near the window and looked at the streets with interest, suddenly a woman with a little boy entered the tram, Vova stood up and said to the woman: “sit down” (the children chorused “please”). The woman politely thanked the boy Vova (the children said “thank you” in chorus). Suddenly the tram stopped, Vova immediately fell and pushed a man hard. The man got angry with the boy, and Vova immediately said (the children chorused “please excuse me”).

Well done! Did a good job.

Part 3.

Leading: Have any of you guys ever interfered in other people's conversations? Were they upset? Were they happy? (children's answers)

Leading: When can you intervene in a conversation?

Children: Only if it is important and urgent.

Leading: When should you not interrupt a conversation, no matter how important the issue is to you?

Children: When people don't want to be interrupted or when they are very upset.

Leading: Who guys will tell us how to politely intervene in a conversation between two children or adults?

Children: Stand where you can be seen and wait for an answer. If the answer is no, accept it and leave. If the answer is yes, say thank you and quickly state the reason why you are intervening in the conversation.

Leading: Now let's practice (play out cases, prepare children in advance).

part 4

Leading: Close your eyes and imagine a world where everyone shares with each other. There are no hungry or homeless people, everyone has housing. Imagine a world where no one jostles, tries to grab something or jumps in line. Where all people are kind to each other and polite.

Open your eyes, how did you like the world you just visited? What do you think? Would you like to live in such a world? (children's answers)

Leading: And it is quite possible to have a world similar to this one. When we all learn to live well, in peace, to be kind, polite, to help each other, all this will be possible.

Now let's have a little fun and try to do what we talked about.

Part 5

Leading: Let's play the game "Musical Knees". (Children stand in a circle, holding onto the waist of the person in front. When the music starts, they begin to move in a circle. When the music stops, each child must sit on their knees and not fall.) 2-3 times

Leading: Well done! No one let anyone down, no one fell. Now let’s learn how to compliment each other. It’s very nice when someone says nice things about you, you want to become even better and kinder so that no one is offended. I wrote your names on pieces of paper, whose name you draw out to him and we will say compliments: “You have beautiful hair!”, “Your dress is beautiful!”, “Olya is very kind, she treats me to sweets,” etc.

Part 6

Leading: And they completed this task. Egor Sasha, Masha and Christina said a lot of good and kind words about the children.

Well, now you and I will all become journalists and learn how to interview our comrades. An interview is when questions are asked, and someone answers them (pulls out a piece of paper with the name again). The child comes out, and the others ask questions. You can ask your friend: “What do you like to eat?” What's your favorite toy? What games do you like to play? Do you help mom at home? At the same time, do not forget to say “tell me please” (children’s questions).

Leading: Well done children! In the next lesson, we will also learn how to compliment each other and conduct interviews.

Result: What did we talk about today? (children's answers).

Anna Shilchenko
Conversation with children of the middle group “Politeness. Polite words"

Target: to consolidate children’s knowledge of what it is politeness, polite words; strengthen the ability to speak to each other polite words; cultivate respect for adults and peers and everyone around.

Progress of the conversation.

Guys, look, Bunny has come to visit us. What should I tell him? (Children's answers).

That's right, you need to say hello to him. - Hello Bunny.

The bunny wants to tell you a poem. (The teacher holds the Bunny in his hand and reads a poem)

We all once learned to walk, draw, talk. Let's remember, guys, how kind and be polite. When I meet friends and acquaintances, I look into their eyes with a smile, To be polite is very easy for me, I "Hello" I'll be the first to say. Someone came up with a beautiful idea - Thank you for your help, Ordinary word"Thank you" We must not forget to speak. Saying goodbye, we all "Goodbye" We always tell each other "Please"-if we want to fulfill a desire or a request. There are so many useful, beautiful and affectionate things in the world words. Please just be polite, After all, this is the basis of the basics. A it's very easy to be polite: Be good - usual advice, It doesn’t matter how tall you are or how old you are.

Guys, what is this poem about? (Children's answers). - Yes, this is a poem about kindness, oh politeness. And today we will talk about politeness and polite words.

What is it politeness? (Children's answers).

Which you know polite words? (Children's answers).

When can a person be called polite? (Children's answers).

- Polite words are kind, magical words, they give us warmth in our souls and a good mood. WITH polite It's always nice to talk to people. And sometimes one polite word replaces several actions at once. I'm sure you're learning to be kind too, polite people and you know everything is magical words.

