State Duma deputy Grigory Anikeev (United Russia faction) appointed as the representative of the United Russia party for the elections of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region of the VI convocation.

This news appeared on February 19th onwebsite of the regional branch of United Russia . It is not specified who appointed him; it is only sparingly reported that “Grigory Anikeev has represented the Vladimir region in the lower house for the second convocation Russian parliament. He is active in parliamentary and public activities in the region.”

At the same time, those around Anikeev Zebra TV explained that this appointment was known at least two weeks ago.

Let us remember that before his first election to the State Duma, Anikeev was (his enterprises still remain so, it’s just that now, by law, Anikeev cannot manage a business) one of the largest entrepreneurs and employers in the region. His companies specialize in the production of meat and sausage products, semi-finished products, and dumplings. According to some production indicators, Anikeevsk structures are among the leaders in all-Russian markets. The companies he founded before receiving his parliamentary mandate also own a number of media outlets, for example, MIR-TV and Prizyv. After his election to the State Duma, Grigory Anikeev transferred all his assets to trust management. Is one ofrichest deputies State Duma.

There were the following milestones in the political career of Grigory Anikeev.

At the beginning of the 2000s, for some time he headed the regional organization of the Social Justice Party, the leader of which at the federal level was Gennady Seleznev.

In 2005, Anikeev tried to become a deputy of the Legislative Assembly on the list of the Rodina party (he had No. 2), but Rodina was then removed from the elections.

In 2007, the structures established by Anikeev acquired the newspaper “Prizyv” and the TV channel TVC-Vladimir (now MIR-TV). And in the fall of the same year, Grigory Viktorovich received fourth place on the list “ United Russia"in the elections to the State Duma. “United Russia” in the Vladimir region received three mandates as a result of those elections, and the third on the list, the mayor of the regional center, Alexander Rybakov, suddenly remembered that he had unfulfilled obligations to voters in his city, and the mandate went to Anikeev.

In the summer of 2011, before next elections to the State Duma, the regional branch of United Russia organized large-scale primaries. According to their results, Grigory Anikeev took fifth place, but became second on the list.

Grigory Anikeev is actively involved in social activities. The organization “Mercy and Order” founded by him regularly holds cultural, sports, and leisure events for both youth and veterans.

Concerning political activity, then if we evaluate it by the degree of interest of regional television in the person of Grigory Anikeev, then not everything is so simple. Zebra TV has been broadcasting since September 3 last year on TV channels Russia 1, MIR-TV and channel 6. For example, the latter ignores Anikeev - not a word for almost six months. As of 02/19/2013, Grigory Viktorovich was mentioned 21 times on Russia 1, and 24 times on MIR-TV. At the same time, he himself was never in the frame, he did not make a single statement on camera. His name has never been associated with United Russia. In all cases, he was presented as a State Duma deputy, chairman of the Mercy and Order organization. And each time the correspondents conveyed to us the opinion of Grigory Anikeev about the importance of certain events held by this organization.

Those around Anikeev explained that at all these events it is clearly and intelligibly explained to everyone that Anikeev is a State Duma deputy from the United Russia party. But why television people (including MIR-TV, which is owned by ABI-Media, part of the empire created by Anikeev) do not broadcast this information is unclear. As for the lack of statements on air, our interlocutors explained it simply: “Anikeev doesn’t like to talk just like that, he works for results.”

Let's wait for the results.

Member of the United Russia political party faction.
Member of the State Duma Committee for Civil Development
society, issues of public and religious associations.

Grigory Anikeev was born on February 28, 1972 in the village of Dutovo, Komi Republic. After graduating from school, Anikeev moved to the city of Vladimir, where in 1994 he graduated from the State Technical University majoring in Radio Engineering.

Since 1994, Grigory has worked in a number of commercial structures, and in the late 90s he created and began to develop his own business. Founded a number of large enterprises that are among the leaders of Vladimir industry and are budget-generating for Vladimir and the Vladimir region as a whole.

From February 2005 to December 2007, Anikeev was the general director of ABI Group CJSC. The areas of its activities are food industry, construction, media business, trade. In those same years, Grigory Viktorovich was the largest employer and largest entrepreneur in the region. Its structures, according to some estimates, are on the list of leaders Russian market. In 2007, Anikeev’s structures acquired the TVC-Vladimir television channel and the Prizyv newspaper.

After Anikeev became a deputy, all assets were transferred to trust management. Grigory Viktorovich's political career began in the early 2000s. At that time, he led the Social Justice Party in the region. In 2005, Anikeev was supposed to be elected to the Legislative Assembly, being number two on the list of the Rodina party. However, this party was removed from the elections.