Guys, there is such a game called "Magical word» . Let's play it.

There is magic word"Please". Fulfill the request only if they add word"Please" to this request. For example, Sasha, please stand up. (performed) Come to the board. (not executed).(Children take turns speaking and fulfilling requests)

Look, the bunny has a backpack, I wonder what’s in there? You know? (Children's answers).

And I don't know what's there? How do we know? (Children's answers).

Maybe you should take a look? Can we look into Bunny's backpack without his permission? (No).

What needs to be done? (Children's answers).

That's right, you need to ask the bunny for permission. Vova, ask permission. (The children ask Bunny if they can look in his backpack.)

Guys, Bunny has carrots with riddles written on them.

Bunny, can we solve riddles? (The teacher takes riddles from his backpack and tells them to the children).

It’s not too lazy to tell your friends, Smiling (Good afternoon)

We'll say goodbye to each other (Goodbye)

We shouldn't blame each other, it's better soon (sorry).

How beautiful it is Good word(Thank you).

When you are guilty, hurry up and say, I beg you, please - (Sorry).

Never get involved in someone else's conversation, and you are better than adults (do not interrupt).

Even an ice block will melt from warm words(Thank you).

The old stump will turn green when it hears (Good afternoon).

When we are scolded for pranks, we speak (I'm sorry)

What should you tell the bunny for riddles? (Children's answers).

That's right, thank you, Bunny. Unfortunately, it’s time for our Bunny to hurry home. What will we tell him goodbye? (Children's answers).

Goodbye Bunny! (bunny leaves).

And you and I will play a game « Polite words» . Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other and say polite words. (Children stand in a circle and say polite words)

Today we talked about politeness. I was once again convinced that the rules polite you know the behavior well and not only know it, but also try to carry it out.

Publications on the topic:

Campaign “Polite words” Goals: Expand the stock of “polite words”. Bring children to understand the need to observe the rules of politeness. Cultivate kindness.

Conversation on the moral and ethical topic “Polite words” Conversation on a moral and ethical topic (Middle group) Topic: “Magic words” Program tasks: teach children to understand (with the help of a work.

Conversation “Kindness and politeness are not a hindrance to friendship”“Kindness and politeness are not a hindrance to friendship, but...” The goal is to develop in students the skill of establishing friendly, polite, and benevolent relationships.

Abstract of the educational activity “Polite words” Goal: To form a general personal culture: communication skills, etiquette rules. Make children aware of the need to follow rules.


Lesson notes for the first junior group “Polite words” Lesson summary “Polite words” Purpose: to teach children to understand polite words, to know what they are for and when to say them. Tasks:.

Summary of ethical conversation “Polite communication” with children primary classes

Churepkina Valentina Petrovna, teacher at the Regional Children's Sanatorium for Tuberculosis Patients, Berezovsky, Barzas, Kemerovo Region.

Conversation "What is politeness." Abstract

Words: “Goodbye!”, “Thank you”, “Sorry”,
"Please", "Hello" -
Give generously!
Give to passersby
Friends and acquaintances.
On the trolleybus, in the park
At school and at home.
These words are very, very important.
A person needs them like air.
It is impossible to live in the world without them.
These words must be given with a smile.

Politeness is the first and most pleasant virtue.
One of the aspects of a person’s general culture is a culture of behavior, an integral part of which is politeness. A frank and friendly person knows how to make everyone around him feel comfortable and comfortable.
Description: This material will be useful for educators and primary school teachers when conducting conversations with children on moral and ethical topics.
- formation of moral and ethical standards in children, nurturing the desire to be polite.
- find out students’ views on this issue;
- help children understand the meaning of politeness in people’s lives through learning poems, dramatizations, and reading literary texts;
- contribute to the education of moral qualities, identifying correct and erroneous ideas about politeness;
- cultivate kindness and mercy towards people, show by example the magnificent power of politeness.
Preliminary work: learning dramatizations: memorizing poetry.
Material: hats and costume elements of a fox, bear, crow for staging; ball.

Politeness is important for both adults and children
Politeness is a wonderful and kind country.
Everyone should learn politeness from childhood,
Politeness, guys, is a piece of magic.