Anikeev organized the “Mercy and Order” foundation, of which he is the chairman. Board of Trustees. He initiated the creation of an educational innovative program called “Cognitive Strategies for Schoolchildren.” The deputy personally oversees its implementation. “Mercy and Order” has been providing assistance to veterans, children, disabled people, sports institutions, educational institutions, health care and sports for many years. For active charitable activities he was awarded the title “Patron of the Year of the Vladimir Region in the field of culture 2004.”

Already in the fall of 2007, Grigory Viktorovich was only in fourth place on the list of the United Russia party in the Duma elections. As a result, the quota of the Vladimir region was only three mandates, but the mayor of the regional center, who was in third place on the list, refused the mandate, citing unfinished business, so Anikeev received this third mandate. In 2008, a deputy opened public receptions at two addresses to make it easier for people to “reach out” to the authorities.

The next elections to the State Duma took place in 2011, and extensive primaries were organized before them. Grigory Viktorovich took fifth place, but ended up in second. In December 2011, he was elected to the State Duma of the VI convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the All-Russian political party "United Russia". Member of the United Russia faction, member of the Property Committee. Then he works in the Committee on Social Policy and Labor. In October 2013, Anikeev joined the general council of the United Russia party.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Grigory Viktorovich Anikeev was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation from electoral district 0080, Suzdal - Vladimir region. Member of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Development Committee civil society, issues of public and religious associations. The start date of the term is September 18, 2016.

Grigory Anikeev was awarded certificates of honor from the administration of the Vladimir region, the Council of People's Deputies of the city of Vladimir, and received gratitude from a number of departments, government and public organizations. Awarded the medal “For Courage and Humanism”, established by the Association of Combat Veterans of the Russian Internal Troops Department; departmental award of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - the badge “For Assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, the Golden Badge of Honor “Public Recognition” for a great contribution to the development of charity and philanthropy in Russia, fruitful activities in providing effective social and spiritual support to the most needy categories of citizens, active patriotic civil position. In 2016, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Information on the income and property of State Duma deputies and Federation Council senators for 2015 has been made public. The sensation from the “Vladimir torso” was that the richest State Duma deputy, Grigory Anikeev, unexpectedly lost the palm.

Grigory Anikeev declared an income of 599 million 958 thousand 227 rubles 66 kopecks for 2015 - this is almost 400 million less than a year earlier. Now ahead of him in the list of State Duma rich people is United Russia member Leonid Simanovsky (income 907.6 million rubles) - elected on the federal list of United Russia, in the column “connection with voters in the regions” is the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. And also Nikolai Bortsov (income 799.14 million rubles) - he also entered the State Duma on the federal list of the party in power, in the regions he is “tied” to the Lipetsk region.

Let us recall that Anikeev became the richest deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for two years in a row - in 2013 he showed an income of 1.7 billion rubles, in 2014 - 995 million rubles.

In the current list of real estate, the deputy has 3 apartments, one house, two plots of land, several parking spaces, and a bathhouse of 380 square meters. The common property of Grigory Anikeev is still part of the water supply, sewerage, gas pipelines, outdoor lighting networks and fences. His son owns a plot of land and a residential building.

Anikeev's vehicle fleet, which includes a Hammer H 2, three Mercedes, two boats, a motorcycle and an all-terrain vehicle, as well as an AS 350 B3 helicopter, was replenished last year with two AMC-49415N medical service vehicles - apparently, these are the ones Now they are traveling around the Vladimir region and bringing specialized specialists to treat future voters.

Igor Igoshin

The second Vladimir United Russia member in the State Duma, Igor Igoshin, declared an income of 4 million 735.5 thousand rubles for 2015. Let us remind you that in 2014 the deputy’s earnings were 3.8 million rubles. Igoshin has a small apartment, provided to him for the term of office as a State Duma deputy, and another apartment - also not impressive in size - for free use. The even smaller apartment is registered to his two sons. By means of transport The Igoshin family does not own it at all.

Vitaly Zolochevsky

LDPR member Vitaly Zolochevsky earned 4 million 704 thousand rubles in 2015 - almost the same as a year ago. But his wife enriched the family treasury by 2.5 million - despite the fact that a year earlier her personal income was zero. Zolochevsky owns three plots for country house construction. But the Zolochevsky couple do not have apartments or houses (a year ago there was an apartment of 40 square meters, registered in the name of his wife). Vitaly Zolochevsky owns a Land Rover Freelander 2, his wife owns an Opel Insignia NB. No changes here.

Olga Krasilnikova

Spravedlivorosskaya Olga Krasilnikova, who replaced Anton Belyakov in the State Duma when he became a senator, showed an income of 4 million 745 thousand rubles. This is more than a million more than last year. But her husband, who in 2015 reported an income of 15 million rubles, has now officially earned only 7 million 746 thousand. Krasilnikova owns a small apartment, all real estate is registered in the name of her husband - he has two respectable houses, two rather large apartments, two garage, four non-residential premises. One of the houses of 220 square meters is in Montenegro.

Victor Pautov

And finally, communist Viktor Pautov enriched himself in 2015 by 4 million 971 thousand rubles. This is almost half a million less than a year earlier. His wife earned 1 million 183 thousand rubles this time - and this is significantly more than the year before last 340 thousand. Pautov and his wife share a small apartment, the husband has a garage, and the wife owns a house of 265 square meters and two plots of land. Viktor Pautov still drives a Toyota Land Cruiser 150.

Anton Belyakov

Members of the Federation Council also presented their declarations to the public. The income of Senator Anton Belyakov amounted to 4 million 687. Less - then it was almost 6 million. In use (not in ownership), Belyakov, as last year, declared a residential building with an area of ​​70 square meters and an apartment with an area of ​​111 square meters. But in the Belekovo car park, where there are still both rare cars and modern cars (GAZ-13 Chaika, GAZ 22171, GAZ 3221, GAZ 3221, Jeep Wrangler, ZAZ 965, Infinity, Chevrolet Express), now there are two, not one Yamaha motorcycle.

Sergey Rybakov

Senator from the Legislative Assembly Sergei Rybakov earned 5.5 million rubles in 2015 - one million more than his earnings in 2014. In his possession - country cottage area for residential construction with an area of ​​2030 square meters, a 400-meter residential building and a 100-meter apartment. The senator doesn't have a car. The same thing happened a year ago.

Russian billionaire entrepreneur, statesman and politician, deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation from United Russia, member of the State Duma Committee on Property Issues. Previously, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation from United Russia; was a member of the “Russian Revival Party” and “Motherland”. With an income of 2.7 billion rubles for 2011, it ranks second in the ranking of incomes of Russian officials and members of their families.

In 1994 he graduated from Vladimir State Technical University. In the 1990s, he created the Pokom company, which was engaged in the production of food products (Blagolepnye dumplings). In 2004, Anikeev’s company “Pokom” became one of the leaders in the Russian dumplings market. By the mid-2000s, the Anikeev Business Invest (ABI) holding company also had its own sausage production (“Starodvorskie sausages”, “Yadrena soot”). ABI Group also includes the holdings ABI PRODUCT ( (food production), ABI RETAIL (retail), ABI MALL (shopping centers), ABI ENGINEERING (construction). ABI Group owns more than three hundred supermarkets in the Vladimir region (Samberi, Dobryak, Ekonomych), as well as the Megatorg shopping center.

In 2002, he headed the Vladimir branch of the Russian Revival Party. In 2005, he was on the list of the Rodina party in the elections to the legislative assembly of the Vladimir region. In 2007, he became a member of the political council of the Vladimir branch of United Russia. In the same year, Anikeev acquired a number of regional media assets: the Prizyv newspaper, the Mir television company, and the Avtoradio radio station.

At the elections on December 2, 2007 and December 4, 2011, as part of the United Russia party list, he was elected to the State Duma. Works on the Committee on Labor and Social Policy. Member of the United Russia faction.

Property and income

Included in the top ten Forbes ranking “Power and Money”, in which officials, deputies, senators and heads of state corporations are ranked by family income for 2010. The annual income of G.V. Anikeev, submitted by him to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in connection with the December elections to the State Duma in 2011, amounted to 878.3 million rubles.

In 2011, he headed the Top 5 highest-earning parliamentarians. As follows from the information on declarations published by the State Duma, G. Anikeev earned 2.7 billion rubles in 2011. The deputy also owns as shared ownership a large network of roads, sewers, electricity, fences and several buildings. In addition, he owns land with a total area of ​​more than 14 thousand m² and three apartments with an area of ​​over 400 sq. m. m. The deputy also owns four cars, one of which is a Hummer H12.

As of 2011, Anikeev owned shares in the companies JSC Pharmacia-122 of Vladimir, CJSC Ekonomych-Nedvizhimost, Trade-Marketing, AVG Berghotel GmbH, Tair, LLC Dynasty, LLC Selyanin , CJSC "Pharmacia", LLC "ABI Capital", CJSC "Social Projects", LLC "Capital PRO", Hotel Koppeleck GmbH, CJSC "ABI Group", LLC Private Security Company "Fort-Mall", CJSC "Ekonomych", CJSC "President", LLC "Visit-1", CJSC "Rost-Radio", CJSC "Epokha", LLC "Avtoradio-Vladimir", LLC "TRK "TV MIR", CJSC "KANBAN", CJSC "Central Fair Fakel", ABI Retail CJSC, Vladimir-Formatsiya LLC, ABI Mall LLC, DiscountFood LLC, Capital-Nedvizhimost LLC, MEGATORG LLC, ABI Engineering CJSC, Food Plant LLC, CJSC ABI Media, CJSC ABI Product.