1. Pupils of one school, when asked “What is politeness?” They answered: “Politeness is...
- good manners;
- good behavior;
- rules of human behavior;
- when a person is polite, he is treated well;
- a polite person speaks kind words.
Do you consider yourself polite? Answer the questions with “yes” or “no.”
1) Do you know how to thank your parents (seller, librarian, friend, etc.) for a request fulfilled, a service rendered, a gift given, etc.?
2) Do you call those you greet by name?
3) Do you always give up your seat to older people on a bus, tram, or trolleybus?
4) Do you let the younger ones go first when entering the school or the cafeteria?
5) Do you fulfill the requests of your elders?

2. Reading poems “Polite words”

1 If you step on your foot
At least by chance, at least a little,
Just say: “I’m sorry”

Or better yet, “Sorry.”
If grandma is in the morning
I gave you a pie
Take it, say “Thank you” -
Grandma will be happy!
Everyone will say goodbye
When leaving, “Goodbye” to everyone.
It's time for a friend to leave -
We'll say "Bye" to him.
To ask for something
You need to be polite.
We will “please” add -
Everyone will be happy with us.
Meet me, new conversation
We'll start with "Hello."
A friend suddenly came for lunch -
Let's say "Hello" to him.
"Good evening", "Good afternoon"
We are all not too lazy to talk!
“Good morning” we will say
Waking up in the morning, mom.
If you broke a toy
A friend or suddenly a girlfriend,
You tell them "I'm sorry"
And offer them yours.
Suddenly someone treated me to candy
Or gave something
Say “thank you” for this
So that you can be polite.
"Welcome" to the guests,
They say it here and there.
The guests are leaving home
"Bon Voyage!" we wish.
Question: Now ask yourself the question again: are you polite?
Exercise: Let's test how polite you are in the Polite Words game.

Game "Polite words".

The teacher throws the ball to the child, the child says a polite word.
Guys, I made sure that you know a lot of kind, polite words. Give them more often to your loved ones, family, and friends!
3. The fairy tale “Valuable Parcel” tells how Crow read the book “Lessons in Politeness” and “decided to become polite herself.

We offer a dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Valuable Parcel”

The crow headed towards the bears. He comes up to them and says:
- Bon appetit!
“Thank you,” the Bear replies. – Take a seat with us.
- I would love to, but I don’t have time, I’m in a hurry.
- Then take it to the track! - Bear treats Crow.
- Thank you!
The Crow flew up to the tree and was about to have lunch when she suddenly heard:
- Holy shit, how pretty!
The Crow looked down and saw: the Fox was standing under the tree.
- Who doesn’t know this fable now? - Crow shouts to her from above. - And if you want cheese, ask politely!
- Please... be kind! – the Fox spoke in a sweet voice.
- That's another matter! – Crow praised and shared the cheese with the Fox.
V. Kapninsky

Question: Name the polite words that helped the Crow and the Fox get what they asked for. 1) You are walking with a friend down the street. He greeted a person you didn't know.
Should I say hello to you?
2) Teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them Oleg saw his class teacher and, passing by, greeted: “Hello, Yuri Vasilyevich!”
What would you do? What would you say?
3) You entered the bus from the back platform and saw your friends standing at the front door.
Should I say hello to them? If necessary, how will you do it?
5. We recognize a person who wants to contact us, not only by words, but also by gestures, by the expression of his face. A smile is especially highly valued in communication. The writer V. Soloukhin spoke about this very well.
But people also have a smile at their disposal. Look, almost everything in a person is intended for himself: legs - to walk; mouth - absorb food; eyes - look - you need everything for yourself, except a smile. You don't need a smile for yourself. If it weren't for the mirrors, you would never even see her. A smile is intended for other people to make them feel good, happy and at ease with you. It’s terrible if no one has smiled at you in ten days, and you haven’t smiled at anyone. The soul freezes and turns to stone.

Exercise: Continue the list of situations in which it is especially important to smile at your interlocutor: “Greeting”, “You are visiting”, “You have guests”...

6. Offer to listen to V. Bokov’s poem “The Good Word.”

- And you are gray-haired! - they told me at the meeting.
- And they were black!
“It was,” I answered.
And something immediately fell on my shoulders.
And crushed by the stone of existence.

And you are not old! - they once told me
My friends are for festive table.
And it was as if my wings had been untied.
And the air whistled tightly under the wing.

And I flew into the cloudy heights,
And I was fascinated by beauty.
Thoughts that were dormant in me until then
They became agitated by the thick fields.