Childhood and family of Grigory Anikeev

Grigory was born in the village of Dutovo into a very ordinary family. He has a brother - Anatoly. After graduating from school, Anikeev went to the city of Vladimir, where he entered the State Technical University. He chose a specialty - radio engineering.

The beginning of the political career of Grigory Anikeev

Back in the early nineties, an enterprising young man organized a workshop that produced dumplings - a product that is always popular. Things went well, and soon he organized the Pocom company, which produces food products. Very soon she became the leader in the dumplings market. Later the company grew into Anikeev Business Invest. In the 2000s, this holding also had a successful sausage production.

Today there is a group of companies called ABI GROUP. Its areas of activity include the food industry, construction, media business, and trade. Grigory Viktorovich is today the largest employer and largest entrepreneur in the region. Its structures, according to some estimates, are among the leaders of the Russian market.

Grigory Anikeev in politics and business

After Anikeev became a deputy, all assets were transferred to trust management. Grigory Viktorovich's political career began in the early 2000s. At that time, he led the Social Justice Party in the region.

In 2005, Anikeev was supposed to be elected to the Legislative Assembly; he was number two on the list of the Rodina party. However, this party was then removed from the elections.

In 2007, Anikeev’s structures acquired the TVC-Vladimir television channel and the Prizyv newspaper. Already in the fall of this year, Grigory Viktorovich was only in fourth place on the list of the United Russia party in the Duma elections. As a result of the elections, the quota for the Vladimir region was only three mandates, but the mayor of the regional center (he was in third place on the list) refused the mandate, citing unfinished business, so Anikeev received this third mandate.

Grigory Anikeev presented grants to non-profit associations...

In 2008, a deputy opened public receptions at two addresses to make it easier for people to “reach out” to the authorities. The next elections to the State Duma took place in 2011, and extensive primaries were organized before them. Grigory Viktorovich took fifth place, but ended up in second. The deputy works in the Committee on Social Policy and Labor. Since October 2013, Anikeev has been a member of the General Council of United Russia.

Charitable activities of Grigory Anikeev

The deputy organized the “Mercy and Order” foundation, in which he is the chairman of the Board of Trustees. He initiated the creation of an educational innovative program called “Cognitive Strategies for Schoolchildren.” Anikeev personally oversees its implementation. “Mercy and Order” has been providing assistance to veterans, children, disabled people, sports institutions, educational institutions, health care and sports for many years.

Meetings of the Council of Elders of non-profit organizations, headed by Anikeev, are held periodically. The Council is discussing existing shortcomings and omissions, including the lack of traffic lights near educational institutions, opening additional leisure centers for children and sports clubs. Issues related to the fate of disabled children, their rehabilitation and education are also discussed there, namely, the creation of children with disabilities conditions for distance learning.

Current activities of Grigory Anikeev

Anikeev’s organization “Mercy and Order” opens social hairdressers, social pharmacies and shops where the markup is minimal. A club for older people “Be healthy!” is open and functioning.


Anikeev, on behalf of the Mercy and Order Foundation, established scholarships for young talents, as well as for children who need social support. The Anikeev Foundation opened a sports and leisure center for schoolchildren, which has been operating for two years now. Anikeev said that now children have a place where they can spend free time, exercise.

The purpose of creating the center is to remove children from the streets and from doorways so that they can play sports and improve their health, spending time usefully; this most of all concerns children from socially vulnerable families and from families with low incomes. The deputy drew public attention to the fact that in such centers children should have the opportunity, if necessary, to receive psychological assistance. Anikeev decided to develop children's sports tourism in the Vladimir region.

“Cognitive strategies for schoolchildren” is a program designed to awaken every student’s interest in learning, thanks to an individual approach to each student, taking into account his psychology. More than 144 teachers from more than 60 schools in the Vladimir region are already involved in this pedagogical program.

Personal life of Grigory Anikeev

Most of his personal time, Grigory Viktorovich deals with issues of the non-profit organization “Mercy and Order”, in addition, he approaches the implementation of the “Cognitive Strategies for Schoolchildren” program without formalism.

ABI GROUP group of companies require constant monitoring and management. In 2011, Anikeev was one of the five deputies with the highest earnings. According to the declarations provided, he earned more than anyone else in United Russia. In 2014, he improved this result, becoming the richest deputy among members of the lower house of parliament. The income of State Duma deputy Grigory Anikeev in 2014 amounted to 995 million rubles.