My friends, instill faith in people
And say more often: “Good afternoon!”
And follow good example
Extend people's lives with kind words.
Questions: Why did the hero of the poem's mood deteriorate? What words untied his wings?

Summary of the conversation:

In the everyday life of a polite, well-mannered person there should always be words that we call “magic”. With these words you can open any doors and help restore a good mood. Do good, learn to do good deeds!

Conversation in senior group on the topic: "Polite words"
Integration of educational areas:"Communication", "Reading" fiction", "Socialization"

Target: Systematize and consolidate children's knowledge of moral education.


Educational: Form an idea of ​​a well-mannered person.

Educational: Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, observation, coherent speech.

Educational: Cultivate a desire to speak politely with people.

Demo material: Toy Parsley, ball.

Methodical techniques: conversation - dialogue, reading a poem, game situation, physical education, summing up. Progress of the conversation
Educator. Guys, Parsley came to visit us today. Guys, what should I say to Petrushka? (Hello, Petrushka.) Guys, Petrushka wants to tell us a poem, let's listen to it.

When my neighbor gave me a moped,

I asked him: “Isn’t there another?”

He shook his head in response

Well, what did I say wrong?

One day my grandmother went outside,

I said to my grandmother: “Hello, how are you?”

When my grandmother returned home,

I told her goodbye, she smiled at me.

When my grandmother goes to bed,

I'll come and wish her good morning.

And in the morning I will wake up grandma

Good night I'll say it cheerfully.

Friends, give me an answer as soon as possible

Am I still right or wrong?

Educator. Guys, is Petrushka right or wrong? (No.) Yes, guys, Petrushka is wrong. He doesn't know how to be polite at all, let's teach him. What should you say when grandma comes? (Hello, grandma.) That's right, what should you tell your grandma before going to bed? (Good night.) And when they give you something, what should you say? (Thank you.) Guys, now we’re going to play.

Didactic ball game “Polite words”.

Goal: enrich children's vocabulary with polite words.

The teacher throws a ball to the children and the children take turns saying polite words.

Educator. You see, guys, how many affectionate, kind, polite words there are. Say them more often, this will make the world around you kinder.

Guessing riddles.

Educator. Guys, Petrushka has prepared riddles for you, let's listen to them.

1) Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor

Tells him: ... (Hello.)

2) And his neighbor has big ears

Answers: “Hedgehog, ... (Hello.)

3) For the octopus, flounder

On Monday I swam

And on Tuesday goodbye

She said to her: “…” (Goodbye.)

4) Clumsy dog ​​Kostya

The mouse stepped on its tail.

They would quarrel

But he said: “…” (Sorry.)

5) Wagtail from the shore

Dropped a worm

And fish for a treat

She gurgled: “…” (Thank you.)

6) Fat cow Lula

She was eating hay and sneezed.

So as not to sneeze again,

We will tell her: “…” (Be healthy.)

7) Fox Matryona says:

“Give me the cheese, crow!

The cheese is big, and you are small.

I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”

You, Lisa, don't complain,

And say: “…” (Please.)

8) Tsar Gundey gave it to Ivan

Five nails for salvation

And Ivanushka to the Tsar

He says: “…” (Thank you.)

Educator. Well done guys, you solved all the riddles. Now let's rest and do some physical education.

Physical education minute.

We raise our hands up

And then we lower them,

And then we'll separate them

And we’ll quickly press you to us

Clap once, again,

We'll clap now

And now quickly - quickly

Clap - clap more cheerfully!

Educator. Well done guys, sit down. Now I will read you a poem, listen carefully!

Reading the poem “Polite Words.”

You need to know how twice is two,

All magic words.

Perhaps up to a hundred times a day

Saying "please"

Dad broke a precious vase.

Grandmother and mother were immediately upset.

But dad was found, looking into their eyes,

And quietly and timidly, this is what he said:

Please don't look at me like that

Please forgive me if possible.

You will be known as well-mannered, sweet,

If you say “thank you very much” to everyone

Don't forget that goodbye

We need to say “goodbye” to everyone!

Educator. Children, did you like the poem? (Yes.) What did daddy do? (He broke a vase.) And then what did you do? (He asked for forgiveness) Did he do the right thing? (Yes.)


1) Guys, what did we talk about today?

2) Let's repeat what polite words do you know?

3)Who came to visit us?